Is chat gpt the Ultimate Teacher's Assistant? chatgpt education

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imagine with me for a moment you have a  lesson plan a unit plan and you need to   tell the parents what we're doing this term so  you slap all of that copy into a machine and it   spits out the perfect explanatory letter it can  even translate it into multiple languages for   parents who do not have English as their first  language not only that but it's learning about   your kids and your curriculum as you go and it's  starting to get really really good at suggesting   differentiated lesson ideas tools assessments  my goodness wouldn't that save you time   hi I'm Selena Woodward and I'm an English and  Drama teacher University lecturer and with a big time reflective practitioner  so how can reflective practice help you grow your   teaching skills fall in love with your profession  all over again and help you nail accreditation and   teacher registration with less stress and less  work well this is the reflective teacher podcast   hi there and welcome to another episode of the  reflective teacher podcast as always I am your   gracious host Selena Woodward and I am super  excited today because I'm gonna get to nerd   out about technology I am sure unless you've  been under a rug that you have heard about   chat GPT it's an artificial intelligence chat  bot that uses a really big natural language   processing to help answer your questions it's been  hitting the headlines in all sorts of ways good   and bad and I have been spending a little bit  of time with my new bot friend getting to know   it and seeing how it might be used to help you  save time get creative and of course reflect on   what you're doing as a teacher now because I am  a super nerd and I love demonstrating software   I have made a series of three or four videos that  you are most welcome to watch so if as you listen   to this episode today you think that sounds cool  how do I do that I want you to head over to our   YouTube channel to find a small playlist  of videos I've made for you about chat GPT   when you get there though I need you to do me  a favor in return for this beautiful tutorial   three or four of them I would love you to like  And subscribe to our YouTube channel I know that   if you're watching this on our YouTube channel  you love teaching you want to be the best teacher   you can be and you do not want to miss out on any  special episodes so although if you're on my list   I send you a message every week I need you to hit  subscribe to these videos right now done that okay   go check out those tutorials over in our playlist  for chat GPT and comment below and let me know how   you use them okay if you're listening to this in  the car on our podcast platform to do that you're   gonna head to forward slash edufolios  edufolios or simply head to forward   slash podcast and follow the links from there like  gingerbread crumbs cloth fairy tale like now on to   the fun stuff chat GPT like is it really a new  thing well not really I mean it's been around   since October November in the in the headlines  and in the last couple of months it's had over 100   million people sign up for it and play with it it  is proving to be so popular that it's in the news   everywhere like I say but the fact that it is an  artificial intelligence that uses natural language   processing is really not all that new so if you're  used to asking Google or Siri or whoever does the   bidding in your house for you questions so they  can answer them then you're used to using natural   language processing if you've been using presenter  coach in PowerPoint to score how you or your kids   are delivering presentations if you've been using  the literature tool in word or the spell check or   any of those tools that give you suggestions about  your writing in Microsoft Word you've been using   a natural language processing AI if you've been  using chat bots on websites any website including   edufolios you've been interacting with a natural  language processing ai ai is everywhere and if   you haven't listened to it already I want you  to head over to episode 71 of this podcast was   way back this is how much we've been talking  about this forward slash zero   seven one to learn more about using AI in assess  and all of these tools that I've just mentioned   talk about them all there if you're like really  what are those episode 71 forward   slash zero seven one for more information so if  you're used to AI it's not all that new what is   new is the interface over the front of it an open have created a tool that is currently free   yes there is a pro version but yes you can have  it for free that will allow you to interact with a   super computer I like to imagine it like a little  bit like the big computer on the hill who knows   the meaning of life is 41. you know the one I mean  I like to think of it like deep thought for you   yes but you're not gonna like it it's deep  thought and they know lots of things and the   open AI allows you to ask questions and somebody  responds now I talked to chat GPT as if it is a   person uh possibly because I'm a tiny bit scared  that if I'm not kind to the robots and there is   a Terminator style Revolution bad things will  happen to me but we wanted to go into that but   the great thing is it is natural language  so you can talk like you're talking to a   colleague or a person and there are some really  cool tips that allow you to use chat GPT in a   very powerful way and enable you to use it to  reflect on what you're doing in your practice   I want to talk about lesson planning now there  are loads of videos on YouTube where people   demonstrate how they type hey write me a lesson  plan on onomatopoeia for year four and it goes   in fact if you watch the tutorial videos over on  our YouTube channel you'll see me do something   like that but the key to a great response from  chat GPT is a great question if you ask it to plan   a lesson on something so broad as that without any  information it's just going to create a series of   activities now that's a great place to start but  as teachers we know that teaching is a little more   complicated than a random series of activities on  the subject of content and we know that that's a   great start but what about who the kids are