Is it possible to beat the Event Courses from Super Mario Maker without touching a single coin?

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[Music] we are now two weeks away from playing the masterpiece that Super Mario maker 2 is going to be and if you were here with me two weeks ago you saw me attempt to beat all of the sample courses in the first game without touching a single coin I thought I was a great way of saying goodbye to the game but now that it was confirmed that amiibo costumes won't make it come back in the sequel we have to say a proper goodbye to those as well and what better way to do that than by trying to beat all of the event courses in the game without touching a single coin the rules are simple we are going to be playing all of the 46 event courses that are available right now and attempt to beat as many as we can without touching one of those dirty coins you see this lovely coin counter up there let's try to keep it at zero when we can beating a Super Mario Bros 3 stage does give us a deadly coin no matter what at the end but you know to avoid skipping all of the stages with that game theme this lonely coin won't count for the quest the aim of this video is to see how many levels can be beaten coinless so without further ado let's just jump into it the quest begins with a level called ship love which starts off with a bunch of heart-shaped coins going down the pipe allows you to get a piece which which is supposed to be used to turn those blocks into coins but we don't want to do that in here bring the p-switch back with us allows us to turn the hearts into platforms and we have just enough time to reach the second part of the level sadly to go on we have to enter that door and collect all of those ugly coins on the conveyor belt using the cannonballs I tried to go above the wall to skip using that door but sadly it's not possible at first I thought that was it but then I talked to my buddy I say master of the difficult challenges and believe it or not he found a way to get to the end of the level basically he keeps going back and forth and picks up the POW block to remove the coins on the conveyor belt brilliant he did it he completed this level without a coin Wow and is currently trying other levels I couldn't complete so make sure to check him out okay you a Reno maker is the second level we'll play today and this one starts off with canons behind you throwing out coins so be sure to move out of the way ASAP there's a lot of question blocks on the way but just avoid them and you'll soon reach the end part of the level which requires you to jump down to grab the flagpole just avoid this line of coins and you'll be all good a Reno maker returns is up and this level takes place underwater to be fair your biggest threat here and going to be the coins it's going to be the cheap chips the bloopers and other underwater enemies the only coins that will be in your way are located near the N but you can just swim in between all of them to reach the flagpole yet this one's easy a Reno maker is the third and final level made by this Reno guy and this one starts off with a big problem after navigating your way through this narrow path you get to this point where you're supposed to jump down to proceed but there's a lot of coins on your way I had the idea of using the bombs to try to dig a path on the other side but I was really thinking way too hard just go under this block at the beginning and you'll find a giant Koopa Troopa so let's just use its shell to dig up a path under the coin arrows once you arrive on those green pipes you want to be extra careful because there's an invisible block containing a deadly coin you can thankfully still make the jump without hitting it and the rest of the level is a piece of cake let's visit Triforce heroes to see a lot of coins yeah all of those Zelda Triforce errs will restrict your jumping options but thankfully this won't be much of a problem as you can just walk under the mall to be fair this is going to be the strategy you'll be using for pretty much the entire level you'll have to wait patiently for enemies to pass you by so you can go under the coins or you can be a crazy person like me and use those enemies to jump above the coins Super Mario Con 25th anniversary is such a weird stage it just doesn't make any sense to there are blocks everywhere and all sorts of blocks to be completely honest it's not a very good level but thankfully it doesn't contain that many coins either so we can actually beat it quite easily cat peaches course is pretty much the perfect example of what not to do to create a good level it is just an enemy spam level it's disgusting and really annoying to play even more so now that we have to avoid all of the coins thankfully by grabbing the mushroom at the beginning and doing a couple of precise jumps you can reach the end just fine cat Mario's course is very easy and the only dangerous part is on the other side of this wall the ba-bum blows off evil coins shooting cannons yeah thankfully you can just bait them into shooting their coins too then go back and run super fast once the coins disappear and you'll make it through Yoshi is awesome it's a very fun level using Yoshi in all sorts of