Is it possible to beat Yoshi's Story without breaking an egg?

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[Music] beating yoshi games without using eggs is this a new concept nope as i attempted to beat yoshi's island and yoshi's woolly world without breaking an egg last year and today marks the comeback of this series but with the weirdest yoshi game of them all yoshi's story the rules are simple we are going to try to see if we can actually beat yoshi's story without breaking a single egg what does that mean well this game plays like a book starting you off with page 1 and ending on page 6. each page contains 4 levels you can pick and depending on the amount of super happy hearts you collect in each of those levels you will unlock more levels in the following page in other words this means that even though this game has 24 levels you only have to beat 6 to reach the ending credits for this quest we'll be playing all 24 levels starting with the first row then the second then the third and finally the fourth now that everything has been set let's see if this game can be completed eggless oh before we attempt anything let me tell you why this game is so different in yoshi's story to beat a level and advance to the next you don't simply play it and reach the ending no that would make so much sense but there's no victory rings or flagpole in this one instead there are fruits all over the place and to beat a stage you need to eat 30 fruits to make yoshi super happy thankfully for us page 1-1 contains lots of fruits that are just hanging out in the air just waiting to be consumed by our pal yoshi some of those fruits are inside of bubbles that you usually pop with your eggs but obviously we'll not be doing that in this quest this stage contains lots of little shy guys and some of them are carrying some fruits so they're actually quite helpful there's also a mini game where you have to reach the goal before the chain chomp starts eating some melons if you manage to do it fast enough you get 7 extra fruits i actually managed to get through this entire level collecting tons of fruits but i was 5 fruits short to beat the stage i assumed i had to start popping some of those bubbles we saw earlier in the level to eat my final fruits i started pushing some of the bubbles to have them all in one spot so that i just have to use one egg to pop them all but as i was pushing a bubble it popped what you can actually pop those bubbles by just bouncing into them yeah it takes a while and can be a little bit tedious but it works using this new strategy i ate my final 5 fruits and completed the stage along the way i collected a couple of lovely hearts and these will unlock more levels in page 2 but since i'm playing only the first row of levels right now well let's head to page 2-1 this level takes place in a dark cave and there's gonna be lots of fruits that are inside of bubbles but now that we know the special bubble popping technique we can just jump push and hit them until the bubble pops and we get to eat the fruit that's inside this level is full of those bone dragon enemies and at first i wasn't so sure we could get past them without using eggs to defeat them but you can actually try to make your way above them and in case that doesn't work well just take damage and quickly move through them while you're invincible one thing that we cannot escape are those big blue blocks over there we need to break them to make our way to the next part of the stage and there's nothing that can break them beside eggs we're gonna need to use one egg to break this first wall over there and 4 more eggs to dig a path through the wall over there 5 eggs to be this single level now that's a bummer page 3-1 is a very easy level that takes place in the sky with you jumping on those flying snakes to make your way up in the air collecting tons of yummy yummy fruits as you go there's no need for a single egg in this level and most of the fruits are not even in bubbles so it's super easy to get the required 30 fruits and beat the stage after you eat this final fruit instead of beating the stage you will be warped inside of an arena to fight a bus introducing cloud and candy a bus that is just made out of cotton candy meaning you have to eat it to defeat it this bus is a complete joke to be honest and since you have to eat him well there's no need for a single egg which is pretty cool page 4-1 is up and this level is pretty relaxing taking place inside of little huts and featuring a couple of challenges to get some delicious fruits most of the fruits you'll find here are waiting to be collected and are not inside of bubbles but if a fruit is inside of a bubble well just keep jumping on it pushing it bouncing it whatever until the bubble bursts and eat the deliciousness that's inside it's pretty easy to collect hearts as well but since we're going for the first row of level right now these are not useful yet page 5-1 is the first underwater level in this quest and those levels might turn out to be our best allies you cannot use eggs while swimming underwater meaning most of the fruits are just waiting to be collected and are not inside of yucky bubbles the same thing can be said about the hearts as they are just waiting to be collected right away you can get all three that way too keep swimming and eating some fruits and this level will be done in no time page 6-1 is up and this castle level is kind of difficult but not because you cannot use eggs no the castle is actually filled with moving lugs spinning gears but most importantly those hydraulic presses waiting to crush you and it doesn't matter how much health you have left if you get crushed in between those two presses you're done for i actually lost a bunch of yoshis while making my way through the castle but eventually i managed to get all of the fruits needed and reach the final bus bowser to defeat this little dude you have to throw things at the spikes up there to hurt him thankfully those things you throw are actually bums and not eggs and they keep falling from the sky too so there's actually no need for a single egg and there we go we did it we defeated bowser and