EVERY MARIO GAME: Don't Touch Colors Compilation!

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gamers welcome to my rocks so today i have something very very different from what i usually do i've been really inspired by mayro and tim hansen now tim hansen has this video series that's actually a call of duty zombies series where he basically goes through every single call of duty zombies games and he has to try to complete some sort of challenge when he loses the challenge he goes to the next game mero has been creating um videos where basically whenever she touches red in a specific game or yellow or green or just some random color the video ends so i thought why not combine both of those ideas together into this so here's how this is gonna work if i touch anything red we cut to the next game so i'm going to start with mario bros 1 then we'll go to the last levels mario bros 2 3 world uh we're going to skip mario land because they're just black and white and then we'll go to mario 64 sunshine all the new super mario bros games galaxy 1 2 3d land 3d world mario odyssey so all the mainline mario games and that is basically how this challenge is going to work so lots of games to go through but i don't know how well this is going to go but starting off with super mario bros now i know what you're thinking mario's red shouldn't he automatically lose well no i don't think that really counts um okay so there's red on that mushroom i can't touch the mushroom okay so far so good though we should be okay okay we'll go down the pipe no red here which is good there's some coins they kind of it's like yellowy orange so that should be fine so basically we're not allowed to get any mushrooms or anything also if i die i should have said at the beginning if i die or touch red that's we go to the next game so we completed one one that was epic okay next is one two so everything is blue which is nice shouldn't be very oh goodness i'm just glad everything is blue there's some like blue black a little bit of green but no red so nothing to really worry about here besides potentially dying okay so far well now on to probably the worst 2d mario game new super not new super super mario bros lost levels i cannot oh my god i can't even hit well actually does that even count okay i can't go okay hold on i don't think you could probably still do this that's not technically touching them but that is a poisonous mushroom anyway those are yellow should be okay there oh stars okay the stars are fine they're not red at all i should be okay with stars stars are no problem oh oh that was close oh my god i almost touched that thing okay very very nice okay we're looking very good so far this is fantastic we got through 1-1 we'll see if we can actually make more progress than the first mario bros okay green koopas big jump oh geez all right okay this is fine this is all fine oh my god that's scary okay we're gonna chill up here or not i guess we're taking oh no the platforms are red what am i supposed to do here well so on to the next game as you can see there's a lot of red on this title screen but that doesn't really matter so since we cannot pick mario we'll avoid as much red as possible we're going to rock peach because peach is best girl not just because she's the only one but just because she's such a good character to play as now oh that door was red okay so next the super mario bros 3 we did not make a lot of progress there really unfortunate that the doors were red know that red arrow does not count we're not even in the game yet the hub worlds will never count fyi well they're not going to count for this so like i have to actually get into a level at least for mario bros 3. so try out the level go to 1-1 we'll see how it goes uh i still can't get a mushroom because i still think there is there's still red spots those are very red if i touch the plant at all i mean it'll be instant death but that'd be horrible hey oh i just realized i can't get the mushroom like at the ending oh my god well the mushroom might actually be black and white i'm not 100 certain on that okay so i gotta go full splash here we go don't get the freaking okay yes we got the star we're in the clear let's go all right this does not count this is pink this is pink and it's we're also still just in the hub world okay dang oh wait a minute oh oh goodness almost oh my god that was close okay avoid the flame gonna hop up here i know there's a mush in oh well we're done with the nes time to move on to mario world so we should be okay i guess we will first go we're not going to go to yoshi's house we'll just go to yoshi's island one hopefully there's nothing red here okay green okay he doesn't have a red shell we should be fine we can get let's get let's get that yoshi coin okay oh my we can't even touch them they have like red wings so you have to be really careful not to touch those guys okay oh my god wait a minute oh gee wait a minute [Music] it is time for our first 3d adventure we got to be sure not to touch that erase button even though that doesn't really count so for this game since we basically start playing in uh princess peach's castle we're going to count all of peach's castle so if we can't even make it to bob on battlefield then i guess we just don't make it but i guess we'll see okay well that's a big problem wait what can i maybe i can like jump get into the door before hitting the ground maybe that'll work i don't know let's try it wait so next is mario sunshine and uh i've got to sit through probably a six minute cut scene a few minutes later okay i really need to be careful here so quick dive okay nice nice very good very good now lucky for me flood is completely yellow and blue and gray so no red colors at all i should be fine yeah no red in sight so we're okay to use flood and we can continue alright and we can spray this stuff because we're not touching the red so that's fine we can get those coins if we want to [Music] well that went pretty well but it's time to move on to the first new super mario bros on the nintendo ds okay now i know what you're thinking this red thing counts but no we are in a hub world where you're not really playing the game so 1-1 let's give it a shot okay green [Music] all right well on to the next mario galaxy game when i say the next one i mean the first one um yeah there's gonna be a lot of cutscene stuff to do here but hopefully we actually get past the tutorial because i have no idea if we're going to or not all right well we definitely don't want to pick mario we're gonna pick uh we're gonna pick yoshi also we're it's fine if i touch his red right here we're not even in the game yet it's fine okay none of those flowers are red that's good yellow white purple we're looking good so far okay there's a red star bit there we can't touch that i'm just you know what i'm not even going to point my remote at the screen i don't want to accidentally touch it okay that does not count either wait my battery okay [Music] well on to the next new super mario bros we're playing wii okay let's do it you know how it goes once we start actually playing the game that's when it counts so 1-1 obviously can't touch any mushrooms i'm really hoping that we get to a game where i can actually get a power-up like at all [Music] and here we are on the galaxy two oh god oh god stop stop stop oh my god this is terrifying okay that's a red toad can't touch the red toad okay that's a purple thing oh my god there's a i gotta wait for the red star to disappear disappear disappear come on there's another red starboard come on move so sky station galaxy if we can get through this galaxy that's gonna be awesome ground pound and then do a little shake bada bing bada boom and he's like whoa okay that's pretty cool and turn into a launch star i don't even know how that works you just turn into a launch star that's out of nowhere okay oh god okay that's green purple white they aren't even touching me we're fine we're good okay oh that might turn red does it turn red [Music] good old mario 3d land go ahead and start ourselves on a new game and uh we'll see how this goes oh no oh this is not looking good look at all of this red in the background okay don't touch the checkpoint we'll probably get a red from that don't hit the arrows yo let's go let's freaking go tanuki mario that's what i'm talking about okay those flowers are red as well okay yes yes let's go hold on what about [Music] new super mario brothers number two there really were so many new super mario bros games i mean four doesn't sound like that much but it it feels like there were more than that doesn't it it feels like there was just an endless amount of them okay 1-1 let's see how this goes i don't know what color the flowers are okay they're pink [Music] and on to the final new super mario bros game new super mario bros u now yes i'm actually playing the wii u version and i kind of debated on playing between that and deluxe i kind of figured well i might as well just stick with you with like the original versions because i'm not playing mario 64 ds either so i figured might as well go with the wii u one now the acorn um there's a little bit of red on the acorn suit i can't even get the acorn suit i'm not gonna lie pretty worried about this one because all the other new super mario bros games have not gone too well okay so oh dude those flowers have red on them it's they're not just pink this time so cannot touch the flowers can't get mushrooms i can still get this for no particular reason never mind didn't actually want it okay so far so good so far oh my god [Music] mario 3d world one of my favorite mario games of all time i'm gonna go ahead and hop into here not play as mario even though it doesn't matter i i'm kind of feeling you know i'm kind of feeling uh let's do toad good old todd all right here we go starting off with good old 1-1 super bell hill not seeing any red dude i have been having some bad luck with those stupid arrows i feel like i have died in new super mario bros to the arrows every single time and i am tired of it so that's not gonna happen this time no more dying to arrows we're just gonna fly on by [Music] and on to our final game super mario odyssey and what's great about this game is you can skip the cutscenes so less waiting and more time to avoid the color red and what's awesome about this this kingdom is it's basically all black and white which is great oh so while i'm adjusting to my new home which is that's not too bad i mean there are some advantages to having logs not as good as boulders but uh you know it i think i might be able to get used to it i figured you know what let's do another color challenge video this time i am not allowed to touch green now if you watch the previous one where i tried to not touch red for every single mario game well our rules didn't really make sense so we're gonna make things a little bit different this time we can touch mario's reflection that's fine um and background elements do not count as touching the color unless it is an interactive object or it's literally within the foreground so like assign a new super mario bros as an example but anyway with all that said all that's been re-clarified let's do no touch the green in super mario bros now again this does not count this is in the far background so we can keep on going forward now what is gonna count is the pipes because i can actually interact with the pipes and like step on them and stuff so i have to somehow jump over the pipes okay that's one one down okay [Music] now we have super mario bros the lost levels of course the real mario bros 2. now the koopa obviously gotta avoid him um i can get the mush if i well maybe i can get it there we go gotta avoid the pipe that's just gonna be a thing for okay okay all right we got ourselves a little tricky dicky jump here ah yeah baby oh look at those skills let's go that was pretty pretty slick oh i gotta avoid the paratrooper okay okay good okay i think we're good okay oh god oh no no no no no no you stay away stay stay away so [Music] all right and up next is the fake super mario bros 2 of course as part tradition gotta pick peach peach is best girl in this game she's best girl in most games i also just realized everything is green okay this is not can i land on a shy guy maybe no [Music] so next we've got super mario land now you might be wondering can you touch green in this level and the answer is no you can actually beat this entire game without me even having to do it because it's all in black and white so there you go and next up is super mario bros 3 so par usual the menus and hub world stuff that doesn't count it's not until they get into an actual level so again that's the background this green stuff that's in the background i cannot interact with it however i will to jump this pipe that's going to be a recurring theme i guess i have to jump all the pipes oh you know what i can't get this power up because wait wait wait grab it hold on no no no hold on hold on i gotta try this i bet this will work i just need to just get come on grab it grab the edge there we go yes we got it let's go that's what i'm talking about i don't think okay so that's a pink platform this is like tan we got some white here okay we should be in the clear for now i don't see any more green anywhere oh there's green right there oh no oh okay so here's what i have to do [Music] okay super mario world of course the menu does not count but we'll go into yoshi's island one i don't know if the ground is green let's see [Music] next we're on to mario land 2 and this is another game i do not even need to