creative ways the first part of the level is quite easy and it doesn't feature a single coin so no worries this part here is where things get a little bit spooky err you see you normally have to use this piece switch to turn the blocks into coins but thankfully in Super Mario World we can use a spin jump to break them to go under those spikes you'll need to turn into small Mario and doing so removes your ability to break the blocks so you'll have to make sure to bring a mushroom in Yoshi's mouth if you want to make it past this section but here's the next problem this pipe over there is covered with ugly coins I thought this was a dead end but here's what you actually have to do in this section you'll have to bring both a mushroom and a piece which with you thankfully the mushroom can move on its own making the task a little bit easier once you arrive back in this section hit the P switch to turn the evil coins into blocks and then use a spin jump to break those and you'll be out of fear woof beating this level coin less required a lot of strategy I liked it PAX West 2015 Omega thon final round is up and you'll have to jump above this first section over there because if you decide to go down you'll be forced to eat a piece which and turn blocks into coins make sure to kill those enemies and enter the pipe as fast as you can because that evil lakitu up there throws deadly coins at you this next part doesn't contain that many coins so you'll soon reach this battle against Bowser which isn't very difficult to be real your final challenge will be on the other side of Bowser with those pipes that shoot coins but once again make a run for it and you'll be all good nes remix is our next stop and this one is literally just world 1-1 and world 1-2 from the original super mario bros game but remix together it is very easy to complete both those levels and reach the end without a coin Mario and Luigi paper jam will force you to make very tricky jumps in order to dodge all of the evil coins at first everything is good up until this last part as you can see this one contains gross coins on your way preventing you from jumping up there I eventually just jumped hoping to find an invisible block and there's one right there that contains a 1up and not a coin what are the odds using that block you can jump above all of the coins there and make it to the end without touching a single coin mercedes banz jump and drive is the first autoscroller level of this run and it starts off with coins and munchers the first coin can be dodged but good luck with the second one my buddy I say found a way to jump on the first letter there to go up the coins but sadly even using this strategy the next part of the level contains so many coins that there is no way to dodge them all this one is a no-no Mario Hills is next in this level does feature a couple of coins that will force you to be super careful of where you jump but nothing that stands in the way that much so this one will be done quite fast let's play the Nintendo badge arcade level to quickly find out that this level wants us to use the P switch to turn those breaks into coins in order to finish the level and sadly there is no other way to make it pass so yeah this one is not belch bayes's up and this one features some really annoying and precise jumps especially this one there where you have to use the buzzy beetle to jump up there and avoid the coins on the left make some very tiny helps to go up those platforms and you'll soon reach the end of this stage welcome to Saturn Valley a very cool looking level which sadly is ruined by the underground section you see there are a lot of vines down there and they all contain gross coins and sadly even when trying to use the homing bullet bills I couldn't get to dodge all of the coins this one's not possible captain toad treasure tracker is not a very difficult stage although you have to damage boosts on those spikes over there to avoid using the p-switch and turning those blocks into deadly coins the last part contains some evil coins shooting pipes once again but if you run super fast you can get passed without collecting a single one so we are good to go nes remix Super Mario Bros 2 is a remake of the very first level in mario 2 and this one does contain one very tricky jump over there there are donut platforms and coins right above them which limits your options greatly but thankfully it is actually possible to get past them by running super fast and being a little bit lucky once that difficult part is done the rest of the level is super straightforward and you reach the end in no time nes remix Excitebike just requires you to hold down the right arrow on the d-pad and you'll reach the end no coins no challenge southwest air adventure is a level based off an airline the first part is impossible you have to land in between those coins to land down below but this is way too precise for me to do and even if we pretend I made it with a pixel perfect jump this next part is filled to the brim with coins so forget about it this one's not happening COO feat Yamamura is the next level and it does feature a couple of deadly coins here and there but they can all be avoided by being super careful and taking your time this last