Can a 99 Overall Player Score a 99 Yard Touchdown Before A 1 Overall Scores a 1 Yard Touchdown?

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contestant number one paul the 99 and no that's not lamar jackson that's paul paul comes in with 99 ratings all across the board contestant number two raul the one once again no that's not robert griffin iii that's raul the one raul comes in with one ratings across the board aside from injury because for whatever reason as you see it doesn't let you make injury any lower than 11 but aside from that raul comes in with ones all across the board and today we have these two contestants going head-to-head in a madden 21 challenge to see if a 99 rated player can score a 99-yard touchdown before one rated player can score one yard touchdown why are we doing this because i'm bored eat corn and get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas eat your corn love your corn but you need to get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas so hopefully you guys do enjoy today's madden 21 stupid challenge video i think i'll start calling this series that just literally sporadically thought about that this is now called the stupid challenge series that's what it is no no no no the stupid useless challenge series like come on that like that's the perfect name for this series hope you guys do enjoy today's pointless stupid madden challenge video and if you do make sure to smash a huge thumbs up let me know what challenge you want to see like this next in the comment section below for a chance for your comment to be featured in the next video because i make your comment into a video also make sure to subscribe the channel if you haven't because if and only if we do hit that million subscription mark by the end of the year we'll be doing a massive next gen console giveaway three next gen consoles value like two thousand dollars giving away to my subscribers and subscribers only that definitely if we do hit that milli mark so make sure to take that millisecond that let's take the click that subscription button if you have what that said time for the stupid useless challenge video to commence very simple how we do this being ran just as the other stupid useless challenge videos have been ran simply gonna jump into a practice mode you see a timer in the top left-hand corner of your screen once we begin the challenge with contestant number one which will be the 99 rated player we're gonna start a timer whenever he scores a 99 yard touchdown we end the timer then we try contestant number two the one overall player we try to score one yard touchdown as soon as we start we start the timer and then obviously whenever he scores the one yard touchdown is when the timer ends therefore we put two times together to see the outcome makes sense i thought so if it doesn't you need to get past kindergarten now obviously the big question is what defense we're gonna come up against and as we always do very sophisticated on how we choose the defense we go over here we click random three times very sophisticated oh i know harvard level education so one two three the los angeles rams pretty solid defense so it could make things a little bit harder for paul the 99 in raul the one the silly names is yeah it's gonna be at all madden so this is thing man god dang hour [Music] what do you want from me sorry from slicing my goddamn arteries hey y'all don't play get out okay i'm working your dad is working can't have those grounds i can't have them no grounds so from here very simple as well so what i kind of want to try out is we're probably going to try a couple different plays offensively for the 99 rated player start off with the qb draw and this is where things are important for both contestants where have the defense very sophisticated random play so we don't set the plays up so it's fair like i could be cheating if i knew what even to play they were gonna call and oh it gets even more complicated since we need to try to score 99 yard touchdown we respond the ball all the way to the one because math now this is where things get interesting because we start the timer and let's see if we can do this in the first attempt i'd giggle like it's not gonna okay that's what i have to say i i digitally thought that was about to happen to the first attempt once again it's all madness this is probably gonna like if this takes more than five or so minutes i would be pretty shocked but like i wouldn't expect it to you know only take a minute or so i mean it might take more than five might take ten minutes who knows like right then and there aaron donald the d-line so it could take forever and i'm probably gonna switch the plays up but this one doesn't look too promising but we shall see there's no way come on lamar like this okay so that that is probably the shortest challenge i might have ever done in the history on the channel so wow took 99 overall 99 paul what did i name i don't even remember paul whatever your name is 45 seconds literally took him 45 seconds dawg there's no way i said i mean like this is all madden but sometimes sometimes it takes so long that like i get so bored and i get frustrated because it takes longer than what i expected and i genuinely thought this was gonna take a solid like at least five maybe even 10 minutes so i had the sliders wrong like sometimes the sliders are a little funky because of all the videos i do but like i i think they're like hold on game options it's not all madden it's on simulation game style like it should be because we do simulation because like as you see right here arcade over the top action deal with spectacular plays lots of scoring limited penalties we don't want that it's a little bit too unrealistic it makes things a little bit too easy simulation play true to player and team ratings with authentic nfl rules and game play and then competitive user stick skills are king are head-to-head ranked online and tournament default obviously we want simulations of these videos because this is all about the player and team rating so we want the ratings to be what's most important but player skill once again all on 50 cpu skill all i'm 50 i guess just like i think 99 rated pole is a monster like that could have been helpful many times i was dying for the video recording session to be over and i guess that's it so literally if the one overall player doesn't get it done within 44 seconds in 44.21 seconds it's a gg and we didn't have trus activate which it doesn't matter so that said it's time to bring in raul the one the one rated player and there's just no way like i know it doesn't seem crazy because it's only a one-yard play but you guys you you're smarter than that like you're you're scientific interns like you know how how freaking bad one and zero rated players are like this we call a qb draw and have it be the same play it might take 15 minutes so we got to respond the ball all the way on the goal line one yard like i mean i guess it could be intense because it might not i mean for all i know it could take one play but there's no abilities on this player there's this is literally him it's just the one so with that said reset this timer let's get this thing going like it's just gonna be anticlimactic so like you see what i'm saying you see what i'm saying like it's just it's just like he's seriously it was gonna lose he's seriously not gonna get a one-yard touchdown like that's not me that's you see like little jiggles in the run and that's not i should spit everywhere it's not me it's just because he's so slow he's literally gonna lose you just needed one yard you weirdo okay so you see he's still i thought that was the one but he's so slow the defenders can react so fast like this is the last play it's over okay you have one more chance no it's over it's literally over 42 seconds 43 it's over it's gotten over he still didn't get it oh my god i genuinely i i knew going into this like he's gonna suck but it's one yard dog it's literally one yard and you're 400 pounds so you have the physics in the game to be able to fall forward i am literally i'm perplexed is what i am i'm a perplexed human being [Music] was that it i think that was it that might be the shortest video in the history of the channel one minute in nine seconds it takes for a one overall player to score a one yard touchdown but i'm actually in shock it literally took a player longer to score a one-yard touchdown than what it took for a 99 rated player to score a 99 yard touchdown i literally i i'm in shock let's let's see like what if it was like a qb sneak or something maybe we should have tried to be sneak maybe like i think at this point we can say that he lost in the 99 rated player one but what if this we we did call a qb sneak i guess it's fair that i did call the qb draw because like that's the same play for both quarterbacks so i guess that's the most fair way to go about this to see if there's any bit of chance that this one rated player could score a touchdown in less than a freaking 44 second spam so play type qb run where to come out qb sneak once again random play we're gonna reset the timer it's gonna be the last thing we try like this is it's gotta work right it's just got to okay so i mean that's fair like that's favor at the same time it was it was the same play for both qb's try to make it as few variables as possible make it as fair as possible as well we actually that's the shortest video in the history of the channel
Channel: RBT
Views: 1,908,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden 21, madden, madden nfl, madden challenge, experiment, game, gameplay, funny, touchdown, challenge, rbt, player, score
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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