I reset the NFL to 2010 and RESIMULATED THE WHOLE DECADE to 2021...

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so i don't think i could overstate this if i even tried this is the video that i've put the most effort into ever on my channel it took probably three to four weeks to set everything up and as you can tell from the title we are resetting the nfl back to 2010 ignore the year 21 or 2021 up at the top that's not what year it is it's 2010. i have reset the nfl to 2010 all 2010 rosters and we're gonna be re-simulating the decade and simulating year by year with draft classes for each year i saw this video i think was on click productions channel great channel just found it out you guys should check it out i'll link it down below and i thought this would be a great video to do for the nfl re-simulating the past decade so brett favre was on the vikings in 2010 he was 40 years old i got the ages correct i've given development traits i've given proper overalls adrian peterson was 25 years old and what's interesting about a guy like adrian peterson here he would tear his acl in the next few years and then came back to win mvp in 2012. does that happen this year he's unbelievable stat wise and there's so many great players you guys might remember visante schenko for reasons probably off the field maybe a percy harvin where he doesn't deal with concussions no injuries does brett favre end up going all the way with this vikings team that was so close to winning a super bowl sydney rice is in here bernard barrion like jared allen was arguably the best player on the defensive side of the ball over like a three-year span he was so good with the chiefs came to the vikings was one of the best pass rushers that there was jared allen was a beast we have the williams wall in pat and kevin williams but let's go ahead and check out some of these other teams i also want to say a big shout out to some of the people that helped me with the draft classes especially alex prince and jam you guys were awesome i really appreciate it a lot of stuff went into this video so if you guys like it please hit the subscribe button if you're not subscribed already and if we could make this my most liked video of all time that'd be pretty cool but obviously don't like it if you don't like the video so it's up to you and make sure to use code bengal on sea geek when you buy tickets for anything you can save yourself twenty dollars so see geek use code bengal and let's look at the bears we got brian erlacker julius peppers on the team i mean an unreal player for the panthers that was still really good with the bears ended up being good with the packers the bengals not the best team in the world but we got chad ocho cinco remember he was chad ocho cinco for a little bit not chad johnson jonathan joseph i mean cedric benson r.i.p the colleges are not correct by the way the colleges for these guys are not correct it's sacrilegious cedric benson's oklahoma and not texas hook them horns r.i.p really really devastating that he uh passed away carson palmer was on this team jairus byrd i think he was a defensive rookie of the year ended up going to the saints at one time the tackling machine paul poslezny i mean dante hitner was on this team i'm sure you guys remember a lot of these players hopefully i mean at least for me these guys are so memorable i know some of you guys are probably a little bit younger now don't remember a guy like fred jackson but he was really solid a young marshawn lynch before he went to the west coast and dominated with the seahawks beast mode so we got a young marshawn here could be superstar dev i could have given him that um marshawn wasn't that good with the bills i think is the reality there first round pick in 2007 in what was an amazing draft class marshawn just wasn't that good didn't end up being a beast until going back to the west coast to play for seattle the broncos ryan clady was one of the best tackles in the league one of the best corners of all time and my second favorite player of all time behind adrian peterson champ bailey oh he was so good a little bit older at this time and his uh his likeness there is not exactly as close as i would want it to be brian dawkins was on the broncos this year elvis domerville was probably one of the most underrated defensive players ever a young joe thomas of course he was in the 2007 draft class as well alex mack daquel jackson was such a beast for a while i mean joe hayden rookie joe hayden one of the most underrated players ever as well joe hayden with the browns was a legit top three to five corner in the league for like a three to four five year stretch got almost no credit for that multiple time pro bowler at the brown so he was he was really really good uh jerome harrison had like a 250 yard rushing game and of course i mean who could forget peyton hillis on a madden cover for the buccaneers barrett rude was really good for a few years a super old rendez-barber before he moved back to safety kellen winslow jr is uh a nut case akeeb talib was super young here coming out of kansas a super young gerald mccoy was an awesome player another one of my favorite players ever adrian wilson the hard-hitting safety adrian wilson was so so so good and he probably wasn't even the best player in this team larry fitzgerald i think a lot of people probably remember fitz as just an old receiver who didn't drop anything larry fitz was an incredible athlete coming out a pit i mean he was a top five pick in the draft larry fitz was unreal allen fanuca off the steelers darnell dock at drc joey porter made his way to the cardinals he kind of got around a young calais campbell antonio gates thousands of players went into this class or this roster very very tough and even so it's like you can't actually edit players ages or development traits outside of franchise so i had to make the roster then import it and then go through again and get all the ages correct sean phillips was really good for a while v jacks another unfortunate guy that passed away chiefs had thomas jones a young jamal charles em horns i'm gonna say for everyone eric barry was a beast like what if uh he stayed healthy his entire career eric barry might end up being one of the best safeties ever in this simulation another texas longhorn in derrick johnson another tackling machine tom bahali the colts had peyton manning what the colts are not going to draft andrew luck in this simulation what are the colts going to do dwight freeny reggie wayne we got robert mathis dallas clark the colts were so loaded bullet bob sanders what if bob sanders stays healthy a little bit older at this point right but bob sanders could still be very very good in the simulation jeff saturday the cults are loaded adam vinatieri gary brackett was an underrated player a young pat mcafee the cowboys have demarcus ware jason witten uh terence newman who like really only got better with age i don't know what's going to happen in this simulation but terence newman played until he was like 40. tony romo often said brandon marshall this year that's right jake long was really highly rated this year carlos dansby ronnie brown ricky ricky williams such a sick player at texas had a decent nfl career cameron wake he's only at 81 overall he was even lower overall in this class but cameron wake like adds 29 like 30 31 just broke out in the nfl because he was a cfl guy and he was really good there didn't end up being good in the nfl for you know really late into his his 20s sick sick player but he's not really going to develop so i gave him a bit of an overall boost a young sean smith anthony fasano chad henny richie incognito is in there trent cole is the highest on the eagles asante samuel of course you guys probably know asante samuel jr the florida state corner drafted by the chargers this past year desean jackson i guess i missed his age he was not 34 he was like more like 24. really happy i caught that because this is gonna make things a lot more fun desean jackson uh as a giants fan is someone i wish didn't exist but he did exist so ah geez uh desean jackson brings me such pain jason peters i did i not get to the eagles age-wise no i did for a michael vick was not what are these ages hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah i forgot to change the ages on the eagles so let me do that now that's a good catch again i'm really happy we didn't start the simulation i would have been devastated all the work that went into this just to forget about you know changing the ages of the eagles would have been like really annoying as much as i hate the eagles like i want to make sure this video is done right so some of the ages were correct it seems like i just forgot to do offense but ages haven't changed development trade's been changed and it actually let me add a superstar player so i went back to some other guys and i added superstar dev on cameron wake i added superstar dev on marshawn lynch and we can go as or we can change it as we go i just wanted to get you guys like an idea of all the teams i know it's going to take a while to just kind of like talk about all these guys but we got to talk about 30 year old mike vick i know for a fact that everyone watching this or like every team in this has a fan base watching this so i don't want to discriminate i want to talk about everybody roddy white was a monster john abraham of course julio jones wasn't drafted yet so we'll see where he goes michael turner curtis lofton we have a young matt ryan who in real life obviously would go on to win an mvp lead the team to the super bowl we have brent grimes i gave him superstar dev because he broke out and was sick with the dolphins but he's 27 now this is before he even went to the dolphins and was awesome washington football team is a super old london fletcher clinton portis was so good chris cooley was one of the best tight ends of the league donovan mcnabb went from the eagles to washington albert haynesworth signed a massive contract to join the team and ended up obviously not working out at all being one of the worst signings of all time brian iraq was a monster coming out of texas this is right before the niners became like amazing patrick willis again i keep saying this but this is an era of football that i love patrick willis is one of my favorite players of all time so awesome and that is well represented here he's a 99 overall he is really really really good and he should be coming out of ole miss vernon davis one of the most athletic tight ends ever like the original kyle pitts before kyle pitts ronan davis a little bit smaller in general frank gore believe it or not has not always been 40. justin smith one of the most underrated players ever too jessica's like he was so great at eating blocks and creating opportunities for alden smith who again is is in one of these draft classes aldon smith and i'll talk about it for his draft but he was so good before all the mental problems took over my favorite team the giants i mean this is a giants team that would go on and win the super bowl and they were not like anything special had a good old line and a good d-line one in the trenches eli manning was about to have his like best every year in 2011 i think kenny phillips was also super sick for a while the jaguars mjd rasheen mathis was also awesome daryl smith but the guy i remember the most with this team is probably justin durant he was definitely a solid player the jets had a monster another 2007 draft class stud darrell revis coming out of pitt just a monster just a super good player never the best athlete on the field but was just so technically sound that you were not going to beat him another player i loved growing up with the dolphins and he was a 35 year old who made his way over to the jets well past his prime but was still pretty good braylon edwards is around this team antonio promarty what a team that jets team is calvin another 07 draft class beast calvin johnson what if he doesn't end up retiring early he's going to be at 99 by the end of the year probably just one of the best receivers ever 26 year old aaron rodgers does he go on to win a super bowl with his team the way he did in real life maybe we'll have to see on that greg jennings donald driver ryan grant was really good nick barnett was really good al harris was really good this is a really fun packers team jer michael finley hook em horns a young clay matthews back when he was doing what he needed to do which was being a pass rusher the packers had one of the best edge players in the league and they're like you're gonna be a drop back linebacker now i still don't get that clay matthews was so good off the edge and then they're like yeah we're gonna not have you do that anymore super young at the time jordy nelson coming out of kansas state john beeson was one of the best linebackers in the league steve smith was a monster too forever i wonder if he ends up going to the ravens like he did in real life probably not i think d'angelo williams is going to be a really really good player in this sim because he can catch the ball out of the backfield and in carol at a playbook he's gonna be like christian mccaffrey chris gamble was a beast too another player that really just gets forgotten about charles godfrey was also pretty good for a while the patriots have still 33 year old tom brady but does he go on to win multiple super bowls in the 2010s does he go to a different team at some point like he did with the bucks and won a super bowl big vince logan menkins i mean this o-line was awesome they had matt light too down here wes welker was on this team brandon merryweather was good for a while of course girard mayo a young gronk they had a killer tight end combo they had rob gronkowski and aaron hernandez i mean you can just hang the ball up there and he's going to go up and get it these guys were a crazy crazy combination just murdering opposing defenses i i think linebackers just couldn't keep up had one of the best corners in the league that is just like i don't really care about football i'm going to be like a d-list actor namdi assamwa was so good namdi was the best corner in the league probably for a year or two and then went to the eagles and was like horrific i think it's the best way to describe him the raiders traded for richard seymour the raiders don't have a first round pick in this draft i also had to make sure everyone had their proper picks the rams have stephen jackson who's basically like naji harris before nachi harris a huge bruising back they could actually catch the ball out of the back field jason brown i mean james lawrence was a tackling machine he probably led the league in tackles one year at least solo tackles jason smith was a massive draft bust he was not a good player to my recollection sam bradford was super young the ravens have ray lewis another just killer over the middle if you're a receiver coming over the middle you better watch out because you can get stabbed when you talk about defenses of the 2000s the ravens are probably the first one that pops into my mind it's afc north for sure like ravens steelers for the 2000s i mean tyrell suggs t sizzle hello to nada i mean this team was so sick ray rice was a hard-hitting running back yikes into the 2010s another 2007 draft class beast marshall yonda willis mcgate he was on the scene but the 2010s it's hard for me not to picture the 49ers like their defense was so good move on to the saints though we got drew brees only 30 at this point jari evans darren sharper not a good dude not a good dude you think darren sharper you think oh dude he was a multiple time pro bowler that's not what he's remembered at he's remembered as a multiple time i want to say darren sharper has like three to four counts of sexual assault and uh and uh involuntarily or giving girls drugs only to do bad things to him darren sharper not a nice guy he was a real jerk i think is what we can say about darren sharper jonathan vilma was one of the best linebackers in the league was so sick with the jets was so sick with the saints and this is the bounty gate saints by the way too so i mean is scott vegeta on this team right that's another guy i remember i think scott vegeta was maybe scott vegeta wasn't on this team okay so no it was the saints team but scott vegeta i guess made his way to the browns i'm reading of course it was all by d coordinator greg williams there's scott vegeta yeah he was suspended three games but he was on the browns then it's a weird saints team man but if you guys don't know bountygate bountygate is actually insane where players would get bonuses from greg williams to dc you would pay them essentially the injure opposing players are you kidding me like that's one of the worst things to ever happen in the nfl and it's like not really talked about i i guess people forgot about it but this was some crazy stuff jeremy shockey was on this team marquis colston one of the best undrafted players ever how good could reggie bush be in simulation of course not colorado he's usc lofa to tupu is like one of the names i most think of for some reason just because he was the time period it wasn't good before or after but during that little window lofa to tupu was awesome tj house menzada houshmanzada was sick like slow but wouldn't drop the ball he was what larry fitzgerald would end up being marcus trufant brandon mebane of course my guy hooked him horns earl thomas one of the best safeties in the league he was the best safety in the 2010s for sure and unfortunately his memory is going to be clouded because of all the garbage that happened in baltimore and with his wife and his brother and weird stuff matt hasselbeck was on the team another big draft bust in aaron curry the steelers had troy palamalu james harrison lamar woodley i mean this defense was sick another texas guy casey hampton heath miller heinz ward big ben james ferrier but you could