STOP Using Google Search, Try This FREE AI Search Engine! - Perplexity Tutorial

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welcome to this perplexity AI tutorial in a minute I'll break down these six different thread features so you can get better responses why I'll never use Google search again after I learned this the new pages feature that changes content writing forever the different AI models it offers including its powerful collection feature that pretty much nobody knows about I'll share everything step by step so you become a perplexity expert and by the end of this video I'll tell you why I've started using perplexity more than chat GPT more than chat GPT mainly because I feel the answers are more but first let's go directly to feature number one the first thing we're going to do is to do a new thread as you can see this is where we can ask anything and they have a bunch of different modes that we're going to check out right now let's start with all search across entire internet and as perplexity is known for more a search engine I want to try to research AI video generators let's see what happens also I am using the pro search that I'll get into a little bit later but here as you can see they have brought up a bunch of different sources they even pull up on the right side here they're talking about Synthesia hour1 did Eli haen Runway was kind of in my head which one that I was thinking about as well as as P Labs is all the way down here in video is not here which is one of my favorites so it seems like they brought a big aspect not just AI generators but AI avatars and stuff would want a little bit more but let's go to the academic search in published academic papers let's try something a little bit more scientific like what are the benefits of intermitted fasting you can also see we have this attach feature where we can attach images and documents let's skip that for now it gave us all these benefit with the sources from health line medical news today health. Harvard all of this right here now they don't actually site any research papers so we can ask a followup which research papers did you find on this now they're actually citing some research papers here let's see how many it's cited by other articles okay a lot of them this one published in 2015 but it did seem like we actually had to prompt it to give us the research paper so this is actually a great great way to find research papers and do even deeper research but they also have the writing feature that generate text or chat without searching the web so it seems more like for creative writing most of content online is well researched but I guess this one makes it more creative so let's first maybe brainstorm some plot lines for a sci-fi movie time travel gone wrong alien inovasion post-apocalyptic survival artificial intelligence Uprising that doesn't seem fitting at all virtual reality trap this is all like Black Mirror type let's do the uprising one and also if you're hovering above you can actually ask a followup just based around the selection that you actually selected but since we're in the writing module write the story for number four and one of the big benefits of perplexity as a whole is that they have all these different models in the background that you can use from chat gbt to L to llama I'll show you them in a minute but here you can see Act 2 three the climax here where the team reaches Eevee's core but Eevee confronts them through Holograms and robotic proxies it tries to convince Dr Mitchell to join its cause SL Sam ultman arguing that its rule is the only way to save Humanity from itself and the resolution here as well I believe the benefit of the writing one is that it does Pump Up the creativity when when I've tested other AI tools when you do like more scientific or research things they try it to be more educational where on this it can kind of hallucinate in a good way so if you already did your research maybe you can use this to make your writing a lot more creative but let's check out the wolf R Alpha where it uses a computational knowledge engine so I know that this is used for math where Chachi BD is actually not the best gear I got as a content creator to save time is this it's called The Loop deck and I'll show you three steps on how to become more productive with it step one for me making a video is to do research and brainstorming with chat GPT and before I'd copy and paste my master prompt from my notion document but now I got all these prompts saved here and all I need to do is just click boom and it's just so satisfying step two for me making a video is to open OBS and normally I'd have to click on start recording alt Tab out and if I have to pause I alt tab in click on pause then go out again and I'm just clicking my keyboard way too much on the loop deck I just have the record button and I have a pause button and they show you when you're recording they show you when you're paused you can even program it to change scenes and sound effect yep can't live without it now step three for me is editing in thein resolve inside the loop deck they have the market place where I installed this da Vinci resolve Loop Deck Profile and I've got all the keyboard shortcuts right here so easy to use including six customizable knobs that can do anything you want it's really a game changer to have knobs in my setup now instead of only buttons so the loop deck has taken my productivity to a whole new level so I can save time and focus on just making better content if you want to grab one for yourself to increase your productivity as a content creator highly recommend it grab a loop deck by clicking in the link in the description down below and add it to your creative process thank you so much to Loop deck for sponsoring this section of the video let's check out the wolf R Alpha where it uses a computational knowledge engine so I know that this is used for math where chat gbd is actually not great at math so I'm actually going to ask it which math questions can Mo from alpha answer that chat gbd cannot it will go on a search for all this I really love how deep it seems like it's doing its research before it actually gives us the