Rise + Walk // Stephanie Ike | The Belonging Co TV

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we've had some amazing guests come and visit with us over the last few days but we are in for a treat and i'm wondering if you would here in the room at home at columbia can we take a moment stand to our feet because this morning we are going to hear from a woman of god she's a friend of ours she's the campus pastor of uh of an amazing church potter's house one la in california can we take a moment on a pastor stephanie ek as she comes to share the word this morning hallelujah i'm so grateful to be here thank you pastor henry i love your pastor so much i can talk about it all day i could do a message on love and talk about your pastors but truly they are i say this all the time and it's because that's what they represent to me they're safe space for me and i am so grateful and honored by what is taking place here in the columbia campus and all around the world really everyone who gets to experience this however they do it's so beautiful what god has raised your pastors to do and what they're bringing to the earth honestly when i'm here it just feels like when heaven is touching earth and it is something that i'm so honored to be a part of you know i've been in conference i have the shirt the merch to prove it and and just like pastor henry said if you did not sign up early if you didn't make it because conference was sold out this year you definitely want to get this early bird crisis and to be honest conference changed my life it was very life-changing for me i knew i needed to be here and some of the mistakes we make sometimes is that we get so familiar with something that we don't recognize what god is doing we don't recognize the value anymore the israelites did the same thing they became so they thought because you can never become familiar with god but they thought they were so familiar with him that they had the nerve to create idols while moses is up in the mountain worshiping to bring back revelation they started getting tired and they're making idols meanwhile the god of the universe has brought you out of bondage and for some reason you just felt like well that's him who else what's next what else are we looking for sometimes you get so familiar with something but there is a type of atmosphere that is created that opens up heaven before you and god begins to reveal things to you that maybe you have been waiting that god i need to tap into something and god gives you an instruction and he says meet me there that's what happened to me this year the lord literally told me i'm you're gonna meet me at conference and there were things that i was talking to the lord about and he said meet me at the conference and i would reveal it to you and that is literally what happened there were visions that the lord gave me during conference that it has really blown my mind and i'm so excited to be honest that you know i came brenda came my friend and i want to buy two tickets for two people just the first two people that just runs up to stage or somewhere i don't know something boom and you okay i saw two people so please after service i'll be right here and i'll be standing in the front so please come meet me and i'll get your info i've seen how you could do the sign up i'll do your signup and i'll send it to your email you have to be here you absolutely have to be here next year it's going to be mind-blowing and i'm excited because god has appointed a time for what he wants to do and how many of us know that everything in life is is moved through times and seasons that life is locked up in times and seasons there are things that you can try to do if you're doing it outside of the time you will frustrate yourself because life moves in times and seasons when it's not the time for something nothing can happen but when you enter when you are aligned with a season of what god is doing and you come in alignment with that all of a sudden that's what we call favor you see sometimes we're just like oh god why is this person favored and i'm not favored but favor is an alignment is when you come in alignment with the season of god and you say god whatever you're doing in this season i want to be a part of it and so i can go back home and say oh my gosh like god revealed very key things to me about my life and someone will say wow that seems like god favored you but in reality was not about some random vague favor it was an alignment of seasons that god says stephanie in this season the answer you're looking for i'm gonna i'm gonna give it to you in nashville and i aligned myself and that's what we now say oh god just favored you god favored me and why am i saying this because you always want to be in alignment with the times and the seasons of god and when you're under leadership everything flows from the head down god honors the system of leadership leadership reveals even the very nature of god and so when your pastors are telling you that this is happening and there is a move of god god is healing the waters you have to know how to tap into the prophetic word you have to know just like the woman with the issue of blood you have to know how to touch jesus and remove and release power from him while everyone else is touching him and nothing is happening some people were even just rubbing up against him they're like oh jesus you feel a little hot today nothing was happening that was the only kind of heat or power they felt was heat and sweat because i'm sure it was hot out there but when you have intentionality and you have understanding and you align yourself something is released to you and so definitely tap into this for everyone listening you want to get here find however you want to get here next year and you have a year all right to plan okay you can make it happen praise god i'm so excited i'm so so excited to be here there's a word that god has and and it's a word that i have seen in a way that i've never seen before and funny enough the lord gave me this word he actually downloaded it to me yesterday and so during conference right and so while your pastors were praying for six hours um a bunch of us were just on the floor worshiping and letting the lord speak over us and so while we're standing let's pray heavenly father we thank you so much for your