Is it possible to beat Super Mario Maker 2 without touching a single coin?

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[Music] hey what's up guys it's Nico and today we're gonna be attempting a challenge that has been highly requested for quite a while we're gonna be trying to beat Super Mario maker 2 without touching a coin but before we use this to attend a challenge well let me tell you about a challenge of my own that I had to attempt using these I had to gather some ingredients from the top of Mount Everest to the dark caves of an ancient civilization but eventually I managed to have everything I truly needed and created this wonderful routine so we finally have the official team vbq hoodie it's fantastic looking this hoodie features a brand new logo that was created by a good old friend of mine so where I'm from well basically winter is coming so it's getting quite cold outside and you can't just go up naked anymore sucks and since it's a hoody well you can do this and you can do that I don't know why you would do this but you can and if great is not your favorite color well it's also available in youtube and it goes perfectly with my epic gamer glasses so the hoodies are not gonna be there forever ok they're only gonna be there for three weeks in November and after that they're gonna be gone forever like the hoodie actually ships worldwide so no matter where you're from you can get your hands on one of those all right check out the link in the descriptions whatever let's go back to the video you've been waiting for let's go the rules are simple we are going to try to be the story mode in Super Mario maker 2 without touching a single coin now obviously the story mode revolves around the idea of you doing jobs and collecting coins to pay the tolls to rebuild Peach's castle so no it's not actually possible to be the game without a coin derp but we are still going to see which levels we can beat while dodging those yellow things heads up grabbing the flagpole at the end of a level grants dirty coins so we'll also have to ignore those because otherwise well the video would be over right away and this would be no fun now that everything has been set let's begin job number one is a very typical Mario level it does contain a couple of coins here in there but you can thankfully dodge them all if you're being careful job two starts off with a very hard jump that you have to do you have to hit the enough switches to make the red outlines into actual gloves but then there are a lot of coins on your path you can't actually Crouch jump to fit underneath them as it appears Mario is too tall the thing is you can actually avoid the first two coins with a very precise jump and for those last two up there go down one staircase and you'll eventually fit just right sadly is quite useless as you need to go through these walls of coins at the end to complete the stage so yeah job three is the first level in the brand-new 3d world game theme and it will feature a couple of difficult jumps this level is meant to make you familiar with the new mechanics such as the cat suit and climbing on trees but you'll have to do things differently if you want to dodge all of those dirty coins thankfully it's possible and not that difficult job for puts you on a rail platform in the middle of the desert and forces you to dodge the evil angry Sun and all of this while avoiding tons of coins including some that are flying directly at you grab the propeller suit ASAP as it will be really useful later on the most difficult part is over here when all of the coins are falling down slowly at you on the parachute you'll have to be a little bit lucky to dodge them all but it is possible job 5 starts off with you having to rescue Yoshi from this roomful of goon brats and coins but it's not going to be a problem sadly this next room wants you to hit a peace switch to go through dirty coins and make your way to the end so this is not going to be possible for this quest job 6 will introduce you to a brand new mechanic that has been added in Super Mario maker to clear conditions yep you can now create levels that force you to do certain actions to be beat and well the clear condition for this level is to collect 30 coins yeah next job seven starts off with a claw and two deadly coins over there so obviously it looks impossible right from the get-go the thing is it is actually possible to do a very precise jump in between the platform and the coins by staying as small Mario more scary-looking jumps await you on your path to victory with each jump looking more difficult than the previous one but it is indeed possible to beat this stage without a coin job eight has many annoying coins on your weight but the level gives you countless kuriboh shoes so you can actually use those to dodge all of the coins don't be afraid to jump out of a shoe to save yourself from death or even worse to save yourself from touching the dirty coin job 9 is an insanely difficult level you see you have to collect many keys to make your way to the end and each of those keys reside inside of a room with a challenge to complete thankfully you are given pal blocks and those can make coins fall down and disappear you're also given a piece which that can turn evil coins into blocks and you're also given