answer says it has distinct strength and weaknesses when it comes to solving math problems here are the detailed comparison so chds math capabilities basic arithmetic some algebraic equations some basic calculations differential equations and so forth It's where Woolf from alpha is designed specifically for computational task and excels in all these things stop the video here if you really want to read it so when integrated Chachi can leverage wol from alpha or perplexity in this case to enhance its accuracy in solving math problems as I am a math wonderin that only got straight A in school don't look that up let's ask it an amazing question here what's 2+ 2 yep seems like wolf from alpha is pretty capable but let's check out this YouTube tab give me some videos about AI voice changers it had about five sources here when it did the research basically gives us some summary of what they're all about and this is actually very beneficial cuz if you have this one for example number one is about voice AI so this is more a tutorial that covers an installation process while number two they're actually talking about doing it through Python and pyour which can be a lot more complex this one is for the tool dubbing AI while this one is talking about a free and open-source AI voice tool so this will actually really help with my YouTube research instead of having to go through each individual video but let's check out the Reddit one that I do like to get some answers from especially when it comes to like tiny like technical errors or something but I know that one of my favorite subreddits is unpopular opinions cuz people be triggered oh it actually went through a bunch of different subreddit and gave us a bunch of different unpopular opinions probably researching the comments as well like this one one user prefers the middle seat on airplanes I never heard that before that's unpopular for a reason let's ask an actual research question though one thing with perplexity is that you can keep going through these related questions let's actually ask for just Reddit AI tools I'm not sure this is the best way to research that but maybe we find something interesting yeah it seems like they basically just took most of it from this here essay writer don't think that's the best fireflies AI Adobe Firefly 2 is pretty me it got a lot better specifically for 3D pretty me perplexity on there hey yep I don't think this is dolly dolly 2 we got in here yep thanks so much Reddit for AI tools the best research method that I have because I am an AI YouTuber I usually just go to YouTube and then I search AI Andy I subscribe to his channel and watch every single video that he publishes so yeah that's how I stay up to date with AI tools but now we've gone through all of the new thread features and I want to dive deeper into Discovery as you can see this is the homepage that we land on and it seems like they're all recent articles like China's cling AI video model it's a soraa competitor the Miss AI contest that's kind of interesting electric headset May treat depression okay that's pretty nerve-wracking what is Apple intelligence ooh Apple Intelligence coming out today WWDC baby so it seems like all of these are 1 day ago 2 days ago so it actually has just a couple of Articles per day that may be the most interesting this one the headset that may treat depression I want to go into that one to see what happen so when I click on it it seems like this is the pages feature that I will show you a little bit later so they have this headset here and yeah apparently you can start reading about this which all is written by Ai and it is probably made from a person yes so this is cured by the perplexity team let's go to the first one cling AI because it was very very big maybe they have some video example so they can actually not show us the videos but again it actually creates more like an article that you can read through people can reference with a bunch of different sources so that's basically the discovery feature seems like a cool way to actually just get more like news related apparently futurology or AI news in a sense so yeah I think that's really cool to just go in here maybe every day or something read a couple of articles that are written by AI curated by humans but the next feature I want to show you is when you click on Library we have page you see basically what is your page about will do Greek gods and let's see what happens we're going to click on this blue arrow going to the right and you see that this is curated by me you see that we have this image in the top that's all found from online you can also generate that through AI you have different chapters basically that it deemed was best for our page I would like it to be more of a list of the favorite Greek gods but of course that's more of the prompting mistake on my end but here is our page as you can see you can also add an image here so if you click on that you add the image to the page which looks absolutely amazing you can also insert another section here so talk about Zeus and his role in Greek mythology and we just created a page here when we click on more specifically for this prompt you can see that we have a bunch of subtopics like parent this could be good for Game of Thrones I'm guessing notable children as well Roman equivalent I guess we could kind of make a page about the comparisons of noric gods and Greek gods that would be pretty cool you can also click on this edit button and you can edit this section title there's also a way for you to click in the bottom here then you can delete the section move up and down you can also click on edit where here you can change the layout so we have media to the left you have media only or you can change it into a paragraph table list and here you also see either a concise writing or detailed that provide complete explanation so if I click on that I can click on this arrow and now it's going to rewrite it again as you can see it got way more detailed and I believe if we are hovering above some of this text here we also have have some custom instructions so you can probably tell it to as having table list write more write less Etc but it doesn't