Is It Possible to Beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland Without Jumping? -No Jump Challenge

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oh honey smash his trailer that's cool they diagnosed everyone they accept Kirby I guess that makes Kirby the most powerful character in the entire Nintendo canon then huh you know I guess it does make sense that would explain why Kirby games are usually pretty easy just isn't character out there that can hope to pose a threat to the curb my sister well since Kirby is so powerful I bet he could get through an entire adventure with an arm tied behind his back oh wait no even better without jumping yeah that could be interesting let's look into this is it possible to beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland without jumping [Music] [Music] [Music] before we get into this we have to establish the rules and find what exactly a jump is there isn't any official jump counter in this game so we'll have to come up with the definition ourselves the definition I proposed and one we'll be using for this challenge is this specific move that can be found in the pause menu while being normal Kerby this move jump slash hover is essentially what happens when pressing the two button while on land or in the air this is the move we're trying to avoid using anything else in the game is fair game if we can get through every stage and ultimately beat the final boss with an out resorting to using this move then it's a challenge successful now we obviously aren't going to get very far just by walking so the question becomes what methods will we use to get by without traditional jumping to works copy abilities some capabilities in the game give us what I'll call jump replacements various moves that allow us to essentially jump without jumping and what do you now the first copy ability in the game is actually quite useful for us it's a cop ability in question sword the sword capability has two moves that we're interested in the first of which is the upward slash this move was Kirby to gain upwards movements that's actually quite comparable to the height of a regular jump with this move at our disposal we should be able to clear most simple platforming challenges with ease as for the second move it also has some utility the drill stab allows us to easily cross gaps that are to Kirby's wide it also gives us some invincibility frames which can prove especially useful during boss fights overall while sword does give us some close parallels to regular jump ability it's not quite as good in all circumstances it gives us the option of upward movement or good for its movement but not both at once and the moves it does give us have entirely predetermined distances that they travel which gives us less flexibility compared to the regular jump but overall it's a decent all-around or replacement for our jump that we should be able to get some good use out of so yeah as soon as we get ourselves a sword we should be in pretty good shape for the near future that is if we can get a sword let's jump into cookie country stage 1 and talk about this problem here are some from the fact that this game feels the need to force its turn the entirely optional skill of jumping before does us anywhere near a copy ability these pits are its means to do so they're too wide to dash across once you're inside the only logical thing to do is press that over so luring to button to get out but we can't do that it would mean that the run dies in the first level they at the first real obstacle I will not have it I was hoping that I won't have to resort to it so quickly but it seems the time has already come - in Vail my secret weapon multiplayer you see in Kirby's Return to Dreamland up to four different colored Kirby's can work together to solve the problems it's like mass attack except in a normal curve a game what matters to us now is the fact that one Kirby can suck up and then spit out another Kirby this allows us to cross these gaps without jumping even once having overcome the jumping tutorial it's a straight shot to the sword capability and with our new armament in hand we can proceed through level without incidents until we get to this obstacle as a flying tutorial this Barry is designed to be slightly too tall to get over via jumping thus forcing the player to learn how to fly unfortunately since our upward slash gives us about as much height as a regular jump we also can't get over it but not to worry we can pull out multiplayer again in this game Kirby can ride atop another curb using this mechanic we should be able to get that extra bit of height we need to overcome this wall there is one problem though it's the only way to get off the Kirby that you're riding is by jumping which obviously we can't do but there is another way in Kirby's Return to Dreamland players other than player one can join in and drop out at any time if we have a Kirby drop out while pink Kirby is riding it then we're left with a pink Kirby slightly in the air and fully able to perform an upward slash and with that little boost we can make it past this obstacle our next obstacle in this level doesn't take long to appear before us is a key and these are evil the reason being that once you pick up a key all your moves performs with one button go and are replaced with throwing the key this means that we can't use any of our jumper placements while holding a key or any other object in the same thing what we end up having to do is throw the key ahead of us and then run after it using our abilities in this particular case it's not that difficult but this is certainly a mechanic that could cause us trouble in the future after that obstacle the last thing we run into of any note in stage one is the ultra sword which given its lack of ability to grant us a jump replacement we simply ignore and finished off stage two only has one particularly interesting obstacle what you're supposed to do here is jump while holding the cannon to get to the next part of the level to appear unfortunately we can't do that so what I did instead was have yellow Kirby hold the cannon then have pink Kirby upward slash into a cannonball getting hit by the cannonball send pink Kirby even higher high enough to reach the switch by slashing their swords through the box and there we go on to stage three here we run into this massive cliff it is way too tall to upward slash up it's even too high to get up by using another Kirby as a stepping stool it's too high to get over with a stack of four Kirby's what we ended up having to do is get a sword for the top and bottom Kirby's in the stack I perform an upward slash with the bottom Kirby then while midair I would drop out with the