Powerpoint Presentations in MINUTES using ChatGPT + Word + Designer!

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everyone loves a good PowerPoint presentation unfortunately though most PowerPoint presentations are not good and the reason they're not good is it because it takes so much time and effort to create a good PowerPoint presentation so if you're anything like me you probably avoid making them because of the time investment in this video we're going to get you making PowerPoint presentations again because we can use artificial intelligences like chat GPT alongside some pretty powerful functionality that's built into PowerPoint that you've probably never used in order to create beautiful and easy PowerPoint presentations so I'm going to start by telling chat gbt who I am and what I am going to do so I'm going to say I am a history teacher for high school and am wanting to create a PowerPoint presentation on Australia's involvement in World War one I'm going to say to chat gbt provide a list of slide titles I can use for a good summary PowerPoint presentation only provide the slide titles and I'm going to hit enter and see what jet chat GPT can do for us so it's going to give us a slide title such as introduction the outbreak of the war and Australia's response the anzac's formation and training Gallipoli the Western Front life on the front lines women's role in the war effort and so on and so forth so this is a really great start and I could just go ahead into PowerPoint and start making these slides click new slide right in the information but that's going to be quite uh effortsome I don't know if that fits them is a word but it's going to take a lot of effort and instead I'm going to be using chat GPT to flesh out these slides a little bit more so I'm going to say can you please repeat that but this time include let's go two to four your choice based on contacts dot points which give a brief explanation about each slide or something like that I'm sure you could phrase it a little bit better but check GPT is pretty good at doing this so it's giving us dot points for what we could put on our PowerPoint presentation and that's a good Bare Bones approach I think after it does this I'm going to get it to elaborate just a little bit more instead of having an overview I'm going to get it to put more information in so I'm going to say to chat GPT please repeat but include relevant information for the reader including things like uh figures uh elaborations uh uh yeah and that sort of thing Etc so let's see what it can do there so this is more what I'm talking about so Australia's involvement as an introduction for T 400 000 Australians served in World War One sixty thousand killed 156 000 wounded that sort of thing is exactly what I'm talking about now as this is going I'm going to make a quick disclaimer I'm not a history teacher I said that I was to chat GPT so it understood where I was coming from I'm a math teacher if you have been following this channel you know that um however as a history teacher if that's you you should be looking at this information the chat GPT is giving us and making sure that it's actually accurate so that you're not giving the wrong information to your students chat gbt of course can make your life much easier by giving you the information you don't have to think about it however you should do your due diligence and make sure it's all correct and that there's no mistakes there I'm going to say keep going from number seven because it stopped uh Chachi BT sometimes stops because it's got a character limit on what it can take as an input slash and output so if it ever stops for you just ask it to keep going and it will restart and it will be able to finish it off for you now the point of all this is I have a lot of information here and you can cull it or edit it to suit your purposes but I don't want to have to copy and paste all of this one by one into PowerPoint that'll take forever so what we can do instead I'm going to start from the top here is we copy all of it into Microsoft Word first and I'm going to show you why we do that so I'm going to start with maybe the first three because my scroll's not working for some reason so I'm going to just Ctrl C to copy that and here in Microsoft Word I'm going to go in to the view menu and then click this outline button and then click paste and you can see here uh it's formatted quite strangely but what we want to do is just get rid of all these dot points and all of these numbers here which is slightly time consuming but it's not too bad and so I'm going to do that for all I think there was 10 uh all 10 of my bits of information the chat gbt has given me so as it stands chat gbt has created this for us and we've put in word and word can put it into PowerPoint but I need to go ahead and tell uh word or tell word slash PowerPoint what should be on what level so if I highlight all of it and go to body text and click level two what this is going to do is it's going to make every single thing a DOT point when I put it into PowerPoint but to tell it which slide to put where I need to take my slide titles which were governed by these headings here for example one two three and I've got to make them level one in word so introduction outbreak and the anzacs were my first three so introduction change that to level one outbreak change that to level one as well anzacs change that to level one then I've got Gallipoli the Western Front and life on the front lines so Gallipoli level one