how  they learn differentiation resourcing the time   of our lesson the way in which we want to plan  it the pedagogies we like to use is it possible   to train chat GPT to understand us as a teacher  and produce things that get closer and closer to   our own style well I've been playing with it and I  actually believe it is possible my little chat GPT   is getting clever and cleverer and if you watch  the video over on our YouTube channel I'll share   some tips with you and show you how it's done for  example did you know that you can create multiple   chat threads in chat GPT and that each thread is  like a little box of information so the more you   talk to chat GPT on the subject of your year 9  Macbeth unit and that's one of the videos the   more it will remember and the more it will apply  so in the video I show you what happens when I ask   it to write a lesson for year 9 about MacBeth on  act 1 scene 7 and the role of women in Macbeth it   starts off creating a lesson that's too long too  generic the beginning of the lesson is learn about   MacBeth read Macbeth in 10 minutes we're meant to  familiarize ourselves with the social historical   context familiarize ourselves with the plot and  we've got 10 minutes it's no good and it's quite   funny so then I have to teach it some things all  right so I tell it that I want a 50 minute lesson   and then I train it I give it the information it  needs to follow the accelerated learning cycle in   fact I copied and pasted a reflection I wrote in  my edufolio about that planning framework and said   learn this and it went okay and it regurgitates  it back to me so it shows me that it understands   it then I asked it to write me a lesson using that  framework and it's starting to use the way I want   to work so now we've got content then I ask it  can you tell me how this matches back to the   Australian curriculum for year 9 literature and  it started making those connections it's learning   it's like oh okay this has got to connect with  these themes in the curriculum right okay then I   asked it to rewrite the lesson and it starts doing  the lesson objectives using the language from the   curriculum it starts stating which curriculum  descriptors it's doing it automatically because   it now knows what I want then I asked it to come  up with four activities in the connect phase of   my lesson one for someone with a reading  age of 10 one for someone who is working   a year above the current level Etc so I start  feeding it information it's very standard one   know your students and how they learn and it  started to suggest lesson activities for me I   then asked it to create those lesson activities it  said to provide my student who had a reading age   of 10 with a simpler version of the scene so in  the video you'll see me say Okay chat GTP create   me a version of this scene for someone with a  reading age of 10 and it rewrites Shakespeare   and we look at how it does that in a paragraph  because I didn't ask it to write a script and   so forth so even though it's suggesting things I  can get it to do that I even asked it to create   a close exercise for me and it just made it for  me great if you are off ill and you need a bit   of cover work so go watch that video as you watch  me play and train chat GPT to understand my style   my pedagogy my students all about the questions  that you ask I also make a video which was doing   some of the paperwork I love like writing letters  home to parents about a trip that's coming up so   I actually got it to write a letter about a  fictional theater trip that was coming up I   got it to translate it into a different language  for a parent who didn't speak English and so on   I got it to rewrite it in a warmer tone I got it  I played with the language and I was training it   in a separate chat to understand how I wanted  it to sound and how I wanted it to present the   information to parents in another chat I gave it  an entire set of lesson plans and I asked it to   create a summary for parents about what their  students would be learning in this term it did   a great job I got it to write it again because  it was English and it started saying things like   we'll be studying onomatopoeia for a fact and I  don't know about you but as a mom I find it really   hard when a teacher sends something home that's so  subject specific that it goes right over my head   so then we experimented with asking it to rewrite  that for a 10 year old and it turned out that was   a little bit too low so we made it a 15 year old  and it changed the language so that every parent   would understand it went a bit higher instead of  into the detail go and watch those videos on our   YouTube channel okay forward slash  at edufolios go find our chat gpts because these   videos will give you lots of ideas about how you  can play with this AI to save yourself admin time   and to give yourself some inspiration what I love  about chat GPT is the Curiosity and you know that   Curiosity and having a puzzle you want to solve is  the key to great reflection so when I was writing   my plan I was thinking okay there's the content  where are the students okay there's the students   and the content where's the assessment and it  was making me process and reflect on my lesson   that got me thinking about assessment so I made  another video I know right in which I showed you   how to use chat GPT to create success criteria  teach at the success criteria it will then   generate an example that would give you five  out of five and then import a student's piece   of work and say score this out of one to five  for each criteria now I would use that with my   students if in class we have been looking at and  I use descriptive writing if we've been looking   at descriptive writing and we've all agreed  that the paragraph we're going to create must   have five sentences it must contain a a simile  or a metaphor must use an adverb I don't know   something like that and then I ask them to produce  that I can get chat GPT to look at their paragraph   and score them from zero to five and tell them  what's missing it can even rewrite it for them   now at this point you might be thinking oh ethics  cell you're going to teach them to cheat but if   I'm using this with them in Reverse thinking about  it as what is the process here let's