How to Find Hidden Prompts That Nobody Knows About

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do you want to know where I get the best prompts for tools like Chachi BT or Claude AI that are specifically engineered to get you the best outputs without having to do any kind of prompt engineering or spending a bunch of time writing prompts and these prompts are not available to most people because they don't know where to look for them they're a hidden gold mine of super effective prompts and once you know about them and start using them you are going to have a huge competitive advantage over other people in your Niche and you're going to say to yourself how have I not known about these sites before now there are six websites that I use for these hidden prompts some are geared more towards chat gbt and others are geared more towards anthropics CLA my favorite site for these hidden prompts I will share a little bit later in the video and if you have any others or if you've discovered any other hidden websites please let me know in the comments below first website that I'll share with you here is GitHub and there is an area on GitHub called awesome chaty PT prompts and obviously this is geared more towards chat PT so let's take a look so here it is it's called awesome chat GPT prompts and as you can see here there is 10069 prompts that you can pick from and of course I'll share the links to all of the websites that I'm sharing with you in the video here today down in the uh description so all all you have to do is scroll through here and look for a prompt that solves a problem or a or a task that you're trying to accomplish so let's just say for example I want to grab this Storyteller so I'm just going to copy this Storyteller prompt and put it over into Chachi BT okay so I've just pasted The Prompt into Chachi BT and as you can see here it's formatted correctly meaning it starts off with assigning a role to Chachi BT then it gives it a task then it gives uh some context depending on the target audience you may choose specific themes or topics for your storytelling session etc for example if it's children then you can talk about animals if it's adults my first request is I need an interesting story on perseverance well you can put in whatever you want a story on right there in the quotes let's just go ahead and send that into chat GPT and now it's writing a story on perseverance called the the painter of monmart in Paris pretty cool right so as you can see here there are ton of pre-done prompts for you here where you can customize different areas of the prompts based on whatever it is that you're specifically wanting to do or accomplish or a topic that you're interested in having Chachi PT uh give you an output about you know one way to easily look through this huge library of 169 prompts is to just do a command F if you're using a Mac or control F and doing a find for a specific keyword you can just start scrolling through all these prompts like life coach right here or a career counselor or what have you and again you're just copying and pasting them into chat GPT adding in whatever customization that you need to and your prompt is done you don't have to do any kind of prompt engineering the second website for finding hidden prompts and this one again is geared towards Chachi PT it's called The Prompt it is super userfriendly and it's all user generated prompts and there's an up voting system something like you find on product hunt for example where people can upvote the prompts that users are submitting so let's take a look at the prompt index so as you can see here the user interface is super user friendly they have different filters you can search by different uh promps so let's just click on business for example and I could search on any kind of title that I might be looking for of a prompt but you can also just scroll down through and you can see the upvotes based on the User submitted prompt so this one right here is a PowerPoint generator and it gives you Specific Instructions to follow then right here here's the prompt so all you do is read the instructions and then copy The Prompt based on what the instructions are saying and then put that into chat GPT and way you go and then scrolling down here you can see you know there's like building a solid business model crafting your business idea meeting with famous investors there's all kinds of different business related prompts here and if you know a little bit about prompts what I'd recommend that you do is once you have opened up a prompt like this PowerPoint generator just take a read through and see if it makes sense and see if it aligns with what you specifically are trying to accomplish and if it doesn't that doesn't mean that you don't use the prompt that just simply means okay let's grab the prompt based on the instructions and then alter it a little bit adapt The Prompt a bit to whatever it is that you want to accomplish but again there's all kinds of different categories as you can see at the top here like I click on marketing I can click on AI or personal or what have you so ton of different options here it makes it super easy to search prompts and as you can see a lot of them have instructions along with the prompt and you just follow the instructions and then do what the instructions are saying along with the prompt inside of chat TPT you can also by the way create an AI assistant or an AI agent to write prompts for you based on whatever task that it is that you want to accomplish and I've actually done this for Chachi BT and for Claude inside of a tool called Cassidy AI let me just show you real quick so as you can see here these are two assistants that I've created these write prompts for me this one on the left here writes Claud prompts this one on the right here writes chat gbd4 prompts and let me just show you what this looks like so this is my assistant down here I can write in whatever task it is that I want to accomplish so I want to write an onboarding sequence for my membership program and then I just click go and it's going to ask me some questions if necessary but it's also going to write me a prompt going to get super meta here I've written the prompt to write this prompt so if you want to check out how to create assistance in Cassidy I did a video about it which you can check out right here and I'll also include a link to Cassidy down in the description below now let's shift into finding hidden prompts for Claude which is the AI model I tend to find myself using most often these days and this next site is anthropics own own prompt Library so here's the prompt library and as you can see it's right inside of anthropic you can search for specific prompts and you can also filter by business prompts over here let's just say that you are hiring for a certain role on your team you have no idea what to ask of the candidate when you interview them so right here in the prompt library for example there is a an interview question crafter so it gives you