Can We Find The Name Brand? (Game)

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- Do name brands deserve all the frozen breakfast praise? - Let's talk about that. (groovy music) Good Mythical Summer. Finding out that you could freeze breakfast foods and then just heat 'em up in five minutes or less has got to be one of the biggest discoveries in food history. Think about it. Imagine being the first person who thought about it. I have frozen a fresh waffle. I will now attempt to bring it back to eating temperature via this new fangled invention called the toaster. - And thanks to this guy, we now have all kinds of frozen breakfast foods that fill the grocery store freezer shelves. - You're welcome. But when it comes to buying those foods, do the name brands really deserve the spotlight? It's time for Knock-Off Knockout: Frozen Breakfast Edition. Each round, we're gonna have four frozen breakfast foods that have, of course, been cooked, they're not gonna be frozen anymore. - Nope. - One will be a name brand version of the food and the others will be store brand or generic discount versions of that same food. - We have to guess the name brand and whoever gets the most right wins a, show it to 'em, a shakin' bacon alarm clock. This thing is vintage. - And it doesn't work anymore unless you do it. - Pretty cool though. - Let's get to tasting - As you can see, whoops, we can't. - What fell, bro? - I hit something that I think it, oh, it was just the thing that goes behind the thing. - Oh, that could be troublesome later on. - Don't worry about it. - I've been told we've got Eggo waffles, well, we've got waffles in front of us, we're supposed to find the Eggo and we're gonna use our handsos. - Okay. Is there only one on here? - [Stevie] Over one more, Link. - Oh, thank you. There's only one though. - Yeah, 'cause Rhett already took the other one. - Oh, you already have it? - Yeah. - Hmm. - Now obviously, we're blindfolded because we would be able to see the difference is what we've been told. Oy. - No butter, no syrup, this is- - What is happening here? - This is quite a chore to eat these without accoutrement. - You don't like just picking up a dry waffle? - This one smells weird. - It does, doesn't it? - Ooh. - Like somebody left it in something. Like a bucket that was, like you went fishing, you used a bucket and then three years later, you used the bucket to store waffles. - That's exactly right, man. - How did that happen? - It tastes a lot better - It's a three year old fishing bucket. - Then it smells. - Mmhm. - This one smells great. - That's got a lot going for it. - [Stevie] I would say also there's like- - That's a good waffle. - [Stevie] Correct me if, I mean if you disagree, let me know, which I know you will, there's like a personal toast preference for this item. Don't you think? Like you have a toastiness in mind that you like? - Oh yeah, very lightly toasted. - [Stevie] You like a light toast? - Yeah. - I like when it, I like it to get crispy but not any crispier than it needs to be to be crispy. - [Stevie] I'm on the darker end of toast. And I'll say by looking at these, it looks like Link's preference of toast. - Yeah, I'm liking, I'm liking that. - It's a little doughy. - This last one is the sweetest of all four. Did you notice that? It's very- - Yeah, but it's also something else going on that I'm not a huge fan of. I don't know, man. - Listen, I'm assuming that Eggo is the best and therefore I'm voting for the one that I like the best. - And I'm doing the same thing, but there's two that could be it. There's two that definitely aren't it but- - [Stevie] Please be careful. - [Rhett] Going with instinct here. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. (Link grunting) - Ow, ow, ow. I think you've been waiting, so we agree. - [Stevie] Okay, you're both going with plate number three here? - Yes, it was the best tasting. - Any regrets? - It could be these. It could be these or those. - I actually thought it could have been those. - Not that, that's fish bucket. - Oh yeah, that's stinky. - [Stevie] The Eggo waffles are on plate number one. - Oh. - Yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] The waffles you chose are actually Good and Gather by Target. - They're good. - Not bad. - The best. - The other ones are Great Value by Walmart, the ones in the fish bucket. - Y'all need to separate the fish and the waffles. - Oh gosh. - [Stevie] And then lastly, 365 by Whole Foods. - Yeah, that looks real healthy. - Yep. - When it gets browner like that, it's easier to go downer. - So we just dethroned Eggo with our choices. - Well, you know, I would just say that these are really, really good and they're almost equal in goodness, I just thought this was more familiar, but they're, these are thicker waffle, you know? - It's better. - It's better, Good and Gather's better. (upbeat music) - Quick reminder about Good Mythical Evening: the Second Edition. The party's gonna be wild, but then the after party is gonna be even more wild and if you get a VIP ticket that includes the after party which is also live. Of course, Good Mythical Evening is a live, ticketed event exclusively on Moment House. With a VIP ticket, you get access to the livestream, chat room and an exclusive limited edition tee and the afterparty. - And so for an unforgettable night of uncensored mayhem - Yeah. - Get your tickets now to join us September 1st at Also, real quick while we're talking about announcements, I want to let you know that the second single from my music project, "James and the Same" drops today. This is a song about- - You said James and the Same. - James and the Shame. I haven't changed it, it's still the same name. This is called "Where We're Going". It's a song about my wife that she actually, I talked her into singing with me. So it's streaming everywhere you stream your music. - Listen up. Now obviously, we have hashbrowns in front of us and we are looking for the Ore Ida hashbrowns. I just, I don't seem to