talk about every player on this team richard mendenhall was sick for a while ike taylor lawrence timmons how many recognizable players are on this team larry foote ryan clark this defense is so memorable mike wallace was a speed demon for a while antoine randall is known for that pass eddie through the texans one of my favorite players ever one of the most underrated players of all time played with trash qbs i really hope terry mclaren for his sake doesn't end up like andre johnson i'm a giants fan like i don't want washington to be good but like to me they're really similar type players in the fact that they produce with terrible qb's andre johnson had no qb's match shot for a while right matt shobb ended up making his way over to the texans had like a good year or two andre johnson was just so unbelievably good just one of the best ever that's all you can say about andre johnson he was so amazing i might even make him slightly faster i made him slightly faster just so he doesn't regress quite as much so he's a little bit better for longer because he was obviously a player who was really really good for a long time not so much with the colts or titans but with the texans he was amazing mario williams is also unreal he was really good with the bills too damiko ryan's was awesome brian cushing another big steroid guy literally roid rage out of his mind bernard pollard probably more known with the ravens if i'm honest they're running backs look at this running back room steve slayton so sick at west virginia aryan foster who i'm gonna give superstar dev to undrafted out of tennessee monster for a long time aaron foster were sick i actually met aryan foster um it was at ea play a while ago and um i was super drunk and i would i never would do it because i feel like you know celebrities got a enough attention i don't want to be bothering them but i was drunk so i was inconsiderate i guess went up i'm like yo aaron foster how i recognize aryan foster by the way this was two years ago or three years ago this was not recent like he wasn't or this was not like him playing in the nfl he was well retired i don't know why he's at the hotel i just recognized him like is that aryan foster anyway i took a picture super nice guide to my memory i'm sure he could have called me an i'd call him a nice guy just i i barely remember uh but ben tate also yeah how cool am i have had alcohol before wow ben tate though was like really sick for a little while was out of the league in like four years i looked this up the other day picture doesn't really look like him but ryan moats more looks like bente this running back room though to my point is just super sick i mean not a great team overall dwayne brown ended up being really good chris myers was good for a while but just some fun players and then we talked about the vikings last team was a titan cj2k he was so so good he was just faster than everybody i mean you talk about a guy who played like he wasn't even wearing pads chris johnson rob baroness r.i.p michael roos cortland finnegan got his head beat in by andre johnson that's a fun matchup to bring back david stewart michael griffin horns jason babin ended up having a really crazy career played for like 10 different teams in 10 years something's like that or 10 different teams like 12 years but had like 20 sacks in a season double digit sacks multiple times he was a beast kenny britt i remember from rutgers jason mccourty was super young i mean the mccordies are both rookies this year so that is the bunch of rosters i know it took a really long time to go over that um hopefully not too long and uh we'll go ahead and simulate your number one i have everything turned on to auto so i'm not running the vikings i am just controlling the simulation and i'm gonna be importing the draft class that's it so i gotta import the 2011 draft class i have a class going all the way up to 2020. again big shout out to the guys that helped me out with these classes especially alex jam and prince and these are the guys some of the colleges don't load in because it's glitched but i mean this is the cam newton von miller marcel darius aj green julio draft class sick draft class we'll talk about it more uh come draft time the really sick viking scene was 2009. this would basically be i want to say the 20 the 2011 season because the 2010 draft is already in there so there's some interesting crossover the vikings went 12 and four in real life and 09 but again this is basically going to work out to be 2011 because it's 2010 it's you know you get what i'm saying right it was that it's madden 11 which is from the 2010 year but um this is the next year the vikings would have continued to go 12-5 i guess um the vikings in 2011 though so two years after their great year would go three and 13. we'll see what happens this year we'll check out the standings though kind of a long-winded way to say what i wanted to the jaguars had the best record in the league the afc north we have the bengals raven steelers and then browns at 4 and 13. highly competitive afc north only the bengals made the playoffs the jags and titans both made the playoffs in the afc south the patriots just snuck in at eight and nine wow that's so bad this afc east was terrible afc west the chiefs went 13-4 chargers 11 and 6 made the playoffs broncos 10 and 7 made the playoffs no raiders vikings and bears both made the playoffs no packers of course no lions nfc south three teams made the playoffs of panthers falcon saints bucks do not cowboys won in the east they were the only team to make the playoffs the giants did win 10 games this year and ended up getting the wild card winning the super bowl not happening this time they do not get into the playoffs with 10 wins football team was competitive too and then the west only one team made the playoffs the 11-6 san francisco 49ers no seattle no russell wilson yet no cardinals no rams let's check out the season stats oh my god what a year for adrian peterson adrian peterson i don't actually know this is gonna work for nfl records but adrian peterson rushed for 2097 yards in 2012. in this 2011 season he rushed for 2078 the only player in nfl history to rush for over 2 000 yards twice now even though one years from a year that hasn't happened yet stay with me on that uh but wow very interesting nfl matt castle with the chiefs led the league in passing yards matt moore in second man playbooks are crazy eli at number three drew brees matt ryan matt schaab mark sanchez even in there most touchdowns matt castle matt moore david garrard sneaks in with a sick year mcnabb for rushing i mean adrian peterson was just the best cj 1.997 k almost cj 2k 17 tds adrian peterson did not leave the league in touchdowns brandon jacobs at 22. pierre thomas with 19. cedric benson and joseph a die with 18. holy crazy years though crazy years i mean adrian peterson averaged almost or over six yards per carry for receiving v-jacks 1400 yards 10 touchdowns the only guy to have over 1400 mike williams is in there with the bucks roddy white marty gilliard no way dwayne beau greg jennings devin hester larry fitz lee evans is in here for touchdowns we have dwayne beau with 14. mike sims walker with 14 oh my harry douglas san antonio homes andre caldwell devin thomas i mean some crazy names are sneaking in here defensively barrett rood led the league in tackles that sounds about right for this year honestly james ferry deandre levy was so good for your paul poslezny london fletcher tackles for lost kyle van and bosch had 23. calvin pace had a lot crazy numbers t sizzle led the nfl and stacks with 19 and a half elvis doomerville at 18 17 and a half for mike rabel the titans head coach in real life i mean some of these guys are not even pass rushers like vrable's not thomas davis is not floaty nada had 16 lance briggs another non-pass rusher going crazy in this scheme dwight freeman only had 12. michael boley i saw in there deshawn goldston leads the league and picked with seven she mathis deandre levy who actually did have a crazy year of interceptions is in there leto shepherd dominique foxworth always six frank gore also had a crazy year this is a way better way to view this by the way top performers that's probably i'm going to do it going forward the playoff bracket we have saints vikings we saw that chiefs broncos bengals chargers all right let's go ahead and see who wins the super bowl saints knock the vikings out of the playoffs that makes sense i think we've seen that one before unfortunately for the vikings again i'm not managing anything we're just checking out to see what happens nfc conference championship is going to be cowboys bears and the afc conference championship is chiefs chargers i get that saying afc conference championship is redundant that's like american football conference conference championship but we'll go to the pro bowl we'll see who the pro bowlers are we'll check that out briefly as we have matt moore matt castle i mean the guys you expect vince young i guess you probably didn't expect to see that name but for the most part the guys you expect to see ov migueli and greg jones some weird receivers some weird receivers anyone crazy on defense i mean abrao franklin's in there and the super bowl is going to be the dallas cowboys against the la i guess san diego at the time chargers not a matchup i would have expected but that is the matchup that we have and let's see oh the cowboys win another super bowl under tony romo who's a super bowl mvp adrian peterson wins mvp that happened i think the next year in real life urban meyer coach of the year ignore that d'angelo williams won offensive player of the year t sizzle defensive player of the year romo offensive rookie of the year but he wasn't a rookie in this the rookie of the year is weird for the first year because some players were adjusted but okay whatever and then brady james wins defensive rookie dear also not a rookie so i can't actually see the free agent class since i'm not managing that so i don't know if i want to turn it off and then look or we can see in league transactions but i think what i'll do i'll simulate to stage two i'll turn it back on and then i'll simulate the week and we'll be able to see uh the results of everything that happened so off season free agent bidding is gonna be manual and then we should be able to see where everybody signed i don't know who the free agent options are i tried to make the contracts as good as i could but there's gonna be some weirdness in there a little bit so free agency here league signings who's available by the way shane leckler nate kating it's mostly kickers and punters in here at the top clinton jammer's still in there champ bailey is going to the rams ben grubs to the ravens he i mean he was a raven in real life so he was on the ravens right and then the ravens basically let him go he ended up going to the saints however in this re-simulation ben grubbs sticks it out with the ravens david harris to the chiefs leron mclean of seattle shawn o'hara going from the giants to rival washington centennial homes to the browns that feels like a signing they would have made back then darren sharper yeah guy he's going to washington football team jim leonard to the bucks it feels like he did that in real life too and i guess he didn't but it feels like one that could have worked jabari greer to detroit leach matt burke reggie bush to the bucks interesting about bradshaw the lions emanuel sanders is super young at this time ends up going to the rams instead of what the broncos is where he left after the steelers aryan fostered the pack very interesting and i think oh daryl washington daryl washington what i want to talk about again one of my favorite players in the nfl at the time was so sick coming out of tcu had some unreal years with the cardinals suspended for a violation of the league substance abuse policy had another off the field incident i think failed another drug test and boom never played again in the nfl four years in the nfl of being a stud never played again jerry hughes to the bucks pacman jones to the browns that seems like a very uh brown side and then vernon golston one of the biggest draft busts ever goes from the jets to the bills i mean good luck on his second chance there jukwa parker should not have superstar dev that's insane he got upgraded aaron hernandez to the rams so free agency recap is weak like four so i guess i'll remember that the vikings signed big ben by the way with brett favre still on the roster again i'm i'm having all that on auto that's why why did we not see that he not a top 100 guy what do you mean how is he not a top 100 guy he's a 90 overall tim tebow with the bills so i guess he just doesn't show your signing somehow that feels dumb but okay nfl draft time of course not managing any of this the eagles have the number one overall pick who are they gonna go with they take cam newton quarterback from auburn camp newton to the eagles all right that is a very interesting start so he did go number one overall the draft order is gonna be similar what happened in real life the browns this time get von miller went to the broncos of course the dolphins get marcel darius the bills who took them in real life get aj green instead the rams take patrick peterson beefed up that secondary they bred in champ bailey alden smith yeah again we talked about it on pace to be like the best pass rusher of all time really he was the quickest to like probably 50 sacks something close he had he had what alden smith had double digit in his first year and then like 20 in year two 14 and you're one 19 and a half in year two aldon smith played in 16 or 32 games started 16 of them and had 33 and a half sacks alden smith was unbelievable unbelievable and then had so many crazy things happen julio to the patriots did i miss anything else julio jones the new england patriots nick fairley the cardinals injuries kind of hurt him jj watt goes to the seahawks the lions take ryan carrigan he was a good player for a while corey leads it to the steelers the niners get prince amu camara not really a great player the giants took adrian claiborne of the jets bad team's gonna draft bad phil taylor to the texans robert quinn another player was so sick early on in his career to the packers jake locker i mean that's tough for washington football team this is not a strong quarterback class cameron jordan goes to the colts if we check out the draft board we uh i mean we'll see some of the quarterbacks like blaine gabbert christian ponder it's not a great draft class there are some really good players that are going to go later like this is a colin kaepernick draft class not exactly looking like him in the picture there but i mean titus young was super big bust as well there are some good players in this class it'll be interesting to see how they shape the nfl over the next decade the giants take their franchise left tackle the cowboys drafted him in real life was so good before injuries the patriots take blaine gabbert to be their guy along with julio jimmy smith to the bengals he was good for a while mike pouncey the pouncey brothers are in this class muhammad wilkerson to the dolphins cam hayward goes to the panthers the vikings take nate solder not that great of a pick anthony castanzo also not looking a whole like him a lot like him in real life mark ingram of the falcons james carpenter to the titans the jaguars take aaron williams didn't really end up working out the bears get colin kaepernick the chiefs take andy dalton now the two super bowl teams the chargers go gabe karimi also not really looking a whole lot like him and the last pick of the first round is the cowboys taking raz i dowling bad player i think the uh patriots got him in real life and i think that's gonna do it for the 2011 nfl draft christian ponder didn't end up going in the first round who were like the best players available orlando franklin's real good torrey smith some names are misspelled because they weren't allowed by the way that's why randall cobb is misspelled justin houston might be the best player available demarco murray was really good for a while too and we'll advance to the end of the draft we'll end up seeing some more things in the draft recap as like at least for the top players in the draft vikings could have done a lot better in this draft class but we'll see the nfl um sort by overall richard sherman was in this draft class that's right he goes to the broncos who needed to replace chad bailey justin houston went to the bears they had a very interesting draft demarco murray to the chiefs who else rodney hudson of the texans they get a good offensive lineman jerrell casey to the browns stephen pia the washington football team randall cobb to the niners doug baldwin another good player for a long time with seattle goes to cowboys kj wright to the colts i think those are like the most notable ones so this would be the 2011 season as we just had the 2011 nfl draft it's a pretty easy way to know what year it is that it's whatever the draft year is correlates and corresponds to the next actual nfl year as we're in the playoffs vikings went 11-6 we can see the rest of the standings here we have the titans 14-3 are the best team in the league the ravens and bengals make it out of the afc north titans and jaguars out of the afc south afc first of all dude the peyton manning colts are not doing that well afc east the bills make it out not a great division the patriots cannot win with tom brady and people been saying it for a long time the patriots and tom brady not a good match chieftain raiders out of the afc west the lions and vikings out of the nfc north wow the lions man that's crazy packers and bears is not cutting it i mean aaron rodgers not good enough apparently saints panthers and falcons all out of the nfc south cowboys again get the east and in the west the rams are the only team to make it