Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe without touching a single coin?

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[Music] what's up everybody it'sa me Nico and welcome back to another challenge video and luckily for us Nintendo released a brand new port for Wii U game for the Nintendo switch New Super Mario Bros u deluxe obviously this Mario game features those ugly yellow coins that are scattered everywhere for us to collect but you know me I ain't touching those no no no but look I've read your comments in the previous videos okay you guys are sick of me trying to make Mario poor you think he's suffered enough and while I strongly disagree with you today we'll give our plumber boy a break in fact we're actually going to be playing the entire game as the brand-new character in the Mario series peach [ __ ] the rules are simple there's a coin counter in the top left corner of the screen at all time and we'll want to keep this lovely zero there star coins can be collected without increasing the coin counter so we won't really care about them if we grab some so be it this entire run will be done using peach [ __ ] which can be obtained right from the start in world 1-1 if we get hurt a speed check we turn into toadette which will force us to purposely lose a life and go back to world 1-1 to grab a super crown back this means we cannot be using any other powerup that could prove to be helpful like a fire flower ice flower me mushroom or squirrel suit as they turn us back into toadette and that's cheating power-ups that keeps us in the peach chat forum are allowed such as stars we'll also be trying to complete most of the levels without using secret exits we're only going to use those if we are truly forced to because some of the levels are unbeatable and we're stuck now that everything has been set it's time to see if we can beat New Super Mario Bros u deluxe a speech yet without touching a single coin here we go world 1-1 is easy just hit the squirrel grab suit and then hit that blood to become peach [ __ ] for the rest of the level there aren't any dangerous coins just take your time and you'll beat it well 1-2 does feature a couple of narrow spaces which looks scary but usually peach at can squeeze in between most of the coins make sure to glide when you arrive on this slide because it's full of gross coins the jump at the end of the slide is also kind of annoying because if you use your super jump at the wrong time you hit the ceiling and grab those coins but besides that the rest of the level is quite easy world 1 - tower is up and it's not that difficult the scariest part is this one over here where you have to go from cogs to cogs while making sure not to hit any coins in between them defeat boom boom and you can finally save your game yep this is something you should know you cannot save everywhere in this game you actually have to complete a tower a castle or a secret exit to be able to save the game that means that I went back to world 1 - tower a million times during this quest just to be able to save my game world 1 - 3 is thankfully not very difficult most of the coins are located on those rolling hills and if you just go above them you'll be done in no time world 1-4 is up and it's a very annoying level because of one mechanic those clouds over there they look beautiful and harmless but they do contain tons of disgusting coins behind them so when you plan your jumps make sure never to land on those clouds now even though we can already go to world 1 - castle let's try world 1-5 this level is not too difficult up until you reach this part over here there's a huge piranha plant and a lot of coins I tried squeezing in between those but I just couldn't do it Plus since we can't use the Fire Flower we can't just get rid of the plant and used a pipe sadly I wasn't able to complete this level a speech yet but thankfully we can still reach 1 - castle and this castle takes place over a big lava pit which forces us to do really precise jumps to be real this level was very scary at first but if you really take your time and plan your jumps carefully you'll reach the end in no time defeat Laney and world 1 is now world 2-1 is not a very difficult level the only difficulty being those statues that fall down at the end along with the coins above them I wasn't expecting that at first and I got trolled which forced me to restart world 2-2 is quite the scary level it takes place in a dark cave full of pokies and coins above them so you'll have to find a way to fit in between the coins and the pokies which is way harder than it looks those sand pillars are also pretty annoying as they often push you upward to a gross coin waiting to be collected the second part is also pretty scary and forces you to use Yoshi to do a very technical junk you see you're supposed to go up the pipe over there but there are coins on every platforms so the way I found of doing so west of you a jump off my boy Yoshi to then glide above all the coins and use the peach at super jump to get inside the pipe it looks really easy right now but trust me it took a lot of tries to pull that off world 2-3 starts off with us going down this pipe and oh yeah we automatically collect some coins as we leave the pipe and there's no way of dodging that so this level is impossible we're all - - tower is up and my tip here will be to avoid spinning the screws here because most of those platforms that you will move contain coins on top of them but with peach hats great flying ability you can