Invisibility Training for Motorcyclists

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hello I'm a motorcyclist so I oh I'm a motorcyclist so I have the power of invisibility you do too I'll show you how what you see is not the real world well this is your brains best guess of reality based on input from your eyeballs and somewhere in translation motorcycles vanish invisibility 101 saccade and these are quick eye movements from A to B where everything in between is suppressed by the brain it's invisible invisible but your brain has to ignore psychotic info because the eye flicks too fast if it kept data from a fast-moving eye your vision would be blurry mmm useless so when we scan an intersection our brains prefer to see a series of pictures each mental photo is called a fixation and in the movements between fixations the secod our brain sees nothing of course life is not a flipbook and so the brain uses its fixations to guess at what happens in between it makes stuff up to paint a smooth picture see the problem as your eyes scan small objects like motorcycles can be entirely lost in sea cause your brain will fill the blank spaces based on the fixations it does see creating an invisible motorcycle now fortunately the solution is simple slow your scan if we flick our eyes left to right quickly we're leaving big areas that can get lost in saccade but if you scan slowly something the size of a motorcycle is unlikely to get missed now go tell a car driver that just as the brain blocks data it considers blurry it also blocks what it considers irrelevant and this is called selective attention take a busy intersection in Toronto count how many motorcycles you can spot [Music] the answer is zero but the real question is when did that title change where's my bowtie limited focusing power means that our brains subconsciously filter out what they deem unimportant they make part of the real world invisible you watch and see now here's the kicker and everyday life our brains revert to instinct to decide what is and isn't relevant we are more likely to notice things that are dangerous or sexy and less likely to notice things that are harmless thousands of years ago primitive men develop youth team sight by constantly having to use it in setting propose and food for survival that's great we remove stuff that doesn't pose a threat so we can focus on things that might kill us or mate with us create but for motorcyclists and the small modestly dressed road users competing with to tongue the honks of death for a spot in someone's limited cognition well guess which one becomes invisible so when riders whine about the moronic and murderous car drivers you know well it's annoying because in all likelihood the cars behavior has nothing to do with intelligence or diligence and you can be Pope Francis riding with a backpack full of puppies my unconscious is still likely to see it as non-threatening and therefore less important for my driving brain to be aware of overriding a million years of survival reinforced thinking is not this easy the solution to overcoming selective attention is in the research now we need to appear dangerous or sexy so honk well that noise instantly associates you with danger and putting you at the top of a car drivers subconscious ranking also wear red a color further associated with road hazards and bonus points subconscious sexual attraction that's exactly where I'm going to aim for peripheral blindness in just 20 degrees off the line of sight humans lose 90% of their vision now bad news buddy you are legally blind in your periphery so you try to focus on me and read that you can't do both at the same time now we don't notice how crappy our peripheries are because again the brain fills in what it thinks should be there unfortunately it uses historical observations to paint that picture I ever wonder why you get tired faster in foreign cities go that's because your brain has no visual bank to pull from okay your senses are working overtime perceiving new things because they can't presume any familiar ones so put yourself less than a mile from home and motorcycles become invisible one-third of accidents happen here why because our brains start relaxing by feeling smudgy peripheries with recycled info this four-way has been empty the last 10 days you've driven it your brain might search through the blur to see something new but just as likely it'll serve up a ready-made image of what it thinks will be there the invisible motorcyclist our solution is twofold and one be extra careful and residential areas people's brains will be on autopilot and to use movements to exploit a car drivers survival instinct peripheral vision might blow it pretty much everything but it is very good at detecting movement well probably because things used to pop out at us on the Serengeti so as you approach a residential intersection make those hand signals that movement will trigger an instinct in a driver's brain to actually perceive rather than just presume their peripheries relying on the movement of your motorcycle is not enough by the way because as two vehicles approach the same spot of the same speed like all right before a collision and they occupy a constant place in each other's field of view there's no relative movement here so you need to move and though the examination goes on bean blindness you know those vertical beams on either side of your windshield you don't see anything near there the brain gets bored easily so it eliminates stuff that is constantly in frame a case in point where is your nose it's within the field of view you're perfectly capable of seeing things down in the parallax zone but the nose is invisible because the brain is bored of it in the same way car drivers brains tune out window beams and anything near to it now fortunately beams are at 10:00 and 2:00 and pretty much every car so the solution when you ride towards the vehicle at 10:00 or 2 is to know that you're probably invisible nothing can sneak up on him whoo our final course graduate-level contrast blindness near forces determined that contrast is the greatest factor in the visual acquisition of targets uh-huh well it turns out they're primarily concerned with not getting shot though but we can take their research and flip first fighter pilots love to attack out of the Sun so as we ride we need to be wary of where our shadow points and the Sun is blowing out all contrast in that direction I'm probably invisible to anyone observing me from over there second fighter planes are painted to blend into their backgrounds to reduce contrast so screen black rain gear now on a great day braking distances are high contrast is low and if I then go and blend into the asphalt I'm extremely likely to be invisible now true I don't want to stand out this much on a daily basis but by definition you only wear waterproofs when it's teeming so we should all be able to stomach high contrast rain gear and that's his five ways motorcyclists become invisible invisible and oh ass [Music]
Channel: FortNine
Views: 1,676,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle, crashes, safety, accidents, road rage, cops, fails, canada, usa, riding tips, techniques, road, new, rider, beginner, honda, kawasaki, ktm, suzuki, advise, training, msf, lane splitting, filtering, fortnine, reviews, channel, best of, how to, car, crash, think bike, skills, how to ride, license, test
Id: x94PGgYKHQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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