finish because yes it is all in black and white you can beat this entire game without touching green that's right okey dokey we are at super mario 64. now what's nice about this game is that it's going to start us on the yellow start on the yellow sand or yellow road i don't really know what it is exactly i'm a little worried about the pipe at the very beginning i don't think mario technically touches it but you know what i've never actually looked that closely so let's just find out if he does no he completely avoided i don't know how he even did that but he avoided it entirely so obviously we're going to have to run around here we don't want to hit the ground at all [Music] next up we've got super mario sunshine now last time we did this video we counted the reflection off of mario which looking back maybe we shouldn't have done that but uh anyway this time reflections are fine we can touch our own reflection that's no problem so just avoiding green let's do it so far it looks like we're fine we just got to avoid this toad he's got some green on him definitely don't want that uh this is just like red goo so who cares i gotta avoid the piano i can touch water i can talk to flood i can go through this whole sequence there's no green on flood which is nice don't have to worry about him messing anything up okay so next just need to oh my goodness i keep thinking this is mario 3d all-stars i was hitting the button for that instead all right anyway there we go so yeah he's entirely orange yellow red a little bit of pink honestly nothing to really worry about here super easy boss thankfully the shines are also yellow which is good so i don't have to worry about not touching that but if we do it don't oh my god if we do a don't touch yellow challenge that's gonna be bad that'll be really bad okay after that six minute cut scene that you guys didn't have to watch you're welcome uh we just have to make sure to not touch the green here basically just don't touch pianos at all uh oh oh okay gotta be careful okay i need to stop thinking this is mario 3d all-stars uh here okay just have to be careful of the little tubby enemies some of those are green so that could be a problem but a little bit of patches of grass and stuff but honestly i think we'll be fine what i'm really worried about is bianco hills there's a lot of green in that level but i think we can avoid a good chunk of it or at least i'm hoping we can okay so that part's done oh there's a green guy right there okay now to catch shadow mayro oh [Music] ah yes new super mario bros it's still new even 16 years ago i think it came out in 2006. i don't like how this is starting because the ground is green this is probably going to be uh every single new super mario bros game i imagine they'll all just have green grass for me to step on and then i immediately lose the challenge [Music] on to our next game we have super mario galaxy this one has green star bits lots of lots of green grass and i know like even before getting to comet observatory there is like a bunch of green pastures that we have to catch bunnies on so i mean we'll see how far we get i guess i don't know i don't think we're gonna make it very far though so this is a good start i like this we're gonna not have the pointer this time no pointer no touching the flowers mario does not like flowers anymore just gonna do some long jumps avoid almost at the grass there okay i don't know if that's is that a green or yellow that's like a yellowish it's like a yellowish toad we should be fine avoid the toad i mean i could you know this is like blue i could probably hit these this is blue you know what i don't oh i can't shake yet it doesn't matter anyway okay no we're still in a cutscene this doesn't count yet maybe mario will get off the flowers come on get off the flowers before the cut scene ends please [Music] so up next is of course new super mario bros wii now the cut scenes don't count i know i've already done a bunch of cut scenes but obviously they're not going to count and once again hub world does not count here so this one i don't think we're going to get far because i'm fairly certain that the first level starts us on a green patch of grass [Music] so next is super mario galaxy 2. i'm not feeling so good about this one because i think the tutorial starts us on grass but i don't remember see this is a problem this is why nintendo needs to stop having the same world one level every time it makes this challenge virtually impossible for all the games [Music] now onto super mario 3d land this is another game where i don't remember if we start on green or not i actually think we start on the yellow path but maybe not we'll see hopefully we do okay perfect we actually start on yellow i actually get to play the game who would have thought okay this is crazy insane indeed okay what the heck okay hold on let's do this okay let's go let's go around man there's a lot of green on the screen i do not like that i do not like this much green okay oh my god okay i gotta do a crazy jump here oh maybe yeah yeah i gotta do a crazy jump wait i just got an idea i got a crazy idea here all right so we're gonna go to this box okay i gotta do a running start i think or you know i'm just gonna break the box okay well wait i didn't touch green i didn't touch green oh my god we're saved come on i just want to land on the top of the freaking bridge [Music] now for new super mario bros 2 i'm really not expecting anything good at this point i'm expecting green maybe not [Music] now onto new super mario bros u gotta admit i think i'm just gonna push the a button like i just did and then that'll be it [Music] and on to super mario 3d world so i've already got a save file open it's just so i can skip the cutscene uh with this game ah i don't know how it's gonna go i really don't i don't think we actually start on green which is nice fairly certain we oh wait a minute is that green [Music] and last but not least is of course super mario odyssey now what is nice about this is we are finally at a level a first level in a mario game it does not have green all over it okay what we got here is just a bunch of black and white and that that's basically it there's not much else there are frogs so i'm gonna have to avoid the frogs now the question is do i have to touch the frog there might be a way to get up here without the frog right okay good so we got up there um now the next jump that's kind of a problem i uh that i don't know what what you could possibly do here and look i'm okay at this game but i'm not that good to be able to get up there so uh [Music] so everyone really seemed to enjoy the don't touch red color challenge so let's make another one this time we are not allowed to touch blue now we're going to change things a little differently now we're still going to play through all the main line mario games but reflections are fine because for mario sunshine last time we decided hey you know what two reflections count we didn't really know we decided to count them so this time reflections are okay also backgrounds are okay to touch technically this is in 2d and 3d games so only interactive objects are going to count this time so rule set let's go ahead and get started all right so what's honestly kind of nice about this one is that i'm going to be able to get power-ups this time there is no blue on this power-up which is freaking awesome so look at that we're just cruising now what i am worried about is going underground because i know it is a little dark but i don't know if it's blue necessarily it's hard to say i think we're good yeah i think we're probably oh crap is the flagpole of any blue i don't know that's green we should be fine okay good so we might actually get screwed at one two i don't know yet oh [Music] now on to the real mario bros 2. or dare i say the gamer version because it's just so much harder than the american version now last time just like with mario bros 1 i couldn't touch mushrooms but i should be okay to do that this time around i don't see why not because you know orange red should be good i'm not really seeing any blues so far you know oh my goodness really the only thing i'm kind of worried about is something like that happening no what i'm really worried about though is one two because again that's another underground level so i i don't know if the colors are a little different or not i honestly might get stuck again that would not be very fun but all we'll have to wait and see [Music] next we've got super mario bros 2. now last time we lost at the door and i'm hoping we'll get a little bit farther of course we're playing as the one and only peach the only good character in this game [Music] so last time i skipped the marioland games and i honestly consider those mainline titles so i feel like that's kind of weird to just skip them but if you're wondering what the answer is can you beat this game without touching blue yes so once again for mario bros 3 the hub world does not count it's when we actually enter the level so if there's any blue in here that i can interact with and stand on that's when things get bad like this blue thing right here [Music] next up super mario world things haven't been going so hot but you know what maybe we'll actually make some progress this time okay so no blue here this is dinosaur land we all know what's going on here all right so once again hub world does not count the hub worlds will never really count um unless it's like a 3d mario game but anyway here we are oh god that koopa has blue feet you stay away from me pal jeez can we we can get the coins at least can i grab the con there we go oh goodness okay we can't touch the dinosaurs either we couldn't touch them last time oh my god [Music] what about super mario land 2 can you beat this without touching blue yeah next up good old mario 64. last time we did this game we got stopped at the carpet before we even got into the castle so hopefully we'll get a little bit farther this time from what i can remember there's really not that much blue in the level so that'd be okay okay so far so good we've hit the yellow ground but that's all right no blue in our sight besides the water so as long as you don't fall into the water oh i hope we didn't touch oh my god if i touch the butterfly that'd be really bad cause i think the butterflies do have some blue on them so you better keep that camera lens away from me like it too there is some blue on that lens if it touches me i'll be a little mad [Music] up next super mario sunshine so mario sunshine i think is kind of a huge problem because i'm fairly certain that flood has blue on him i think the handles are blue but maybe they're like brown or gray let me see oh the water is clear we can touch the water if we need to that's good okay brown uh okay so there's a tiny bit of blue on flood but we might not touch that part of him we'll have to wait till the cut scene finishes okay so if we're looking really closely the blue part [Music] now we move on to new super mario bros ds the not so new super mario bros but still called new super mario bros and know that blue flower does not count we're in a cut scene okay so like usual we can enter the hub world we're finding the hub world things don't start counting until we actually get into the levels all right [Music] all right next up super mario galaxy now like red and green i'm honestly kind of worried about this one because well there's blue star bits and star bits are all over the place this menu does not matter i can touch the menu if i want to you know let's pick toad why not okay so the banners are blue we got to be [Music] oh my god i forgot about the cursor new super mario bros wii you know what i have some confidence in this one because i don't think there's actually a lot of blue stuff in this level at least in this level it's hard to say so uh yeah the flowers okay gotta be careful of the flowers so i guess something to kind of you know just like double check for the rules is the way background we can touch i am allowed to touch like these clouds and stuff but the foreground where i'm physically near it i can't i cannot touch those so like these blue flowers i cannot touch them because i am physically within this location okay now we want to mush because the mush has no it has no blue so that's how we rock and roll okay that's that's not what i was hoping would happen you know what we're trying again okay this is going well so far again i'm just worried about the underground level i feel like that's just gonna be all blue and it's gonna ruin everything okay nice that's not so oh no not the blue flower mario jump it jump over the flower [Music] okay mario galaxy 2. i'm hoping we get a little bit farther than the first game but it's hard to say okay gameplay about to begin so i'm just not going to use my cursor at all okay yellow pink green oh my god okay pink red white red okay blue one gotta jump this one yes okay big jump oh my two of them okay i gotta let them despawn and i have to jump the toad as well come on d spawn no this is not a happy star festival i think i avoided him that time okay good so i can finally spin jump again that's gonna help a lot actually help us avoid oh my god okay you gotta avoid that do not want to touch that good okay oh god blue just went right in front of us hey you stay away okay we should be all right we should be okay hopefully it's just the freaking star bits that i'm worried about no you you stay away pal oh my god oh my god okay let's just skip ahead just in case there's any blue anywhere on the ground but it looks like we're okay for now