have a fork. Oh, now I have a fork, thank you, Chase. - He's really on top of things lately. - Yeah, he's very anticipatory. Okay, so this one, this one's got that classic brown outer edge. - Would you think you'd be able to recognize Ore Ida? Like is this something you had in your house growing up? I had it at like other people's houses. My mama was not a hashbrown lady. - We would have 'em but I'm really going off of which one tastes the best. - If they're all trying to emulate it then you've got to assume that, but I was wrong, we were wrong in the first round about that though. - First one was okay. - The first one was good to me 'cause it almost has like a butteriness going on. - This one'sbetter to me. - No, this one tastes less flavorful, more oily. - It's just a matter of opinion. We've got these over here. I mean they all look so close. - Maybe these are just salted more. - Can't anybody do taters? - Well where are people getting their taters from? - These are the blandest. Can we agree on that? - These are the worst so far. - Yeah. I mean you still add salt and you'll be good to go I think. - This is like a cake. - Yeah, this one's a lot thicker, it's a thick daddy. - Good flavor, though. - That's tough, man, hmm. - I still very much prefer those but I think- - I mean if you're talking about, obviously you might want these fried more hard but they're so potatoey, I got to vote for 'em. - [Stevie] Lightly please, three, two, one. - I could go over here. I knew you'd do it and I'm gonna go over here. These are the best tasting tater, tateriffic is what I'll call it. - I really enjoyed these. - [Stevie] The Ore Ida hashbrowns are plate number four. - Yes! - They're good but they're so thick. I just thought these are all more similar. - They're the most potatoey potatoes that I've eaten in this lineup. - But what is this? - [Stevie] That's actually Great Value from Walmart. - It's all right. - [Stevie] And then the one that you didn't like as much is from Kroger, which is really surprising. - No, this one? - [Stevie] Yeah, that one. - Link liked it. - I liked it. We both hated this one. - [Stevie] Yeah, that's 365 from Whole Foods. - I could taste the healthy. - Yep. (upbeat music) - Now we're rolling into some cinnamon rolls trying to find the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. - This is gonna be so easy 'cause Pillsbury is my jam and I don't settle for any imitations. - Hold on, so you get these at the house? - Oh yeah, like we'll do a treat of a Saturday morning in my home. - Oh so hmm, you have a distinct advantage. - Yeah, I already know just by looking at 'em which one it is. I'm just pointing my finger all over the place. - It's not that one. - But I want to know which generic actually tastes decent. - That's got too much cinnamon in it to it, cinnamoninittoit. - That's not bad. - I thought you would like unroll your cinnamon roll and eat the middle first. Is that what you typically would do? - No, I'll unroll it - Just be honest. - And save that for last. - Hmm, that's good. - This one's got a lot more of a doughy taste. - Which I would think you would prefer. I definitely prefer this one. They're both good though. - And then these- - These are different than all of the other ones. - These barely look rolled. I mean they're not, technically, they're not rolled. You might even be tempted to call it a bun. Good taste, the icing's good too. - There's a little bit of a, it's been in the store too long. - And then these look like number one and number two. - If you have number one and number two at the same time, you're gonna be careful. - [Stevie] I was sitting over here going, why are these are so small? And then I realized it's because you're so big. - Our hands are just big. - It's not Cinnabon. - [Stevie] You experience cinnamon rolls in a different way. - This is a good one too. - It's really good, yeah. - This one tastes just like that one. - Like that one? Did you say that one? - Mmhmm. - Yep, I agree with that. All right, hmm. - I think I know which one it is based on I think how the Pillsbury, how they're packaged. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Wham. - It's gotta be this one, right? - I was hoping I would get you. This is definitely it. - Because it comes in the- - [Stevie] Yeah okay, so here's the thing. I've made this, you're right and I've made this mistake myself a couple times. There's different versions of the Pillsbury cinnamon roll. I think we got the one that whenever I get it I go, ugh, God, I don't want this one. - It's the normal old one. It's not like the Grands. - It's the cheaper one. If you're at the grocery store and you want Pillsbury cinnamon roll, go with the one that's more expensive even though it goes against your gut 'cause that's the one that has the roll part. This doesn't have the roll. - This wasn't my favorite one. - But I really like these. - This or this was my favorite one. These two tied. This one's the worst. - Okay well the first one, again, surprisingly, the first one's from Kroger. The second one, and this is weird to me, is Happy Belly by Amazon. So I guess that's, yeah. - Happy Belly? - [Stevie] And then the last one is Great Value from Walmart. - Well hey Great Value is bringing it today. - Yeah, you're surprising us. - Except for that fish tasting whatever it was. (upbeat music) - What you know about french toast sticks? - I couldn't have said that it was a thing honestly. Have I been, this been flying under my radar? - Well I knew it was a thing but I couldn't have told you that Farm Rich is the brand that we should compare it to. - That's the best farm. - Farm Rich french toast sticks. - I don't even know what to expect. - This one's- - Little floppy. - That one's dark and floppy and ain't nothing wrong with a little dark and floppy. - That was my nickname in high school. - Very cinnamony. - Very not good. - [Stevie] How does one prepare these? In a pan or in a? - [Trevor] In the microwave. - In the what? - In the microwave. - Oh, that's