ChatGPT Advanced tutorial for teachers #chatgpt #ai

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if you're looking for some Advanced ideas around using chat GPT for teaching languages then this is the video for you what I'm trying to do in this video is not do the typical kind of create a text and then create some comprehension questions and then create a gap fill for me and then do a true and force for me I've done another video on those types of subjects and if you want to watch that video then please click on the link on the screen now it's pretty useful video and it really gives you a good idea what chat GPT can do what we try to do in this video is to think about more creative ideas one of the things that we've discovered is that chat GPT doesn't always do a very good job of actually creating grammar lessons grammar explanations and even grammar exercises and indeed it will make occasionally mistakes where it's really powerful is when you get it to produce stories and dialogues and text now one of the things that chat GPT will do which is very interesting is it will in fact produce two texts and you can even tell it well I want text one and text 2 to be slightly different in various ways or I want text 2 to be slightly more difficult than text one or to have slightly different information and this opens up a whole raft of opportunities around getting student a to read one text student B to read the other text and then connect together till their text about what they've read share ideas and find the differences to similarities or discover information for example a you know you could have an eyewitness situation of an accident student a and student B what did they see Etc this really does open up a lot of opportunities for creativity it also is incredibly quick because chat GPT will do all the work if you give it the correct instructions you can also do some really interesting things around scaffolding the level of exercises which in my experience has been very interesting now you can see actually chat GPT in the background producing a text for me at the moment about Benjamin Franklin and you can see how effective it is at doing this also if you want to actually sign up and practice working with chat GPT at the end of this video you will see the last part in this video I do show you how to actually create an account yourself to go on to open AI to create an account so I really hope you like this video I'd love you to like it if you do like it I'd love you to share it with other teachers I'd really like to see your comments and if you've got any other ideas please share them with us we are trialling lots of ideas with students and of course join me on my YouTube channel let's get started you can use the menu system to jump to any part of the video so here are the two stories now I didn't give a lot of instructions and I think if I was to do this again I'd give it much more instructions about what I wanted it to write I just said can you write two short stories about the life of a boy born in London but have five differences in the two stories I want my students to read the two stories and then to find the differences in the two stories can you list the differences in the in the two stories I need a story to be about 500 Words long now actually the work the story I don't think it was 500 Words long it seemed to be a bit shorter I didn't give it enough parameters I should have given it more details about the boy in London what I wanted the the story to be about that would have been much better and of course it would have also helped to have practiced certain vocabulary but the interestingly I gave this story to one student this story to the other okay so I just literally shared a different story to each one and then the actually told me the five differences in the story so that way my students told the story after reading it of course so in terms of language learning Lots going on they read the story they then you know kind of took some notes so that they were ready to tell the story they then both had to tell their stories and then they both had to discuss the five differences so lots of language was generated and for me of course it was really easy to do this now one thing as I said if I did this again what I would do is add some more parameters so let's do an example around this idea so what I've done in this example then here it says I've said can you write two stories about two environmentally conscious people who do different things to help the planet and to avoid polluting I want the two stories to be very similar but I want there to be five differences in the two stories so that my students can compare the differences and discuss them let's see how well it does this in fact what are Willis can you write the stories at level B2 in English Okay so let's see how the technology gets on with this it seems to be very happy with my question and it seems to be off writing the story it was a good idea to mention the level and it's even telling me what the five differences are this is something I really suggest that you try with your students if you get to access chat GPT and I will give you a video at the end that will help you to do that okay okay so we've got here lots well they've got the differences laid out to me and we've got the two pieces of text incidentally if you ever want to copy anything I always copy from the bottom it's very easy and you just sort of kind of go up to wherever you want to copy from okay and then just paste that into a Word document so what I was thinking and I think this is going to work really well I haven't tried this is that we could have two eyewitness reports of an imaginary car crash that happened in London witness a and witness P be report almost the same thing but there are three major differences in their stories can you tell me what the major differences are so again this is a very short story I could obviously ask it to write a more detailed story but I could give this to scr store to the student a and this to student B they could learn their stories so they could read and take some notes then they could come together share their stories and then try to identify what the three differences are again this is a really quick way of getting my students to speak and obviously read at the same time so they read their Ryan witness reports they come together they share their ideas and of course you could easily do this with a group of students so you could have group a group B group a could read their report and perhaps practice amongst themselves Group B could do the same and then join the students together the powerful thing is just how quickly the content can be produced just a super quick break from the video I hope you're enjoying what you're seeing and if you are please come over to loads of free videos on the website there's a menu system here at the top but also loads of content on the opening page and at the bottom of the page there's also my blog if you really want to follow my