saved yoshi's island yay after doing the first row of levels we managed to beat it and it took us 5 eggs in page 2-1 which is more than the zero we want to get so now we'll have to explore row number two and see if it's going to be better to explore the second row in every single pages we'll have to make sure we collect at least one happy heart in each level so without further ado let's do this page 1-2 is kind of easy being on the first page but i have to admit that a lot of the fruits are hidden inside of bubbles so get ready to do lots of bubble popping technique and this might take a while getting hearts will also be quite easy as they're usually all available to be collected wherever you are we don't need a single egg to complete this level page 2-2 contains a lot of lava and those scary blarg enemies appearing out of it thankfully you just have to wait for them to go back inside of the lava and make your jump afterwards popping fruit balloons over the lava is pretty useless as the fruit falls directly in the lava and gets turned into ashes meaning you won't be able to eat it thankfully there's more than enough fruits in this stage to beat it plus most of the hearts are hidden in plain sight so getting one will be quite easy page 3-2 is such a relaxing level you have to bounce on those metallic springs to make your way up the big tower there are going to be multiple fruits on your way up there and collecting them is usually not too difficult obviously you'll have a couple of bubbles to pop if you want to get 30 fruits but we're getting good with just pushing them around so it's no worries collecting a heart also should not worry you as all three hearts are just lying around waiting to be collected no eggs required here until you eat your final fruit and are sent in the bus room in vizzo the invisible ghost is up and he cannot get hurt by your yoshi tongue or ground pound attacks nope the only thing that can defeat him is you guessed it eggs it takes three eggs to beat this dude and clear the stage page 4-2 is a very difficult stage taking place in the jungle the difficult thing about this one are those evil fishes swimming in the water that are just waiting to jump and eat yoshi there are lots of bubbles with fruits you need to pop and while doing so you have to avoid the big fishes and it's very difficult this blue fish that keeps spitting at you is super annoying and makes your life really hard thankfully getting at least one heart is no problem as there's one near the beginning you can collect by just swimming down over there eventually you'll have enough fruits to move on page 5-2 is yet another underwater level and i'm really thankful for that type of level right now there are no bubbles underwater just fruits waiting to be collected the hearts are very well hidden in this level but getting at least one shouldn't be a problem keep swimming and exploring until you have the 30th fruit and let's get ready to reach the final page page 6-2 starts off with this big blue locked door that you can't get into you'll be needing to find a key and to do so well you'll have to climb up the tower and explore the area there is going to be a couple of fruits on your way but sadly you'll soon do a complete circle of the map and go back to the main area without a key and without enough fruits to beat this stage you see this dude over there has the key and you have to throw an egg at him to retrieve it so i actually wanted to avoid having to do so but i was missing four fruits so i actually had to break an egg after you open that door and reach the next area while getting four fruits will not be too difficult and will be fighting bowser again in no time it's just the same fight as previously so just use the bombs and secure the win we've now completed the second row and once again we had a couple of issues page 3-2 required 3 eggs to beat the bus and 6-2 required one egg to get the key bringing the total to 4 eggs for this row which is an improvement over the first one but still isn't that zero i want anyways let's try row number three page 1-3 will be quite the challenge if we want to avoid using eggs you see there are lots of those rails with cloud platforms you have to ride on but at some points you're going to have to hit eggs on those switches if you want to progress with this cloud platform this is not what we want to do in this quest though but thankfully we can just bounce on those bumpers over there and use them to get up to the next cloud platform and continue our quest yay hooray for yoshi's flutter jump ability now that we are doing the third row we'll have to make sure to grab at least two hearts which is thankfully not very difficult in this stage there's one over there just waiting to be collected and a second one up there that you reach by flutter jumping with our two hearts equipped let's eat some fruits and move to the next stage page 2-3 takes place in the sewers and is full of yucky slime there's no time to know if the slime is dirty or not as we have to eat the fruits inside of it anyways you'll soon reach this mid bus over there and to defeat it and get the heart it has you'll have to be using three eggs and trust me we don't want to do that right now thankfully there are more hearts hidden in the sewers and we can get one over there without using an egg sadly for us the third heart is hidden behind those blue blocks and we cannot break them no matter what we do we'll have to be using an egg to break the block and get the heart in other words beating this stage doesn't require an egg but having enough hearts to reach 3-3 will require one page 3-3 is a winter theme level and it contains those little shy guy dudes throwing snowballs at you they're quite annoying and will make bubble popping quite difficult thankfully there are lots of fruits just waiting to be collected making this level quite easy getting two hearts is also not very difficult and you'll be able to do it without breaking a single egg i wish i could say the same thing about beating the boss cloudjin but once again the only way to defeat this dude is to throw three eggs at him dang it page 4-3 is a really annoying