one is particularly scary because you have to from one moving block to another and there is no room for error adventure in sarasaland is not very difficult most of the coins reside in the underwater section of the course next to those bouncy donuts just be careful not to bounce on a coin and you'll soon reach the end of the level paranormal research is up and this one is super difficult featuring tons of very precise jumps under or above deadly coins you have to make sure to move the booze out of the way if you want to stand a chance and this final part here is just insane precise jumps moving booze and deadly coins but believe it or not it's actually possible to beat it but to move on to the next part you have to hit that invisible block there that gives out a deadly coin so all of this insane difficult platforming was for nothing what a shame Tokai ye 2016 contest course one is up and this one doesn't have any coins during the first part but Sally going down that pipe spells trouble for this quest you have to use the cannonballs to go up and while the first jump can be done coinless the following jumps are not that nice to us and sadly you absolutely need to go through that section in order to get the Fire Flower and reach the end of the level so yeah this one is not possible Tokai ye 2016 contest course - doesn't contain that many coins but the problem resides in the way you're meant to be the level see you're supposed to jump there to find invisible blocks - then use a p-switch to make your way to the top but as you can imagine hitting invisible blocks gives us deadly coins and even when you're over there you're meant to use the p-switch to turn those blocks into coins the thing is we can actually use the p-switch to jump higher if you drop the p-switch while it's in the air and you hit it and then jump midair you can reach high grounds it is kind of complicated to pull up at first but after a while you'll be able to reach the P door and complete the level Tok ìgee 2016 contest course number three is all opening underwater and it's pretty original but it does force you to turn those blacks into coins and those coins into blocks so as you can imagine this one is not possible for this quiz talk ìgee 2016 contest course for is next and the level starts with you having to do a triple jump over this wall but to do so you have to collect a bazillion coins and there's no way around next up is a level name I choose you and it's based off the classic Jen one Pokemon games you first have to choose a starter Pokemon and I went with my boy squirtle because that's the Pokemon I picked as a kid but um oh I guess Kordell wasn't that great of a choice in here anyway let's try Bulbasaur then the challenge for this pokemon isn't very difficult at first but in order to reach the end or you have to hit those invisible blocks and collect those dirty coins so this is not happening thankfully Charmander has a challenge that features a couple of coins but none that are in the way so we can finally reach the end door and then the rest of the level is pretty easy so no worries this one's actually possible thanks to Charmander next up is Nisekoi Tsugumi and Marika which has a lot of coins limiting your movement options at first but just slide down the wall over there and you easily reach the second section of the level which doesn't have that many coins it's actually a pretty easy level Nisekoi cheeto guy and kosaki is up and this one starts off with a very similar layout to the first level but after entering that door you'll reach the weirdest level so far basically all you got to do is to walk on those clouds up until you reach the end of the level yeah very easy level and also those coins that I collect here do not count because I was attacked by them after I touched the flagpole so they don't increase the coin counter okay just wanted to make that clear Barbara in tomato Lane is the next level and what kind of name for a level is that supposed to be anyways as you can see this level wants us to go through this barrier of coins to go up those platforms so you bet this one is not possible secrets of statue Mario is a very cool level and it does feature a couple of tricky coins you have to dodge but sadly to complete the level you have to go once again through a wall of coins after hitting a peace switch so this one's impossible - am I the only one getting hungry because it's time for Mario's lunch break a stage that has a couple of coins here and there at first forcing you to be extra careful especially when you're climbing those vines but sadly once again to complete the level you have to hit a peace switch that turns bricks into coins yep another defeat Twilight Princess HD is next and this level is kind of long and not that interesting but it doesn't contain a whole lot of coins so you'll complete it very easily toadette treasure tracker is the sequel to that captain toad level from before but sadly this one is not possible as you have to collect those red coins to proceed and they do count on our total coin counter and sadly even if I made up a rule excluding red coins from this run to get the final red coin you have to go through a bridge full of deadly yellow coins so yeah sorry toadette you aya sakis