Introduction to the AutoCAD Plant 3D Toolset

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all right well good morning everyone we are here today to talk about the AutoCAD plant 3d toolset that is part of 2019 this is sort of going to be the introduction to what plant 3d is so if you've been using AutoCAD or and this is your first time to have subscription to where you have these tool sets available we're basically going to do a series of all the different tool sets over the next few months where you can see what they are what they do and get an overview of them and that way make a better decision of which one you would like to use with the tool sets don't be surprised if there's multiple tool sets that you see value in for instance my background is wastewater treatment plants doing processed plants of that type so we would use probably autocad architecture for drawing our buildings plant 3d here for doing our piping and equipment and AutoCAD electrical for doing our ladder diagrams and single line diagrams and things like that so it's not unusual to see a need for multiple tool sets now how to install those tool sets those were covered in a previous webcast that you can go look at called what's new in AutoCAD 2019 and in that one we kind of go through a review of how you install the different tool sets once you have AutoCAD 2019 installed again the tool sets are available as an add-on at no additional cost for subscription users so let me turn on my screen here and I'll minimize the view over here so that you can see it so you should be able to see my screen right now and with plant 3d everything works within a project so you can see over here on the right I have a project manager over here everything is working in a project because plant 3d is working on top of the sequel database so everything you do is being placed in that sequel database live out-of-the-box it's a sequel Lite database but you can use sequel Express or sequel server any of those if you have those already or want to install those in the future but out of the box you don't need a sequel server because of is using sequel Lite the drawings within plant 3d are divided up into two areas well actually four areas P&ID drawings you're playing 3d models and then we also have what's called worth of graphic drawings and isometric drawings and we're just gonna go through a little overview of what this is right now you can see i've started with Pinay be open because this product is designed to work from p an ID to the model and not vice versa so it's designed best to work if you draw your p90s first you do not have to but there's not a mechanism for bringing the information from plant into Pinay beware there is from peen ID for plant so that is basically the way that product is designed looking at this drawing you can see i've got a title block it's all linked through the project to my project information and my drawing information when working with the P&ID I'm gonna move over here to paper space you can see I've got all the different tools and my tool palette for working with these I'm gonna kind of do some drawing here while I talk but here's some equipment this is all out-of-the-box equipment that you're looking at here some pumps some exchangers vessels different types of storage tanks and things that are here out of the box however you can add your own custom equipment as you want as you create it and use the product right here I'm just adding a centrifugal pump right here and the first thing that does is ask me how do I want to tag it everything here has to have a unique tag you can see I've already got a pump 1200 here so if I tried to place this is pump 1200 it's gonna give me a message that that pump already exists so everything is unique everything is going to be kept track of through the entire project whether it's in this drawing or not is tracking the entire project whoops I forgot to change it to 1,300 so I'll change this one to pump 1300 place it here and just place my tag right below it so the intelligence is in the pump itself not the tag if the tag is pulling information from the pump you have different types of lines you can draw so these are the out-of-the-box pipelines and instrument lines I'm just going to add a piece of pipe here and I'm just basically picked where it was connected to and we're just going from now I put this one in as a 10-inch line because that's what I was set to currently using a carbon still 150 spec so if I put my cursor on it you can see that it a creek got the not only the pipe size and spec but also the line number from the line that was connected up to while I'm working on this I mean again you have just different types of lines the FIR but if you're doing jacketed pipe or secondary tertiary lines all your instrument lines are here it's very well developed at this point so if I look at the valves you can see I've got control valves I've got different types of valves and the control valves I could put numerous different types of actuators on them I'm gonna just basically be reproducing what's above there so I'm gonna place a glow valve on here and what you'll notice is the globe valve was automatically assigned because I've got those set up in the project they're set up this way out of the box to automatically increment the tag number on the valves it also pulled the size of that valve right off the pipeline so as you're adding the valves that's going to number them and place them you can always change them after the fact but it has an initial system you've got a full library of different types of fittings you'll notice some of these have this hatching in them what that means is because P&ID implant r-spec driven so what that tells me what that hatching is I can still place the strainer but that