Can You Beat Kirby Star Allies Guest Star Bandana Dee, Magolor & Adeleine Without Jumping?

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it sure was nice of link to try and get in on the no jump action but i'd say it's about time we have more guest stars from the curb universe give it a go and you know what let's knock out a few popular requests in a single video today that's right everyone today our question is really three is it possible to beat kirby star allies guest star bandanna waddle dee maglor and adeline and ribbon without jumping [Music] [Applause] [Music] as usual our main target for elimination today are regular jumps as denoted by using the move jump slash hover not friend circle friend train jumps i will tell you all what each character's root had in terms of friend circle and friend train jumps at the end of the video but we will certainly not be dedicating any significant amount of time to them if we can get through each of these guest stars adventures and beat morphonite without any regular jumps performed by our player controlled guest stars i am prepared to call this endeavor a success but who to check on first how about bandana d bandana d's journey begins with an opening level that is at this point very familiar to us bandana d of course gets past this very first part that requires no jumping at all but that certainly can't last forever and eventually bandanna d is met with a cliff so how does bed daddy overcome this obstacle what is bandana d's moveset bandana d's moveset is with little exception the same as the old classic spear as such bandanna d only has one real jump replacement to speak of the spear copter luckily this jump replacement is pretty good as it's able to offer us both good height and horizontal movement with even just a single use of the move which brings us to one of the spear copters made weaknesses it is in most cases extremely untenable to use while in the air this means that for most intents and purposes we cannot achieve infinite flight with bandana d that's not necessarily a deal breaker but it is certainly inconvenience one other inconvenience of the move is the fairly long charge required before bandana d can actually perform the spear copter this means that bandanna d's reaction time when called upon to use the spear copter on short notice isn't great nevertheless the spear copter is overall a pretty good job replacement that is more than sufficient to get bandana d over this cliff up onto these pole chains and generally through the rest of this opening section alright it looks like bandana d is well on his way let's check in on maglor now maglor also starts his journey with a familiar opening though this time it's not one we've seen in star allies before instead it's a recreation of the first level in kirby's return to dreamland and as any of you long time viewers should know this boats quite well for us so the level's looking pretty good but what of maglor's moveset honestly playing maglor in a no jump challenge feels almost like cheating we have here not one but two great jump replacements at our disposal the first one being the maglor surge which sends maglor flying forward at great speed whilst in flight he has the ability to gain a bit of height this move has the effect of not only being a very good jump replacement for wide open areas but also greatly short the amount of time it takes to get through the game and that's not even magalor's best jump replacement that honor goes to the magic sphere and its derivatives that is because the magic sphere just flat out gives maglor the ability to float and fly with ease like literally you just hold down the b button and gravity might as well not exist for maglore so like i said magler's moveset is really almost too good and i can hardly foresee anything posing a serious challenge to him let alone this opening so as two of our three past their openings with ease i suppose we ought to check in on the last one adeline and ribbon i wonder what sort of cute little obstacles she faces at the beginning of her journey oh well i think we know who drew the short straw for opening sections well if the terrain isn't going to do her any favors let us hope that her moveset makes up for it [Music] given who adeline is as a person i suppose it's fitting to start with her painting specifically the move addo's painter which lets adeline draw a boss to ride now as cool as the ninja and ice dude are what really interests us today is her ability to draw krakow anyone even casually familiar with kirby would know that boss is a flying cloud and yes headline is perfectly capable of flying her painted cracker around to her heart's contents he doesn't last forever but he does last for a really long time i'd imagine there are very few obstacles in this game where krakow's time limit would become a major concern but if we do find ourselves concerned adeline and ribbon can dance those concerns right away i am of course referring to the move fairy dance this is a nice little jumper placement that gives a decent bit of height can be comboed infinitely and grabs items when it's used just like the whip copy ability also this isn't really a jump replacement but i do find it generally quite useful that adeline and ribbon also happen to have one of the best blocks in the game i don't think it can