How to Ride a Motorcycle in City Traffic

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okay keep the cord in my pocket rather than having it go in front of the front of the GoPro all day long everyone in the lunchroom think something crazy right they're gonna walk at the bike doctor down by the speedometer and say he is right up behind and hello I'm Ryan f9 and we're gonna do some city riding when you go to pass a truck you do it fast you don't want to stay in that blind spot for very long so I'm coming up on a truck like this I wait for there to be a bit of a gap ahead of me if this car goes and then I slide through the danger point as fast as possible even better would be to choose a lane position over here so I don't have to do that in general it's always a good idea to take this left lane position one reason is because I only have to check one mirror now it's easier on me I don't have to look here and here every few seconds I'm just looking ahead and then this mirror and then a head and then this mirror and then a head and then this mirror now nobody's going to sneak up on me on this side the other reason I like the left lane is because there's nothing more dangerous than somebody who almost misses their exit and then careens right in hopes of making it you know they'll cross like four lines of traffic in a heartbeat without really checking properly if you stay in the left lane you sort of stay out of that danger zone the biggest thing about riding safely is just focus I'm looking ahead then I'm looking here and then I'm looking here and then I'm checking out with this guy's doing and I'm I'm seeing this guy turning is he gonna want to come all the way left okay no he's just taking the middle lane and there's construction up ahead the the 720 is closed so a lot of people are going to be jumping right in to hurry so far in the right lane I might have to worry about that etcetera etc etc it's constant thinking and it's a lot of mental effort but after a while you get used to it oh did you hear that off throttle gurgle is one of my favorite things about this bike is just the way that it burps let's see how bump it bump it down to gear here first and you rev it up and then let off wait for it there it is whoo that sounds good oh I couldn't have picked a better day for this sunny cool is epic let's go up to st. cats with all these people and one of the things when you're riding in a high danger zone like st. Catharines on a sunny day just keep your thumb on the on the horn you know it's the biggest thing if someone steps out in your pass boom you can honk at them it grabs people's attention if your thumb is off the horn you'll never find it in time you know somebody'll come around you'll be like wow what do I do and you'll end up like signaling left and then you'll hit them the best thing to do is just just hold your thumb on the on the horn when you're riding in traffic when you're riding alongside pedestrians it's good practice to pretty much do it all the time now whenever there's a stop line of traffic you have to be careful because everyone in here is gonna want to get the hell out of this slow line and so when I'm riding along and I'm watching all these guys their front tires specifically it's going to be their first indicator they'll turn their front tires and then they'll jump out to try to get ahead at a moment's notice and I got to be ready for that I know that I'm in a danger zone riding on the right-hand side of a stop side of traffic just like I know that this lady with a UPS van stopped in front of her is gonna want to get in here that's what people mean when they say sort of preempt what people are gonna do you don't have to see the future you just have to see fifteen meters ahead of you densa I want to say a lot of things about this bike but the overall impression I have about the street rod is that it is freaking hot this is an inappropriately hot place to set it's it's like a volcano it's like hell it's I don't even know what you words to use to describe them because they all sort of fall short of what's happening to my ass right now and I'm stopping I'm flashing my brake light so the person behind me can see we're slowing down and they have that's good then I come up slowly to the car in front just so they don't get any funny ideas about rear-ended me and then I leave lots of room and even angle my handlebars a little bit this way because if someone behind me doesn't stop that's my escape route and that's where I'm going it's checking out my heart and a you lack my hull good you don't blame them you know a lot of motorcycle is just like get really hateful about car drivers like oh everyone the roads trying to kill me all the time it's like no they're not you know these are good people for the most part these are good drivers it's just everybody makes mistakes nobody's perfect and as the vulnerable person the onus is on me to make sure that I'm not at the butt end of one of those mistakes that's it there's no reason to get angry about it following distance is one thing I haven't talked about yet now the reason I'm staying about this far away from this car is not because I need that braking distance from him you know this street rod will