uh the Western Front and what I can do to speed it up is cold control and highlight again and I can highlight multiple things make them level one and then the last ones were women's role home front aftermath and conclusion so women's front here somewhere I've probably gone past it here we go that's that one hold control for home front then aftermath and then conclusion still holding Ctrl to highlight all them make it level one and I'm done and I can close my outline View and this looks kind of crazy but you don't need to do anything more with it I can now Simply Save this file I'm going to save this onto just my computer here this PC will do and I'll call This ww1441 And click save so now that's saved I can now just go into PowerPoint and instead of creating the slides individually click slides from outline which is what we've just created and I can go World War one file and click insert and okay I've got an error but that's because it's still open here you just have to close it before you import it for some reason so I'll do that again World War One Click insert and it's going to create all the slides for me as well as the information that's pertinent to that heading so we've got introduction I've got my outbreak of the wall I've got the anzacs formation and training I've got Gallipoli I've got the Western Front I've got life and lines etc etc all the way down to my conclusion slide so first things first that's pretty fast that's pretty fast for me to take all that information about World War one and Australia's involvement have a summary of it in 10 slides here but it looks terrible of course this is this would be one of the worst PowerPoint presentations of all time and so the next phase of this video is going to be using inbuilt PowerPoint Technologies and functionality and features in order to make this look great so the key part and the key functionality in this home menu is this designer tab if I click the designer tab it's going to take the context and the information here and create designs for me that I can just pick and choose so if you're in a hurry and you just want it to make it look decent and you're not that interested in contextualizing it you can just go ahead and click whichever one you want say this one here and it formats it in a reasonably nice way you can of course generate further design ideas whoops scrolled off that one uh by scrolling down and clicking see more design ideas and you can see that they're slightly different some are um more professional I suppose and Polished whereas other ones are a bit more graphic heavy depending on your context and the people you're presenting to you can customize it to make it whatever you want it to look like um so this is a decent first slide we can go to the second slide here and go to design we've got three things here this is about the outbreak of the war and Australia's response um and so I can click maybe something like this I may like it I may not like it if I like this idea but not this specific one I can just come back to this slide and designers gonna think oh okay he wants these sort of bubble things and I can you know change the design to to match what I what I'm interested in I can also go ahead and change like the texture of the background I can make it a picture or whatever but again we're trying to make this as smoothly and as quickly as possible while also making it look nice so that is a very fast and efficient way to do that if I head over to the third slide here the anzac's formation and training so they're talking about the formation in 1915 the training and the culture and camaraderie of the anzacs so I can scroll down here none of those uh tickling my fancy at this point in time uh no still not interested in any of them maybe something like this that almost looks like the Southern Cross which is nice that's to do with the anzacs so that looks like a nice way to design that one Gallipoli the anzac's baptism of fire click whatever one you are interested in just like before and so on and so forth and you can you know make the each each slide unique you can make them all the same it's kind of up to you um excuse me it's just a really really fast way to take raw information remember we got all of this from chat GPT just in text mode and we've made three or four slides which all have their own unique identity you can make them all the same if you wanted like make them all the same like kind of color scheme I suppose which is a Not a Bad Thing to think about and not a bad thing to do and yet they're all different so hopefully uh this is a guide for you and I could of course do it for the rest but the video is already getting quite long so hopefully you've found this information helpful if you have make sure you like the video and consider subscribing for more ways that you can use artificial intelligence and uh productivity Tools in order to make your teaching life better hope you've enjoyed the video thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Mark O'Donohue
Views: 638,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high school teaching, education, teacher life, classroom management, lesson planning, student engagement, curriculum development, teaching strategies, teacher tips, teacher resources, student-centered learning (21st century education), pwoerpoint, chatgtp, chatgpt education, chatgpt powerpoint, powerpoint with ai, ai powerpoint
Id: jT6BNtHp-R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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