tells me that I do not have a 10-inch strainer I don't have any strainers in the out-of-the-box spec so it doesn't automatic it's letting me know with the hatch in there that this if I use this item is not in the spec and I probably need to add it to the spec at some point but I'm able to tag the strainers I can do that with any fittings here's a reducer I'm going to go ahead and place that while we're working so I put it in concentric reducer and you'll notice this is ten inch by ten inch because right now it doesn't know there's a size difference but as soon as I go to that pipe and do the assign tag I can change the pipe size keeping all the line numbers the same I'm gonna go ahead and place that we'll just go ahead and place the line number above it and you'll notice the reducer as well as the val both updated with the tag size or the pipe size when I set that told it what size that piece of pipe is so there's a lot of intelligence going on here that's being stored in that database and it understands that these are connected so for instance if I come up here these tanks by the way right here they're not they're out of the box if you look at the tanks they're not here I created those by taking an AutoCAD block that I had created years ago in vanilla AutoCAD and I've converted that in here into an actual tank symbol just take takes a few steps to do that and I turn this into an actual plant 3d P&ID objects so that I could actually use it and tag it and that carries the same intelligence but I started with an AutoCAD block right here I can take this this pipeline that would not select it and you can see I can reverse the flow I could apply corners I can break it I can add a gap which I'm going to do right here and even though I added that gap you can see it still considers all that one piece of pipe or at least the same pie it may be teeing in or something but it's at least the same pipeline number size and all that information you have off-page connectors which are over here on the non engineering tab and some different things like flow arrows and things and the off page connector allows me to connect a piece of pipe to another drawing so just looking briefly at the heat exchanger draw here you can see I've got all ready to find this piece of pipe over here and what will happen is when I connect these off-page connectors up it will understand you'll notice here before I connected it I've got question marks here because it doesn't know the line number but as soon as I connect it up with the another drawing where the line number is defined it will pull the information from that other drawing and it says okay this is the same line it's on the other drawing it's the temperament water return it knows what drawing it's on so it's all connected up and has the intelligence to understand them and I look at the drawing over here you can see now it's got the line the page number it's coming from all right added to this drawing so there's a lot of intelligence going on that's happening in the background through the sequel data it is a live single database so by that what I mean is if I go ahead and annotate this pump that we added right here and I'm just going to zoom in up here at the top and place it about right there and so I've added annotation and knows it's connected to that pump and if you notice I have the information filled out on this pump but not on these two so I'm gonna open up my Data Manager over here this is where I'm looking at the exact sequel data so it's every bit of data that is involved in this current drawing or I can look at the entire project data and look at it that way so now I'm seeing that every piece every heat-exchanger piece of equipment every valve everything that's within this entire project database I'm gonna look at just the pumps here I like the collapse um where I can see a little bit better so I'm gonna look at just the pumps here and here's that data from the pumps you can see pump 1 & 2 I that defined the description but here's the one we just added and in here I can actually start to manipulate the data that I'm working on and actually pass it to multiple rows at the same time now in the data manager I can only work column by column however I could export this data to excel and in Excel I could work column by column row by row and and do things even faster for this few items it's probably a little bit faster to do it here the Data Manager since it's just a few but I'm just using the clipboard to copy and paste information that's within this particular two pumps they're all three identical pumps so I don't I don't have to worry too much about you know whether this is the only real difference is the tag in the pump but in addition I couldn't do it manually here I've got a drop-down list where I could set the status to demolition existing or new here I've got one this is what I created and add it to the project called paint for the paint color and I'm gonna be a little patriotic here make it red white and blue as far as they're painting the way they're painted but again I could have exported all the data for the entire project to excel and then worked on an excel imported it back in I had just worked with an engineer that loved that he would just take those Excel files modify oh man we didn't put them back into the drawing and everything would update and as I said this is a live database as soon as I updated it here it updated my drawings I didn't have to have the drawings open if they were that drawing would have been closed when I was doing that data and the data manager the next time I opened up the drawing I would see all the information filled out for that those patoot pumps that I just copied and did in the data manager so there's a lot of tools here for you dealing with the data