Afraid of dropping your motorcycle? Watch this!!

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hey motorman here and today we're gonna talk about why you dropped your motorcycle i'm gonna show you a bunch of drops these happened at my class they happen all the time usually if we have ten riders it's one out of ten drops their motorcycle sometimes two out of ten but it's almost always for the same reason but we're gonna go over these drops and we're gonna diagnose every one of them and see exactly what happened so that should you make the same mistake you'll know exactly why it happened or you'll be able to avoid this mistake it's no big deal you drop the motorcycle if you got crash bars on there yeah the bike tips over it lands on the crash bar as you pick it up and you keep going sometimes the drops are more spectacular than at other times as is this case and there's usually just a couple of reasons why these drops happen so we're going to go over them i'm going to show you in full length most of these drops what led up to them and you'll probably see we'll be able to see when they're coming a lot of the drops happen in this particular exercise it's called the snowman you have a 30 foot circle to the left the 26 foot circle to the right and the last one is 24 foot to the left and the reason a lot of drops happen here is because the riders are looking at the cone directly in front of them instead of the key cones the key cones are the ones with the green tips on them speed through here should be like most exercises eight to twelve miles an hour depending on what kind of motorcycle you have there's the first drop i showed you watch this ride he's doing pretty well his speed is what is in that eight to ten miles per hour maybe a little bit slower here his head turn is not quite as far as it should be gets into the last circle and he seems to be slowing way down now now he looks at the cone in front of him he tries not to hit it pulls in the clutch down goes the motorcycle no big deal pick up the bike and you keep going now let's watch this rider he should be leaning the motorcycle a lot further but his speed i would say is probably around six miles an hour should be a little bit quicker he's making it through that second one it gets into the last one and notice how straight up the bike is it should be leaning quite a bit further now he pulls in the clutch brings the bike almost to a stop and we have a tip over if you're at less than five miles per hour the chances of dropping the motorcycle are very good anything above five there's more momentum pulling you forward than gravity pulling you down now let's watch this rider speed looks pretty good leaning his bike nicely did cut himself short there in that circle still got a pretty good lean going speed could be a little bit higher watch what happens he gets into that last circle he thinks he's not going to make it he pulls in his clutch no power to the rear wheel down goes the bike before we go any further please subscribe and click that notification bell and my new ride like a pro experience video the latest and the greatest is available at on dvd usb or for a download 19.95 this rider starts off good speeds all right he's leaning the motorcycle then he looks where he shouldn't be looking and then he looks down and down goes the motorcycle as soon as he pulls in the clutch but you didn't listen this rider is so afraid of leaning the motorcycle he's fighting that lean he goes out of the exercise now he's got to get all the way back to the right to the green cone he slows down straight up bike down he goes it's too slow down goes the motorcycle now this rider's main problem is going in and out of the friction zone at times she pulls the clutch all the way in at times she lets it all the way out got to stay in the friction zone and keep constant power to the rear wheel it can't be an intermittent thing it's constant power by slipping the clutch then she pops the clutch she loses control down goes the bike now this rider starts off really slow he's probably going about six or seven miles an hour and his head turns aren't quite quick enough here i have to urge him to look at the other side where he wants to go next keep that power going now he gets into the tightest 24 foot he's going really slow slower slower he stops down goes the motorcycle and the handlebars are turned this rider attempts a u-turn at one mile per hour of course can't be done down goes the motorcycle so you must be wondering by now how you keep those drops from happening well watch this young lady her speed is about 8 to 10 miles an hour she's turning her head she's in the friction zone constantly keeping power going to the rear wheel she's got a little bit of pressure on the rear brake she's using all the space available and she breezes right through it as if she'd been doing it all her life now the next rider we've got coming up he's practiced for a long time he's up to motor officer level he doesn't need all the space available as you can see he just cut about eight or ten feet off of that first 30 foot circle again he's turning his head nice beautifully speed about 10 miles an hour he's leading the bike almost over to the limit and he breezes through it he never looks at the thing he doesn't want to hit which is the cone directly in front of him here's a rider that's doing a fairly good job he's on a small bike here on the sportster his speed is good he's leaning the motorcycle as he should his head turns are a little bit slow but because this bike is so much smaller than the full-size touring bikes you're able to get away with more errors but again he is turning his head and looking at those green cones his speed is up so the bike has no chance of falling over and he makes it fine now here's my wife donna demonstrating a u-turn notice her speed she's up around eight to ten miles an hour she keeps power to the rear wheel with the clutch and throttle also known as the friction zone she never releases power and she turns her head and eyes as fast and as far as possible anytime you drop below five miles per hour there's a chance you're going to drop the motorcycle get down to one or two miles per hour and the handlebars are turned and it's almost a guaranteed drop and i know your brain tells you when you're doing these exercises to go as slow as possible but your brain is wrong when it comes to riding a motorcycle it's the exact opposite of what your instincts are what your brain tells you to do it's so much easier to control a motorcycle at above five miles per hour in fact eight to ten miles an hour it practically does it itself and the only way to get that uh in your head is to practice now my new ride like a pro experience video you see here on the right corner it's 1995. it's a step-by-step approach to these techniques you cannot possibly screw it up whenever you see the riders in my class doing a great job so quickly it's because they've got the video and they've practiced the techniques prior to coming to the class till next time
Channel: Ride Like a Pro Jerry Palladino
Views: 559,076
Rating: 4.9265833 out of 5
Keywords: advanced motorcycle classes, baggers, bike events, bikeweek, daytona, goldwing, harley, honda, how to, how to make a uturn, kawasaki, motorcycles, motorman, ride like a pro, riders, suzuki, uturns
Id: v8fYxrlH2nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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