I tried beating Super Mario 3D Land without TOUCHING a single COIN?

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[Music] hi it's me again Nico and you know what I hate coins I truly dislike to collect those shiny yellow things that are scattered everywhere in the Mushroom Kingdom and this is why I have decided to embark on a crusade against those pesky coins my first challenge was Super Mario 3d World and amongst all the other ones I did later down the line this first one was definitely the hardest to complete well that was until I decided to try Super Mario 3d Land for the Nintendo 3ds the rules are simple there's a coin counter that sometimes appear on the top-left corner of the screen we will try to keep this at zero I must first start off by introducing a couple of game mechanics in this game that will prove to be quite a problem in this quest just like in Super Mario 3d World if you jump on an enemy in Super Mario 3d Land it turns into a coin that you automatically collect so jumping on an enemy is out of the question every level in Super Mario 3d Land features three of those star coins and although they do not count in my total coins I'll try to dodge them for the fun of it you gotta be careful for some coins are hidden in bushes and flowers there are some invisible blocks containing some so everything in this game is basically out to give you coins when grabbing the flagpole at the end of each level you must absolutely grab the very top or else the games awards you between one and ten coins depending on how high you grabbed it grabbing the very top gives you a one-up which is what we want instead of those coins but even if you grab the top of the poll there is still a huge problem the game transforms the remaining seconds into coins the game only Awards you coins for every ten remaining seconds so if you got under ten you get zero coins you will have to wait next to the flagpole for the remaining seconds to be under ten we are ready to tackle this epic quest and try to rescue the princess without being able to pay for her popcorn add the movies here we go world 1-1 is the introduction level and it does a good job at showing you the basics without being too difficult the truth difficulty comes from grabbing the very top of the flagpole without accidentally grabbing a coin world 1-2 is next and will introduce you to the fire flower powerup which will prove to be quite a useful item as any enemies defeated by a fire flower turns into a coin but this coin remains where the enemy died so you don't automatically pick it up the end of this level is over here inside this pipe and sadly there is no way to enter it without grabbing at least one coin Wow is this quest over already no because luckily and thanks to my buddy maro I learned that there was a secret exit that you can access by jumping up here doing this saves you from collecting any coin and teleports you directly to world 2-1 world 2-1 is one annoying level that has tons of ninja coins hidden in bushes in flowers and pretty much everywhere really make sure to kill all of the goombas and Piranha Plants at the end before grabbing the flagpole and you're gonna be okay world 2-2 is located underground and features poison water everywhere which leads to some pretty scary jumps when you kill those three goombas near the flagpole in the end make sure to activate your aim but because if a fireball touches one of those flowers it will turn into a coin that you automatically collect come on world 2-3 is actually the very first easy level in this run because there's basically no coins at all don't be afraid to use those propeller boxes as they turn into a 1up when grabbing the flagpole and not a coin world 2 - 4 doesn't feature that many coins just time your jumps with the flipping platforms and you'll be done in no time world 2 - flying shape is up next and it is our first autoscroller level in this run luckily there's not a lot of coins on those airships so you'll reach boom-boom in no time just like in Super Mario 3d World the bus fight is really easy just make sure to run as far away from boom-boom as you can after giving him the final blow as he will explode into a dangerous pile of coins be patient near the flagpole grab it when the time is below 10 seconds and on that note world 2 is done world 3-1 is a pretty easy level with not a lot to talk about there's one of those block enemies near the end which kind of scared me a little bit because remember if there's an enemy near the flagpole when you grab it it turns into a coin but I think the game thinks this blood dude is not an enemy while it's sleeping as no coins were given to me when I grabbed a flagpole world 3-2 is our first underwater stage and it does feature a couple of scary parts especially this one here with the two golden rings but if you crouch down and hug the wall on top you'll just barely fit in between and you'll be good world 3-3 doesn't have a lot of coins which is always good it does however feature those platforms that fall down two seconds after you walk on them and all of the platforms