Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Started Riding Motorcycles

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honestly when I started writing many many years ago I kind of wish somebody told me that temperature makes a big difference on your motorcycle there's lots of stuff I wish people told me about when I started riding motorcycles I'm going to get into some of them in this video but temperature I think is the biggest one when I started riding I did not realize how wind chill affects you so much more right when you're on the motorcycle it might be 55 degrees outside and you think well that's not that cold but then if you go out there in perforated gear not wearing anything underneath maybe not even a base layer or anything like that you're going to get cold really really fast I think windshield drops you 20 degrees lower than the ambient temperature when you're at speed on a motorcycle so that combined with your hands freezing over especially if you're on a street motorcycle like a Turbo Hayabusa or something like that your palms and your hands are gonna start getting really really cold as you ride really impedes your ability to operate the machine too also warm weather nobody ever tells you when you start writing of how absolutely scorching hot it can be sometimes if you live in the south like I do here in Texas you know you go out in 9 500 105 degree weather you're on this motorcycle that is really hot it's starting to boil over you're starting to boil over if you sit at a traffic light for too long all of a sudden you start just becoming literally like a cooked egg out there on the sidewalk it's ridiculous how much more affected by temperature you are on a motorcycle and that's something I wish people had told me when I started riding but I've got many many other things in today's video that I think you're going to want to know if you're about to get started riding motorcycles foreign for many many years we help beginner and aspirational motorcyclists here on this channel uh if you like that sort of thing join our community over at we help New Riders just like yourselves uh get into the hobby the lifestyle in a little bit of an easier way so hit that link below and do check us out speaking of which I really think that good gear is something that I really wish someone had told me about when I started riding uh I was a little bit more cash conscious when I started riding and put that a little bit charitably uh read I was a little bit broke and I only had about a couple hundred bucks to piece together my basic beginner Rider kit which usually can get you pretty far you get a d-o-t-e-c-e rated helmet you get some good boots and good gloves a jacket you're pretty much in good shape to go around and have some fun but I kind of wish that I had spent a little bit more in the beginning gear that way I wouldn't have to buy new gear again when I wanted to upgrade although many motorcyclists are very Vain and I assume that you're going to want to go and buy some gear and then you want to upgrade for the next season you want to flex on your homies you know you want to look fresh look clean and that is fun but I do think that if you spend a little bit extra on your first set of gear it will last you longer and you won't have to upgrade quite as quickly I'm not saying you should go buy a 1100 arai Corsair X and an 800 Dynasty jacket although some people do start off riding motorcycles and you do have means like that but for most people I think you should stick in the three to four hundred dollar price range for your first helmet that's going to get you something really really nice that's comfortable good to ride with and can last you for three years as opposed to spending 150 bucks on your first helmet and then 400 on your second helmet you're gonna save more money over the long term same thing with boots buy a proper set of boots when you first start out riding that's going to make a big difference I highly recommend something like the Alpine Stars smx's that's something that I wear air and something that we sell over on have a new dad kill so that's pretty cool too the next thing I wish somebody told me when I started riding is just how fast motorcycles really are um even the entry-level beginner stuff is still pretty quick compared to an average car like an sv650 which is the kind of gold standard for your starter motorcycle that people can grow into properly makes about 75 horsepower and I'm pretty sure it can accelerate 0 to 60 in under four seconds which is properly fast most car guys would kill for those kind of numbers um that is the entry-level motorcycle right I mean you look at stuff like top end leader bikes you're talking the 0 to 60 times don't even matter as much anymore because you're just fighting physics at that point but the pull from 100 plus miles per hour is just out of control and then that's not even considering stuff like turbo boosts H2S really really really fast motorcycles I mean bikes are incomprehensibly fast when you start riding them I remember my first bike was a Yamaha R3 and I felt like it was properly quick for what it was I was like this is actually a pretty quick little machine you get used to it pretty easily but the perception of speed is really different on a motorcycle right like when you're actually aboard this machine that can rip through time and space like that you know motorcycles they're like needles they just want to fly through the air and when you're on it and you sense the wind and the speed through your helmet and you feel it when you crank on the throttle with your hands there's so much more visceral than a four-wheeled vehicle in my opinion and I really think that you know I wish someone had told me just how visceral motorcycles were I didn't really understand whenever I first started writing about how much more are involved and visceral they are which is honestly the fun of them really okay this next one I want to tell you guys about something I wish people had told me is the the visor situation um this is a really funny one so a lot of guys will go out and they get a helmet and they get a dark tint advisor because they're like heck yeah I want to look cool well it's cool up until you ride at night and then you cannot see and then you're like wait I need to like do I need to bring a second visor with me or do I need to only wear a clear visor like a nerd then I have to wear sunglasses underneath which is not a bad solution but I just wish somebody had told me that when I started riding because I was that guy who bought a dark tinted visor and then my first ride out at night I was like oh my God I can't see a damn thing because you really can't you can't see a damn thing if you have a dark tinted visor when you're out at night and uh vision is a little bit important when you're riding a motorcycle so there's lots of solutions around this right like I said if you don't mind how do you look as much you can wear a clear visor with some sunglasses that is a great solution and is the cheapest solution too another really cool solution is having a set of transition visor lenses um there's many manufacturers who sell these kind of lenses bell comes to mind I have a race star helmet that I got recently when I went out and did the champ School in Arizona I needed a helmet and I just bought one at cycle gear and so that helmet actually has a clear to tinted transition visor which is pretty neat but you could always carry around separate visors in your backpack it's a little cumbersome but you can do that but that's something