0 Overall Team vs. 0 Overall Team BUT in Madden 22

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yup is that zero overall team time again today you are going to witness some of the funniest gameplay you can ever possibly witness from a madden game we're putting two teams up against each other that are both zero overall across the board every single rating that matters for each player each position is zero your speeds your strengths are catching everything and today you get to see how that gameplay actually looks let me tell you something spoiler alert it's funky we've never done this on nextgen either so this will be the first time you ever see zero overall versus your overall on next gen both teams are going to be represented by the 49ers in the game and why are the 49ers i don't know i just downloaded this from the community file shout out to you if you're the one that made this as you see literally every single player on the roster zero across the board let's just get into this no reason to drag this on i am curious does it actually say zero overall it says 53 like where do you get 53 from like i know it said they're 12 overall that's as low as it'll ever say like even though everything is zero it'll still say 12 overall so technically everybody's still a zero overall but why is the team overall 53 that doesn't make sense event tight super bowl even though every participant in today's game has like the athletic ability of what like a three-legged goose or something and hopefully you guys do enjoy and find this gameplay funny and if you do make sure to smash a huge thumbs up guys make sure to subscribe the channel if you happen because if it only if we do hit a million subscribers by the end of the year it'll be doing a massive next-gen console giveaway for my subscribers and subscribers only that's five next-gen consoles yes five up for grabs that's infinitely it we do hit that milly mark by the end of the year so make sure you take that millisecond to click that subscription button if you haven't now it's just time to get in some quality madden gameplay just your normal game to be fair i am pretty excited dude because i've never done this on nextgen i'm actually quite excited for this one don't move fast everybody moves like turtle steel everybody still moves like freaking turtles get the ball george that's not george that's beaujord warner how long has he been a 49er can we still okay we can still gallop let's make the most of this let's make the most of this opportunity let's get that edge let's get that edge run the ball god dang it bro a lot of strats like that you're gonna see today it might be a little funky definitely not gonna be what you're used to i wish ea did do more funny things like this like imagine there was a limited time game mode like maybe in superstar ko but every player was zero overall like how much fun would that be first play just run the ball with raheem and we we got three yards it's a positive play we're gonna run hurry up though like i don't necessarily know if these players can do what you consider a hurry up to be but in theory another hand off here like i'm holding this sprint button down we got the edge and we just got haidukin in the air all right i'm eventually gonna have to try and throw the ball which is about freaking impossible with this nonsense now the pass ross shouldn't be too crazy so you have to wait be patient takes a while for these guys to get in and out of their brakes i mean you're wide open he's going to make the catch get up you weirdo now to be fair though i don't know how many passes outside of drags you're really going to be able to complete like i'll try to pass down field there's a lot of bad guys trying to chase me don't really know what to do here i have about two seconds to decide we're going to chunk that ball deep but i do want to try okay devos samuel is so open bro and then actually like to be fair jimmy g has it down pat to be a zero overall player i sort of just want to try like chunk the ball deep and see what happens i mean we have a minute to kind of process the coverages which is pretty solid there comes a point where i don't know what receiver is what button like what like what do i do here hey do i just do i keep spraying my left we're just gonna stay here we're just gonna concentrate we're gonna laugh and talk about science and talk about poetry i just ran out of bounds all right let's turn into a freaking horse again stampede your way he like leap frogs bro okay this could be really bad if we don't get this edge which i don't know if we will or this could either be a safety or a touchdown stop jumping straight up rahim raheem stop you're not a frog bro okay stop you're not a frog this could be the most epic touchdown of all time this legitimately could be one raheem raheem ron brother run run run there's no way bro there is no way that has got to be the best touchdown in the history of the channel at one point i thought i was gonna get stopped for safety oh boys what a freaking dope that was oh no kicker okay now this could be a problem yeah the field goal meter is still kind of glitched with the zero overall kick is up did he miss i don't quite know how to describe what just happened there i kind of need to do some further research now this is the frame before contact is made i don't see how physically he can miss it here and it just kind of teleports back into trey lance's hands so like that's not necessarily what i expected okay hold on he does make contact like to be fair robbie gold looks like he was aiming straight for the nut sack so can i try an onside kick or something can i get one of them to fumble like i'm just curious like okay get away from it get away from the ball for a little bit of penalty all right now this is where things do get a little tricky is the the defensive side of things because there's really not much i can control when i'm actually having a user or turtle on the field i can only get from point a to point b in like such little time and raheem mostert we just ran right past him there's a flag god dang daniel bruns skill you little heathen is that guy's last name really hufonga that's a dub no i mean we do sort of have them a third down and four but i really don't know quite what to expect because i'm guessing for the first time they're kind of forcing to throw in the football here i mean i wish i could tell you like what's gonna happen and raj well he's gonna be wide open and it's gonna be a first down so if they can hold them right here maybe they'll actually try to fill go and miss it so maybe that could actually be a double force actually guess and run now does that actually work when your defensive line zero overall eventually yeah now there's a fourth dino one please come out and field goal please come out and still go they came out with field goal if all is right in the world this has got to go backwards like this has got to go backwards robbie or hit trading the ball sack again he like kicked the ball upwards like at least he got some hang time on that when mine went straight to the nut sack now there will be instances where i take this seriously and try to run the meta but there will also be times where i come out first down to ten