What Happens If EVERY Quarterback Gets Injured in Madden 21?

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in today's video we see what the heck happens in a madden 21 game if every single quarterback on the team gets injured like who jumps in and plays quarterback the freaking head coach eat corn and get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas eat your corn love your corn but you need to get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas now rbt how the heck are you gonna do this like you just never questioned the madden scientist very simple how today's experiment is going to work we're jumping into a franchise mode we've selected the new york jets because they're the new york jets and they're the meme right now we're gonna jump into week one of our franchise against the buffalo bills but what i have done is gone to our roster simply gone to the qb position and as you'll see in about three seconds three two one boom every single quarterback has the lowest injury rating possible at a solid one so what we're gonna do is jump into a game we're gonna run the football with the quarterback until he gets injured until he's injured enough to get knocked out the game until we run out of quarterbacks and see what the heck happened now me being the madden scientist i am i kind of know what's gonna happen so to go ahead and counteract that is like you guys probably know in the depth chart of imagine 21 franchise the only other position that can play qb is kicker and punter so obviously in my thought process i think once these three cubies get knocked out the game and can't come back the kicker and punter will come in in their place now what i've done to counteract that is i've simply gone and made their injury rating one as well so once all the quarterbacks are gone and once the two other players that can play the quarterback position on the depth chart kicker and punter get knocked out the game who the heck comes in at quarterback today we shall find out so hopefully guys do enjoy today's madden 21 scientific video and if you do make sure to smash a huge thumbs up also guys make sure to subscribe channel if you haven't because definitely if we do have a million subscribers by the end of the year we go to massive next gen console giveaway to my subscribers and subscribers only three next-gen consoles being given away to my subscribers that's infinitely if we do hit that milly mark by the end of the year so make sure to take that millisecond if it does take to click that subscription button if you haven't like why not like you can unsubscribe later if you don't like my videos like just trying to get a free chance to win a freaking 500 console now the one difference in what we've done this year if you go into the sliders for the franchise mode itself you may notice that we do go in and we've only put the injury slider on 50 because if it wasn't on 50 and it was all the way up to 100 where they got injured very easily the problem is is what we found the last few years is there's like a threshold on amount of players that you can have out of a game so once we had like 10 players get injured at that point the game makes it impossible for you to have any player get injured because if the injury sliders all the way to 100 it doesn't just impact your qb it impacts literally everybody in the entire game so when play happens like five year offensive lineman get injured so we can't have that happen so the only players that actually have their injury rating affected is the quarterbacks of the players that can play quarterback now something else i need to do really quick is also go into the user sliders and i need to make sure because i want to make this as easy as possible to get the results that we want to see today to go into the sliders again i probably could have just stayed in there if we go down to the user player skill and we're gonna put fumbles all the way up to 100 because i think now that's a good question does fumbles at 100 mean we don't fumble or does that mean we fumble every play that sucks i wish there's a little bit more explanation on that but i don't want my quarterback to fumble if he fumbles that just doesn't let me run the ball with him over and over and over again we also probably need to turn fatigue all the way down as well and the question is does 100 fatigue mean the players get fatigued more easily what does that mean zero fatigue gets the players fatigued more easily uh i i don't know i i have no idea i guess we'll just keep it at 50. but anyways i'm excited i'm also excited to see what the heck happens if we get all these quarterbacks injured what happens like if you sim a week like who plays quarterback then if you have like five players that can play qb on their roster but they're all injured so a bunch of different aspects to the experiment today simply just gonna jump into the game which we have made the quarter link what but as i was trying to say as we go side of the tackle we've also made the quarterly 15 so i have as much time as possible to get all five players injured because even though their injury ratings won that doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna get injured every single play as hopefully they just make it easy for us this year just let us have the players get injured every single play come on let there actually be a simple experiment for me to find the answer to they're always so guiding complicated hopefully this one's just straightforward please mr bubbles so it begins play number one we're simply just gonna scramble out with sam donald hopefully doesn't fumble because that would just suck and i would have to quit the game and go back here to change that slider but play number one one hit me hard hit me hard go down play one please he doesn't go down play one but what we're gonna