Kirby Star Allies - Soul Melter EX Boss Rush + Ending (The Ultimate Choice)

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[Music] hey what's going on everyone this is kind of a subsonic 18 um so I know this isn't anything as you guys were expecting for me if you've tuned in to my last LP a fire party I said that the next time he gets prettier me was when smashed releases I've been bored for the past few days I literally have nothing to do I finished about all the things that I could I like I literally was just sitting in my room looking at my game collections and I'm just like you know let's just like record a video and I found out about this DLC thing that was coming to Kirby Star allies apparently it was a new mode let's go to a first second I already completed it isn't it called the heroes of dimension something like that heroes in another dimension so I've already completed that I 100% of the damn thing collected all 120 hearts and then they send then in unlocked that there's another mode I think it's the soul meteor mode but it's EXO it's like the true the true true true true true true true arena something like that so I figured you know what why not cuz I love Kirby games and I usually 100% thumb so let's just give it a try honestly I don't know what to expect but this mode is supposed to be the hardest mode in Kirby series ever in any arena game so I was thinking about Huda yeah I think I'm gonna be sword cuz I got a good eye I want to get fire and I know fire with sword is really good now with the allies I was thinking in mind I really was thinking Adaline in ribbon now hear me out I know people are probably thinking those two aren't really good when it comes to like bosses maybe on adventures but the thing is they are actually really good like they can help you get out of trouble by hunting em in that paint board by avoiding any sort of hazards and not only that they can they can do snacktime they give you health and that's something that we are definitely gonna need cuz I can guarantee you that Nintendo doesn't want us to play around they to really feel the wrath of these enemies that were about to take on so I'm gonna pick out a line I thought of Magha Lauren or dark Matt and I between them and I'm honestly gonna go for Maggie Lord cos I've tried him out in the other mode he's actually really good he's pretty strong I know Darkman and I would be good against everything else but like I kind of want to just add in the three main sisters too because they're new and you get them by completing the heroes in another dimension mode so they're new why not let's give them a try so I figured this team do you guys think that this team are here that I'll be okay you think I'll be able to take on the sole survivor no no guys this isn't the one we're talking more like this hold on let me just yeah the soul oh it's soul melter meteor man again here anyway it's a soul melter loo look at Kirby's face for a first sec look at all those hotpot pepper bottles in that working plane with two skulls popping out the game is basically saying you've got no chance in hell unless you want to risk it all and you know what that's exactly what I'm gonna do it's the true mega final Ultra Omega battle no regrets make the ultimate choice with soul melter e^x so yeah guys like I said this is just me playing through it I want to try and beat it if I can't then I guess I'm a failure but we're gonna go ahead and do it first let me just wait all my highlights give me the note I don't want electricity there you go brother so I'm gonna do fire so let me know right now if you guys think that I'll be able to do this with these a lights maybe maybe if I fail too many times I'll probably have to switch it up oh well they're actually generous on give me a tomato this time I don't remember that they're like damn this must be hard then I mean look at whispy woods in the top right corner okay I'm gonna stop talking because I know you guys just wanted to fight maybe even die but that's not gonna happen cuz I'm gonna beat this man yo give me all you got sucka I already fought you hopefully I can remember what you do actually I think this one sucks you up I'm pretty sure so we got it back away yep it's sucking us up I know she sucked up one of the mage sisters yo I see you don't even have teeth how can you show us actually you really shouldn't hurt that much guys come on attack you're knotting you're attacking come on burn up I'm fire your grass like two Pokemon explained to us that grass is weakness to fire and fine damn venusaur with stain o champions Charizard unless of it's a mega form then you forget have once mega dinosaurs hidden but no not him building his ability when he transforms it to mega Oh think that that's it ice moves in fire - that's actually really good ability for him anyway so the game is generous enough to give us some puzzle pieces I'm not too concerned about the puzzle pieces I'm just trying to survive honestly we've got 13 more oh man I've actually got butterflies in my stomach guys I'm not even kidding see I I am kind of nervous at the moment for some reason I'm nervous on recording because I know this isn't an LP and I've already done an LP of Kirby Star allies and I've already finished that up but like I know this is the playthrough I don't really do playthrough so this is