goodness we thank you for your love we thank you for what you're doing in this house what you're doing in colombia what you're doing oh god all around the world everyone impacted lord god by the call upon this home and so father god we thank you we thank you lord that you would have your way and you will move only how you have decided to and so we submit all of us to you that nothing would hinder this word from going out and nothing would hinder us from receiving it and so holy spirit have your way have your way have your way none of us and all of you in jesus mighty name amen amen you may be seated i'm going to be reading from a scripture that's kind of familiar but we're going to take a journey with it and so this is in john chapter 5 it's from verse 2 to 15 2 2 15 sounds so cool 2-2 it's not so it says now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool which is which is called in hebrew bethesda having five porches these lay a great multitude of sick people blind lame paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water and for an angel i'm going to read it from here for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water then whoever stepped in first after the angel well whoever stepped in frozen i'm going to read it from here because now i'm reading it here and i'm not saying it properly whoever slurped in firth after the stirring of the water was made well of whatever disease he had isn't that incredible now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years when jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time he said to him do you want to be made well the sick man answered him sir i have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down before me jesus said to him rise take up your bed and walk and immediately the man was made well took up his bed and walked and that day was the sabbath the jews therefore said to him who was cured it is the sabbath and it is not lawful for you to carry your bed you know some people don't really know what real issues are the man just got healed and all you could focus on is that he was carrying his bed [Laughter] he answered them he who made me well said to me take up your bed and walk then they asked him who is the man who said to you take up your bed and walk but the one who was healed did not even know who it was for jesus had withdrawn a multitude had withdrawn a multitude being in that place his assignment was not to the multitude his assignment was to this one man right then it says afterward jesus found him in the temple and said to him see you have been made well sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you the man departed and told the jews that it was jesus who had made him well now this story is so fascinating to me because first of all we are introduced to this location right where an angel of the lord comes and he is stirring up the waters and the first person whoever is the first person to step in they get healed of whatever disease right it is like i mean that probably is where aladdin came from you know just make a wish any wish anything would happen but the beauty of this is that whoever steps in first whoever steps in first but there is a multitude of people and maybe the angel showed up every day every month every year every decade we don't know but whoever steps in first gets healed and the first thing that speaks to me is desperation right how many of us know that it takes desperation to to see the type of change you want to experience in your life that desperation becomes the very seed for change and desperation is an interesting word because we understand the weight of it because you can desire change all all your life but until you become desperate for it nothing happens and that whole and to become desperate for it can be can be a journey right sometimes you have to experience the opposite of a thing you have to experience the consequences of your actions to realize that i need to change my ways i need to repent when you recognize that look life living a life without prayer yes i might be critical and judgmental to people who i see praying all the time but then i realized there is a power there moving in that i don't see in my life then you start to recognize lord i desire to be in your presence more that maybe i was seeing this wrong i was seeing this as a religious activity but i am tired of living a life without power you see sometimes you have to get tired of living a counterfeit life to desire your authentic life sometimes you have sometimes the lord would allow you to be in a journey of doing the wrong thing because if he came to you in year two you're still comfortable you're like god i'm cool i don't want i don't want to move out from here but sometimes god will encounter you at the right time again even the scripture talks about an angel will come at a certain time the lord encountered him at a certain time because everything about your life in god has windows there is so much to who you are that god has to lock it up in time that appointed times that he will now say okay let us try this and if you don't catch it he has to wait for the next season where you would become open to it even satan understood this because when satan tempted jesus in the wilderness when jesus overcame him the bible tells us that he left waiting for another opportune time so god is always waiting for a time and a season in your life to speak to you when you can receive what he's going to tell you and so desperation to get to that level of desperation sometimes god will leave you in your iniquity because before you got into it he actually spoke to you but you decided free will is a thing right jesus is a gentleman he's not going to force his will upon you he would give it to you and you have to decide what you want to do and sometimes you make a decision based on you trying to live your you know in culture they call it living their best life but it's living your worst life you're like god i just want to do me right and then doing you finds you somewhere that you never want to be right you know i was i i experienced a season when i wanted to do me right because i the the call on my life from a very young age i encountered god at nine and the journey of my life was always very different you know at nine years old i remember when the lord was