Is It Possible To Throw The Football 100 Yards in Madden 22?

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today we see if it's possible for the first time ever to throw the ball 100 yards in a madden game i know we've tried this out in previous maddens but this one might very well be different and let me explain not only do we have our contestant josh allen's ratings boosted all the way up to 99 across the board which i guess doesn't really matter today because he already had 99 throat power but not only that now in madden 22 with the new upgrades to stadium atmosphere and stadium uniqueness the ball now travels in denver further than it ever has before just like it does in real life so with that new improvement to this year's matter theoretically if it works as they say it does if we play a game in denver stadium and get bazooka enabled we should be able to throw the ball further in this madden than we ever have ever before or maybe we find out today that ea just freaking lied to us we're gonna try multiple different things today see how far you can throw with bazooka enabled versus how far you can throw it if it's not enabled cl4 you can throw in practice mode versus different stadiums and ultimately see if you can throw the ball 100 yards for the first time ever in madden with 99 throw power with bazooka enabled and throwing the ball as far as you can in denver colorado so first thing i'm gonna head into a practice mode before we do so hopefully you guys do enjoy today's video if you do make sure to smash a huge thumbs up guys also make sure to subscribe to the channel if you are new because if and only if we do hit a million subs by the end of the year to give away a total of five next-gen consoles to one of my subscribers and subscribers only that's if and only if we do hit that milly mark by the end of the year so make sure to take that millisecond of that click that subscription button if you haven't and before we do actually head into this practice mode let's take a quick listen to a word from today's sponsor i would like to give a massive shout out to mack 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mode because like why not dude maybe the ball travels further on rookie mode who knows it'll be easier for me anyway so first bit of business let's respond this ball all the way back to the one yard line and basically what this is is seeing how far you can throw the football in the air with just 99 throw power as the only variable now unfortunately in practice mode i am gonna have to just gauge how far the ball goes but once we get into the actual game it now has the next-gen stats it actually shows us there exactly how many yards the ball traveled in the air so first throw we're really about 10 yards back in the end zone about as far back as you possibly can be that ball is going to land at about the 40-yard line so that is roughly a 70-yard throw in the air try it a few more times i mean we don't have any pressure on us to throw this ball as far as we possibly can down a little bit further that went about to the 34 yard line so that one right there so it's about 10 yards back in the end zone really is about 80 yards and keep in mind that's without bazooka that is insane dude i can't wait to see if we can actually like if we can actually get the first ever 100 yard throw in madden history i mean the happiest man in the history of the freaking universe do because theoretically it should at least be 95 yards because bazooka gives you 15 extra yards to what your normal maximum possible throw distance is so if you're able to hit the ball here 80 yards with no other variable that means with bazooka that should at least give us 15 extra yards up to a 95 yard throw and if that's the case you add some wind at our back you add the ball traveling further in denver we very well might be able to get ourselves the first ever 100 yard throw in the history man that was on his back foot about 80 yards in the air let's get ourselves into an actual freaking game dude am i the only person that always clicks no especially if you lost the game so i guess this first game it really doesn't matter where we play or who we play i mean screw why don't we just play a home game for the first one test this out gonna click random team three times one two three and how did it go back to the chargers there was 31 other options so i guess since we're here why don't we just go ahead and make it windy hopefully get a decent little wind at our back have that in bazooka maybe we can just do it here don't we have to go to denver to throw the ball 100 yards in the air i'm telling you guys the hardest part of these videos is getting the ball down precisely like at the one yard line i wish it would just automatically be spotted at the one for me but same exact thing as the practice mode just coming out here and just gonna throw the ball as far as i can keep in mind no bazooka no superstar x factor just yet just gonna throw this ball as far as i possibly can with josh allen this ball is going to land i mean i don't know i kind of want to dive and see what the next gen stats say it didn't even pop up what do you mean oh because we didn't even get a freaking first down