this should do the job we might actually get to the hub world oh this is what's up come on just don't touch a blue starboard on the way whatever you do no way yes we made it to a level finally let's go peewee pirates temper tantrum okay very nice there's no blue so far [Music] all right now we're on to super mario 3d land i'm a little worried because there's basically all the primary colors on the first freaking level hopefully we don't land in anything blue okay good we didn't that's good that's good well this seems like this will be okay as long as i don't hit the water oh my god that was close okay we're just gonna avoid that side i mean we might as well okay avoid that oh my god that's a lot of blue flowers oh my god oh come on this is not fair what am i supposed to okay i got an idea i have an idea so i think if we just land on this and then we kind of walk around we'll actually be able to avoid all this blue okay let's go okay yes yes okay let's go that's what i'm talking about now unfortunately mario might touch a blue flower here he avoided it look his shadow didn't touch it we're in the clear we made it let's go but of course you know it's coming world one two it's an underground level literally the whole thing is blue okay come on [Music] now on to new super mario bros 2. a little worried about this one after how new super mario bros ds and we went but hopefully it's okay i'm just thinking that maybe we'll be able to i don't know somehow bypass the flowers this time because again foreground counts background does not okay here we go let's pray that there's no flowers in our path come on come on let's go okay so there is a flower but that's okay we can jump over it we have this block oh my god are you kidding me what what am i supposed to do about this hold on yes hold on give me that okay [Music] okay next we have new super mario bros u we've not really had the best luck with new super mario bros games i'm hoping we do not touch a blue flower this time okay good i can actually avoid this one that's nice to see it's about time okay we can get that we yo we can even get the super acorn let's go oh this is sick that is what i'm talking about oh ah that was close okay we're good we're straight up vibin again what i am worried about is just the ending at this point the ending might still be a problem hopefully not hopefully there's just no flowers [Music] okay so you might be wondering why am i at one two right now and not starting at one one well i hit the record button and for some reason it decided to not work but rest assured we did not touch anything blue in the first level so let's move on to one two a little worried about this one because uh the walls are kind of all blue so if i touch the walls at any point we're kind of screwed so hopefully this goes okay yeah look at this the walls are basically all blue i mean the ground almost counts as blue but i don't know if i'd really count that i mean it's kind of like like like gray and grayish i don't even know what color that is but it's definitely not blue we're rocking it now we're definitely rocking it we do not want to get the stamp the stamp would be really bad to get okay i don't know if i'm safe in here okay that should be fine okay we're looking good oh my god we might actually get farther than two levels this is crazy this is revolutionary this is insane we're actually gonna get farther [Music] and now for our final game which is of course super mario odyssey now we start in the cap kingdom which is basically all black gray and white as long as i don't die or anything dumb like that i feel we can probably get somewhat far okay so this hat has a little bit of blue hair on the front as long as i don't touch the top of his head i should be okay we haven't touched him this is just smoke there's no blue in sight should be okay okay he has green eyes okay very good no blue in sight that is exactly what i like to see now if we were to somehow make it to seaside kingdom or [Music] now today we are going to be doing another one of those every mario game don't touch a certain color challenge today we're going to be doing yellow now we've kind of changed the rules for all these videos so this time and for all future videos we have official rules let me go ahead and read them off if at any point that i cross interact or touch the color yellow i move on to the next game when interacted with the challenge color needs to be present and the player also needs to be in full control so let's say i'm going down the flagpole that does not count because i will not be in full control so now that we have those rules going forward let's get started with super mario brothers 1. so what's nice about this one is we're not starting on yellow we've just got brown we've got some green some blue what is going to kind of suck though is i cannot touch a single yellow block that is going to be a little painful to have to avoid um and it sucks because um because i can't get any items really there's not gonna be any options for me to get items at all this entire time we like brown for the most part okay good very good okay so now no yellow doesn't matter anyway because i am no longer in control i'm not moving the game is playing us might get fireworks all that fun jazz okay let's just be nice and oh my goodness that was close okay i don't know if i'm i honestly i'm not going to bounce on him under those blocks that makes me nervous oh i can't touch the coins i can't so the koopas are brown but keep in mind they're normally yellow they're yellow so i still cannot touch the koopas i can't touch the coins oh my gosh okay okay i think we'll be oh my god well at least we made some progress in the first mario bros for this one though i don't know man it's gonna be scary that didn't count that did not count even though the koopa is yellow i did not touch the yellow there is yellow on that mushroom i cannot grab that why why would they add yellow to the mushroom come on that's not fair why would they do that that's so dumb all right well that's okay we can't get the star in the box we're gonna have to very carefully avoid this guy oh my god okay that wasn't that bad actually okay we're just gonna wait we're just gonna big chill there we go oh my god i have to how am i gonna do this okay i have a new game plan we're just gonna completely clear him because i do not want to jump around that koopa there's like no space okay good yo let's go let's freaking go making it through the first level again this is awesome i actually think we might make some progress on all these stages today all right good look at oh my god i almost died okay now we can't just chill up here if i can build speed that is can i get up here i'd um i can't even clear it so the reason i i don't think i touched the coin i don't think that counts the coin was above me i'm going to keep going oh god okay oh that was so close i'm sad that i missed the jump but that's okay [Music] i swear to god we're gonna make progress today super mario bros 2 the fake one the best one so i don't think there's any yellow that doesn't count that's menu that's like green anyway so green black white pink a little bit of red yo let's go we get to make it through the first screen that's what i'm talking about let's go okay red shy guys um red enemies oh this feels so good to make some actual progress in this level don't even understand it feels so nice i'll go and grab this fella there we go nice nice but anyway anyway here we go hey ninjas are just black and white oh goodness um i think we might actually get through this level there's like zero yellow at all at least i haven't found any yellow maybe i already ran into it i don't know very good still no yellow in sight that's brown does not count this is blue and white eggs are white birdo is pink and then her little orb thing doesn't have any yellow in it so we should be fine oh no but the beak the okay hold on the beak for the bird that's like orange we can't see it yet we'll see in a second okay yeah that's fine that's yellow or no that's not yellow it's orange that is definitely not yellow it's orange this is just a bonus bonus doesn't count even though there is some yellow okay i'm uh i'm pretty happy that we finally got through that that's nice um all right one two okay oh so we got oh no this might be yellow no wait oh my god the ground is yellow but the key is not so what i think i'm gonna do i'm gonna try i'm screwed that's what's gonna happen [Music] now on to our next game super mario land and as you can see it is entirely black and white so can you beat this game uh without touching yellow the answer is yes i'm a little worried about mario bros 3. there has been a lot of really dumb dumb things that have happened in the past few levels that is pink that does not count that is pink this goomba is clearly brown that should be fine this is pink this is light blue i freaking lost to the bolt last time that was so dumb okay he's extra brown okay don't touch the coin okay don't touch the koopas don't i can't touch anything okay these are brown this is not yellow [Music] now of course we've got super mario world i'm very worried about this one i know there is a lot of level a lot of yellow in these levels hey green green blue white can't touch the koopa still is that is that yellow i don't know if does that count i mean i touched the brown part i'm just gonna not touch that okay i can't touch the yoshi coin either i gotta jump over it i can't oh my god dude there is so many shades of yellow it's hard to tell i might have already lost okay let's just we're gonna avoid the ground i'm gonna avoid the oh my i almost hit that yoshi coin okay oh that's fine we can get that okay all right that should be okay oh no oh no this isn't good i can't bounce off of him though without touching his front bam okay i yeah i think i'm i lost yeah okay so next up is super mario land 2 and as you can see the entire game is black and white so even though these would normally be yellow it cannot be proven that there is any yellow in this physical game so that means it is possible to beat super mario land 2 without touching yellow super mario 64. i think we are going to take one step out of the pipe and we are going to lose because well at first i will actually be able to you know uh at least finish the cut scene but as soon as ice enter control that's gonna be it [Music] i am very worried about mario's sunshine as you can see there is yellow inside the goop so if i can even get to the point where i don't touch flood physically which probably won't even happen the goop is gonna be a problem as well so who knows how this is gonna go yeah she says i have a bad feeling about this so do i so do i this is not looking pleasant okay we at least avoided the goop there that's good avoid the sun thingy avoid him try not to just touch don't touch okay so am i touching him [Music] so i've had some horrible luck with the new super mario bros games um thankfully it looks like i'll be able to make a little bit of progress because there are some yellow like in the flowers and stuff but as long as i don't touch them initially when i'm first entering a level i should be fine so i guess we'll see how this goes okay so good no yellow we can avoid these flowers very good you can jump on the goomba so i like to see oh my god what is this crap what is this crap how okay mike my question is literally how uh maybe this huh hey okay i do oh little baby jump little baby jump [Music] okay on to super mario galaxy create a game file yes i would love to do that and we are going you know you know we're gonna do because it doesn't matter we're gonna select someone that has yellow in them and that would be peach so i've been having a lot of bad luck with this game for the past few videos and that's because of the stupid cursor i keep deciding to uh you know just move it around and then i touch something in the background so um yeah cursor gone i'm gonna point the remote at the ground at me so i cannot touch it okay my cursor is no longer at the screen i cannot possibly touch anything let's go here we go i i swear to god if i touched any yellow in those flowers i'm gonna be so mad i sw i think i did damn it i'm still going anyway i'm upset okay i swear to god okay this is fine okay i can you know let's get a couple of these because we can get them there we go i swear to god if i touch the yellow in those flowers so far so good assuming i didn't lose at the beginning because i don't know yet actually not that much yellow i mean there's the star bits there's a couple of the toads but that's really it there's really not that much yellow and there's flowers of course but you know you know actually let's go ahead and do this there's this is all green this should be fine oh my god that was that almost hit me oh great just lovely i'm not in control yet but uh those flowers have little yellow in the middle there is this is not looking good this is this is looking exactly like the green challenge where i'm just like insta zucked [Music] okay new super mario bros we please be generous today we have had some really really bad luck with the new super mario bros games um but i think the ground is not yellow so that's good at least the ground is not yellow there are some yellow flowers there are yellow question mark blocks but you know what that's fine that's okay with me okay that's that's brown that's got um [Music] wait a minute there's yellow on the no all right so another new save file is my third new one they've all been failures and i'm not feeling very i'm gonna go with luma this time i'm not feeling very good