telling me stephanie i want you to wait till marriage and i said hey who's even thinking about doing all these things you know but then you get older in your teenagers and you're hearing what people are doing and i'm like so what exactly is marriage you know god can you define that form because i want to while out like my friends are i want to have fun like my friends are and the lord said no if you do it the consequence you're not going to handle it and i was like but god but everyone else is doing this and i want to live and i want to look like them i want to have fun like them and he said stephanie there are things that i'm protecting you from because if you give in to sexual sin early you will not recover you think you're gonna have fun but i know you i knew you even before i put you in your mother's womb i know what you can handle you see the word tells us that god will not give you more than you can bear that you cannot bear rather and he said to me at a young age he said what you think is fun you will not survive it and it would be detrimental to who i've called you to be because in the season of your life that you should be doing the very thing that you're called to you will be trying to recover from things that you were never assigned to [Music] it's not everything you have to heal from some things were never supposed to happen and so when the lord is giving you an instruction he's saying look what you don't recognize is that the enemy is trying to confuse a season of your life that the season that you're supposed to be pouring out then you're going to start looking from healing for things that was never supposed to happen in the first place but god is merciful so a season that something that is not in alignment with his plan he knows how to still make it work for your good because of his mercy and that's why the word of god tells us surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life because god knows how much we need mercy because we have free will but it doesn't change the reality that in order to walk out the fullness of who we're supposed to be it is to align with god's timing and season you see so when i got to college and my freshman year i was like no lord you know i feel like you've locked me up in a cage and i'm just you know and i want to just feel free a little bit and what i thought was freedom was actually bondage when i thought like let me just go out with my friends let me let me party let me drink let me do this it was bondage i remember the first time that i actually it was once in my life that i blacked out and i was so terrified because so many things could have happened to me and what i thought was freedom i thought oh this is living my best life it was no that was living my worst life and i had to come back to that place but you see the lord sometimes will just allow you he might not say anything because he's gonna get he would wait until the appointed time when you are desperate enough to say god i don't want to be this person any longer god i tried it you know we're talking about tasting and seeing that the lord is good i tasted and saw that the world had really nothing to offer so that i can realize that what i'm really hungry for is you so in this scripture we see a man who had been by a pool for 38 years 38 years every time i would read this scripture in the past i used to just feel like man what was this man doing like you could have positioned yourself right all these other people are desperate they are entering the water they're doing their thing why couldn't you just stay by the pool and roll over when the angel shows up you know or all the people getting healed why you couldn't just you know holla hey hey guys i know you just got healed wanna help me right but for some reason this man was just there for 38 years he could never get to that level of being desperate enough to get into the water and the question is why you see even when you know what might be working for others if it's not assigned to you it would never work for you a god thing assigned to someone else if it's not how god designed to use it for you no matter what you tried it will never work and you will find yourself caught up in excuses it's just like but god you know this is not happening and that is not happening and the reality is that you are comparing your life to someone you are jealous of another person's call another person's anointing that was never assigned to you in the first place people close to me know that one of my prayers one of my greatest prayers was to have the voice of whitney houston and michael jackson combined right because i was like lord they're not here i am we could use it down here and i used to just be like man you know i just love when i see people worship my god why didn't you give me a voice to sing and funny enough one day right legit this was my prayer uh it's not a joke and i kept saying god just you know they're not you can do anything and i can do all things through you so i want their voice you know just give it to me one day i went for a bible study and the lord has jokes he will show you that you are full of yourself i went for a bible study with some friends and you know the lord said do you do you want do you want that voice i said yes i said father oh i receive it i receive it in the car thank you jesus i get to the bible study and somehow you know there was have their the worshipers were not there and it was a small bible study so they were like you know before we rely on using like the cd player it was it was an older group i just really love you know atmosphere so there was a place that i really used to love to go sometimes so the the people leading the bible study were much older so they had cd players and different things and they got up and they said before we do this would anyone like to just lead us in worship and the holy spirit said this is the moment if you go up and open up your voice you will get what you're praying for i said oh i just i'm looking around and then i have a friend of mine she's like tugging on me she's like stephanie don't you want to like sing or something i said yeah but maybe they're not ready you know they're not ready for this i was so terrified i went after everything happened and the woman is like you know last call would anyone like to lead us in worship