guess with that we have to do this freaking crap again second down and 88 from the one yard line about to get pressured i probably could have waited a little bit longer so unfortunately that sucks all right this time around we just chunk the ball as far as we possibly could and hopefully it actually tells me this time how far we actually threw this ball it's going to be 60 yards after contact but how far in the air was this what do you mean it didn't even tell us dude so once again i say roughly eight yards out of the back of the end zone we throw this ball and it lands roughly at the 31 yard line so technically that's about a 76 77 yard throw well because this game is idiotic i actually have to go into a franchise mode because for whatever reason you can't edit superstar abilities out of franchise mode the fact that josh allen doesn't even have a superstar x factor anyway that's so stupid like why are you gonna give josh allen truss according to you he's the only quarterback in the league that has 99 throw power yet he doesn't have bazooka like it's just so stupid and silly and keep in mind too we can do abilities like pastly delete that give you increased throw power on bullet precision passes so we can test that out too so now we've given this man bazooka escape artist past lead elite gunslinger and lofting deadeye but unfortunately we have to trade him from the bills if we want to play in the broncos stadium this game just makes things so stupid like why can i just give him bazooka out of franchise mode i don't know why i even want to include this what could we even get in return for josh allen could we get like von miller like can we get bradley chubb and noah fan like i feel like this is gonna be accepted for sure i mean he's a 99 rated in this franchise yeah that's funny actually oh my god bros all these freaking loophole science has to go through to make a quality video no i did not think this video was going to end up with us trading josh allen to the bronco but hey sometimes science takes you to unexpected places but now we should finally be set i just want to get the thing over with test this out 99 stats across the board he has all the abilities he needs bazooka pastly delete gunslinger and even lofting deadeye to give him perfect accuracy keep in mind it's on rookie in arcade mode too you better throw this 5 000 yards bro for the amount of freaking trouble i had to go through joshua so two more things we're gonna test out we're actually gonna play the week one game and just test things out here since there's no crazy altitude and just get that bazooka enabled and see if we can actually go to the bowl 90 yards without playing in denver so all we really need is one completion then we should have bazooka enabled here this probably a touchdown first play i mean that is a laser 30 yard line actually was caught closer to the 25 yard line i really hope next gen stats actually gives us what we want i want at least 90 yards in the air here at least next gen stats come on completed air distance looks like it's gonna be 70 there's no way hold the freaking phone okay now it says 79 completed air distance yards which one is it so if that was 79 that should mean once we get bazooka enabled it should go more than 90 yards in the air bros this really could be the year might be a stinker of a start but i want to have a great finish so we're gonna do here receive the kickoff and kj hamler let's get the ball out of bounds at the one yard line again and we should technically have josh allen's bazooka enable which should allow us to throw the ball about 90 yards down the field of everything for why doesn't he have bazooka enabled i guess he does it just doesn't have the red x under his body but let's say max throwing distance is increased where's the red x anyways like where is it that's that's so weird through the ball as far as i freaking could it didn't even seem like it went any further so that ball was thrown pretty freaking far where to catch that one on a dime but i don't quite think it went as far as we expected it to i mean to be fair i do think we had a little bit of pressure but hopefully next-gen stats gives us some good news at least maybe 85 yards in the air i mean we were pretty deep into the end zone there i mean we were pressured to be fair but this ball goes it looks like it says 70 yards in the air and then it just like goes away it like maxes out at 70. it doesn't tell us what it actually was there it is 86 yards in the air why is that next-gen stat screen so screwed up why can't you just tell me the first time so so far we've thrown the ball 86 yards in the air with as much time as we can in the pocket that one i mean to be fair is at the 25-yard line again we're gonna score but i again think that's roughly what 86 yards in the air so maybe 86 is the max unless you're actually playing in denver and if it doesn't go further than 86 yards in the year in denver e sports lied to us but at least at the end of the day 86 yards in the year is further than what we could throw the ball in previous match i think the max distance before was like 75 yards so once again this is going to max out at 70 yards but once we go to the next screen hopefully he