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[Music] it's Friday June 7th 2024 please make sure to like share and subscribe really appreciate all the comments thank you so much for sharing the videos keep sharing the videos we have a lot to talk about today make sure that you watch the entirety of this video I have Coach Lionel my boxing coach on today and he's going to discuss uh his Outlook with what he sees happening some advice for people who are struggling uh his thoughts on the spiritual warfare that we are in now here in America a and just what we should all be doing to get stronger mentally physically spiritually all that good stuff so make sure uh that you watch the entirety of the of this video uh coach liono great guy very awake uh and this is you know a time where we had to be multi-dimensional as a human to be preparing so make sure to watch the entirety of this video with Coach Lio I I think you won't be disappointed I want to start with this today markets back off on hopes for interest rate Cuts following strong jobs report uh the FED is in no rush to cut interest rates at this point I don't believe these numbers as far as I can throw them but payrolls increased by 2 172% for the month of May I think we're right at 4% unemployment uh so unemployment went up a little bit payrolls increased by 272,000 for May how many of you out there believe these numbers anymore I think it's a complete joke um we're we're you know we're adding um mainly uh part-time jobs and low wage jobs uh in these numbers but uh let's take a look uh I won't go over all of it but the uh jobs for May that we added Healthcare and social assistance uh we add it's 83,500 of those jobs uh most of those are part-time low-wage jobs uh government jobs we added 43,000 uh this means that your taxes will continue to go up because you've got to pay for all these jobs and of course when you look at health care and social assistance those are government jobs too so when you take the 835 and the 43,000 I mean that that's a majority of these of the job numbers right there with Leisure and Hospitality uh 42,000 we added in May leisure hospit hospitality jobs of course these are mainly part-time jobs uh low wage jobs uh really no ladder to climb for more opportunity when you're working in Leisure and Hospitality or health care and social assistance manufacturing we added a whopping 8,000 uh new jobs in May so again more low-wage jobs more part-time jobs how in the world somebody please explain to me how are we a world superpower or how do we remain a world super superpow when we're adding healthare jobs government jobs Leisure and hospitality jobs those are every month month over month those are the three top jobs we are adding everybody's going to work for the government I mean no doubt we have a lot of sick people in this country a lot of O obese people in this country and so there's going to be a lot of these jobs another 83.5 th000 health care and social social assistant jobs uh added for the month of May uh not a good sign not a not really a good reflection ction uh of the United States when we're adding this many healthcare jobs uh not good maybe it's time to get in better shape and if you watch the rest of this video uh coach Lio myself the importance of getting in the best shape of your life right now um 10-year treasury yield shoots higher after May payrolls top expectations gold decimated today down 82 $82 silver was down two bucks Bitcoin down, 1600 10-year bondal climb 15 basis points uh at 4.43% so I don't see um I don't see any rate cut coming soon and gold and the gold and silver market uh saw the same thing that I saw it doesn't look like it's going to happen but I do believe that by next week gold and silver will probably start climbing right back because at the end of the day inflation is not going anywhere and this is why I hold gold this is why I hold silver why I believe everybody should be holding uh these real assets these tangible assets right now like gold and silver if you don't have any you need some go to my link down below SD bullion go wherever you want to go I think it's an important time to be holding tangible assets like gold and silver nice pull back today hey buy the dip right that's what they always say uh it's a good day to maybe go to STD boy and load up on on a little bit of this if you've been on the fence about it you need a good place go to my link down below but uh uh golden silver now um warning us that it does not look good for a rate cut but at the end of the today inflation's not going away gold and silver will go back up um at some point there will be a rate cut when that day comes I don't think it will be this year maybe at most we get one rate cut this year uh when that happens uh this is when you know that they have lost control this is when you'll be very very happy that you own some gold and silver uh because you're going to see a lot of inflation coming it it look it's a matter of time before they cut it's coming and whether they cut they don't cut it's going to be bad even either way but I think the gold and silver market uh pretty much uh warning all of us that uh not to expect a rate cut this year here's another one today from Yahoo finance strong us payrolls in wage growth push back bets on fed Cuts uh again do you believe these numbers wages accelerated said uh hourly earnings climb 4% month over month and uh up 4.1% may compared to last may do you even believe these numbers it doesn't matter uh because real wages are not keeping up with real inflation the the problem is uh people are going to the grocery store they're going to the gas pump they're paying for services and their wages are not keeping up with what they're having to Shell out every day every month at the grocery store at the gas pump uh the utility bills utility bills now Summer's hitting and people are going to get absolutely strangled