the system prompt it gives gives you the user prompt so all you have to do is take the system promp here and the user prompt copy and paste those into Claud and you've got your prompt and just like I've already mentioned you always want to look at the prompt especially when it's pre-written and adapt it in any way that might be necessary for your specific situation so that it can be personalized for you and you can see here the example output this is the type of output you might expect from this prompt and it's just written seven interview questions for you in a matter of seconds and this is anthropics own prompt library for Claude all right let's continue with more hidden prompts for Claude this is probably my favorite one it's also probably the most advanced one I'm going to share with you here in this video now I am not a technical person whatsoever but the cool thing is with this one all you got to do is follow the steps and it's very intuitive so let's go take a look okay this one is inside of Google's collab it's called meta prompt and again all you have to do is follow the steps so the first step you want to do make a copy by clicking file save a copy in drive so let's do that cool the Second Step says enter your anthropic API key in between quotation marks where it says put your API key here now this tool and the next website you do want to have an API key ke for anthropic the keys are free you can get it but it will cost a little bit to use the API it's very very cheap you can put a literally a $5 credit on your anthropic account and Away you go so the first step will be to get your anthropic API key and then you're going to put it right in here where it says put your API key here and you want to put it right between the quotation marks just like it says right here in Step number two now the next part here it says enter your task where it says replace with your task so you just want to scroll down here and it says replace with your task so in between the quotes you're going to be putting whatever task it is that you want to accomplish in the example that they've provided it says draft an email responding to a customer complaint and again as you go through these steps just follow each of the steps in uh as you go through so for quick start enter your task in the cell below here are some examples for inspiration you know rate a resume according to a rubric explain a complex scientific concept blah blah blah there are two examples of tasks and optional variables below so you can either just use this one or this first one you don't need both of them here but again as you can see here it is telling you step by step exactly what to do and where to put things all right so let's go back up here it says optionally enter an all caps list of variables in quote separated by commas where it says specify the input variables that you want Claude to use same exact thing that you would do if you're writing a prompt and putting it into cloud or chat gbt this would be usually like context so if you want it referencing an email or examples that you want the output to look like etc those would be your variables okay then all you have to do is Follow The Next Step here where it says then you can simply click runtime run all and your prompt will be displayed at the bottom of the notebook now I have to admit the first time I went through this I was like where is runtime where is that I don't even understand that and then I was like oh it's up at the top here okay cool so I click on runtime run all after you've put in remember your API key your task and any kind of variables that you want Claude to take into account as it is writing the prompt for you and then you're done you just click on runtime run all and then your prompt will show at the bottom of this notebook here this next website for finding hidden prompts is another gold mine for Claude and it's much easier to use than the last site that I just showed you now for this tool here as I mentioned in the previous tool you're going to need an anthropic API key for this one so you will need to input your API key I'll show you here in just a second into this tool in order to use it to write prompts okay this one's called Claude 3 prompt optimizer .val doapp and it will write the prompt for you based on whatever task that you put in here so in this field here you would put your anthropic API key like I just mentioned then you would put whatever task that you want to accomplish here in this field you can even choose the CLA model that you want the prompt written for Opus sonnet or Haiku you can put any kind of variables that you want to make sure that this tool is taking into account to write your prompt it tells you and gives an example of what a variable might be right down below and so as soon as you've put that information in it's going to write you the prompt over here on the right hand side all right so let's see the cloud 3 prompt Optimizer in action I've already put a task in here I'm basically telling it to create an enticing and valuable offer for my new aifi lab membership I've also put a variable in here just basically saying who the target audience is for the new offer and as I mentioned I do need the or an anthropic API key so let's go over to anthropics console go to the Keys page API Keys section I want to create a key I'm going to name it so let's just name it the claw 3 prompt Optimizer I'm going to create the key I'm going to copy that I'm going to come back over here paste it into the field and I'm going to click submit and so the prompt will show up over here on the right side all right so here it has generated the prompt you can see the instruction c s it's input sections in the prompt that it wants you to fill in so it's written the entire prompt for you and you can take this and put it right into Claude pretty good right again review it adapt it accordingly click on the copy button right here and paste it into clad and in 30 seconds you've got a super effective prompt written for you that all you have to do is copy and paste right into clot now in addition to these hidden prompts websites if you ever get stuck if you're in chat TBT or you're in Claud and you get stuck writing a prompt you can ask chat TBT or Claud to generate ideas for prompting strategies for whatever task it is that you want to accomplish so you're asking it to help you use it it'll give you prompting strategies so if you ever get stuck just ask it so again if you've discovered any other prompt websites like I've shared with you here today I'd love to hear about them put them in the comments below and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and I want to invite you to subscribe to the channel by clicking that subscribe button thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Rick Mulready
Views: 9,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, claude, prompting, productivity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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