be denied that that is a good moveset but does it get adeline and ribbon through this opening section yes it does thank you krakow well it seems adline is going to be set for a while so let's check back with bandana d looks like bandanna d has reached a cave with one of those dream french switches who will bandanna d befriend for this adventure unsurprisingly it is rick kind and coo while their elemental augmentations don't help bandana d's mobility all that much they do make his attacks a bit more effective allowing him to literally rain fire down upon his enemies so yeah i'd say it's an improvement just a bit later on bandana d foolishly tried to utilize this optional cannon and ended up getting stuck in it as it turns out you can't get out of one of these cannons without either getting shot out or jumping out looks like vandana d is going to have to restart his quest and while we wait for him to get back to where he was let's check in on maglor looks like maglor has got into a cave as well albeit a different one here maglor faces down an old adversary of ours keys this particular one is set up in the exact configuration as the first one from return to dreamland in that case we were able to just throw the key where we wanted it however star allies throwing abilities are a bit lacking to say the least as such we're going to have to pull out to the old multiplayer teleport trick which gets us through the door pretty easily magler then flies through the upcoming sections with ease but how's adeline doing good question let's find out seems like she's doing pretty well that spike-filled area has given way to a much more friendly planes followed by a bit of a memory section neither of which are much of a challenge for her with that all three of our heroes are set and ready to face the preamble too as well as wispy woods itself followed by king ddd and they all get through that with flying colors we next joined bandana d in a tropical archipelago here we encounter one of bandana d's biggest weaknesses water now you may be wondering what exactly causes bandana d to be a hydrophobe well that would be because bandana d does not have a single jump replacement that works from the surface of the water this means that a slip into the drink can prove to be a fate worse than death for our orange little hero as such we try our best to hop from land mass to landmass during this section which given how far a single spear copter can get you proves to be a fairly simple task unfortunately much like death and taxes the water cannot be avoided forever yes vandanity is forced to plunge into the depths of it which inevitably leads us to the resurfacing try as he might bandana d can not get enough height from the surface of the water to reach this platform without jumping as our little friend failed us then perhaps not because bandana d has some friends of his own among them is a blade knight this blade knight can use an upward slash to get up on the platform and through the door to the next area thus saving our beloved bandana d from the terrible fate of jumping and one boss fight later bandana d is through with his tropical vacation meanwhile adeline and ribbon find themselves in a bit of an annoying region in essence the enemies here rain down various hazards upon their enemies this is especially annoying to an adeline riding atop krakow since a single hit causes krakow to disappear and then likely causes adeline to fall into oblivion it's far from impossible of course but does represent a fairly annoying slowing of the pace immediately after that area is this area featuring giant moving chunks of land once again this is an area that adeline can certainly get through by merely exhibiting a bit of patience though it can certainly take you by surprise if you're not expecting it now let's check in on maglor who by sheer coincidence is doing the exact same section adeline was just on and sheesh that is an efficient way to get through that area magler really is the easy mode of this challenge isn't he back in the realm of mortals bandana d experiences pretty smooth sailing up to this windy section once again we see the limits of the spear copter on display this time for its poor reaction time if this wadali doesn't want to be impaled on the spikes here he has to anticipate the pits before they show up not an absurdly difficult task but certainly a bit of a hurdle it is worth noting that maglor takes on this exact area as well and it barely even registers as a blip on the difficulty radar for him lucky maglor everyone makes it to meta knight and defeats him successfully next up the gem bastion bandana dee's journey through this area is remarkably smooth everything's kept at a pace where the spear copter feels right at home and as such bandana d gets through the gym bastion with ease adeline's trip is almost as easy as it turns out krakow is great for navigating through these purple hued halls one point of interest ended up being this key room now theoretically this could have been easily overcome by simply using the fairy dance but to be perfectly honest i had not yet realized that the fairy dance was able to move keys so i instead resorted to multiplayer teleporting which worked fine maglor on the other hand found jambastian to be the most demanding chapter so far which granted isn't saying