decimated with these utility bills running their air conditioning um another thing too is from what I can see a lot of people are working less hours so maybe your wages went up a little bit but you're working less hours if you're out here in California getting $20 an hour to flip Burgers you're probably working less hours and more than likely you've already lost your job or you're going to lose your job because these restaurants just cannot afford these labor costs um try finding a job that will give you 40 hours a week right now very very difficult to find a job with 40 hours a week now before I end here uh today and we shift gears uh and the rest of the video um we're at the gym today talking about real life I want to end with this last article uh it comes from MSN it's a buyers market for boats RVs and other uh Toys the whole business of boats RVs these off-road vehicles Etc all this is based on a monthly payment you know if you go to a bass Pro Shop and you want to buy a pontoon boat a bass boat whatever uh you want to go buy a wave runner uh they break it down to what it's going to cost every month people don't look at the price they look can I make the monthly payment and people have gotten themselves in a big big uh problem here they're in a big uh situation a serious situation because they just look at the payment can I make the monthly payment now the result we have an overflowing of dealer Lots at a time when plenty of lightly used versions sit in driveways and marinas boats are sitting in driveways the the wave Runners are in the garage uh the RVs are sitting in the driveway uh Brunswick the world's largest maker pleasure boats first quarter sales dropped 22% from the year earlier and its operating income plunged by 53% says here that they're going to go back to where they were in 2012 2013 the national Marine manufacturers Association forecast that combined us new and used boat sales this year will be about 22% below their 2021 Peak the RV boom and bust has been steeper Thor industri is the world's largest RV manufacturer reported that sales of its fiscal third quarter were down by get this 40% and earnings per share down by 2/3 from 2022 I mean this is unbelievable what is happening there is no no way you can have the strongest economy a strong consumer when you're looking at this stuff this is telling you that the party is over Polaris allterrain vehicles uh they make motorcycles snowmobiles boats uh there was a huge record demand just a couple years ago 2021 2022 people couldn't buy enough of these things I mean it's amazing that the party that people were living back in 2021 2022 you know people were getting free money they didn't have to go to work they didn't have to pay so what do they do they go out and buy boats dirt bikes wave Runners motorcycles snowmobiles I mean this is absolute pure Insanity what took place in April Polaris reported a 20% drop in first quarter revenue and a 97% fall in net profit compared with the same quarter a year ago um this article is saying that you that that that you know there's there's great deals out now right that you can you can get an incredible deal you can steal one of these these toys right now uh the deals haven't even begun ladies and gentlemen the deals have not begun if you want a boat RV or another toy um it is not in my opinion a buyer market yet I think this has a long way to go and when people begin to lose equity in their homes and they're going to uh when they begin to get get upside down in their homes when a spouse loses a job they can't pay the mortgage people have adjustable rates people just they can't keep up with inflation uh they bought too much house uh especially people that bought a house you know last year the year before they overpaid uh they have a higher rate there there's a lot of things that go into this but at the end of the day inflation job losses cost of living you life uh people are going to get themselves into trouble and of course more inventory is coming on to the housing market uh which is going to push prices down uh you have a short-term rental market that is in trouble now uh you have Builders building a lot of homes that are coming on Market with less qualified buyers it's a complete disaster so what do people do well they sell the Rolex watches they sell the dirt bikes they sell the the wave Runners they sell the boat and they try to sell anything they can to save the house and most times they sell everything and they still can't save the house people were living like rock stars the past couple years all because they could borrow money cheap or they got a lot of free money from the US government so they could borrow cheap they got free money and they didn't even have to pay their bills their home went into a moratorium rent went into a moratorium and so life was a party and what did the average person do they went out and bought toys smart money probably would have went and bought some gold some silver put a cash Reserve away uh and try to find an additional job and keeps keep the keep the hustle going that's not what most people did people went out bought Dodge Chargers they bought Challengers they bought boats they bought dirt bikes just a a just a disaster now so we're in for big big trouble um people's stupidity the recklessness the irresponsibility the the living like a rock star uh it's going to come back to bite these people and now people are going to pay a price here they're going to lose the toys they're going to lose their homes this is going to be this is going to be really really ugly and just talking to some people this week who are beginning to see what's happening they're they're beginning to see that there's going to be a lot of people in trouble people aren't buying cars like they used to they're certainly not buying RVs and boats uh they can't even keep what they have now um they're in big trouble so I'm going to leave