Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?'

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Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist and Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus, formerly of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, Texas. He is also the founder and president of Cure AMD Foundation, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the prevention of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Dr. Knobbe has a deep interest in general nutrition, particularly as it relates to chronic degenerative disease, though his primary area of expertise is with the disorder AMD. AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65, currently affecting approximately 196 million people worldwide.

Dr. Knobbe’s research efforts and revolutionary hypothesis for the nutritional basis of AMD have resulted in a published scientific paper, a book – Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – a website, CureAMD.org, and a second book currently in the making. Knobbe’s current research focuses substantially on omega-6 seed oil consumption as a major unifying driver of the chronic degenerative diseases of civilization, including AMD.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/greyuniwave 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dr. Knobbe is certainly poking Big Seed Oil with a pointy stick. I hope he's got a thick hide as they're likely to set their attack dogs on him.

It's sad that PUFAs are uncritically recommended by so many organizations without even a whisper of a hint of the possible downsides as shown here.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/keto-country 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/greyuniwave 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Considering we've had almost no time to adapt to them, a most resounding yes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MGTOWIAN 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
Ladies and gentlemen, could the seed oils? Be the primary cause of the diseases of civilization heart disease hypertension stroke cancers type-2 diabetes metabolic syndrome obesity Alzheimer's disease macular degeneration, the list goes on and on and Could these so-called? heart healthy vegetable oils actually and ironically be the primary cause of heart disease and the major cause of All these other diseases of civilization as well Take a look at this front page of an article from Harvard if you would Now dare I have the audacity to question the Harvard School of Public Health And the nutrition department of Tufts University and The nutrition department of Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association Yet that is exactly What I will do today and this is exactly the hypothesis that I will present and defend today because I believe in it So, why would I think this? Paracelsus dictum States that the dose makes the poison and we're consuming these highly Pro oxidative pro-inflammatory toxic seed oils in massive doses and consumption has spread all around the world and The entire world is becoming overweight obese and sick and It's not their fault my charge to you today is that while processed foods are driving virtually all of this chronic disease of the processed food components and there's basically only four it is the seed oils that are the Primary drivers because they are the biological Poisons they are poisons plain and simple and today. I'll try to show you how and why so My financial disclosures first, I'm a book author. I'm a researcher and I'm the founder and president of cure AMD Foundation. I Accept no compensation for any of these roles. So I I I Apparently have no financial interests That's not really true though, because we still like to eat So anyway, all right what I will submit to you is that there are really two primary drivers of Obesity and chronic disease. Yes obesity and chronic disease that it's nutrient deficiency and Toxicity, but there's only a single source for this and it's processed foods. So I Know this is not news to you But this is so fundamentally and critically important I believe and if you if you think about this if you flip this on its head Processed foods are the sole driver of nutrient deficiency and toxicity and we're not paying nearly enough attention I don't believe To nutrient deficiency or toxicity either one now if you look at processed food as a percentage of the American diet all this in the red you see As of 2009 63 to 74 percent of the American diet It's made up of processed food and processed food is just four things. Best of oil trans fats sugar and refined wheat flour, right? all right, and if you add in alcohol that adds another 70% so what this means is this None of that has virtually any Micronutrients right you don't get vitamins out of that and and it's really mineral deficient as well So that means you've got 29 percent of your light of your diet left to