sort of new to me I don't really know what to say at the end besides so thanks guys watching see you next time thank you so much for playing my game for watching my game - bunkers going take your Deku nuts away from Oh eh sister oh good get away from me you mope okay there we go yeah got it okay wait that was it two bonkers okay even the music dude look look at our HP's for a second but we're already halfway that's not a good start if you ask me I'm actually Mac Mac oh he's doing good see the reason why that I picked maggle r2 is because cus me got his head cuz I he can do this right in here no sorry not that I mean that's strong mu but he can do that and that move is so beautiful if the enemy's gonna be throwing hazards at us or objects oh man magolor is like uh like a little guardian so i'm actually curious to what to watch other people play this and see which allies they go for because i know a lot of people are gonna have different opinions so okay dude I just I just killed that freaking raccoon wait oh my god we're already half the damn sword fire Kirby is really good I'm actually glad I chose this oh yeah you ain't Sonic the Hedgehog oh I mean dude you're blue but you ain't tails the Fox okay you're dead no boom right there yeah you know what huh I'm actually him I'm actually feeling confident at the moment why am i nervous about this I was so nervous getting started Oh Oh God - crack already - crackles already man uh they I I'm not gonna lie I had trouble with this one and then it transforms into a giant crack oh uh out of line can you do snack time it's better if she does it here cuz I don't wanna cuz like she like she can upgrade it like to later yeah I give him some snack time wait what wait did they cheat oh my god they nerfed adeline so so you can so you can't ask for snack time what the hell what are you here for then dealing the main reason I brought you here was to bring out snacks for us that sucks did didn't it - no nerf but that's not fair god man I should have grabbed a god - tomato Oh God does anyone have electricity oh yeah forget the sage oh god oh god you know I'm not gonna pull any any punches on this one stay clear oh you all have electricity yo my lines bringing out the crack oh yo show em who's boss show him your picture crack oh that's kind of a dumb name yo that was so I I loved fire sword man I love this upgrade they like this is so beautiful but this is where he goes into rage dude look at that look at that it's already he's almost dead well I mean not always see there is like all I have to do is just keep doing this move and I don't I don't take damage from it Madeline did I say Madeline just shield man oh God the the mage sister she's almost dead yeah we can revive her right in the eye yo I'm actually feeling confident now we're actually not doing too bad and the thing is guys when you're doing this sure I know players kin give them a challenge and only pick curry but I mean I'm not really up for that at the moment I figured I just grab three computers plus it's not easy cuz I they like saying if you had friends if Kirby dies you can revive them but if you can't you're on your own so if I die that that's it we lose Oh God look at their health look yeah look at the Maine sister I think it's time that I grab a tomato so I barely did anything for her no we just gotta suck it up I'll revive you of if you die no worries it's just a shame that we can't get snack time man so what's out of line good I mean I guess dodging the attacks I did mention that chef Cal is sloppy get these creepy mask freaks away from us shout-out to Super Mario Bros 2 you'll get out yeah that's right okay I took damn it oh Jesus I have breakfast too yo you are not gonna aim to me a freak and Saints platoon Oh God Oh you can use that soda much damn honestly guys I I didn't really get a chance to play as the main sisters so I don't really know what they do yoga get slammed and welcome to the jam you know this is actually going pretty oh my gosh damn the music changes too and so does the area but don't forget this is EXO and knowing need to know they're gonna put like a secret final boss at the end that's something that always gets me ain't got me and returns dreamland and got me and triple deluxe and they even got me implanted global Robo whatever them whatever yeah Planet Robles yo how are we fighting your sister actually if you switch a little bit funnier yo dude oh did she give us help thank you oh if we destroy them guys let me share some HP with you smooches all around dude I've got four yo this chick is generous and I thought she'd be ice-cold [Music] yeah you like that one thank you anyway get lost you know I I think I can do this actually I thought this would take me numbers of tries here we go I don't like it how the music changes it's kind of freaking me out and we're we're taking on well yeah the three mates in sir I don't I don't know I don't know their names guys like like I said I just unlocked them like diet I took the door through their chambers and I unlocked them so I don't know maybe they were buting the beasts no wake up Apple poisoning oh Jesus dude she took our half my HP already Oh God Adelines I think this is where that we need you out of line out of line oh oh Jesus we're all trapped oh okay HP please [Music] Oh God damnit come on oh there we go