Russian Guy Makes UK Mechanic Go Crazy

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easing the doctor supposed to be  available 24/7 you are tired I'm not this short tempered guy runs a tire shop in  the UK and hates being called after working   hours he's harassed customers who have posted  negative comments or reviews about him online   going as far as posting their numbers publicly on  his Facebook page I decided to give him a taste   of his own medicine by finding his cell phone  number and seeing how he liked being harassed   on his personal line oh yeah I also only called  him after working hours which if you remember he   hates are you guys ready for my brand new Russian  character check this out you tired please yeah   yeah I come to you less time to get my tire plug  and I think the tire plug did coming out so the   tire is leaking a one one more time give us a call  tomorrow yeah we're actually closed now basically   it is emergency and I need to fix no because it  might be safety issue I don't want to hurt car or   make tyre wars so rashly close now do you want  to give us a call tomorrow then yes we hey boy   have you fixed it in your driveway I can give  you a tip no no chance no no no sorry we're not   actually opener you know you're calling and we're  not open I have to take road trip soon and I don't   want to be possibly know we're not help we're not  helping your phone answering it means the store   is open right like don't you do emergency in keys  right no no we don't do emergency opening you're   tryna to ask me to do it on my driveways I ain't  never gonna happen in a million years yeah don't   make me watch or you'll make or you're making  me do by the way you're talking to me you don't   want to do anything yeah but look like easing  the doctor is supposed to be available 24/7 you   are tired I'm not her doctor yeah tire company  phone up quick now okay you're um a laugh with   me you warn milk goodbye haha look doctor please  my tire is losing its pulse and it might need some   CPR or something but I just don't want my family  to be sick to get dessert do me a favor don't   call me good boy my business so many times please  don't call me we do I called back a week later it   was a holiday in the UK and the shop was closed  Monday yeah yeah you can understand we're open if you okay yeah you're a clown mate you silly  my you're saying man you're a silly man yes you   are listen you're a silly man you're a very very  free man long time I told you yeah we don't come   out mobile you should come to me come to me  come to me gladly come to me glad we're you   talking yeah come to me Julie okay we can't come  Chidori at seven o'clock at noise go somewhere   else your business is not wanted at my premises  they're nasty end of it don't just come over no   I said you wonderful already looks you can come  just help me where are you now I mean freshwater   where about but still owe you you sound like  you tell me where you are it tell me who I'm   just gonna sell troubles you can have trouble but  like I just want silk qualia or creatine want me   to tell you the effect is tomorrow a holiday too  but I don't want always you to give me more every   time I ask you think listen I'm Claudia I'll  tell your face you can understand it do you   want me do you want me to tell you to your face  in case you change please bring the tool so you   can fix my car maybe we will fix hello oh my god  I think this guy's actually going this case it's   a character bed he's so perfect two weeks later I  called back listen to me yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah   about your toy boy can you understand me fight  break your family you're going to miss often   in the station mothers segment Oh opiate mine  tomorrow from 8 o'clock and I'll see you over   at UNC tomorrow morning or punch way of Allah yes  that's what I'll do here mate but you know we're   all mu you know I mean boys I'll see you tomorrow  I fasted a this TV kind of simply do what do all   ensemble use and I feel what I do may I'll smash  you all around that yard and we'll see tomorrow   Thursday in the morning if you've got the balls  to be there I don't think the board's beating   you you sausage yeah you idiot what useful see you  tomorrow when it's our fate good boy my god is the   people okay hey listen sausage I got my favorite  I told you I'll see it's more in our past night   I won't see you below it I won't see ya no good  he'll listen I guess he'll leave ours I want to   come see you know but you give me a dress or sin  listen listen you shouldn't always know we're   the only thing you can try is a [ __ ] don't mate  for a channel yeah I can't even in a baby starts   crying dissing you didn't listen you're going to  have your misses you know what ah listen I will   come don't make me come make things with your  wife and your family okay look you talking all   this crap to me I'm trying to be nice and bring  you my business but I will your face don't bring   me business bring me a doughnut too bad yeah he  he be actually sauce on it and then we can talk   sense but yeah so bring me a kebab and in our  took sensible tears I am from Russia what are   you trying to say what you imagine a gangster let  me say that no I'll be honest yeah oh no I am are   you a gangster oh my god one week later I called  back is this the tire place on Facebook that's   right yeah yeah awesome I saw your ad for the vol  whole combo bin I was just wondering if that's   still in stock and if he was still available for  sale yeah yeah awesome and we're gonna come see   it just curious I would love to come take a look  at it and just you know take a look and maybe we   can talk and negotiate pricing a little bit more  are you on the Audion doll yet yeah hold on I'm   actually calling for my my roommate he was saying  that there was like a li he didn't speak the best   English so he was a I want to come see you then  you have Facebook yeah give me a call tomorrow   morning my what if we find my van on Facebook we  also fix tire or still be difficult with me about   this occurrence them say listen now listen let me  put me first you might come to my yard and see me   come to me or in person see me hey good hello  yeah hi there she just passed what happened he   just passed the phone back to me he's my roommate  yeah what's got to happen if he could come to my   unit and see me face to face okay well no you  ain't worried about no he oh you're the place   that fixed the tire once and I guess he's been  trying to call you guys to get that tire fixed   and he said that like they should he stupid is  he stupid I told him to come see me in working   hours now telling me come see me and work it  out and stop calling me stupid times yes he's   making me very very angry he said you were the  quote/unquote sausage who keeps insulting him   is that Jesus sausage eggs are telling him time  time again to come and see me in working hours   you can understand that him not to call me whoa  I can't believe he wasn't willing to let me come   over what a terrible doctor if you enjoy hearing  new voice and what we'll do keep practicing click   like button he'll hear smash that like button  and we'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 885,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, comedy, improv, voice acting, calls, phone pranks, phone, funny, cell phone prank, prank calls, prank phone call, prank phone calls, ownage pranks prank call, funny prank call, ownage pranks phone call, ownage pranks youtube, youtube ownage pranks, angry, tire shop, uk, united kingdom, london, russia, russian accent, russell, flat tire, mechanic
Id: vvhccS0PXbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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