give you all of your nutrients right and we haven't even gotten into the toxicity of the processed foods, and you can have a lot of toxicity with Polyunsaturated vegetable oils trans fats and at least the fructose component of sugar. All right now I Went to medical school 1986 to 1990 and I'm going to give you more history About medicine in the next four or five minutes that what I got in four years of medical school. I promise you All right. So because I think this is critically important and when we look at this and then we correlate it to the diet It's powerful. Okay. So here's what we usually see right the world is getting heavier. The United States leads the way all right, we're winning this race and Here's where the US dietary guidelines were introduced 1980 All right, and we know total energy intake over the next decade went up about 250 calories a day, right? Everybody's probably seen this and And then the next thing that often, you know, as said is as you can see carbs went up fat went down Carbs are the problem, right? Not so fast The fat composition here are still changing and that is going to be the crux of what I'll try to show you today now This is Jones paper from 2011 and what he shows is is that in 1900 the top three causes of death were all infectious disease It was pneumonia tuberculosis GI infections, right? Whereas by 2010 seven of the top ten causes of disease are all chronic disease heart disease cancer stroke Alzheimer's Disease type 2 diabetes all that right? So let's walk through heart disease over the last 200 years So from Jones paper, we know that in Boston in the town of Boston in 1811 There were no heart disease deaths listed. All right, there was 25 sudden deaths Probably most of those were cardiac valvular. All right in the entire 19th century there's eight worldwide papers reports essentially of heart disease extraordinarily rare disorder 1897 Sir William Osler famed physician of Johns Hopkins. He recounts his previous 21 years of Hospital history about six cases of angina never seen an mi never seen a heart attack 1900 Jones paper tells us 12 and a half percent of people died of Heart-related disease but it was virtually all cardiac valvular. There was syphilis endocarditis Rheumatic fever. Well, it wasn't coronary artery disease related, right? 1912 John Harry publishes the first known case of heart attack in the United States documented and documented with autopsy evidence Tonight 1930s though Heart disease becomes the leading cause of death Virtually unknown 30 years earlier. All right In fact when John Herrick published the paper about the mi it wasn't even taken seriously for about a decade All right advance forward to 2010 32 percent of Americans dying of heart disease virtually one in three. All right So the increase looked something like that red line right there cancer Boston 1811 one in a hundred and eighty-eight people died of cancer 1900 it's rising one in seventeen in the u.s 2010 thirty one point one percent of people die of cancer Right that's almost again one and three so the increase looks something like this and what I hear all the time is is yeah But we're getting over I'm telling you that does not explain this So let me tell you very quickly and I've written on this I'm spoken on this Let me give you two quick statistics in the year 1840 3.3 percent of children did not live to see their fifth birthday in 1900 It wasn't much better thirty six point two percent of children did not live to see their fifth birthday and four percent of women died In childbirth that drops the life expectancy down drastically and that's why that's so low So back to cancer here 62 fold increase in cancer in two hundred years, right? How about type-2 diabetes we know in the 19th century diabetes of any type was rare and presumably rare for all of history prior 1935 it's rising 0.37% this continues to rise And we're at nine point four percent by 2015. This is a 25 fold increase in type 2 diabetes in 80 years How about obesity 19th century we know that obesity was 1.2 percent in men aged 18 to 80 in Texas and and Nebraska prisons, right? Okay. Look at this by 1960 were 13% obesity. That was a tenfold increase Already right when we thought we were lean. So this continues to rise and and by 2015 were thirty nine point eight percent obesity, right? This is a thirty three-fold increase in obesity in about a hundred and fifteen years and we are on target to be at Fifty percent of Americans of obese by 2030 that was published in JAMA just a few weeks ago. Okay age-related macular degeneration my area of expertise 1851 was when this disease was first discoverable between 1851 and 1930 There was no more than 50 cases of macular degeneration Which is the leading cause of? Irreversible vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65 no more than 50 cases in all the world's literature Yet today this year 2020 196 million people affected worldwide on target to be 288 million by 2040 