even the way I look at this on my screen for instance right now I am looking at my my drawing by later so I've seen the layers of what was used to create this drawing but I can come up here and look at it by turning on my painter and I am now looking at it the colors by service so all my process water is one color all my vapor line my tempered water return and my drain they're all the a specific color that I have assigned inside the project I can look at it by color by size so now on my 10-inch Piper's red and all my 8 inch pipe is gray the six inch pipe is white and so on so I'm actually seeing it by the pipe size and based on that when I created it the color of the paint I can view this by paint and see all my red my white and my blue line and you notice the pump is blue since I set the color of blue to that pump after I've placed it here so you have different ways you can view it different ways you can manipulate it and it holds the intelligence of this P&ID as you're working with it now I'm gonna go ahead and close the P&ID and we'll take a look at the plant 3d side of the product right here this is the structural drawings so I'm just gonna open up the structural steel line I've created and you can see it's already fairly well-developed need to change workspaces that's got to finish loading up my pallets over there so I'm gonna change to the 3d piping workspace I was in a P&ID work space before so now I've changed my 3d piping workspace and I have a whole different set of tools across the top here for my pipe routing and equipment and here's my structure tab hearing about all my different member commands my grid my railing stairs plate footing and ladder so I have all these different structures I can create right here within the structural drawing I know you didn't want to sit and watch me draw a bunch of steels I'm just gonna put in one to show you how it works but I'm gonna also turn off my concrete my footings just to make it a little bit easier to see now normally I'll draw these right on the grid but this particular piece is still I'm gonna be drawing is actually gonna be a pipe support like this one here I'm gonna have another pipe support the top of still of this is 9 9 feet so I'm come over here and pick my member and go to my settings here you can see I've got all my shapes here's my C shape my channels my angles got all not W shapes my s shapes pipe anything that you've seen in a steel catalog is pretty much here there's been very few things except for some very unique shapes that I've seen in the asses not here already in the database now this is gonna be a W shape and I want it to match that one so I'm just gonna use the match properties to grab that information and you can see it's a w 8 by 18 set the material standard the material code the shape standard also the justification since it's a being I'm gonna work with top of steel it draws just like AutoCAD lines let me go ahead and change this over to endpoint so I can grab the endpoint of that grid and just like I would draw an AutoCAD line I draw a piece of steel now I'm gonna use this I could have used tracking to track it up 9 feet but I chose to just move that piece of steel at the position 9 feet up for the top of the still there you can see I've got still penetrating my column but I've got tools for doing not miters and cutting of things so I'm gonna go ahead and trim this steel back to where it doesn't show the witch not going through the column and you can see here it's stopping right on the flange of both sides because I have all these tools that are geared and made strictly for structural steel I've got all my stairs and makes it nice looking stair and railing and you can see the grading everything's here that I might meet now I'm gonna add a ladder in just to show you I'm not gonna go through and show you every setting here but I'm gonna add a ladder but right here I couldn't actually view this different way so I like to use the line model view which shows me the centerline of my steels where I could see that a little bit better a few less points to pick from so that I'm going to set this ladder up three feet from the grid just to show you some basic settings here when I go to the ladder you have settings for your rung distance what you're gonna use for your ladder shape in your rung shape in this case I'm using pipe and how you define that cage all the dimensions now I'm going to use all the defaults here and just draw this thing along that grid I'm going to place it right like that now I forgot on the correct layer so I put it on the axis I'm still using AutoCAD layers for the structural steel so you can use any layer system you so choose right here you can see I just moved it into place but it created a ladder completely entirely just like I was drawing a line in AutoCAD it's a very very well designed software I'm gonna change back to shape model so you can see that ladder a little bit better you can see what it looks like along with the railing up here the grading so it's a lot of intelligence has already been worked into these drawings before we ever ever even touched them let's look at the piping so I put my piping in my equipment and when drawing because it's a small project I could separate them into two different drawings there's a larger project but I just put it all in here now I extract the still in here so that still has been extracted in here to where I can actually see that to work around I've already preached her frozen some layers here but I'm gonna go ahead and turn a couple off here just to make it easier to see here's where that pump is gonna go I put a node here normally I work off the grid and let the grid and placed off that but for speed and just showing you how it works I chose to put a little note here am