Keto Salt Lake 2019 - 18 - Dr. Ken Berry: Lies My Doctor Told Me

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okay so our next speaker is the New York Times no just kidding but soon the be but he wears awesome air pods and receiving air pods on YouTube that's awesome okay so known for his direct no-nonsense approach to health and wellness this board-certified physician is also an Amazon best-selling author and YouTube I'm gonna go ahead and say it sensation with over 300,000 subscribers [Music] he is set to release his second edition of his best-selling book lies my doctors told me in just two days right it's available on Amazon he is also in the process of writing his second book called common sense Kido for type 2 diabetes continuing his mission to bring it in to the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics along with bringing awareness to such issues as thyroid health and hormone optimization like I said I don't think he has his air pots on him right now but let's give a round of applause for dr. ken berry hey thank you you guys ruined my joke I'm gonna do it anyway hey guys how's it going what's that no it's really it's me yeah I don't have I don't have them in today that's the joke sorry okay alright so what we're about to discuss I think is very very important because there are some people who think that you don't need a doctor and if you're young and healthy metabolically resilient you may not need a doctor right now but I think it's good to have a doctor who you should consider your learning health partner does he does does anybody agree with that you should have a doc in reserve you don't have to go see that doctor every 10 minutes but if you have a problem you need to have somebody you trust so you can go see who's not gonna say Tito oh no you gotta stop that that's done of course but you need somebody who went to medical school and who did a residency who can help you because you may know a lot about your body and you may know a lot about nutrition more than most doctors you probably do but you need that learning health partner in reserve you don't need a doctor daddy you don't need a medical boss but you need to learn in health partner and that's my opinion some people would disagree but I think you need that and so what I'm gonna do today is talk to you about what might currently be wrong with your doctor and what you can do about that what you should do about that because in the end it's not your fault what's happened to modern medicine but it is your problem you understand the difference it's not your fault it's not your fault that you're meeting a drunk driver on the highway but it is your problem and so I doctors many doctors are much like a drunk driver on the highway it's not your fault but it is your problem and you have to watch out for this so let's talk about this so doctors have been saying stupid stuff since there were doctors okay only for the last 50 or 60 years has it been eat lots carbs and watch out for the saturated fat that's just the latest stupidity that doctors seem to be fascinated with and so there was a time back in the day when you would put cocaine drops on your infant's gums because trust it stopped the teething pain okay it worked like a charm and you know because your baby's an addict after that but they didn't know that back then so this is an example of the stupidity that doctors become enamored with because guess what doctors are just people too they might not want you to believe that but it's true and so I'm gonna go through all the kind of the the laws of human nature and the fallacies that can trip doctors up even your doctor so that's that's it they're just people they put their pants on just like you do they have insecurities they they they can get haughty and full of themselves they can get very depressed all these things all the things you guys experienced doctors do that too but when they walk in that exam room with that magical necklace on the witchdoctor necklace the stethoscope that that put that elevates them that's that's the whole point of that that's a facade that's a simulacra of authority I am now that I'm your witch doctor I'm your medical boss I'm your doctor daddy you need to shut up and listen to me okay and sometimes like if you've got a bone sticking out or if you're if you've broken your neck you need to shut up and let the doctor in trauma take care of you shut up don't start telling them about saturated fat that's doctor time for that okay but for what we're gonna focus on today is for relatively for normal people walking the street you right you haven't been in a car wreck you haven't fallen off a building a paintin didn't explode your hand you're just a regular guy regular girl with a with a spouse and a job and a kid and a dog and you're trying to stay healthy or get healthier because that's what we're all here for we want to increase our lifespan and our health span so that we can be kicking the soccer ball around with our great grandkids right and I love it that I'm seeing young people in this room right because yeah when you're 50 and 60 you become exquisitely interested in this like wait a minute whoa well wait a minute but there are young people coming on board with keto low-carbon fasting because there are other benefits hundreds of benefits many of which we've been talking about during this conference and thanks so much to keto ciao for putting