usually just go up the tower without using them most of the time at the end here you're supposed to turn those crews and use those pipes but considering we want to avoid those gross coins we're gonna have to be more technical and use that dry bones and a couple of wall jumps to reach the top world 2 - 4 is thankfully not very difficult just avoid the fishy bookends throwing spiky balls and you reach the end in no time the same can be said for world 2 - 5 basically just time your jumps to fit in between the falling rocks and the coins and you'll reach the end this one is way more technical because it does contain a fair amount of coins but nothing our famous peach slide and jump technique cannot solve world 2 - 6 introduces us to our boy Lackey who for the first time in this game and I'm gonna admit I kinda like him in this one we can just defeat him and hop in his cloud to dodge all of those pesky coins world 2 - castle is next and this level is a tricky one it features a lot of moving platforms which at first is nothing out of the ordinary but at one point you reach this part here which looks impossible and you cannot just go up the pipe to dodge it in fact all you gotta do is to crouch and let the blocks push you to safety it's really way easier than it looks this second part here is quite a problem though as there's no way we're gonna be able to squeeze in between the coins and the blocks in here but luckily for us we can do a spin jump followed by a high jump to go on top of the moving blocks and we'll be all good after completing world 2 we arrive at this cross path but I decided to go with the water world down there first world 3-1 is pretty easy if you take your time as it doesn't contain any scary parts world 3-2 is kind of tricky it takes place under water and SP Chet you swim like a mermaid as you have the same swimming ability as Mario and his penguin suit this proves to be a blessing and a curse as this additional speed is really nice to dodge coin bubbles but sometimes the speed can make you touch coins or enemies you normally wouldn't touch be on the lookout when you touch the Midway flagpole as you'll be awarded a shower of coins for touching it come on world 3 - tower is up and this tower is completely flooded and this proves to be quite a problem right from the get-go because of this part here sadly there's no way of going up without touching those coin bubbles and there's no hidden passage which could help us dodge those I can't believe this is how world 3 will answer this quiz at least you remember that we went to this world by going down this path here so let's just go up this time and see if world 4 will prove to be better for us world 4-1 is a pretty nice and relaxing level basically abuse your spin jumps and super jumps and your HD and of the level easily well 4-2 is also pretty easy just do not run too fast to the right to be able to see where those sliding Penguins will be and you'll reach the end and complete this level in no time world 4 - tower starts off with us having to go up here but you can't just walk there because of the coins and if you use your super jump you'll hit those falling icicles and Luo speech shet thankfully I had a star in my items at the time so I think it's a pretty good place to use it and now that we are invincible we can clear this first part without any problem this doesn't change the fact that the rest of the level is still kinda tricky especially this elevator part which will force you to slide in between the ceiling and those coins in a way that won't get you killed and won't collect those bad coins world 4-3 is up and this level is pretty easy to be fair it doesn't contain any tricky or difficult part world 4 - 4 is also pretty easy containing only one tricky part over here where you can't go above all of those coins and going under them is pretty difficult because there's a million bullet bills it's still possible to do it if you take your time world 4-5 is up and takes place in a cavern full of dangerous icicles waiting to fall on you not being able to collect any coin does make your task a little bit more difficult but I can assure you that this level is possible it just takes a little time and a little bit of practice next up is world 4 - ghost house and you can clearly see this level is gonna be quite the problem so in order to proceed here you have to hit the P switch to turn all of those blocks into coins and then you're supposed to go through yeah this is kind of bad for this quest and sadly we cannot use any powerup that could help us over there and there are no Koopa shells to break those blocks around I am sad to report that this level is also impossible and now with both world 3 and 4 impossible to complete is the quest over how can we expect to go to world 5 well remember the rules if we are forced to use the secret exits then we can use them and right now we're kind of forced to do so let's go back to world 2-4 because near the end over there we can just slide under here to find a secret pipe and this secret exit will bring us to a super secret level located in world 4 world 4 - ice is next and if you just use peach shet and glide above all of the level you'll be in it in no time and look where this level brings us right to world 5 isn't that convenient world 5-1 takes place in a world full of giant goombahs and giant Koopas you want to avoid them at all cost because knocking a Koopa shell will automatically hit lots of bloods that might contain deadly coins use your peach jet ability to jump