it there make sure to stay tuned watch the rest of this video uh feel free to comment down below uh wow it's just incredible what is happening but I wanted to report all this to you on this uh hot Friday God bless all of you stay tuned all right it's a very hot Friday bommy we got humidity out here in the desert today air quality is horrible uh coach lonel and I just got done with a one hour workout to wrap up Friday head into the weekend he's going to be training even more today he's got a busy schedule so we're going to make it quick but anyways as we wrap up today uh as you've been watching the past videos current events all the news all the chaos all the violence women kids elderly people just being assaulted brutal wi I cannot stress the importance to get in better mental physical spiritual and financial shape right now the economy is tanking I don't care what the stock market does this is why I'm here uh I spend two hours a week uh with Coach liono here I grapple uh I try to hit you know one two days at the gym I'm doing whatever I can I can do but I always like to deal with professional like liono and liono is not just talking about boxing and getting in good shape which we all should be doing but the spiritual side of things too because we are heading into spiritual warfare we talk about what's happening in society we talk about business but if you believe where this is all going then you believe in the spiritual side or you're soon going to believe in the spiritual side coach loo yeah so um just by everything you says is right spot on um I'm here all day 12 hours a day 5 days a week uh half day on Saturday which is 8 hours so I'm here all the time who you train you train women kids I train women kids um adults elderly I even got uh uh Donald Trump's uh secretary uh secretary no sorry the adviser of security of the entire nation so I got got him in here training name is Robert O'Brien so that's one of my clients right there shout out to him for uh being a loyal customer with me but um you know speaking of him you know we got we got on the news right now we got Trump he's has like what 50 felonies against him so that's another crazy thing that's going on and I am predicting something crazy to happen whoever wins the election doesn't matter if it's a Democrat or Republican stuff's going to go down doesn't matter CU both sides are going to be pissed off so you would advise don't be sitting on the couch eating cheese puffs and getting overweight this the time to be training I think you should really be uh what's that word vigilance vigilance with with everything um you know when you step outside there all you know so many things on the news people getting killed over their their car What's That Celebrity just got killed the soap off guy got killed Ste his his alternator or something like that his his uh yeah yeah so anyways he's killed over something stupid that's the whole point so you just got to be very you got to be very careful um you know I really do believe there's actually demons in these people that do this like there's so many talk about the spiritual side 100% for as a says we don't battle against um flesh and blood but um principalities in higher places evil spirits and stuff like that so I do believe that these people are honestly possessed because there's some I just saw in the news again um some lady just happened to stab a three-year-old like like what what possesses someone to do that a full-grown adult to go stab a three-year-old for no you shouldn't know who he is nothing this happens on a daily basis and then you know you have the borders that are open up and all these people that are coming through there they hate us they hate Christians and you know it's always the it's always everybody against the Christian no one ever hates on on Muslims noever hates on Catholics or anything it's always the Christian faith which tells me something that there's a reason why they hate the Christian faith because I think it's the truth and I think it's their Ultimate Enemy at the end of the day so what could people be doing to strengthen their spiritual side Lio um prayer um start studying the book the word and you know people always say where do I start start from the beginning like any other book start from Genesis all the way to Revelation read the whole thing I don't believe in the Old Testament New Testament I believe it's one big book all together in one that's why it's in one book so I I think you start uh you know if you haven't found God yet and you have something against it I I think you should re you know reopen your mind and um get away from whatever stirred you away from it in the past because I was the same way but when I read for my own and I do my own research things are very different it resonates with me and uh I mean the Bible has ten commandments thou shall not kill still lie etc those are good things to follow I don't know how those are bad things to follow those are great things to follow no other book tells you these things no other book gives forgiveness no no other there's no other religion out there or no other God or deity that gives this kind of love and this kind of religion or there's no hate in in Christ and real quick before we forget you uh people can watch your Spotify your YouTube uh give your yes uh so you can find me on Spotify and the logo looks like this sabbath at midnight and I have about 75 episodes out we talk about everything from from politics uh to cloning to aliens Nephilim Angels um you know encounters with some people have encounters with angels not everything about ghosts and demons you know I have some crazy ones where people see an angel or they see Jesus in the dream some people have dreams about going to hell and they wake up and they have burns on them like crazy stuff like that I have a an exorcist on the show who's uh very famous um uh he used to work with uh father