Home Depot Patio Prank

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protesters Frank up and help you hello hey there Frank I'm looking to find some information about the patio that I would like to build and I was wondering who I can talk to about how much material is usually costing and all that good stuff you know what I mean okay well what we would need is one measurement on what you need and what you're planning on doing and then we can kind of run off of that did y'all do installations or what's the deal with that do you want somebody to do the work for you to Home Depot well my friend told me y'all got people outside that week that I can hire and I don't know exactly how that works he told me they were like workers of some sort and they have signs and I was wondering if maybe I don't know if y'all I was thinking maybe I could call in and buy them in bulk or I don't know exactly how to rent these people rent II we mean these people well I've seen some people outside of the Home Depot and they they they they always tell me they want to do some work they have nothing to do with Home Depot you would have to negotiate with them on your own time they're always right outside the Home Depot I thought they were working for y'all he told me you know you can call you you can hire them and they they do the the patio you can talk to them on your own if you want them to do a job and they're willing to do it and you negotiate a price that's up to you I can't recommend you doing them because they are not licensed contractors they are just I'm just really trying to save a buck here man you know what I mean cuz done the economy run mail was so hard you know I'm I got bills to pay them my wife really wants a patio and I don't know what to do you know I'm just trying to I'm just trying to make her happy so she stops bitching to me all the time you know I mean I'm just trying to save me a couple dollars I don't do much construction work myself beyond me because I done diddly do I I just want me the best price you me I'm sorry if I'm asking a stupid question mm-hmm yeah like I said that's something to do so what can we do you kind of mean you know what I mean kind of hurt my feelings what's brought you my name is Frank sir okay Frank we're now we're on a first-name basis my name's Billy all right Frank why are you so mean to me what did I do to you I'm not being mean to you I'm expressing to you what you're asking me about certain things I've already told you what you need to do I can't answer for them they don't work for Home Depot what do you want me to tell you in the Home Depot I don't understand they're outside all the time you walk in there it's like hola como esta you know what I mean I don't I've done daily don't speak no espanol I wish I did I wish I'd done the only day Doris I asked for my salt day they do have classes for it sir I'm just aiming over here yeah okay sir oh well Frank you tell me some pricing information about the patio then like I said if you want party non-material I need a some kind of list measurements how long you want it to be how wide you want it to be okay 15 let's go with that Frank come on Frank okay 15 Frank Frank yes sir yeah well I need to know what kind of material what do you want this to be vinyl material you wanted to be lumber I don't know okay it's gonna take me a while I can't just I can't get calculated and give you information Christ thanks to me you know what you do it do you really want to speak to my manager I can transfer you to one I'm angry right now Frank yes it's me again how could I help you today hello hello hello yes sir I was talking to Frank and he was having he was not being the best customer service associate with me just a moment ago oh he very much heard my feelers and I'm very offended right now and I would like to know what kind of corrective action will be taken well I need to know exactly what went on for that way I know how does hearing you sir can you please are you on the speaker telephone right now I am NOT okay I was talking to Frank and he was asking me for measurements for a patio and then he was just having an attitude done diddly told him he told me what I need to know lumber or whatever whatever other materials and I told him lumber and now he's telling me something well sir I need to get back to you all this who Billy Jubilee you know what I mean because I'm done diddly doo doll made me a quote I'm very frustrated with me his attitude is that it to really hurt my feelings I feel like sick poking around here trying to find some help and I get caught with with with Frank do you mind if I can get some information from you and then I can deal with him later I would just like to talk to Frank again and get him a piece of my something deal I'm doing Billy mind right now you know I mean you did I'm frustrated and angry and just my feelers they're just all over the place from me let me make sure that I take care of you I need to talk to him right now I need to done diddly do door I need to talk to Frank and have me and I just want to understand what would the misunderstanding was you know what I mean because I'm trying to be his buddy you know I'm trying to be friend I'm saying hey Frank how's it going buddy and you know he's just giving me this attitude and I don't know what to do I'm hurt I was just trying to talk to him to get some ideas you know what I mean because I've done diddly dude I need me some I wish I had some good customer service you know what I mean cuz I'm trying here I'm trying to keep my cool you know I'm trying to keep my cool I'm trying not to go crazy cuz sometimes you know when I go crazy I get I've turned into an animal they call me the The Incredible Hulk