How I've Created an Army of AI Agents (so I don't have to work lol)

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I'm literally creating an army of AI agents to do as many things in my business as possible and it is really freaking cool I'm using this new AI tool that can replace many things that you might have a team doing thus saving me a ton of time and money each month Cassidy AI calls agents or gpts assistance and in this video I'm going to show you how easy it is to create your own Army of Agents so that you don't have to work in your business either the first job I want done in my business is customer service support because I don't want to be spending a whole bunch of time answering all the emails myself so that's the first AI agent that I'm going to build now a huge reason why I like building my assistance in Cassidy as opposed to say building a GPT inside a chat GPT Pro I have access to all of the top AI models to use in my assistant so I can build an assistant that's based on on clae 3 Opus or Chachi bt4 or Gemini 1.5 and when you build a GPT in Chachi PT you only have access to either GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 Turbo so since I'm focusing on customer service for this first assistant I want to build one that can write email responses to the customer service emails that we're getting and for me the best model to use to do that is Claude 3 opus so the first thing that you're going to notice inside of Cassidy is this leftand navigation here it has chats at the top automation so workflows and then you can create your knowledge base it also has a really cool Chrome extension I use it with Arc and it's amazing I'll show you that in just a minute so as you go to build an assistant you likely don't have any favorites here because you're just starting from scratch so you want to click on the create new assistant button you're going to see custom setup so this is where you're GNA you can start from scratch or they have a whole bunch of templates already done for you that you can customize and personalize uh based on whatever information that you want to put in there so let's just do that and they have a customer service assistant already built so I'm just going to click on that now it's going to ask me a whole bunch of questions that if I want to answer these questions this is going to allow me to further personalize the assistant as it gets built so you can see here what are the common types of customer inquiries or support tickets are there any specific AI Technologies these are asking me questions based on the information that already knows about my business obviously these would be different questions for you and your business so I'm going to go through and answer these questions real quick okay so I've just filled out as many questions as I really wanted to so the next step in the creation process it's asking you is this a question and answer assistant meaning are you going to want to ask questions to your knowledge base so to your FAQs your Sops your content Etc ET and since this is a customer service assistant or an agent yes I do want it to be referencing a knowledge base I'm going to click on on so now I just select which knowledge base or what files and folders that I want this agent or this assistant to be referencing when I ask a question so I can just say this one click continue so here is all the information that Cassidy has built for you as you answered those questions and it's built a prompt right here for you all you have to do is click on finish and create so you're done you've just created the assistant and so I can click on that and here is my assistant now the way that this works is if you get questions or your customer service person gets questions and you don't quite know the answer to it maybe or your customer service person doesn't quite know the answer type that question right in where it says type your message here and then it will answer the question for you based on your knowledge base so it's super super simple so let's go back to this first screen let's say I didn't for some reason want to use that pre-made customer service template I can click on create new assistant custom setup so this is essentially you can just type out what you want the goal of your assistant to be so I could say a customer service assistant for my business this assistant will be answering questions that the business gets from our customers about X Y and Z and then I can literally click continue and again it'll walk you through the exact same step steps asking you answers to those questions or if you don't want to do the tailored creation here you can start from scratch and build it entirely yourself so again this is where you can select AI model that you want to use so for this one here I would use CLA 3 Opus and then the assistant instructions this is where you write your prompt that you want to use for answering customer service emails you can add your brand voice right here so it's answering all of the email in your brand voice and then this is where you can enable that knowledge base in that it's a Q&A assistant now you'll notice over here in the leftand column that you'll see knowledge base this is where you can connect Cassidy to any number of tools that you use Google Docs uh notion Microsoft SharePoint etc etc and it's super super easy to use the other really cool thing that you can use Cassidy for in conjunction with the assistant that you've just built in there for customer service you can be in your email and use the Chrome extension so let's just say that I've opened this email up I can click on the Chrome extension you'll see the assistant that I've just created the customer service assistant I can copy or I can highlight the text from the email it brings it into the Chrome extension here it says what do you want to do with this text so I can say please answer this question and then it's going to reference the knowledge base in order to answer this question so as you can see here whether it's the Cassidy extension in conjunction with the AI agent that you've just built for customer service or just using the assistant inside of the tool in a matter of minutes you created something that's going to help you going forward and save you a ton of time and potentially money as you go forward okay now let's add another agent to our army let's build an email marketing assistant that can write emails for us in our own voice and this might be one single email or it can write an entire email sequence for this assistant I'm going to build it from scratch and program it if you will with a prompt that I'm going to create so let's first create the prompt for this assistant and I've actually built a prompt engineering assistant as I call it so I've created an assistant that all I have to do is just describe what I want to do it will write the prompt for me and I've separated it out I've created two assistants I've created one assistant for to write prompts for cloud 3 Opus and also because it's a little bit different in how you structure your prompts I've created an assistant for chat gbd4 turbo all I have to do is describe what I want to do right here and it will write the prompt for me and then I can kick it over to the editor here do any kind of edits that I want to make to The Prompt now I've already created The Prompt so let's go back and start actually building this assistant and I'm going to do a custom setup I'm going to do a blank blank assistant right here and I'm going to change this to Opus and I'm going to paste in the prompt that I've already created for this email writing assistant okay so I've added my prompt in here to the assistant instructions I would change this prompt slightly to put some markdown header sections like H2 sections just to clean it up a