Malachi Martin I think I his name so I have someone on my show that used to work with Father Malachi Martin that talks about exorcism and I listen to that was crazy the recordings and everything so so check it out man I have a lot of stuff on there um and you know think about this a lot of people don't believe in that stuff I do if you see what's happening in the world right now you see the evil you see the darkness this is definitely SP spiritual warfare and if there's that much evil then you know there's good you know there's a god um just think of just one of those stories with the people he's interviewing talking about their stories of life after death possession uh aliens all kind of weird encounters Supernatural stuff if just one of those people is telling the truth if one of those people is telling the truth you better you better start praying okay um I believe that a lot more than one of those people is correct but um you know a lot of people Lio will say I'm just going to leave it in God's hands so I'm just going to sit back let everything fall apart I'm GNA just I don't need to train I don't need to know how to defend myself I think right now as an older adult now in this world it's never been there's never been a more important time than to hire somebody like you learn combative skills learn defensive skills kettle bells are not going to save your life you know going to some type of aerobic class is great to get in shape but we are talking about I mean we just had a major you know a carjacking and an assault right here in ranal Mirage in Palm Desert talked about my show the other day um we are living in a time where this stuff is such an asset you know we talk about having gold silver putting cash out there uh walking close to God and all that and I believe God is waking people up and if you think like I'm just going to say my prayers and God's going to do all the work for me I think God is going to test people right now I'll tell you what he he woke me up he said you better get in shape you better you better get back to boxing Jiu-Jitsu uh you better be hanging out with people like Rhino and you better get in the best shape of your life I think right now the advice on this Friday is get in the best shape of your life with skills not just doing jumping jacks and push-ups but having skills L would you like to elaborate yes just really quick um people that sit back and say oh I'm leaving in God's hand God's going to take care of me and they're doing absolutely nothing well I go back I always use the story as an example um the famous story of David and Goliath fighting a 15 foot neim okay now David beat him he had God on his side but he just didn't say God um can you just please get rid of this enemy in front of me yes he did pray but he still had to pick up The Rock still got to walk down to the battlefield he had to face Goliath face to face and he still had to swing the damn thing and hit him in the head with the rock and he had to pick up the knife and cut his head off God didn't do all that for him he give him the courage to do it right so you do have to put action no you have to put action into your prayer that's the whole point so nobody else would do it except he did he had the faith to do it think about I'm sure it went through his mind what if what if I miss what what could happen to me uh but his faith override the fear and he defeated Goliath and I think that's a phenomenal example right there but um again you you got to be getting ready find naturally physically spiritually mentally mental uh you got to get in the Warrior mindset right now so many people are afraid to walk through that door and just hit a b uh they're afraid to just you know wrestle on the ground if you're afraid to do this stuff right now what's going to happen in Real Life Look if if this government collapses if the currency collapses uh exactly when uh who's going to protect you who will protect your kids who will protect your wife who will protect your dog your house your assets all those things you work so hard for who's going to protect it some piece of garbage demon being a group of them or one of them is going to walk into your house and take everything you work so hard for and and hopefully pray F not hurt your kids or your family uh I'm not taking any chances like that I'm walking close to God I'm saying my prayers I give thanks to God every day that I know people like Lio that I'm able to do this that he's blessed me with so much and allowed me to do this get this message out and we're just going to keep doing what we do and I advise that you don't believe that everything that's happening in the stock market means that the economy is booming because the stock market's at all-time highs it was at alltime highs before the crisis it was at alltime highs before the 1929 Great Depression so uh the higher this thing gets the more inflated it gets the more worried I get and you should be worried too and time is not your friend time is running out take advantage today get those workouts in learn the techniques start putting some money away put some food and water away and get prepared line I'll let you close yes and U I would definitely get this thought out of your head how people are always trying to run away from everything oh I'm going to you know it's okay to move yeah you want to move and have some land that's one thing but people think moving away is going to save you from what's coming it's called the New World Order not the new world except Texas and and whatever this state order it's going to hit everything eventually one day all this evil that you see around the world is going to hit America I mean there's no reason why it's it's everywhere right now I mean look at Mexico it's a complete dis that's how we're going to be you're going to deal with confrontation some point the question is I always say like I said I always say this and correct