this on this is an amazing problem and my bothering me walking around I don't care so the laws of human nature that apply to you they also apply to your doctor and your nurse practitioner and your PA and your nutritionist it also applies to all those guys trying to give you advice so the first law of human nature is the law of the instrument zmi ever heard of this some of you have so if you're a carpenter and you have a hammer every problem you encounter what are you gonna use to fix that problem your hammer that's right that's your that's your instrument if you're a crack addict what are you gonna use to fix every problem your pipe that's what you're gonna use right and so doctors it depends on the doctor if he's a primary care doctor then his hammer is a prescription pad that's what he's gonna use that's his tool that's all he knows how to use he's comfortable with that and so when you start talking about supplements or you start talking about real salt or you may keep that doctor very uncomfortable right off the bat because he's not comfortable with those tools he didn't know how to use those he's comfortable the prescription pad the bariatric surgeon is very comfortable with the scalpel and so if you're morbidly obese and you go to a family doctor he's gonna want to talk about phentermine and he's gonna want to talk about eat lots of whole-grain and exercise more right to go to the bariatric surgeon he's gonna want to talk about surgery cuz that's his tool so I don't think there's a big conspiracy I don't think these people are evil they're just humans and they follow the laws of human nature and I think if you understand that it makes it much easier for you to understand the motivation of your doctor to either say certain things or to not say other things the next is the law of remuneration have you guys heard of the concept that if getting a paycheck depends on you believing a certain thing you're highly likely to believe that thing right and so if you're a mechanic and your garage is partly paid for by a specific motor oil what motor oil is going to be the best damn motor oil in the world duh right that's the law of your meat remuneration and so doctors are very concerned about the ball line they want to pay the electric bill they want to pay the staff they want to have enough money left over to take home to mama cat so she didn't get upset right and so money is important and so if you have a fear of I'm not gonna have any patience if I start this Kido thing or the Medical Board is going to come see me if I talk about this Kido thing out loud then the law of remuneration comes into play and that's very concerning for many doctors ah who knows who that is who's that was this guy a medical doctor so many people think he was right because he's got he's got wood on what's that thing he's wearing right there this witch doctor thing so he's a doctor you better listen to him right I think he was a fish biologist is that right yeah so Ancel Keys dr. Ansell keys and he used this law of authority he was excellent at using this he could walk into a room and you're like who that's the guy right there he knows what he's talking about cuz he walked and talked this law of authority and so we tend to look up to people who wear white coats and that that magical witch doctor necklace even if they don't know what the heck they're talking about which they often don't when it comes to the care and feeding of human beings they don't know but this law applies to them just like you so when you go to the mechanic's garage he's the authority in that that situation right and if he says well you need a new motor and a new transmission and I'll be happy to do that for you you just blindly believe him right would you well yeah I doubt it you'd probably go get a second opinion and so I want you to understand when if the if the authority in a situation is a doctor or nutritionist and they tell you something you're like I don't know about that there is not a thing wrong with getting a second opinion or a third opinion okay not a thing wrong with that there's no law against it if the doctor is offended by that then that's a red flag you need to go hmm and security much the law of the shortcut the read one of the reasons that human run the planet is because we are excellent at using shortcuts right we can find a way to shortcut anything to get from here to there oh there's a shortcut right I bet Chris is great at saying oh there's actually a shortcut if you'll just write yeah so but that's and that's a good thing but the problem is we can also misuse this law can't we and so doctors get lazy they get in a rut they get used to doing the same thing day in day out it pays the bills so when you bring up an alternative therapy it can make doctors and medical boards very uncomfortable because they're not able to use their shortcut then the average doctor shortcut is here let me write you a prescription that's the shortcut right and they're done but if you have to if you make them have a conversation and actually think in the exam room that makes them very uncomfortable I'm just going to tell you it does okay because back in 2003 2004 I used to be one of those doctors and if you came in with a bunch of crap that you'd print off the internet there goes my shortcut I'm gonna have to I'll be here for 20 minutes talking to this woman about whatever whatever right so that is another