Can the Slowest Player in Madden 21 Run For a 99 Yard Touchdown?

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in today's dumb pointless madden 21 challenge video we go to player management go to the speed column click sort orlando brown the slowest player in all of madden 21 with 50 speed we see if it's possible if this human being 6-8 345 pound human specimen can score on a 99-yard touchdown run in madden 21 wish me luck i might be here for five days eat corn and get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas eat your corn love your corn but you need to get rbt to 1 million subscribers by christmas but yes orlando brown the contestant today the slowest player in all of madden 21 with 50 speed and just to put that into comparison tom brady has 60 speed so this man is slower 10 speed slower than tom brady we have got to try and score a 99 yard rushing touchdown with orlando brown this is gonna take forever so hopefully guys do enjoy today's madden 21 stupid useless challenge video and if you do make sure to smash a huge thumbs up if you want to see anything else like this if you have any ideas for challenges similar this let me know in the comment section below for a chance for me to use your idea for a video and for you to have a shout out in that video if we do end up making it how awful would it be for me to take your idea and not like shout you out like that would be awful that'd be stinky so if you guys do enjoy make sure to drop a huge thumbs up and subscribe channel if you haven't because if and only if we do hit a million subs by the end of the year doing a massive next-gen console goodbye to my subscribers and subscribers only three next gen consoles up for grabs that's definitely if we do hit that milly mark so make sure take that and listen to that click that subscription button if you haven't if you don't i'll get orlando brown on you 68 345 pounds that guy is huge i need to check out the rest of his stat like do we even have a shot today now his ratings he has 69 acceleration so that's a good start 60 agility 15 ball carrier vision how can he be six eight how can you be this guy only have 14 break tackle 42 change of direction he's 11 juke move 53 jumping like we just don't have a good shot doing 50 speed 10 spin move 27 stiff arm 39 trucking like how are you this guy we have 39 trucking now i want to make it clear once again when in the title says is it possible i do whatever it takes in the confines of madden 21 to make it happen i want to achieve it on the highest difficulty possible but if we play this for two hours and it never happens on all madden i'll make some tweaks make the difficulty a little bit lower but eventually we're going to make it happen one way or another for orlando brown the slowest player man 21 to score on a 99 yard touchdown so even if i have to end up dropping it down to like pro we're gonna make it happen now the question is oh i need to convert him to quarterback don't i i mean he's inevitably gonna be a 12 year old quarterback which is the lowest rating you can get in terms of the overall position here we are orlando brown the qb let's go was it coming oh oh huge 12 overall now the one thing that i am not going to tweak in the entire video is his ratings we have got to score a touchdown with the ratings for lenovo brown but we are given nothing to be changed his speed can't be changed his trucking even though he's 6-8 it makes no sense that a 6-8 player has like 12-break tackle and the first thing i'm gonna do in my favor is we're gonna pick a stinky team and you know who it is that wasn't the plan but now it is we'll go with all madden for beginner but once i start off this challenge and it's 30 minutes in and we haven't got past the 10 yard line i might drop it down then to all pro now the question is what play do we run there's a bunch of qb runs in this ravens playbook but the question is which one like i think we go with raven's cutie power to start off with and just to be fair yes we are going to select random play for the defense so they can come out whatever they want to to stop orlando brown let's see if we can get out of the end zone here this is gonna take so long oh why did i even think this was a good idea so we haven't got out of the end zone yet come on orlando there it is baby we got three yards only 97 more to go i might be here for four hours okay okay see we got nine yards there so we're starting to improve a little bit it's only been five minutes and we've got nine yards so far but as we always say i know repeat it but it only takes one even if we didn't get out of the end zone for 400 straight carries that 401st carry could be the one we take to the house it only takes one so now 15 minutes in and i don't think we've made it past the five since you saw the nine yard carry so i'm probably gonna sit here for five more minutes and if we don't get it past the tin i might make my first adjustment i already think i know what it's gonna be is this the one of course not five more minutes down the drain and i i don't think we made it past the five i just don't think we have so it's time for our first adjustment wait what game style do we have this song if you go to game options on simulation okay okay okay we're gonna change that to our case mode but unfortunately i have to back all the way out to do that like i said don't scream in the comments it's all about doing whatever it takes even if we have to change some things to see if we can make it possible it's not all is it possible for you to score a 99-yard touchdown with the slowest player madden 21 on all mad difficulty no there you have it arcade mode see if that makes any difference maybe this time we can get past the 11 gotta move this thing all the way back to the one yard line