Is Everything Better With Gravy? Taste Test

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- Today, we take the gravy train to gravy town. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning! - 'Tis the season for giving. And boy, are we giving it to you today. - Mm-hmm, yeah. - We got a brand new music video called Christmas booty. And if that is not enough booty for you, we got a Christmas Booty fashion show followed by a game about insane celebrity Christmas gifts. - Not only are we gonna be giving, but we're gonna be receiving today, Rhett. - Yes, we are. - You know what I like to receive more than just about anything? Gravy. When I eat a meal, like a big Christmas dinner, as the final touch, I like to take the gravy boat and just chuck it all over the entire plate. - Well, sail it. - Why? - It is a boat. - That's true. Because gravy tastes good on everything. Or does it? It's time to find out. It's time for Is Everything Better with Gravy. Gravy. - Okay, so we have two types of gravy here. We each have brown and white gravy. We actually missed a great opportunity when we put gravy on that sandwich a while back. A lot of people pointed out we should have been using the white gravy since we're Southern boys. - And we made sure we got it today. - So we made up for that. And we are, as you can see, the Gravy Boyz. - [Link] Gravy Boyz in the house. - Gravy Boyz brand gravy. - Let's get started with one of my favorite meals. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, unless you can make it better with gravy. Cereal. Now the great thing about cereal is all you gotta do is add milk, a spoon, and my mouth, and I am happy. But I'm not gonna say gravy's not gonna make it better. I'm just gonna subliminally predict that it won't. But I can be proven wrong. - We have to use white gravy because I mean we're replacing milk here, so. - Yeah, we could put milk, but that's in this buttermilk type situation. - I don't wanna use too much because I want my gravy to last. - Yeah. And then mix that. - [Rhett] And it smells good. I'll tell you that much. It's a different consistency, definitely, than milk. - Obviously, we have Froot Loops here. But when you add gravy, I'm calling this Goopy Loops. - [Rhett] Mm-hmm. - And let's dink it. - Oh, gosh. - Did that go in your-- - A little bit. - So what? Sink it. It's a melding of flavors. The look on your face says you're crazy. (chuckles) - No. - I love cereal, man. - Hold on, hold on. - I love gravy. - Give it a chance, man. - But I don't want-- - It's fruity and savory all at the same time. - I mean I've had cereal, in a continental breakfast situation, I've had cereal, and then I've had a biscuit. And I could have used some gravy on that biscuit. - I don't think it, I know that cereal is very sacred to you. - It is. - But here's what I'll say. Cereal and milk, probably the best combination you can possibly have. I don't think this necessarily makes it better, but it's so good. If this were a will it, I would say it does. Let me just say that. I definitely recommend you trying this. - This is a different standard. Does it make it better? - [Rhett] No. (buzzer blares) Now I have had so much orange chicken in my lifetime that my blood is approximately 2% orange sauce. - Wow. - I really, really love it. I'm afraid that you can't make it better, but I am gonna put some brown gravy on it and find out just exactly how it makes me feel. - Brown is the right choice because brown is closer to orange than white. - I mean I wasn't using a lot of logic. It just, it feels very, you know, Americanized Chinese food-ish to put some brown sauce on something. - I've got a nice coated piece here, and it's nice and soaked. Ooh, you got a big one. Dink it. - Yeah, I want a real taste. (crew laughs) Likey likes it. Likey always likes it. - It's great because you have, your body immediately knows this is fried chicken with gravy. And then your body gets told, "But there's a little "orange-ish under there," then it's surprised. - It really works on every level. - [Link] It's funny but-- - It really does. - It's orange chicken second. It's like the gravy redefines the experience. - It doesn't counter anything that you're getting with the orange chicken. - [Link] Right. - The first thing that you taste is the gravy. You're like, "Mm-hmm, yeah, more." And then the more is orange chicken. - This is absolutely fabulous. - Incredible. Does it make it better? - I'm gonna express this to panda. Yes! (bell dings) (Rhett laughs) Shrimps spend their short lives swimming around in the ocean