above all of the obstacles and you'll be done in no time well 5 - 2 isn't particularly difficult but it does contain a fair amount of coins coming up from the poison water down below so this will force you to time your jumps correctly world 5 - 3 is a pretty tricky stage because there's a lot of obstacles and coins that only pop up as you walk through the level and this will mean that you don't want to speedrun this level just take your time and you'll beat this level world 5 - tower is up and forces you to jump on those snake blocks to go up to tower you'll often have to jump in between coins and those spiky pendulums but thankfully all the jumps can be done if you take your time and learn the patterns the part near the end is really spooky because you have to crouch jump in between everything which is really tedious but a couple of tries should do the trick world 5 - girl's house is up and this one really is a maze you'll have to go through many doors to reach the end and this part in the dark is especially really scary you can't move too fast because there might be coins hiding in the shadows so just take it super slow for this final part here on the platform going down just keep looking left and right to make sure no boos are moving and you'll reach the final door down below world 5-4 is pretty easy and after a scary level like the ghost house we just did this is very welcome basically just avoid the booze the poison water and the plants coming out of pipes and this level will be done worth 5 - 5 takes place under water so it's going to be a very difficult level there's a part in here where the big statues fall down and block your path if you're not fast enough forcing you to collect those coin bubbles which isn't what we want I suggest you grab a star from the block over there this will make your life 10 times easier now that you can actually see the level lay out and swim super fast through the booze we're going to have to take the secret exit over here to proceed to the next level because if you don't you just get a loop that goes back to the same level so in this case it's actually necessary to use the secret exit world 5 - 6 is up and P checks high jump ability will be needed to complete this level as lots of coins are lying there in the sky in a half circle shape glide your way to safety and this level is done world 5 - 7 is next and you're supposed to use the wiggler to get to the N but pitch heads high jumping skills will help us move on without the wiggler and this is actually needed for this part over here you see you can actually go above those platforms but they're full of coins so don't land on them what you want to do is use your high jump to go above it and then land on this paratroopa 2 dead go under these blocks and then you'll be able to proceed to the next part without using the wiggler it looks way harder than it actually is so don't be too scared world 5 - castle is up and this one isn't as bad as it looks just look for the perfect timing to fit in between the lava waves while dodging all the coins and this level will be a thing of the past world 6 - 1 is a very easy level and doesn't contain anything difficult world 6 - 2 starts off with this underwater part that looks like a dead end to this run but thankfully we can above this platform over here and slide down to safety and thus dodging those pesky coins world six - tower is kind of dangerous and features some nerve-wracking jumps in between coins everything is so narrow in this tower it truly is a scary level up until the very end well 6-3 is next and it's tricky near the beginning but the real problem comes from when you enter this pipe and reach this part there are coins being around this block and sadly there's no way to go around it so yeah this level is actually impossible but once again it's on a branching path so we can still try worlds 6-4 and hopefully finish that one fingers crusts well we're good because world's 6-4 is actually super easy and doesn't feature anything difficult world 6-5 is also a pretty easy level basically just use peach hits high jump over here and you'll skip most of their level world 6 - tower is next and usually you'll want to use the screws on the platforms to make it move but considering the coins are either placed on top of the screw or above the whole platform you want to use the spin jumps and high jumps from our girl peach at to get to the top obviously some of the platform's actually safe to use so just make sure to go slow and watch for what's above you and your hdn in no time world 6 - 7 is next and the level in self is pretty easy just time your jumps and you'll be good the problem lies near the end of the level here you see you're supposed to enter this pipe over there but as you can see there is a lot of coins around it and there's actually no way to go around or any other pipe yeah we're not gonna do this level it's actually impossible and that leads us to a dead end once again it's time to use our secret exits especially the one in level 6 - 5 which is located over here use it and you'll now be able to hit the red switch over there bringing you right to world 6 - so and since we're using the back entrance of this castle we're just gonna walk for like two seconds and we're gonna be at the end so it's super easy and doesn't feature any danger whatsoever with that said well six is now done well 7-1 is up and it does feature some coins in those bubbles but nothing that will be too difficult we're all 7-2 is also pretty easy and our boil Aikido is here