and here is another 30 minutes down in the drain i think i'm i'm 35 minutes in so far so i mean not awful but i mean when you think about it i spent 35 minutes and so far on the challenge trying to achieve a 99 yard carry i haven't made it past the nine i guess that does show you has not been too paused up to this point first plane arcade mode any difference no this is gonna be so much of my life gone trying to do this come on orlando a dog no wonder he ran a five eight five 40 yard dash and he had only 14 reps in the bench press no wonder his brake tackle sucks this is just not looking promising i don't think i've ever done a challenge like this though and never not achieved the task at hand so i'm not gonna fail you guys i can't fail the corn squad i thought they had promised but it ended up not we're 45 minutes in you know this is the first carry the first carry past the tin so we're finally making some leeway i think we've been our came over like 15 minutes or so and we've only made it past the 15 so i'm gonna give it about like another 10-ish minutes and we don't make it past 15. i think we might now bump it down to all pro small changes incrementally to still make sure we achieve the task at hand the highest difficulty possible even if that means we have to change it all the way down to rookie mode i'm just curious this is gonna be a waste of time but what's his juke move look like what's that spin move looking like oh my bro i like i don't know if it can even spin can i even do a complete 360. dog hold on it about ended up being the best play yet [Music] no human being with two legs rotates 360 degrees that slow what about his jute move though oh yeah i think i'll pros the move i think we're about to have to change this thing because it's just not working out we're now 50 minutes in and we've yet to make it past the 15 so all pro have now changed it down one difficulty one notch i think we've done worse in all pro than we did on freaking all matted like he's just sad though how he can't break tackles bro this has been another 10 minutes and i don't think we've made it past the five it's like 4 30 now or like 4 40. i have lost track of time i'm gonna give it like another 20-ish minutes and if we still don't do anything crazy i might go ahead and bump it down to pro this might i don't even know if this would be possible in rookie mode it's gonna have to take okay that's a record that is a record 14 yards only 86 foot to go that made me so happy i've been here for an hour and we're trying to get a 99 yard run a 14 yard run may be that happy like all it takes is one though man like i have a feeling we're not gonna get past 20 and then all of a sudden he's gonna break one of the house it's an arcade mode it's already an all-pro difficulty hey hey hey hey i love it i'm ashamed to share the same last name as you bro like that had so much promise that had so much promise and he just was not agile enough so now roughly an hour 30 hour 45 minutes and we haven't rained the ball past the 15 yard line i think i think 14 yards is our longest run so far so now we bumped it down to pro difficulty and like i would just much rather achieve this on pro than rookie i just don't want to have to bump it down to rookie mode so i think i'm probably gonna have to see it for another hour or so before i bump it down to rookie mode but all it takes is one my dudes i mean is all pro and pro even that much of a difference i know rookie's a pretty big difference but i don't know about pro and all pro like right now it looks like freaking all pro was easier than pro i'm just so sad it's on pro we're still not breaking tackles what about stiff arm it's just not gonna work either that's the first tackle we have broken i think the entire video just an update it was another 10 minutes and like we've had nothing past like the 13 or 14. i have an idea what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna up every single one of our offensive lineman wide receiver and tight ends every single one of them we're gonna update the run blocking the 99 hopefully that can help hold some blocks a little bit better this seriously is gonna take like two three maybe even four hours to do this like what am i doing please subscribe if you haven't so now every single offensive lineman my full back two of my tight ends and a wide receiver now all have 99 run blocking across the board so hopefully that will help i mean it's madden so it probably doesn't even mean anything we're gonna keep it on pro for now but i think i only have like another like 30 45 minutes left in me and we're gonna have to just break down and go ahead and turn it down to rookie mode but even though we haven't got one past like the 15 and what two and a half hours no it's not that it's been about two hours of recording i still have faith that all it takes is one here we are first play with the difference in run blocking on pro difficulty still don't make it out of the end zone [Music] i think they block worse oh this is the first one we made it past the 20 we made it past the 20 at least some bit of progress is being made i say that and i think that's the worst one we've had in the entire recording session it's just going to take some lucky blocks one maybe two broken tackles okay okay okay like i i got all excited and i remember that he has 50 speed i'm gonna give it ten more minutes i mean i'm gonna give it ten more and we i think it's just gonna be inevitable it's gonna be inevitable that's gonna have to take rookie mode why did i even try to juke all right guys i can't do it anymore we've got a resort to rookie i've got to do it whatever it takes to achieve the task at hand it just feels so wrong playing on rookie mode but here we are isn't even that much of a difference he