big adventure is a level that starts off with a floor made out of bricks and a peace switch so you know what that means right yep coins but you know I didn't want to give up and realize there was a power block up there so what if I managed to hit the P switch to jump on the POW block to get rid of all of the coins well you know what after a lot of tries I eventually managed to do exactly that and turns out it works we can actually get past this part of the level what is less nice is the fact that in order to get past this second section we need a key and yeah that key is surrounded by dirty evil coins why do you do that to me Nintendo star fee Prince of puffed-up is the next stage and it starts off with those very tight fits in between blocks and coins but that's all good and everything heck even this section with the green pipe can be completed without a coin once under water are going to be more coins to avoid but she'll then reach this wall of bricks and this piece which again come on dude I hate the p-switch now this one is impossible again metal resistance is next and once again we have to collect red coins in order to make it to the second part of the level and yes once again even if we decide not to count the red coins we arrive at this part forcing us to ride the skull platform and collect tons of coins Popo and Nana's climbing challenge starts off with a very tight jump in between coins and then you reach this next part which requires you to hit invisible blocks to collect coins and proceed you can go above the level in here but it's worthless as you can see you just fall down in a pit so another one that's impossible hello key and my melody is NEX and can this one save us from the losing streak around well yes it can this level does contain a couple of coins in your way but if you're being careful and you're planning your jumps you can actually manage to avoid them all and reach the end finally a level we can beat I was starting to get worried Sean's mossy mole mischeif starts off with tons of those bouncing doughnuts and coins on top of them and as you can see there's not much room to dodge them and anyways the next part before is you to go through a wall of coins so yeah it's not happening squid sisters vs. bloopers is a level featuring everyone's favorite mary and callie from splatoon I decided to play as my girl Callie and the level is not that difficult thankfully you do have a couple of coins to avoid route the level but all of them can be avoided by being patient and careful so yeah this one's possible alright time to walk the dog in walking with underdog a level where you control a dog in his adventure to swim through the ocean avoiding coins on his way to then go up a pipe and find a bridge that is full of unavoidable coins it's a very sad story and it doesn't end up well for this quest dr. Kawashima's athletic training is very tricky at first because if you want to get the mushroom you have to hit this quest bluch but there's an invisible block underneath it you can thankfully get the mushroom with a very precise jump from this sides you'll then have to make your way up those conveyor belts and while being kinda tricky and difficult because of the coins this section of the level can be completed this next part wants us to use those donut platforms and a flying paratrooper to reach this block over there with a very tricky jump and would you believe that after all of these efforts were forced to go through this narrow path filled with untouchable coins ruining all chances of completing this level coinless I'm really starting to be sad now especially considering the rest of the level can actually be done without a coin come on welcome to the final stage of the day Nintendo World Championship 2017 and this level features so many coins it's ridiculous you have to collect red coins to enter the door to then touch even more coins in this castle section of the level yeah this one is not possible there we go we have completed all 46 stages and while the quest started quite well the ending was full of untouchable coins I managed to complete 26 levels without touching a single coin having 20 that I couldn't complete and let's say we include Isis epic victory in the very first level that makes 27 levels that were possible and sadly that gives us only 59% of the even courses that were cleared without a coin so yeah we're not passing this exam sadly thanks a lot for watching this video guys make sure to subscribe and to hit that bell to know when I post a new video click the like button if you enjoyed this challenge and if you want to support me or get your name in the credits just hit the join button down below alright guys I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 634,616
Rating: 4.8781843 out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario, Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker 2, Challenge, Coinless, Without a coin, Hardest, Sample Stages, Sample Courses, Story Mode, Nintendo Wii U, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Wii, 3DS, Mario Maker for Wii U, Mario Maker for 3DS, Offline Course, Online Course
Id: 8Xjh8BeQG-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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