do is we're going to hurry up so his fatigue is kind of going down makes him more susceptible to injury so at least he didn't fumble play number one hit me hurt me and we're still not hurt so how about three consecutive runs with a player with one injury rating can we like please like finally get injured hard hit still not injured are you serious well not the most of ideal starts i'm probably gonna scramble again with sam donald that's what we're gonna do we're to scramble again like who cares if we win or not so our fourth consecutive run can we finally get injured this time like kill me hurt me still no god dang he is injured i think am i am i silly or did he not just get injured there was a timeout for some reason was it a medical timeout chest injury yes even though we got injured he might not be out for the game but we need all the players to be out for the entire game so we're gonna super sim on who's in who's in it's joe flacco time it's time to kill joseph hopefully joseph's a little bit more easy to injure hopefully gets entered in the first play like please that's not gonna be a thing is it yep sam donald abdominal strain will return soon great so we need to bring sam back in and just get him injured for the entire game hopefully joe gets entered here quick i don't know why sam won't get off my screen all right donald's back in okay now he's got to get him injured for the entire game this is why we made it 15 minute quarters because it might take a hot minute even though the freaking player injury ratings on one still not injured my god damn donald's a monster let's make sure we pick up this first down though so we can keep these consecutive plays over with and uh it just doesn't and he's still not hurt who would have known it takes so much time to get one player to be knocked out the game when that's the goal at hand those quarterbacks get injured all the time in franchise mode come on we haven't got one quarterback knock out the game yet we have two more to go after this all right so this is at least gonna be a first down run me over kill me death let death occur somehow he got up real quick and he's just still happy dawg he has one injury rating like anybody that doesn't have one injury injury rating should never get injured in a franchise mode if it's this freaking hard for you to get injured he's still not hurt do injuries not count in madden 21 my god please wow wow a d-lineman gets centered the d-lineman contender not the guy with one injury i remember at the beginning where i said hopefully this is straightforward and easy to accomplish and obviously it's not i i really don't understand why he hasn't been freaking goddamn injured kill him please he just gets like goddamn back up i am so just upset all right so if he doesn't get injured on this play i think we're going to try plan b so last play on a tip number one this has just not been the most optimal start to a scientific experiment and still no injuries so the gosh day injury i think if you go into the settings mode from the actual main menu i think from here it does give you an explanation to modify the overall chance of injuries in a game a setting of zero will disable them entirely okay so we need to have this like a little bit up like maybe we put this to 75 and fatigue a lower value means a player will fatigue slower so that's what we need to do too we need to put fatigue all the way up to 100 and then put the player's fatigue rating all the way down to zero and i think there that gives us a better shot and also i think we can only run with two qb's on the roster so if we cut james morgan off the roster that would mean we only need two qb's injured like does it let me play a game without a kick or two like can i play a game just with the punter or do i have to have a kicker because if that's the case that means we literally only have to get two qb's and a punter injured god dang it you gotta have a kicker that's unfortunate and also as mentioned what we're gonna do now is jump in here for samuel donald and this to every single player go to his ratings tab and we're going to turn his stamina all the way down which would obviously mean he gets fatigued a lot faster because maybe that's what we need so stamina all the way down and do this with every single player and hopefully that has some difference i wonder if arcade mode would make more injuries happen like i don't want to do that i have it on simulation because i mean it makes the most sense because simulations where the ratings mean the most so i feel like that would be the most important one to have the game style on but who freaking knows this is bad we'll keep it on sim for now all right if you can get enter in the first play that will make me so happy so attempt number one it probably will take more than one attempt samuel please just make me happy the blitz oh the blitz is gonna hurt me right nope of course not so once again just like the last like game that we played i'm gonna try to run a hurry up as much as possible hopefully that will lead to an injury here or there another guy gets injured like come on now at least my sinner got injured well that's a hug see like i gotta go ahead and quit this game i gotta turn that slider back down because eventually there should be too many players injured so attempt number three and i think at this point i'm just gonna cut to the point where hopefully he actually gets injured yes finally he got up then fell right back down hopefully it's severe hopefully it's a spinal cord embolism i don't even know if that's a thing yes ruptured disc for sam donald he would not be able to return for this game so now all we need is joe flacco to get injured then the kicker should come in and the punter should come in i think we're finally after 35 minutes making progress it took 35 minutes just to get