about marine galaxy 2 either i i didn't even do the cursor thing i had it pointed away and i still got freaking i don't even want to talk about what happened okay so there's a flower there just gotta avoid the tulip i guess that that is bruh why is there tulips and two star bits bouncing i can't even do i can i even long jump okay i can long jump i'm gonna oh my god stop stop okay what away come on [Music] so mario 3d land i think we're basically going to lose right at the beginning because i think it's like mario 64 where you just land on uh just yellow sand i think that's how it's gonna go [Music] i swear to god if i touch another flower a little bit of yellow in the middle again from this series i'm going to scream okay but it's not gonna happen this time unless i spawn in front of one of those flowers this is impossible there's no way they're they're okay here's what i have to do i have to start right about here and i have to clear all of that here goes nothing i guess i don't know what else to do [Music] okay this is gonna be it we're gonna get past the first level a new super mario bros u we can get the acorn suit we can fly around there's some flowers no big deal okay i can easily avoid that okay here's my game plan all right check this crazy stuff out all right here we go here we go bounce bam look at that what freaking go let's freaking go there no no there's yellow on the acorn why is there yellow on the acorn no no i wanted the acorn suit okay fine i don't need it i don't need it anyway okay we're gonna do this okay okay no no no no okay we're good we're good we're good we're good [Music] look at all of the yellow okay first off i don't even know if i can clear the flagpole like i think if i do the flagpole i'm gonna have to touch the white part and that's it but there's so much yellow in this stage i have no idea if this is gonna work i can't get the cat bell suit that's for sure that's just out of the question so much of this is out of the question thankfully we can [Music] and now on to our final game which is of course super mario odyssey now what's nice about this is uh this is all basically just black and white there's not really any yellow that i have to worry about and there's probably coins and stuff but you know coins aren't gonna be that bad so i'll probably [Music] so since snow is white i figured you know what let's try to play through all the mario games without touching white um so that's basically the challenge if you've seen the previous color challenge video you kind of know how this goes uh we go through all the main mario titles and whenever we touch white we go to the next game so what's good about this is that i'm not seeing very much white and again of course we don't start unless we're actually in control we have to be in control of the game for the touching of the white to count also the objects need to be within a a short like within a close distance that's guess what i'm trying to say so like those clouds would not count because clouds those are high in the sky obviously but i here's here's what's cool about this challenge today i think oh the koopas are a problem okay so i need to avoid the koopas i can't this is like tan this does not count as white [Music] silly me hitting flagpoles at least i got far though i actually got to world four i mean unless he got cut out i don't know how half of these things go down i really don't i just play the game and then i i just kind of hope also this is might be the only time where i can actually not grab the mushroom there's a white there is white on the mushroom i saw the yellow and red and got excited and then i realized there's white at the bottom that's tan tan is fine tan is good we like [Music] all right mario bros 2 we've had some bad luck with you but i don't care this time it doesn't matter there's not a lot of white in this game i don't think [Music] all right next is super mario land [Music] okay mario bros three let's do this this is gonna go well i don't know why i'm just kind of feeling it now i don't think i can get the mushroom i'll double check uh yeah that's a lot of white we definitely can't touch that but that's fine we don't need the mushroom mushroom is a waste of time also again the clouds don't count but that white block does we're gonna have to do a little bit of a scary jump here but we should be in the clear that's what i'm talking about with that a little bit of this avoid the plant i mean i die anyway but you know gotta still avoid it those are fine [Music] okay we're gonna run through oh no [Music] i'm not gonna lie guys i'm starting to get a little nervous i thought the color white that's not really a color technically i thought it would be a lot easier but you know what things are still just as difficult as they used to be we're starting off with a freaking koopa that has white of course none of this back [Music] so super mario land 2 here we go i'm literally screwed this is it [Music] do i really need to say anything about mario 64. the freaking bridge is entirely white unless there is some way i can miraculously bypass the entire thing i mean is that white or is it more gray i mean that is pretty gray actually okay i know there's white there we don't want to touch that there's white on the balcony stairs okay there's white in the painting there's what oh no the floor is white okay i gotta be so careful i think i see what i need to do i basically need to jump in the center of that bomb this has to be so precise okay [Music] oh great look at that nice white road that we're landing on this is going to go well [Music] new super mario bros has not treated me well but you know what i'm about to treat it okay there's no white on the screen we're in the clear we can do this we have a chance [Music] let's just be real this is not gonna go well it's mario galaxy one okay has mario galaxy one ever gone well for us yeah no it hasn't it has never never gone well and here's here's the big problem so i obviously we're not gonna get far okay because when we get to the rabbit part you know the rabbits are white so obviously i can't touch them and i think i also land in flowers but then there's also the fact that the road that we land on is white it might be more gray slash tan i'm not certain see look at that that is pretty white but it also kind of isn't maybe [Music] maybe we'll survive longer than five seconds this time potentially [Music] oh goody goody goody mario galaxy 2. i wonder how this will go you know what i'm picking toad just despite the game because i'm not playing yet screw you i'm touching white because i can right now okay well at least so far so good we didn't touch the white you know little dust clouds all right mario 3d land let's do this thing let's frickin do this we're good to start we're good to start i like that we definitely do [Music] for the love of god i want to finish one level just once there's one time in new super mario bros just once [Music] new soup mayo you [Music] oh man i don't like where this is going i mean you can see a bunch of white already i feel like okay here's another thing i can't do i cannot run i got screwed over from running in the clouds so i'm not gonna do that again [Music] on to our final game mario odyssey i think the ground is fine i mean there is some white fog we'll have to avoid but this does look black and gray so i should be okay i want to avoid the poster wanna oh i want to avoid the wall didn't touch that oh no oh crap this is all white isn't it yep [Music] bowser's fury is here and i thought you know what this is basically its own game now while yes it is a side mode with mario 3d world i thought it'd be kind of cool to treat it as its own game so here's what we're gonna do as you probably know we've already done lots and lots of color challenges with mario games don't touch red green blue yellow white and what's coming up is brown so i thought would make the most sense is to add that game to the color challenges but you know since those videos are already out how are we supposed to include this well for this video we are only going to try to avoid colors with this game so we'll go ahead and start with trying to avoid the color red and uh here's here's the fun thing i have not even played this yet this just came out and uh i have no idea what to expect i haven't even watched the cut scene or anything like that so if you don't mind just let me watch the cutscene for the first time okay so i don't know exactly when the game is going to start but you know this is mario so i can't imagine it's going to take very long it's probably just going to basically jump right in um okay so here's what's good i don't see any red i think we're gonna get pretty far without touching red okay so apparently the running speed is a lot faster i'm not really noticing yet what if i like hold down oh okay i know okay uh yeah mario is much faster now okay so i'm i don't know how far we're gonna get um oh oh god jury bowser okay what do i do um i'm just gonna do this okay there's red right oh no god there's a lot of red i'm not liking this at all okay uh i don't know if i touched i think i touched right there i should be okay oh that's so cool so next up we're going to avoid touching the color green so avoiding touching the color green is going to be a lot harder this time as you can see there's lots of green around us um i i think i'm kind of screwed because i have to go this way oh wait a minute hold on hold on can i can i do uh and next up we can't touch the color yellow hmm okay so for yellow it looks like we'll probably okay so i think i can touch this now there's not too much yellow i mean obviously there's coins we can't really touch coins we can't touch the edge of this carpet but yeah that's really about it there's not much else here this is really can't triple jump oh okay i didn't touch it it's just it looked like i did but i definitely didn't i'm good okay maybe i can avoid touching this without and next up we can't touch the color blue so i don't know about you but i feel like the rest of these colors are gonna be a little bit of a problem um you know i'm not seeing blue right now but you know what there's kind of water in bowser's fury it's all over the place so i can't go in the water i think i'm safe to touch all this stuff here's the thing like all these like uh like rocks and stuff this is all white so i'm basically screwed when i get to white and brown oh hey i can finally go on the carpet now yay wait oh yellow okay i'm fine to touch yellow that's right this is the blue challenge now these rocks are kind of shaded blue okay don't touch those the lighthouse is kind of blue a little it's kind of blue but it's mostly like grayish i guess so probably good on that okay these bricks are okay yeah we're good with green we're good with like white okay so we got ourselves the first cat shine let's see if we can get a little bit more yeah this is kind of a problem look at all that water and get guess what color water is and up next we can't touch the color white so for the color white we're not going to get very far we can try you know we can kind of and finally we can't touch the color brown so i think we're instazocked here because i think we're just straight up in mud uh yep that's pretty brown to me you probably know the drill by now we are not allowed to touch whatever color the video is titled and today we can't touch brown now i don't like where this is starting because the ground is brown so we're probably not going to get very far okay look i think i'm just going to kind of have bad luck for these first two games because mario hates poison mushroom in the demo the ground is brown i'm going to hit mario game and then well if we move past the uh first two mario bros games hopefully this one's a little bit better it's gonna look a little different you know what i always pick peach i always pick luigi let's go with toad i kind of feel bad for toad i never seem to pick him for these videos so we're going with him today uh thankfully i i don't think there's brown on the door we're fine lots of green we got some pinks that's just red okay i think this is red it looks kind of brown but it's quite it's not quite red they're not quite brown so yeah i think we're good there okay oh this is good so i mean what do you want me to say this is super mario land where yes if you play it on game boy there is a greenish yellow tint but we are playing with the true real colors which is black and white and guess what it's black and white like i just said with hints of gray so you know what that means this whole game is possible and i don't even need to play it i'm just that good that's crazy right good old mario bros 3. you can't go wrong with this one unfortunately there is a lot of brown here that i'm seeing just on the map but you know we might look out there might be zero brown here well i think i've got my expectations finally in place this is not going to be very easy but if i can just be one level that isn't you know super mario land where everything's just black and white anyway that doesn't really count that's not really a video game if it's not in color it doesn't count okay i mean it does but you know it's not really that cool it's like oh wow i managed to beat a game without touching brown but it was black and white i'm so impressive but here there's like a billion brown look at all this stupid brown now what do you expect for this one mario land 2 once again we're on the game boy everything's black and white there is no brown there is no color so yes it is possible to beat this game without touching brown just in case you