Irish Drug Arrest Prank - Ownage Pranks

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so this guy in Ireland was arrested for selling magic mushrooms at a music festival the police ultimately let him off the hook but he kept on selling them for a while outside of a bar in his hometown since he didn't seem to learn his lesson the first time I gave him a call as a special investigator enquiring about the products he's still distributing he gets super spooked check out how this prank goes down hello yeah hi man please speak with Reggie mantas please yep my name is detective Russell cornet Guardi I'm just following up regarding the magic mushroom seizure at Castle Palooza okay we actually had quite the extensive conversation with your friend Dean and he has informed us that you're still involved with hallucinogens after your arrest did you admit to this sir of course no no no okay what are you doing in the back of the smoking area what what kind of transactions are you executing back there a lot of just travel I can know some friends there like you know we're drinking a pint up there is that the answer you want to go with yeah so there's no other illicit activity going on back there is that you're saying sir no no no that I'm not really okay well we've had a couple of our guys come in they're undercover wearing a wire and they have executed a couple transactions with you specifically we have CCTV footage that indicates that you are indeed still involved in hallucinogens and magic mushrooms there's an extremely large amount of evidence here are we understand no sir like I would like to take the evidence that you care like of course what this case is initially swept under the rug and kind of just we put it behind us you know you were able to go back to the festival at Castle Palooza but unfortunately that night about four people passed away due to some intoxication from the magic mushrooms they were laced with some type of toxic chemical this case has gotten so larger they actually flew me in for this special investigation we're trying to get to the bottom of it to avoid any more deaths you realize you could be looking at some very serious jail time so you're in a lot of trouble I'm not involved in that I'm telling you sir I see I'm just trying to work with you here exact you know when I was a little younger I used to enjoy partaking in such things I mean hallucinogens are a lot of fun but you're not being honest with me here it's it's time for actual real honest genuine answers okay we heard that the product you've been distributing is particularly potent do you potentially still have any remaining non lace portions available No well I'm trying to work with you here but you know perhaps we can help each other out I mean to be frank you know I know even me myself I I do enjoy you know the occasional magic mushroom assuming that it's not laced and not going to kill me cuz that's no fun you know maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement or we can sweep this under the rug and try to kind of just squash this evidence and then you can just stop your distribution system I could acquire some non laced portions you scratch my back and I scratch yours I hear you okay so when can we potentially meet up just you and I privately to hopefully arranged in a very simple exchange and then you know I'll go ahead and pretty much put this case at the bottom of the pile and then after a couple weeks I can go ahead and shred it up and it'll be behind us I don't know I understand this is a lot to take in right now and it's probably you know very nerve-racking how could not know get in meet you and tell you like me because that would prove like actually telling them electro I understand that but we can try to arrange some other alternate situation where you don't have to be passing off the product to me directly you know the product can just happen to be left by a bus stop and I can just happen to walk by and happens to pick them up and happen to make a sandwich out of it I don't know okay are you home now bye can we swing by no no all right well we'll go ahead and send a couple guys out there right now Reggie Mendez I can hear the heart palpitations through the telephone line and so on if you just work with me here but I'm trying to squash this I simply as if you could hook me up with a couple non lace portions before I'm [ __ ] back to the states but if you don't want to work with me that's okay we can just continue about this in a more traditional way which may not be the most enjoyable for you but whichever you prefer is fine with me oh gee mantas are you crying well okay good don't be a little [ __ ] let's talk like men I'm not no but all right well you know I'm actually here with my colleague Tyrone he's another agent here from the states he was trying to convince me to you know let you essentially off the hook if you could get us a couple portions before we were to head back to the States I'm gonna go ahead and pass the phone to him because he wants to kind of get a couple words in before I guess we decide what to do from here hold on for me for a second hello oh yeah what do Reggie Manchus how you doing my man okay you got some good product man so I've been telling my me Russell over here it's like hey yo we're going back home in two days instead of just sitting around drinking a pipe doing some you know everyday stuff let's get [ __ ] up let's see some stores let's see some [ __ ] planets let's get her and have a good time right so I was like yo I know you got a call up Reggie mantis see if he'll hook you up in exchange for us learn this [ __ ] / so like I'm gonna work with you right now and see what we can do here man yo are you running right now will you wear no just to kind of see where we currently stand are you too uncomfortable to acquire some portions for us or how you feel about it when was you planning on taking some mushrooms next yourself night man you take some already made you leave us out of this no no kabob a share just carry though you can't be stingy like there all right over here wants to see if he can convince you himself then let me pass him over right quick his name is book do like Asian people are you doing good I understand right because you have been exposed I understand it's not that fun right when you are the guy who expose you and stuff like that so yeah man we want to get off an app you gotta help us out of it I don't know really how give it out boy okay well you know are you apologetic at least about what you did like do you feel bad about it you know in my country to express that you are apologizing you have to say hello me a boo can you say okay I know you have to come down okay you have to breathe inside so let me talk to my guys over here and see what we can do for you you sound like a good I don't think you deserve to get [ __ ] right so I want to help you let me see hold on one minute yeah having one foul night of craziness so I want to tell you the rest thing I want to tell you is that your friend Darrell set up a prank on you bear oh yeah Darrell oh what's up Reggie you [ __ ] [ __ ] go you're absolutely solid listen I know we went a little bit fire but you are fine the funny stuff they hello me I'm oh yeah all of that it was just a bit of fun I hope you can see the good side to remind you were a great sport so are you pissed off of me no but what a [ __ ] that's too far you know it was an awesome call I'll meet you for the point and we'll have a talk about it right you gotta give it to Russell he's a [ __ ] good voice actor isn't he yo you know but you were definitely down so hell of a boy as many times as I wanted so you were down to do that man I was just stalling time like so [ __ ] to walk all the way home and [ __ ] clean the [ __ ] out of everything oh wait were you better like flushed a bunch of [ __ ] down the toilet or something yeah nearly heart attack I was already planning to [ __ ] like get all this [ __ ] like to go to India like so [ __ ] off [ __ ] all right later bro see you man right I told you he seemed like that thing some day Jay but it's pretty funny that we had him silently trying to run his airsoft back home hey at least we had a happy ending of sorts if you enjoyed the prank please show your support by sharing it with a friend let's try to get to 30,000 likes I know the Opie crew can do it I'll see you next Sunday with another new video yeah why you trying to be so difficult dayum oh you I'll [ __ ] your brains out you better [ __ ] oh now why do you want food don't do that homo [ __ ] I said no homo I know be touching you don't
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 2,139,788
Rating: 4.9307051 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, humor, comedy, funny, joke, improv, voice, acting, ireland, uk, magic mushrooms, asian accent, black guy, buk lau, Tyrone, irish, irish accent
Id: JyNdyirJM5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2015
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