This dog has 2 brain cells๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

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today I am grooming my shaky little chicken wing named Melvin he is a six-year-old Pomeranian and he hates being groomed despite my best efforts Melvin is a big fan of trying to unalive himself during the process mayor Mr Melvin get over here Mr Melvin okay Melvin let's try to not back out of the bathtub but first I know you're not happy you're not a happy camper breathe Melvin breathe you little baboon oh oh you hate being groomed so first I'm just going to bathe Melvin in nasty Critter deep cleaning shampoo and then I am going to use a medicated shampoo in the attempts to try and fix his skin although he's been a baboon for a really long time and he probably will stay that way right Melvin hates being groomed and he constantly tries to expire himself the entire time he has a total of two brain cells and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't oh Melvin stop running for your life foreign breathe breathe come here so I adopted Melvin I think he was two when I adopted him that was a good four years ago almost five years ago now actually I think and he has alopecia so nobody wanted him oh poor malvin okay stop bench you're gonna be fine I can't put him in a grooming Loop when I bathe him because he will simply off himself no you can't jump out of the tub E I know I always make fun of Melvin for being dumb and people tell me it's all about the training and your dog's not stupid listen I love my dogs most the time when I call them dumb I'm really just kidding it's just my way of expressing my love however when it comes to Melvin I am unfortunately being serious we have been trying to teach Melvin how to sit for four years and he still does not understand the concept of sitting have other dogs all three of them know how to sit except for Melvin Melvin is just a very interesting character he does a lot of really strange things right yeah I've been trying to help his skin for years sometimes it gets better sometimes it gets worse but a few things that I do is well first of all he's on a raw diet he loves his food and when I put him on the raw diet his tear stains actually significantly um decreased he has a little bit of staining now but it was black and chunky when I first got him so it's gotten considerably better but also I give him biotin I also give him Omega oils and I give him melatonin the Melatonin I get in a liquid form all of this is available on Amazon and that really helps Their Skin So if you have a doll that has skin issues or alopecia a lot of people comment asking me what I do for him so those are the things that I do for him and I mean he could be completely bald I've seen Pomeranians that are totally bald except for their heads and he's not totally bald so it must be working to some degree but it is what it is you are a baboon little man right yeah okay okay now I'm going to give him the propex shampoo this is Veterinary prescribed it helps with bacteria and yeast so I don't actually think that he really has either of those things but just in case he does this shampoo won't hurt him I also use this shampoo for Ace because Ace recently had a bacterial and fungal infection okay okay buddy okay relaxed relax you little chicken wing Melvin weighs a whopping three pounds right and if you've seen my other videos of him Melvin likes to meow like a cat I've never caught it on film hopefully I will be able to catch it one day but it's true I don't know if it's because he was raised with cats for the first two years it is he makes the he makes the strangest noises that you will ever hear come out of a dog right little freak Melvin your little weirdos oh my gosh he's got some staining here he's obviously been licking and licking and licking his paws he might have an allergy of some sort who knows who knows with you the good news with Melvin is that other than his skin being a little weird he has no medical problems at all he can eat anything I give him he this dog has never had diarrhea like his digestive system is just fantastic [Music] all right are you for real buddy you are something else plus you're lucky you're okay Jesus now let me just say that this never would have happened with a client dog but obviously I gave Melvin a bit too much trust today than I should have because he's my own dog next time he will get bathed at the bottom of the bathtub to prevent him from jumping out I thought we made some progress malvin but I forgot that your two brain cells can't comprehend that Heights equals Danger okay you're a freak you're a total freak breathe Melvin breathe if you're thinking of getting a Pomeranian don't use Melvin as an example Melbourne is a very very odd little dog right Mr Melvin when I brought him home the first day I had him on the couch with me and we were cuddling and then my boyfriend came home this was four years ago and he came to say hello to Melvin on the couch and Melvin fell off the couch and he hit his head and he was not happy he was screaming he was freaking out so I went to go cuddle him and for whatever reason he blamed my boyfriend for him falling off the couch and he would