so what this means back in the 19th century? One in many thousands of people affected and I'm telling you they were looking I've read all the textbooks Today again almost one and three 29% affected since 1990 Okay, there's the increase essentially. All right. Now we're gonna hit 200 years of dietary history Which was is really a global human experiment as the way I looked look at this without informed consent Right because nobody chose this sugar 1822 to 1999 sugar went up 17 fold we know sugar is a nutrient deficient diet a nutrient deficient food, right? Next and the most important thing of all cottonseed oil introduced right after the American Civil War about 1866 1867 is when we first began to consume this and This is where the human experiment really began Alright and well and you'll see why 1880 we get roller mill technology which gives us refined white wheat flour now wheat is 20% of the the world's diet? At least in the United States 85% of those refined so it's nutrient deficient 1911 Procter & Gamble gives us Crisco trans fats Right. There we go. That's processed food. That's it. That's all of it right there. We had all the processed foods in place essentially By 1911 and then they just took off. So today in the United States 600,000 foods available and the bulk of them are made right out of that now 1939 and 1945 Western price can connected all of this together and And made us all aware that Western diseases were driven by people consuming these foods But nobody listened and if you look at this the the far right slide there from the our own USDA They recognized this those four foods make up 63% of the American diet, right? They know that they know this is the problem So diseases of civilization the the docks right there look something like that. Okay. Let's go back to 1918 for a minute This is Elmer V McCollum nutrition researcher. This is the book he wrote the newer knowledge of nutrition and this is extraordinary covers Thousands of animal studies because they really wanted to know what was going on with diet They wanted to understand what it was. It was driving health and I'm gonna give you an example here and there's extraordinary studies This is just one of one of many. All right, so they take diets now these rats Rats are usually weaned at about 25 26 days And then they put these two these two sets of rats on identical diets, except for one thing the fat source All right. So the rats on the Left get 5% cottonseed oil the rats on the right One-and-a-half percent butterfat. That's all the fat. They got one and a half percent. Here's what happens to them the rats on the cottonseed oil Grow to sixty percent of normal size and live five hundred and fifty five days on average. They're weak fragile Sickly little rats the rats on the butterfat. They are healthy they grow to normal size and they live a thousand and twenty days So they grow to almost twice the size Live twice as long and are infinitely more healthy. Why? Anybody why Fat-soluble vitamins A D and K - right Those are not in any kind of vegetable oil any kind of oil at all. In fact that comes from plants You're gonna see this next so McCallum says this in 1918 1918. Just look at the part I have underlined here the diet must contain two as-yet-unidentified Substances or groups of substances one was fat soluble vitamins the other water soluble He says one of these is associated with certain fats and is especially abundant in butter fat egg Yolk fats and the fats of the glandular organs such as the liver and kidney That's all the fantastically healthy foods. Right right there. He says but is not found in any fats or oils of vegetable origin, even the healthy oils coconut palm palm kernel Avocados oil a real true olive oil. They don't have vitamins A D and K - right. They're not there He continues mccollum 1918, he says both the growth-promoting fat which is butter and the trace of unidentified substance in the alcoholic extract of wheat, germ, which was the B vitamins are necessary for the promotion of growth or the preservation of health We don't just need these vitamins to grow people we need them in Adulthood and old age in order to sustain us in good health And this is what we continually overlook especially when we focus on macronutrients, I believe Okay So let's get on the same page here because vegetable oils have a lot of names these days Right, but the but vegetable oils seed oils also known as polyunsaturated Vegetable oils PUFA or polyunsaturated fatty acids edible oils now the newest euphemism plant oils I think you know men to just confuse us Omega-6 oils and then linoleic acid now linoleic acid. If you don't know is the 18 carbon omega-6 fat is sort of exemplary It's the the primary fatty acid of these Vegetable oils. All right, it counts for about 80% of the of the fatty acids. All right Now here is the here's the dreadful ones All right, the hypo foil soybean corn Cano cottonseed rapeseed grapeseed sunflower safflower and