to help knock him out of his cloud and grab it and it's gonna be a breeze well 7-3 is also not very difficult but it does have this part here which is kind of scary but if you go up the secret pipe over there you'll be able to skip those deadly coins world seven - tower is a really annoying level and that's because there's a lot of ninja coins that appear when you touch certain platforms so yeah you're planning for your next move and then all of a sudden boom ninja coins that's unfair and really cheap the fire bros are also pretty mean throwing fireballs that you have to dodge while you're already hard at work at dodging those annoying coins it took me a lot of tries but eventually I finish this tower and made it to the next part world 7 - ghost houses next and this one is pretty easy just take your time and find the secret doors world 7-4 is also not very difficult because of the bouncy clouds that are very helpful well 7-5 is forcing you to swim in those floating bubbles that contain coins which is way harder at speed shell because of her swimming skills world 7-6 wants you to hop on those snake looks and go slowly through the level but look at the time we don't have time for that let's just glide from Koopa to Koopa until the end world 7 - castle is up and this one is a nightmare seriously it is a very difficult and technical level it contains moving platforms clouds with coins big hammer bros that stun you and narrow spaces forcing you to do very technical chunks this part in particular is just insanely difficult you're supposed to crouch jump in between those two sets of coins and then you'll want to jump above those two platforms that will crush you only to go back down and then quickly crouch jump above those two other sets of coins and then spin jump when this platform is coming back at you without accidentally touching the coins up there yeah I'll be honest with you okay I tried for hours to complete this but I just couldn't do it I knew it was possible because I did all of those things separately I just couldn't do them all one after another and you know what I was so focused on doing those jumps that I completely overlooked something look at what's above this giant hammer bro a POW block what if we could take that block to get rid of a couple of coins in this very difficult place well it works it's actually a pretty good strategy I'm kind of mad it took me so long to actually find that out and once you do this there's way less coins to crouch jump over making it a million times easier and there we go we did it but before we can move on to the final world we have to go to Worlds 7 - airship which is pretty easy thankfully it's just long and boring because it's an autoscroller but most of the coins are easily avoidable well a - one is next and the fireballs falling from the sky are pretty annoying restricting your movement options but then again these fireballs also get rid of enemies and blocks in your way so you know they're kind of helpful well a dash 2 is really easy if you take your time well 8 - 3 is also very easy if you time your jumps with the rising lava it's time for world aid - castle and this one forces you to get rid of anything that falls on this elevator but you can actually just high jump to get the platform out of the screen and then you go back down and everything that's on it is vanished abuse this game mechanic and you'll be this level in no time world a - Bowser is up and this one is really easy as peach it just bounced on Bowser jr. and glide until you reach the end the first battle against Bowser is easy to just wall jump above him and there you go now this cutscene here is actually funny as speech doesn't really understand who's coming to rescue her she's really confused and I don't blame her peach and peach heads are pretty much the same thing let's grab the Koopa cart and there you go Bowser is defeated we did it but sadly in the cutscene right after you defeat Bowser picha turns back into toadette to receive her kiss from peach that's a shame I would have loved to see how peach would react to being saved by someone that looks just like her in conclusion is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros u deluxe as fee [ __ ] without touching a single coin yes yes it is cuz we did it this challenge did contain some really difficult parts but I'm gonna say that it wasn't the most difficult challenge ever so I suggest you try it if you got this game now thanks for watching this video guys be sure to give it a like if you enjoyed it and now I can't believe I'm gonna say that but what if we wanted to beat New Super Mario Bros u deluxe and collect every single coin there is I know I know it's really disgusting I wouldn't do that but my buddy Nathaniel bendy did attempt this challenge so tap the card on the screen if you want to watch that video alright guys I'll see you in the next challenge see ya
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 1,404,116
Rating: 4.8825068 out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros U, Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Mario Bros U, Mario Bros U Deluxe, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, New Super Mario Bros. U, Coinless, No Coins, Mario challenge, Super Mario Challenge, Ceave, Ceave Gaming, Impossible, Hardest, Level, Ever, Gaming Myths, VG Myths, gamechamp3000, mayrosmm, nathaniel bandy, Coinbbq, Nicobbq, Nico, Coin
Id: Vyw-pe_Nvxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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