for my own twenty run a hell marry now like here once again let's just make sure we don't run out of bounds this time chunk the ball deep hold on mad like if i just sit here and wait will somebody just get open okay there's so many bad guys around me bro [Music] oh no oh no what's the penalty for what is the what what is going on is that really past interference against the defense dub everything about that is nothing but a fat dub hey hold on for a second dude isn't there a point where the past is considered uncatchable because i really don't think these receivers down here had any chance to actually catch this path like why is our feet move so fast back here but yet our body is just so slow like this i just run the ball oh that's intentional grounding yup this is as much a user error as it is game player all right raheem let's not be a frog this time it's all about getting that edge when you get that animation where he jumps up straight you're really screwed like right there we just had somebody hop on our back rahim run forward run forward raheem rahim keep on running raheem i'm gonna have i'm gonna turn backwards like i'm gonna score looking backwards i don't know what i need to turn back around though we score bro i really don't know what's going on right now to be completely honest i'm just gonna chunk this ball up to be and he actually got that we were winning 14 to nothing so we just had a defensive pass interference at negated interception we had an intentional grounding that caused a second down in 64 and then we scored a touchdown next play interesting result from that last offensive drive so the three and out for the bad boys they're gonna punt the ball here i'm actually interested to see how far the cpu can punt the football i mean that's actually a decent point let's return it for a touchdown 36 get the ball get the ball get up get run backwards okay now we have a chance okay now he's being a frog get the edge get the edge all right this is turning into one of those again huh all right so this is gonna be difficult to be fair like this video at this point is going to be about an hour and a half long since we're here on third down and 13 i do kind of want to try this fake punch shovel i mean i might have could have waited till fourth down but the freak was that that was a perfectly timed frog leap but what even was that play though that was not a shovel that's one laser of a freaking shovel pass works so well the first time we'll try it again here on fourth down and six sure they have no idea what's coming [Music] well they actually completed a pass and they're gonna get a first down all it takes is one big hit maybe we can't tackle like i really do want to win this i know it's super competitive at all but like if they score here it's a one touchdown game i gotta stop messing around come on hufonga what's the flag for oh this is recipe for disaster five wide i mean i'll take that we have them do another third down and twelve and if they don't get this they're gonna try a field goal probably actually they might not because i think to an extent they know their kicker's range but i think the cpu was too dumb to know whether or not even though the ball was at the five yard line before that they weren't going to convert it doesn't matter because they're gonna pick up the first down what a laser from zero rated gym oh funky niners actually going hurry up here are they running it again they are but they're not sac okay poor guys are gonna kick the field goal wait why are they iced why are they acting like they're iced bring the thing back bring the thing back other way okay this is gonna have to be one of those we concentrate for because this is too epic not to we have the whole open field 66 get away bro take it i forgot they get the ball first too so they could easily tie the game on this drive because they'd probably go for two if they score maybe the squib kick is still the move though it is okay better than every other kick so far kill him look i know i do this every year and some people don't like it some people do i like testing this side of things too just one quarter we have a whole half left to go i want to go ahead and jump forward the next chord see how this game goes when you sim is anybody gonna score is it all defense because nobody can move the ball nobody can move in general well pretty much exactly where we left off except this is the fourth quarter it's an eight-point game third down and eight like they're gonna be forced upon if they don't get this but make sure whofonga stays on devos samuel here we got him covered pretty well yeah jimmy do you think he's fast enough to catch up with that get the punt get the putt pick the pun up pick the pun up you had more than zero awareness maybe he could have picked that up and ride it back for a touchdown [Music] okay rosh dwelly okay big man hop your way how do qb sneaks go in this thing i mean that's honestly probably the best goal line play we possibly can run here qb sneaks to take this two possession lead it's too freaking easy i guess to be fair he tackled off the snap for the defense or a little bit too slow to react to the tv sneak because jimmy g that's the best offense in this entire game mode all right hold the phone i want to try this too can we convert a two-point conversion from the two-yard line with the qb sneak we did get it let's go i thought we were way short hold on hold on there's no way we made that sometimes it's better just to not ask questions there's no way oh gosh ross dwelly's gone tackle them i think the dive is actually the metal because you actually kind of boost yourself for about five yards we wouldn't have dove there we never would have caught him huge play in this highly competitive match on fourth down and seven from the 14 yard line what will jimmy g and the niners do here got him clamped got him clamped got him clamped that's gonna be a pick let's go take her to the house that's not what i meant to do never had an actual fake point called i mean a is so open please bro makes the catch they're no no not real if anything that's a fumble oh no they're gonna score kill them i think we actually oh no he scored oh god they're going for two think they have a chance um no way this is a conversion right no unfortunately it is a one possession game now but can we get this get the frick up get the freak up run backwards be a horse i think we got this one pretty easy right if you don't be a frog beaujon warner there's the frog i think we should comfortably have ourselves a touchdown maybe in about two three years that guy's last name flamingo what if we send the extra point do they make it that way he actually made it how rob that's another interception let's just take it back again let's be a frog all the way jump over them well boys safe to say that one was once again an absolute freaking doozy jimmy can't believe it
Channel: RBT
Views: 201,018
Rating: 4.9464407 out of 5
Keywords: madden 22, madden, rbt, madden nfl, madden nfl 22, nfl, overall, ratings, 0 overall, team, player, funny, glitch, gameplay, game, madden challenge, madden 22 challenge
Id: UbR8SmK5J3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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