I wish somebody had told me because you just buy a helmet that looks cool and you don't even think about riding at night like that yet so definitely keep that in mind so the other thing that I wish people had told me is that riding really fast is actually really really difficult it's really easy to go fast in a straight line you can figure that out probably within your first week of riding motorcycles and then it's all about just How brave and stupid you are at that point but to actually ride really fast like on a track and take Corners is really difficult it takes a lot of practice a lot of dedicated training a lot of studying a lot of homework a lot of thinking a lot of lessons and it's not something that's going to come super easy to you unless you are naturally gifted and you are just extremely good at riding motorcycles you know normally but most people fall in the category of it's going to be difficult and it's going to be a big learning exercise so keep that in mind when you see guys ripping around a racetrack like your moto GP stores World Super Bike it is not as easy as it looks they make it look really easy but to actually have that kind of pace it's really hard requires a lot more bravery than you would imagine all right this one might be apparent already if you're already starting to get into your journey but it is gonna hurt your wallet when you start riding motorcycles um there's no two ways about it it is a money pit of a hobby there are worse Money Pit Hobbies out there you know you got those guys painting those little Warhammer figurines that's probably a worse Money Pit than motorcycling but bikes are expensive man no way you slice it um any way you slice it it is gonna be pricey to get into this hobby you're talking about getting the bike getting the insurance getting all the gear doing all that stuff the costs tend to mellow out after the initial buy-in like to get into it for your first year is probably going to be a lot of money that you spend but then you're probably going to want to modify your bike and go to cool track days or to go on big road trips with your buddies or get another bike to have friends with your other bike and you know it starts to become a big all income compassing cost lifestyle sort of thing so don't kid yourself motorcycles are definitely heavy on the wallet and I wish someone had told me that when I started okay this next one motorcycles are really easy to work on this is something that I wish somebody had told me because it would have made me even more excited to get started because they are so accessible man like motorcycles don't weigh very much they're relatively small all you really need is a rear stand and you can get a lot done on a motorcycle with just a rear stand in your garage um I wish somebody told me that you know to change the oil out on a bike is a 15 minute job to lubricate the chain to take off uh you know your to completely disassemble the rear tire is honestly not even that tough that's something I wish somebody had told me when I started riding is just how enjoyable and how easy it is to work on bikes before I started riding motorcycles I done a little bit of work on cars and it is just a huge pain in the butt doing stuff on cars um to the point now where now it is I would literally never work on a four-wheeled vehicle of my own volition maybe if I was in a pinch and I had to do something sure but I would rather sit on a cactus then change the oil in my truck or something like that but on a motorcycle it's like it feels worth it almost you know it's like that Meme of Gordon Ramsay calling something a donkey and then praising something for being cute and lovely um to me the donkey is a four-wheeled vehicle and the the lovely thing is a motorcycle I would love to you know I love to work on my bikes and to keep them and to maintain them myself but um I hate working on four-wheel Vehicles so I wish somebody told me how fun bikes are to work on and how easy it is everything is just hand tools it's right there accessible very infrequently do you get into a mode where you just want to yell and curse at the thing and bolts just won't come off it's pretty rare honestly bikes are really really easy and rewarding to work on all right last bit for today's video the last thing I wish somebody had told me is that there's a huge world of motorcycles out there man I was really this like sport bike squid when I started all I wanted to do was ride sport bikes and go fast and carve up corners and I still do a lot of that to be fair I ride on the track all the time and I love fast bikes but I have a motocross bike an Enduro bike my desert sled you know I really enjoy a lot of aspects of motorcycling nowadays especially the trail and Enduro side of stuff I've been getting into that a lot more lately but I wish nobody told me that there's all these different styles of bikes that are really fun um even the ones that look dorky or weird they're typically the most fun motorcycles like dual sport bikes if I had had my way if I could redo everything back then I probably would have just got a cheapo dual sport and done like a a dual sport and a Supermoto Style with that bike and just had so much fun with it that's what I would have done but instead I started on a sport bike but I guess it turned into yammy noobs so it's not too bad you know here we are with this this whole setup here but yeah I think that there's so many different bikes out there and you shouldn't limit yourself if you're the type of guy that you you want to get a dirt bike you know look at some sport bikes they're a lot of fun too if you're a guy that only wants sport bikes check out some other stuff too there's lots of cool bikes out there that fit your needs and it's cool to understand what those needs are you know maybe you think that you want a super high powered leader bike to rip up on the highway but then you ride a dual sport and you jump over curbs and Bop around your local trails and you're like I'm having a lot more fun doing this than just going like a missile on the highway so I recommend taking a look at the wide world of motorcycles but that's going to wrap up today's video guys those are my things that I wish somebody had told me when I started riding motorcycles it would have definitely help me out a little bit hopefully this video helps you out if you're a beginner or aspiring writer leave me a comment down below I'd love to hear from you and join our community over Amy new bad kill we're always helping out New Riders on our Discord server you get behind the scenes access to content and 10 off on our store so if you're looking at getting your first beginner kit the best way to do is become a member of our catch you guys the next one see you later well look at you you've made it to the end of another yammy Noob video you should consider yourself pretty lucky because I have curated this one right over here for you to continue watching it's probably just as good as the one you just saw unless you hated the one you just saw I don't know maybe leave me a comment down below about how you much you hated it as well too or just keep watching this one make sure you keep watching yammy Noob don't forget to keep watching yummy new that's the most important thing keep watching Amy noob
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 1,685,430
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Id: a8R-eZT928Y
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Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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