and i was like god i'm not moving i didn't even stand up for the worship matter of fact so they end up using the cd player when i got home the lord said stephanie i was revealing your heart to you you're desiring something for your own this your own need you're not you're not trying to serve with it what you're desiring is not because you're like god i just want to serve your people with this gift you want to serve yourself that when you're walking in the grocery store because that's how i am you know i sing even with my voice now right when you're walking in the grocery store you want to sing your grocery list and so someone will say wow what a voice you have and i'll say wow thank you thank you very much and the lord revealed to me stephanie that's not really what you want that's not who you are i didn't call you that way because that is not the area of service in your life that is not what you're called or assigned to and so we are in this scripture and you see this man that is certain man by the pool and there are many people at this pool and the word of god said and they were waiting for the angel to stir the water because they had an expectation their faith was connected to what was taking place but for this certain man he did not have an expectation the way they did and the lord began to reveal to me that it's because that was never how his healing would come about you see when you look at the scripture when you read through how god will heal people through his prophets and even through our lord jesus sometimes there were very unique ways that people would be healed some they would be laid upon you know elisha will lay on a person's body and do mouth-to-mouth eye to eye i mean talk about a different type of cpr right you have people that jesus will spit on the floor and mix up you know mix up the mud and his spit and then put it on someone's eyes i'm like wow that you that came out to your mouth you know you put it in my eyes a prophet will say hey just take a walk go to the water you know go to this particular pool and dip yourself right after you dip and come out and you'll be fine it was always these interesting things the interesting ways that god will use because there is always a specific way about your life your call is unique in god and even how he heals is unique so you have this man this certain man and jesus comes to him the bible says that jesus knew that he had been in that condition for a long time and whenever you read jesus knew something it came from a place of revelation with the father one thing we know about the lord jesus is that every morning you will see him spending time he will leave retreat from the disciples and he will go to be away with the father and he's seeking what he's supposed to do about his day the bible tells us give us this day our daily bread because every day that i walk into i have never been in before i don't know what today holds this yes everything might look the same buildings might look the same but this is a new day in the spirit and even time reveals that we are aging day by day we don't look the same day by day right you might feel like you did i remember i thought i did and then i'm like wow i know i'm getting you know taller you know wider you know smaller [Laughter] whatever but jesus will spend time with the father to find out what is the assignment for my day and so from that place that secret place there was a revelation that you would go and meet a certain man and the person you would meet has been there for 38 years why did the father have so much interest in this man what was it about this man that it was like wow even though jesus who has the power to heal his assignment was not to go to the place that is full of sick people to have a healing crusade his assignment was to meet a certain man you see this man had been there 38 years did not experience his healing i believe what he was more desperate for was what was authentic to him and sometimes you have to sit in it when you're all you're doing is living for people sometimes god is looking for another window let me see if this will be the window where you will desire truth over applaud and jesus goes to this certain man and he says to him do you want to be made well the man tells jesus all kinds of excuses well you know i don't have anyone to take me blah blah blah blah blah and then jesus said rise up take up your bed and walk what is so intriguing about this moment is that first of all this man does not know who that he's speaking to jesus he thinks he's just speaking to a stranger a stranger who had an interest in him and said hey why you've been like it seems like you've been here a long time like do you actually want to get well and the guy's like look bruh you know i don't know if you know the protocol or something but you need help around here but this stranger tells him rise up take up your mat and walk and he did not combat him he didn't argue with him he didn't tell him like hey don't you see my condition don't you see that i'm paralytic he said all he did was respond with an action what is intriguing about this is that he did not respond to a command he did not respond to a person of authority or with power because he did not even know who he was speaking to and what the lord began to reveal to me is that what he needed in that moment was a witness he needed someone to confirm what was always the way he will get his healing that all you ever needed to do was to rise up in faith could it be that as the angel of the lord is staring up the water that there were words that god had put in the hearts of man to stir up their faith in what they were actually connected to could it be that all along all this man ever needed to do was to rise up take up his map and walk but could you imagine what that would do in a place where there was a multitude of sick people he would be the revivalist people would begin to wonder how did you do that he would be responsible for sharing the word that he received because you see jesus later on when jesus found the man he found him in the temple that tells us that the man was not a stranger to the word of god jesus knew where to find him and people would not retreat back to what they don't know they retreat back to what they know the man was no stranger to god's word but could it be that he did not