much but still it's a point i'd like to make there's a section where magler has to get a key across these rising and falling platforms luckily they move in such a way as to allow maglor to successfully throw the key from one platform to the next meaning that multiplayer is not necessary for this key oh and technically this key isn't actually necessary either so oh well let's move on to this section here which is a bit tense it's an homage to the sphere doomer sections from return to dreamland those are auto scrolling sections star allies tries to get across the same feeling by making the platforms here start to fall away as soon as you step on them so that is pretty tense especially since maglor doesn't move very fast when using his main jump replacement of course the falling platforms are the only real incentive to keep a quick pace and since maglor can easily fly indefinitely and therefore doesn't really need the platforms at all the tenses of the situation actually turned out to be a bit of an illusion in any case all of our three amigos end up taking down zen partizan and are ready to move on to chapter 4. bandanna d and maglor's journeys in chapter 4 start with this key we've met many times before and as always with the power of friendship the obstacle is overcome adeline's roots begins a bit differently and by different i mean getting crushed by a giant ball of waters as it turns out painting isn't generally a quick enough reaction to neutralize such a threat a good thing the consequence is just a bit of damage hardly the end of the world what comes slightly closer is bandana d's encounter with goldon and silvox yeah he's not in danger of imminent death here since dodging is a thing but even so damaging these guys is pretty annoying but after a bit of patience their health is indeed whittled away and bendenity can go on to obliterate some mini bosses meanwhile we can find adeline making an absolute mockery of an infamous section of tewera with the help of her cracker she then makes a mockery of the real crackers with her painted cracker good for her maglor and bandanity make their way to the crackers as well and fare quite well against them in the next chapter bandanna d is faced with another wind section that presents the same problems as the first one it too can be cleared though he then comes to this crushing cubes section which plays right into his strengths the cubes move very slowly so this waddle dee can make it out of their way with much time to spare adeline and ribbon also encounter the wind section which proves trivial for them since the fairy dance is a quick enough move with decent invisibility frames to neutralize the obstacles meanwhile it would seem that maglor is nearly at the final boss and is currently passing through this recreation of one of the later levels in kirby's return to dreamland it doesn't cause him much difficulty but somehow a couple of his friends got crushed to death here hmm checking in on adline it would seem that much of her entourage also got crushed in her unique section she makes it through fine though and is likewise knocking on the door to the final boss bandanna d also makes it to the boss fight although he too has somehow managed to get his friends crushed come on guys you've got to be better friends than this the game is called kirby star allies it is all about friendship come on get your act together anyways all three of our guest stars have indeed made it to the final bosses and all three do manage to come out of these battles victorious meaning that since we are ignoring friends circle slash friend train jumps because quite frankly they're boring we have found that it is possible to beat kirby star allies guest star bandana waddle dee maglor and adeline and ribbon without jumping oh and for those of you curious the friend circle slash friend train jumps for each guest came out to be 41 for bandana world 30 for maglor and 33 for adeline and ribbon the discrepancies between those numbers come down to which friend train and friend circle sections actually appeared in their respective routes anyways guys that is it for this video but don't you leave just yet because there is more kirby no jump content for youtube experience today i worked with another youtuber named waluigi goswa on a video for a no jump challenge he did on kirby's epic yarn so i'd say now that we're done here we should all go over to his channel and check that video out i know at the very least i'm going to be there but anyways guys until next time i've been sumographed and i'm sure i'll catch you in some infuriating challenges in the future goodbye you
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 139,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is It Possible to Beat Kirby Star Allies Without Jumping, Can You Beat Kirby Star Allies without jumping, Kirby Star Allies no jump, Kirby Star Allies, Kirby, no jump, no jump challenge, is it possible, kirby star allies guest star Bandana Dee no jump, Is It Possible to Beat Kirby' Planet Robobot Without Jumping, CMeeCraft, Mario, kirby star allies guest star, kirby star allies guest star no jump, isitpossible, Magolor, Bandana Waddle Dee, Adeleine & Ribbon, 3 challenges
Id: zr6e1xCeStQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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