couldn't tell it is unfortunately we're back into reality now we're back into color world mario 64. thankfully i think we can get through at least you know the castle i i don't think there's really any brown in the castle besides the walls but i think that's gonna be about it there's actually not a lot of brown so yeah as we can see you know uh the the ground is yellow pipe is green mario's hair is brown but that doesn't really matter as long as we don't touch the sign i think we're fine don't grab the trees that should be okay okay i've had ish oh the door is brown just don't touch it just grab the yellow that's it just the illimari you can do it come on okay so now of course onto mari's sunshine and what's kind of nice about this is we're not gonna die right away there's been so many times where it's like water kills us instantly the road kills us instantly but i think we might actually make some progress it's gonna depend if mario grabs the handles on the flood because i don't know if he actually does or not just uh do a bit of that okay let's not touch the boxes so yes the handles are brown so hopefully i can just somehow avoid them so i'm going to try something a little bit different with the general layout for ds and 3ds games i just came to the conclusion that like i have no reason to show the bottom screen at all and might as well just show the gameplay nothing's really coming out of show in the bottom screen so anyway let's start with the very first new super mario bros ds game a lot of the 2d mario games have not gone well so far but hopefully this one there's just some nice grass on the front and that'll be great if that's the case yes yes yes yes so now really it's just the stupid fence fellas look at all these save files that have had failed attempts we're not gonna pick you we're gonna go through all of these because i want to try to get one save file where we get one star i think that would be a freaking miracle and it would be freaking amazing we've got the ground that's completely brown oh boy yeah that's just straight up that's lots of shades of brown look at all that brown oh goody guess we'll try out new super mario bros wii yet my hopes and dreams are kind of ruined at this point but you know what maybe this one will be okay okay we're gonna wait just a hot second we're gonna do a little bit of that action i think we can just do that okay because this is this is like yellow is that brown on that flower i don't think it is okay let's try to land on this yellow block right here so in comparison to mario galaxy one i've officially run out of save files to try this challenge with so i guess we're gonna have to erase we're erasing a toad uh do i wanna erase the file yes i do and uh you know what hey maybe we'll get lucky with this one you never know okay this is good so far lots of green some white oh this is spicy we are looking spicy here let's go okay no brown i know starbucks don't have brown in them this is fantastic all right don't touch the brown there oh my god before we begin let me just ask are you bottom screen gang do you want me to show the bottom screen or do you think it not really matters i forgot to ask that when we were doing new super mario bros ds but anyway you know this level has a lot of brown in it thankfully the ground itself that we're gonna start on is yellow i think we counted that as yellow last time so we can at least make some form of progress which is good okay just don't touch the sun even the sign is yellow which is nice unfortunately parts of this ground is brown okay that's like still yellow i would say stay away goomba okay i guess we'll go this way okay this should be fine yes wait a minute please new super mario bros 2 just one of the games whether it's this one or mario bros you i want to get through one level okay that'll be satisfactory for me okay good everything here is like yellow blue green there's some brown way in the background but of course that doesn't count has to be you know foreground slash it would touch me um this is nice look at this there is a little bit of brown here and there but it's not the stupid fence again don't touch the fence don't touch the fence and also i need to not touch the fence no touching fences no touching the power ups here no touching brown we're beating one level okay i'm tired of this i'm so tired of all this failure i just want to be the level that's it okay if there's an offense a goomba i don't care what getting the coin i actually don't really want the coin you can have it goomba but you know what fine i'll take it you don't want to accept my generosity then fine i will freaking take the coin oh my god we're making progress yes stay away from me stay away i'm jumping over you oh my god okay good we're good we're good we're good yes i'm feeling it this time i can feel it this time this is the one okay no why why do you do this to me i can't clear that i might as well try but you know what 3d world also has a lot of brown i don't have a lot of confidence for this one but again just this one level and i'll be happy if i can just get through it it's all i got to do okay okay thankfully i mean there is brown but you know it's very selective i actually think i can grab the super bell the super bell has like yellow and orange okay there's no brown that's actually so helpful i can actually utilize a power-up okay this is so good okay don't touch that bot okay the buck is the box even brown i don't know if it's brown i'm gonna keep going anyway i don't care if it's brown then i'm done but okay we'll just keep climbing up here this is like not brown either this is like orange the goombas are definitely brown though okay let's get around these guys he's orangy brown i guess it's hard to say i don't is i don't know this is brown or not i mean it kind of is it might honestly count and the challenge ended a long time ago i have no idea okay let's go through the pipe okay i honestly don't know if like half this stuff is brown so uh i'm just gonna assume we had a victory that's gold that's all gold but then of course i touched the brown right there you know what i beat the level i don't care i beat it even though i touch brown [Music] and now on to our final game super mario odyssey this is another one where you would think oh look at that you know this is all black and white right you'd think it would have made progress in the past but no i've i very rarely made it far at all so hopefully i i think if i just avoid boxes i can make some progress but there's a lot of boxes so i don't know for certain it could be a while i have to be careful not to touch those poles because those are definitely brown that was i almost touched that i think that's brown is this brown that might be brown too i don't know for certain okay don't you dare don't yeah i was gonna say these are definitely brown boxes okay so there's some brown here i think this is actually the farthest we've ever made it this is crazy okay he does not have brown there's his eyes are like yellow and the hat's not even touching his eyes so i think we're okay there this is crazy holy crap we've never made it this far with a color challenge that's yellow so we're good with that we can touch those no problem okay i think we're still okay i think we're still okay oh my god we're gonna make it to a boss heck we might even make it to i don't know the next kingdom but this let me tell you i am actually super stoked for this challenge today because we are doing don't touch purple we've done red blue green yellow white and brown and for the first time not only are we going to add bowser's fury to this video but have do you even ever see purple ever in this game that's right almost never so here's the deal since there's so little purple in mario games i think if i get through one level that means that i can basically move on so otherwise the video's just gonna take way too long so with that said let's try to finish one one without purple and honestly i don't think there's any purple now i do know that i was gonna say in mario all stars the poison mushroom is purple but like that's really about it you know what else is cool i can get the power up so we got orange red white no purple at all so we're rocking it out the underground section doesn't have purple which is really nice this is probably the best this is probably the best color i've ever picked i'm not gonna lie so i think we're gonna get through this no problem now the sky kind of looks it has like a very small tint of purple but it's mostly like blue so that doesn't really count i'm not even trying to avoid purple because i already know there is none it's just a lot of brown a lot of green a little bit of white here and there that's about it unless like the flagpole has purple we're gonna be good this is just green [Music] i think we're gonna be okay with this challenge i'm feeling really good about this so far this is another game that i don't think has any purple in it let's go ahead and grab this mushroom if i can time it right come on there we go okay i don't need the mushroom anyway that's fine but yeah you know what it's just a lot of brown green blue mario's red in terms of purple it just like doesn't really exist in the nes mario games oh and i just have to not die that's like the hard part just don't die with mario bros 2 the usa version we have always had so much trouble with this game there's like a billion colors in this game but you know what why do i even bother testing mario land it's black and white or monochrome green yes it's possible moving on now for mario bros 3 again this is another level where i don't think there's really any purple i know there is some in this game but in this level in particular i think we're gonna be okay as far as i'm aware i mean mushrooms are red and white there's no purple powerups i don't think besides poison mushroom which isn't even in this game so unless like one of these platforms is purple i think we're gonna be okay here too and it's nice to just like play the game you know it's been a while since i've just played the game that's it [Music] so i figured we'd change it up a little bit with mario world we're gonna be doing a 100 save file so some assets will be different i don't know if that's going to make this any harder or not let's see how it goes again if we can get through one level we're in the clear now this game obviously has a lot more color those koopas have like purple shoes i think that's the first thing a purple we've seen today those dinosaurs are blue purpley i guess but yeah i don't really see any still they're cut they're more purple i think so we'll just avoid them oh yeah mario land 2. guess what this one is possible as well gee i wonder why i have no idea why i just kind of have a hunch the only purple i'm seeing in mario 64 is the headset thing so obviously let's not touch that this is pink this is fine we're not even in the game yet so it doesn't matter but that might be the only purple we see so if i can just get one star we're golden we've got a lot of yellow a lot of green got some brown we've had so many problems with this game i don't oh the butterflies are purple okay gotta make sure i don't touch the butterflies that's like the one thing i think that's gonna be purple okay toad he has like he's like dark blue i guess um okay yes the painting is fine okay i don't know how do we bonk on stairs okay we made it into a level hold it we've never made it this far okay big bobbum on the summit this is so weird to make this much progress i'm not used to this at all i think we're fine yeah there's chakya that's purple but chucky is not even in this level none of the enemies are purple king bobbum is he's mostly just black i think i don't even unless like his arms or hands are purple i think we're okay yeah he has like dark blue like what even are his legs and arms they're just like little blobs but yeah we shouldn't have an issue taking them out at all and that is trace i can't believe this this is insane i should have done purple a long time ago it feels good to have success finally with these stupid challenges boom we did it so this is another game where i'm a little hesitant on saying we're gonna make progress here but i don't know i don't think we've ever even made it past just the airstrip and if we can even do that i will be happy but the goal of course is to get at least one shine if we can okay so i guess the plane is kind of purple uh it's it's probably the most purple thing i'm seeing oh there's a purple toe don't want to touch him okay she's pink that's fine the flood for once has no colors that we can't touch on here that's nice finally okay so now i guess we're just gonna actually make progress we're gonna play the game finally we're not gonna get stuck at flood this this like it doesn't even feel right we always get stuck here we've never even attempted this guy before even this guy he's got orange yellow pink like we're fine we're totally fine here look at that a shine an actual shine i guess this technically is one shine isn't it this is one shine that's it [Music] so for new super mario bros i feel like our luck is going to take a bit of a turn once again simply because we're back to the 2d mario games there's not a lot of color like the colors basically are all like green blue yellow a little bit of brown like that's the main color for the 2d mario games so i'm thinking in general we're going to have some good luck with most of these but i think for the most part it'll be okay let's get the mega mushroom let's celebrate boom okay those stars those stars were pink don't you dare count those as