thing that makes doctors very uncomfortable and that you may sense that if you bring in a lot of stuff printed out and I think that's another red flag Cindy don't you agree if your doctor gets upset because you've been reading on the Internet that's a red flag yeah cuz your doctor should be happy that you're so concerned about your health that you took the time to do that I think that's a great sign that you're actually very motivated to do what's best for yourself but a bad doctor won't see it that way a bad doctor will be offended by that like well if you don't want my opinion you just go ask dr. Google I think you should ask dr. Google and learn as much as you can then take that to your learning health partner for discussion that sounds like a good plan to me now let's talk about correlation [Laughter] does one imply the other does this cause this or not some people would say yes I say no so what if I told you this is the graph from 1999 to 2009 of the amount of saturated fat eaten and the incidence of heart attack do you see how these numbers you see that they're very tightly correlated aren't they you're like whoa that looks very impressive those what one of those things had to cause the other otherwise they wouldn't track like that and remember doctors are people too so when doctors see a drug funded study that shows this kind of thing they're like dang that's pretty impressive that must one must cause the other problem is is you can you can have these correlations in nature and in medicine that have nothing to do with each other whatsoever one has nothing to do with it there are two random events they just happen to coincidentally correlate okay these things happen in medicine all the time as well and I'm going to show you a few other examples but this is absolutely true you can plot these numbers and Nicolas Cage is a very dangerous man if you have a home swimming pool per-capita cheese consumption and people who die from becoming tangled in their bed sheets true story so if you like cheese and big bucks I don't know you're in trouble divorce rate in Maine and the consumption of margarine it's a true correlation meaning the title talks about this so if you live in Maine you should eat a lot of margarine if you want to keep your marriage intact one does not cause the other but do you see that correlation I mean if you were a doctor and a drug rep walked into your office and showed you this you'd be like all right got it yeah you're right but these have nothing to do with each other whatsoever you guys know that correlation does not prove causation this is the problem with epidemiological studies with all the nutrition studies with all those things that look like they show causation because here's the problem this is not even correlation these are two completely random things they're not this doesn't even prove correlation and that's why you got to at least know enough about these studies to know that just because there's a pretty curve it doesn't prove a thing now look at this age of Miss America correlates with murders by steam Hunt vapors and hot objects I don't even know I can't even imagine I know there was one King in in Europe that was killed with a hot poker but I'm not going to get into that but look how tightly I mean that correlates so tightly but they're completely random immense so correlation does not prove causation but doctors eyes work just like your eyes and when they see those two curves tracking they're like wow look at that boom vegan diets where it's at okay [Music] no a big lie is much easier for human beings to believe than a little lie and so if your hairdresser tells you you should eat more whole grain you're like what does she know she just knows about bleaching color and stuff but if you see it on the cover of Time and you hear it on NBC and Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather and whoever is talking about this you're like well god I mean they wouldn't just make that up it must be true that's another law of human nature that we tend to believe big lies much sooner than small lies even if it's still just a ridiculous lie we'll believe it if it's on TV TV makes it magic it's got to be true now the echo of the line I talked about the hairdresser earlier so if a doctor in his office tells you that elevated total cholesterol is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke he's at least 10 years behind on his reading he is literally ignorant at that point he just revealed his ignorance okay but the problem with the echo the lie is is that his nurses don't read the medical journals and his wife and his mama and the neighbor across the street they don't read medical journals so they don't know so they're still telling that lie out in the community and so when you have when you have Time magazine saying something and then your doctor said something he said it 10 12 15 years ago but you still kind of remember that and so when your mom says oh my gosh your total cholesterol is up that's the echo of the lie and it can echo through society for decades and it be completely false that's that's very common and so just because you hear something you guys know better than to believe it but that's called the echo of the lie so this is a true story they used to get doctors to I mean they used to feel completely comfortable recommending a protect a brand of cigarettes they didn't worry about their