out sam bradford almost threw for 6 000 yards i mean are you kidding me are you kidding me what is happening 5 800 yards i'll say that would never happen with sam bradford i've never seen that many yards i don't think that's insane the rams by the way have bruce aryan so that's tampa bay offense that got uh 5800 yards passing matt ryan had a real good year colt mccoy by the way is the third leading passer adrian peterson again rushed for over 2000 yards chris johnson mjd in behind him emmanuel sanders leads the league in the yards roddy white and greg jennings behind him demarcus ware dwight freeny both had 20 sacks 19 for hello to nada to nar jackson believe that the bucks led the league in picks along with namdi asamoah rolando mcclain is he still with the raiders i think he would have been with the raiders this year and then tackle leaders you have gerald hayes ernie sims and john beeson i mean ernie sims also was not that great sick high school player one of the highest rated recruits ever pretty good at florida state went pretty high in the draft and was just not a good nfl player titans and saints are one seeds it'll be interesting to see who makes the super bowl the super bowl is saints chiefs the titans made it to the afc championship the panthers did as well but i i wish there was a way can we jump in if i change teams here let me be the chiefs yep we can i want to uh i want to watch this so we do play full game and then watch in slow motion we can we can see the ending pretty close game so far 10-10 chiefs take the lead 17-10 saints fighting back in it down by just one possession and the chiefs extend it by a touchdown and it is a very very back and forth matchup right now we'll jump in saints have the ball on first and 20 drew brees out of the empty shotgun last play of the third quarter gonna throw the right flat and has a decent gain as they're back almost to their initial starting point that's devry henderson that takes it to the end of the third quarter pierre thomas offset he's going to be running a route brees facing pressure and down he goes it's daryl tap and company that bring down the quarterback and that is devastating for the saints [Applause] drew brees gonna need to work some magic here third and 16. need to get at least half of this back if they want a chance breeze has time throwing enzo nearly intercepted it and what did they decide to do they're going for it on fourth and 16. they do have three timeouts they do have the two-minute warning to stop the clock they're not going to do it brees has time will throw lobbing end zone incomplete marquis colston had hands on it and couldn't bring it down and could that be the super bowl we'll see if matt castle and the chiefs can finish this one out they're gonna clearly want to run the football big stop the saints aren't out of this one yet they force third and long i mean i guess third and six isn't super long i mean if you're kansas city you got to keep the ball on the ground here and waste some clock and then punt they're going to throw going for the win and that ball is completed and that should be the game [Applause] the chiefs hold on and likely will be super bowl champions and that's all we had to do run the clock out the chiefs and matt castle have won it all unbelievable your 2011 super bowl champions are the kansas city chiefs again led by matt castle drew brees just didn't have the clutch gene when it came down to it that's all that was of course is the andrew luck rg three draft class i assume andrew luck's going to go number one overall ryan tannehill of course in this class as well luke lee stefan gilmore fletcher cox some really really good players in this 2012 class free agency recap let's see who did the chiefs get nobody huh i have it on otto so he just chose to get nobody carl nix goes to the panthers the texans bring in pierre thomas very interesting chant bailey goes to chicago jay stew to the browns ebb and britain to the panthers andre garrod eagles sean o'hara now another team goes to the niners pretty old devry henderson and the ravens will smith to the giants darren sproles to the jets sharper to washington football team again chad johnson back to the bengals you'd never left pierre garcon browns chris harris remember undrafted player coming out of kansas well guess what he's been a pretty good player so far in his career maybe finally signs a long-term deal with the jets i wish we could see exact contracts i think we can in transactions maybe but it's easier to sort by overall here sean green is seattle 20 2012 20 2012. nope 2012 nfl draft tampa bay buccaneers picking number one overall will they get andrew luck yes they do andrew luck to tampa and i think the jets are going to come back and take rg3 here and they do rg 3 to the jets steelers get trent richardson they love taking their running backs the first round that's uh that's pretty brutal that's pretty brutal matt khalil goes to washington and now the browns who can't take brent richardson like they did in real life here what will the browns actually do they go with justin blackmon not a better pick justin blackman was a sick player coming out of oklahoma state and um i think it was alcohol dude just like couldn't stay sober and kept getting suspended for uh i think a dui really hurt him substance abuse violations just killed justin blackman's career but he was really good for his first couple mo claiborne to the cardinals patriots go mark baron he feels like a good patriots player fletcher cox to miami and they pick again they get michael floyd the giants who would never take a linebacker go with luke lee who would quickly become one of the best linebackers in the nfl this is also class with bobby wagner however seattle building that legion of boom they go with stefan gilmore the colts go drake kirkpatrick chargers go dontari poe texans get kendall wright the denver broncos go with chandler jones michael brockers to the packers this is a draft class where some of these players are rated really highly like higher than they probably should be but it's not too bad whitney merciless to the lions ryan tannehill to dallas stays in texas brandon whedon to the bengals got a super old quarterback melvin ingram to the jags riley reef to the falcons dante hightower of course goes to the ravens david de castro to the raiders i'm waiting for a player to be drafted by their actual team the duggar not doug martin and there it is harrison smith goes to the vikings just like he did in real life the hitman colby fleener kobe i think it is kobe flinger but that says colby again for the name some of them had to be changed very slightly derek wolfe to the panthers mitchell schwartz goes to the titans the saints take kevin zeitler and the last pick of the first round is the chiefs going ginoris jenkins we'll see who the best players not taking the first round are in the draft recap bobby wagner went to the browns in the second round the steelers got russell wilson yeah that's gonna be a pretty pretty good draft pick by the steelers who else lavonte david goes to the bears josh gordon maybe he stays off the weed in arizona and he has a good career damon harrison the big nose tackle to atlanta casey hayward to dallas alshon jeffrey to the steelers to go with russell wilson it's a pretty good draft even though they got trent richardson at number three who else here we have marvin jones to the raiders akeem hicks to the broncos t.y hilton is who that is goes to the texans again some names had to be changed brandon brooks to tampa to protect andrew luck olivier vernon to tennessee calicio assembly to philadelphia mike daniels and josh norman in there michael kendricks i think that pretty much does it damario davis who ends up being a really good player goes to the patriots good spot for him for the standings we have the cowboys had the best record in the league asc north the bengals win the division at 11 and 6. titans well again three teams from the afc south make it in jags colts in there the bills out of the afc east get in afc west raiders and chargers nfc north the vikings packers and bears are all in now there's so much turnover in this league year to year panthers out of the nfc south east have the cowboys and giants finally making it in and in the west we have the rams at nine and eight edge out the cardinals at nine and eight holding the tiebreaker i think anytime the cowboys are as good as they are in sim like they're a pretty good good choice to make it to the super bowl they're just a really talented team because of their playbook out of the afc i'm less confident but i think the jaguars could definitely make it even as a 5 seed sam bradford again just killing it philip rivers in there matt castle kc playbook dominating chris johnson takes over for most yards this year 1962 also had 23 touchdowns adrian peterson was also amazing mjd santana moss led the league in receiving yards with 16 86 16 touchdowns as well demarcus ware had 21 sacks 18 for loading out of 18 for lance briggs devin mccourty had seven picks bernard pollard was six antoine cason with five and then the tackle leaders you have loafed to tupu carlos dansby and the leader was jonathan vilma and the titans and the packers end up making the super bowl here in the 2012 season looks like tennessee has a slight advantage i chose the titans for no particular reason just popped up first and aaron rodgers clay matthews ryan grant against chris johnson cortland finnegan trevor scott packers on the board first seven nothing tennessee answers with the field goal and looks like they're gonna score again another set of three and then a huge score the packers have not scored in a minute it is 28-7 tennessee packers trying to fight back made it a two touchdown game but i think this one's all over and it's gonna be packers just couldn't score in the middle of the game 35-21 is your final and the tennessee titans have won it all super bowl champions they were one yard short of forcing overtime in that big time super bowl against the rams and this time they finally won it all aaron rodgers aaron rodgers is still young in this so he's gonna have plenty of time to get another one but this one's going to tennessee vince young outduels aaron rodgers that's my storyline hook em horns importing the 2013 class now this was a fun one because there were so many busts there are so many really just awful players in here uh like look at the top of the draft here eric fisher borderline bust luke joke albus dion jordan bust lane johnson was awesome ziggy ansa was never all that good barkeepius mingo bust jonathan cooper boss tave on austin bust ish d milner bust chance wormack was decent dj fluker decent dj hayden bust sheldon richardson was decent letu lulay was never that great vicara was never that great ej manuel bust jarvis jones bust eric reed was pretty great tyler eiffert injuries really killed his career same thing with sheree floyd bjorn warner bus to tone jones bus still williams bust for daryl patterson weird career matt elam bust justin hunter bust like so many of these guys were just not good at all so this team got visante schenko and who would r brown be at middle linebacker r brown reggie brown who is r brown ricky brown don't remember him the titans brought in lance briggs though jason mccord is getting pretty good derek morgan's getting pretty good free agency recap so okay so lance briggs does sign with the titans chris jenkins from the jets vasantha shenko ricky brown not the youngest bunch of players in the world donnie jones to the bears let's look at guys who are not fullbacks and punters james laura knightis to tampa the browns get richard seymour david stewart i guess is good reggie wayne goes to washington bullet bob sanders his name not really bullet bullet bob hayes is the bull but it's a fun fun nickname bob sanders to uh san francisco the colts are falling apart here sean rogers to the seahawks rasheen mathis goes to denver derrick johnson to philadelphia i'm getting like uh um jordan hicks flashbacks all over again justin tucker he's really young he goes to the bears garrett hartley was on the saints so that's that's kind of nice delaney walker goes to arizona was he really 28 i guess he would have been right at this point roy williams to the bears glover quinn to the the lions that actually happened except he was a safety at this point the browns hold the number one overall pick let's see who they go with they go with eric fisher they're not a lot of players you can hit on in this draft class so luke jokel is not a better pick by the bucks the eagles go dion jordan it's not a great start lane johnson goes to denver eagles passed on him here as they took him in real life ziggy ansa does go to the lions that did happen varkevius mingo stays in state goes to the saints maybe would have been better there jonathan cooper to kc patriots go tavon austin i bet he would have been sick there honestly because they would know how to use them kenny vaccaro to the dolphins hook'em horns sheldon richardson goes to seattle he was drafted by the jets of course chance warmack to the texans eric reed to washington falcons go star le tulalei san fran gets dj hayden the ravens go desmond trufant the jets go cherie floyd cardinals go ej manuel yeah not great xavier rhodes to pittsburgh rhodes closed to tone jones to the rams chargers go deandre hopkins yeah he's a player you can head on in this draft nuke goes to la or san diego at the time jarvis jones big bust the giants end up with alec ogletree you know what's funny is i really wanted alec ogletree in this draft he was really good for the rams the first couple years and then just got worse like every year ended up on the giants like deep in his career and was so bad but he got a lot of tackles so giants fans are like he's awesome i'm like no he isn't i'm a giants i'm watching him give up completions every single game 10 times a game i think one year he led the league and uh passes aloud or catches allowed kyle long to the raiders cordero does go to the vikings the vikings had three first round picks this year and they did take cordero patterson with one of them travis frederick to the bills tyler eifert to the colts the panthers go with zach erks probably a better tight end option cowboys go big play sleigh bears get geo bernard the bengals dj fluker it has to be fluke r in this version because of the name it's censored for some reason justin pugh to the packers and the titans go jonathan cyprian they did end up with him at one point but he was drafted by the jaguars travis kelsey goes to the jaguars highest overall player in the class side with nuke tyrant matthew goes to the panthers keenan allen top of the third round ends up on the browns david bakhtiari of the bills kyle use check to the chiefs is the name of that team tyron armstead to the lions le'veon bell ends up on the chiefs did end up on them in real life although was not drafted by them and that was not his prime k1 short to the eagles jc treader to denver he's very highly rated that's a little bit i should have lowered that a bit micah hyde to minnesota who also got nakelle roby coleman just didn't fit robert woods to denver larry warford to minnesota who had a good draft marquis goodwin hook em horns olympic athlete to philadelphia who also ended up on them at some point in his career brandon williams to the jets and those are pretty much the main notable names here kiko alonso won rookie of the year he's an alliance the two players in the auto generated class are both named boston it's a little strange but we're moving on to a very very good draft the 2014 nfl draft bunch of amazing players now not like clowney ever ended up being all that great but khalil mack was awesome mike evans awesome i guess they are awesome odell beckham jr before injury was one of the best receivers of all time are on track to be his first four years are comparable to the best receivers of all time michael thomas ended up breaking his records but aaron donald i mean one of the best defensive players of all time hate to you know see ryan shazier um who of course paralyzed pretty much right and i know he's got uh some function back but obviously his career was ended zach martin one of the best guards in the league it's a very good draft class johnny football down the board i wonder if he ends up being good it depends what team he goes through really colts went 14-3 had the best record should be multiple teams getting out of the afc south but the colts crushed it peyton manning finally doing what he needs to do i guess the bengals and ravens make it out of the afc north colts texans and titans out of the asu south man the jags won nine games too didn't make it patriots win the division finally right with tom brady chiefs make it out of the afc west vikings and packers out of the north panthers and falcons out of the south football team and the eagles out of the east and out of the west is only seattle tom brady finally with a really good year matt castle of course led the league in passing yards matt castle's becoming you know one of the best qbs ever nah not quite that much matt moore is though matt moore is way too good sam bradford matt shaw donovan mcnabber in here what about touchdowns aaron rodgers been a little bit disappointing colt mccoy is a monster texas legend brown's playbook is op that's all i've found out tim tebow is the bill's starting quarterback oh my rushing cj 23k 2.3 k 2300 yards it shattered the nfl record shattered it not even close shattered it d'angelo williams frank gore stephen jackson ap or a.d either one all day is what a d stands for another nickname ray rice joseph adai mjd cedric benson clinton portis felix jones marshawn is starting to get it going a bit he's up to a 95 overall touchdowns 28 for ray rice he's a 99 superstar x factor now 25 for steven jackson yeah i mean some of these guys are having pretty good years roddy white's