Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. U While Carrying Luigi?

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you're probably familiar with the luigi wins by doing nothing series of video that is very popular on YouTube basically most of these videos involve Luigi winning some Mario Party minigames by doing literally nothing I've also seen some other types of video where luigi wins Smash Bros matches while not moving at all and today I want to add my touch to this meme is it possible to be New Super Mario Bros u while carrying Luigi on your shoulders so in a way can Luigi win the game by doing nothing the rules are simple we are going to try to beat the game playing as Mario but while carrying a non-moving Luigi with us at all times while this may not seem like an actual challenge at first let me tell you about the things you won't be able to do while you're carrying the boy Mario can no longer wall jump when he's carrying something or someone in that case having an acorn suit for Mario doesn't mean anything anymore as we cannot glide when we carry Luigi we also cannot swim underwater when carrying him and if we drop him to the bottom of the ocean there is no way to grab him back so we're going to have to avoid all underwater courses during this quest carrying Luigi makes Mario way taller so going through narrow spaces will be quite difficult as we'll have to fiddle around with our boy loogie to try to get him to fit now that everything has been set let's find out if we can actually beat this game with Luigi doing absolutely nothing whirl 1-1 is the very first level of the game and this one is pretty simple to clear while carrying Luigi as there are no real problems whatsoever the area is wide and open and there aren't that many enemies so you'll clear this one in no time whirl 1 - 2 takes place underground and this first part with the yellow pipe will force you to drop Luigi and push him on the other side as you're way too tall to fit both underneath it you'll actually have to do that quite a lot in this level as there are lots of very narrow spaces thankfully there's not a lot of enemies so this level will be easily completed well 1 - tower does contain a lot of spinning cogs and gears and most of them will leave enough room for both Mario and Luigi to fit into but sometimes you'll just have to throw Luigi so that it gets pushed as there's not enough space for the both of you defeating the MATLAB boom boom will be just as easy as it always is and you'll be able to move on to whirl 1-3 this new level introduces our boy Yoshi and I wish we could bring that guy everywhere as you can literally just eat Luigi and play the level like you normally would now that's a great use of Yoshi's big stomach you normally carry around a pink baby Yoshi in world 1-4 but we sadly can't do that this time as we have to carry our boy Luigi instead even though loogie doesn't have any gliding ability like Yoshi does this level still contains enough platforms to get to the end and clear it whirl 1 - 5 contains a lot of piranha plants which are given a fire flower near the beginning so don't be afraid to drop Luigi in order to defeat some enemies with fireballs he won't mind he'll just be waiting patiently looking at the void by world 1 - Castle is next and this is where I learn a very cool ability if Luigi is the one that has an acorn suit then you'll be able to glide like you normally would if you were not carrying anything this is super helpful and from now on if I see an acorn suit I'm saving it for my boy loogie oh and if you go down that yellow pipe to get the star coin once you go back up make sure to wait for Luigi to be completely out of the pipe before trying to pick him back up or else you'll do a spin jump and well you're in big trouble now the battle against Lemmy will not be difficult at all as you can just play it like you normally would you can even throw Luigi only me head if you want to next up is world two layer cake desert and 2-1 does feature a couple of tricky jumps in between those big spooky statues but you know nothing that will stop us world 2-2 will force you to be very careful when going through the cave as it's full of sand geysers and evil pokies on the ceiling forcing you to sometimes throw Luigi before you in order to make it alive the second part of the level gives you a Yoshi so once again we can eat Luigi and proceed through the level easily world 2-3 takes place in a very dark cave and usually you'd grab some yellow baby Yoshis to be able to actually see where you are going but as you can imagine this is not possible this time you'll just have to slowly make your way to the end of the level while making sure not to get attacked by an enemy that you couldn't see in the dark but it's actually easier than it looks world 2 - tower is up and you can thankfully spin those screws even when holding on to Luigi so you'll be able to get those platforms to move where you need them to be without having to throw him away so that's kind of cool I was worried about this final part with the big cannons but the screen does pan out super far away so Luigi doesn't get killed or turn into a bubble and we can enter the big red door and defeat the mad lad boom boom once more world 2 - 4 is the land of the fishy boop kins hey look they're also holding things on top of their heads I don't feel alone anymore this level is pretty easy world 2 - 5 is also very easy as the main gimmick here are those spikes throwing spike boulders from those tall mushrooms platforms up above but even when carrying Luigi you're still not tall enough to touch them and get damaged so you know that's pretty cool world 2 - 6 is easy at first but then lakitu appears and now that I am holding Luigi I can confirm that lakitu is super close to you in this level