want the responsibility of being a revivalist that he said for my healing i'm not gonna do it the way god said it i'm gonna do it the way everyone else is doing it every sick person is by the pool waiting for healing but god actually spoke to this man and it's like if you just in faith got up everything will be different and he would now have to be the one to talk to people about the faith in which he just moved in and could that have been the faith that would have changed things in there you see when god is god is very intentional about everything that he does god did not need jesus to go there and start a healing revival because he already sent a man but a man was dormant so what he was spiritually crippled by he was also physically crippled by that both were connected that his physical state spoke to his spiritual say that all along he needed to rise up and walk because it was not just about him rising there would be people connected to that assignment you see but what i learned about this man is that this man lived for people not in a good way talking about people pleasing he was so concerned with the applause of man he was so concerned about being liked and how do we know this you see when jesus found the man in the temple he says to him sin no more unless what comes upon you would be worse there was such a connection with his physical state and his spiritual state and why would jesus tell a man that just got healed sin no more because any time jesus is talking about sin he's not trying to hit you on the surface level when jesus talks about sin and he talks about repent he says for the kingdom of god the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent align yourself in the way of god align yourself in the very thing that god has called you to do stop living for what you think man can give you but are you living for what god has called you to do this was a moment where jesus is telling this man sin no more and you see jesus didn't need to say too many words because that means the man understood what he was talking about all jesus said is sin no more jesus is not trying to leave you confused the man ex understood but yet the man still did this the opposite of what jesus said because right after this what does he do he goes back to the jewish leaders and he said hey i know you guys were going to put me in trouble for you know walking on the sabbath and being healed and i know that you guys don't have the authority to heal me but you know what i just care so much about what you think about me so the person who did it it was jesus and you have to understand the weight of what he did because he wasn't saying it was jesus to honor him he was saying it to accuse him of breaking the law because right after this we see even in verse 16 check this out it says for this reason the jews persecuted jesus and sought to kill him for this reason so the man was just like hey guys i know i almost got in trouble but the person you should really be mad at is jesus it's not me please like me still like me please like me jesus just told this man sin no more you're not gonna be able to handle what will come upon you because you're literally walking in the way of destruction and i thought that perhaps not even that jesus thought this was another window of opportunity you have been in this condition for 38 years shouldn't you want more for your life by now isn't it aren't you tired of living an inauthentic life you have been sitting here laying here for 38 years wouldn't you want to do what god called you to do from the very beginning but this man found another thing to be comfortable with he said well i'm walking my physical state is fine so people please please like me again you see what the lord was showing me is that sometimes there you know not even and i believe it's for everyone here and everyone watching and everyone in in in the campuses that are watching you see the beauty of the lord is that when he gives you a word for instance this this house we're in is a prophetic house how many do we know that can we praise god for that and what happens in a prophetic house you begin to receive words that confirm and affirm what god showed you about yourself and sometimes even when you don't have language it resonates with something so deep in you you see david for example david even before he was ever anointed to be king what would inspire a shepherd boy to put his life at risk for sheep what would inspire him to fight a lion because he's trying to protect sheep some of us would say look you know if my daddy said hey you know stephanie um there's only 28 sheep what happened to the other 150 i said well you know true story a lion showed up and i just tried to run and protect what i could and i don't think anybody would be mad at me uh i could have been killed okay so i took what i could and the rest of the sheep you know they just got devoured i think they'll be like well i'm so glad you're okay right that's what we'll tell our friends man i'm so i'm so i'm so glad you're fine and you're unharmed but david there was something so deep within him that understood that he would be a protector that he would fight for other people's causes there was something so deeply in him that he knew that even when the sheep was at stake he called upon the lord to help him fight the war of sheep so when he was anointed as king it was not news for him it resonated with something he already knew and sensed about himself you see when you receive a prophetic word the reason that it brings you to tears and you just don't have you have no words except to worship is because it resonates with something so deep in you that you didn't think would be it resonates with something that god has revealed to you that you felt like god i don't know if i'm worthy of this i don't know if i'm the one that will carry out this assignment i didn't think that you would call me or point this to my life maybe this is my own head telling me this maybe this is just a random idea this cannot be god this seems so big but you forget who you're speaking to you see the reality of life is that when god gives you something it's not it doesn't fit you because he needs to fill it with you so it's always going to be bigger than where you are because in order for you to walk it out god has to fill the shoes with you