rice bran there I've said it if I've said it once I've said it a million times These are the ones that are particularly dangerous. I'm sorry on time. We have to move pretty quickly All right. So this is our from our paper recently and this is vegetable oil consumption in the United States for essentially all of history notice 1866 to about 1909 We're like 2 grams a day and then it just takes off as all we start getting soybean oil and all these other oils Right and so by 2010 were at 80 grams a day. Okay, so we went from 0 in 1865 For all the world and for essentially all of history pretty much to 80 grams a day now Let me just say this is an infinite increase in vegetable oil consumption a lot of people talk about tonya blahs bones research where soybean oil went up a thousandfold between 1909 to 1999 which indeed it did but all this vegetable oil is an infinite increase 80 grams a day folks is 720 calories worth that's 32 percent of us caloric intake a Third of our diet is coming out of factories that make these oils. I Can't tell you how dangerous this is so 1999 percent of our fats came from animal fat lard butter beef tallow and suet essentially but by 2005 86% of added fats came from vegetable oils and noticed the vegetables are still going up right now take a look at this Here's where the dietary guidelines were introduced right 1980 and Remember, our fat consumption was going down and our carb consumption is going up. So guess what? Our animal fat consumption is still trending down and our vegetable oil consumption still going up Didn't just happen in the US here's developed countries doubled in a period between 1963 and 2003 This is all around the world developed countries doubled developing countries tripled Japan for example Ford half fold China almost an Eightfold increase and this this ended 17 years ago this data. Where are we today? The Asians are? Getting as sick as we are, right Okay. So here's the dietary fats essentially that are added to our diet, right? Coconut oil butter palm and large the top four see all the red. That's all the saturated fat That's what's healthy now from cottonseed oil down all that blue That's all these vegetable oils and that all that blue is the omega-6 linoleic acid just that that's what that is right there if you've transplant yourself back to 1865 and and for all of history and for all the world, essentially This is where all the fats came from butter lard and beef tallow at 3 2 and 2% omega-6 fat. So in other words Here's where we are today. All that blue all that omega-6 Here's where we were in 1865. So what did this do to us? 1865 I calculated this this is what our omega-6 consumption would have been in 1865 with 40% animal fat from traditionally raised animals 2.2 grams per day less than 1% of our calories And then that you can see this is increasing by 1909. It's we're about to 2% of our calories 1999 were at 7 percent of calories and 18 grams a day and 2008 11.8% of our calories and 29 grams a day. We went from 2.2 grams to 29 grams a day You're gonna see why this is so important because we can't burn these for fuel Properly they're meant to be stored and used as signaling and structural molecules Particularly in the mitochondria and and they're not meant to be burned as fuel So that's why we accumulate these this I want to make notice here This 2.2 grams is not yet published data, that will be in our next scientific paper But this is a 12 fold increase in Omega-6 in about a hundred and forty five years 12 fold Okay, what'd it do to us here's heart disease and this is our published data as well look at the vegetable oil in black the heart disease deaths in red Right, everybody see a remarkable correlation How about saturated fat in the purple versus heart disease anybody see any correlation there at all Saturated fat practically flat for the whole a century changed five grams, right? In fact, I would submit if you see a correlation between saturated fat here and heart disease You would also believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are indeed twins Okay, so there's a bunch of populations around the world but we know don't have heart disease Right, and I'm not even gonna name all these but they all have very similar things in common So let's talk about a three of them very quickly the Maasai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania now the just so you know This is where Kenyan tanzania are in eastern Africa, and I'm just going to say this is what that this is What all these Maasai warriors all the Masai look like this lean healthy chiseled fenton? Fantastically healthy people right? Well, anyway George man and colleagues in 1970 around 1970 1972 Extensively studied them. Now. What are the Messiah eat milk meat and blood from the cattle. They heard their pastoralists They'd the typical warrior drinks three to five quarts of raw whole milk per day and their milk has a lot of saturated fat Okay, 3,000 calories a day These