crushing it roddy white's going crazy emmanuel sanders had a great year too lewis murphy junior unbelievable julio with the patriots goes for 1300 julio's looking pretty good deal d'angelo williams i mean look at these numbers carolina playbook crazy there's calvin just putting up solid numbers yeah calvin's a beast i think that's pretty well known dez bryant is in here as well he's a 2010 rookie and then defensively rolando mclean is just balling out how is he so good 22 and a half sacks for luis castillo 22 for kevin williams who is a run stopper got 20 and a half how he's got 95 power moves 93 finesse boos how did he get upgraded so much brian araco at 17 lamar woodley 17 ray malaluga 15 he's been developed into being a power rusher by the cpu that is not his game oh my god some crazy numbers six picks for asante samuel and six for darrell rivas asante samuel ended up on the falcons in real life right yeah he did at the end of his career that's funny he literally did exactly what he did in real life which is leave the eagles and go to the falcons the timeline is exactly as it should be leron landry in there as well the super bowl is washington football team against the kansas city chiefs i mean washington's offense has been pretty good the entire time some close games but they really put it on carolina 44-28 ravens and colts i mean that is a big time 2000s early 2010s playoff match up there and then we have chiefs bengals was a weird one but bengals washington football team who's even on those teams right now who's their quarterback it's not going to be mcnabb anymore oh it is donovan mcnabb is still there they have reggie wayne of course brian arackpo had a crazy good year and we'll see what this team's capable of eric berries up to a 98 overall of course with superstar dev the 10 and 7 washington football team take on the 11 and 6 kansas city chiefs was it oh close game so far 7-7 kansas city washington chiefs take the lead but the football team ties it right back up 21-14 now 28-17 chiefs this is a very close game it is a field goal game we are jumping in to watch as i said we were jumping in to watch hold on is it this yeah it's this matt castle jamal charles and what could be a game-ending drive for the chiefs washington has all three of their timeouts their defense is gonna need to come up huge third and five huge play here washington defense needs to come up big if they want to win this super bowl castle facing pressure he gets the throw away off and that is gonna be big a sack there would not have been good for the chiefs but a punt is not ideal either it's gonna come down to a two minute drill for an aging washington team that features donovan mcnabb and reggie wayne they will have to go 90 yards in just over two minutes to win a super bowl if they can get the touchdown field goal will tie it [Applause] motioning a receiver across it's actually going to be a play-action fake mcnabb throws to him anyway and that could have been a safety they're going to lose seven what is this offense doing that takes us to the two-minute warning is the worst thing they could have done almost now they have less time and they have to go 97 yards mcnabb end zone throwing complete to chris cooley you don't want to be throwing passes from your own end zone i think it's a general good rule of thumb clinton portis is the tailback another aging player on this team it's third and 11. they need a first down slinging it and completing it washington with a much needed first down there as they cross their own 20. mcnabb rolling out to his right throwing and that's incomplete in and out of the hands of the receiver good coverage down the field a minute and a half remain mcnabb incomplete great coverage nearly an amazing catch and on fourth and six they're gonna try a long field goal this one is certainly no gimme kick is up and it is good football team ties things up at 28 and with three timeouts in 41 seconds a field goal wins it for the chiefs they're going to need to get to at least the 40-yard line of washington if they want a chance 37 seconds and three timeouts to get it done castle nearly sacked that could have been disaster for kansas city second and ten [Applause] has time for the pocket airing it out deep that is under thrown dwayne beau had plenty of steps and matt castle just couldn't get the ball there now only 25 seconds remain still all three timeouts they're gonna hand the ball off and jamal charles has pretty much nothing and we will be going to overtime in the super bowl for just the second time in nfl history [Applause] it's an unbelievable punt down to the opposing eight it's gonna have to be another huge drive by donovan mcnabb we'll see what happens and mcnabb gets sacked it's daryl tap we've seen this before nearly a safety that would have won the super bowl for the chiefs they are gonna operate out of a power eye just trying to avoid the safety and i don't know maybe the chiefs are set up now that big punt could be the difference in the game mcnabb throwing deep sideline coulee can't get the feet in bounds and they're gonna punt on fourth and twelve now i really think the chiefs unless we see an unreal pun here i think the chiefs should be able to win this super bowl and this is a pretty decent return 55 yards for a touchdown a lot less for a game-winning field goal 13 is a jet touch pass to the 50 weird call brings up third and seven chiefs offense getting creative looks like washington might be dialing up some pressure here they're gonna blitz six castle throwing over the middle and short of the first down do you go for this here if you're in kansas city super bowl can't end in a tie they're gonna punt what is it end this game please end it end this game oh they're gonna fake it and they're gonna be well short mcveigh is the coach of washington now what what is happening mcnab complete to reggie wayne that's field goal range see what washington football team opts to do probably just take a few runs and then kick that is a big stop the chiefs could in theory [Applause] drive washington football team out of field goal ranger big tackle by eric barry and uh washington gonna ice their own team [Applause] cats a lot they're going for a field goal now it's a timeout by kansas city what's happening here they're acting like this will end the overtime period the super bowl cannot end in a tie kick is up and it is good washington are super bowl champions the chiefs go down a clutch field goal as time in overtime expires donovan mcnabb has won a super bowl in washington reggie wayne on this team what a a lot just happened 2024 season recap has deangelo williams winning an mvp and offensive player of the year i think i was gonna be giving it some time luis castillo defensive player of the year keenan allen with the browns wins rookie the year and logan ryan with the chiefs wins defensive rookie of the year wow washington very active in free agency seems to seems like their teams are quite a hit overall writer harvey doll robert gether steve justice kai for beth jacoby ford demarcus van dijk known as a pretty big speedster teddy gilchrist and kellen clemens nandi osama ends up going to the steelers i wonder what russell wilson's looking like kevin williams to philadelphia big vince will fork to the bengals randy starks to detroit troy palamalo to the jets richard seymour to the panthers asante samuel now to the cardinals brian mckinney as well davaro bowman of the uh broncos cj spiller changes afc east teams goes to the jets those are pretty much the big ones but wow a lot going on the 49ers have the number one overall pick it's a bay area bash raiders in behind of course hadn't moved to las vegas at this point and the niners take shaddevi hunt clowny number one overall the raiders take greg robinson that's a raiders pick well maybe not in terms of just taking a fast player but not a great one chargers go with blake bortles robbie bortles to the chargers dolphins go with sammy watkins probably not the best receiver in this class as khalil mack goes to the bucks goes from the buffalo bulls to the tampa bay bucks saints still some good players on the board go jake matthews from a m rams go with mike evans cowboys take aaron donald yes pretty good player to get bears go kyle fuller the cardinals go with zach martin here's my giants took odell beckham jr in real life and they take him again odell stays with the giants hopefully this time they keep him and hopefully he stays healthy lions suggesting gilbert it's a very lions pick brandon cooks to buffalo the broncos get anthony barr steelers get eric ebron yikes lions drafted him in real life and ends up by the steelers anyway d4 to the browns ryan shazier to the jets hopefully he stays healthy jason verrette to the jaguar seattle goes with darquez dinard not a great player taylor lawan to new england patriots uh after now the packers go cj mosley dominique easily was so good at florida not a great nfl player to the titans bradley roby to the eagles texans go with jimmy ward little hybrid corner safety john james the falcons the vikings take demarcus lawrence the bengals take marcus smith colts go with haha clinton dicks of course not allowed to write that uh derek carr to baltimore ends up being a first round pick teddy bridgewater is also a first rounder he was in real life though joel betonio to the chiefs and the super bowl champion washington football team take deon buchanan the hybrid safety linebacker money backer that the cardinals took out of washington state this is also a good draft class outside of the first round as well davonte adams goes to the lions not the packers doesn't team up with aaron rodgers he goes to the lions in this allen robinson to seattle stefan tuitt to the bucks jarvis landry to the titans we have andrew norwell ends up on the browns kelvin smith goes to the steelers they're getting a pretty good team kelvin smith do you guys remember him it wasn't that long ago he was one of the best linebackers in the league probably the best weak side linebacker in the league period and weird stuff and he hasn't played in two seasons i don't know what's going on with him um talvin smith charged with some weird things not good things not good things uh who else though brandon linder to the broncos we have lamarcus joyner to the chargers james white davonte freeman davonte freeman does end up on the falcons he was real good for them shaq barrett as well like he ends up being a really good player like to see what his development trade is i wonder into the playoffs now we'll view the standings we have the chiefs at 15 and 2. tell me matt castle is still their starting quarterback uh that's so bad nfc north or afc north they're starting out with got the bengals going 12-5 and some good records but no playoffs nine wins just not good enough to make the playoffs here i like it usually not but sometimes it is texans win the division at ten and seven bills and jets get in afc west three teams including a nine win team chiefs chargers broncos nfc north the lions won the division calvin johnson's going to the playoffs who's their quarterback matt stafford right because he was 2009 so he's still there qb panthers kill nfc east eagles and cowboys both get in in the west the cardinals rams and niners are in that's kind of how the uh well i don't want to say the cardinals maybe but sometimes the nfc west around this time in real life like 2014 like those teams were really really competing it was a super super super close division and it kind of is again this year which is cooler at least it should be this year we will see the league stats and works carson palmer crushed is he in arizona he must be he's got to be right we can check matt castle matt ryan d'angelo williams was amazing adrian peterson still like killing it in terms of touchdowns roddy white is the best receiver in the league but greg jennings had 17 touchdowns andre roberts was amazing hello d nada had 24 sacks honestly everything up there is crazy helodynata with 24 thomas davis who's an off the ball linebacker with 22 and luis guestio with 21 insanity darrell rivas had eight picks ernie sims with five brandon flowers was a great player for the chiefs and then kind of fell off a little bit he had five and then carlos dansby lofa to tupu and lawrence timmons lead the league in tackles now carson palmer's on the bengals that's right i didn't know if he had left for the cardinals yet he was on the raiders too for a bit yeah carson palmer went to the raiders in 2011 so that this would have been his last year with the bengals but he's just gonna stay with the bengals for his career now it looks like matt castle he's not even that good he's down at 81 overall like he's getting a plus four to morale right now but he's still just killing it still killing it brian hoyer unreal year with the cardinals colt mccoy still crushing guys like tom brady tom brady's like he's not good in this recent tom brady just gets worse and worse and worse i'm sure a lot of people love to see that great year from eli the giants just haven't been able to do enough matt moore's like the best qb in the league still rushing richard mendenhall at a killer year i want to see like where's russell wilson he's not playing well it's just entirely based on the playbooks really it's it's very frustrating that this is working out like it is like andre roberts should never be doing what andre roberts has done but andre roberts is going to be one of the better receivers in the league greg jennings went crazy v jacks was really good too still touchdowns d'angelo williams at 16. like are we it's a joke it's receiving touchdowns 16. eddie royal andre roberts v jacks keenan allen jj watt had 27 tackles for loss he is a beast 26 years old superstar x factor obviously doesn't look a ton like jj watt but you get the idea aaron donald also had 24 tackles for loss this is his rookie year a d just crushing it i want to see and again thomas davis doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense i want to see where odell beckham jr was let's see the nfc east here and go to receiving and odell just barely saw the field 23 catches you're not getting this guy involved also really cool that he's wearing his lsu number three i like that playoff bracket has the chiefs as the one seed and the panthers as the one seed in the nfc the jets and bengals some interesting matchups in here this might be the final shot andre johnson has to be competitive i mean those texan scenes were just really not good with him unfortunately as good as he was individually maybe the texans shocked the world make the super bowl here although i doubt it i i hope it happens for andre johnson's sake and it's of course going to be panthers chiefs basically the two best playbooks in the game chiefs 14 and are 15 and two panthers 14 and three some very very big records here and we will see with d'angelo williams thomas davis tyron matthew to get can do against brandon flowers eric barry and jamal charles should be a really high scoring game if i had to bet chief's going to take a 14 nothing lead early chiefs playing good defense though panthers only have three points now 21-10 panthers fighting back it's a five-point game 24-16 and now the panthers only down by two big scorer by kansas city and the chiefs need to play good defense and they allow two bombs back to back the panthers gonna make this a one score game and it's great defense on the one second and goal and the panthers score it's an alfred morris touchdown remember when he was really good which is like three years especially his rookie year all right so chiefs up 31-29 it's first and ten from their own 35 the panthers can only stop the clock once and with a nine yard run by jamal charles actually they're gonna call that a first down this game's all but over actually it is second in inches in order to win the game the chiefs need a first down the panthers have to do everything they can to stop it and they won't first down jamal charles and that will be the super bowl and they don't have to even knee it again that is the super bowl the chiefs have one another i think this is their second of the decade so far and we are only about halfway in after the 2015 draft i'm gonna review the rosters again and just see who's where because there has been some movement i just want to give you guys a little bit of a midway update but the chiefs have won another super bowl under matt castle who had four touchdowns matt castle is just the best that's it season recap of course chiefs win the super bowl matt castle super bowl mvp d'angelo williams wins mvp and offensive player of the year helodynata defensive player of the year paul richardson is your offensive rookie there and of course that makes sense aaron donald is your defensive rookie of the year with the cowboys i hate even to say that the 2015 class had some hits and misses as most draft classes do the top two quarterbacks weren't really all that jameis winston and marcus mariota it should be interesting to see where those guys go is you know maybe they can end up being beasts kevin white's another guy who's a stud coming out of uh west virginia dominated alabama or alabama when they played and that really i think put him on the map that year and then injuries just hurt him a lot hurt him a lot free agency recap here in what will be the 2014 season has cortez allen irvin baldwin and curtis brown headed to the panthers the league signings logan menken still around goes to the browns laura mclean arizona giants get jonathan joseph cam hayward to the eagles he's still very young mike pouncey goes to the lion's antoine buffet goes to the bears julius pepper is still hanging around as well he played forever goes to the brown centennial homes to the bears dallas clark sticks in indy chris gamble to detroit d'angelo hall that makes sense with the falcons it's funny though because d'angelo hall started his career in the