medical board coming to get them they didn't worry about their patients shunning them because they recommended cigarettes this was considered this is fine but that doctor was lucky to get the endorsement fee okay so if in so here's how this works so if I'm a researcher like Ben Bickman and I do a research study of filtered cigarettes versus non filtered and I find that people are ten percent less likely to get lung cancer if they smoke filter cigarettes okay I found something I do my p-value it looks significant I'm gonna publish that then the media gets a hold of that and they say do they say that filtered sea or unfiltered cigarettes are less bad they don't say it that way do they they're like whoo filtered cigarettes are better than unfiltered and then when you read about it in Time magazine it says filtered cigarettes are safe is that what the original researcher even was trying to shift not even what he was talking about but is it goes through society like that that's what you wind up with Oh hundred cigarettes are fine they're good for you they're not bad at all that's a big problem okay then repetition after you've heard a lot so many times it's human nature to just believe it even if it's complete bunk will tend to believe it now standard of care a lot of people if you're not in the medical community you don't understand this there are standards of care relating to the big medical like the American Medical Association American Heart Association but there's also also this thing called community standard care okay and so if every even to this day if every member of a community in a small town like every doctor believes still believed in bleeding you with leeches and you were the one doctor in town that said that's stupid why are you doing that you could literally be investigated by your medical board even to this day because you're not upholding the community standard of care I know you're like wait what absolutely true and so many doctors even though them and their spouse may be doing kedo they're not going to ever speak that word to their patients because they're afraid of standard of care by in the butt okay it's a very big deal for doctors because having a medical license is a privilege you know the difference between a privilege and a right a right can't be taken away from you unless you commit a felony a privilege can be taken away from you in a will and so if there's three members of a five-member Medical Board that just don't like you you can lose that privilege just like that and it can take years and tens of thousands of dollars to get it back so that's why doctors are very cautious they're very risk-averse they do not want to take that chance so they just keep their head down they use the tool that they're familiar with and everything's gonna be fine because you think any doctors ever gotten in trouble for putting every single patient they have on a statin never know exactly right exactly exactly so there was a time in human history when this was considered the standard of care for infection prevention now was this guy kook or was he one of the leading physicians in his community think about this it's very important he was one of the leaders in his medical community because back then it was hard to make a woodcut it took hours and days to make one of these things they weren't gonna go just get some kook off the street and make a woodcut of him this was probably the leading doctor in that City and that's how he kept from getting the plague was by wearing this spacesuit he thought was protecting him okay that was standard of care for a long time George Washington what did he die from who knows you hear infection I bet dr. nalli knows what he died of you know nope I think that's very telling that that's what she decided to go with George Washington bled to death wait Wyatt I thought he had a throat infection or pneumonia how did he bleed to death anybody know how he bled to death his doctors killed him for a thousand years bleeding was considered standard of care there were four humors and this was way before they understood germs bacteria viruses any of that there was black bile green bile phlegm and blood that was the four things that humans were made up of and now we think well that sounds stupid and childish this was standard of care you see this guy right here he was demand this was the president you don't think this was the best doctor they could find they drained 80 ounces of blood over a 12-hour period because they believed that if that blood caused inflammation and he had inflammation in his throat he could barely take a breath so they're gonna bleed the inflammation out that was standard of care if if let's just say that was me and I was like what the hell you gonna do what let me get my earbuds hang on one second let me go no what I would have been run out of town on a rail I would have been this I would have been alive and lost my medical license I would have been shunned by the medical community I would have been just considered a incompetent I would have been incompetent okay look at this okay standing look at him Napoleon right cuz he was the best they had back then and so what I want you to understand is there's nothing weird about these people these people are saying people we are so when you start talking about standard of care stuff today the lipid hypothesis of heart disease is just this stupid but the doctor spouting