depths, but why not send them to the mouth god of the afterlife, swimming in gravy. - [Rhett] Okay. - And by mouth god, I mean this hole right here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your mouth is mouth god? - (chuckles) I don't know. - Whatever floats your boat. - That doesn't seem right. - Whatever floats your gravy boat. - I was trying to do kind of a viking kind of a thing, but it didn't happen. - Well, this is a shrimp cocktail, of course. So do you just wanna test the shrimp? Or you wanna taste the shrimp cocktail? Because I feel like the cocktail sauce is something that people put on shrimp anyway. And maybe we should say, "No, you all should be putting gravy on that." - Well, I wanna dip one just in-- - Directly in the gravy. - Just in brown gravy. - I'm going white gravy because I feel like white sauce is a little more seafoody. You know what I'm saying? - Like a tartar? - Like a tartar-ish. But you know what, you try that, I'll try this. ♪ Swim, swim, swim in the gravy ♪ I'm not gonna dink it because I don't wanna contaminate my white gravy-- - Right, let's air dink it. - Dink. - Air dink, and then send it to the mouth god. ♪ The gravy is hot ♪ ♪ The shrimp is not ♪ ♪ The shrimp should probably have been hot ♪ ♪ If you want it to be in gravy ♪ - Let me try brown. - Do you think there's a temperature conflict going on here? Shrimp cocktail is intended to be cold. - I don't consider it a conflict. I just consider it-- - I'm not used to pouring hot gravy on something really cold in general. Give me an example of that working. Of course, then watch me dip another cold shrimp into this gravy and enjoy it. - What I got to say is neither of them are bad. Again, gravy, the thing that's consistent with me right now is that gravy has always treated me right. It's been good every time I've ever put it in my mouth, and that is still true right now. - I'm making a parfait. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh. - A shrimp parfait. It's gonna be perfect. Sp I wanna give it a good shot. - But I'm not sure yet if it's better than it would be if it just didn't have gravy. - So I got some cocktail sauce. - I'll let you do that alone. (crew laughs) Oh, you're making a meal in your mouth. (Link grunts) (crew laughs) That wasn't a good sign. The (grunts) is usually not a (grunts). Didn't make it better? - It's amazing that the cocktail sauce overrides any gravy experience. It actually didn't taste weird. - Again, I enjoyed it somewhat-- - It doesn't look great. - But I do not think it made it better. Does gravy make shrimp or shrimp cocktails better? No. (buzzer blares) - [Link] I don't think so. - Now this one is something that we've never eaten before. I've never actually heard of it. It is edible bird's nest and a Chinese delicacy which is basically made of solidified bird saliva. - Uh, what? Are you serious? - I have so many questions about how you gather bird saliva. Do you like show them a sexy bird and you just wait? I don't know how you get a bird to saliva. - I thought you were joking till I looked at your face. - I'm not joking. - That is the face of someone who is not joking. - They make birds salivate. - Ugh, it stinks. It smells like bird breath. - Yeah, definitely. I've never gotten close to a bird's mouth. - But it smells like dog breath kinda. - We have to eat this by itself in order to do an A-B comparison with gravy. - It's fishy and dog breathy. - All right, come on. They usually put it in soups. They don't just dink it and sink it like we're about to do. - Yeah, it's probably a really strong... - Oh, god. - How? Why? Who? Can I buy a vowel? - But if you had to eat the dried up saliva of any animal-- - Birds will be-- - Birds will be top of the list. You know what I'm saying? - The polar bear would be pretty high. - Oh, come on, no. Not in a million years. - Bulldog. - It smells awful. It tastes like nothing. - Yeah, it's so weird. - Let's eat some gravy on it. (chuckles) Which would a bird prefer? - Is this a morning dish? Because I feel like the white gravy is more of a morning thing. I'm gonna go with the brown gravy again. - Which one do you think is a bird more likely to land in? If we put thee two boats out like at a park, which one would a pigeon land in? - I'd say the white one looks like bird poop. - Well, let's do the white one. - So this comes out of the mouth. This comes out of the butt. - Yeah, let's go with the white. (crew laughs) - And it kinda makes a gravy boat. Look at that. - [Rhett] Yeah. - You can get a whole lotta gravy. - I'm really gonna get a good