2 Years Later... Things I Regret about my Triumph Tiger

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the first of five things I hate about my tiger will answer the question a lot of you have asked me if I'm tiptoeing on this then why didn't I get the low version after doing a video on buying this bike and a 10,000 Mi review I figured about 6 months after that was a good time to answer a lot of the questions yall had so this is the tiger 900 GT Pro my toes are tiptoeing on it and I didn't get the low version because when I rode the low version as a press bike just alone from Triumph perks of being a YouTuber after about a full day of riding my knees really hurt so yes my feet are flat on it and it's a misconception that you're more stable on a bike that way even though I'm tiptoeing on this bike I just use short Rider tricks like one foot down and a whole bunch of other things you can see in this video that make it really easy to manage and actually more stable than having 2 ft down flat and my knees don't hurt as much so that's another thing I'll get into a little bit so that's one of the cons I do have with this bike even the standard height after full day of riding my knees kind of hurt they're just very slightly less than 90° so actually how I rectified that is I'll just move my feet in three positions so while I'm riding I'll also move my feet to the passenger pegs and it's actually really comfy to switch around that way and these are not stock guards the tiger GT Pro does not come with drop guards because it's the street touring version the rally Pro does come with drop protection I have taken this off-road and in training so I installed drop protection on it to prepare for all the practice I wanted to do with it and the benefits of that is I don't have them on anymore I took them off when I got home and started practicing slow speed skills again but I just attached highway pegs right here so I was able able to stretch my legs out while riding and have another foot position for my knees but without that I mean this this bike isn't the kind of bike you just ride to a bar and show off for its looks it's the bike you want to ride for a long time all day and the angle is just not great for that at least not for my knees at a 31in in so the second thing I hated about this bike is the stock seat it is hard borderline painful after about less than an hour honestly but it was an easy fix I got this seat it's just air in it it's not one of the gel seats I haven't tried one of those let me know down below if you have and if you think it's better than the air seat but this brand is the max mile seat you can't find it anymore but you can find a lot just like this on Amazon and it should work great and this is amazing I like it better than the sheep skin that a lot of riders recommend cuz when I go on a long trip I'm trying to crush a lot of miles in a day usually and I'm not stopping for rain so that means that a fur seat ends up being drenched in water and I want to be animal friendly so I had a faux fur seat for a while and the con of that was if I turn on the heated seat the heat doesn't go through that as well as it does through this air bubble seat and the faux fur seat flattens out so by the end of my cross country trip that it was completely flat and useless I tried fluffing it supposedly there's a way with like an animal brush but I I couldn't get it fluffy again the next thing I'm not a fan is I might get a lot of hate for this one but it's the user interface on the screen so it only shows the total miles on Startup right okay it's gone already with all the things you can go through surprisingly your odometer is not one of them you only see it on Startup but there is a ton to do on there there a ton of little features that I haven't even use them all so that is pretty cool and the fact that you can change your preload from a passenger two passengers to fully bagged or not that's pretty cool too but it's just kind of difficult I feel like to find things I've heard some people complain about this not specifically on this bike just bikes in general saying that these menus are designed by Engineers not designers you know they're not exactly the user interface oriented Apple designers I talk more about that and the other features that are really cool in the 10,000 mile review video so make sure to check that out and this one I probably only hate this cuz I've ridden a lot of Harley Baggers this is not something you're going to see in touring bikes anyways but I've been spoiled so I hate that there's no back rest you know this is made to be ridden a lot for a long time and there's nowhere to put your back so you can just get a little achy I know some of you recommended I just use whatever tail bag I have but as you can see it's oh it's just not close enough it's too far away from me to be a back rest maybe if I had a lot more stuff if I also had a sleeping bag or something but I don't I usually just travel with this tail bag and then two side bags okay now don't hate me for this one and I know I've been complaining about it a long time I keep planning to do something about it I just I just keep putting it off but the color I hate the color I never explained why in the video why I got a color that's bike I hate I thought that was obvious but there were a lot of people that were writing in all caps about that it was a great deal at least at the time I don't know about right now but at the time this model was pretty hard to find so you didn't have a lot of options in terms of color plus when I was buying it there was only this color black I think white and like a maroon red I would have been okay with any of the colors but the best deal I could find was this ugly blue color so I thought you know what it'll be worth it it'll be worth it for the good deal because this was used so I bought this at the end of 2022 it's a 2023 a used model and I really thought the color would grow on me but it hasn't my dream color scheme is a bright red with white and black accents and then in 2024 guess what a new color scheme was I was so irritated I'm like it's literally exactly what I wanted so I know some people suggested I wrap it some people say I just paint it I don't know as far as rapping if you know anyone professional who does rapping let me know down below cuz I don't want to do it