a trampoline to jump higher by using all of those tools you can actually clear out all of the rooms in here some of those are pretty straightforward but other rooms will require you to bring a POW block and a peace switch with you to get enough time to clear the room you'll also need to combine a POW block with a trampoline to get rid of the coins hiding up there in that room eventually you'll get a bunch of keys and reach the end without a coin job 10 is a pretty easy level featuring the catsuit and many fences you can climb on the Ben's ideas are there to clear the path for you and help you dodge all of the evil coins so you have nothing to worry about job 11 starts off with this impossible jump over there I tried fitting in between those coins to land on the seesaw but I just could not do it sadly shame too because the rest of the level can actually be completed without touching a single coin oh well job 12 is an underground cave level that forces you to make a very difficult jump while the screen is flipped upside down this is a really stressful jump but that's the only difficult one cuz after that the rest is a piece of cake job 13 features tons of evil coins but thankfully you are inside of a dry bones shell so you can float on lava move with the tide to touch all of the evil coins and you'll be all good job 14 starts off with a very stressful jump you have to use the twister to land on the platform up above but this platform features three evil coins and if you've played Mario maker - you know that twisters are somewhat unpredictable with a bit of practice you'll eventually figure this jump out don't let your guard down though as this level contains more evil twisters and more evil coins thankfully this green pipe is an infinite source of pal blocks and those blocks allow you to make evil coins fall down and disappear for good get ready to do lots of back-and-forth to get rid of any evil coins in your path and you'll be good job 15 is a level where jumping is simply not allowed because if you do so well you fail the clear condition and well this level starts off with three coins and you have to jump above them so obviously this one is not possible job 16 is an auto-scrolling level inside of a Koopa clown car it does feature a couple of coins in your way but thankfully there's always enough room to dodge them all job at 17 is a very easy level it does contain coins in every one of those rooms but they're always super easy to judge job 18 forces you to climb on top of every single tree in this stage and some of those trees give out deadly coins when climbed on - thankfully as small Mario you just have enough time to jump out of the way after grabbing a tree to dodge the evil coin that is a neat discovery but sadly it's worthless as the second part of this stage has way too many coins and it is just simply not possible to dodge them all job 19 features a lot of cheep cheeps and some evil coins on your way the first part is quite difficult but it is possible I just can't say the same thing about this second part as you have to swim super fast to dodge those evil green cheep cheeps that are coming after you and sadly there's just not enough time to focus and dodge all of those evil coins on the way and with a twister right there yeah forget about that job 20 is a stressful level where you have to use your Koopa clown car to break blocks and defeat enemies tons of coins are on the path so you'll have to be very careful if you want to beat this one make sure to be small Mario if you want to fit in between the ceiling and those coins over there keep moving slowly and dodge all of the evil coins and you'll reach the end in no time job 21 is a very easy snake block level that does feature a couple of coins on your way but thankfully it's quite easy to dodge them all job 22 is also quite the easy stage as you can just wait for the water level to rise to be able to swim in between all of the deadly coins job 23 has tons of coins on the way up in the clouds but thankfully there are so many vines on your path that it becomes quite easy to just climb around them job 24 forces you to collect red coins to open the locked doors and those red coins increase the coin counter so this one is not possible job 25 is not very difficult at first having a couple of coins here and there but nothing that you can't judge you'll eventually reach a part where you have to hit invisible blocks to make a path appear and each of those blocks give out a deadly coin what a shame job 26 is a low gravity stage and at first everything is good but sadly you'll eventually get to this point here and this jump can't be completed without grabbing one of those ugly coins I even tried damage boosting myself to safety but this won't have then job 27 forces you to kill 25 fish in order to finish the level grab Yoshi and your trusty feather cape and hold down the a button to fall down very slowly and eventually after a couple of tries you'll manage to dodge all of those evil coins and get the clear condition without a problem job 28 is a stage where you need to take a shell to grab some red coins to unlock a door so yeah this one is not possible job 29 forces you to run from this evil rotten mushroom that keeps running after you in hope of poisoning you this stage is very