falcons then went to washington football team where this started and then he goes back to atlanta maybe to end his career demarco murray to minnesota to replace adrian peterson i guess craig jennings sticks with the packers richard seymour to the browns the browns are doing a lot vince wilfork to the raiders about bradshaw sticks with the giants pierre garcon and the jags wilkerson of the saints brown's doing a lot doug baldwin too we'll see in the draft or after the draft i told you i would give you guys like a midway update but i'm surprised to see the vikings take a running back in free agency bears have the number one pick they go with jameis winston to be their new future franchise quarterback mariota goes to the saints the jaguars take dante fowler junior which is what happened in real life amari cooper to the patriots what is our receiving corps gonna be two alabama beasts julio jones and amari cooper the dolphins say brandon sheriff the colts get leonard williams packers go with kevin white so doesn't go to the bears goes to a different nfc north team packers finally invest in a receiver and it could be a very good one if he stays healthy danny shelton to pittsburgh davonte parker to minnesota and the falcons to round out the top ten go with eric armstead out of oregon marcus peters stays local in washington goes to seattle trey waynes to the raiders that feels like a raiders pick another guy that's just fast todd gurley the washington football team they get their clinton portis replacement nelson aguilera to the browns yikes kevin johnson the titans yikes even though he stays in the general vicinity north carolina not too far from tennessee eric flowers to tampa getting vic beasley to baltimore the giants get andrus pete all right bud dupree to the texans niners go with byron jones crazy good athlete jack thompson to philly just feels like an eagles player i think i've said that before cardinals after bashad parriman goes to the jets yikes to take phillip to her set wasn't a great receiver class for some of these guys dj humphreys goes to the bills landon collins goes to denver lincoln tomlinson to the cowboys lions take donovan smith the bengals get melvin gordon get back cedric abueli to the rams tj yelled into the chargers panthers take damarius randall who's just should have been a safety the packers made him a corner and it just wasn't his game and then the chiefs take eddie goldman to round out the first round stefan diggs ends up going to the raiders yeah i mean he just didn't go very high out of maryland i want to say he was a sixth round draft pick and another guy that the vikings snagged in real life that ends up being a beast and they're both going to the raiders two vikings guys danielle hunter and stefan diggs both go to the raiders it's pretty cool grady jarrett very cool player goes to the packers frank clark to the jets david johnson yes super super good player for a short while the vikings are big on running back right now i feel like they still have adrian peterson i'm a little confused trent brown of the lions a darius smith to the saints trey flowers goes to the giants good value pick ali marpet to the texans darren waller yeah if he didn't have off the field issues he would have seen the field a lot earlier ends up being a beast for the raiders so the sick raiders tight end ends up going to the vikings he was a receiver coming out of the draft though and the great vikings pickups end up going to the raiders adrian amos to the seattle seahawks quan alexander to the vikings both teams doing very well the raiders uh and the vikings tyler lock it to detroit you know i was thinking tyler lockett and golden tate are like the same guy and golden tate was on the seahawks and goes to the lions tyler lock it and realized on the seahawks now he's on the lions in this some fun stuff so obviously uh as time works these guys are getting older john beason's still pretty good though d'angelo williams evan britton i mean all in the high 90s charles johnson is up in the high 90s now thomas davis is still crushing it for some reason doesn't make any sense carl nix tyler matthew i mean zachary this is a really really good panthers team like it's it's you know no wonder they're doing so well julio how is an offense that features julio gronk and brady and amari cooper i guess now he's a rookie to be fair not doing well it's unreal it's unreal the raiders have darren mcfadden who in this ends up being a beast because injuries never like halt his development a ton so daryn mcfadden is actually just unbelievable zach miller is really good for some reason anything else nothing crazy on this team like obviously some guys that you wouldn't expect patrick peterson is the best on the rams emmanuel sanders is real good sam bradford has superstar x factor now i mean he's living up to that number one overall pick in this simulation aaron hernandez um i guess wasn't found out for being a vicious ruthless murderer so he's having a great career you know and his side business seems to be doing well also greg hardy man this ram seems bad they have greg hardy who is a domestic abuser they have aaron hernandez who is a murderer what else do they have going on will hill got suspended a bunch with the giants for like violating the league substance abuse policy a ton fat eddie chose cheeseburgers over football i mean look at this ravens team i don't know if they have ray lewis anymore t sizzle's getting older but they've got a bunch of really really good players dante hightower is on this team 399 overall players joe flacco is awesome cedric ellis is a 99 malcolm jenkins is also unreal never made the move to safety in this so he's a corner uh daryl washington is on the saints and also amazing he wasn't kicked out of the league so he's a beast drew brees is in there of course tracy porter toby gerhart the seahawks have jj watt brandon mibane lofitsutupu earl thomas is is definitely decent definitely decent stefan gilmore in there as well do they have their own little legion of boom earl thomas cam chancellor like he developed a bit but he never became one of the best safeties in the league like he's good and then the corner stephan gilmore josh wilson marcus peters i mean that's a nice little secondary that they have rocking their quarterback though is vince young and brady quinn and tyrell pryor dude all they have are just college cubies here they were like and that's all they are russell wilson's up to a 98 overall in just his third year but he's just not putting up awesome numbers al shawn jeffries in here but a lot of the actual cam dancers in here uh so that's the player that somehow snuck through the cracks and ended up developing because he should not be in here brian cushing still doing steroids i guess he's at a 99 overall mario williams janikowski's on the texans andre johnson's not even as old as i thought he's 33 i thought he was like 35 probably at this point so he might be in the nfl for a few more years rodney hudson d'amico ryan's would be steve slayton ended up not falling off pierre thomas where's arian foster he signed with the packers i want to say the titans of cj2k kenny britt ends up being a beast that's crazy how good kenny britt is in this derrick morgan ended up being way too good way too good cortland finnegan michael roos jason mccourty mitchell schwartz is great see adrian peterson still on the vikings he's 30 but he's a 98 overall playing up to a 99. they're running back so they have demarco murray and they drafted david johnson they have two superstar running backs and a superstar x factor running back they like to run the damn ball gotta give them props sydney rice jared allen's still good ray edwards ended up developing into a beast harrison smith is well on his way to being very very very good big ben still their quarterback demarcus lawrence they have pretty good draft pick the bears have matt forte of course justin houston is on the bears now we have levante david antoine bethay pretty good team johnny knox that's right he didn't get injured and fall off i think concussions ended johnny knox's career but he was a beast and he looks you know really solid the bengals have ray malaluga who again doesn't make any sense jermaine gresham cedric benson leon hall anyone weirded like andre roberts is insane mohammed massacre ended up developing he was a big draft bust by the browns the bill's got jairus byrd held on to him this time never ended up going to the saints he is really really really good marshawn is now up to a 97 overall superstar x factor beast mode is crazy good but he got developed as an elusive back and not a power back so he's more of a one cut style back instead of a bruiser that's very interesting david bachtiari is on this team travis frederick they're beefing up that whole line eric wood was great too look at this o line andy levitre they have aj green aj green i mean injuries aren't a factor but he's just not really developing tim tebow of course is their qb the broncos have ryan clady chandler jones is a beast elvis doomerville's sticking with the broncos richard sherman navarro bowman's great eddie royal not really that fun of a team the browns are sick joe thomas bobby wagner of course they got alex mack keenan allen they drafted von miller they drafted look at megan's joe hayden still here of course jay stu julius peppers they brought in richard seymour they brought in ataba reuben in there a really good brown team the bucks have gerald mccoy who's now a 99 overall gerald mccoy is really really good alden smith i mean that d-line's crazy alden smith again if he wasn't a nut case head case nut job he would be one of the like best edge rushers ever based on what he was doing devin joseph james lauren i just keep to leave i keep the leave i feel like had superstar deb but maybe not he's alright josh freeman ended up developing who are they even starting at qb it should be andrew luck but i feel like they're probably starting josh freeman that's unbelievable they took andrew luck number one overall to just stick it out with josh freeman oh i'm disgusted i am absolutely disgusted they have reggie bush too cardinal's got drc calais campbell they're just holding on to their guys larry fitz they have 399 overalls beanie wells didn't fall off in this adrian wilson still hanging in there they have josh gordon zach martin pretty solid team the chargers luis vasquez is their highest overall luis castillo is killing it marcus mcneil phillip rivers they have nuke phillip rivers doesn't get keenan allen but he gets the andre hopkins nv jax eric weddle in there of course pretty good chargers team eric barry beast jamal charles dwayne beau brandon flowers is up to superstar x factor david harris john asimov developed really well for some reason le'veon bell is is developing pretty nicely the colts do not look good by the way and where's peyton manning peyton manning still with the colts never left in this never had a resurgence in denver after a bad neck injury never set records for passing yards and and touchdowns in a season at the crazy super bowl run with the broncos none of it poor payton poor peyton i mean their best players clint session that's a bad sign what do they have i mean i guess it makes sense to draft cam jordan when you have aging guys like dwight freeny and robert mathis but they're still good so cam jordan's probably barely playing the cowboys have dez bryant aaron donald demarcus ware jason witten it's not that great of a team dolphins jake longvonte davis who maybe he's still going to retire at halftime if he ends up going to the bills brandon marshall sticking around fletcher cox is really good in this but again not a very good dolphins team the eagles look real good they have shady d jacks trent cole brandon graham all these guys are like huge now cameron hayward they drafted cam hayward kevin williams they brought brent selleck in a good broderick bunkley i mean their front seven looks crazy they have cam newton that's right jeremy macklin that team has some real potential the falcons have 99 overall matt ryan now which is this is about time because matt ryan was uh the mvp in his age 31 season so the timing's about right for him to get up to a 99 but curtis lofton being this good is insane roddy white i feel like is turning into one of the best receivers ever i mean look at these numbers of course uh he was a different player in green bay don't don't look at that but with atlanta just crazy numbers for him damon harrison it's not a great falcon team football team is brian arakpo as their best player it's not a crazy good team they won their super bowl they can get that 49ers i feel like haven't changed much i mean randall cobb and clowny are the only two players that we're not actually on this team at any time the giants look really solid luke keikley hakeem knicks ended up developing really nicely tyron smith of course they have odell odell's got to be putting up better numbers at this point right he should be the highest overall receiver on their team he's oh actually no we saw keem next he's barely getting the ball because steve smith is still there odell's he's just being wasted it's the exact opposite of what happened in real life where he came on and was just the best receiver on the team he can't even find the field mjd terence knighton i mean all these guys were actual jaguars eugene monroe travis kelsey is the only non-jaguar on this team out of the top guys the jets look really good with nick mangle darrell rivas i said darrell weird to bricashaw ferguson mark sanchez developed dustin keller chris harris jr they have adam thielen of course man the lions look not bad because calvin is developing obviously he's just been the best receiver in the league attribute-wise probably for a while now he's 99 everything except for acceleration speed and agility and jumping what are calvin's numbers looking like you know of course uh i don't know was he keenan allen before he might have been keenan allen i don't know um but he put up he's put a very very good numbers with the lions about 1200 yards a year give or take a couple hundred yards which is a lot matt stafford just has been developing he's real good they've got some players to ron armstead i mean devante adams dude imagine a receiving corps that features devante adams and calvin johnson tyler lockett as well as a rookie that's like the perfect receiver three packers have aaron rodgers clay matthews your michael finley of course robert quinn ariane foster never ended up being all that much i guess and i think we went over the panthers already panthers won the division the lions just were really good the lions are going to be a problem in the nfc north now which sounds crazy to say eagles went 14-3 in the best record in the league ac north ravens got out 12-5 titans and texans at 8-9 make the playoffs patriots at 9-8 when the division afc west broncos at 11 and six bears and lions make it out panthers and falcons make it out um into the playoffs eagles and giants and ramps brandon whedon matt moore i mean these are insane all right whatever frank gore crushed marquis colston dude the fact that d'angelo williams is putting up the second most receiving yards in the league infuriates me trent cole put up 30 sacks shatters the record 24 for lodinata who continues to be unreal justin houston with 20. jason mccourty alec ogletree with six picks gino hayes with the five and the tackle leaders we have de'andre levy donald butler and of course leading the way to quell jackson matt moore is just the best matt moore's the best i mean bread and whedon it was a weird year brandon whedon was like pretty good matt stafford probably had the best season of any quarterback in the league as far as i can tell he was really really solid and then rushing frank gore was a beast i mean all these numbers are crazy frank were just as a 33 year old putting up wild numbers marquis coulson's on the colts now by the way should change his name to marquise coltson you like that i hope so it was bad calvin was sick i mean andre roberts is balling out of course roddy white's gonna be in there lee evans how old is lee evans 34 at this point kendall wright is developing somehow rolando mcclain low-fat tupu putting up really good years the sack numbers are crazy luis castillo is still killing it demarcus ware and dom can sue really good years as well a bunch of uh really good years overall interceptions saw a lot of guys in here already some recognizable names oh it's a young anthony barr with the broncos getting involved we got a super bowl rematch in the year 2000 ravens giants the ravens won and the giants have finally made it to a super bowl in this i like to see it because i don't get to see it in real life unfortunately why i mean i've seen it seen them win in 2007 and 11 losing 2 000 but they haven't been consistent all right it is what it is taking over is the ravens same overall as a giants but perform better in the regular season of course this is a team that features the dominant halo d nada who was a really great player in real life just not this type of pass rusher and of course we just saw the giants we just saw you know every team giants were up seven nothing early now 14 to three the ravens hit a field goal in the middle of that supposedly giants so far not a whole lot of offense going on but now it's a real close game and the ravens are going to take the lead 15 to 14. giant score late ravens answer right away and let's go ahead and watch this giants drive eli manning the kevin boss what a combo eli quick throw to odell he can't do anything after the catch though are we actually going to see odell get the ball in here he has not been used at the giant's offense at all from what the numbers say and as you can tell he's not on the field eli quick screen who would the running back be is it a mod bradshaw it's tough because he didn't wear number 29 but i think