what Trevor did. And you don't have to douse it in egg? That's already part of it. I was always freaked out about french toast 'cause I didn't like eggs but that was my gateway to starting to like eggs 'cause they were in french toast. - But they're totally cooked and it's not much, it's just an egg dip. What's that? What is that about? - That was my way of pushing my glasses without touching 'em. - Yeah, I'd prefer you touch 'em. (crew laughing) - This is a bland one. - I prefer the consistency of this. - It taste like corn bread. - But the flavor is - Suspicious. - I was gonna say suspect so I agree. - Yeah, I could look at the suspicious look you were giving. I mean they all pretty much behave the same way. - Boy, that's sweet but I like it. - So the ones on the end are the most cinnamony and also the sweetness. I don't think you could go wrong with any of these but I don't know if you could go right with any of these. - Ah. - [Stevie] So are you both voting on your favorite thinking that it's Farm Rich? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, that makes sense. Are you ready? Three, two, one. - Wham. You're going all the way over here but it was a real tossup between these two. - Two and four are really tough. - [Stevie] The Farm Rich french toast sticks are in plate number two. - Yeah. - Ooh. - [Stevie] Okay so the first are Great Value by Walmart. The ones that you really didn't like are Kroger. Kroger has a bad showing today. - It's just. - [Stevie] So then I was super interested in what you thought about the last ones because that's Breakfast Best by Aldi which I haven't had any of their things. - Aldi, they make you pay for a cart. - Yeah. - Then they put all that money towards french toast stick development. - Yeah, well they need to put more towards that. Yeah, you actually liked it, you liked it. (upbeat music) - And last but definitely not least we got sausage, egg and cheese croissants. You know we gonna be looking for the Jimmy Dean. - And listen, we're tied, this is the final round. I mean just to remind you what's at stake here, Link. - Shakin' bacon alarm clock. - One of us gets to walk away with this. - I think we'll both be walking away but, okay, so this croissant looks nice. - No, I'm gonna take you out at the kneecaps if you lose. - It's got a nice little, it's got a nice little croissant anus. - That's the technical term. - You pulling this puppy apart? - Yeah, I'm pulling a Link. - I'm just gonna taste it. - Oh, you're pulling a Rhett. - I got to assume that Jimmy Dean is gonna be the best tasting. But a number of 'em look decent. - Including that one. - Mmhmm. - I mean there's nothing wrong with that one. - You accept the microwave taste of it as kind of part of it. This one, the sausage looks more photogenic. - It all looks more photogenic. - And it's a tighter croissant anus on this one. - Wow, that's really tasty. - Much. much spongier. - That almost feels like something from like a fast food place, not like a frozen, you know what I'm getting at? - That's good. - Very soft, very cheesy. - I think it might be too soft. I want my, I want some resistance. - Now speaking of- - Speaking of not too soft- - Kind of brick like. No discernable anus at all. - And what's up with this, the nipple nature of the croissant? - That thing right there? That is what they call the camel toe of the croissant. - Yep, mmhmm. - I mean have you ever seen the camel's toe? - It looks just like that. That's what I was thinking about when you said that word. That's not good. - Not so good. I mean if it's the only thing I had and had nothing to compare it to- - And you were camping- - You might think it was good. - And you were lost. - That's the service we're providing to you. - And you hadn't eaten in like four days. - We are comparing them head to head. - And like you really needed nutrients, it would be passable. - Oh, little sausage coming out of the anus on this one. This one the bread is hardened, almost to the point of this one. - These are both bad, these are both good. - Yeah, so which one's the best of the? - I'm not choosing the one I think is the best. I'm choosing the one I think is Jimmy Dean. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. (Link grunting) - I'm choosing the one that's the best. - This is the best. - [Stevie] Jimmy Dean is on plate number three. - What, Jimmy? - What, no, no. - Say it ain't so, Jimmy. - The one you thought was the worst. - The anus-less? - With the camel toe? Since when has Jimmy Dean got a camel toe? - The sausage is good but everything else is... - Man. - So that first one is from Aldi. - Dang Aldi. - [Stevie] Uh huh. The second is Signature Select by Safeway. - Safeway is not playing it safe anymore. - No that's really on the edge. - [Stevie] And then the last one is Great Value by Walmart. - Not great. - Safeway and Aldi. You know what, I've always been afraid to go in an Aldi. - I'm intimidated by the stacking of the items. - The barrier to entry is paying for that cart. - All right Link, we tied so we both just pull. - We both sucked. - Just pull on one of the hands. We're wishboneing this thing. - All right. All right, I win. - That's not how it works. It's who breaks it off. - I win. - Okay, you win. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time is. - Hello, my name is Kyle Nelson, I am from South Tesselfield, Virginia, here is my mug collection of GMM with this one being my all-time favorite. And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I like intensity about a mug collection more than anything. - I like it. - Click the top link to watch us rank Takis in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] For an unforgettable night of uncensored fun, get your tickets now to join us September 1st at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,298,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 4fA_NVAURqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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