difficult as lots of coins are on your path and you kinda have to keep moving at all times to dodge that annoying shroom and as annoying and difficult as this stage can be it is actually possible to beat it without touching a coin so that's pretty neat job 30 is a very easy level you just have to time your jumps with the beat blocks and avoid a couple of coins here and there some of the coins in here look very difficult to Dutch but they actually are not job 31 is a very windy stage that will keep pushing you left and right this is truly scary in this part where you stand on top of an elevator going down lots of coins on parachutes are going to be on your way but thankfully they can all be avoided by being super careful in fact avoid anything that has a parachute in this stage and you'll soon reach the end Java 32 takes place inside of an ancient temple and entering the temple is actually the easy part because once you're inside you'll soon realize that you are forced to collect lots of coins to go down and there yeah this one is not possible job 33 looks possible at first but sadly once you reach to those conveyor belts near the end you'll be in big trouble the first conveyor can be cleared without a coin but I can't say the same thing about the other ones oh what a shame job 34 is an insanely scary level where you keep bouncing on those donuts and you have to do this while dodging all of those evil coins on Rails seriously if you have played Mario maker too you know what I'm talking about when I those bouncing doughnuts are just the worst controlling where Mario bounces is a pain in the butt but thankfully this stage is actually possible without touching a single one of those evil coins Java 35 is actually full of coins to judge and since it's a vertical level that features lots of trees this one is not going to be easy there's actually a way of dodging all of those evil coins by using spin jumps wall jumps and even by jumping on the beat enemy but those last two coins up there just before the end pipe are just impossible to dodge Java 36 is another stage that flips everything upside down but the thing is some evil coins appear when moving in between those two dimensions you can dodge the first set of coins there but you'll soon reach this part upside down where it's literally not possible to dodge any coins dang it Java 37 forces you to tilt a seesaw on rail while dodging tons of evil coins the first part is super difficult but actually quite possible but as soon as you reach this next part your luck will be over and there are way too many coins in this tiny space so there's actually no way to dodge them all Java 38 is really difficult as the screen moves so fast that you can barely see where the evil coins are and there are lots of them to this level will force you to memorize where those evil things are and just how to dodge them all but eventually you'll realize that it is actually possible to dodge them all it requires a lot of precision though job 39 will take place inside of a Koopa clown card and at first everything seems right and possible there are tons of coins sure but if you're being careful you're good to go sadly you'll soon reach this part with the cross-shaped bunch of coins this will force you to abandon the cart as its head bucks is way too big and well without a flying cart well this level is pretty much over job 40 forces you to dodge a ring made out of boo that's constantly moving some coins will follow from the sky but if you outrun the circle of boos you won't have any problem judging them make sure to keep running right because this cannon is full of deadly coins so you'll want to make sure to be on top of it before it appears on screen and start shooting those deadly things there will be a very dangerous jump later in the level that will force you to run super fast and jump above three deadly coins job 41 is full of narrow spaces and does not contain a lot of coins so this one is pretty easy job 42 is an underwater stage where you need to use the snake blocks to protect yourself from evil enemies spikes swamps and so much more there is a specific path you want to take in order to avoid all of the evil coins but it is actually possible job 43 takes place in the dark and it will force you to do some very precise jumps underneath coins above a pit it's all good up until this point where you need to hit the enough switch from below and sadly there are two coins awaiting down there that cannot be avoided dang it job 44 has a clear condition and it is to collect 40 disgusting coins you job 45 wants you to move up in order to avoid the evil rising lava to do so you'll need to hop on the skull platforms that move on the rails and well yeah this is embarrassing this coin is ruining everything job 46 starts off with well coins that you can't judge ok next job 47 takes place under water but it contains a bunch of lava bubbles on Rails there is also a lot of coins scattered everywhere but there's always a way to swim around those without touching a single one so no worrys job 48 is a stage that gives you a very limited amount of time to defeat all six dry bones of course the level is full of mean coins but it is actually possible to kill all of the enemies without touching a single one job 49 is a super easy level it