not come to him or have anything to do with him for an entire year because he believed that he was the cause of him falling off the couch and hurting himself an entire year this dog holds grudges and guess what Melvin it was nobody else's fault but your own because you are very intelligent even though you're cute you have adorableness but brains not so much okay let's go for your favorite part to blow dry stay tuned while we blow dry him and give him a brush and he's a big weirdo for everything oh poor Melvin poor shaking leaf what am I doing to you how dare I make you clean as you can imagine if Melvin hates the bath Melvin also hates the blow dry Melvin could you look at me could you turn around look at me no oh poor shaky leaf you're okay Mr Melvin you don't have much hair so it's not going to take long a long time to dry you it's okay Mr Melvin's poor little Melvin all right I'm gonna take the little dog High Velocity dryer I cannot dry him with a small handheld dryer it would take way too long so let's do this Mr Melvin okay no no Offspring yourself no expiring yourself okay I'm gonna dry quick okay [Applause] thank you foreign foreign okay so I sprayed them with the stuff for dogs now I'm gonna brush them starting with my Slicker brush and then moving over to my metal comb oh poor little Melvin look at this little rat tail what is this thing I don't even know with you anymore I really don't good boy be there the worst is over he knows the worst is over he hates the bath and the blow dry but he tolerates the rest of being groomed right right so you do have some brain cells just a few though right so Melvin also has a permanent lipstick for those of you who know what that is you know what I'm talking about the vet told me so he was used as a breeding dog so the vet told me that it has something to do with that I guess and it won't go back in in order for it to go back in they have to do surgery that will actually make it smaller a very invasive surgery and after she told me the details of what it would be like I decided not to do that to my dog because it doesn't seem to bother him it doesn't seem to be irritated or anything like that so unless it becomes a problem I'm not going to do anything about it because he would appreciate me making that smaller no I think you would be very upset about the whole situation so yeah he's not just happy to be here guys it's just a permanent thing you can't control it poor Mr Melvin working with small dogs if you could tell by how difficult he was trying to bathe him and draw him it's dangerous because one tiny little wrong movement and he can really hurt himself so it's it's hard to find someone with experience with these really tiny dogs because obviously not everybody has dogs this small but ideally if you're looking for a groomer that has experience with tiny dogs it's ideal obviously sorry Melvin obviously the only way to get experience is to work on them so I'm not saying to not go to somebody that hasn't worked on small dogs but you just need to be the person needs to be aware that it's not the same as working on your average dog oh my God okay stop it no stay no malvin okay you're being pathetic now no squeaking now then so that's what Melvin does if I clean out his ears if I pick him up the wrong way if oh actually that's what Melvin does if I one time he was barking non-stop so I took a crumpled up piece of Kleenex and I threw it at him and it landed ever so gently on the top of his head and he screamed bloody murder ran out of the room continuously screaming as if I just shot him it was the most dramatic performance I he out does any husky on the channel ever okay I'm going to clip his nails stay no no Melvin don't be bad thank you no hey no you're not normally like this for your nails anyway good boy no good boy I know you're missing a toe there no sorry not a toe a toenail I don't know what he did but it happened a few years ago and he broke his nail and that was it I never grew back stay okay one more foot now then Melvin man okay that's it for Mr Melvin normally I would trim his paw pads which I might do later but this was really just a bath and a brush today because he was nasty he likes treats so I'm gonna give him a little bit of treats even though he was a little bit of a brat right he's a Savage when it comes to food this dog okay okay okay these are beef liver treats and he's losing his mind he doesn't have any front teeth so it's hard for him to grab the treats State stay there so that's it for Mr Melvin today we're gonna go outside and play in the grass right Melvin are you a bad boy yeah you're a bad boy yes you are thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you again in a couple of days okay Melvin let's go outside go pee good boy it's safe to say that little Melvin is happy to be finished his quirkiness makes him who he is and I wouldn't change him for any dog in the world stay tuned for my next video to see my special little ace hole if you know you know
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 1,946,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HXa9BykNuSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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