compare these   two texts how are they different and allowing  them to approach it in a different way not just   create it and Market but create it assess it look  at a better model now rewrite yours you can see   how There's an opportunity there it's a different  pedagogy perhaps but it's not wrong because you   know that this one is not their words okay so we  know that our students particularly in high school   are going to be playing with this so the more you  play with it the more you will understand it and   you'll be able to spot equally you want to be able  to understand how to train it so it sounds like   you as well so you can get away with not having  to write too much copy the next school newsletter   it's gonna be so easy and then you could do a  fun thing about chat GPT afterwards so I want   to encourage you to head to our YouTube channel  if you're listening to this in the car if this   sounds interesting to you it's really hard doing  an audio podcast um and not being able to show   you these things but there are four things here  that you can take away from this podcast right now   chat GPT is an AI an artificial intelligence that  uses natural language processing just like Google   and Siri or whichever robot servant you have in  your house right now it's gathering information   and pulling them together for you so instead of  having to search the internet for unit plans it's   going to grab the information you give it and  create one for you it's going to do a really   bad job to start with because it doesn't know  you it doesn't know your kids it doesn't know   your style so you're going to talk to it and train  it but you're going to know that if you leave the   chat open for year 9 Macbeth the more you train it  next time you want to plan a lesson for year nine   Macbeth it's going to remember everything you told  it the kid who's reading age is 10 the kid who's a   one year ahead of where they should be it's gonna  know that and it's always going to plan for that   when it writes a lesson plan so it's going to  help you to think a little more detailed about   differentiation in about content about assessment  because it's got that information in it and you   can bring It Forward if you're looking at your  lesson plan at Uni and you're like I really want   to apply this particular framework you can  even ask it to rewrite your plan for you now   you're never gonna just pick up the lesson plan  and deliver it I wouldn't advise that but it is   going to give you a spark of inspiration to help  you plan something amazing by asking the questions   that you are choosing to ask chat GPT you're  slowing down the process of creating that lesson   and giving yourself the opportunity to check  have I considered my students differentiation   assessment Etc and alongside those Australian  Professional Standards for teaching you are going   to be able to create a really rigorous lesson  and you're going to be able to see how that goes   so there's that there's also the fact that it can  assess it can compare data points so you can give   it criteria and ask it to check so you can give  it your assignments rubric give it your assignment   and say what give me a score for this bit and  this bit and it will say Hey you haven't done   this bit it'll do that for you how could you use  that head to forward slash podcast   right now find this episode go watch all of the  little how-to videos that I've created for you   and come back to me and let me know how you go  head to to check out chatgpt don't   be afraid to experiment and let us know what  you get chat GPT doing and how you use it in   your classroom I can't wait to hear about all your  little nerdout stories share them in your edufolio   and send us the link in the comments below this  video or below the podcast show notes which you   can find at for podcast now as I  say I really want to encourage you to subscribe   to us over on YouTube I also really need you and I  mean need you I need you are you listening lean in   I need you I need you genuinely to write me some  more reviews about this podcast we have at least   400 people download this podcast a week just per  episode so we've got a lot of people listening   and I need more reviews because if I want to reach  more people I need Apple to put me at the top of   the education playlists you can help me do that so  if you are listening to this and you are thinking   fair enough Sal I've learned some things from you  the last couple of months I reckon I could write   a review I want you to head over to your Apple  podcast and I want you to leave a review now the   link for doing that is on all of our show notes so  please head to forward slash podcast   you will find a link to leave us a review please  do leave us a review because it helps us as I say   to get higher up in the charts get more listeners  and spread the word so a couple of homeworks for   you today my peoples chat GPT go play with it  don't be scared it's lovely it will be nice to you   um I want you to go play with that go to forward slash edufolios subscribe   to our Channel and check out these free videos  that I've made for you and if you're listening to   this on Apple Google Spotify whatever you listen  to podcasts make sure one you're subscribed there   and two you leave me a review that's a lot  to ask isn't it hey I don't know pick one and   see how you go next week we're going to dive  into neurodiversity week we're getting closer   and closer to that celebration of all things  neurodivergent so strap yourself in we're going   to start looking at all sorts of standards and how  we can start addressing our lens of neurodiversity   until then that's it for this episode of  the reflective teacher podcast take care
Channel: SWoodward
Views: 2,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt use cases, openai chatbot gpt test, how to use chatgpt effectively, openai chatbot gpt 3, how to use chatgpt, standard 5, edufolios, chatgpt education, chatgpt education impact, chatgpt higher education, chat gpt change education, chat gtp teaching, chatgpt teaching, chatgtp for teaching and learning, chatgpt, chat gpt education, chat gpt teaching, chatgpt how to use, chat gpt app
Id: _BBsrSoznLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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