I mean I I mean you I mean that was a water move so okay let's use a tomato like a max potato potato oh gosh man wait wait these are the three major sisters who the hell is gonna be the rest oh man um actually no no there's no way that that fire chick just took out like half my HP or maybe one of these energy drinks get it go for the energy drinks Oh we'll be okay we'll be okay you know maybe I should switch it up and go for maybe a different power mode no no I really like fire though so okay here we go she's the hardest man like look at that okay maybe not okay yeah you're not I'm really doing too hot man oh gee that was so easy I didn't even take damage wow this was actually very easy I'm not even gonna lie it's more like the weakest Oh dark Mennonite or mehnat no that's Mennonite oh my god Mennonite he was so hard I died like four times oh man you know what I'm actually gonna grab a tomato no this isn't gonna be good I like my guys I'm not kidding I died from this guy four times when I was playing the mode alright let's just go let's go man Oh things are about to get pressured here comes the intense music let's do this you wanna clash swords mm that's right get out of here are you deaf ways that we did but this is where he gets his brothers now Oh God this is where it gets so hard oh god there's four of them get ready Oh God stick to one of them I I've got these two suckers Oh God look don't grab me okay how do you free them like is there a way to free them I don't know it will get outta line she's getting destroyed dude all my allies almost dead oh my gosh come on come on we're almost there almost there get him get him damn it oh gosh oh damn I'm not gonna be able to yeah I can't oh you out of line wait that not hit me yeah out of here man give me some power somebody wait so it does work it only works if you're fighting the enemies oh god you can't use it again can you you can't wow that sucks we really could have hold on Mac and Laura took a bunch of it why is he still low that's so weird so so that was worthless oh man I'm so mad right now and keen DVDs next this guy's like it like a jumpin hyena man he's like Donkey Kong I'm not bad low so I guess we can go for no I don't but if anything bad happens I mean maybe she can use snack time again candy TV does like take up a while oh my gosh this is gonna be dangerous but I gotta go for it man I think I'll be okay maybe we'll see oh god my voice is crazy the music chain damn I don't remember this happening why is the music changing every time we playful oh gosh and you can suck you up too I totally forgot damn really already because this is where he turns to the muscle man take it down say clear I didn't know if you can take damage oh Jesus come on come on no no leave me alone damn it boom rolls got him we've almost got him actually guys okay oh if he went into doing those barrel rolls man I think it would have been ended okay we know you know what this is the time that I need a max tomato potato tomato tomato so hold on if so this guy it like it's the boss by the way the one who sent out the dark arts if he's number four who the hell is number three two and one I I can't think of the ones who I thought if we already know that that doesn't make sense who is it we already took on Mennonite we already took on King Dedede we took on whispy woods is there someone else no we took him know there's there's someone else I think oh my gosh who is he or didn't you do not know he would know he would he came before this freak oh my gosh okay you know and now I'm actually getting a bit scared like I have no clue who who it could be Oh cheap headlines you got your little snack time ready for us cuz remind you actually this is the this is the boss battle sort of thing you're gonna need a delight for it to hide that is one creepy Oh spaceman for some reason you okay this is gonna sound strange guys but for some reason this freak reminds me of two characters Majora's Mask and like yeah it's like the Majorcan and freakin God what's his name again the Pokemon mister of mine by the way guys this is what Adelines good for now what I should have done is I should have jumped on the others too so I can protect them because I don't think there's a way on really doing severe damage to this freak when he's in a barrel roll so we just hide like this this is great I'm sorry I don't like and you can't touch those logs there also take damage yogig rags so who's gonna be the other three hmm oh yeah the meat oh my god oh my gosh you I forgot you fight them all that once god I'm an idiot okay so the good news is I'm sure Adelines got enough for a snack time during this match and this is where Adeline is absolutely perfect cuz there is a move these three do and I'm not even kidding I think it takes out your entire health if they get it perfectly on you so this is so this is where online is basically why she's a she why she she joined us but um if we can get through this okay then I don't see us see the rest being a challenge so home con man so nervous I don't want to lose coming this far I really don't want to lose you guys fight all 3ds B's and once maharaja Devers so once they so once they get to their midway point I'm telling you right now if you have out of lines get her as soon as possible I just they're almost there get out of line quick quick