and avoiding him isn't really easy you'll have to make some very precise jumps in between the ground enemies and lakitu while reaching the goal won't be a problem world 2 - castle is full of moving platforms and getting inside of those narrow spaces while carrying Luigi is nerve-racking I had trouble with this part in particular as you can't fit as big Mario and Luigi so you'll either have to come back as small Mario and Luigi or you know just throw Luigi before hopping onto the platform yourself I really had trouble with this part as you can see but once it's done we finally reach Martin Koopa and defeating him is as easy as all of the previous bosses you know I don't have any high expectations for world 3 sparkling waters as it's a water world and as I said earlier going underwater while carrying Luigi isn't actually possible anyways we'll see world 3-1 starts off with a beach-themed level and there's tons of water sprouts everywhere so going underwater is never required you'll easily reach the end in no time but then comes world 3-2 and after going down that pipe you'll realize that this is the end there is no way to carry Luigi underwater so this level will be completely impossible for this quest thankfully new super mario bros u does allow you to go to world 3 or 4 in any order you want so instead of going down there let's go up to the frosted glacier and hope for the best world 4-1 is actually pretty easy although I have to admit that these spinning stars can be quite annoying as they'll often make you drop Luigi if you try to go under them this won't stop you from getting to the end easily world 4-2 is not that difficult either as you can jump on top of the Penguins and you can fit in between all of those narrow spaces world 4 - tower is home to a lot of falling icicles and huge ones - but this won't be much of a problem as you'll easily reach the top of the tower and get to fight the mad lad once again and once again it's gonna be easy well 4-3 will force you to stop and wait for the plants to get out of your way during the first part after the checkpoint you'll get a Yoshi so we'll do the usual gobble loogie strategy to get to the end whirl 4-4 contains a whole lot of bullet bills and this is pretty dangerous for our boy Luigi dodging them is actually harder than it looks but be careful and you'll be okay world 4-5 does contain a lot of icicles in some narrow spaces so it's actually a scary one but it's possible at one point you'll reach this eyesbrow and if he freezes Mario Luigi will slowly move and fall down huh goodbye my Luigi goodbye my friend world four - ghost house is up and this level is such a maze I've played it for so many times and yet I always get lost and I never know where to go world 4 - castle contains a lot of scary precise jobs but thankfully even with Luigi on your shoulders you'll have no trouble reaching the end of the level when the coop eyes up and defeating her is super easy once again we are now entering soda jungle and it starts off with the airship level and you'll soon see we're gonna have a problem here the first part is pretty easy as it takes place on top of the airship but as soon as you go down the pipe you'll reach an underwater part seriously Nintendo water inside a flying boat you think that makes sense so yeah we can't actually be this level without earning Luigi into a bubble or something so you know we're going to have to find another way of going further in this quest there's actually a secret exit in world 2 - for that we are going to try it is located near the end flagpole but you're going to have to be little Mario and Luigi in order to be able to fit in there and enter the secret pipe this leads us to world 2 - ice block which is kind of easy and doesn't feature any part that will cause trouble just carry Luigi to the flagpole and this will create a brand new path that leads to soda jungle right after the infamous airship leveled oh now this is epic world 5-1 is one of my favorite level the jungle of the Giants everything is huge here huge blocks huge enemies but the difficulty is not huge world 5-2 contains those big love that will spin if you touch them at one point I dropped Luigi because he couldn't fit his big head underneath that look and I almost lost him but I managed to grab him back and save him whoo that was really close world 5-3 features those annoying spider like enemies and I really hate those guys thankfully they are not going to be trouble for the quiz so we'll easily complete this level and reach the next one world 5 - tower is up and it features those giant snake blocks and those big spiky pendulum things you can dodge them all in the first section of the tower but the second part is way more difficult for the Mario Brothers Tower I ended up having to sacrifice a little bit of Luigi's health in order to get to the top I swear is going to be ok guys ok don't be mad I really had to do it the boom-boom fight is just as easy as all of the previous ones world 5 - Ghost House is such an annoying level there are a million doors and I never know where to go having Luigi on your shoulder doesn't change anything to the level so you'll beat it easily world 5 - 4 is such a beautiful level but as you can see by my gameplay I just speed run through it so it's an easy one make sure to go inside that pipe to get the secret exit as that's the only exit that leads to the next level even though we can already get to world 5-6 let's check out 5 - 5 just for funsies and oh it's an underwater stage ok I'm thankful we can skip it world 5 - 6 is a level with seesaws all over the place but beating it is quite easy world 5 - 7 usually wants you to balance on this giant wiggler - avoid touching the poison water underneath you but with acorn Luigi we can spin jump above most of the platforms and