that's a mod bradshaw it is his fourth catch of the game three minutes remain the giants can win the game with a touchdown three minutes remain eli out of the gun dropping back throwing over the middle complete that's the other steve smith big first down that's the usc receiver i think he's a second round pick and that is a big big catch to put the giants into at least field goal range which would be less than ideal considering the time remaining but you do have three timeouts i'm thinking you need a touchdown here and that was nearly intercepted over the middle but complete to hakeem nicks the giants catch a break eli goes over the middle and it's almost jumped that's desmond true font i want to say probably not marcus true font and that takes us to the two minute warning bro outside bradshaw is short of the goal line and now i don't know why the giants are going double huddle they want to control the clock a little bit more than this but they got a touchdown that's kevin boss you guys might remember the legendary mod bradshaw moment in the super bowl where the patriots were gonna let him score and he tried to stop himself from scoring a touchdown by turning around and then he fell into the end zone listen if you can turn around you can stop yourself from going backwards like come on but uh he got his endzone touchdown or enzo super bowl touchdown giants ended up winning the super bowl anyway they're going to go for two to make this a field goal game eli handoff to bradshaw nothing doing [Music] looks like it was chris knee there just couldn't seal off the lane and joe flacco who is a super bowl legend for the ravens was so good in their playoff run in real life let's see what he can do here working out of the gun he's going to drop back to throw and it's a vicious relentless giants pass rush but he gets the ball away ravens are gonna pick up a few and get out of bounds clock stops at 122. the giant super bowls were really built on their defensive line and now they have luke keegley at middle linebacker flacco with time now goes outside again and that's another first down their offense is moving flacco having a pretty good game only 12 incompletions has two touchdowns as well and all he has to do is get in the field goal range after the giants missed the two-point conversion and that one's gonna be intercepted it was off the hands of a raven and campbell comes away with the pick anquan bolden maybe was the intended receiver we'll get a better look at it here flacco and it wasn't anquan bolden it was henderson is that devry henderson maybe campbell gets the pick and the giants should be super bowl champions third and eight ravens have one timeout gotta stop the giants here from getting the first and they do get an interception it looks like ladarius webb eli is throwing a pick six with under a minute and the lead in the super bowl the darius webb pick six [Applause] and the baltimore ravens are now set up to win the super bowl i mean what an unbelievable choke by the giants two-point conversion is successful and the ravens are now up by a full seven points as antonio promorty i mean that's unbelievable though eli manning i mean known for interceptions i guess by a lot he had some real bad games but also two super bowl appearances two super bowls and some huge throws in those super bowls and that's an interception that should be the super bowl eli was pressured barely got the football away and it didn't even get past the defensive line it was under pressure and it was intercepted by none other than helody nada off a tip from terrell suggs the giants have managed to blow this game away in the most unimaginable ways possible ray rice gets the first down couldn't happen to a better guy and the ravens have managed to come back and win the super bowl the giants again just blew this in epic fashion 30-23 is your final as is no surprise there it was miracle qb run against miracle qb run really runs for eli raven's come out on top it will be the 2016 season recap d'angelo williams wins mvp and offensive player of the year trent cole defensive player of the year todd gurley wins offensive rookie of the year with the football team and daniel hunter wins defensive rookie of the year with the raiders of course this is the jared goff carson wentz class that features some really good players joey bosa zeke jalen ramsey ronnie stanley deforest buckner to name a few down the line there some interesting corners in eli apple and vernon hargraves and vernon hard race i thought was so good coming out of florida eli apple uh pretty bad in his own right as well have to be on the lookout for how those careers progress and develop in this re-simulation ravens bring in vince wilfork beefing up that d-line although he certainly passes prime kendall wright and winston guy gerard powers is good in this went to philadelphia doomerville to the niners andrew luck goes to the vikings oh my he should actually be the starter there over big ben not a whole lot of other big signings like some good players in here chris gamble i mean the niners got randy starks and mike jenkins jason peters goes to the bucks he shouldn't be 34 in this i swear i changed his age actually you know what he should be 34 in this we're to 2027 which is 2017. damn jason peters is so old dolphins have the number one overall pick are they going to take a quarterback is this a quarterback it's golf for once dolphins probably going to go with a quarterback here and the dolphins take the goofball he's going from california to miami a little bit better than detroit of course you know he's on the rams for a while carson wins to tampa will join him in florida joey boasted to the saints joey bowser could be a little bit of a higher overall based on some other guys zeke to the seattle seahawks to forest buckner to the raiders bills take jalen ramsey stefan gilmore wasn't good enough for them they got they got jalen ramsey i know stefan gilmour did not end up on the bills in this timeline but ronnie stanley goes to the packers washington gets sheldon rankins corey coleman cory coleman goes top 10 to the colts eli apple to the steelers gross the browns take vernon hargraves sick draft class so far shaq gloss into the bengals jags take jack conklin i should i did i need to tweak these overalls more 49ers go with josh doxon like some of these guys should be low but some of them are not quite high enough for sure william jackson to minnesota cardinals go with artie burns a lot of busts in this class laquan treadwell is another one he goes to atlanta kenny clark should be higher overall goes to the chiefs leonard floyd ends up on the the rams titans get robert kimdichi larry tunsil drops all the way to 23 where the lions snag them broncos get emanuel agba taylor decker to the texans patriots go with jalen smith bears get a hunter henry eagles get vernon butler ugh chargers go with the ryan kelly panthers at 31 go with xavier howard available at the back in the first giants get chris jones of course with the chiefs and then miles jack who fell because of injury does go in the first round of this one i think he was like top five in the second round but this time he goes to the ravens cowboys got tyreek hill in the fourth he's pretty fast i know you guys know tiger kill michael thomas goes to buffalo colts get michael pierce justin simmons goes to the bengals [Music] a bunch of good players derek henry to the raiders it's a fun combo kevin buyer to the rams joe tooney goes to the panthers dion jones the browns yeah i needed to uh boost the overalls in this class this is a like a very low overall draft class for the most part i needed to definitely boost it a bit playoff time the browns are back to being great 13 and four they won the uh the whole nfl they won it no they had the best record though the rams also went 13-4 those are the two one seeds and the browns bengals and ravens all made the playoffs in the north titans won in the south bills and patriots make it in in the afc east afc west is the chiefs packers and vikings get in in the north south three teams panthers saints and bucks nfc east has just the eagles in the west says just the rams okay i just saw who led the league in passing and it's unbelievable chase daniel you know why because he's on the chiefs it's insane okay andrew luck had a great first year in minnesota seems like he should have been starting all along where was andrew luck tampa yeah he was in he was with the bucks probably should have been starting him matt schaub at a crazy year phillip rivers matthew stafford sam bradford met ryan eli i mean so many guys up near 5000 yards mcnabb is still playing he's 40. get him out of here rg3 had a great year with the cardinals he's like the perfect qb for them too with uh their playbook because it's made for kyler murray essentially alex smith is in there colt mccoy still putting up great numbers i mean look at touchdowns colt mccoy's second crazy i mean vince young and mark sanchez could have been worse as well cj 2k again goes for over 2000 yards yeah he's been crushing it he has two seasons of 2000 yards joins adrian peterson in that in this reason steven jackson's still around he's 33 doing quite well adrian peterson adrian peterson's only two years younger than steven jackson that feels wrong 13 touchdowns 1500 yards rushing now that andrew luck's there they're not handing the ball off quite as much marshawn lynch with very comparable numbers to adrian peterson receiving deandre hopkins with the chargers going off very very good numbers for him andre roberts is still a beast for some reason looks like he led the league in touchdowns yeah really good numbers for a lot of these guys tyree kill had a great rookie year just can't keep up with them can't keep up with them defensively we have manti teo leading the league in tackles with 148 manti tayo crazy numbers 25 tackles for loss for fletcher cox and justin tuck sacks 27 for helotinata why is he the best ever he's so good he is not even a pass rusher really derek morgan's also unreal in this for some reason derek morgan's crazy good brian cushing another not pass rusher has been upgraded like a pass rusher and is now a dominant pass rusher thomas davis chandler jones crazy number justin duran at 18 sacks seven picks for eric kendrick's led the way six for jonathan joseph and jarad powers as well drc back on the cardinals actually was he always on the cardinals he might have always been on the cardinals yeah he was he was also you'll see that roger's criminality is not it's close enough all right you you know who it is oh panthers in the super bowl against the ravens who have made it in back-to-back years how did the playoffs shake out ravens and browns went toe to toe ravens and bengals it was all afc north action patriots of course made it as well and then in the nfc rams eagles packers panthers very close game the panthers squeaked out by two points rams just beat the eagles by a touchdown panthers by a touchdown basically again and that sets up a very interesting match-up very interesting match up we've seen the panthers in the super bowl of course we've obviously seen the ravens in the super bowl let's see what happens here we got tyron matthew d'angelo williams and thomas davis versus elodie nada ray rice and forced ben grubs on the offensive line panthers up 14-0 ravens finally on the board of the touchdown but they go back down by two touchdowns right away 24-7 now into the second half raven's gonna need to really pick up the pace here the panthers are just way too potent of an offense 34-21 it's all over it's all over 10 uh points down just straight knees and that is the game panthers are super bowl champions who is our quarterback do we even talk about who their qb is there's john beeson good to see him getting the super bowl is that uh i don't know who raymond would be matt moore that's right oh this is unreal matt moore matt moore he's just he's the best again he's just the best chris johnson won mvp with the titans and offensive player of the year hello to nada with another defensive player of the year tyrek hill offensive rookie of the year and jaylen ramsey wins defensive rookie of the year with the bills some very good players in this draft class coming up some not so great players miles garrett this is a big strabiski draft class leonard fournette corey davis but it does have good players like jamal adams like mike williams christian mccaffrey patrick mahomes desean watson maybe he stays away from uh massage parlors and has a great career marshawn lattimore malik hooker is decent marlon humphreys one of the best corners in the league maybe o.j howard on a team that actually wants to use him could be a great player league signings let's see akeeb talib goes to the packers who have desmond true font kylie use check to seattle justin tucker at the browns let's see anyone big jonathan joseph to the browns browns are going after it they got they got some good players eric weddled to the giants ray edwards paul puts lesney to the titans t sizzle of the bills he's gonna leave baltimore thomas davis is finally regressing he's down to stardev cortland finnegan in there brian mckinney to the patriots steve smith that's the giant steve smith though he goes to the colts is that giant steve smith yeah it has to be right i think so the dominant luis castillo is off the chargers he was going to pittsburgh colts at number one overall they got to replace peyton manning but i think they're probably going to take miles garrett and they do the best player in the class i think actually you know he's not going to be it's probably going to be patrick mahomes and it's going to be interesting to see what team he goes to mitchell trubisky goes to washington football team the cowboys go solomon thomas denver takes leonard fournette the lions go with corey davis mahomes is going to come off the board any second now jamal adams to the niners the cardinals take mike williams this could be the patrick mahomes moment they take john ross instead the steelers wouldn't because they have russell wilson is patrick mahomes gonna stay in state texas tech over to houston which is not close by the way christian mccaffrey they love their first round running backs texans do they take patrick mahomes they go marshawn lattimore will it be the dolphins who take patrick mahomes they go marlin humphrey is he gonna go to the jets at number 12. the jets go with dory jackson will the giants take patrick mahomes i'm in they take jonathan allen suddenly tackle but patrick mahomes is still on the board and that's not patrick mahomes it's derek barnett what about the jaguars they take patrick mahomes mahomes is headed to jacksonville all right who was their quarterback before patrick mahomes in this they would have had david garrard for at least a little while but their quarterback was kirk cousins who did the giants have the giants took jonathan allen instead of patrick mahomes i mean it's literally unbelievable but okay it's you know it's it's exactly believable jared davis to the seahawks gary and conley to the chargers falcons go jabril peppers the bucks take attack mckinley the chiefs go with dradavius white titans with deshawn watson another good option available tj watt to minnesota stays fairly local reuben foster to the bills would have been a really good player he just kept having weird things happen the saints get o.j howard patriots take kevin king brutal ryan ram checked the philadelphia evan ingram to the packers browns get david najoku they did that in real life the bengals get gareth bowls we have the rams taking us on reddick buddha baker to baltimore in the last pick of the first round is zay jones to carolina wow the pat's got alvin kamara george kittle goes to seattle dalvin cook goes to the niners it's pretty strong draft class chris godwin of pittsburgh eddie jackson to green bay kenny gallaudet is seattle cooper cup to the pack juju to tampa bay austin eckler goes to football team a bunch of really good players in this class kareem hunt to houston aaron jones to the saints that's there alvin kamara basically taylor moton marcus williams to pittsburgh john johnson the jets this was a stack draft class the texans made the playoffs at eight and nine ravens again doing real well twelve and five check out the standings and we'll see who gets in the rams went 15 and two the ravens win the division they make it out of the afc north the jags titans and texans all make the playoffs the texans at 8 and 9. still it's crazy to see patriots at 10 and 7 make it in raiders and chiefs make it into the playoffs out of the afc west nfc north we have the vikings packers and lions falcons and saints from the nfc south eagles out of the nfc east and the rams out of the nfc west matt schaub matthew stafford and chase daniel those are your passing leaders chris johnson mjd and todd gurley are your russian leaders al-shaw and jeffrey keenan allen emmanuel sanders for receiving helodynata derek morgan aaron donald your sac leaders gerard powers and antoine case and keep popping up in there xavier rhodes in there we have luke lee david harrison avery williamson as your tackle leaders ravens saints super bowl the ravens are looking to win their second out of three super bowl appearances in a row the ravens are killing it saints are in here as well who is their quarterback do we know drew brees is still there okay so i didn't know if he was still around but he is daryl washington cedric ellis are that highly rated wild saints went up early three nothing but now the ravens have scored 14 make it 17 straight points dominating the first half do the saints have a rally in them they do score a touchdown but they allow one right back and the ravens get a huge stop and the saints really have no opportunity to come back the ravens defense was just way better than the saints offense and i think that's probably the story of the game here hello di nada