Kirby directly beneath the top Kirby at this point with the top Kirby freed from its ride I perform an upward slash with it and overcome the obstacle after that we can finish the stage by relying on tactics we've already established Stage four then features the exact same obstacle but this time I found a better way past it I discovered that when performing upward slash the move can be used again before hitting the ground as it turns out the moves cooldown takes less time than it takes to perform the move and fall all the way back down to where you start to move from this allows us to fly infinitely using the sword copy building this discovery is a game-changer and hey what do you know it's time for the boss as it turns out with woods isn't all that difficult even when you can't jump and with that cook country is cleared onto raising rates now before we continue I would like to mention the fact that this challenge fundamentally changes the way you play at the game and makes nearly every level significantly more difficult than it otherwise would be that being said I don't have the time in this video to talk about every single hurdle we come across so going forward I'm only going to talk about particularly novel or difficult challenges that doesn't mean that the rest of the game is easy but I do need to be a bit selective about what I talk about here that being said raising ruins doesn't get all that interesting until stage to this stage features water and while this may look like a jump it's activated by pressing up on the d-pad so by our rules it's not a jump that's actually all I have to say about stage 2 stage 3 is noteworthy for introducing us to two new copper bilities the first of which is tornado tornado has one move that we're interested in the tornado attack this move allows Kirby to take flight as a practically invincible tornado this move is fast it is only vulnerable to bottomless pits and crushing which allows us to get through otherwise nearly insurmountable obstacles like spikes and lava with ease on the negative side this move is highly impractical to fly infinitely with and of course it's fairly difficult to control over all this comfort Willa T isn't what I'd want to be using all the time but when it's useful boy is it useful the second copy ability discovered in stage 3 is hi junk now I know what you're thinking really high jump I thought this is supposed to you know jump run what gives and to that I say high jump is a distinct move from the regular jump and is activated with the one button so by our rules it's legal the question is then is it useful well high jump allows us to jump high there's not much else to it on the plus side this ability allows us to fly incredibly easily and can get a significant amount of height very quickly on the downside that's about all it can do we do not have the ability to jump below with this capability nor do we have any means of attack aside from jumping and diving which leaves a lot to be desired it's got a certain set of skills and well it may not be the best set of skills under all circumstances I can almost guarantee it'll be useful at some points with stage 3 being practically built around these two abilities we don't run into many issues and can move on to stage 4 after spending way more time on stage 4 than I care to admit I learned one important thing when a player other than pink Kirby goes off screen and gets teleported to pink Kirby they keep holding whatever they were holding at the time [Music] on to stage 5 where we tornado the boss to death no problem and it's on dunya notion now I thought onion ocean would be pretty easy since it's mostly water levels and you can't jump under water anyways boy was I wrong I found that the best way through stage one was with tornado this was because of all the spikes and lava in the level and I should probably explain why those are such a problem the issue stems from the fact that in this run we live and die on our copy abilities problem here is the fact that touching spikes or lava always makes you lose your cop ability adding insult to injury is the fact that if our cop ability then touches the spikes or lava it's immediately destroyed which more often than not means we need to restart the level and this run is super demoralizing whenever you need to restart a level because the restart level usually doesn't mean just restarting the level more often than not is also means going back to a previous level to get a copy bility first and if we've decided to use a more specialized cop ability it can also mean playing part of an additional level to get that ability in this particular case whenever we fail to trip to one one to grab sword and then two to three to get tornado this process can take up to three or four minutes and that's just to restart the level let alone get to where we were in the level now the other interesting thing about stage one is that it's our first run-in with another useful capability spear spear only has one move that helps with our mobility but it's a good one the spear copter what this move allows us to do is fly much like tornado but in a much easier to control way like tornado however this move is nearly impossible to fly infinitely with this is because the spear copter is a move which must be charged for a few seconds before you can use it this also means that we can't react quickly when using spear which can be a problem if we're put under a time crunch overall spear gives us the most precise jump replacement in the game and can be incredibly useful when being slow and methodical as an option but can fall flat when we have to improvise or act quickly anyways we are able to finish stage 1 by using tornado and can get all the way to stage 3 before hitting another roadblock but first let's talk about something I discovered in stage 2 fire and water aren't completely useless [Music] both of them have a - move that can give us a bit of air fires - move can even allow us to climb walls while waters - can become boat into a very good down air after crashing into a wall while I don't love either of these capabilities and probably wouldn't intentionally bring one with me into a level they can be used as a means to continue a level after losing another copper ability if they happen to be around now - stage 3 what we find here has yet another super copper ability area and this one is quite tricky to get through by ignoring the super ability on account of the top Stickles under low ceilings the strategy I went for was engaging multiplayer so I could have one curve we take on the monster flame and clear obstacles while the other Kirby kept a normal copy ability to use to traverse the level this is actually strategy I had employed