near the flagpole at the end are made out of it meaning that you won't be able to just relax while waiting for the timer to go down you'll have to keep walking left and right for more than four minutes Wow be patient be ready and this level is a thing of the past world 3-4 is our first snow level and is actually pretty relaxing as it doesn't feature any dangerous coins world 3-5 requires 15 star coins to unlock and since we're not collecting those we can just skip it world 3 - ship is next and thus feature one very tricky part where you want to run super fast to avoid getting hit by those big spike pillars but the game is evil and put a single coin on the platform there which you have no time to see on your first try why are you so Eve game come on defeat boom boom grabbed a flagpole and world 3 is officially done welcome to world 4-1 which isn't the most difficult level you'll beat but I suggest having a fire flower ready for those Piranha Plants on those moving platforms and for those beetles near the end of the level world 4-2 requires you to balance from the bottom to the top luckily there's not a lot of coins above you so you can bounce without being afraid that is until this bounce pad at the end just forget about using that one like there's the million coins around it but use a couple of well-timed wall jumps and you'll be able to get to the top in no time world 4-3 requires 30 star coins so just like 3-5 we have to skip that one world 4 - 4 is our first ghost house and it does include a generous amount of coins but none that are difficult to touch so you'll be this one in no time world 4-5 is an easy one for this quest as we won't find a lot of coins grabbing the top of the flagpole might be a little bit tricky but use those green switches and you'll be okay world 4 - shape has this part here full of dangerous coins that are pretty difficult to dodge and sadly you can't just glide out of the danger because there's an invisible wall that prevents you from coming back if you do so luckily for us there's a hidden passage that you can use to skip this entire problematic section fight pom-pom Dodger coins explosion and we are done with world 4 yes you've heard that right we are how free through the game and we still have no coins hopefully world 5 will be gentle with us maybe I shouldn't have jinx myself because world 5-1 is actually pretty tricky especially this elevator part here there's only one coin in the middle of the screen but as enemies appear from below you defeating them with a fireball makes more coins appear and then there are those spiky balls that turns into coins upon colliding with debris yes this part was pretty tricky the second problem comes from the fact that grabbing the top of the flagpole seems to be impossible over here basically you're supposed to get in the cannon to go through that golden coin ring and then you'll catch the top of it but you know we don't want that coin ring but grabbing the top from over here is impossible because you won't be able to jump that high luckily for us I learned geometry at school so I try to aim that the cannon just a little bit above and it should theoretically still work and would you look at that it did stay in school kids it's important for Mario coin less runs we did it world 5-2 is next and this one is actually going to be quite a problem so as you can see those three coins are right in the way you're supposed to go the little openings are so tight that no matter what I tried I couldn't fit in there without collecting a minimum of two coins and then the rest of the level we proved to be quite a problem too no matter what I did I couldn't complete this level without collecting a minimum of four coins I tried many jumps many strategies going there as Tiny Mario going there as tall Mario I tried so many jumps over and over again and nothing I did was actually working hey it's a sick nickel from the future I'm editing this video and while I was doing so Steve gaming posted a similar one where he managed to do it getting only one coin but props on him but get ready for this cuz I'm about to beat you Steve an hour or two later I just got mad and started killing Mario on purpose at this part out of pure anger I know I know that's not a good thing to do but you know what after killing Mario over and over again the game eventually gave me a special item to try to help me and eventually after dying even more a new block appeared containing a special p-wing which teleports you right to the and flagpole do you see what I see I see a potential way of skipping this level without collecting any coin I quickly hit the reset button and started losing lives on purpose on this fire thing over here up until the game gave me a pee wing using it we can get to the end skipping this evil stage and all of the coins that we would have taken and this level is now done is it cheating I don't know the rules just said we want to complete the game without collecting a single coin it never said we couldn't use the help provided by the developers at Nintendo so I'd say this is pretty