Cómo usar el GERUNDIO y el INFINITIVO en inglés 🙉 | Gramática inglesa

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hello everybody welcome back to another video damming single AC punto calm how are you as well I'm great what about do you feel it I'm very well thank you enesta video que vamos hacer Isabel vamos Anson euros cuando san head-wound do y cuando Sal infinitive esta la stampa yo millisiemens telethons entonces por fin por fin tennis yeah that respuesta este video are you ready Isabel yes let's begin so first of all we have gerund when we use gerund Phillip ing we use jaren's after prepositions like prepositions in AD on by for off whenever you see a preposition and CNT verbal as en a hey okay Pamplona and lo tengo miedo de voila how would you say in English I'm afraid of flying porque off Asuna preposition I'm afraid of flying Oh él está interesado in estudiar in glass mm-hmm he's interested in como una posición studying English study interested in studying English SOS you see interested in reading books yes mm-hmm yeah okay so yeah after prepositions but also we use gerund after certain verbs my muchas verbose que siempre despues de estos wearables anything put a hemp low-loss variables like love/hate enjoy fancy mind stop finish you have to learn these verb patterns yeah this is why is tricky no no FSS cuesta mucho porque no sabes aprendido los verbos yeah con unos vero Zabuza heaven dear con otro Susa infinitive oy s can install 13 escapa reindeer no yes we don't recommend reading lists and trying to memorize the best way to remember is just to practice practice full sentences and phrases and that way you build up kind of instinct for what sounds correct but for example if you want to say I mean Cantor s Kia how would you say that mmm I love skin I love skiing yeah yeah simplygon against the fear Kalamata hasta no cm process ing free ketosis Bebo's love fancy like sympathy and ing you know s boy while when the expresses dislike no también siempre salsa-ing no yes I hate eating carrots no I dislike running yep no mm-hmm okay and commodity ask me to take command por esta noche I fancy eating chicken tonight yeah siempre this was the fancy is en FA okay don't this displays the prepositions certain verbs a tambien si el verbo SL subject delifrance a poor ahem floor upland airing glass noise fatty Camilo tallow serious learning English it's not easy yeah don't estamos learning and gerund percocet subject Alice ratchet oh it's also hetoh de la francais okay in espanol ooh sighs Symphony fever yeah so DDA Syria overhand blow better be no assume play fair como video system you would say drinking wine is a pleasure mm-hmm you like wine yes I love red wine yeah this is why it's confusing now because in Spanish we will say drink wine is a pleasure yeah or to drink one or two drink wine yeah but uh yeah and English see umbrellas in Soho dog Dinescu Sal ing so that's when you use a gerund what about infinitive Isabel when do we use infinitive with to aha Anala trellises same Bruce our infinitive después de una try TiVo for example o hasta libro es muy difícil de Manos de español time in savasana and feel how will you say this sentence you would say this book is difficult to read difficult to sell adjectives to read difficile let big wall in espanol no mm-hmm oh but I hug Louis the so far as win como lo and para dormir yeah in English you would say this sofa is uncomfortable to sleep on mm-hmm Ibrahim blood esto es para volver atrocity al Jaron si por ejemplo Hera's dormir en este sofa this moon Komodo yeah como la vidas de yes sleeping on the sofa is very uncomfortable yeah that's a good one okay okay yeah this surface not somebody hard why no e tambien para usar to plus infinitive and tambien I fear toes verbose skin Deacon que no sub-saharan deals you know infinitive a los verbos when I muchos pero hace las mas communist on want need this side plan threatened threatened I'm sorry learn like with amigo sing glasses teach same promise Milan the simplest resistors verbose salsa infinity CD go I will like komotini would so sign Finity bonus all Saharan do so I'll say this birthday would like or would love you Samos infinity so I would like to go to Ibiza this summer I would love to do bungee jumping yeah yeah okay address Philip and also a massage m+ and plan arrows to the adding glass a stellar ah no in English yes I plan to study English this summer mm-hmm opera hemp lo necesito a de comprar me uno stop Otto's in English - yes I need to buy some shoes mm-hmm después de need infinite evil men senado