purple [Music] take a look at all of these save files these are all failures that we have had will this be the one where we get one star so yeah there are purple flowers but honestly that's fine there's not a lot of them i'm keeping my cursor off the screen i swear to god if my cursor touched that purple flower right there i'm going to be so upset so i'm really thinking with mario bros wheat it's all gonna come down to if i spawn near flowers or if there's a lot of purple flowers nearby okay i'm not seeing any purple flowers we should be fine it's weird that i'm worrying about like nothing but the flowers that is bizarre sometimes that's just how it be but yeah if there's not that many i actually haven't seen any i think we'll be okay to knock out this level okay that flower's pinkish we're fine we cleared a level we actually finished this game [Music] dude i got so dipped in mario galaxy one if this happens again in galaxy 2 i'm gonna be a little upset okay yellow pink green oh no there's purple this is another one of those games where i don't really know if we're gonna have issues or not because there is a lot of color in 3d land but i don't think there's purple at least not in this level so i think we'll be okay but it's honestly really hard to tell all right um seem to be fine okay good okay no purple so far not even like a semblance of purple no light purple nothing that could possibly resemble it it's all just like the same colors as the 2d games okay i think we're gonna be good i think we're actually gonna make it okay good blue flowers that's fine as long as there's no purple flowers there is no purple flowers look at that we beat a level of mario 3d land too [Music] once again i don't think mario burst 2 or new mario versus 2's can be much of an issue it's all going to come down to flowers and the flowers are safe we are in the clear we got pink here now the pink challenge i'm realizing when i get to that that is going to be really difficult but i think for now this is fine dang look at that look at that another game [Music] gotta say i've been enjoying our luck with new super mario bros so now onto mario bros u and i think yeah look at that the flowers pink red yellow blue we are set to go we can even get the power up if we want to wish you purple challenge for all the challenges now this is so much better i can actually make progress this is so nice look at that not even the butterflies are purple nothing but victory and it feels so good to finally have some victory look at that [Music] so this is super weird but for the first time we're doing mario 3d world and we can skip the cut scenes you know how nice that is that is so awesome i'm so glad we can finally do that yeah i've been playing a lot of mario you know what let's switch it up let's go with some peach why not i've been playing mario like for this entire video so we'll try out peach this center level so there is some purple flowers i'll have to be careful of that but like otherwise i don't think it's gonna be a lot i'll be able to get the cat suit no issue that little speckle on the ground is white that should be fine this is gonna be another weird game because again there's gonna be some hints of purple here and there but i don't think it's gonna be a lot we might be able to get to the boss fight that's really all we have to do is get to the boss fight and just complete that but i don't know i mean it's hard to say it's always this game where i feel like i'm going to make progress but i get halted really quickly so hopefully that won't happen this time but i guess we'll just have to see i mean you know per usual just a bunch of black and white basically get our hat back skip the cut scene okay try throwing with why i'd rather not thank god i'm not doing the brown challenge i would have been really upset if that happened okay this is blue orange we're fine to hit this that's no problem we don't have to make some extreme jump to get across there okay we're good we made it to the next segment this is just a bunch of white basically frogs are completely green are their eyeballs purple no they're like yellow okay good that is what we like to see look at that look at that not a sight of purple anywhere here we are more progress do you see purple i don't see purple look at this we're good just a bunch of black brown white gray oh this is so nice this is my new favorite color this is why my channel background is purple okay there is a reason for this i knew there was a reason to pick purple i actually didn't have a reason now i do okay greenish why i i think we're okay he has purple hair no no i can't hit that i'm gonna try to hit not his hair i don't know if i avoided that i don't think i did but maybe i did why does he have to have purple hair come on okay i i honest i can't even tell i don't know this is super weird i kind of debated if i wanted to count bowser's fury as its own game mode but i think it is so distinct compared to 3d world and odyssey that it is now the final thing that we will be doing color challenges with until well the next mario game of course so skip the cut scenes once again and um i actually actually want to know from you guys should we get two cat shines here or just one and the reason i say that is simply because getting the first cat shine takes virtually no time but i do also kind of want to be consistent with only having to get one start to win so do we count you actually just let me know in the comments because i'm really curious but for now i'm just going to go ahead and get one cat shine and i don't think there's any purple here as far as i'm aware there's virtually none so we should be fine like there's a bunch of red brown i mean the rain is kind of like bluish clear these blocks are gray and black we're gonna do a nice little uh fun little jump boom look at that and that's it we are back at it once again every single mario game all the mainline mario games and not touching a color today we are gonna do don't touch pink now to change things up a little bit the rules are basically going to be the same you know nice and strict how we like them uh with that said we are going to go ahead and um play a little bit more than just the first level i'm going to try to complete the first world in this game so i'm going to play for a little bit longer because i think for pink i'm not gonna run into very many issues so let's try to at least get through one four if possible or basically until i game over so let's get started i don't think we have many issues like i said i mean we got a bunch of green we got a bunch of blue none of this matters anyone i don't know why i game over you know what yeah actually i do know why a game over i never get to play farther than one one so i have no experience with the other levels again we're gonna try to get through one four if possible however this game is actually difficult so uh i honestly don't see myself getting to one four i'm probably gonna game over first but i'll try not to again you know i don't think there's gonna be any pink that i'll have to worry about there'll be maybe a tiny bit here and there but i know they won't be in this level because it's all the same assets as the first game all right well we cleared one one that's nice okay one two again it just comes down to the game being hard oh and there are mushroom platforms but they're like orange okay i really wanted to avoid them that's fine we'll just we'll do the jumps oh i hate these i'm not a fan of these okay good so those are finished okay mario verse 2 the fake one let's do it i'm down we're playing as peach because she's pink because why not i know there are pink enemies the door is not pink so we're good on that there are like pink shy guys we cannot touch them the plants themselves aren't really pink that's red so we should be good um yeah bunch of red red white okay we're fine on that okay so here's here's the deal i think we'll probably get through this first level no problem um so we're gonna try to get to you know let's pass like one two if we can get past one two i'll be happy okay i'm feeling pretty good about this game i gotta say these ninjis are black we're fine with that pink shy guy way out of our way oh we gotta be careful about this one but that is fine oh crap burto's pink but that's fine her eggs are white so as long as we don't touch birdo we should be good i will chuck these eggs at you and that is it the egg is not a part of me so me hitting birdo with the egg would not count obviously but let's clarify just in case all right so burgers oh there's a tiny bit of pink there but let's see if we can avoid that is that pink i don't even know what the carpet is like orangey white i don't know what that bird is called i don't remember his name key is orange okay it's actually not gonna lie it's kind of nice to play more than just the first level okay oh that was way too close that was way too close but we're fine we're good we're in the clear look at that let's go i don't know about you but i'm gonna go on a limb and uh say that you can beat the entirety of super mario land without touching pink now on to mario bros 3. a lot of these levels are really short so if we can get through the first tower without touching pink and i call that a success mario world has lots of color i don't like that it has lots of color i'm a little worried about this so once again we're gonna try to complete at least two or three levels but uh okay his mouth is pink and i honestly don't know if we're gonna be able to do it like there is it's getting to the point where like the games are actually gonna get hard just because there is more color in general especially this game such a colorful vibrant beautiful masterpiece hey a checkpoint have you ever even gotten to a checkpoint before i don't even know up okay we're fine yes i'm in a different level in mario land 2. i've actually been playing for a while forgot to record but guess what it doesn't matter there's no pink in this game there's black white and gray good old mario 64. we have had so much bad luck with this challenge but you know what the only pink thing that i'm aware of in this game are the butterflies and peach herself i think we can at least get let's go for like three stars okay we're gonna go to different worlds if possible go maybe bobble battlefield bob's fortress so on so forth let's go for three stars if we can do that then that's a success and finally despite all the colors in this room the walls have some pink actually but i have not touched a wall there's ac i don't even realize that there actually is some on there but we're fine with the painting we're good with the painting we're good with that i think we can actually get the big bottle oh we cannot talk to the pink bobbums there's that that's about it i don't see any other pink here we're just going to play normally but we don't want to hit the oh we don't want to hit that pink thing there is a pink heart we're not going to run into uh bobbum king doesn't have any pink on him he's got some yellow black white blue whatever we're actually going to finish a star and look at that fellas that's what we call success right there pink is my new favorite color i have to say all right let's try out womps see how that goes oh there's a tiny bit of pink on the painting but we can just do that and we avoided it so easy game easy life that's what we're talking about and let's chip off the womp's block let's give him a good old chipping oh his eyeballs are red okay his tongue is pink so we don't want to hit his tongue okay so what we'll do is we're just gonna do this normally let's freaking go two stars right now we're about to have two stars ah the feeling of success all right ah yeah we'll race koopa why not give him a good old good old weapon let's you know let's take a different route this time let's see if there's any more pink in this level because honestly i don't know if there is and there's red coins there's pink on the chain chomp's mouth or inside his mouth i guess not much else there's just not not as much as i thought there'd be and would you look at that we got ourselves i think three stars unless i touched pink outside the womb's fortress painting now there is some pink in mario sunshine uh however we've we've actually cleared this a couple of times i think we cleared it with don't touch purple there's virtually no purple at all so um we're gonna go ahead and do uh the shine here and then go through bianca hill see if we can get one shine there as well as long as i don't touch peach's dress okay we're fine there is some pink goop no not really it's like red orange yellow you know what there actually is some pink in here i mean it doesn't really matter but there actually is a little bit yeah i can kind of see it now it's like pink red orange yellowy that's what we kind of got going on all right well no not gonna lie i'm really curious how the new super mario bros series is gonna go so uh basically the goal is again just get through three different levels here and uh we will see how far we can get but uh yeah i think that's that look at all those mario heads you know what we need to do we're gonna make them all mario at this point or make them all mario with zero save files again there's so much goddamn color in this game i don't see us getting far at all oh i am liking this look at all those colors but with no pink that's freaking awesome no pink whatsoever let's go look at that purple blue finally after all this time it's not a cheat color and it's not like a don't touch white challenge or something like that like look at this an actual color and it's