does contain a couple of coins sure but none of those are actually on your way so you'll reach the end without a problem job 50 has a lot of Rutan mushrooms running after you it does contain its fair share of coins but if you remain small mario at all times you'll be able to fit in between all of those I'm not gonna lie though this level is very scary job 51 has a clear condition and yes it is to collect evil coins no thank you job 52 is a level with a fast lift platform taking place in the dark and it's full of evil coins sadly as you can guess this level is simply not possible but because of this one part here where there are way too many coins next to another and you can't simply dodge them all job 53 is a very scary vertical autoscroller where you have to wall jump over and over again in order to avoid falling down in the evil poison water down below and now you also have two dodge evil coins as well so you bet this one is really difficult I'm going to be honest with you I couldn't do this level without a coin on one go however I cleared each part of the level separately without touching a coin so it is theoretically possible to beat it I just couldn't do it myself job 54 is taking place in the clouds and it does contain evil coins here and there the first part is kind of easy to beat if you take your time but the second part is a vertical autoscroller so you'll absolutely need to memorize where all of the coins are gonna be because usually you just go up and boom there was a coin there you couldn't see it that's really annoying it takes on a practice but it is actually possible to do it job 55 asks you to reach the goal inside of a Koopa Troopa car and as you'll soon realize if you want to keep your car you'll have to touch some coins and lots of them too so this one is simply not possible job 56 has a clear condition and it is to collect 80 coins let's skip it job 57 also has a clear condition and you must collect a hundred coins for this one we also have to skip it job 58 makes you go up the level using the evil twisters and they usually always have tons of coins above them so yeah this one won't be possible job 59 is not a very difficult level if you take your time there is only one very tricky jump on cannonballs in between some evil coins but once that jump is done it becomes super easy job 60 is a low gravity level where you must go in between evil plans coins and much more it is sadly not possible to avoid collecting some coins to go up that platform so this one is also not possible Jub 61 is a super easy level where you have to stand on top of donut platforms to fall down to the end there are some coins here and there but the stage has multiple paths you can choose so avoiding the coins is quite easy job 62 has lots of bouncing mushrooms everywhere my tip here is to avoid holding down the a button to make sure never to bounce high enough to collect the dirty coins thankfully this stage is short and will be done in no time job 63 is a very easy level and since you spend most of the stage inside of a flying Koopa cart dodging the evil coins is not very difficult job 64 features a ton of fast blue snake blocks remain small Mario and do some scary-looking Crouch jumps and short hops to clear the first part but sadly there is this next part where dodging all of the coins is simply impossible and you can't really go anywhere else to dodge them so because of that one part well this level is not possible job 65 forces you to hit this POW block in order to break the blocks on your path and well hitting that POW block will automatically collect all of the coins around this what a shame job 66 is full of bubsy beetles and tons of coins everywhere you'll have to jump onto them to make them go down and control their movement in order to dodge all of the pesky coins it's a very short level thankfully so it is possible to actually beat it job 67 does contain a lot of evil coins but most of them can be dodged by being super careful sadly there is this part where you must climb on this vine and it is just not possible to move on the opposite side of the vine without touching a coin this is so sad Jub 68 is just impossible right from the get-go as you have to run super fast on those tiny platforms and as you can see well they're all full of deadly coins job 69 is well yeah job 70 wants you to run super fast while dodging all of the icicles and with all of the dirty coins on your path this one is not gonna happen job 71 is another one of those screen puzzle levels and while the first screen is actually possible the second one contains so many coins that jumping in between them is just simply not possible job 72 gives you a Goomba shoe to be able to walk on the munchers and evil swamps and thanks to that epic gamer shoe this level will actually be possible damage boost through this final part and there we go we finally broke our losing streak Jub 73 is an autoscroller and since it's so slow you have plenty of time to see where the coins are and where they will fall down from so this one is not very difficult job 74 forces you to defeat bloopers and trust me you want to do this very quickly because if they get high enough and you bounce on them you'll touch those deadly coins up their job 75 contains a lot of coins but it also contains lots of