Blind Biscuit Taste Test

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Haha biscuit genius guy~~~i think korean mc donald don't sell bisquit. right jae???

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jellyfishman94 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
Today we determine the best breakfast biscuit. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning! Today we've got a brand-new music video from a little show called "Buddy System," season two. Maybe you've heard of it. And after that we're gonna play a game based off a little show called "The Bachelor." - You probably never heard of it. - Right. But first we got a very important task at hand, ranking the ultimate fast-food breakfast biscuit. It's time for... Okay, a couple of weeks ago, "The Washington Post" <i> did their own fast-food biscuit taste test</i> <i> to determine what they thought was the best biscuit.</i> And out of the six that they tasted, Bojangles'-- I'm glad they tasted it, but they only gave it a ranking <i> of 2.25 out of a total of potentially five points.</i> Okay, and this is, we are personally offended - by this, "Washington Post." - Yeah. We don't care about you and your bake news. I just-- that can't be right. We, listen, we think that you should leave the tasting up to the tasting professionals. We're not really professionals, - but we have eaten a lot of biscuits... - Yeah. ...and had a lot of biscuits over the break. Yeah. Uh, so what we're gonna do is two things today. We're going to determine, uh, while tasting six different biscuits of our own... - Right. - ...what is the best biscuit. We're gonna each rank 'em on a scale of one to 10, and then we're gonna average that and then rank them, but we're also gonna be competing against each other to see who can determine what biscuit we are tasting, - what restaurant it came from... - Yeah. ...while blindfolded. The winner gets to eat the ultimate fast-food biscuit that has been created for the first time here on "Good Mythical More." Okay, we're gonna be tasting biscuits from the following fast-food restaurants: Popeyes, KFC, Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, Carl's Jr., AKA Hardee's, and Bojangles'. Now, we're not saying that Bojangles' is gonna win. That's why we're doing this thing. - Right. - But we're gonna be unbiased and we're gonna decide. Let's go. As you can see, we can't. Every biscuit will be brought in <i> on the patent pending chicken finger hand.</i> - Ooh. - Let's bring in the first one. - Bringing in. - Let's bring in the first one! - Bringing in the first one. - Biscuit, biscuit. - Mmm. - Oh. Oh, I'm smellin' biscuit, y'all. - It's a good day. - Man, I've never thought about how much I would want a biscuit served to me out of chicken finger hands. But, mmm-- First of all, I already know where this biscuit is from. I'm just gonna keep that to myself, though. - Um, it's a good biscuit. - Crunchy on the outside, - flakey on the inside. - It's a solid biscuit. Now, I've gotta say, the thing I'm trying to keep in mind is the fact that the Bojangles' biscuit was shipped from North Carolina. - So-- - But they re-prepped it. - Hopefully. - They did. They did reheat it and everything, but has a slight disadvantage. But I'm trying to see if I can discern the shipping time... - Hmm. Yeah. - my taste buds. I will say that this one is very buttery. It tastes very good. It's missing something to make it the best biscuit ever. This is not approaching a 10 for me. To me this, it feels like we're doing something that pleases a lot of people. - Yeah, I mean-- - You know what I'm saying? A lot of people are pleased by this. I'm in like the six area. You know what? I was in, I was between five, six, and seven. I'm gonna land on a six as well. - Okay, so we-- - It's a good solid biscuit. We agree on a six. Do you have your guess - as to where this is from? - Yeah. - All right. - Woman: Three, two, one. - Carl's Jr.! - McDonald's. McDonald's is not that crispy on the outside. - Really? - No. I thought Carl's Jr. was bigger biscuit than that. A bite of one biscuit won't do, so bring in two. ( Rhett moans ) The smell, this smells distinctly different. It's shaped different. But it does it distinct. - What? - The stink. It smells good. Oh. That is super crispy. I immediately know where this biscuit is from, too. Man, I might be a biscuit genius. This is a very good biscuit. It has a very distinct taste, um... You know, how do you-- how many biscuits you been eating? And from so many different places? More than I care to count. But it's got a powderiness to it. Like, I would describe the outer coating... Outer coating? The outer coating as powdery. Can I get another bite? This has the-- this has the makings of a biscuit that wasn't made at the restaurant, but that was made somewhere else - and shipped to the restaurant. - No! What? Shipped to us or shipped to the restaurant? Shipped to the restaurant. You don't think it tastes fresh? It tastes good, but it's-- it's not a classic biscuit taste. It's a weird, different other genre, like parallel universe biscuit. I feel like it's got too much flour, - not enough butter. - Yeah. - I'm gonna give it a-- - I love the taste of it, but what are you giving it? I'm gonna give it a four. Ah, man. I know what this is and I don't want to hate on it, but I'm also gonna give it a four. I'm ready to guess. Woman: Okay, here we go. - Three, two, one... - Both: Chick-fil-A. - No doubt. - Yeah, that's a Chick-fil-A biscuit. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. Okay. Is it in here? My favorite part is the search for the biscuit. Is it? I should follow more meals with my nose. I should eat more meals blindfolded, 'cause I think I would appreciate it more. - You know? - I do know. And I also know that is a mushy biscuit. That biscuit would be good to sit on. That's a weird taste. This biscuit is flavorless. This biscuit is mushy. This biscuit is-- there's not even butter in it. There's no butter baked into this biscuit. I think I might choke trying to eat it. - This is a horrible biscuit. - I think I might die just trying to eat the biscuit. - This is a heinous biscuit! - This biscuit is going to kill me, not in the long-term from multiple eatings, but from one sitting. I'm going to die from this biscuit. I mean, I'm not gonna spit it out, but I'm gonna give it a one. Well, well-- - A one! - I mean, I'd finish it. I mean, I'd eat the whole thing, if it was, if I was-- I gotta drink, man. I'm gonna give it a three. - All right. - It's not horrible. It's still a biscuit. Don't be-- And I know exactly where it's from. - I'm not apologizing for it. - Hold on. You know exactly where it's from? Exactly where it's from. How-- man, you might be a biscuit genius, or you might just be self-deluded. Woman: Okay, let's see. Three, two, one... - McDonald's. - KFC. - Bam! - You sure about that? Yeah, man! I'm a genius when it comes to the biscuits. ( moaning ) Mmm. I'm getting something from the smell. ( sniffing ) Mmm. ( grunts ) Rubbery. But I'm not gonna hold that against it. - Huh. - Isn't that a rubbery biscuit? Well, again this could be miles of shipping. Miles of shipping. It tastes like it's got something else. In it. Like they put-- like an ingredient that isn't in any other biscuit. It's in this biscuit. It's almost like the fried chicken they're frying, and putting Cajun seasoning on is in the air, and then it settles on the biscuit. And then it was boxed and shipped across America. That's-- or maybe that's just me. Bring it back in. You think this is Bojangles'? And if it is... man! I'm in like three territory, dude. I'm thinking this tastes like a three. And it-- but if it's been shipped across America, maybe it was a 10 on the other side. I think you should double-- if you think it's Bojangles', just for, you know... - Solidarity. - ...saving face, we should double whatever our estimate is. Because you have-- the points have to come off as you-- you cross the Mississippi, you lose some points. - I don't think-- - You cross the Continental Divide, - you lose some more points. - Yeah, yeah. I don't think I've ever eaten a biscuit from McDonald's. You come in to California, you lose a lot of points. - Biscuit wise. - But be honest. I mean, if you're just ranking that on taste right now, what number are you giving it? - Three. - Yeah, I'm giving it a three. So, I think it's Bojangles'. So, I'm giving it a six. I think it's-- I don't think it's Bojangles'. And I'm gonna keep my three. Woman: Okay, what do you think it is? Three, two, one... - Hardee's. - Bojangles'. I just want to say, I'm not feeling good - about what just happened. - No. Yeah. I don't feel good about anything, 'cause-- That could've been Popeyes. - I feel like we're giving-- - I poop on Popeyes now. We're giving lots of low scores, but-- - The standard is so high for a good biscuit. - All biscuits are good. That's the thing I want to establish. It's not that I don't like-- - I would eat all of these. - Yeah. - Just, you know. - Even that one. I'd sit alone in a closet with a dozen of these. Any one of them so far and just eat 'em, and if people knocked on the closet, I would say, "Go away! I'm eating my biscuits!" - Yeah, I would-- - With any of these. I would murder a man who makes, uh, that stuff that a McMuffin's made out of. What is that called? - An English muffin? - An English muffin. I'd murder an English muffin maker to eat the biscuit that I ranked as a number one. - Well, that's like a person in England. - I mean-- - Well, that's-- - Why would you kill somebody in England - over a tasty-- - Well, I didn't mean it. - I take it back, but it was just-- - Okay. - Bring it in. - I'm just making a point. Oh. ( mumbling ): It tastes crunchy. This has a good head on it. - It's gotta-- - It's