work the best thing to do is to sign up to the newsletter you'll get updated with all the latest blog posts the latest videos the latest online courses and the free webinars that I often run and I will be running a couple in about using chat GPT over the next few months and also at the moment if you sign up there is a free 14-part video course in how to use technology in your teaching and learning it's completely free there are no tricks I just send you one video every four or five days okay let's get back to the video some of the work I've been doing in Polish has been really interesting because I've been the student and actually get my teacher to work with this material with me one of the things that I really liked doing that I felt really helped me as a learner and I think would certainly work the same in another language is that we got chat GPT to produce two similar stories so not actually any different basically the same parameters but simply just produce two stories now the reason for that is that we work through the first one reading it checking the grammar analyzing it and then it was so interesting to see how much easier it was for me to read the story a second time now it also wasn't boring because it was a completely different or different language but about the same story and so I kind of like this idea and what we also did is that the second story is slightly more difficult than the first one so this was an idea that I'm definitely going to carry on working with this idea that if we perhaps read a story and get to understand it and understand the base language in it it's then quite easy to then move up to a slightly different level now my level in Polish is somewhere between A2 and B1 so an A2 story is going to be okay for me a B1 story is going to be quite challenging but if I read the A2 story first and then jump up to the B1 story then I'm going to find the B1 story a lot easier to read because I've already worked through the A2 story and this certainly seems to be happening and this has got me really thinking about how we can use chat GPT to produce varying text varying levels and basically scaffold our students to a higher level so as I've said before the key thing is instructions that you give to the system so what I've done is I asked it to write a story and then to write the same story obviously the language will be completely different because it never repeats the story exactly the same it will reinvent another story but the same kind of story about this young man who wants to be a footballer and in the end he doesn't become a professional footballer but he tries very hard and then we've got again this the story again and the story the second time is slightly more difficult in terms of the linguistic level so just by reading the first story and then um obviously getting familiar with the language and familiar with the story was then much easier to read or to yes to read the story a second time and so what I liked is that I wasn't repeating the same story I was reading the same story as in um the ending was exactly the same and basically what happened to the boy was the same but the whole way that the story is described is completely different and that obviously meant learning more vocabulary Etc so what you could do is say you know write me a story blah blah blah at level A2 of 500 Words and then possibly write the same story at level B1 you might just say 600 words so also slightly longer and use the first story to get the students kind of familiar with the story and the vocabulary and then once they've done that and get them to move on and read the story a second time obviously slightly more challenging so this is really interesting for me because I think it I get the feeling and we've done a few experiments now that it's really helping me to push on my level now incidentally another little trick that you can do is if you if you're working on your own you can always grab the text copy it and then perhaps jump into Google Translate in fact I think if I jump over to Google Translate you'll see that I've already done this today uh okay and then just paste the story in and then of course the other thing that you can do is then actually listen to that story being read out okay one of the curious things that we've discovered is that you can obviously get chat GPT to produce a dialogue for you around any topic and the more information you provide the better it will do that but you can also get it to organize the content say for example in an interview so that the questions are on one side and the answers on the other meaning it's very easy then to print that out chop it up cut it up and then share it out with the students who would then need to order the questions and the answers but in fact it will even do a matching activity for you and produce the questions and the answers and then get the students to match them together so I'm going to show you a few things that I've done with dialogues and then I'm even going to show you how I realize it could then throw some of those activities into Word War which is a really nice technology to use if you want to do activities online and the compatibility between the two things so we're going to look at some of the things that I did with dialogues now this certainly is only the beginning I think there's going to be a lot more that I'm going to be practicing sin and producing in the future now this first idea is perhaps not the most creative one that I came up with but I kept trying to do different things with the original idea and they all worked to my surprise and so I want you to see this because I think it's really going to open up your eyes I started by asking the system chat GPT simply to produce me a interview about Boris Johnson obviously I could have chose another person or simply chose him because I knew he was well known and it would be someone that I'd be able to check if the information was true or not so we get an interview with Boris Johnson which could be useful in the classroom straight away I could have turned that into a gap field activity or a comprehension activity or anything like that however look what I did afterwards I then thought to myself well actually what would be interesting would be to have that interview as a in a format where I've got the question on the left and the answer on the right hand side I thought well if I had that for example I could copy it up and then cut it up and then the students would have to match the question with the answer so for example if I was to you know copy this into a Word document and print it out cut it up and then the students could do that that would be one idea but in a minute I'm going to show you more that I did but then I thought well actually isn't it possible for example to copy these questions and I'm just going to take say the first five or six just to show you what I mean so let's say I just copy these questions here okay copy them and then couldn't I go over to Word War which is probably my favorite