and so many of you there are assignments that the lord has placed on your life their dreams that god gave you when you were a child and he's reminding you and he's saying that you have buried this for so long and he's calling it back and all i came to be today is to be a witness you see this man like i said did not even know it was jesus speaking to him but all this stranger to the man who is jesus all he had to say to him was rise take up your mat and walk and he responded with an action why did he respond without any excuses without any argument could it be that that was always the word that was within him for 38 years all you have to do is get up and walk and all he needed but you see if you don't see it right because this man was so engulfed with people pleasing that that moment instead of that moment being about a validation for his faith it was to validate what the person was saying oh finally i have someone who agrees with me in this he should have seen it right and said wait this was connected to god's word in my life it's not just about pleasing people any longer i want to live out the fullness this man isn't back in the temple but his ways has not changed in the temple he is rebuked because the lord recognized you have not yet come to the place of true repentance you see what if this is a season right now where the lord is saying that dream i gave you that word i gave you that assignment i spoke to you about that thing about you that you know is special and is different and is unique yes i know you're gonna feel different from the rest but i gave you this assignment and i will be with you could today be the day that the lord is saying hey don't bury it come back to it walk it out because i'm going to walk it out with you you see i told you that this word was literally downloaded in me yesterday yesterday while we were in conference i was worshiping right here and the lord began to remind me of things that he revealed to me as a child and he said stephanie i'm not done we are not even at the halfway point of what i showed you and there are certain key things i need you to do right now in this moment and you are you are you're wrestling with a decision but the reality of life is that yes i'm the one who takes you step by step but you see every step is a womb and there are moments where you get to full term in that womb and god says it's now time for you to be birthed and go into the next step but sometimes we want to stay and and get and cuddle in one phase of our lives and god is saying no it's time for you to take the next level of your life i need you to step onto the next thing because it's going to lead you to the fullness of who i've called you to be and so in service the lord began to remind me he said stephanie i'm not done there's so much more to you and he began to show me certain things and he said this is the season for it to spring up and literally while i'm on the floor in tears just by what the lord is showing me and he's reminding me stephanie i'm the same one who brought a girl from nigeria to do my will and my purpose in this country i'm the same one that would take you where you're supposed to go and all of a sudden a gentleman that i believe my my being your on the prayer team he looks at me and he says i have a word for you and he says i'm hearing the lord saying that it is things are about to spring up that is springtime and things are about to start springing up for you he's literally confirming to me what the what the lord just showed me and all i could just say was thank you he didn't even recognize the weight of the words but he didn't need to because for me i was like god it was it was not even about arguing right it's not about saying well well what gives you the authority to tell me that you know who are you what's your name what's your social security number can i do a background check to know if you're crazy or not no when something resonates with you as truth it is truth you don't need to have further conversation all you can do is respond with an action so the response of this certain man tells me that he was not he was responding to actually what the lord was stirring up in him what has always been stirred up in him the word of god about how his healing would come you see i i'm here today literally just to be a witness to you the path that god has called you to he will be with you he will see you through and it's not about trying to prove people right because sometimes we miss it because then we're back to the very thing that we're trying to run away from people pleasing because then we're like okay god i'm gonna do it but it needs to make sense immediately i don't want to look like a fool before people i don't want people to think i'm crazy i don't i don't want to ruffle feathers with anyone i don't want anything to change but i want everything to change but you have to be willing to be misunderstood you have to be willing to be all the the misses mistaken everything you just have to be willing to say look do they say ciao in nashville yes child [Laughter] you have to be willing to say god if i'm gonna be misunderstood for a season it's okay because at the end of the day what people respond to in your life is fruit very few people can respond to you as seed it takes a leader who can see through to look at you and recognize who you truly are and and speak to you from the place of who god sees you as people normally respond to fruit and so even when the fruit is bad they will still applaud you that's why you cannot rely on what people say about you because do you know that a branch could be cut up from a tree but the fruit will still remain for a season it takes it takes a while for fruit to rot in even after the branches caught up from its source so people can look at you and say oh look at your life wow they're just going to be applauding you but you're cut off from your source and the moment you go rotten the same people that said oh just cheering you on they're going to be like well what is wrong with you you know something is not right you know i think you need to go in prayer no no no you should have told me that a long time ago people respond to fruit so you cannot live your life based on what people will say and what people will not say because at the end of the day when you allow god when you allow