can give us some good news 86 87 500 yards in the air 86 yards hopefully that's not the max and it's just glitched because if we look here it looks like we were roughly i mean what's about six yards into the end zone and the ball is going to land at precisely what's at the 23 yard line so to be fair 86 yards is about right i think now we're gonna super sim the rest of this game and last but not least finally see if we can throw this ball 100 yards in denver gotta simulate to week three against the jet so we can actually play a home game in our home stadium and i was gonna laugh if we lost for the freaking jags moment of truth boys home game in denver we've had the ball travel 86 yards in the air not in denver so if it doesn't go any further than 86 yards in this video ea sports just lied gonna go ahead kj hamler run this ball out of bounds one yard line and we're gonna be able to see this is it boys if like it doesn't happen here this thing is impossible can you throw a 100 yard pass in a madden 22 in the air cortland sutton is gonna be the man we're trying to throw this football to oh yeah i forgot we don't have bazooka yet that was very anti-climactic and that went about where we expected but after this we should have bazooka enabled am curious though how far this went because you probably could take this number and then add 15 to it because that's what bazook is supposed to do to your maximum throw distance but it didn't look that much different than before so according to next gen stats without bazooka enabled that ball went 79 yards so we should get 15 extra yards added to that you should have this going 94 yards i just know ea sports has had themselves an absolute stinker if this once again goes 86 yards in the air because that means they just don't care about life now here it is start that dramatic music the most important plate in the history of madden science bazooka in denver with the altitude rookie difficult arcade mode 99 throw power all the abilities in the world how far can you throw the football in madden 22 i think that went about like the same as every single other one if this says it went 86 yards again i'm cutting my wienes off just don't be a stinker just don't be a stinker i'll even take 87 yards in the air come on next shin stats don't have us you see right there it says game day factors max passing and kicking distances are now increased obviously they're freaking not dudes i'm throwing this ball as far as i can i mean that was pretty far to be fair but i don't know how far that actually might be further than the prior few passes i really do think for whatever reason that one went a little bit further i'm actually sort of excited no stinker please yo let's go 94 yards in the air that's a huge w boys holy crap i thought for sure that was about to say 86 yards so we literally just threw the ball at 94 yards in the air with josh allen holy crap give it time give it time there it is i think that's about the same that might actually i think that went about 93 yards roughly 93 yards in the air that's still insane i just don't quite know begin making that 100 yard more at least we've broken the all-time record and thrown the ball 94 yards in the air in a madden game which is exactly what i projected earlier but i told you guys 79 yards is what the max throw distance was without bazooka you add 15 to that look at that 94. i'm a mathematician and precisely 93 yards in the air that's still a dull all right boys trying this one final time i think 94 as they're projected it's gonna be the maximum distance not quite 100 yards but boys pretty freaking close the closest we've ever gotten one final time in a back up to the one yard line i mean i know we're getting fresher a little bit there and it's gonna be actually oh that might hide at 94 again but i don't quite think you can get much further than that but it's still a massive dub i just don't get why i can't tell you there why does that max out at 70 and then 15 seconds later it tells you the actual number and it's gonna be 93 again i think the maximum throw distance is 94 madden 22. let's see if you guys can beat it if you got through that without falling asleep make sure to subscribe and leave a like on the video if you haven't if you want to watch more you can click the screen to watch my previous video the other one is a video youtube thinks you would like make sure to check out all my other channels link in description box below follow me on twitter instagram all that jazz and become a channel member if you haven't got a tick tock too just click subscribe and follow in all those accounts takes you 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Channel: RBT
Views: 130,801
Rating: 4.9555726 out of 5
Keywords: madden 22, madden, madden nfl, madden nfl 22, madden 22 pass, madden 22 throw, pass, throw, challenge, madden challenge, football, possible, yards, nfl, Is It Possible To Throw The Football 100 Yards in Madden 22?, 100 yards, test, experiment, results, madden 22 challenge, madden 22 experiment, rbt, funny, game, gameplay, quarterback, highlights, touchdown
Id: G2I7XdXpfGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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