glide to the flagpole so yeah that's kind of cool world 5 - castle has those big lever waves that come and go but jumping above them is quite easy world six - one is full of fuzzies and stretching platforms but you thankfully have Yoshi to your disposal so we can eat Luigi and get to the end of the stage in no time we're all 6 - 2 is going to be a tough one while it's not an underwater level per se you'll have to get in and get out of the water at multiple places during the stage and sadly as you know we can't really swim underwater with our boy Luigi so yeah this level is impossible but what do we do now we're stuck here in world 6 huh well we got kind of far so I'm kind of satisfied alright guys see ya I'm kidding remember that annoying world 5 - ghost house level from earlier well there's actually a secret exit in this stage and it allows us to skip world 6 and tirely we're just gonna have to beat world 5 - beetles first and while this stage is nerve-racking since you know it takes place in the air having an acorn suit also makes it way easier so we can easily beat it we finally reach world 7 skipping the entire world 6 and the problematic level so hopefully we'll be good from now on world 7 - 1 is up and it's not very difficult and doesn't feature anything special so let's move on world 7 - 2 isn't a very interesting stage either you can even get Yoshi in this one so yeah world 7 - 3 features those arrow platforms that only move when you're on top of them make sure to drop Luigi over there so that you can crouch and fit under that platform and you'll be all good world 7 - tower will force you to avoid a lot of fireballs that those annoying fire bros keep throwing out there spin jump your way up the tower and you'll soon reach kamek which isn't a very difficult bus to be honest world 7 - ghost houses next and there's one part here with those beautiful poles that you normally have to climb but with Luigi on our back we have a big problem there is no way to climb it and you cannot throw Luigi up there so ya will actually have to come back with an acorn suit and do a spin jump world 7-4 is a super easy level where you bounce on those happy clouds so no worries to have in here world 7 - 5 is a special stage because it features those floating water bubbles and you know normally you'd want to stay as far away from water as possible in this quest but you know those bubbles allow you to swim up and jump to the next one so yeah even when carrying Luigi this level is actually possible world 7 - 6 is home of the snake blog platforms but with acorn Luigi I decided to beat it without touching those it's way faster that way world 7 - castle is up and this one is full of moving platforms and narrow spaces trust me you'll want to stay as small Mario and Luigi in order to fit through this entire stage it is scarier than it looks so you quickly reach the bus anyways if you're being careful defeat Ludwig and you're good to go world 7 - airship is up and thankfully this one doesn't contain any underwater section so we'll quickly reach Bowser jr. and this fight will be quite easy alright let's go to Peach's castle the final world of the game well a - one is actually not that difficult there are some fireballs falling from the sky but try to stay low with Luigi and you'll dodge them all without any major problem world a - - is a very easy and safe cruise on this beautiful platform avoid the lava monsters and all of the micro goombahs and other enemies and you'll reach your destination world a - 3 is super easy and there are plenty of space for you to fit with your bro on your back so no worry well a - tower is a little bit annoying because there's a lot of hazards while going up this platform and carrying Luigi around makes you a bigger target for those electric things and other enemies so you'll want to be extra careful whirl a - castle is up and the first part of the stage is quite easy dodging Bowser jr. isn't that much of a problem wait Luigi what are you doing dude who told you to get out of my arms welcome to the final battle against Bowser and the first part is quite easy as you can just run underneath him and hit the switch the real difficulty comes from the second part of the fight you see you have to touch Bowser's fireballs while waiting for junior to attack you and once you jump on him Mario will automatically enter the Koopa clown car thus leaving poor Luigi alone and defenseless it's kind of random though sometimes Bowser jr. will completely destroy Luigi and sometimes you'll be fast enough to defeat Bowser without jr. getting a chance to attack him it's really weird and random but it is possible and there we go we defeated Bowser and saved the princess so is it possible to be new super mario bros u while carrying Luigi around and with him not doing anything yes it is we had to use some secret exit to dodge some impossible levels but thankfully it was possible and it wasn't that difficult - as you don't really lose any of your important abilities while carrying loogie it was a pretty fun challenge nonetheless thanks a lot for watching this video guys make sure to subscribe and to hit the notification bell to know when I post next and hit the like button to show me that you enjoyed this original tap the cards on screen right now if you want to watch more New Super Mario Bros u videos and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 567,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Mario, Super Mario Bros. U, Mario Bros. U, Mario U, Carrying Luigi, Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing, Luigi wins by doing nothing, grab luigi, luigi on shoulder, challenge, is it possible, nicobbq, nicobbq coinless
Id: _riS243r1aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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