it or standing there like this and me and dr. Analia over here like wow does that make sense it's very easy it's another law of human nature that in in your present time everything looks like the most modern looks like we got all the answers but we're just as in the dark as these guys even today we've got Dave filming and we've got big men and we got all these guys but all of us will readily agree there's so much about human physiology and cell and molecular biology that we still have no clue about all the hormones and the interactions but the average doctor seriously has no clue but they're gonna stand here like this and so back to the law of authority you're like we'll look at him I mean he looks like he knows what he's talking about you've got to be careful about this stuff our first president was bled to death by his own doctors he may have still passed we don't know but he may have lived if they hadn't drained 280 ounces of blood who knows who this is similar ice love this guy he is he is my hero okay and so let me just quickly you've probably mostly heard this story who told who all's heard the story of symbolize you know no not meeting okay so let's talk about this for a second I got time so this guy I mean look at this guy does he look like a kook to you look at this bowtie this guy's legit okay he was a young obstetrician back in Vienna I think this was also well before germ theory they had no idea about bacteria viruses spirochetes they didn't nobody any of that stuff they had no idea why women got infected and died just didn't know they had the four humors they still talked about but nobody truly understood why you got an infection and he got better or died they had no idea so this guy was a young obstetrician and now the way we judge in medicine how what an authority you are and how much clout you have is by the length of your white coat and so when you first go to med school you've got a coat that's about this long looks like a barber coat right and then a resident it hits about here and then as you get older and older it gets down here and some of the doctors sometimes they walk in a room and it looks like Princess Diana coming in with her train that's the guy who's in charge that's the smartest guy in the room that's how you can tell in medicine and so symulast was very intelligent but he had a very short coat and back then a doctors were all considered gentlemen okay which means that a gentleman is never dirty even if he just fell in the mud you would never say you're filthy he'll washing you'll wash up you just wouldn't say that to a doctor he's a gentleman he said you know what I think there's a problem with something here because what would happen there were two hospitals there was the Midwife Hospital where the poor women went to deliver there was a rich hospital that had doctors where the wealthy women went to deliver the problem was is that the incidence of child birth fever where women actually died in childbirth was like ten times higher in the rich Hospital versus the poor Hospital and he said that that's weird you would think the doctors you'd be better so he started looking into this and what happens was and then in the rich hospital with all the doctors the doctors would go and be teaching medical students in the morgue and they'd be 260 dissecting dead bodies back then they didn't have formula so you could just imagine literally rotting corpses they're digging around in they would go straight from there to labor and delivery true story I'm not joking this was standard of care and they would deliver the baby with forceps whatever they had to and then the women we start to have a fever they would get sick sicker sicker sicker and died in the poor hospital it was midwives they didn't teach gross anatomy they didn't go to the cadavers so you go to the dead rotting bodies and so their hands are relatively clean I'm sure they were still filthy by our standards but they were cleaner than the doctors this guy said you know what we shouldn't wash our hands in this little carbolic acid solution after we've been digging around in the corpses and then deliver the babies and when he actually did that did a study good study and the incidence of childbirth fever dropped by 95 97 % he's like boom I've discovered something important here that's important right big deal boom homerun look at this he wrote it up meticulously he published it and the doctors without exception uniformly laughed at him laughed at him ok he was ostracized he was distance he was run completely out of medicine for even implying that doctors could have dirty hands he was committed to a medical institution during the intake at the medically I'd say a mental institution he was beat up by the orderlies got some cuts and bruises got infected probably with the same exact bacteria that was infecting the women and died in his cell a few days later now this is a stunning story this guy was right he was absolutely right this guy arguably has saved more women's lives than any other human on the planet it took 70 years before somebody found his his paper he had ridden up smouldering on some shelf and said that's an interesting idea let's try that and then he called on 70 years later how many women died how many women died in 70 years you see my point that's why I'm up here that's why I doctor Nellie's up here that's why we're all up here is we you and your mama and