legit world 5 - 3 needs 40 star coins so we can't do it well 5 - 4 contains many big moles so make sure you have a fire flower in stock to defeat them there's also a couple of tricky jumps so having a tanooki suit is also mandatory over here world 5 - 5 is next and at first it doesn't look that difficult you basically just grab one of those propeller boxes and move to the end of the level but what have we got here a couple of flying beetles around the flagpole this proves to be a problem as the red one turns into a coin when you grab the flagpole you sadly cannot use your fire flower when having the block on your head so my next strategy was to go with a tanooki suit then to switch to the fire Mario power up once near the flagpole then I would kill the beetle switch back to tanuki and grab the pole this was a perfect plan except it wasn't because of that red feel no matter what I did and no matter how good my angle seemed to be I couldn't get that fireball to land on that red beetle I guess it has something to do with the travel distance of the fireball before it disappears but unfortunately I couldn't defeat that beetle and even using our buddy the super P wing we just get teleported near the flagpole and the red beetle still transforms into a coin as far as I can tell this level is going to be the end of we now have one shameful coin that is sad I know but we won't let that one coin ruin our mood okay let's try to finish the game without collecting some more shall we hey Nico from the future again so a user named X epic prodigy 99 x actually posted a video showing that it is indeed possible to do this level without collecting a coin look at the jump Wow I couldn't do that myself dude that was pretty insane world 5 - Castle is next or is it this Castle requires 50 star coins and we have zero but we cannot skip this one like we could with previous star coins looked levels haven't played this Mario game in years I completely forgot the star coins were mandatory to complete the game I'm such an idiot dude this quest was already painful enough I actually had to go back to world 1-1 to start collecting star coins yes I had to replay all of those levels we just did another time oh my gosh this was painful to be fair I considered just cancelling this video at this point because of how mad I was but eventually I just went back played them all gathered some star coins and arrived back at world 5 castle with enough coins to open up this level ah dude you don't even know how painful it was but just before we do this level I also played the levels we skipped on our first run so let me talk a little bit about them world 3-5 is it a very difficult level however you will have to wait for a while in here before entering this box if you want to grab the top of the flagpole with less than 10 seconds remaining as those platforms they move to the left and then they're gone they never phone world 4-3 does feature coins that are annoyingly placed but use your tanooki suit and you'll be able to dodge them quite easily world 5-3 features tons of moving platforms but all of the coins can be dodged without any big trouble and on that note we are back to world 5 - castle which does not feature that many coins it does feature a fight against Bowser which isn't very difficult and there you go world 5 is officially over man this world was so painful it's crazy I definitely deserve a break after finishing it world 6-1 is a tricky level because there are so many cheep cheeps everywhere and as soon as I got to the end of the level I instantly had flash back from the ants in Super Mario 3d World those big fishes keep spawning over and over again and sadly grabbing the flagpole turns one of them into coins luckily for us you can actually kill those guys with a fire flower so here's the strategy that I use I just went back to one - - got a fire flower and data started spamming my fireballs to kill the big fishes as soon as they spawn I also place my two new key leaf to the right to be ready to grab it for the flagpole when the time comes and no coins this time wow I can't believe this actually worked world's 6-2 is up and it's a very difficult level as there are coins everywhere a lot of tries later I eventually managed to avoid all of those annoying coins and reach the end of this level world 6 - 3 is a little bit tricky because it's a ghost house and the ending was particularly annoying you have to stand on those teleporting platforms to get high enough to grab the top of the flagpole but each of those teleporting platforms contains a coin so you'll have to get to the very corner of the platform in order to avoid any coin world 6 - 4 is all about timing your jumps right it only features one tricky part which is over here but a well-placed high jump is all that is needed we're all six - five is super easy and there are no real tricky parts here world six - ship is also not that difficult the only tricky part being this one over here where you must dodge coins and the spiky platform at the same time defeat pom pom and world six is now done world seven - one