me if I'm wrong you will always Resort back to your training so if you get in a fight you're going to Resort back to your skills right and if you have no skills what do you Resort back to nothing yep there's no you have to have some kind of you have to have have some um I don't know how to say so sounding rude but you have to have some kind of balls man you have to have some you have to have some heart for anything you know for to to work I working is not easy too I work 12 hours a day and I have to work out after I'm exhausted it's hard it's hard but you got to push yourself and you you'll be rewarded in the end I think so while we talk about work any advice for people out there that are struggling falling behind um maybe getting a side hustle doing something cuz dude you hustle your butt off uh let me say something really quick this dude right here hustles his is but uh five six days a week this guy is hustling so I commend him uh he's a great example I look up too he's uh I think he's a great example for a lot of the young people that train here but he always shows up Lionel never cancels liono is always on time or early and we get it we get it done so this is a person probably ask like L what if somebody's like struggling what I mean I mean you can only work so many days so many hours any advice because you're you're running your own deal right now which is beautiful what can what do you advise somebody that maybe just lost their job last week find something that you that you're really good at and make your own business because being your own boss is probably the best thing you can possibly do because you're not going to there's no way you can live off of minimum wage out here in California it's impossible you're not going to live off that so find yourself there's so many different jobs out there I mean for God's sakes you can go do reviews for someone for 25 bucks a pot can make $400 a day doing that there's so many different things you can do um I don't know man there's a lot of different things you can do you got think outside the box if you're a mechanic and you got fired from your auto shop start putting ads out there and start going to house calls and fixing their cars how about how about maybe spending less money that's a good idea spend out going out eating stop buying a bunch of nonsense get rid of all your your Netflix and Amazon Prime if you're if you're broke if you're broke that stuff should be gone if you're smoking drinking gone that should be gone it should absolutely not even be a part of your income if you're struggling to survive that should be not even a priority in your life you should get rid of all that as much of garbage anyways gohe um I know a lot of people are getting roommates and moving back in with family I say eat your pride do whatever you got to do uh to cut the bills down if you can uh move in uh back with the family or you get some some some other relatives or family members or whatever you got to do who cares if this allows you to pay the debts off get the debts paid off this allows you to stack some cash if you got to do it for a year 24 months do whatever you got to do who gives a f I used to watch I used to watchh cars uh last year when it gets slow in the summer I mean I don't care I used to go to people's houses and watchh cars um I I I drove cars to pass smog test I mean I did whatever I had to do to make up that uh that deficit in my income when it's slow so for anything no excuse great great advice sitting at home and just you know these people that that I've read about in the news or people that have you know uh wrote to me 100 200 300 resumés no replies from any of these companies so instead of just waiting you got to do something you got to be proactive too many people when this thing breaks when it does like liono said not if when it breaks they're going to react instead right now you should be proactive so when you react you're you're prepared for this stuff too many people are going to wake up one day and go hey the internet's not working my phone's not working the ATM's not working what the heck am I going to do you won't be taken by surprise you all know this is coming it's a matter of of when not if like Lono said and it's going to happen so this is why we're preparing every which way you cannot be a one-dimensional human being now You' got to be multi-dimensional mentally physically spiritually financially so we don't want to rant I know Lion's got to go uh I'm going to get out of here have a great weekend stay safe uh liono any closing words no just God bless and uh have your faith in check out your your links again and uh Spotify Sabbath at midnight YouTube Sabbath at midnight and Instagram Sabbath at midnight Tik Tok sa all Sabbath at midnight although I have every social media account except for Discord Sabbath at midnight these are the kind of people we want to be supporting these are people walking the walk okay so make sure we're supporting these people give Lio some love uh I appreciate some love too uh please like share subscribe I'll put lono's links Down Below have a great weekend stay safe ladies and gentlemen always use situational awareness be cautious out there be careful God bless that's
Channel: jeremiah babe
Views: 35,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walmart, real estate, wall street, gold, silver, junk silver, silver coins, housing bubble, stock market crash, us dollar, bank collapse, buying a house, selling a house, emergency food, credit card debt, credit crisis, middle class, household debt, rv sales, Unemployment, interest rates, mortgage rates, home sales, financial collapse, gold coins, tiny homes, side hustle, airbnb, mortgage rate, Jeremiah babe, foreclosure, debt, car repo, rate cuts, truck sales, boat sales
Id: hiHZD1DiInQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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