probably had about 10 sacks drew brees didn't even throw a touchdown how many sacks did a load he not have two and a half he's just unreal miles jack with two vince wilfork hey sergio kendall had one okay the 2018 season recap has adrian peterson winning mvp huh elvis zumerville won defensive player of the year patrick mahomes went off into rookie the year jonathan allen wins defensive rookie there how did adrian peterson win mvp did he do something crazy as a receiver i mean his rushing numbers were good i mean he did have 25 touchdowns i'm not saying it's a bad season it's clearly a great season it just feels like mjd was significantly better on the ground i mean he did average the most per carry of those what did he do receiving it's a great year but mvp i'm just a little surprised about 931 yards receiving eight touchdowns adrian peterson the receiving back he is upgraded to 86 catching or 82 catching he's 33 years old now another mvp for all day some interesting retirements in here as well we have just some big time offensive lineman from that era robert mathis in there as well saw lights out turn the lights out as well shawn merriman retired very interesting class coming up baker mayfield saquon some really good players josh allen roquan smith minka it's a really really good draft class raven signed stephen pia brandon boykin josh larabee and bennett jackson i forgot about bennett jackson oh the jags got nick mangold they're just the jets are losing all their that guys nick mangold gone darrell rivas to the titans mario williams to the packers john aston one of the seahawks ben tate actually sticking around this time deandre levy to the bills low foot to tupu off the seahawks to the falcons loves his bird teams akeeb talib ends up on the broncos i think that's exactly what happened he left the bucks to go to the broncos am i am i missing the patriots in there somewhere what are the years on that i might be yeah i am it was tampa and then like halfway through 2012 went to the patriots and then 2013 patriots and then broncos but yeah he just skipped the patriots but he ended up where he needed to be vernon davis does what he did in real life ends up joining the washington football team he did so at pretty old as well yep he joined washington um football team in 2016. also he was on the broncos for a few games forgot about that completely i'm like that's not true he was never on the broncos but he was jason mccourty and jonathan joseph two old corners head to las vegas now i guess tracy porter's still there sean smith and stefan tuitt go to afc south teams paul plus lesney to the texans joe staley could not have been 34 at this point was he i guess he might have been yeah he was that's crazy i feel like joe staley i know he's around for a while but i i guess he really was 34 few years ago the jets have the number one overall pick i wonder if the giants take saquon wanted four that'd be interesting baker goes to the jets the seahawks get saquon barkley the panthers takes sam darnold well that's where he is right now the giants at number four get josh allen weep haters the bills take denzel award they're really beefing up that secondary bradley chubb goes to the colts i think that's what i thought was gonna happen in that actual draft class if i remember correctly quentin nelson ends up on the cowboys the chargers get vida veya the bears get duron payne bengals getting marcus davenport not ideal from them jair alexander the broncos another really good draft class mike mcglinchey ends up on the niners that's what happened in real life we have roquan smith to the dolphins the cardinals get josh rosen that's what happened in real life i wonder how long he lasts and minka fitzpatrick goes to the bucks the steelers get tremaine edmonds is this a durwin james class it sure is because i thought the bucks were going to get him bucks pass on him here again and he goes to the browns washington football team gets dj moore keeping him real local calvin ridley goes to the texans the lions get rashaan evans the eagles take leighton van der resch the jags get mike hughes the falcons get isaiah win we have lamar jackson to the kansas city chiefs oh man hayden hurst to the pass the vikings get colton miller who went to the raiders in real life nick chubb is the pick didn't they just get i think they drafted derek henry right didn't like him i mean i guess there's the big argument right now derek henry or nick chubb is the best running back in the league i mean christian mccaffrey there too right a lot of guys in the conversation but the raiders just settled for both of them the titans get frank ragnow who you know ends up moving to center sony michelle to the packers the saints get james daniels and the last pick of the first round is rashad penny to the ravens fred warner ends up on the rams so he stays in division but goes to a different team jesse baits the miami dolphins darius leonard to the seahawks who else mark andrews of the dolphins i feel like we're saying their name a lot phillip lindsey gets drafted this time and ends up on the team that he was undrafted too in the broncos jc jackson to the bengals wyatt teller to the jags justin reed goes to the minnesota vikings orlando brown to the chargers dante jackson the cards sebastian joseph dagos the giants never gonna have too many d linemen cortland sutton jets brian o'neill jags deshawn hand in there i mean you guys can see where a lot of these guys are going like still good players in here but that's pretty much the end of the like big superstars in here so i think it's possible at some point i was getting my years confused this is the next day now this has taken me a couple days to record this it's a big project but this is the 2018 season as we just said the 2018 nfl draft of course it says 2029 on the top so it's possible i was just being like i'm just gonna add 10. so i've been saying a year ahead for some years that's possible i don't know if i was doing that but i may have anyway we're gonna go to the playoffs and see what happens in 2018. also if you guys are gonna ever go to any of these sporting events i say it quite a bit but i'm looking out for you guys i i do make a commission but you can save yourself twenty dollars would you use code bengal on seatgeek buy tickets for anything so if you're gonna buy tickets might as well have the discount code and we'll check out the standings 12 and 5 well a lot of teams the lions won their division clearly the raiders patriots and bills all go 12 and 5 as well afc north the browns and the steelers make the playoffs as to the titans who won the division the patriots and bills obviously both made it in tough break for the afc's two nine and eight teams both miss out in the playoffs raiders and chiefs from the afc west and the nfc we have the lions and the bears packers win 10 don't make it in yet the falcons win their division at nine and eight of course make it in and then two ten win uh teams from the nfc east the football team and the eagles out of the west we have the cardinals and the niners matthew stafford had a very good year as did big ben sam bradford in there cj2k another great year and so did darren mcfadden 19 touchdowns for him todd gurley in there as well justin blackman putting up oklahoma state numbers stays in the league and has a crazy year miles garrett off to a hot start with his nfl career put up 18 sacks 18 for derrick morgan as well 19 for danielle hunter stefan gilmore led the league in interceptions with seven and paul poslezny luke lee kiko alonso but paul passing had a ton of tackles just the most in the nfl by a lot we'll check out the rest of the nfl here andrew luck his first year in minnesota i believe having maybe his second year second year in minnesota having a very very good year and of course the picture doesn't look very much like henry luck matt ryan quite good brian hoyer killing it for the raiders they throw 25 picks though rg3 doing enough to win for the cardinals but kaepernick in there cam newton in there tana hills with the browns rushing mjd another great season for him ray rice i mean adrian peterson still averaging over five yards per carry he's just not getting the football as much as some of these top guys of course with the tennessee playbook they're feeding derrick henry chris johnson of course in this simulation justin blackman though atlanta receivers just put up numbers and justin blackman certainly no different looks like he was drafted by the browns never played went to atlanta and his career started to take off this is you know of course his best season ever by a lot so kind of the opposite of his actual nfl career which started out hot and then ended abruptly michael floyd you know the same deal for him too calvin johnson's still great numbers al shawn with the pittsburgh steelers deandre hopkins still putting up great numbers dwayne beau found his way back on the chiefs right now he did i feel maybe he was on the chiefs the whole time yeah he was for some reason i thought that he had signed somewhere else in free agency but maybe that was somebody else it is the next day recording this for me so memory i guess isn't what it used to be gerald mccoy 33 tackles for loss and 18 and a half sacks crazy numbers justin houston at 18.52 i mean insane levante david had 17 and a half sacks with the bears again he's not that type of a player his power and finesse moves aren't even good it's just complete playbook on that one outside linebacker in that playbook i'm not sure if it's still chicago we can check but that's insane that he puts up 17 and a half sacks with terrible power in finesse moves hello nina still amazing chris jones great year greg hardy had a great year daryl washington stefan gilmore of course led the league xavian howard five picks two the bears are in pittsburgh playbook so that's designed for tj watt 61 power and finesse moves 17 plus socks crazy brown's niners in the super bowl that should be a fun matchup i wonder who you know who's on those teams we're going to find out the way i change scenes by the way because people always ask because they don't know retire create a new character you'll lose your staff points but you can just change teams it doesn't really matter the head coach of this team is emanuel fish all right bobby wagner's on the browns we knew that and we'll see who comes out on top niners or browns dalvin cook jedevian clowney jamal adams on the 49ers what a group and then of course on the other side von miller keenan allen bobby wagner crazy good team not a lot of scoring so far the browns are up ten to three niners answer as soon as i say that and then browns go up by 10 as we were into the third quarter now 23 10 23 13 49ers making a bit of a comeback i think we're probably gonna jump in and watch how things transpire we have the browns holding on they have a three point lead on the 49ers they have the football and they have jonathan stewart and we'll see where their quarterback is i'm actually not sure of course they wouldn't have baker mayfield in this is it still gonna be colt mccoy they had him for a little while i'm not sure who that is we'll find out soon enough big third and four the niners have elvis dumerville as well is that ryan tannehill that's gotta be what that says he's gonna look sidelined and he finds the receiver for the first down niners really could have done with a stop there but flowers is just a second late rotating over and it sets up a fresh set of downs for the cleveland browns nice will rhyme as tan hill goes wide left again that's complete to the running back jonathan stewart joe thomas good to see him still with the browns holding down left tackle forever he'll be a lifer in cleveland second and four under center is 10 hill he's going to hand off stretch left to stewart throws off a 49er and patrick willis but is still short of the first down line to gain patrick willis gets credit for the tackle and that is the two minute warning third and one tana hill under center again stewart is the lone tailback play action tan hill under pressure and down he goes time out 49ers and that could be the play that they needed to make to win the super bowl does that drive cleveland out of field goal range they're gonna try it from the 45 this is a 55-yard field goal and it is good justin tucker is a lefty in this and he's automatic justin tucker as i record this by the way hit a 66 yarder the nfl record now for longest field goal of all time to beat the lions as time expires off the crossbar and in any way wild but the niners are gonna have a chance here touchdown an extra point wins the game two-minute drill essentially for the 49ers and who even is their quarterback he's gonna throw complete down the sideline it's mahan who who joseph mahan how do they have a player in here like that doesn't even exist that's getting time i'm confused some like random undrafted player i would assume but we'll see what joseph mahan can do that annoys me more than you can even realize a minute to play here hoping the niners lose now with this new quarterback revelation and down he goes it's von miller could that be enough sets up second and super long for the niners and that is a great throw from mahan third and three from midfield 36 seconds remain niners still with two timeouts if they need it out of the shotgun mahan facing pressure gonna throw sideline incomplete just out of bounds and this is for the game fourth and three they don't need to throw the ball down the field here just check it down and that's exactly what they do big completion out of bounds box stopped 28 seconds to play maha now working out of the gun he's got an x factor running back in there stays in the block and he won't pick up the block his von miller off the edge again timeout san francisco now only 23 seconds remain backed up to their own territory now from the 49 mon rolls right throws complete to the sideline and he did not get out of bounds the 49ers forced to use their final timeout now it's third and 13. 15 seconds remaining they might have to take a shot at the end zone here mahan needs time and he has it rolls right throws deep down the left sideline and incomplete eight seconds to play here in the super bowl it's gonna have to be a hail mary shot for the end zone does mahan have the arm it's gonna be a 50-yard throw has time throws to the end zone for the super bowl incomplete and there's one second to play it doesn't matter that's the game the browns are super bowl champions under ryan tannehill [Applause] the browns have finally won it all we've seen a lot of weird teams with the super bowl on this but of course it's all playbook based and the brown's got it done he is a 74 overall after six years in the league so just a random undrafted player that's annoying michael crabtree's still there they've randall cobb doug baldwin mike mcglinchey playing left tackle now defensively i mean look at this defense oh my michael griffin jamal adams mike hilton this is byron jones byron jones in there they have genevieve clowney mario addison dj reader bj raji and their linebacking core jamie collins patrick willis elvis dumerville what a group but they came up short lamar jackson won mvp and offensive player of the year gerald mccoy wins defensive player of the year lamar jackson by the way was a rookie one offensive rookie of the year and mvp and offensive player of the year what a start to his career with the chiefs and then maurice hurst with the bengals wins defensive rookie of the year some big retirements darnell dockett jonathan joseph with the raiders t sizzle with the bills some big players lofa to tupu steve slayton phil lodholt stayed on the vikings his entire career dwayne brown ryan khalil state of panther nick mangold of course with the jags retires this will be a very interesting draft class in its own right kyler murray nick bosa some really good players in this i mean this is the brian burns class where is he there he is brian burns rashawn gary devin bush at oliver hawk josh allen the the edge rusher some really really good players in this class already corners leave a bit to be desired though i'll say that wow niners were not playing in free agency got a bunch of guys but tyler lockett was the big signing star le tula tulilay and as well trey boston jarvis jones ends up being a bust in this of course not very good matt barkley and carl nasib interesting calvin leaves the lions signs with the dolphins the biggest free agent by a mile he's going to miami the bears got alex mac and larry warford hakeem knicks to washington football team drc to the bucks mjd still playing at age 34 goes to the chargers random flowers to the bucks to leave to the falcons patrick willis leaves the niners he signs with the bengals melvin gordon of the giants darby ends up on the bill somehow clay matthews stays in green bay david johnson of the colts the giants pick at number one overall i think they're gonna finally get their quarterback and at number one overall the giants take kyler murray out of oklahoma the bengals at number two take nick bosa pretty good player chargers nail quinn and williams we have the cleveland feral to the bucks broncos take devin white finally get a good linebacker in there daniel jones to the texans good organizations do that type of a move yeah josh allen goes to the jags like he did in real life colts get ed oliver christian wilkins to the panthers the cowboys take brian burns no that's payne dexter lawrence to the rams of course ended up on the giants in real life jeffrey simmons at the saints the ravens take tj hawkinson the vikings get chris lindstrom seattle takes devin bush their next bobby wagner even though bobby wagner never went to the seahawks in this jonah williams to the jets the dolphins get rashaan gary just before the packers who took him into real life the packers take dwayne haskins the next aaron rodgers falcons go monte sweat hollywood brown