little bit but it's good also I've given the assistant a name so let's go ahead and open this up the first thing it's going to do is ask me if I want to write a single email or an entire email sequence so I'm just going to say hi and it says hello I'm happy to help you write an email or email series for your online business to get started could you please let me know if you need a single email or an entire email sequence this will help me gather the right information from you so let's just say single email so as you can see here after I put single email in here it ask me a series of questions that it needs to know about in order to write that email for me and I put this into the prompt so as you can see here in order to write a great single email that will resonate blah blah blah please provide the following information and asks a series of questions so so you just answer each of these questions and then it will write the email for you and then once it's written the email if I like the email great I can just tweak some things or add a story to it or what have you or I can give it feedback right here to make certain changes and it will do it right in here I'm able to just write entire email sequences in a matter of a few steps once I've created this email marketing agent also in the prompt I'm having it write an entire email sequence it asked me similar questions but a few more questions to write an entire email sequence I've also told it in the prompt to stop at the end of each email that it has written to ask me for feedback and approval I've told it not to move forward to the next email until it has been given approval to do so so that way it doesn't write seven emails for you all at the same time when you're like a these aren't very good you're just doing it one at a time and it's so much more efficient doing it that way and you're going to get far better results honestly in a shorter amount of time okay so we've created two agents so far or assistants we've created the customer service assistant we've created the email marketing assistant to write emails for us now let's add another agent to our army let's create a Content repurposing agent where you take a primary piece of content that you should be creating each week in your business like email newsletter a YouTube video and then I want to leverage that content across other social media platforms so again let's go back into Cassidy and create this assistant so I'm going to click the create new assistant button and again you've got custom setup or use a starting point now just so you know they do have a social media assistant template already built and it is called social media assistant again you click on it it's just going to ask you several questions to personalize the assistant even more so again you go through answer these questions click continue you can add your brand voice to this etc etc you can even answer more questions that it's giving you to further personalize it but we're going to build this assistant from scratch I've already written The Prompt I use my prompt engineering assistant to tell it what I want to accomplish with this task and it wrote The Prompt for me it's really good and I'm just going to go through and again I'm going to use Claude 3 Opus on this because for the most part it's creating written content and if you've seen my other videos like the one right here where I talk about the best AI writing tool Claude 3 Opus for me is the best AI writing tool so I'm going to select that model to do for this assistant and I'm just going to call it content repurpose assistant again I'm using assistant and agent same thing GPT all inter changeably in this case here so I've put my prompt into the instructions area and again you can add your brand voice we don't need to enable a Q&A assistant because we are doing content repurposing with this assistant so I'm just going to say open a new chat I've already saved it and I can just say hi just to kind of get the ball rolling in the conversation so again in my prompt I've told it to ask me questions to begin this process as you can see here hello to get started can you please provide me with the content you'd like me to repurpose for various social media channels so this is where you can put in a transcript of your podcast or you can put in your blog post or an email newsletter or a YouTube video transcript you just put it right in here and then it will start creating whatever pieces of content that you want that you've put into the prompt so for example if you wanted to write you tweet threads or Instagram posts or Facebook posts or LinkedIn articles whatever it might be you designate what you want it'll do it right here in the assistant in a matter of seconds and content repurposing can be if you're not using AI for it or an assistant like this it can be super timec consuming I just broke this workflow down in my aifi newsletter recently this assistant right here is going to save me so much time and money because I'm not having to pay a you know a social media person or a social media agency to do all this I've created this assistant and now I can use it going forward and just going to save me a whole bunch of time and money the other thing I want to show you with this is you'll see workflows right here so you can come in here and create a workflow based on any of these templates just like assistance you can start with a template here all these pre-built templates or you can build your own workflow that is AI driven you can add your assistance that you're creating to these different workflows simply by clicking the workflow option and then choosing a specific workflow that you've already created or you can create create a new workflow there's so many jobs in your business that you can do with this I just chose three for today customer service email marketing content repurposing data analysis so for example I could take my analytics from my YouTube channel here feed it into the assistant and it will tell me what video I should create next I can create an assistant for creating content I can create an assistant for onboarding new team members the list goes on it's really how much of your business do you want to create AI agents for and delegate this work to which is going to save you a ton of time and also money bringing you to the point where you are doing very little work in your business if you want to so the last thing I want to show you when it comes to assistance here in Cassidy is you can access Chachi pt4 Claude 3 Opus or Gemini Pro all from within the assistant section anyway so you don't have to pay individually for each of these models to access them I can simply click on CLA 3 Opus for example so now it's just like I'm using the Claude website right here within Cassidy and again I'm not paying for all the different tools separately I'm just you know paying for Cassidy all right hopefully your wheels are turning now you've gotten some ideas about the types of AI agents or assistants that you can be creating creating your own personal Army of assistants to do a whole bunch of things for you in the business that again normally would take a team or team members to be accomplishing and by creating this Army of AI agents you're just saving a whole bunch of time and money for yourself in your business thanks for watching the video today if you liked it give it a thumbs up if you have any questions comments feedback let me know in the comments below again link for Cassidy down in the description I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Rick Mulready
Views: 64,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, ChatGPT, AI Tools, Productivity, Online Business
Id: C-Zpr3b5JMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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