just not in the game so i'm freaking talking about [Music] all right new super mario bros wii so we're going to try to complete three levels for this one if possible um thankfully okay the flowers the flowers are interactable and because they're interactive oh wait are they let me let me check the blue one if they're not interactable it doesn't matter okay so no coins should come out of these flowers so we can actually touch the pink flowers if we want to with that said we are we're still going to try to avoid them if we can and that that was like it there's like no other pink and there we go one level knocked out let's do two more oh purple okay we're fine we're fine there's only it's purple don't have to worry about that color not today oh that pink or that pipe has got a pink i'm gonna go with uh hmm is that pink and it's kind of pink i think we're gonna have to avoid it oh my god that was close ah oh that was close that was actually so close okay we'll just avoid that okay we're fine we're fine we're gonna be ah after mario galaxy one i'm excited for mario galaxy too if we once again if we can just get one green or one green star one grand star i will be very very happy so there are some pink tulips but again we do not interact with them it all comes down to if it's interactable or not with that said i will still avoid the tulips just because that was close oh that that that toad is the toad is kind of interactable right because like the message pops up i think that probably counts but i didn't touch them thankfully i think [Music] next up mario 3d land so again this is another game where i i know there is some pink but i don't think it's a lot i think it's a very very small amount like we're definitely going to see some but i don't think it'll be like an unmanageable amount all right we did it we did one we're gonna try to do one more level there's no pink on the timer i can grab that i mean it's it's 10 seconds is that really gonna make any difference no [Music] so like last time we're just going to try to beat the first three levels in uh new super mario bros mario bros 2 of course oh crap but there's pink platforms now okay things are about to get a little spicy got some actual pink in the stage oh my gosh i gotta jump off the scoop up very wait a minute hold on okay that was a mistake but i have the koopa well i have i have the uh i've got the suit i just that's what i'm talking about that is what i'm talking about oh there's pink on that now things could get spicy here we're gonna try to beat two levels but one one could be a bit of a problem because now we've gotten to the the uh the new super mario bros game where you can get coins out of flowers which makes them interactable so i actually have to avoid the coins or the the flowers this time i cannot i almost touched that damn flower so onto mario 3d world of course go and pack the good old peach and uh this is another game where i think we're going to make some good progress i unfortunately had you know had issues with mario bros you despite you know not even have to do with the flowers but um it's another game where it's just like not that much this is honestly super similar to the purple challenge [Music] you know it's honestly unbelievable how many problems i have had with mario odyssey so once again if we can just get through this kingdom once that's i just want to get there we don't even have to play just casket i just want to get through cat kingdom so far so good i gotta say not too much pink i know we don't want to get a heart the hearts obviously will be a problem if we grab those and there is no pink to be found there is i think pink on whoops there is like pink on the frog's tongue but we're not touching the tongue we're not even touching its mouth not much to say about that let's go ahead and knock out the final boss we have oh no the feet and now to our very last game which is of course bowser's fury this game does have quite a bit of color however i don't think there's really any pink as far as i'm aware i don't think there's even like a lot of it if there is any it's very very little just like mario 3d world [Music] been a hot minute we haven't done one of these uh color challenges with every mario game in a little while today we are doing don't touch the color black now this one in particular is gonna be a little confusing because pretty much everything in most games has some sort of black outline so for this particular challenge we are not going to count black outlines around interactable objects so i can you know touch a pipe because that is primarily green but if i touch like a bobbum or something like that or even like the hammer of a hammer bro that wouldn't count yeah with that said let's go ahead and get started um we're gonna play up till like 1 4 just so we can see a little bit more than just one one uh the goombas are fine as long as i don't touch like the eyebrows of the goomba specifically that should be okay the bricks should be fine um because the bricks are i mean there isn't there is like an outline around the bricks see this is it's gonna be a really confusing challenge but uh you know we we have the best rule set so it's okay [Music] well well well mario bros 1 went pretty well let's see how uh the loss level fares for us i'm actually thinking we're going to get pretty far you know the goal is gonna be complete like two or three levels something like that yeah honestly i don't really see us running into issues with this game either it's the later games i'm a little bit more worried about oh god um so we're going with mario i actually didn't mean to do that it just kind of happened but that's fine we never play as mario in mario bros 2 so we'll go ahead and do that okay now i do know there are well super mario land not looking too good fellas not looking if we can get through just three levels in mario bros 3 i will be satisfied i'll be very happy um the goombas i definitely do not want to touch because their eyebrows are actually poking outside of their head so i can not hit a single uh goomba um the mushrooms i think we have yet to finish one level in mario world this one i'm very worried about uh specifically because of the big big banzai bill and i do know there are i think there's a couple other enemies that are also like black that there is freaking black on the yoshi coin god damn it [Music] not not the worst start it's mostly just gray and white that's good not a lot of black oh i don't i do not like how much he's winking at me raising those eyebrows you need to chill bro i could very easily use your eyebrows which are black and we do not want to do that okay okay that's fine we got some coins can i go down this i don't even know oh i can't sick oh is that that's not sick the coins have black on them and i can interact okay i can't touch a single coin all right i think i'm okay wait a minute i already touched coins earlier and the coins have black on them when they're interactive so that means i'm already done well mario 64 ought to be pretty interesting considering in bob owen battlefield i'm not allowed to touch king bob ohm i can't touch the chain chomp i honestly have no idea what star i can get in bob on battlefield okay i'm gonna bolt backwards to ensure i don't touch the camera in case for some ridiculous reason that were to count okay good very good now oh there is some black on the carpet well i mean kind of does that i don't even know if that would really count necessarily let's just we'll just go anyway screw it ah it's not really black that's just like dark red now for the painting i'm very worried about the painting i basically have to touch the top of the painting that's what i got to do here i got to get a really good triple jump and hit that top right corner all right let's see what we can do let's freaking go dude hell yeah i can't believe we got that yes god damn let's go all right yes oh i'm so happy that worked out okay now for a star what the hell am i gonna do for a star i can't there's so many things in here that i'm not allowed to touch uh this everything in the road is fine the goombas probably don't want to hit the goombas um oh no the stars themselves have black oh stay away stay stay away stay away stay away you know what i think i'm gonna do let's do red coins instead that's a little a little bit safer now these all right so mario sunshine another game that we really have never made much progress in this game is just way too damn colorful however i'm actually feeling pretty good about this one for some reason there's very little dark colors in this game so maybe we'll get lucky all right we're in the game here we go okay so let's see um not really seeing any black anywhere now the only issue that i'm kind of think we might have is that the shine itself has black on it so we're gonna hit it and then we're gonna win and lose at the same time that's probably about it i'm not really seeing anything else here and honestly there might not be any black on the shine but i don't remember god damn it well we at least got one shine that's good but we're also going to lose now we have now pretty much entered the territory where a lot of these games aren't going to have black outlines so now i have to really be careful of you know what i'm touching here um now this game yeah it's looking like the blocks don't have black outlines the eyebrows for the goombas are popping out a little bit so i really have to be careful uh with that said there is no black on this so that's okay these coins don't have any black at all there's a tiny bit of shadow that's it the coins are good actually the blocks are just like dark brown and brown so those are good as well koopas have black in their eyes or their pupils actually fairly simple look at all these mario heads we're eventually get to a point where it's all just mario heads zero stars and it's gonna have this really creepy aura to it i can't wait i do not feel good about this because the entire ground has black little pebbles on it but not this not this okay this is white and brown we're good actually oh but now oh wait there's like black here though oh that i just yeah i wasn't paying any attention yep oops well well well new super mario bros wii honestly the new super mario bros games are always a big mixed bag you have no idea what you're going up against um hmm okay the goomba's eyebrows are also poking out of his head okay the flowers are not interactive i can touch them you know what you know i just wasn't destined to play this today have we ever made any progress in galaxy 2 like i know we've gotten to levels and stuff i think maybe once or twice but beyond that that's really about it so far looking good pretty much just all colors nothing black here there are no black star bits all the toes are very colorful very nice okay look at that we are just cruising through that absolutely no black to be seen we are not going to save him i don't want to risk touching him by accident all right so now things are gonna get a little trickier not gonna save the luma i mean the coins honestly the coins are fine i can get coins if i want to i know all the star bits are fine but the lumos we want to be really careful with you know guys i think we're actually going to make it to a level like an actual level oh this is so cool yes let's go this might be the farthest we ever made it i think we've gone here like once maybe twice but that's about it fellas if we actually clear a level in a galaxy game that's going to be freaking nuts all right a bunch of mud don't want to hit that checkpoint flag if we haven't touched black yet this is by far the farthest we've ever made it in a galaxy game this is so exciting i can't believe it oh this is so cool this is so freaking cool [Music] oh all right 3d land show me your worst i dare you freaking 3d land this is another one where it's always so iffy sometimes it goes super well and sometimes it's over in like a second however it's looking really good so far um now interestingly okay so i definitely can't touch the goombas again the blocks this time around are they're very very close to black so i'm just not gonna hit them the coins themselves don't have black on them that's fine [Music] can we get some prayers in chat we need some prayers in the comments right now for new super mario bros poor favor because we have not been having the greatest luck with this game swear to god i def why why is this there this is a brand new game file i'm so confused okay that's really weird i don't understand that at all but sure question mark blocks looks safe i think yeah they're definitely safe uh coins are safe the the uh brick blocks are not safe though noteblocks should be fine really the only difference with this game is uh so this is technically new super mario bros u deluxe i don't actually know if i've been doing the wii u version or not it's harder to remember but uh yeah the flowers are now interactable not that it matters for once because there's actually no black on these flowers not even outlines definitely can't touch the brick blocks can't touch the goombas par usual that's just a theme oh my god we might actually make it past the first level i don't know if that is i think it's happened again like one time and that's it i'm feeling pretty good about this one oh except i almost hit that that would have been now we are on to of course mario 3d world uh this is another one where we have actually made progress a couple of times uh we've made it like one two i think like maybe three or four times but it's still not super easy okay i definitely can't hit goomba still goombas are a big