tool for kind of doing language formative language kind of exercises and create on create activity and then go to the match-up activity and can't I just paste in those words questions and the answers so I've got the question on the left and the answer on the right and then if I click on done and then this becomes a matching activity that students would have to do remember if you want to share a wordable activity with your students you just click on set assignment and then just click on start and then share that link and the students can do it but let me just show you the activity so if I was just to quickly play this activity now you'll notice I can go full screen that I've got these answers here on the left on sorry on the right hand side and I've got to drag in the correct question on to the right hand side so for example what do you like doing in your free time it must be that one now okay and then what is your favorite football team well that will be I imagine something about I think it's West Ham's favorite football team so drag there and then once you finish you would submit the answers okay I've got those two wrong obviously I didn't do the rest of them now actually quite a few of the activities I've been playing around with today included me coming back and trying out some ideas in Word War and so if you want to learn more about Word World War I will put a link on the screen now to a video that takes you through everything that word will can do and I will show you a couple more ideas later on in this video working with Whirlpool but if we come back again I just want to point out something else that I did afterwards I thought well that's great and that will work really well in Word War but then I thought well wouldn't it be really good if I could actually just ask it to put the questions and then put the answers but create it as a mix and match activity so that the students have to then so I could now print this out so again I would copy just in case you don't know how to copy always stop I know you know how to copy but in this particular case you need to copy from the bottom and go upwards it just seems a lot easier okay you could copy those questions and answers paste that into word print that out and then assume who have to read the first question and work out which one was the right answer now incidentally what made me laugh as well is that the answers were provided for me so I even know what question goes with what answer so the first one actually went number one went with with the first one but then afterwards number two went with d number three went with G Etc really good all around one kind of idea of doing an interview and I was thinking of loads of different ways that I could use that for a language lesson works on lots of ideas around kind of facts and I'm going to show you a few that I did the first one was a little bit boring but then I am going to suggest you ways of improving this and in fact we've even tested some of these ideas out already so again to emphasize these are just test ideas this wasn't particularly exciting because I just used facts about London I think what I would have done now is to say facts about a famous person or facts about a country on perhaps facts that other people wouldn't really know anyway so that they would have learned obviously a lot of new things because a lot of this information presumably my students knew obviously it still worked they communicated to each other the other idea that I would have is instead of doing this just in as a list I would actually do it in a text so let me just look at what instructions I gave them Stu to the to the computer was or to chat GPT was write two lists of facts about London each list should have five facts and each list should contain two facts that are the same okay so I think in this one the River Thames was one of them I can't remember what the other one was now but there were two facts that were similar oh yeah the populations of the of the of the country but I mean if we would say if I'd have chosen say five facts about London transport or five facts about the underground system in London I think they would have been a lot better but also I think it would be the better to do this as a text so let me give you an example of the sorts of thing I'm thinking now so as an example of what I mean and so keep in mind I haven't done this I did it as a list is I've given the instructions write two factual texts about the life of Benjamin Franklin each text should contain a total of six facts and two of the facts should be the same in both texts the text should be for level B2 students let's see how the system gets on so again what I'm hoping here and again it hasn't worked actually because it's not written it as a text it's written it as numbers so we need to be a bit clearer with the instructions here because we want it as one piece of text not a list so let me see if I can do that again and hopefully it might work but you get the idea how important it is to be so clear about the information that you pass to the system so I'm reinstructing it can you do the same but not as numbered lists can you write the facts in the form of a text in both cases should I better put a question mark and I keep forgetting all the time to put in the question mark obviously it doesn't need one but um I should really be putting them in so uh press enter and let's see if it produces it as a text rather than yes it is so this is I I think this would work better than the way I tried out the idea again what I like about this is that the students are going to learn something new from each other but they're also going to kind of you know there's still there will be some information that they both have and I think that's really really important when you're sharing content and discussing things and it'll be interesting to see one interesting activity to do at the end of this is to do a comprehension uh that you could then give to both students and say right answer the following questions so did they learn from each other so in fact we could ask it now to produce the comprehension questions to go with both texts last thing I want to point out this is kind of simple it was just something that I've been doing quite a lot it's just how useful chat GPT can be for grouping content that you then put into word wall word will allow you to create some nice grouping activities and sometimes I I find it hard to make the groups to think of the language for the groups or simply because it takes time this is a super time-saving device great for kind of vocabulary building particularly say before you read a text just grouping words into different kind of genres Etc so I thought I'd just throw this in just simply because we've done some work around it and it does seem really useful now I thought I'd show you this final idea just to show you a little point of something that um I've actually been doing this in Polish but I've just quickly made this example in English um chat GPT like many