myself and as far as painting there is a really popular custom painter locally who I was thinking of getting to paint it if I ended up painting it plus if I ever do decide to sell it which I don't see why I would yet I only need one seller one person to love it as much as I do so my biggest regret with this bike isn't necessarily something to do with the bike but rather my Approach when I got this bike that I think made it less fun than it could have been so when I first got the bike I practiced a ton of slow speed skills 3,000 u-turns before I went on my cross country trip and another 6,000 when I came back so I was really comfortable with it at slow speed skills which really translated to Everyday Use like commuting and gas station stops and traffic so it made it super comfortable for that but what I didn't do was get training for techniques in the twisties or riding in the mountains to really go to the full potential that this bike can go in the mountains I recently went to Precision Track day it's a new organization and I used bike rentals I used a ninja 400 and a Yamaha R six which is so uncomfortably forward by the way which you'll see in some videos later this year and just today actually before recording this video I asked Precision Track day if I could bring my bike on the track like could I bring a Touring bike like a bike that isn't a sport bike or even a Naked Bike and their response was yes as long as it's not leaking and they said that they don't discriminate on bikes or tires and they've even had a Harley Sports s on the track and I I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a cafe racer when I was there and I did ask about tires like would they allow dual sport tires and they said that they yes they would allow them but just keep in mind that that's going to wear out a lot faster than Street tires they do have full tire service at the tracks that they travel to so just keep in mind you might need to buy tires if you go on dual sport tires what's really cool about persistent track day is that most of their coaches are former or current professional Racers you can choose to work with their motor Amer guest coaches like Michael ha now Benjamin Smith max van and Scott bear to train with you one-on-one all day they guarantee progression and they'll work with you regardless of your skill level whether you're novice or advanced I'm currently at their exclusive two-day Master Class LED by Ken Hill he's got 20 years Racing Experience before switching to coaching he used to teach at the Freddy Spencer high performance writing school and was a lead instructor for its successor now known as CHP School keep an eye out for the Ken Hill master classes cuz they'll have some more in the fall even if you only ride on the street use discount code doodle 10 if you think all those are reasons that I shouldn't have even gotten this bike in the first place uh you're fool and I'll tell you five reasons why I love this bike and why all those reasons I just told you at the end of the day really don't matter number one it is so versatile this is the street touring version but I've definitely ridden it off-road in Joselyn Snow's off-road training class up Sara Gordo abandoned ghost town all I did was switch to some tires that RevZilla recommended for me and put it in dirt mode and turned off traction control every time I started it up but I've definitely done a lot more Street miles on this bike and I probably will continue to do so because my off-roading skills are still pretty new so if I can I'll probably stick to smaller bikes for a while on off-roading but if this is the only option I got to get on some trails and preferably not alone for now I'll I'll still take this bike so about those modes that's what makes it so versatile it has also a rain mode and a road mode and a sport mode whenever I practice slow speed skills I actually would put it in second gear and put it in Rain mode it just made the throttle a little less sensitive and made practicing u-turns easier and then second thing is even though I complained about the seat being uncomfortable as you can see all it took is this one little thing I mean I think this cost me like $30 and the seat issues were totally solved and the fact that the problems with my my legs could be resolved with just using the passenger pegs and adding some highway pegs on the drop protection but I think this is really cool too for added Comfort your adjustable windscreen feeling cold feeling hot cold hot cold hot another cool thing is this has the most technological features out of any bike I've ever owned I mean it has everything besides so many things you can do even connect your GoPro your phone your GPS all the riding modes you have all the menu features that I always have trouble fishing through and the things like the heated grips and the heated seat for both you and a passenger it just makes for a really comfortable ride and the fact that you can see your gas mileage your tire pressures your fuel range in Miles based on how you're riding I mean it's kind of amazing that wow I mean I'm I'm it's just now Dawning on me how good that is like does my car even have all that stuff the fourth thing I just love about it is the way it feels I've been saying this ever since I rode a trium street Tri R shout out to Kate only my second year of riding for letting me ride her bike on a group ride I've ridden dozens of bikes well over 30 at this point and triumphs are are the smoothest engines ever not with these tires but with the stock tires when you're on a Triumph it feels like you are riding on glass I don't know what it is some people say it's the triple engine but it just feels so good to ride and the last thing I mean that's pretty sweet well and no one warned me that this bike is actually a Gateway into a new kind of riding and you can learn more about that in my 10,000 Mi review right over here
Channel: Doodle On A Motorcycle
Views: 88,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triumph tiger, triumph tiger 900, tiger gt pro, tiger 900 gt pro, tiger 900, review, triumph tiger review, 10000 mile review, 2023 triumph tiger, honest review, girls who ride, women who ride, biker chick, bikerchick, triumph tiger 900 gt
Id: 9K0jR_gwVPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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