no-no and hit checkpoint flags uh the meows so fellas mario odyssey um yeah we're not going to get very far in this one um you know cap kingdom and on to our final game which is of course bowser's fury not feeling good about this one i mean everything is very very dark at the very beginning i would count that as brown that's probably fine this ground is oh my gosh it's been so long since i played this green green this is that okay you know it's actually you know how this goes by now it's actually been a hot minute since we've done one of these videos specifically we've been doing more focused every mario game color challenges today we're going back to the old school way don't touch the color orange if i touch color orange game is over yadda yadda you know what the rules are already so let's just get right into it and we're just gonna jump in i'm gonna do maybe what three four levels i'll try to get through world one four if i can so uh yeah we'll just see how far i can get honestly there's really not a lot of orange in this game i do believe the mushrooms are kind of orange that might be about let's actually double check uh yes there's definitely orange in the mushroom so we cannot touch that everything else honestly is kind of fair game like not really seeing any other all right lost levels let's just do this let's see if we can knock out two levels here this game hard not good at it all right still can't get these nope it's okay didn't need them anyway so no worries there just need to clear the level without dying that'd be great hmm you know what we're gonna play luigi i don't know if we've ever actually played luigi for this challenge i have no idea let's do it today we're gonna try to get through two levels in this game if we can get to the first one that door is not orange we should be fine i'm thinking now honestly this is a much more colorful mario game so i'm really curious what even is gonna be orange because i'm not really sure i'm not really seeing any orange i see a lot of reds some greens [Music] okay still not seeing really any orange anywhere just a lot of greens a lot of whites a lot of blacks and a lot of reds okay no orange to be seen here just a bunch of pink oh crap why can't i pick up the eggs i'm so confused i'm genuinely confused what am i supposed to do pick up the eggs god damn it all right i'm just touching the beak screw it well well well super mario land guess what there's no orange we did it yeah i have no idea what happened there i'm sorry i was i pushed every button combination and i don't know if luigi just can't pick up eggs or if i just forgot to play the game i don't know what the hell happened there but you know what i think we're gonna have more luck with this game so let's give this one a shot [Music] all right of course moving on to super mario world we're going to go and try out the full save file don't know how much of a difference it's gonna make but this level i feel like i don't know if i've ever gone past the first world because there's just so much goddamn orange in this game not worse it's just so much goddamn color right uh okay another mush sure i'll take that we do not want to hit those it's fine it's fine it's fine hit the top we're good okay more orange we actually have a chance to clear this first level after all this time of playing this after doing so many color challenges we there is a legitimate shot here just don't get the fire flower we're good okay we're fine don't touch the football player we actually cleared a level holy crap i can't believe it that's insane so let's go and do like two more levels if we can clear two more levels i consider this a victory so we're gonna try out yoshi's island one two [Music] i do not wanna hit those oh that's a lot of orange okay that's a lot of orange sweet all right we knocked out another level let's go and see if we can do one more and our final level is just gonna be yosh's island three let's just do it oh how the hell did i make it up there that was so close orange pipe oh god orange pipe scary okay oh oh no no no don't stay away freaky mario head it's a little spook this is a little okay we're fine we're good we're good we're good not as spook as i was expecting actually all right there you go wouldn't you believe it guys super mario land 2 also has no orange which means we have completed this game a bit so we're gonna try something a little bit different um i usually play a different version of mario 64. i'm actually playing the version from 3d all-stars specifically it's the shindo version of mario 64 as well so i figure you know what let's change it up a little bit all right here we go playing with weird lag oh my gosh okay now is does the door have orange on it um i would consider that more brown i would consider and now onto the good old mario sunshine widescreen one of the best official i mean really the only good version official version of mario sunshine i cannot talk today all right well there is some orange here not a lot there's a little bit to worry about i think getting this one shine should be easy i don't really expect much difficulty here oh except for the fact that i kind of oh my god what are the controls all right easy enough i mean what was i supposed to say not a lot of orange outside of just that goopy stuff that i didn't even touch [Music] all right new super mario bros series here we go i actually have some high hopes for this oh what the hell [Music] all right come on mario galaxy we're picking file too we're going to create that game file we're going to get past one level today getting past the tutorial there's not as far as i'm aware there's not very much orange in this game so i think it's not gonna be too much of a hassle but let's see all right so far so good no orange in sight not even star bits or orange i'm still gonna leave my cursor off the screen just in case there is an orange starbit but i don't think so the flowers are the flowers are yellow we're finding the flowers not seeing any orange anywhere just a bunch of browns and grays and whites okay still no oranges should still be fine hell yeah look at that we're just we're just playing the game no worries whatsoever oh my god for once no orange i don't see a single bit of orange here look at all those colors none of that orange hell yeah let's freaking go dude wow i can actually just play the game i can't believe this i can actually just legitimately play the game normally no orange to be seen anywhere although i guess oh god the star launchers are kind of orange aren't they star launchers might be a problem once we get to that but for now let's just not think about that because we're making some legitimate progress for the first time in my freaking life with this color stuff now i will say the only orange i can think of as of right now is there's an orange pipe in good a galaxy beyond that i cannot think of any other orange in this game all right here we go no orange on this pedestal or anything oh but you know what not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie that uh star launcher looks like it has orange on it so uh we might actually get zucked here i don't know i'll just be happy getting through like three levels in this game because we're at the point where you know this is basically like the last kind of color that we really can do with every single mario game so you know oh i cannot touch the flower okay that's like here's the thing because we've got i i i swear to frick well mario galaxy one had a problem with the star launcher being orange unfortunately that's gonna happen again here because i don't think they changed the color of the star launcher but we'll get as far as we can i suppose no orange here it really i think it's going to come down to the star launcher yet again all right still no orange to be seen for now well here comes the end we're about to get a star launcher i think things are about to end here do i really have to continue do i have to continue yes i do onto our 3ds entries we've got some super mario 3d land you know i'm actually not too concerned about this one i think we're pretty okay on this one honestly you know it's a lot of reds and blues but again it's just like the orange is so hit or miss oh those platforms are kind of orange though you know what let's actually do let's do this okay are those orange or those yellow i can't even tell the blocks look kind of orange you know what i'm to do i'm going to climb up here and then just jump just to be safe because i can't really tell i mean is this pla platform might be orange itself i might have already lost i'm not sure yellow blue yellow very nice and i guess that was a victory i don't know i feel like the road was orange i'm not gonna lie that's probably uh a late oh you know just in case it wasn't let's do one more level just in case it wasn't but i feel like that was the end do not touch the spikes dude those those question mark blocks looking kind of orange honestly i think this is just all all the yellow turned into orange that's what i feel like but whatever i don't know this feels like the end but screw it let's just do this hmm you know here okay you know actually for once i'm gonna say i'm not that concerned with this game because these flowers are not interactable so i'm allowed to touch this that is hella orange though that is hella a problem potentially okay actually let's see what we can do here hold up hold up let's get some speed let's get some speed yes hell yeah dude let's freaking go that's what i'm talking about avoiding that orange like a boss and boom check mark checkpoint it could be also a check mark a check mark for reaching the checkpoint got him more orange this will be a lot easier to avoid though just gonna do a little bit of uh oh god just a little bit of this action bam i think we actually cleared that because that that pole is yellow that's fine should be okay in the poll but i think we actually cleared it so let's try the next level i don't know if i've ever actually passed mario bros 2 that might be legitimately the first time i've ever beaten that [Music] okay um that's our final new super mario bros game of course mario brosius i'll play the deluxe version because why the frick not um all of these okay this is like yellowy there's some orange in these flowers we're just going to avoid the flowers yeah just to be safe we do not want to touch them there is some orange there okay fine to jump off the goomba oh my god that was way too close i basically just skimmed him barely okay because yeah that dude's got some orange on him that freaking squirrel thing hella orange oh god that was yellow i'm just gonna have to assume that was yellow and just keep going 900 certain though there might have been some orange on that oh my gosh okay all right and on to of course mario 3d world we'll play the gooder version the much better version do a little bit of patch some patch action [Music] and uh i am seeing a little bit of orange not a lot though i think honestly we'll be okay here yeah not very much orange so mario odyssey not a lot of orange not gonna lie pretty spicy gotta say a lot of black a lot of white that's about it i don't ever see many issues here i'm not gonna lie you know what's interesting because i don't know we have never gotten past cat kingdom as far as i'm aware this might be the first time we actually get past it yeah there's really just not that much orange like next to none i'm just not seeing it anywhere maybe the question mark blocks but that's just a big maybe man look at that look at that you love to see it oh hell yeah dude no orange on him nothing look at that dude hell yeah let's go we're actually going to clear a freaking level for once i can't believe this we are actually going to get through cap kingdom that's insane it's straight up we're gonna do it oh my god there's still no orange oh my god we actually did it i can't believe this and now it is time to wrap things up with good old bowser's fury um we'll just try to get like you know i don't know four or five cat shines i think that'll be plenty oh there's i guess that's orange right there that's kind of orangy um i don't know if that's really i mean maybe it's not even orange i'm not sure it might not even be orange i'll just keep going okay red and yellow fine we should be perfectly fine there now our orange cursor should not be an issue it's just a cursor all right there we go another cat shine you know what i'm thinking i'll just go until like bowser fury spawns like we might as well if we can get through a whole bowser fury fight i feel like that'll be legitimate success so let's just do that okay though those boost pads definitely have orange on them so uh yeah we're gonna definitely avoid those okay all right bowser's oh don't touch that don't touch that okay we just want to fight bowser and that's it oh i'm not i mean i'm not gonna have enough cat signs wow i'm really going slow aren't i holy crap i'm legit not gonna have enough cash
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 195,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every mario game, super mario bros, super mario bros 2, super mario bros 3, super mario land, super mario 64, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, super mario 3d land, super mario 3d world, super mario odyssey, bowsers fury, super mario land 2, new super mario bros, new super mario bros wii, bathaniel nandy, dont touch color challenge
Id: b3grv9PCIQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 1sec (7021 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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