is super easy as most of the coins can be easily avoided if you hit that invisible block at the end containing a 1up mushroom make sure to grab it before grabbing the flagpole because it turns into ten coins if you don't oopsey world 7 - 2 is pretty easy as it doesn't feature a lot of coins and the same can be said about world 7 - 3 which barely has any coins except for this part here which looks way harder than it actually is just do a ground pound on the rope and you'll avoid everything world 7 - 4 takes place in a big clock with moving platforms and cogs and at first it's not that difficult up until this part here where you're stuck in this little narrow space which sadly features coins I don't see any way of actually dodging those and I even tried to wall jump from the front but I couldn't get to actually make it to the high platform if you enter the Box you get teleported over here so you know I try to just glide using the Tanooki suit but the game prevents me from doing so by killing me sadly I think this is one of those levels that we cannot complete without grabbing at least one or two coins hey it's Niko from the future again and save gaming kind of fix that problem by finding a solution which requires you to do a bunch of wall jumps as small Mario so yeah my original plan was to use the P wing but yes Eve kind of fixed it thanks buddy hooray world 7 - 5 is a pretty easy level which does feature a couple of coins but none that is truly in the way world 7 - it does feature a couple of tricky jumps needed to dodge coins but after a couple of tries you'll be able to do them easily make sure to have a fire flower if you want to enter this pipe to go fight the bus because there's a mole that you need to defeat on top of it after defeating both boom-boom and pom-pom at the same time world 7 is complete world 8 - 1 is the first level in this last world and luckily it's pretty easy and doesn't contain too many coins the end of the level requires you to aim correctly using the cannon on top of the flagpole whirl 8 - 2 has this one annoying part where you got a hold on the moving pole while dodging coins but that's about it really whirl 8 - 3 is very easy and most coins are in plain sight and are easy to judge whirl 8 - 4 is a ghost house that for once isn't tricky or annoying finally whirl 8 - 5 difficulty doesn't come from the coins but mostly from the fact that you must defeat that annoying mole that is located at the end of those swapping platforms once you manage to defeat it this level is over world 8 - Bowser is up and it's not very difficult and doesn't contain a lot of coins Dodge Bowser hit that switch and on that note Princess Peach is finally safe and our request has come to an end what wait a minute whoa I got tricked this is not the end there's more to this world Wow ok didn't expect that world 8 - 6 is next it is actually pretty scary because of all the coins located on those moving platforms but it's actually very doable next up is the real world 8 - Bowser the final one for real this time it doesn't contain that many coins as it's mostly just a level to build up the hype and tension for the final bus those cannons ears are kind of tricky because you want to avoid the golden rings and the red rings but I mean just aim to the left and right and you're gonna be good luckily the final battle against Bowser doesn't contain any coins so there you go Bowser is defeated the princess is saved for real and we can now peacefully fly back to the castle we did it guys is it possible to beat Super Mario 3d Land without collecting a coin yes it is possible to do it using the P Wings to skip some annoying levels and this very precise jump over here Wow we did it this was by far the most difficult challenge I've done here on this channel and you know what Super Mario 3d Land actually features eight more special secret worlds full of spooky coins I'm gonna regret what I'm about to say but if this video gets 10,000 likes I will attempt to beat all of the secret worlds without collecting any coin why am i doing that to myself thanks so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you enjoy what I do and want to support me you can now click the join button and become an official member of this channel it will give you early access to my videos before anyone else and early news on what projects I'm working on in the future in the meantime hit subscribe tablet cards on screen to check out all of the previous challenges I've attempted and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 2,342,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 3D Land, Super, Mario, 3D, Land, 3D Land, Super Mario, Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, 3DS, DS, Nintendo DS, Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS, Coinless, No coins, Mario challenge, Super Mario Challenge, Ceave, Ceave Gaming, Impossible, Hardest, Level, Ever, Gaming Myths, VG Myths, gamechamp3000, gamechamp, Nicobbq
Id: uR5bhn3SoH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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