grab everyone and get out out of line Adeline hide guys watch this for a second watch this so flamethrower lightning bolt is shoot to up there and then she squirts you with the water to hit you multiple guys this would have been so much damage taken by us like it's not pretty I even have a clip of it and in my reaction oh gosh was it something but trust me out of line you are good one act add a line for that just just so you can avoid all those moves because there's no chase the anybody avoiding that whoever does a video where they take no damage I seriously will someone please share me a link to that because I will watch it and I will I don't know I'll probably just split my pants like spongebob cuz I'm gonna be like WTF how the hell can you do that I'm caught I'm caught help me someone help me someone help me before I'm dead please and I'm dead all right listen took that much damage okay good okay and we can use the EB energy drink but whose second oh no no no is that who I think it is they do this every time they do this every time they always put in a swordsman in every Kirby game in second place I didn't think that there was gonna be one because we get dark a Mennonite and galactic nying I mean he got kicked out but there was that other freak of nature but and you wanna know what sucks I don't know his moves I don't know his combos I don't know what it does oh my god no who's number one no I think no you know who I think is gonna be number one that big statue freak we took on or the or that that uh imposter of a kirby looking ball thing it has to be that but oh my god we're taking on this guy again I I don't know his name it's him I think he's getting revived more full night Murphy oh think morph oh okay oh my god dude darkness men and I was hard and I died four times from that could you imagine how many times that I could die from this freak oh you know what I feel like just running away sword class and even teleports too okay good you know what we're actually doing not too bad out of line where are you I'm actually gonna hide cuz who knows what he might do to swords there's a lot of damage that was close good good work mate sister alright let's do this oh my gosh we got him I think we can do this oh we can't attack oh this is where he transforms our I forgot I have to throw hard at it not kill okay good the demon not aligned and I have to revive magolor again I does oh shoot I add a line out of line I don't like those yes we did it we did it this was actually not too bad it's not gonna ask for a rematch is he or is he just dead nobody's just straight up dead always go like tonight good up here cuz he did appear in he got to just destroyed by this guy no I guess not absolutely so who's the ending yeah I told you it's probably that imposter Kirby well guys to be take you can take your cheering you you can shove it because I've got to tomato right here yeah I mean that I mean that is a good looking cherry actually dude look at this sparkle that that is a gorgeous cherry man but I can't I must have someone else can eat it there are too scared to touch it you know a cheering just for looking so good and beautiful I'll spare your life because that's what honorable men do or should I say football's but guys this this is it if I lose here there's no going back so I'm gonna assume we're gonna take on that statue freak and then the ball and you want to know what's scary guys every time we do this there's always the the returning soul like for example there was Mark soul there's um there was that a queen bees soul from Kirby triple deluxe I and there was another soul and planet robobot so I can probably tell the work we're gonna be fighting a soul right here let's just skip this it's been a while since I've done this oh my god Jesus okay he's just going in [Music] oh my god he can hit you in midair stop we gotta watch this time we can hit anywhere so that's nice [Music] Oh God bold terminan that's the man to God go get away from me you are so freaky actually I didn't think this would be a horror game yo this section one Z of Super Mario 64 swear Bowser shoots those shockwaves and every time I good - he's like Oh God Jesus man last parts gonna be at its face I can do this man like I could do this without even dying once cuz like I mean it I haven't played it this is the first time I'm actually doing this and I'm actually very impressed that I'm doing pretty good that's this whole thing can you like get hit okay the last one's gonna be out of space for sure yep there we go oh god he's got swords oh my gosh I can't believe I haven't taken damage yet come on break break break break you stupid piece of eyeball break break break break break okay you will break you will crack [Music] we can do this we can we can do this okay actually I just realized we got out of line snacktime we have been used for a bit so that's good oh man what's your name again oh you don't have a name I forgot you're a frickin nature take down that gross disgusting bubble go okay he's losing a lot of game he's actually losing a lot of damn shame Oh God okay that was phase one no virus I got Phase two to focus on now is this where he gets harder or just still the same we're just gonna skip this oh yeah he flies jeez I don't remember him doing that man you really gotta keep moving [Music] oh we're already