level that contains lots of those flying piranha plants that turn you into mini yoshi if they eat you since we cannot use eggs to defeat them we'll have to keep dodging those which is easier said than done there are going to be bigger plants along the way and you'll want to take damage and use your temporary invincibility to go through them that's my safest bet right now get ready to pop lots of balloons and lose many yoshis along the way this level is insanely difficult but thankfully it can actually be cleared without breaking an egg and this even while collecting some hearts page 5-3 is a much easier stage in fact it's so easy that it should have been a level from the very first page dodge the limbo shy guys eat some delicious fruits and you'll be all good i have to admit that the hearts are well hidden in this stage though so i had to use a guide to find them i mean how am i supposed to know that doing a ground pound in this exact spot will make a heart appear out of nowhere isn't it kinda random page 6-3 features lots of blind boo ghosts forcing you to move slowly to avoid getting hurt by them there's gonna be more than enough fruits for you to eat in this castle soon bringing you to the final fight against bowser and once again it's the exact same fight as the previous two so get some bumps and you'll be good to go row number three has been cleared and we needed one egg to get a heart in 3-2 and three eggs to defeat the bus in 3-3 meaning this rose total is 4 eggs no improvement over the other rows but at least we didn't make it worse time for the fourth and final row page 1-4 is a very fun level where you need to go up the tower using those helicopter propeller thingies they're super fun to play with getting fruits along the way is not super difficult and although you'll need to pop a couple of bubbles here and there we never actually need to use an egg to do so getting all three hearts is also fairly easy and will not require a single egg yoshi are you okay my dude you look kinda squished page 2-4 is a maze-like sewer level with lots of hidden stuff and it's kind of hard to navigate and find your way around keep exploring to find the required fruits and thankfully you'll also find all three hearts and they can all be obtained without the use of a single egg nice page 3-4 starts off with this big wheel that you have to spin but there's also a balloon you need to pop to get a heart which is easier said than done not so far in the level you'll reach this wall of blue blocks and as you can guess this one's gonna be a problem as it goes up all the way in the sky we'll have no choice but to use an egg to break the wall open which is a shame you'd also normally want to use more eggs to break those bricks and get the heart over there but this level was nice enough to give us these little penguin bird dudes that can be used just like an egg without actually being one sadly those little guys disappear after you collect your 30th egg meaning you won't be able to bring them into the bus fight and as usual you'll need to use three eggs to defeat the bus bringing the total to four eggs to beat this stage page 4-4 might be the weirdest level in any nintendo game ever it is full of neurons those blub-like enemies but just look at them they're gross what are they supposed to be exactly and why are they so weird anyway some of these blobs can be squished with a ground pound attack helping you out getting all of the hearts needed to beat this stage no eggs will be required in this one page 5-4 contains this shy guy boat in the background that keeps shooting out the bombs at you if you grab some of those bombs you can use them to break bubbles instead of eggs which is pretty neat sadly they explode not too long after you collect them so bringing a bubble around is not exactly a good idea getting fruits is not a challenge in this one and getting the first two hearts is also pretty easy but this last one over there requires you to break this block and there's just not enough time to bring up a bomb over there with you so we'll actually be forced to use one egg bummer welcome to page 6-4 the final level of the game this one is filled with lava that you'll have to dodge and this can be quite annoying to do not so far into the stage you'll reach this area here with a block that prevents you from making your way to the next part there's sadly not enough fruits to beat the stage before you get there so you'll actually need to break one egg to open up the path once that is done no more eggs will be required and bowser will be up and the fight is the same so you'll be good to clear it egg less alright so row 4 forced us to use a total of 6 eggs making it the worst row ever for this quest does that mean that yoshi's story cannot be completed without an egg well not really see i played all of the levels in order but you can actually decide which levels you play after every single page depending on the amount of hearts you collected in the previous one so with that in mind we can actually manage to find a path that would not require a single egg for example starting with 1-1 then moving to 2-2 and then moving back to 4-1 5-1 and 6-1 would be a very viable way of getting zero eggs and beating the game so is it possible to be yoshi's story without breaking an egg yes it is you'll have to find the perfect path to do it but there are multiple levels that do not require eggs to clear and get the hearts so this quest is actually possible thank you so much for watching this video my dudes i hope you enjoyed it subscribe like and hit the bell to know when the next challenge video drops join team bbq by clicking the big join button down there if you want your name in the credits like those amazing members and i will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 117,002
Rating: 4.9353495 out of 5
Keywords: Yoshi's Story, Yoshi Story, Yoshi, Story, Is it possible, Is it possible Mario, Is it possible Yoshi, Yoshi eggless, Yoshi coinless, Without an egg, Yoshi Challenge, Mario Challenge, Nicobbq, Coinless
Id: tHa5u6g0mU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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