guys only weigh about 128 pounds on average a piece their diet is 66 percent animal fat 33 to 45 percent of that is saturated animal fat. It's about 17 percent carb 1.7 percent omega-6 fats the number I want you to pay attention to this whole time if you would. All right Well, what did George Man find they did 50 autopsies, and they did I think it was 350 EKGs No, heart disease no heart attacks, except one possible silent mi in the entire group yet. Our American Heart Association says No more than five to six percent saturated fat, right? So how do these guys get away with consuming up to forty five percent saturated fat? well American Heart Association would just say it's another paradox, right? Conventional medicine. Let's say this fools don't you know animal fat would kill you, right? They would say this you must eat more healthy polyunsaturated oils like Americans So this is an animal fat diet this is polyunsaturated fat diet and will fat Polyunsaturated fat how many times should I do this? Okay Let's move down to Tokelau in the South Pacific kind of midway between Hawaii and Australia Three little islands down there eight holes. The the toka loans were studied 1960 70s and 80s very interesting because here's their diet coconut fish starchy tubers and fruit. That's it's very simple 54 to 62% of their calories come from coconut coconut oil 91 to 94 and a half percent saturated Their diet is 53% fat high fat diet 48 percent saturated So while the Masai? Hold the honours for the most saturated animal fat in the world at up to forty five percent the toka loans have the most saturated tropical oil fat in the world that forty eight percent Guess what two percent of their diet is PUFA now that's total PUFA that's omega-6 and omega-3 together. Well, So, where are they getting their PUFA from fish and coconut? That means that about half of that was the omega-3. So their poop omega-6 poop is about one percent Again, that's the number I want you to pay attention to if you would 1982 they studied men 40 to 69 years of age No heart attacks Virtua know obesity no diabetes in this population. They are fantastically healthy, okay Now this will look like a diversion but it's not this is the omega-6 linoleic acid in our adipose tissue in Americans 1959 to 2008 stefan DNA collated 37 studies where they had biopsy the fat of americans now look where our Omega-6 linoleic acid was on average in 1950 99.1 percent Okay, this is in our fat. And do you know what our obesity was in 1959 1960? 13% Okay in 2008 our linoleic acid in our fat 21 and a half percent and you remember I showed you that in in 2008 or Omega-6 in our diet was eleven point eight percent in other words it approximately doubles in your fat because we accumulate these and they accumulate your cells and in your Mitochondria, and this is where they wreak havoc because it's polyunsaturated and they're the ones that oxidize. Alright, so 2008 you know what our obesity was 34 percent Now the next thing I'm going to show you I searched for for three years to find this You know what? I wanted to know. What was the omega-6 fat in anybody's adipose who was on an ancestral diet Anybody in the world I finally found it toko Allen's Right here 3.8 percent it is off the chart low. Remember I said their omega-6 of their diet was roughly 1% 3.8 percent people. This is where we should be and this is what keeps you healthy Right here. Okay, one more population to Cosenza, Papua New Guinea the to Papua New Guineans and this study work were evaluated extensively 1966 to 68 sweet potatoes account for more than 90% of their calories they live off of over a Thousand different kinds of sweet potatoes. This is one of their harvests. They occasionally feast on pork and chicken They are poor quarters, but would rarely eat their pork So here's their diet 1966 to 68 94.6% carb 3 percent protein 2.4 percent fat Omega-6 there's that number again 0.6% Now would they find about them? Here's what they say in the studies population was lean physically fit and in good nutritional state absence of obesity and hypertension No diabetes or got was found as schemee cartons heart disease was rare if not absent No macular degeneration 340 people over age 40 none now Absence of obesity if we think that carbs Drive insulin and insulin drives fat, how do we explain this? Okay, I'm just gonna move on now here What are these healthy populations not have no sugar? No refined wheat? No processed foods and no vegetable oils, of course, right? Alright, so let's talk about the macronutrient rate ratios Did the car percent matter in these populations? Assuming you're consuming an ancestral diet? Did it matter? No, it was 17% in the Masai about 95 percent into Crescenta How about the fat percent did it matter? Also, don't about 2.4 percent total fat and took Ascenta sixty-six percent animal fat in the sigh How about the fat composition did saturated fat seem to matter in any of this Doesn't matter about one percent