your daddy and your grandparents and your kids to have to wait 70 years with all the deaths and the kidney failure and the blindness and the loss of limbs that's going to come in those 70 years if we don't change this that's why we're here because this guy was right very poignant what's that so back in the 1920s and 30s if you were a boy 19 11 12 years old and you wouldn't sit still and you were always running your mouth and you're always getting into stuff that would be my grandmother's definition of me you would get this this is a lobotomy and there are several different methods but this was became those popular method it was basically an icepick and that's what they used to start with but finally they made this instrument specifically for this they would go through the thin bone in your eye socket up into your frontal lobe and just sweep it like this in your brain true story standard of care for decades how many thousands of boys personality was quieted permanently literally their light of consciousness was put out most of them didn't die most of them lived few died most of them lived but they were they were a vegetable they were just like they were like of just a zombie for the rest of their life that was standard of care so when when somebody says the word standard of care to you I want you to think of this that's what standard of care blind that standard of care that's therefore that's what we must do this is what that kind of crap leads to remember symbolize so what do we what are we going to do about this if we wait for the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association if we wait for them to have a joint press conference on CNN Fox and MSNBC all at the same time and say you know all that saturated fats that we've been talking about oh sorry we were wrong how many years is it gonna be before that happens 70 years how many years when's that guy who is that ever gonna happen this changed that we're all looking at and talking about and living has to happen because we've got grandparents whose lives depend on it we've got children whose life and limb depend on this happening what we're here today for we can't leave it up to the guys at the top in their ivory towers because if you do that you'll have to wait for all the gray-haired men to die before this can change you'll have to wait 70 years you'll have to wait for civilize to die before the changes that we're talking about here today can happen unless and now I'm talking to you okay because I can I can exhaust myself making YouTube videos but if you don't do your part it'll be 70 years before this changes what can you do what are you going to do how can you help your friends how can you help your loved ones how can you help your grandmother everybody how many times have we been they should have had people in the hall said my dad my son my grandfather right that's what this is about them not having to wait 70 years you're gonna watch videos even if your friends laugh at you even if you say oh god it's that Barry guy again even if your husband's like Barry's on I'm out that's it I can't take another Barry video right the honor scindia I've heard right you got to learn it's up to you it's not your fault what it's your problem it's exactly right you're gonna read articles and if you don't understand a word in an article you're not gonna direct message me on Instagram and say what's this word mean right you're gonna google it because every word in the universe is now defined you can you can see the definition of a word and how it's used in ten seconds with this new thing they got called you're gonna go to conferences just like this you're here you guys I don't think you realize what a Vanguard you are you are you are the spear of the resistance that's going to keep it from taking 70 years for this to happen you're gonna talk to your doctor about this now some of you if you enjoy confrontation and some of you do don't you yeah you're gonna be like I mean Tito come at me bro got my salt right here in my pocket what about that bacon you will bacon I got Ziploc right pulling out like a revolver I got my bacon come on let's talk about it studies all hold on let me go to the car I got my studies now if that's your style that's fine that's totally fine because some doctors need to hear that they need you in their face going based on what why based on what research those are the most beautiful questions in the world for somebody like me and Nally based on what what research why just over and over because what you're gonna do is you're gonna reach the bottom very quickly with the average doctor and he's gonna be like that's it I can't talk to you and that then you know you've got a doc who's who does not want to think he wants to use a shortcut and that's all he wants to do call Franklin a good friend of mine said you either need to change your doctor or change your doctor so if you can't change your doctors mind and the way he thinks and the way he works then you need to find another doctor that's it that's the end of it okay so you're gonna lead you're gonna be a leader in your family you're gonna be a leader in your community you may even wind up being a social influencer like some people in this room who never imagined that they would look up and have 137 thousand followers on Instagram they're like what this is like Twilight Zone I don't even understand what this is so you're gonna