bite here for a real test. - Dink it. I have too much here. Sink it. - Bird's saliva is very tough. - Mm-hmm. - Well, I can tell you right now. - Gravy's definitely helping this boat float. - I didn't taste anything before, and now I taste gravy. - Mm-hmm. - [Rhett] But does it make edible bird's nest better? Yes. (bell dings) - Absolutely. The ultimate test to see if gravy makes everything better is to place it upon something that we each hate. So in front of us, I have a sushi boat to accompany my gravy boat. - And I have chicken hearts because you know I do not like animal organs, because my distastes are kind of in the normal region. - [Link] They look like acorns, like fleshy acorns. - They don't taste like acorns. - Okay, so I'm gonna take this, I mean-- - Create you a little dipping situation. - [Link] A little dipping space. - [Rhett] A dipping station. - That's a deep dip for sushi. - Well, that's what it deserves. - Okay. - I mean you're talking gravy here. You really need to go for it. - And I might have to double up on both gravies. - You definitely should. It's almost like wasabi and soy sauce. - Uh, double up! Uh, uh! Okay, so get out my chopstickies here. - I don't even know what to do. - And, um, man. I'm starting to try to eat sushi that looks like this, like a California roll but that one's got some like raw meat in it. - Raw meat, otherwise known as sushi. - What's the point? - And it's otherwise known as raw fish. - And this thing right here, that big uncooked drapery there, I would never eat this. - A California roll isn't sushi, man. Usually, it doesn't even have any actual raw fish in it. That's a good test right there. It looks like some salmon, yeah. - Does it? And then I'm, so I'm gonna dunk it, and then I'm gonna dunk it again. - [Rhett] Oh, double dunk. - And then I'm gonna-- - Put the whole thing in your mouth. - The whole piece? That's huge. - Yeah, that's what you're supposed to do. That's what the chef wants you to do. Yeah. How is it? Is it everything I think it would be? There you go. Wash it down, man. The question is, is it making sushi better than it would be if you just put that straight in your mouth? (Link gags) Uh-oh. I don't understand what's so hard about this. What's the bad part? - The non-gravy part. - While you're trying to get that down, I'm gonna dip one of my hearts into this. I don't know. I'm gonna, you know what-- - I got it. - I'm gonna follow suit. I'm gonna double dip. - You know what, before you do, I just wanna let you know that it really, it's really nice to put your mouth right on a gravy boat. - [Rhett] Well, that's what that little thing's for, man. - It's perfect. I just wanna, it fits. - Why do you think they made it shaped like human lips? - [Link] Sideways. - Okay, I did a double layer, which I think is a great idea. And, tastes great at first. - Yeah. - Now it tastes heart. - Lip it. Lip the boat, baby. There's no limit on how much gravy you need to make something better. Did that help? - Oh, yeah. - It always helps, right? - Man, it's so good. - We need to invent something like a utility belt holster that will hold a gravy boat so you can just have it at all times, a white one and a brown one. Pow, pow, pow, pow. - I'm thinking about just intravenously taking gravy. Can you do that? - Well, you don't really taste it that way. - I don't need to taste it. - I'm just gonna point it out. - It actually makes eating chicken hearts kind of fun, I gotta say. - Whoa! Not only does it make it better, it makes it fun. So I'm gonna go on record right quick and say, is sushi made better with gravy? Absolutely yes. (bell dings) What about you? - [Rhett] Are chicken hearts made better with gravy? Absolutely yes. (bell dings) - Keep it on your utility belt, guys. ♪ White and brown ♪ ♪ Always gets it down ♪ - And click on through to watch a music video for our brand new Christmas song, Christmas Booty. Raise your hand if you're a Mythical Beast. Now use that hand to type into your search bar because that's where you can buy this I Am A Mythical Beast shirt right now.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 12, rhett link gravy taste test, is everything better with gravy taste test, gravy taste test, gmm gravy taste test, gmm taste test, rhett link taste test, good mythical morning taste test, gravy, rhett link gravy, gmm gravy, gmm is everything better with gravy taste test, rhett link is everything better with gravy taste test
Id: XUoD89nR9QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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