to the eagles garrett bradbury to washington football team deandre baker goes to the chiefs ended up on the chiefs although of course the giants drafted him too noah fan to the steelers titans get darnell savage the cardinals who took kyler murray end up with jerry tillery this time around josh jacobs goes to the bills the patriots get caleb mcgarry the lions get byron murphy chicago gets rocky scene raiders with debo samuel 49ers get juwon taylor and the browns the last pick of the first round go with sean murphy bunting that'll do it for round one of the 2019 nfl draft hey the giant's got scary terry dk metcalf to the steelers to team up with russell wilson oh my what a combo can you imagine if russell wilson and dk metcalf could be on the same team wild wild stuff there aj brown to the cowboys elton jenkins goes to the chargers who else is good down the board eric mccoy to jacksonville david montgomery to 49ers rams get damian harris max crosby to the titans miles sanders to the saints that's a really good match up for them chauncey gardner johnson to the steelers we have deontay johnson to the browns he stays local the toledo rocket to the cleveland browns how funny is it that the steelers end up drafting russell wilson and then dk metcalf a few years later they're like i think we've seen this work somewhere else before can't put my finger on it but i think that i think it's worked out the rams won the division seahawks just in behind we will see the standings though see who all got in the saints had the best record in the league it seems like by a lot the raiders have the best record in the afc with 10 wins all right very competitive conference wild uh ravens and steelers from the north the south gets to texas at eight and nine the east gets the jets and the bills at nine and eight and eight nine the raiders a ten and seven again have the best record in the afc chargers at nine and eight wow i'm gonna predict that an nfc team wins the super bowl this year vikings go eleven and six take the north the saints at fourteen and three and the falcons at eleven and six make it in well twelve and five for football team cowboys and 10 and 7. the giants still suck the rams at 11 and 6 and seahawks at 10 and 7 make it out of the west sam bradford is slinging it 5400 yards and 50 touchdowns adrian peterson's back to a ton of tds with 24. where's saquon we'll find out i guess justin blackman killing it again jeremy curley 1500 yards and 15 touchdowns calvin crush at miami jj watted 26 sacks in seattle chandler jones alden smith in there you know that was probably a real year of numbers by the way like very similar let's look up 2015. so 2012 at jj watt and then alden smith is one and two but chandler jones was a rookie didn't put up a ton that year and then alden smith like you know obviously fell off pretty hard with some legal stuff but you know jj watt and alden smith right up there makes sense dante jackson seven jibril pepper's six picks to keep the leap in there bj goodson was the leading tackler in the nfl okay i still hate this damn quarterback that doesn't exist he's the only guy that doesn't exist in the entire thing also the giants have josh allen why are they drafting kyler murray dude oh jesus christ all right what a ridiculously bad team and obviously the logic in the game is garbage from ea they got to completely rework that mark sanchez mark sanchez is amazing and that bothers me a lot rushing todd gurley crushed adrian peterson was awesome but todd really really stole the show i would like to say saquon's in seattle too that's right doesn't look a ton like saquon but it's yeah it's close enough marshawn still in buffalo never made it out west not a lot of players changing teams in this justin blackman best receiver in the league but jeremy curley was right there you might even take jeremy curly season just had fewer catches calvin awesome juju curtis samuel in there deshawn jackson still crushing it with philadelphia devonta adams and matt stafford with the lions jer michael finley putting up receiver numbers at tight end i mean what a crazy year from him and then defensively we saw some of these numbers bj goodson was on the chiefs or did end up on the chiefs right he was giants and then packers and then chiefs am i wrong about that giants packers cleveland and then the jets so i guess pj i don't know why i thought bj goodson made it to the uh chiefs but i guess it was the browns in 2020. uh eric armstead had a ton of tackles for loss jj watt crushed again ryan kerrigan with the lions but dupreeh in there with the texans eagles with k1 short and kim hey we're both going off then german james with the browns too had a really good year steelers rams in the super bowl here for super bowl 65 that's really what super bowl 56 right no super bowl 54 i don't know one of those rams go up first steelers answer right back 14-7 rams now 21-7 rams 28-7 the steelers just stopped fighting down 42-7 now we're into the third quarter the steelers will need a miracle to come back and it's just not going to happen they went down by a million the rams put up 52 points the steelers got crushed i mean there was never even anything worth watching here it was never a close game i mean the rams just destroyed this pittsburgh team yeah sam bradford had six touchdowns there was nothing that russell wilson could do and not a great game from him all things considered of course but christian mccaffrey's on that team i mean the steelers offense has russell wilson christian mccaffrey dk metcalf like out sean jeffrey chris godwin and they can't score that feels ridiculous season recap has jakeem grant winning super bowl mvp that's the wrong choice adrian peterson with another mvp in offensive player of the year j.j watt wins defensive player of the year damian harris with rookie there with the rams and then devin white with the broncos wins defensive rookie of the year how many mvps does adrian peterson have russell wilson put up crazy numbers by the way that offense just got completely stopped in the super bowl adrian peterson of course is the leading legacy guy ever multiple mvps and of course like he's played for 24 years because his age was reset to like 24. even though he was like 34 in real life so that's pretty fun uh just the most by a million i mean hollodinato is incredible it doesn't even come close and the last draft class we have in this is the 2020 class if you guys want to see a 2021 nfl redraft in madden we can make that happen let me know down in the comment section below and and let's see if this video gets 10 000 likes if it gets 10 000 likes i'll do it for sure so be aware of that so if you guys want to see 20 21 which is not in this video i'll get that created and we'll uh we'll make that happen steelers had a ton of money and really didn't have a good free agent class and there were some good free agents out sean jeffrey ends up going to the bears which he was drafted by helodynata to the panthers courty glenda the saints and dominican sioux changes nfc north teams heads up to minnesota marchand finally gets out west goes to the chargers justin tucker goes to the lion so he had that huge kick against in real life today as i record this kendall fuller to the raiders kenny clark to the chargers alex max still in the league kirk cousins to the raiders zeke of course goes to the browns why is he off his team already dion jones to the saints what like why are they not being resigned by their teams the giants once again picking number one overall get joe burrow because you can never have enough quarterbacks jesus christ all right that's really bad colts go with chase young probably would have been a better pick for the giants panthers go with jeff okuda patriots take white andrew thomas i guess i slipped on that one to a tongue of iloa to the jaguars justin herbert to the bucks eagles get derrick brown the chiefs say henry ruggs that would be super fun in that offense but patrick mahomes isn't there anymore they have lamar jackson but still that'd be fun tristan works to the browns broncos end up with jerry judy just like they did in real life javon kinlaw goes to the miami dolphins the lions gets cd lamb the titans get cj henderson different afc south team isaiah simmons to the 49ers this time wow different nfc north team justin jefferson goes to the bears the bengals get aj terrell cardinals with kenneth murray not quite isaiah simmons but brandon iuke i thought this was going to happen ghosts of the packers of course the packers don't draft receivers he goes to the niners in real life jalen rhaegar to the texans chargers get damon arnett ravens get patrick queen that happened in real life jedrick wills goes to the dallas cowboys seahawks get jordan love already well they don't have russell wilson so i don't even i don't even know what their quarterback is vikings get k levon chase on bills get t higgins that feels like a bill's pick jeff gladney to the jets yikes michael pittman jr to washington football team saints get makai bechten who should have gone much earlier clyde edward zelaire goes to the falcons raiders get kyle duggar steelers with deandre swift they love their running backs and the last pick of the first round is xavier mckinney one spot before the giant could get him jk dobbins went to the bengals seems like everyone's just going to a division rival jonathan taylor of the panthers leviska chennault yeah that's exactly what he looks like he goes to the colts cam makers to the dolphins chase claypool the titans jalen johnson of the browns jeremy chin goes to the cowboys antonio gibson ends up on the vikings michael onwennu goes to the jags i feel like their o-line's awesome james robinson of the vikings antoine winfield jr to the eagles cole comet to the jags yeah the jags just really good up front the browns just went off this is about the time they hit their stride in real life as well 14-3 best record in football 49ers were great too brown's won the afc north they were the only team to get out afc south has just the jaguars making it into the playoffs out of the division patriots jets and dolphins make the playoffs but the bills without josh allen do not afc west has the raiders and chargers at eight and nine vikings and packers in the nfc north falcons at 11 6 win the nfc south east eagles and giants and in the nfc west the 49ers and rams both go 12 and 5. sam bradford is just the best matt stafford in there as well kirk cousins matt ryan andrew luck nick foles with the chargers dak with the saints you know he was an uh he was a louisiana kid so it's cool that he goes back to a louisiana team aaron rodgers still with the green bay packers by the way they drafted a qb though right i want to say that they did rushing as dalvin cook leading the league todd gurley averaged the most per carry by a lot dalvin cook had just almost 100 more carries zeke with the browns you have joe mixon is adrian peterson gone now adrian peterson may have retired it's about time probably right i don't see a vikings running back in here though who is the top vikings running back malcolm brown okay receiving philip dorsett led league in yards mike evans with the rams muhammad sunu justin blackman still crushing it davonte adams zay jones even antonio callaway even antonio callaway was so good at florida just could not stay out of his own way constant issues off the field tyree kill with the cowboys jameson crowder michael thomas michael crabtree odell finally putting up good numbers defensively we have quan alexander leading league in tackles 23 tackles for loss for leonard williams class campbell who's back on the cardinals no he never left he never left i'm trying to remember where players are ben ardrick mckinney crazy year two malcolm brown the d tackle not to be confused with the running back they both went to texas one has an l one does not this one has an l so that's spelled incorrectly quarterback sacks 24. for chandler jones lead the way jj watt with 20 20 for eric armstead and genevieve clowney as well fletcher cox with 19. aldon smith had 17 and a half and then quan alexander had eight picks led the league vinnie sunseri no shot no shot tavon young at six picks two so did rolando mclean sim is a crazy place super bowl has the packers and the jags what a crazy super bowl match-up to end this video that is quite the combination we'll take the jaguars they have travis kelsey who else do they have patrick mahomes on to it oh this team can play also the fact that travis kelsey and patrick mahomes end up together that's pretty cool i wonder how many times that's happened we saw russell wilson and dk matt half but this is obviously a really really cool matchup the packers of course still have aaron rodgers but add grady jarrett and ronnie stanley let's see what happens so this of course would be the matchup last year so this would have been bucks against the chiefs patrick mahomes finds himself back in the super bowl anyway great angle there so can patrick mahomes win his first super bowl here or will aaron rodgers finally win one has never won one in this resim and it is a back and forth matchup right now and the jags make a huge stop and score off of it and that might end up winning them the football game i spoke too soon packers fighting right back in it this is a slugfest so far as we are in the fourth quarter and that could be a huge score by the jags 70-yard kickoff and the packers need to score very very quickly down by ten only three and a half minutes to play aaron rodgers gonna have to do something miraculous rogers rolling out throws complete to the running back and they're gonna have to hurry things up they just cannot afford to take their time on this drive and it seems like they are taking their time now just over three minutes to play rogers from the shotgun again who is his big-time superstar receiver he's gonna check down again to the running back these plays will work though 10 to 12 yards apiece you'll take that but you're down to just two and a half minutes you need to be moving at a slightly faster pace than this play action rogers rolling out throws incomplete why roll out there probably what the comments ask me when i roll out every play in lions franchise second and ten joe schobert ended up on the jags it's kind of cool has happened in real life for a little while as rogers making pressure finally throws it away he had time and rogers is paranoid in the pocket that's clearly a trait i mean you can see there's just there's just no confidence throwing the ball he's looking to run pretty much every single play and then it creates havoc and chaos and this offensive line looks pretty good but once again he kind of gets crazy throws down the field incomplete he has time and he just gets crazy in the pocket and then can barely get the throw off fourth and ten game on the line here for the packers they need a first down rogers will step up rolling to his left cross body deep and incomplete man that offense was disgusting to watch that really was like the worst thing i've ever seen i hated every second of it and this game's over three timeouts i mean best case scenario for the packers they use two timeouts they get a stop and they score i don't know man they're gonna need an onside kick best case scenario it's not gonna happen the jags are super bowl champions patrick mahomes gets his first super bowl rogers looked so bad and that's all traits he has to have like paranoid in the pocket or something like that i think that's got to be the trait that's so odd ideal sense of pressure for aaron rodgers yet he just couldn't sit in there and make a throw wild wild wild wild this offensive line played pretty well just pretty awful to watch i don't know what was going on 2031 season recap is really 20 20. sam bradford wins mvp and offensive player of the year chandler jones with the broncos wins defensive player of the year james robinson with the vikings offensive rookie there and kenneth murray with the cardinals the cardinals got their rookie murray just not the one you'd expect in kyler murray a couple years ago but that's gonna do it this was definitely a ton of fun to do i wish that madden sim was better and wasn't so totally reliant on playbooks so that we mostly see the same playbooks in the super bowl every single year it's like always the chiefs but that uh that is what it is so thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this was a super fun video and and look out for a couple others coming up in the future like the 2021 nfl redraft via madden and we'll see what happens for a few years after that and then also i'm doing a players in their prime video so on their actual teams no drafts really just seeing you know what the vikings would look like with prime adrian peterson today or maybe not the vikings but uh like if prime falcons julio was on this current titans team that's the idea that's the concept so make sure you're subscribed if you're not subscribed already so you don't miss out on that video scroll down make sure you're subscribed and i'll see you guys in the next one take it easy see me step to the end zone my life like a game nintendo playing with the best let them know get off the [Music] good
Channel: Bengal
Views: 639,896
Rating: 4.9572535 out of 5
Keywords: madden rebuild, realistic rebuild, madden 22 gameplay, madden 22, madden nfl 22, madden 22 franchise, madden 22 franchise mode, madden 22 face of the franchise, madden 22 career mode, madden 22 rebuild, madden 22 realistic rebuild, madden 22 draft, nfl simulation, resetting the nfl, resetting the nfl to 2010, nfl 2010s, nfl 2010 simulation, career simulation, madden simulation, career simulation madden, decade simulation madden, I reset the nfl, I reset the nfl to 2010
Id: jNQn1NE49so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 39sec (10359 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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