tuka Senta forty five percent than the sine 48 percent in Tokelau How about monounsaturated fat? Also doesn't matter About one percent took Ascenta fifty three to 65% in the Messiah all of them fantastically lean healthy and without heart disease Now the big question, what about the omega-6 hufa? Right. This is the elephant in the room. I know people talk about this, but what should it be? 0.62 1.7 percent I couldn't make the font any bigger than that. I tried It's bigger than ninety three or whatever it as big as it'll go Okay now compare this to westernized Populations, they'll make a six seven to twelve percent today in our diets. Remember we were at seven percent in nineteen Ninety nine now, we're at twelve or we were twelve percent by 2000 a 11.8% now, I don't know where we are I mean we're higher than that okay, so let me explain what I think is going on here rubriz said this is the problem is pro oxidative and then Toxic right? Here's the pro oxidative part. So when you consume omega-6 to excess which is going to be a westernized diet It'll have nutrient deficiencies But what matters is is it combines with reactive oxygen species like hydroxyl radicals? which we produce one times twenty to the tenth per day and every person Okay, so this begins a catastrophic lipid peroxidation? Cascade these polyunsaturated fats are accumulating your cells accumulate in your membranes accumulate in your mitochondria And they cause a peroxidation reaction. All right Now I won't be able to go go through all the biochemistry here. But if you want to watch my ancestral health symposium lecture or a presentation from 2019 last year I go through this biochemistry, but this devastates a Cardiolipin and this leads to electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation Failure electron transport chain is where we create 90% of our area our energy. So when this happened we have mitochondrial dysfunction so we lose energy production and This is why every single one of these disorders You know from heart disease to atherosclerosis To type-2 diabetes to macular degeneration and cancer all have the same thing. They all have mitochondrial dysfunction this is why now the very first thing that happens when the electron transport chain fails in this Scenario is that it starts shooting out reactive oxygen species These are hydroxyl radicals and superoxide and this took me years to understand to try to understand this and That creates a catastrophic lipid part or it feeds back to the lipid peroxidation then the next thing that happens is insulin resistance at the cellular level Because this is what's happening the cell there's so much reactive oxygen species That and the electron transport chain is failing and the cell gets sick and it puts up at stop signs and it says oh look I don't want glucose. I don't want fatty acids. I don't want anything. I'm sick in bed. I can't do this. I can't work, right So now I'm insulin reasons and so, you know that ends up leading to metabolic syndrome type 2 diabetes and so forth but what I will submit to you is it's not that we're consuming carbs and you start filling up the The cell and all that I will submit to you Even if we can't measure it the very first thing that's happening in this scenario is the insulin resistance comes first Then then you start developing lipid Droplets and so forth in your in your cells in your in your liver and so forth Okay, what's next reduce fatty acid beta oxidation because the electron transport chains not working Well, so now you're not burning fat for fuel properly so the person gaining weight and getting sick in this regard is now carb dependent their Glycolysis is working but they're like their Krebs cycle and electron transport chain are working to burn fat for fuel properly All right. So now there's start storing the fat right? So this leads to obesity Now Loss of energy leads directly to nuclear mitochondrial DNA mutations and what we get out of that cancers Next heart failure you're gonna see this in just a minute in just a few minutes I'll go through this minor control this function leads directly to heart failure and directly because of high omega-6 and it'll do it in three weeks and rats Okay Next apoptosis and necrosis cell death and this leads to diseases like macular degeneration Alzheimer's Parkinson's, uh, putting your upper left this catastrophic lipid peroxidation Cascade leads to toxic aldehydes and I'm gonna hit this right away next. You're gonna see this, okay So here's what happens most of this linoleic acid when it pur oxidizes it develops lipid hydroperoxides and then these rapidly degenerate into All of these things four hydroxy, no neuronal Mallen dialdehyde Oxidized linoleic acid metabolites with like nine and thirteen hoed acrolein carboxy ethyl pyrole. Here's what these do collectively Cytotoxic genotoxic mutagenic carcinogenic atherogenic thrombogenic and obese genic and just in case you're not aware atherogenic means