things I'm discovering formatting things making lists creating questions all sorts of things one things it will do is group things so I asked to here to create groups of words around the environment cooking politics and economics and it creates the groups really really quickly I asked for six words I could have asked them more but watch this I'm just going to copy I'll just do this for the first couple so I'm just going to copy those words and I'm going to jump over to word wall now in word will we have something called grouping and I was I mean as I said I've done this I haven't done this in English but I'm going to show you now how I could do it I could paste all those words in in just one go and then obviously I need to give the group a name so this group would be called environment I'll just do that again so you watch this in action okay so there it is look I've just created my first group I'll do another one so what I'm going to do is jump back to the words that we've created and I've got these words all around cooking I'm just going to grab these ones then same thing copy all the words around cooking there's only six of them but I'm just going to grab them all in fact it's always easier when you do this select select from the bottom up it's going to kind of come down here otherwise you end up that's it just do it like that bottom up copy the words come back and we'll do again so I'm going to paste this one here put that in and this I'm going to call this one cooking and we'll do one more okay um and so if we come back again and we scroll down a little bit more I did some words around politics copy and again come back to word wall so we're going to click click on add new group so we'll add a new group what I love is of course I don't have to write the word so I can just click and then I'm going to put here and this one's going to be politics now incidentally as well just might as well point it out but now word will actually allows for audio so if I click here I can actually generate the audio for the words as well and then just put that in so I could go through and do that if I wanted to you have you have to generate the word first I won't do any more you just see that you get the idea so I won't do any more but you would need to generate all the audio if we clicked on done and now we was to start that uh game and you've got a lovely uh I a game even some with the audio in it now and then you would actually drop those words into the correct uh area now I haven't actually done this in English I've been doing it in Polish good practice for me to extend my vocabulary but I just thought I'd just show you that idea and again how easy that is facilitated by the use of chat GPT so to sign up the first thing that you'll need to do is to come over to and then you'll need to click here okay on try and it's going to open up and the first thing you're going to need to do is to actually create an open AI account now you may notice that when you go to do this you may notice that sometimes it says that it's at full capacity there are so many people using open AI or signing up to use chat GPT that sometimes you can't even get to this page but when you get here you want to click on sign up now the first thing you're going to need to do is to create an account now I'm going to create an account using my Google so I'm going to click on continue with Google and then I select my Google account I want to use and then from there I can log in to my account now you need to provide a little bit of information so just add in the information you then need to put in a telephone number so that it can verify now a little while ago the system actually required an email address and it was then going to contact you via email but these days it's asking for a telephone number and then you need to send the code the code will be sent to you and then you need to add the code in so put in your telephone number and then click on send code a code will be sent to your telephone number and you will need to enter that code mine's just come up on my telephone once you've entered this code you'll come onto this page just click on a few things that you need to read about keep in mind that there's massive demand at the moment for the system and you may find that you can't use it all the time I'm ready now and if I was to go to the bottom of the page there and start to write I could actually put in my first question so then writing your first question I've written can you write me a 2000 word essay on the life of Rosa Parks click on the button and hopefully it's going to start writing for me and of course then I could ask for comprehension questions Etc you might want to name your chat so I'm going to click here and I'm going to call this one Rosa Parks this is my first and that way I know that all the stuff that I'm going to do in this particular chat is going to be about Rosa Parks and off it goes and you can see that it's right and away and now it's just a question of you asking it to do more activities now one thing is um remember that at the moment we are oh the system is having a lot of problems too much demand you may find some fine sometimes that it doesn't work or that you need to ask it can you finish or can you continue because it stops halfway through Etc okay really hope you found that video useful please come over to loads more free videos you've got a whole menu system there at the top of different content but of course you can scroll down and see some of the latest and most popular videos you can also access my blog at the bottom of the page at the top there's also information about all my courses and if you sign up to the newsletter as I said as well as getting updated on all the blog posts the online courses the latest videos and the free webinars that we often run there's also a 14 part video course in using technology in teach learning and I send you a video every four or five days there's no tricks you don't suddenly need to start paying for that it really is free and if you want to contact me about doing any training for you please you can contact me from the website and finally I will leave some more videos on the on the screen now about other technologies that you might find interesting connected to teaching and learning
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 8,936
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Keywords: chat gpt, how to use chatgpt, artificial intelligence, how to use chat gpt, chatgpt explained, what is chatgpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt guide, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt explained, what is chat gpt, how to, chat gpt examples, learn english with chatgpt, chat gpt how to use, how to use chatgpt to write an essay, chat gpt app, chatbot for language learning, chatgpt language learning, using chatbot for language learning, chatGPT advanced tutorial
Id: Xy3JQEXxK0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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