lead by example you don't want to go out and be a quito police quito nazi you don't wanna be a quito preacher don't do that you don't need to do that trust this stuff works okay you don't have to push it only if you're selling the product do you have to push if you if you're like sim Elias and you know this works I don't even have to I don't care if you believe me that's fine you don't have to do that you can lead by quite example because if somebody asks you why are you doing that they're not ready to hear when they asked you how did you do that they're ready to hear they're ready okay so stop making people say why and just keep doing what you do and getting healthier and better and better and better make them ask how when they say that words you've got them they're ready they're open they're receptive you're about to change a life how cool is that and you don't have to be a doctor to do that there are people in this room who have helped hundreds of people who are not a doctor not a nurse not a dietician they're just a dude or a chick that just said you know I'm sick of this I'm gonna fix me and when you fix you people will come very interested in that how'd you do that they're ready to hear powdered blood syndrome who knows what that is for everybody in here who has a mom or a dad or a grandparent and you're like look at me I've lost 7500 42 pounds how do you not get this you're suffering from a scientific condition known as powdered bud syndrome if someone has ever changed and powdered your naked little ass you could be a brain surgeon and a rocket scientist saying don't listen to you so there are many ninja level ways to go around about this right sometimes you have to talk to grandpa's friends who then can talk to Grandpa that makes sense sometimes you have to talk to dad's brother and then let him talk to dad because if you've got powdered butt syndrome it's very very hard for a parent I've got I've got kids very intelligent kids and when they come to me and tell me something my knee-jerk you and I know about this I said I know about this and I still like whatever you're so cute when you're serious battered but syndrome if I could cure cancer and I'll be like you're so cute when you're when you're dedicated like this so cute right that's powdered blood syndrome so don't fight that especially if you've got a parent or grandparent who has dementia don't try to force them don't try to make them you're gonna have to you don't have to go ninja you're gonna have to go rogue you're gonna have to figure out a way around the barrier you can't push them that's not never gonna work no matter how right you are no matter how much like cymbal vise you are you can't push them if you got powder but syndrome share that's just that's your that's your superpower you guys are all x-men in here your superpower is sharing Avengers sorry how many people in this room initially heard about Tito low-carb fasting from something that a friend shared on social media how many no no no no no no I don't believe you how many come on yeah yeah many of us that's how we first heard we're like bacon what let me look at that that's how we found well that's how we found out is by sharing someone shared something on their facebook their Instagram that's how this is going to spread like wildfire if you try to tell everybody word of mouth you won't you won't live long enough to reach them all but if you got an Instagram and a YouTube and a Twitter depending on your personality style you can change the life of thousands of people sitting at home in your boxer shorts if you're walking the wall don't be shy don't be a Nazi don't be a preacher but also don't be shy I have had people come to me at conferences like this and say I used to have the worst I used to have the worst obsessive-compulsive you've ever seen in your life I was institutionalized three times Kito's changed my life and I would say what's your what's your Instagram I don't have one what's your facebook I don't have one I'm like do you not think there are other people out there who need to hear your story one woman said I had psoriasis so bad I wouldn't even leave the house I would send my husband to the store for everything I wouldn't leave the house and I'm like well you look great she's like I know it's gone like I've got a patch right here that's it and as long as I eat right it's just a patch but if I start eating garbage it all comes back and I'm like do you have pictures of you before she's like yeah but I would never show those to anybody I'm like how many men and women do you think are at home right now and won't walk out the front door because you haven't yet done your job which is to share your story and change lives you don't have to in this modern age or social media you don't have to be a doctor you don't have to be a dietician you don't have to be any body you just have to fix you and then share that with the world the people who need to hear you will hear you the people who need your story will find you it's going to happen thank you thank you dr. Barry speaking of Instagram Kido conduct with the K no come back at three o'clock for another giveaway thank you
Channel: Keto Chow
Views: 264,033
Rating: 4.8783765 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketogenic, keto diet, hflc
Id: x0leZ47e8Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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