one player to get knocked out for the game i'm not complaining though happy happy now you know how it took thomas edison 10 000 tries to correctly make the light bulb what took rbt a thousand plays to get one qb injured why does he get injured every game i don't get it i don't get it oh this has been an absolute stinker so plan c so guys i sat there for like 35 minutes and joe flacco never got hurt so i think what's happened is they fixed some stuff within franchise mode so like in that particular instance i'm pretty sure like there's no logical explanation aside from the fact that at that point it was coded to where joe flacco couldn't get injured because he was the last qb on the roster so that's something they have fixed that hadn't been the case the last few years so that really is stinky so my third and final attempt if not this video is gonna be an absolute bust because if you guys have been subs for a while now i did this in mad 19 and madden 20 and both years got completely different results but they are both pretty freaking interesting well this year this would have been the worst so far if this doesn't go to plan so i'm gonna try it now in just a regular exhibition game so in a regular play now so what i have done from this point because i'm literally trying everything is we have two qb's the same exact one injury rating actually their injury rating is 11 because for some reason offline you can only make it down to 11 injury rating which makes no sense at all stamina rating here actually is zero the injury rating is 11 and the same thing for the kicker and punter but i've given them 99 speed of zero acceleration just so i can scramble with them more effectively so we can keep running consecutive plays over and over again so hopefully this will actually work in a play now if not so much for this video yeah i literally sat there for a solid gosh day 35 minutes consecutively scrambling with joe flacco and the amount of times a freaking stupid offensive lineman got injured and no qb's it was very very very very stinky and screw it i put an arcade mode let's try that out so i've literally rained the football like 20 times in this drive let's see if donald and nobody's got injured although i just put the injury rating all the way up to 99. and he's still not hurt i i don't get it i just i just don't get what's going on this year like not even one player's got hurt not one player even though the injury rating is on 99. like i i just don't get what the heck is going on like what's the point in the injury rating if it doesn't even apply to a player getting injured like i i just don't understand dude like what happened to the franchises where a quarterback got hurt every time he got hit i'm gonna try a few more things well at least in today's video you found out that like you just run with your quarterback however many times you want to you'll never get injured i turned it off arcade mode maybe that was the problem probably not like who cares i don't anymore it's been two hours dude two hours of literally trying to get a qb injured over and over and over again and he's been injured one time so far it's this guy again who are you and why do you always get injured i is that like i'm i'm dead serious like i'm dead serious like this isn't me joking is that a glitch in the game like if your quarterback's actually the one that gets injured it automatically says it's somebody else like it's all already it's like it's predetermined that always every time sam donald gets hit freaking george fans the one that says get injured i i don't understand it is it like literally impossible for your quarterback to get injured this year like i i don't get it and it's making me furious oh freaking goddamn brian get injured but not the qb who's been injured five consecutive plays had 11 injury ratings so at this point guys i don't know what to tell you i i think this this year they've made it so much harder for quarterbacks to get injured where it's literally almost impossible even if you have injuries up to 100 you have their injury rating all the way down their stamina all the way down and the fatigue all the way down but i i don't know i guess that stance for some of you didn't want to hear but have to hear if i see george fan get injured one more time dawg if george faint gets injured one more time the video is just gonna end like i i can't take it anymore i i human beings shouldn't be put through this guiding misery dude george fan goddamn george fan i wish the freaking video was how many times can george fan get injured in the game because obviously you're 11 injury quarterback can't like this was the problem i was talking about like so many players get injured that like it becomes a problem to where you can't like have a player get injured because ea has a limit set so here i go having to quit this game i think i'm gonna try it in franchise mode one more time because that showed that at least one qb could get injured the thing i found in franchise mode 2 that already answers one of my questions like the one qb was injured sam darno was injured now for like seven weeks it made us sign a quarterback before we could advance into another league so assigned taste them hill gave him the same exact ratings we have joe flacco but here we go final attempt in before george's fan gets injured oh their defensive tackle gets hurt before us and i think i've rained the balls 15 times already oh you know another 49er gets injured when i'm the one getting hit [Music] oh yep i'm done
Channel: RBT
Views: 941,087
Rating: 4.85078 out of 5
Keywords: madden 21, madden nfl, madden, rbt, gameplay, challenge, nfl, madden challenge, game, injury, what happens, experiment, test, funny
Id: O4EZBs9afkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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