yourself to be buried in the seed of god's in the soil of god's word when you say god i am seed and your word is soil bury me so that i will spring up and manifest everything you have said about my life and whatever people want to respond to that's their problem but your life should be for the applause of one because if you let people's if you let people lead you they will lead you into destruction even the word of god tells us to not lean on to our own understanding but to lean on to god's wisdom how if i cannot trust my own understanding why would i trust some other random person but i can lean on the wisdom of god and that is why you always need when you think about counsel and that is even the importance of the church because you need people that move in the counsel of god not their own counsel that that are that are surrendered that is what i love about this house that your pastors your leaders are surrendered to the voice of god and so what is god calling you to do in this very moment is to respond whatever that next step looks like in your life say yes yes it's not a vague statement before god yes it's specific it is intentional when i say yes to jesus i say yes to every single thing he will call me to do i say yes to him being the author and the finisher of my life we like for we we we like when god starts something but when we don't like the middle we say i'm not sure but he is the author and the finisher god wants to take you through he's not trying to leave you in the wilderness to die it is possible to leave bondage but be stuck in between the israelites left egypt but many died in the wilderness they never saw it through because in between they got they said god we don't know if we like your plan anymore you know we were happy when you started this thing but you know the middle i'm not sure if i like this book can you do a rewrite you know can we do a second season of this story because this is not ending so well the israelites were not okay with how god wanted to do things that there was no other way but death in order for the next generation to actually live and to see the promised land because god's word will never fail so god wants to see it through with you he wants to take you through the fullness of your life and not cut it short midway and for some of you the reality is that maybe you have been coveting and you you have been desiring a calling that has nothing to do with you it has nothing to do with what god has assigned and appointed you for at the end of the day the way we serve is very unique to how we were tailored by god the things about your story about your journey that is connected to what he called you to do your life is unique in his hands and so yes the path might look different the dream might look scary but he's going to be with you every step of the way and to say yes to mr say god i don't know what this looks like could it be that this man did not did not want to feel the pressure of of of starting something powerful this revival that will break out in the place that everyone is waiting for the angel to stir the water that he did all he had to do was just to rely on god and say i don't know what this looks like i don't know what it would be but i just want to glorify you could it be that if if he said if he he moved different if he did what he was supposed to do that we might have known him as a disciple of christ who was this man supposed to be we would never know that's what and all we have is a certain man that's all we are left with a certain man we will never know what his story should have ended like are you tired of living in a life that god did not assign to you are you tired of bearing the dreams that god gave you all you have to do is say yes also to that very thing and my prayer and i believe god is going to continue to do that in this service is that even as i was preaching and as we're going to worship and we're going to pray that they're they're going to be just portals of revelation opened up to you that god will begin to remind you of who you truly are that you will begin to see visions of your life the way god sees it that you begin to be reminded about your assignment reminded about your call reminded about what what you're supposed to do and stop looking at what everyone else is doing and say god i want everything that you have for me and i'm okay i want to be buried in your word that i will spring up at the time that you have appointed but this is a moment that let us look at it because not just look at it recognize that it is what it is it's a holy moment and god is saying hey i sent this girl to be a witness to you that what he showed you is not crazy what he spoke to you about is not random it's not weird what he's bringing up to your memory right now it's not contaminated it's pure the enemy sometimes wants to deceive you just to pull you out of power because every time you do something that the lord has appointed you to you take territory and when you take territory darkness has no place because the enemy only has territory in unclaimed areas what you don't claim then he takes territory over but when you begin to recognize who you are the enemy is scared of the person who knows who they are because he recognizes that this person is a threat to what i have stolen he didn't inherit anything he took it based on our ignorance [Music] the only reason he was after adam and eve falling in the garden was because if there was no one to take to ten the ground if there was no one to have territory over it he reigns over unclaimed ground what we don't claim he reigns over so when god is telling you rise up and walk it's to walk the way ephesians 4 1 tells us to walk worthy of the call there are people waiting on the other side of who you are there are people whose deliverance and healing is connected to you rising up jesus didn't need to have a revival that man was supposed to be the revivalist where what area in your life are you saying jesus jesus where are you and the lord is saying where are you [Music] will you rise up
Channel: The Belonging Co TV
Views: 6,116
Rating: 4.951952 out of 5
Keywords: the belonging co, the belonging co tv, the belonging co sermons, the belonging co messages, tbco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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