Inducing atherosclerosis and thrombogenic means inducing clots You know that that right there can cause this can be a cause for strokes Okay, so that leads to all the diseases of civilization. So we're look at three studies. I believe it is This is a study with isocaloric diets. Okay all the same calories three groups of rats for three weeks identical amounts of calories protein fat and carbs and Omega-3 fats only one single variable in this study and this is a very well defined Design study I believe Omega-6 only variable Three groups beef tallow olive oil and safflower oil group and you can see the omega-6 going from four point four to seven point seven To the safflower oil group is the really high 36.6% Omega-6. Alright here. You can see you see that beef olive in southla are all calories the same high-fat diet at fifty nine percent Here's the omega-6. I'm circled but the interesting part, you know, four point four percent in the beef fat group verses thirty six point six percent in the safflower oil group Look how high their body fat went in the safflower oil group in three weeks two fifty four and a half percent So what is this now make a point of this? this four point four percent is too high and I'll show you why because they added it linseed oil is What they really did but here's that here's what happened to these these rats in three weeks now, they all gained weight But relative to the beef fat group the olive oil group gained nine point six percent more weight which is fourteen point eight pounds human equivalent the South Laurel oil group gained fifteen point six percent or twenty four pounds human equivalent more Right. How's this possible? They're on the same calories. They're all consuming the same calories, right? Okay. Now I had a problem with this because why did the beef fat gain weight? Here's why now if you look on the far left of this That group wasn't included which would have been beef fat only one without linseed oil They put linseed oil in here to try to give them megha three well They didn't need to that with beef fat it already has it So we don't know that but that group would have been one point four percent linoleic acid But we don't know what that would happened there the group that's next in the blue the beef fat plus the linseed oil That's four point four percent omega-6 and look how much weight they gain twenty seven point six percent more than where they were initially The olive oil group was seven point seven percent omega-6 and they gained thirty seven point two percent more than that what they weighed initially and then look at they'll make it the the safflower oil group Gained forty three point two percent more than their initial weight that is the that is sixty six and a half pounds human equivalent for a man in three weeks and The only difference is the omega-6. They will consume the same calories Okay, here's the study about heart failure It's very simple. Very simple just two groups a high PUFA group that got normal lab child with 20% sunflower oil That's less that's less omega-6 than what Americans are consuming today on average Then there's a low poofer group that got normal lab Chow for weeks this study Look what happens in four weeks the group that got the sunflower oil They have thirty two percent reduction in their cardiac output at high after loads, which means they're at at systolic blood pressure Which is like 138 in Four weeks of feeding. These rats have heart failure Okay, one more here's an isochoric forty percent fat diet Chawla versus four percent so oil versus 19 percent soy oil, okay This is a thirty two week study basically seven and a half months now They had the far left You can see that was the child the standard Chow Which is one point two percent in the red at the bottom is the linoleic acid the omega-6 linoleic acid one point two percent the next group is the four percent soy oil which is two point two percent linoleic acid and the third group is 19 percent soil and that's omega-6 ten percent linoleic acid, okay 0% sugar what they used good carbs in here at they used multiple dextran and starch so no sugar good clean duck study and So here's here's what you can see the weight that they gained. Alright, but Let me just get to the point the mice on the 19% soybean oil weighed 55% more than mice on Chow Ok, this was in 32 weeks now, let me give you the Human equivalent, this is the human equivalent of a hundred ninety pound man, which I just used my weight Versus the I mean that for the chow part versus the nineteen percent soy oil 10% linoleic acid which is less than Americans are consuming today. That would have been the equivalent of a 294 pound man in Seven and a half months of eating this way They're eating the same calories that the 4% in the nineteen percent soy oil the exact same calories Okay. Now this is the same study. I didn't include all the categories. This is so confusing to do quickly But here's the glucose tolerance test the shows