in previous levels but here there were some complications or rather one massive complication bottomless pits this area is absolutely filled with them now alone they wouldn't necessarily be so bad but when paired with a bunch of thin platforms they become a nightmare with the jump Lascar be stranded on such a small platform it gives us limited options as to where we can get the off screen multiplayer teleport to go to even the successful attempt listen to all that preppy in fact let me just show you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing else an onion ocean can really hold a candle to that so let's move on to white wafers stage one isn't anything special but it does introduce us to one last useful copy ability fighter fighter may be the most versatile copy ability we have at our disposal mine the epic odda is quite similar to the upward slash we have with sword we also have a very useful - attack in the form of the flying kick which gets us both a lot of resistance as well as a decent bit of upwards movement both these moves also give us a very generous amount of invincibility frames and finally we get a good down air attack that allows us to bounce off of enemies and damage them while doing so this move is especially useful against bosses ad on top of all this the huge variety of solid moves that fighter gives us for combat and we've got probably the new best all-around capability and definitely the best capability for boss fights our next highlight is stage 4 and boy is it a doozy the mid section of the stage features these ice cannons which require quite precise movement as well as juggling a French horn to avoid and then we run into another super cop ability section and once again we get to deal with tall obstacles under low ceilings hooray now Snowbowl is a bit easier than monster phlegm to deal with since using the ability actually gives you some progress through the look the big issue here ended up being an annoying tendency for pink Kirby to end up riding our second kirby after we use snowball which if you remember from earlier makes it so we have to drop out our second kirby to free pink Kirby luckily though this doesn't happen every time and do some persistence we can beat this level and take comfort in the fact that this is as tough as white wafers gets and move on to nutty new unfortunately our greeting tonight even is a nice bit o difficulty I found that spear was the best copy ability to take on stage one wrist luckily for us the platforms in this level seem to have been spaced specifically to allow one to get from one platform to the next using the spear copter ability that doesn't mean it's easy of course but with some patience and clever use of our abilities we can get through nutty Tunes next roadblock comes with stage for the opening is meant to be played using a shoe we can't do that I found that the best way to subverts this part of level was with spear but I used high jump instead but I just kind of flying across the top of the screen we then get to a section which is why I didn't use spear in the previous section the way these ropes work essentially requires the ability to ascend quickly at a second cenotes high jump is perfect for this but with the spikes and cannons it's still not easy next we make it to a portion of level which features close quarters combat which high jump doesn't exactly excel at nevertheless we can get through this stage using high jump the grand Doomer continues the trend of boss fights being no problem and now we find ourselves at egg engines and the first stage is a bit annoying here we run into a stage it calls for speed and precision luckily for us spear does prove to be fast enough and with a bit of planning and forethought as well as remembering that blocking exists yes I hadn't used it up to this point we can make it through stage 1 then stage 2 comes long and ruins our day this stage is filled with spikes among other hazards luckily tornado is practically custom-built to handle the first part of the stage unluckily tornado definitely isn't built to handle what comes next small platforms over bottomless pits as you all know by now tornado is very fast very invincible but very hard to control precisely that makes this part of the stage a nightmare and even the parts before this part aren't necessarily easy with tornado either but through some miracle I did make it through and I'm very glad to be leaving that level behind after that egg engines isn't too difficult so it's time to make our way too dangerous dinner the sub only contains four stages and one of those stages is just the boss fights but of those three stages none are easy they are about all that's left between us and a successful no jump run can we be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally every level beaten all that's left is to overcome is a boss fight and thus bar boss fights have been easy lan dia it's no exception of course the games not done yet after plot twists were faced with a shoot-'em-up section which you can't jump in anyways so no problem is here and finally we come face to face with our true enemy magma he's definitely the most difficult boss we face thus far but he's still boss with a couple of uppercuts then diving on him with kicks we can defeat him twice and now the game is finally over so did we do it is it possible to beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland without jumping yes no asterisks no twists it is possible to be Kirby's Return to Dreamland without jumping and yeah that's the video then if you have any feedback constructive or otherwise or ideas for future challenges we could try to leave a comment I do try to read as many as I can if you liked this video you can also like it or subscribe so you can be notified when the next one comes out but anyways guys until next time I've been super craft now catch you in the next video where we'll be taking on another challenge and I think you guys will like the game that's starring in that one goodbye [Music]
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 1,356,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Is It Possible to Beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland Without Jumping, Kirby's Adventure Wii, Kirby's Return to Dreamland no jump, no jump, Can you beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland without jumping, Can You Beat Kirby's Adventure Without Eating, Is It Possible to Beat Kirby's Adventure Wii without jumping, is it possible, kirby's adventure, CMeeCraft, Is it possible to beat the Bonus Game in Super Smash Ultimate without jumping
Id: WesZGAgZ3P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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