POW blocks so you'll definitely want to hit them to make those evil coins fall down and disappear from your way it's a very easy level Julie job 76 has a clear condition and yes it forces you to collect 50 deadly coins yep another one of those job 77 is a level where you need to hold on to that heavy block to clear puzzles and collect keys but thankfully none of those puzzle rooms actually contain any coins on your path so it's an easy win job 78 features a super scary jump during the first part and after that you'll need to make a path for the big mushroom to follow you sadly this next part forces you to go up there and there are two deadly coins that simply cannot be avoided no matter what sadly because of that we can't beat this stage coinless job seventy-nine forces you to defeat those skips quick enemies in order to collect keys and get to the next part the first enemy is quite easy to defeat but you'll soon reach this next one where you are supposed to go inside of a clear pipe to defeat it so yes sadly this one won't work job 80 is super annoying and contains a lot of flying coins it's a very difficult stage but it is actually possible to dodge them all by being careful and well by being super lucky job 81 is another one of those stages where you just can't leave the floor or else you can't beat the level and well yeah you have to jump over those two coins right at the beginning so this one is impossible job 82 is a very difficult level where you must go in between lots of coins and saws while holding on to moving vines this level is insanely difficult and you'll definitely want to have a mushroom in order to damage boosts your way to safety there it took me a lots and lots of tries but this one is actually possible job 83 puts you inside of a Koopa clown cart and wants you to defeat evil enemies and dodge coins and all of this with a screen that moves super fast so yeah this level will not happen for this quest I'm sorry job 84 is a level where you have to collect three red coins to open the locked door and remember red coins do increase the total coin counter oopsie-doopsie job 85 has a clear condition that restricts you from jumping and at first it's not that bad actually as you don't have a single cone on your path but soon you reach this part where you must quickly run under those two OMPs and the first one lands on those question mark blocks and you automatically get awarded two coins that ain't cool swampy job a six will force you to cycle in between winter and summer time but most of the coins that are in your way in one season are simply gone in the other so you can just alternate between the two seasons to dodge all of the pesky coins nice job 87 is full of boxes and sadly a lot of those actually contain evil coins and you must break them in order to move through the stage this will force you to collect some coins and anyways the end of the level simply can't be completed without touching one of those ugly disgusting yellow things job 88 is filled to the brim with ice blocks and tons of coins that you must dodge the second part here will be a big problem as even if the thwomp clear out the ice blocks for you you'll be forced to touch some deadly coins to clear that part luck has just left us job 89 starts off with a very dangerous jump in between coins that is actually possible believe it or not but eventually after doing a couple of things in the level you'll be forced to go through these two evil coins after hitting the p-switch what a disappointment job 90 will give you a superstar and will ask you to run really fast to the end of these narrow paths and sadly you'll soon reach this part where you have to end up on the conveyor belt up there and this won't be possible without touching those coins so there we go we have completed all of the original 19 missions in Super Mario maker 2 but how many did we complete without touching a single coin well only 44 were actually possible for this quest so that's less than 1/2 the level that can actually be completed without touching one of those deadly yellow things this is truly a disappointment the thing is Mario maker 2 also contains special stages given by the many different characters such as toads undo dog this eraser dude the dancing frog and a couple more if this video gets 5,000 likes we'll see which one of those can be beaten without a single coin smash that like button might do is if you want a sequel thanks a lot for watching this video hope you enjoyed make sure to subscribe for more epic challenge videos and hit the notification bell to the first one to see them make sure to grab a hoodie if you want to show your support to the channel and look fantastic doing it and tap the cars on screen right now to watch another video of mine alright guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 856,618
Rating: 4.8942409 out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario, Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker 2, Challenge, Coinless, Without a coin, Hardest, Sample Stages, Sample Courses, Story Mode, Nintendo Wii U, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Wii, 3DS, Mario Maker for Wii U, Offline Course, Online Course, Job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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