that the soybean oil diet rapidly induces diabetes. That's the top one there you can see that that after it Intrapreneur Tennille glucose challenge look at their glycaemia. They're diabetic And then the next one down is soybean oil plus 25% fructose. They're also diabetic but the green line is Also 40% fat which was made up of 36 6% coconut oil and 4% soybean oil and 25 percent fructose that did not cause diabetes and Then here is there an insulin tolerance test and you can see the very top one is the 19% soybean oil diet which induced marked insulin resistance even worse than the the 19% soybean oil plus 25% fructose Incredibly the 25% fructose was protective in some way I don't know how that works, but it was But that and then they did a 25% high high-fat diet again 40% fat and 25% fructose did not induce diabetes or influence Okay, how about their liver? You see the standard Chow in the upper left? Healthy liver and then in B upper, right? That's 36% Coconut oil plus just 4% soybean oil. They're getting liver fatty liver disease Then go to the one below that in F right lower 19% soybean oil for 16 weeks fatty liver disease and then in your lower left soybean oil for 32 weeks now, they've got Fatty liver and hepatic balloon injury. This is really sick liver disease Okay, what about vegetable and cancer the 19% soybean oil diet which 10% la less than Americans are consuming now In 32 weeks caused thirty-one cancer associated genes to be dysregulated five cancer promoting genes upregulated six cancer inhibiting genes suppressed and here's the here's the finale here 32 weeks on a 19% soybean oil 10% linoleic acid diet did this obesity Visceral obesity insulin resistance glucose intolerance diabetes Frank diabetes non-alcoholic fatty liver teas disease with balloon injury 31 cancer genes dysregulated and incredibly the 19% soybean oil diet was worse than 19% soybean oil and 25% fructose This is what I want to say really These oils or the these these paths are the same are you kidding me? I Mean that the fats coming out of these vests is a real vegetable oil refinery This is what they I can't tell them apart from petroleum oil refineries. You know, they look the same This is what I would say, this is toxic waste coming out of vegetable oil refineries, this is extraordinarily dangerous to us and The other one is, you know, the animal fats finally healthy so I would submit to you that this is how I propose the contribution of Processed foods to obesity and and chronic disease I would submit to you 80% of it is driven by Vegetable oils and trans fats and they are they run together because the trans fats are in the oils Sugar I would say is about 15% and refined wheat the other the other five All right so How can we consume only about 1% omega-6 polyunsaturated fat and you already know the answer, right? No seed oils None, no vegetable oils. None of these kind of oils no processed foods because they're there in all the processed foods and You know, no fast food restaurants almost all cook in soybean oil and canola oil and they are disastrous So Ladies and gentlemen first I just want to say it's been an honor and a pleasure to speak to you today and I want to say I hope that I've been able to plant a seed that will take root and you'll begin to consider this and Evaluate this further for yourself I want to end by painting a picture of a nutritional dichotomy that I'd like for you to consider and this is entirely based in science and And and for the moment consider diets were that our unsub limited with vitamins, all right, so if you consume 100 percent of Your fats from traditionally raised animals where they they'd be on land at sea or from freshwater and you consume no processed foods You are likely to be extremely lean healthy and live a long and healthy good life You're gonna probably look like a Maasai warrior and if you're not that way now eat like that You'll start getting that direction. You'll move that direction on the other hand if You consume? 100 percent of your fats from the polyunsaturated vegetable oils You will rapidly become ill severely metabolically deranged stunted growth in childhood almost certainly overweight and obese in adulthood and your life Will be cut extremely short you'll meet your end Extremely prematurely and it won't matter if you're one month old or 90 years old this is a scientifically proven mathematical certainty and It has been known for over a hundred years So I asked you which fats do you think are healthy Thank you
Channel: Low Carb Down Under
Views: 684,384
Rating: 4.9038234 out of 5
Keywords: Low Carb Down Under, LCDU, www.lowcarbdownunder.com.au, Low Carb Denver 2020, #LowCarbDenver, #LCD2020, Chris Knobbe, Seed Oils, Vegetable Oils, PUFA, linoleic acid, Omega 6, Fatty Liver Disease, Cancer, Traditional Diets, Ancestral Diets, age-related macular degeneration, AMD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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