feels a little he broke it he feels a little faster oh like does rookie like change your user speed or something i mean it's not even he do you see he's breaking more tackles like he doesn't seem that much faster but he does if anything like him rookie rookie mode's a big difference okay so i i guess rookie mode is a big difference from pro like he broke okay we're just gonna i'm not gonna ask questions he's still not fast enough to break away from everybody his agility like he's he seems a little bit more agile but i guess with rookie mode the trucking i maybe i didn't use trucking enough like i know his trucking is so low but i guess at the same time i i never had the chance to you know truck over anyone because we were never one on one but the trucking right now seems so effective that there might actually be a chance now rookie mode is our savior but just around the three hour mark i'm gonna get this done so i can go to sleep if you're gonna ever break a tackle i will say changing the run blocking didn't really make that much of a difference on on pro but i guess the difference on rookie mode is stressed like not only does he seem a little bit more agile he's breaking more tackles we just have such bigger holes to run through just because i guess it's rookie mode but i mean i've been here on rookie mode for like 20 minutes and i don't think we made it past midfield yet so it's still not technically easy i'm just really shocked at how we barely broke any tackles now it's like we break one every play like rookie mode really is the freaking savior but still like with everything seeming so easy we still haven't got past the 50. like to even make it better i might have to adjust the speed on all my linemen and wide receiver 99 like so maybe they can block somebody and then catch back up to me after they block their initial maid to block another man because i mean i'm gonna try not to right now but we have one man to beat and he gets us oh i can feel it coming i can feel it coming actually i can't say that right now because it's supposed to be no nut november you know what i'm gonna sit here and just concentrate i'm gonna not commentate i'm just gonna concentrate until we get a big one the juke move is still really bad so you might seem a little faster rookie you might block a little better you break more tackles but the juke move is still in freaking slo-mo it's there's no way this is the one if 83 would block you oh i beg i beg stop stay up the closest we have gotten it over three hours now three hours and ten minutes to be exact now oh i thought that was the one but i guess it makes sense because he's the slowest god big player of the game they catch up to him but hey at least like my heart was starting to you know it was starting to not feel too happy and that made me happy that shows potential like with how many tackles we've been breaking since i've been on rookie mode that it still hasn't seemed too possible but that one like gave me some hope we could just hold our blocks a little bit longer that there's not 17 men trying to catch up to me i'm gonna give it 15 more minutes and if i don't get it 15 more minutes i'm gonna go and change all my offensive linemen why the receivers running back to 99 speeds they could block a little bit better i might go ahead and give them 99 awareness too so they can like know who to block and like to make two blocks at one time because i'm gonna need it oh my there i hate willy sneed alright this is the last thing i even know what to do we're gonna quit i'm gonna go give all my offensive linemen and wide receivers and titans whoever could potentially block for me 99 speed 99 excel 99 agility and night out awareness and after that it's literally there's nothing i can tell you to sit here for another five hours until i get it done so on top of everything like i'm gonna go ahead and make their strength 99.2 like i couldn't hurt anything all right so literally every single offensive lineman tied in full back wide receiver i'll have 99 speed 99 awareness 99 blocking across the board like if this doesn't work now on rookie mode arcade mode i don't know if this will ever happen like the only thing i'm not willing to do is change orlando brown's ratings like at that point there's just no point in the challenge like that would just be stupid i wish though i could give him abilities but like i you can actually i've changed everything i possibly can aside from his ratings i made it as easy as possible if now closing in on four hours after doing everything i can't make this happen like i can go to sleep knowing i've given everything i possibly can of this stupid guy big challenge like bro i freaking beg makes some bit of difference maybe it did [Music] get away from me get away get away get away get away i have never i've freaking never been more happy in my entire gosh dig life he did it i can't tell you the last time i felt this happy this beautiful human being with that outstanding 50 speed slowest player in mata 21 after about yeah over four hours just barely over four hours it is possible we make it happen yes it might have taken making every single player like patrick reichard on the offensive side of the ball aside from orlando brown with 99 speed 99 agility 99 excel 9 awareness and all 99 running blocking stats i don't care we did whatever it took we brought it down to rookie mode we turned it arcade mode but we can in today's video little big i'm so happy
Channel: RBT
Views: 386,348
Rating: 4.9155335 out of 5
Keywords: madden 21, madden, madden nfl, madden challenge, experiment, game, gameplay, funny, 99 yard, touchdown, player, test, rbt, score, slow, speed
Id: E4r37y3jBtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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