Mom FLIPS OUT on High School Drug Dealer

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yeah so this guy recently graduated high school  and got accepted into college he wanted me to   pull off a prank on his mom and make her think  that his high school diploma was revoked I made   her think that her son actually failed one of  his classes and because of that didn't properly   graduate both the mom and dad were super pissed  about this so mad that they chewed me out and the   prank went very wrong I had to digitally change  all their voices so I could share this with you   guys my name is spongy time calling from the IT  department here at high school so I have just   some small bad news I have to share it with you  or are you sitting down yeah so basically what   happened is there was a data entry problem inside  our system and it looks like the chemistry class   he had with mr. lab had one small problem he  actually received a failing mark in that class   but by mistake it was entered as I see he did  very well in mr. Lantz class I can't imagine   him failing yeah but they already took to upper  management and the counselors and the principal   here and unfortunately we have to revoke their  diploma yeah hi ma'am this is Christopher Schwartz   I'm the AP here at the high he did very well  on mr. Lanz class well I mean I'm looking at   it right now I see nine unexcused absences as  well I mean I'm just pulling up the history of   oh no no no there is you get you got some major  screw-up going on because my kid didn't this nine   unexcused absences well I'm manly again the  data doesn't lie yes it does because I know   my kid missed one day of school last year well  it looked like he did get detention once for   skipping mr. lambs class and and he was found  in the parking lot he did not get there were a   group of delinquents out around the parking lot  I think like smoking marijuana or smelling like   marijuana ma'am no no there is no way first of  all my son doesn't hang out with delinquent he   was not hanging out in the parking lot smoking  marijuana the detention did happen and he did   you know smell like like reefer so oh my god this  woman is so blown but let me try calling the son   real quick and see if he can get in on it after  this first call she was in disbelief about Chris   actually smoking weed and failing one of his  classes obviously she was gonna call her son   to get the full story so I had him conference  me in on the line when they spoke so I could   hear exactly what happened I also made sure he  helped really sell the story by texting her in   real time yeah but you skip class and you don't  forget you shown as a failing grade for chemistry   so now your diploma and [ __ ] you have to take a  class that [ __ ] is your diploma in January yeah when I first tried it I guess I was just kind of  addicting it was like every now and then they say   like hey we're gonna go this yeah you know kind of  goodbye okay so she sure believes it all now ten   minutes later I called back oh yeah howdy ma'am  how you doing today uh this is Tyrone Octavius   I'm the lab assistant here for mr. ma'am here so  I was just calling because I want just to give   you some insight and some closure but the case  we have going on right now I do feel like I'm   partially to blame you know for what happened  well you know I am a lab assistant but I also   have like a side hustle on the side like I was the  provider so I felt real guilty that kind of like   caused issues and stuff like that I provided it  for the most part but I was out there sometimes   but like you ever see the so Breaking Bad no  I'm being serious man I actually like in the   morning I'm over here like you know cleaning the  lab pipe essay in the bus burners and stuff like   that but on the side and afternoon I was out  in the parking lot just pushing some proud of   him I was selling the hippity butt but I feel real  guilty about it because you know it clearly caused   some issues for your son if it's any consolation  though I always did give your son a really good   deal I was like the black Walter White that's why  I was asking you if you ever saw Breaking Bad they   just don't pay me enough as a lab assistant so I  got to find a way to make ends meet you you feel   me so your deals the kids that you're trying to  teach I know it looks bad man but like you know   everybody gotta eat don't say you get a second  job like I had to do yeah that is my second job   yeah yeah yeah if you want a fourth one I could  hook you up to men but maybe now's not the time   to talk about that okay okay well before I let  you go I gotta let you know one last important   detail I uh is that okay yeah well this whole  thing you know I want you to take comfort you   know I'm not just an abra system I'm not just a  dealer I'm also a professional prank caller and   this was actually just a request set up by one  of your son's friends your son didn't actually   fail chemistry he didn't actually smoked any  weed and he's not having to redo any classes   to get his diploma I actually have Kris on the  line right now Kris you there yeah well okay   pull hold on hold on don't kill him regardless  I wanted to let you know that the silver lining   is that none of this is actually true yeah my  name is Russell yeah okay why why are you making   this ball right now Russell I've been listening  this whole goddamn time what are you doing okay   that's why you think this is funny I actually have  your sniffing great now I need some answers from   you right now okay sir I just need you to just  simmer down for a moment I have your son or may   I ask who I'm speaking to who are you are you his  father no no no you're not no you ain't asking me   I'm asking you the questions okay you get it yeah  [ __ ] Frank you think this is funny hear me okay   I'll let you go ahead and finish tell me yeah  yes yes you will why I mr. Frank why are you   making a phone call right why did this all start  explain that to me okay your son's friend Chris   initially requested me to call Chris with this  prank idea and then I got your son's blessing to   call his mother briefly and to continue the  prank premise and then 15 minutes later I'm   calling back to reveal it so it wouldn't sit for  too long or like be a bigger issue but that's the   story I am apologetic honestly that that clearly  you were very upset about understandably you know   if maybe if you're comfortable with it I don't  want to necessarily leave things on a terribly   sour note and have you be upset would you mind  if I called you back tomorrow or the following   day just to check in for a minute or two to make  sure that things are okay you can call his friend   Chris back and say he's not going to his house  anymore he can write that friendship oh gosh   yeah well again I hope that you know maybe you'll  reconsider after things die down a little bit but   I I understand and respect where you're coming  from and clearly you have a reason to be upset   so obviously that decision is yours but I just  want to say that it was not done with some crazy   ill intent to drive you guys crazy or become  like a huge fiasco so if you have it in you   to see the slight humor in it because your son  never smoked marijuana I never skipped classes   never did any of that nonsense just just want to  stress that point in case you have it in you to   not rip into him entirely I know you at one point  you were like is this a joke you kind of you were   picking up on some of the nonsense and also the  TA guy I'm a voice actress I did all the voices   that's why I was like you know in which we doing  like I was in the pocket so yeah I recognized it   was it was kind of absurd I hope the rest of the  day goes as smoothly as realistically possible and   again sorry for taking up your time and getting  you guys worked up and and hope you can go semi   easy on your son say I heard him in the background  freaking out and I'm sure he feels like crap about   it now so just sending you guys whatever positive  vibes your way in hopes that things go as well as   possible okay all right you guys take care now  all right thank you all right thank you bye bye   oh my god talk about prank gone wrong oh my god  well I did my best to smooth things over right   after the prank but they were pretty mad even  though the son Chris was in on it the whole   time this is just part of doing real unscripted  pranks sometimes people don't take it very well   but the son did tell me that things calm down  after a day or so and they're fine now if you   guys appreciate hearing the pranks that sometimes  go south like this let me know by dropping a big   like on this video if I see some crazy support  all upload some more calls that I've been sitting   on because things ended up getting a little too  insane I'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 939,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, voice acting, phone pranks, funny, prank calls, prank phone call, prank phone calls, funny prank call, ownage pranks youtube, high school, chemistry, college, diploma, tyrone, university, expelled
Id: Yuw4mYVhZVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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