i drawing for placing this pump so I'm gonna actually place the same pump we just put in the P&ID I'm gonna open up my equipment command here and with the equipment you will see this is all the out-of-the-box templates for these different types of equipment now some of them have more templates than the other for ants if I look at heat exchanger I got reboilers and the vertical down the breech-lock different ones and right here under pumps I have is terrifical pump that I'm gonna use all the equipment works pretty much the same way you get you can see the dimensions I can take my cut sheet that I get from the pump manufacturer and start filling in any dimensions I'm gonna leave all this the out of the box dimensions but you can see I can control everything about the pump the shaft the motor all those I have dimensions for here that I could set up this particular one again it's gonna be pumped 1,300 so I don't have to use the P&ID I can just start with the play outside and put the information in that way but once I've got everything set the way I want it and I can save these equipment as templates that I reuse over and over again especially if I start changing dimensions I'm gonna go ahead and place this one let me put this on node and we'll place a pump there and I can rotate it however I need to and place the pump in there connecting up the pipe to the pump since I already have some drawn in here I'm gonna show you I'm going to draw some pipe in a minute but I just want to show you I can if the pipe is lined up I can just connect it up it actually put the flanges in on both sides the bowl set and gaskets everything it needs to be able to connect up that piece of pipe and right here because this is an eighth inch piece of pipe my nozzle here if I put it on there is a 6 inch nozzle so when I connect that this this valve here to this nozzle it knew enough to put in my reducer I didn't have to go to the tool palette and grab one and place this stuff one at a time it knows how this is connecting up a flange just gotta have a flange and change size that needed a reducer so it connected everything up that way now I can work off of the P&ID line list so for instance if I came up here I'm gonna open up my pin ID line list this is all the information from the two P&ID drawings my heat exchanger drawing in the process towers this happens to be the PW 1308 a 10th line so I'll come down here and there's my PW 1308 inch line and you can see I've got a check valve on here that's not shown on my drawing right now and right from this list I can just place that item and will place it on the node right there it replaced the flange up here since they were flange to flange connection it added the flange down here it's I can flip and change the direction of the check valve if need be but it also automatically assigned the tag exactly like it was a sign of the P&ID so the intelligence is being passed from the P&ID to the to the valve itself just by placing it off that P&ID line list up here I'm going to look at this heat exchanger up here and you've got control of the nozzles as well as the size of your heat exchanger I could modify the equipment if I needed to change a size or something but let's say all I need to do is move this nozzle cuz it's a foot from the edge here and I want it to be four feet when I look at this nozzle I could see that it's a 4 inch 150 pressure class as I'm using a raised face flange we'll come over here and look at the location and I'm gonna just move it from being a foot off the edge to four feet off the edge and it moves the nozzle accordingly for that I'm gonna go ahead and change this this happens to be where my vapor line is going to connect so I'm gonna come up here and just change it to my vapor line this will be a four inch line because it's a 4-inch nozzle got everything say you're in my wired line number my size and my spec and I'm gonna route pipe right off of it just we'll go about 36 inches I'm gonna go down and I will say 15 feet and then I'm gonna change the plane here so I can come this direction another 10 feet now when I say we're working off a spec what we're talking about here is right here are the pipe specs that are I'm using so there's different pipes picks for carbon still 150 300 I've got ductile iron grooved pretty much any kind of pipe you can think of both metric and imperial I've got this one down to where I'm just using two pipe specs and whatever my active pipe spec is that's what I see on the tool palette so you can see here I'm looking at carbon still 150 if I change to carbon still 300 my tool palettes will update with that pipe specs so I have anything in that pipes pic available to place from a tool palette so far I haven't use that but I will here a minute right now we're just gonna go ahead and finish this up with another line come over here the same line off this tank cuz I'm gonna route right off of it we'll go about seven feet that way and ten feet this way and that seven feet was just so I could make sure to go through this crappy support here which we'll talk about those supports in a minute but mainly what I was interested in you can see here that this particular piece of pipe I drew off the tank with the nozzle is that a center of pipe of 38 feet right here this one is much lower than that and I want these to be the same elevation so I can be really precise here until it I went too far as the center of pipe 38 feet I know those are at the same elevation they line up now if you notice the elbow stretched up with it if I would have had a valve connected to this line it would have stretched up with it also so over here I'm just gonna connect these up and let the auto route finish this out for me instead of trying to figure out where that elbow goes let the software