sometimes because I've done daily dude I need me some satisfaction ace in my brains by talking to Frank rod mail please okay Frank thanks with with with a customer right yeah I'll wait on home let's do it dude oh I made it you sure cuz I can help you right now Frank there's the man Frank is my buddy me and him we go way back six minutes ago okay what's your name sir Billy Billy what you'll ask me what are you trying to do look me up on the book face I don't understand what's that for no so that way we can get an order created for you well I'm not ready yet sir I just me and they made it I want to be sure I want to be sure that I'm gonna go with the home Deepak and I thank you for that okay you know what I make this right now you know I'm a feel like the customer satisfaction ASIS he's a little below below average I might I might go over to loaves maybe I'll call a blows or something okay that's why I'm trying to deliver for you sir okay not wait on hold for Frank now thank you thank you let me put you on hold okay okay hold right now I'm very angry my feelers my feelers all over the place Frank don't hurt my feelers I'm pissed off hello Frankie poo where are you Frankie Frankie poo where are you I'd like to speak to you now super-dee-duper T - where are you Frankie poo poo oh yeah hello yeah uh yeah I took the phone from my friend right now he said he's really upset he keeps telling me the story right now told me he called a home depot and he's getting disrespect I don't know what's happening I'm having trouble hearing y'all disrespecting what regard sir go first of all may I speak to Frank please yeah yo what's up Frank how's it going man he's my roommate he lives here with his wife fauna on the bottom floor and he's tearing up saying crying you know saying doodly doodly hurt my feelings blah blah blah and I don't know what to do huh apparently he was trying to call get some information and information and y'all and Frank was was being disrespectful uh-huh so what tell me your side of the story so I can make some comparisons understand what's happening you want my okay yes but I was trying to express to the gentleman over there that he wants a he wanted us to kind of work a quote for a patio but he wanted to know about installs and somebody doing the work for him okay we have an ant home services and he says no no I'm talking about the people that stand out in front of the Home Depot so I told him if he does want them to do the work then he would have to come down and speak to this Oaks at that point he started me uh saying that I was being loud and disrespectful and I just kept explaining it to the sir you told me you were so rude to me you were you were mean to me you hurt my feelings I'm trying sitting over here all beat up with with with a packet of popcorn try to eat myself make myself feel better you heard me man what Frankie Pooh come on man how you gonna do me like that what did I do to you I'm just trying to call and find out some information ace and I'm just getting disrespected here I'm an equal member of the society just like you wouldn't you agree okay sir I can't hear you you sound like you threw the phone down and went down the aisle and then we're streaming down there I can't hear you Frankie boo yesterday I said I agree sir I do agree we all are members of the body okay alrighty we're making progress now Frankie because we're we're we're gonna go me and you were equal you know what I mean I love you equal you know you you're done diddly doo da hurt my feelers I'm sitting over here beat up in the corner wrapping my arms around a bottle of Pepsi Cola slurping myself trying to give myself a sugar high so I don't feel so damn I'm trying to get happy I can't get happy all I can think is Frank Kapoor disrespecting me Frank manager okay how you doing I'm doing alright alright I'd like to invite you down to our store so that way we can get you taken care of your arm no I don't think that's a good idea no are no we should that's not a good idea no with the pudding in the Pops in the pudding I can't do it okay sir yeah can we get you can we get your information so that way we can go ahead and sorry I don't want to be your Bookface friends I don't wanna do it I don't want to be your friend are you guys all friendly you can't add me okay I'm gonna block you if I get an ad from it I'm gonna block you okay don't be out of know Billy okay I got six friends on there and that's it me my wife and my four children at this point I'm trying to be very nice with you I'm trying to do nice candlelight dinner so what are we gonna do I am gonna have to terminate this phone call we can make an eventual track getting we can make we can do H do not getting any information pertaining to the installation of your deck I am gonna have to terminate this phone call hey you want to buy me over so listen if you want to do that I'll be your friend temporarily on the book face you make an event or whatever we're gonna do here that way I have I have the evidence don't do it hello don't do that to me I want to be a books please buy changed my mind we're Bookface buddies now hello hello where's my book face buddy if you liked the video would you please click subscribe and share it with your buddies it really make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 1,959,888
Rating: 4.8690071 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, home, depot, patio, workers, materials, customer, accent, improv, comedy, home depot, ownage pranks, hispanic, lumber, funny videos, funny video, lowes, prank, prank calls, prank call, Funny, Phone
Id: sexBO-iyiRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2011
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