going oh Jesus oh we're gonna get it I'm actually doing a good job pointing those at least haha skip your little stupid intro hit oh wait oh I'm trying to log onto the target that's okay we did a few damage Oh God oh thank God I was here cuz I got traps Bobby can't can I can't hit you I can't hit him oh my gosh kid this guy scaring me keep this isn't fair I can't okay there we go last ones gonna be honest man look at the sky like it just utterly disturbs me the clown that's the crown of magolor oh no oh Jesus oh my god I don't remember this [Music] oh my god I'm so nervous no guys like my heart is pound oh my god my heart is pounding like crazy how okay I'm surprised I didn't get hit by any of those wow I'm actually good I still got it man I'm still got this in the bank all right hopefully this is it man come on team we can do this we can do this so is hold on is this the the um astral birth for oh my gosh you actually look like the the soul the lost soul actually we can pause the first I gotta check it out the final baton hand boy takes his first step towards a new age in place of a technical rage will he find naptime gentle breezes treats he may even cream again I dream of friends what he may even dream again a dream of friends unite what does that mean no no no no no no that means something it totally means something oh my god okay okay are you calm down Kyra [Music] okay this guy's not even doing a lot of yeah we need to take it step by step man this guy's not losing a lot of HP out of line yeah oh my god how do line is just great when it comes to just hiding okay I didn't like that Oh God hide I'm sorry major sister it's too late [Music] no I'm hiding I don't know what they're gonna do it's better if we just hide okay there give me attack okay wait wait what's happening I don't think we should be in this water I really don't think we should be in this Adaline okay yeah let's just high for a bit see what he does actually I can yeah that's right oh that is it oh my gosh oh my gosh no I'm Allah I'm just hiding guys we don't know what's happening dude that this is Opie man I love this thing oh god I'm so hiding damn look at all those little stars you know I'm really hoping this is the sole because I don't want to fight you again is that it start attacking oh not this again I'll add a lot oh my god we're dead dead we're freakin dead we're freakin dead out of line gimme I'm panicking guys seriously I'm panicking I don't want wanna die from the spam I don't even know if this is the soul or not it looks like the soil in okay um get some snack time no don't do your move out of line out of line out of line Jeff just just in case viewers just in case see you look my allies can do a bit of demon and it doesn't even matter if they die cuz I can revive them so it's it's it's fine [Music] okay all right that should be it snack time please get some snack time there you go Sher come on guys sharing that's wait I know I should I suck up up he better not okay we're gonna find out if this was the soul I sure how the hell hope it was wait oh it was all thank God it's creepy how he's smiling when he's dying but we actually did it we actually did it oh my gosh thank you we actually did booyah soul melter eggs completed without dying once without even dying once well what's this celebration picture a dream button has been added to the cycle all screaming yes it really so you can actually go back to Kirby's old look cool oh my gosh we actually did it and I meant it I was I was panicking for nothing he had this in the bag you know what guys did actually I have a secret to tell you I knew we were gonna complete it [Music] no I'm saying wow I can't believe I actually did it and again guys like I said I only made this video because I was brewed like I Susie was bored now I'm gonna go back I'm gonna edit this video I'm gonna upload it and then I'm gonna go back to playing Mario Kart or splatoon whatever just until smash bros released and I can have finally have something to do but I knew guys I just want to say thank you for taking this time to watch this if any of you guys are having a hard time with this I totally recommend going with the three allies I just had let me know if there's any allies you guys went through and you actually won but I'm telling you out of line I she's a really good choice I'm not even gonna lie for that for that final battle I'm so glad that I had Adeline cuz I had no idea what movie was gonna use no idea so I'm actually grateful for that but anyone guys I'm not gonna take up much of your time and this video is long enough thanks for watching and I will still see you guys back when Super Smash Bros releases in a few more days can't leave a few more days [Music]
Channel: CyrelleSonic18
Views: 933,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Soul Melter, Kirby Allies, EX, Boss Rush, GamePlay, Commentary, HD, High Definition, DLC, 4 Player, Secret, Final Boss, The Ultimate Choice, YTSunny, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Adeleine, Ribbon, Magolor, The Three Mage Sisters, Morpho Knight ex, All ex Bosses, Secret Boss, Cyrelle, Sonic18, Kirby Star Allies - Soul Melter EX Boss Rush + Ending (The Ultimate Choice), Cyrelle\Sonic18
Id: yjd2iqQDAfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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