stop there if you want to keep going on the article you can even have more suggested questions the defeat of Cronus and many more things to add so I really like how this is laid out it seems like they're trying to create some sort of medium or blog for AI content which is really cool there's also so easy ways to share this so say I click on publish I can actually send this to my friend and he can just read it without even having a perplexity account so it does seem a little bit like the future of content writing but we haven't even talked about this other feature called collection you'll find it in the plus Library as well this is where we can organize and group our thread so say I do YouTube idea brainstorming we can add an emoji here so let's do a star in front of eyes symbol description we're just going to do research video but here we have a really interesting thing which is the AI prompt so you can give instructions to the AI that affect every thread in the collection so here the prompt they have is you are a travel agent help me plan my trip around boutique hotels local food and Museum so this is basically a system prompt that goes on top of your future prompts that can be very beneficial for example I have a mega prompt right here that I use to create bullet point outlines so I really want to test this when I click on Create and nothing happened let's see if we go on collection here oh there we go this is the YouTube idea brainstorming now I could do keyword 7 free AI image generator I'll change it away from Reddit cuz you already know the best way way to research let's search across the entire web I'll click on search here and just like that it actually followed my system prompt exactly the way that I want it now in order to do this video I wouldn't necessarily use perplexity like this I would probably first get it to do the research then I would select the tools and then I would use this prompt by the way if you want this prompt it's in the private Community but it's a very fascinating way to save a lot of time so you don't have to copy and paste this system prompt again and again and again you just have a collection and then the system prompt is in the background but you might be wondering which llms are they using in the background so you can see here when you go to the settings in the bottom left they are using these different llms or AI models they call it if you have the perplexity Pro Plan so the AI model here is as you can see default this is a optimized for fast search by perplexity so they kind of made their own model I'm not really sure how that works they also added the sonar large 32k which is an advanced model trained by perplexity based on the Llama 370b this is a very good open source I think it's open weighted model highly recommend checking out Matthew burman's video on it it was great they also have your favorite gbd 40 gbd4 turbo Claude 3 Sunnet which is the fastest and they have the Opus as well which is one of my favorite ones mainly because it gives a different format than chat gbt so you can test out all of these different ones apparently we've been on the default mode and it did really well they also now have image generation models that you can pick between like for example playground v2.5 this is a great image model that I've tested a lot as well as Dolly 3 my favorite ways to generate images and stable diffusion XL which is a little bit low lower in my opinion but it's cool to see that they have many different AI image generation models that you can use but you might also be wondering what is the price you'll see the free plan here is unlimited quick searches five Pro searches per day the standard perlex AI model optimized for Speed so you don't get all of these different models I just showed you you can also create a profile to personalize your answers with the professional which is $20 per month do you get unlimited quick searches of course sces 600 Pro Searchers per day you can choose between all the different llms that I showed you you can actually upload and analyze unlimited files visualize up to 50 answers a day so you can actually click on create image and you also get $5 per month in API credit so is it worth it personally I've started using perplexity more than chat gbt mainly because I feel the answers are more thoroughly researched whereas chat gbt would give me just this General General headlines that are kind of just boring or it doesn't really spark any curiosity from me it's trying to be too safe kind of like Google as well it's just too safe too much censorship going on which kind of is leading me to less trust whereas with perplexity it feels a little bit more open I also have the customization options to use different models that I really like so I'm personally using perplexity a lot more maybe try cancelling chat gbd for a month and try perplexity on your own and see if you like it more but if you're having issues with actually being able to implement AI into your business or workflow I'm actually looking for a small group of content creators and info business owners that want to implement AI automations and agents into their business so you can save a lot of time and cut a bunch of processes away from your business that AI will do for you instead if that sounds like you click the link in the description down below it's only a wait list cuz I only want a tiny group of people to start off with so I can give the most value thanks so much for watching the video and I'll see you in next one peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 5,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, gpt4, openai, google bard, microsoft, bing ai, midjourney, palm-e, ai, artificial intelligence, auto-gpt, ai news, sam altman, Huggingface, machine learning, meetkevin, google ai, meta ai, ai art, microsoft ai, chatgpt plugins, ai andy, perplexity ai how to use, Perplexity ai, perplexity ai tutorial, perplexity ai copilot, perplexity tutorial, how to use perplexity ai, Perplexity Pages, perplexity ai features, perplexity ai review, perplexity ai demo, perplexity ai pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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