not beer. I just placed my nose on top of it, and I think that's the biscuit head. Oh, wow, it's big! Big and fluffy. - ( moans ) - I love the fluffy, fluffy. It's not as buttery as the first one we tasted. - I don't know, man-- - But it's just as fluffy - and it's just as crunchy on the outside. - That's buttery. That's fluffy, that's big! It's big and fluffy! What you got against big and fluffy? Nothing, but there's no buttery. Big and fluffy and buttery, I give a six. I can't give this-- I gotta give this a five. - I'm giving this a seven. - I think a six is my new 10, by the way. - Okay. - Woman: You ready to guess? - Yeah. - Woman: Three, two, one... - Hardee's. - McDonald's. - Boy, you think that's McDonald's? - I don't know. - They make a biscuit that big at McDonald's? - I'm not a genius! I started out so confident, - now I'm flaking out, man. - Yeah. - Bring it in. Yes. - Is that a pun? Oh! - ( Rhett groans ) - Okay. This one smells like it's been in a box with chicken. Oh, no, it's in chicken fingers. I keep forgetting. Mmm. Ah. It's a smaller biscuit. It's a crunchy biscuit on the outside. Not getting a lot of butter. I know what this one is. This is an underwhelming biscuit. It's an average biscuit. It's not bad. This is a four for me. This is a solid five for me. Very middle of the road biscuit. - I'm ready to guess. - It's not offensive to me, but I'm not gonna get excited about it. - Only got one left. - Woman: All right, let's guess. Three, two, one... Both: Popeyes! - All right, um, - I think that's Popeyes. so, what did we determine, first of all was the best biscuit? Woman: Well, we have a little bit of a tie going on, and I don't want to leave it at a tie. I feel like we need to determine the number one biscuit. So, um, you've ranked two of the biscuits - with a score of 12. - Yeah. And, so, now we're gonna bring in those two biscuits starting with one and then the other, and you're gonna have to determine which one is better. And we got to agree, because we gotta come to a conclusion as a show here. Okay, let's taste the first one. The first finalist. - ( moans ) - Oh. Mmm, there it is again. - Buttery. - It has a homemade taste to it. This is a different-- this is not the same biscuit I bit earlier, because this is not crunchy on the outside. It's just a little underdone. But ain't that the way you like your biscuits? That's the way-- I order them that way. I want a light biscuit. That's what I say to 'em. - Um-- - It's also-- it feels like maybe I've become a little bit immune to butteriness. I think that's what has happened. This was not nearly as good as the first time I tasted it, - even though I like a soft biscuit. - Okay. Let's bring in the other one. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, is it here? Oh, this is a better biscuit. I got, I mean-- - Consistency wise-- - I got a burnt version of that one. Which I don't like. But it's still very soft on the inside. Consistency wise it's a little bit different, but I feel like the flavor profile is hitting in the right places. There's more surprises. More surprises, that's what I was thinking. I agree. Um, so we agree that that is the best biscuit ever made in breakfast fast-food. And I'm really nervous, so I'm taking off my mask. Woman: Yeah, take off your blindfold. I'm gonna hold the winner reveal, 'cause I'm gonna tell you guys how many you each got right in the guessing category. So, Link, you got two correct. Biscuit genius my... I flaked out, man. Rhett, you got four correct. Yeah, man, maybe I'm the biscuit genius. Here's the best reveal of them all, you guys ranked Bojangles' as the number one biscuit. - Yeah! - Oh, we did? Yeah, we both, both did. - We did it! - All right! - We did it! - Yeah, we did it! That's right, 'cause it is the best, Washington no. I did not know that was happening, but I'm so relieved that it did. - Oh, man. - All right, congratulations! I'm biscuit genius and Bojangles' is the best. - I mean, the world is right. - I am so relieved. Make sure to stick around for "Good Mythical More." We're gonna take a look at the rest of the biscuit rankings. But before that, stay tuned for a brand-new music video from "Buddy System," season two, where we lock ourselves and a stranger's child in a minivan. <i> We've signed a limited edition of our Ear Biscuits Mason jar.</i> <i> Get one now at mythical .store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,498,831
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett blind biscuit taste test, link blind biscuit taste test, gmm blind biscuit taste test, good mythical morning blind biscuit taste test, rhett link biscuit taste test, rhett link taste test, gmm taste test, blind biscuit taste test, biscuit taste test, blind taste test, taste test, gmm playlist
Id: sR27JjTcBz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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