easily outbreak that chevrolet astro is true I mean this thing has amazing brakes they're actually way better and then on pretty much any other Harley and way way way better than the street 750 before it wish me will be called it a beginner's bike early is just downright dangerous the brakes the suspension the chassis couldn't keep up with what that engine was capable of and it sucked this bike can do it so much better anyway I digress the braking distance from this car is not my concern it's the braking distance of whatever he might be driving over now see occasionally they do construction in Montreal it happens now and then occasionally and so there may be a pylon in the middle of the road or a tire or a piece of tyre or whatever it's a city there's a lot of out here and he could just drive right over it sort of threading his wheels on either side of it I don't have that same privilege and so if I'm following squarely behind him and pretty tight like a second or a half second fall in distance and all of a sudden there's something there I'm not gonna have time to avoid it so best to hang back well this tree rod is a city bike but it's not sort of the smooth Maitre D' in the tuxedo shepherding me along with his gloved hand it's more the city bike in the sense of the the club bouncer who takes me into the back alley and roughs me up a little bit the suspension is stiff the torque is a bit jumpy here I should say the fueling is a bit jumpy rather it's fun to ride around town but it's sort of an aggressive brawling type fun it'd be a great bike for someone who enjoys a good fight a sound effects make me about three or four times safer the other major impression I have of this bike is the tank it's all wrong this is a cruisers tank anyone can tell that it looks like the tank off a street 750 because it is the tank off the street 750 it's very wrong on this bike it forces my knees into a stupid attack position they're really wide apart the ergonomics on here are a bit cramped harley doesn't beat around the bush about it they straight-up said this bike is meant for people from five foot five to five foot nine and that ain't me so it is a little bit tight duo - ROH that's my exit and one of the most common and well known dangers in motorcycling is this you're coming up to a left or a solid green rather and someone over here is trying to make a left turn they don't see most like this guy he's making a left turn for whatever reason she may not see and register a motorcyclist and just go and turn right in front of me so when I go through solid greens I should be covering the brake with my finger I should be covering the horn with my thumb and I should be ready and planning how to do a panic stop how to take evasive action whatever that looks like if I'm doing a panic stop it's nice to have ABS you know somebody illumine Andy once asked you know is it worth getting abs or shows not get abs and upgrade separately or what well you can learn excellent fast braking on your own leave your pressure is a good skill to have so I would say don't feel obliged to get abs especially if you're riding off-road it's actually beneficial not to have it and even if you are running on the road like I said it's good to learn the braking skill having said that it is a safety feature I think for everybody to have abs no matter how good you are at modulating your open lever pressure and avoiding lockup and whatever when you get into that panic braking scenario are you really gonna remember and think of that if you've done it enough maybe it's instinct but even then you know something falls right in front of you you grab the lever maybe you lock it up tuck the front and you go for a slide if you have abs that's not gonna happen if you're wondering why I've left the island of Montreal it's because I have to return this now this belongs to Harley Davidson it's a press bike and shot a full review with it last week I can link it down below if you want to see that video but for now I've got to give the thing back and a part of me is sad about that not that I loved it you know that the tank is stupid the exhaust is stupid they're both stolen from the 750 and they're all wrong here and it's an insanely hard place to sit and the liquid cooled engine is high revving and not at all what you'd expect or even want from Harley but a part of me is gonna be sad to see this bike go because the finish is nice and when you look at it from the side you can just see the XR 750 in there somebody Erica Jane Archer I think it was asked well what would be your dream body if you could buy only one that's it maybe a 1972 ish XR 750 flat tracker loved it haha you see that your home my girl and that is leo Harley Davidson this is a hell of a family reception and the let's turn you off [Music] [Music]
Channel: FortNine
Views: 1,405,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city riding, motovlog, motorcycle vlog, fortnine vlog, Harley Davidson Sreet Rod, Harley Street Rod, Street Rod, How to ride in the city, Harley Davidson, motorcycle tips, motorcycle how to, How to Ride a Motorcycle in City Traffic
Id: IS2mLzMgals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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