como patent are ya husaria Mohsen pasado he taught me to skate mm-hmm yeah he has taught me to skate when else do we use infinite evil okay if Ultimo estas and a fossil es cuando está dando una razón yo cuando tienes UN propósito por ejemplo free peru a visitor mi amigo Malafaia econ propósito como videos esta Frazee in English Diaz I went to Peru to visit my friend hmm Oh whew our video dica par estudiar matemáticas I went to the library porque why mm-hmm to study maths mm-hmm Oh Philip well apply yeah but up on a similar in our year yeah Philip went to the beach to get a tan no yeah that was his purpose but there is no brown the result result the result the result was tomato face one of me to it so I shouldn't laugh tambien i algunos city of phoenix cuando voy a usar el verbo infinitive Oh Paris into a simplemente no somos el infinitive us into this past de los verbos medallists for him blow can may might must should could would who Samos and infinity was into poor ahem flow debería ser and medical you should go to the doctor you should go yeah or puedo cocinar muy bien any glass I can cook I can cook no I can to cook I can cook ooh yeah he championed this way sir theaters variables por ejemplo let he make for ejemplos me Padre no me dijo y de la fiesta loady hmm my father didn't let me go do the party yeah Oh por ejemplo me Madre me me so limpiar me a potassium mm-hmm my mother made me clean my room SOS Dante's sing to in estas situation is study what I seen Pocoyo Fifi no porque hay muchas cosas son Aaron cuenta FF al de prata car si puedes ver si muchos ejemplos una conversación don si se en ambos sell her wound do yell infinity voiceover you gotta saw Stanton yeah puedes to D a las reglas e intentar a collarless or simplemente plays practical practical practica see lay lay lay lay lay see Leslie bros todos dias plays bed cómo funciona el idioma c EK verbose Kenan I don't do this boys or infinite evil spies see I'm a song kinetochores de la regla see us escuchando much English as ley de mucho sabes qualta suena correcto equal no see or invent a CC interface vamos a practical and poco Isabel body feelings phrases Eva so trois paisa try to feel as Frances okay so let's have a practice come on Travis areas not a fee like the address tonality in English videos I fancy going to the theatre too right do you fancy going to the theater tonight of course it will be good ok ok ll tell you de aprender English later you know reading helps you learn English good I got a video noid a la fiesta coyote diaz she decided not to go to the party mm-hmm II know various comer antes de de a la cama you shouldn't eat before going to bed or not a various tomorrow in cafe on tastier and I come yeah she should you shouldn't drink coffee if último is defeating the harder comer chocolata yeah in English you would say it's difficult to stop eating chocolate especially if your name is Isabel I always think in this perfect sentence yeah ok so we hope you enjoyed this video we hope it was helpful if you learn something and you did find it useful then please leave us a line if we get lots of likes then we'll make more videos like this also share this video with your friends leave us a comment below with your own examples if you want to practice this grammar and of course you are always welcome to come to our website and we go sing glasses come have a little we have audio videos we have some idioms man we also have a shop where you can get a nice package to improve your English as we said before the best way to get this into your heads is to read as much as possible listen as much as possible and just pay attention to which form of the verb comes after certain verbs and you should be able to make good progress see you soon see you soon take care bye oh it's a bell how are you I'm good what are you going to say long time no see yeah yeah it's been a long time what have you been up to not much really normal stuff going to work I've just come back from Germany yesterday oh yeah yeah when there to be see the friend and yeah so much better here's my corn nice boiling yet lovely what about you feel you have been fine yeah I've been fired I've not been
Channel: Amigos Ingleses
Views: 1,045,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Infinitive (Field Of Study), Gerund (Field Of Study), English Language (Language In Fiction), aprende ingles, curso de ingles, gerunds, infinitive, english for spanish speakers
Id: qAilwGf2j5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2015
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