do it it did align things up as long as they share this routing that it can figure out with the particular in this case by the elevation over here notice again I haven't had to go the tool power I don't have to erase that elbow and turn it into a tee and place the tee there and then connect up the next one it has enough intelligence to understand when I start drawing from one to the other it changed that to a tee automatically put in my elbow I'm going to do the same thing over here and I've connected up all three tanks to that same vapor line converting those tees and elbows let's software do the work over here I've got these lines here where I don't have anything on it so I'm gonna lets I'm gonna put some flanges on there for that I'm gonna use the tool palette I'm gonna come over to the tool pallet everything that's in the spec is here valves included in this case I'm gonna put a weld neck flange here doesn't matter about size when it connects up to the piece of pipe it will know what size to make that flange so it also connects it up to the correct line number at this point I could easily just change this to a blind flange if that's what I needed or maybe I don't need anything at all just delete that mating flange over but again it it has knows what size that pipe is and why size flange to place on there at that time I'm gonna go ahead and turn all my layers back on pipe supports you can see here I've got some hanging supports and trapeze ones right here I put over here a hanging support I've got some different types of stanchion supports over here take a look at the catalog for them so I'm gonna zoom in at the bottom and put a welded trunnion here but first we'll just look at the catalog and you can see I've got a ton of different support so right here's all my different ones that are general supports and dummy legs already in the catalog and ready to go here's some anchors and pipe guides that type there's my hanging support so I have different types of hanging supports as well as trapeze and here's my base support so there's the clamp stanchion I had underneath on that beam over here and I'm gonna put a welded trunnion by just selecting it come in here and place it right on that elbow and that support place my computer is saving my drawing there for a second with a lot of sake here I'm gonna go ahead and just stretch this support here to the top of this pad and then if you look at it in 3d you can see I've got the support sitting right on top of that pad so you have all these different items that are already here out of the library of course you can always add your own custom ones if you don't find what you need but I found the library for most this stuff is pretty extensive and a lot of it is already here but that's basically how you would do a piping drawing just get the equipment in there and place your piping use that still as an xref I'm gonna go ahead and save this the other parts of two parts of this product is the orthographic drawings now the orthographic drawings are basically your construction documents that one zoomed in a little close so there's me a general arrangement I created from the model I want to create one here a minute right now it's just gonna kind of let you see some that I've already pre done I haven't annotated any of these they were just strictly to give you some views I'm gonna go ahead and open up the elevation here because this next one it's at zero elevation it's gonna be basically doing a section cut through here looking down so when I open it up you can see I don't see the heat exchanger I see the pumps see the bottom of these tanks a little bit of the ladder but basically I just did a section cut through my model right here I'm seeing a section cut that has both a where it's cut plus below what's happening below it because I don't see the pumps so this one's actually doing a section cut that's looking down from here but no further than right here it's very specific about what it's looking at on this particular one so you can do all different types of section cuts different types of match lines if necessary right here's a sheet 10 this is where a pump details so I'm gonna doing new view here now when I do this new view and select which drawings are going to be included and it this is where I do those section cuts so you can kind of see here I'm gonna go ahead and load my GA one which I'd already set up just this is the one I use to make that general arrangement the first one and then basically you set this up for where you want those section cuts to come through so there's the one I did for the second sheet where I was doing from level zero and so I can use this to create whatever view top plan elevation any of those because when I did that elevation it was basically just telling it hey I want a front view right here so there's where I created that elevation from in this case I'm gonna do a pump detail area so I'm gonna go ahead and load up predefined my view cube so I wouldn't have to say here and size it to this size as we were doing this little presentation here of the overview but here's a view cube so this is going to do a top view that I can see with the red there and plus it says top there and I'm gonna be doing it at half inch equals a foot so I can set up any settings I want here once I'm happy with it hit OK place that viewport on my drawing and then creates a 2d view that also has intelligence because it's reading the same database but there's my 2d view of that particular top view now in this case I want a front and the right so I'm just gonna go ahead and create a front view right off of it and I need to set me up endpoint here so I can track off of it that way everything will be nice and lined up and it creates me a 2d front view everything nice and lined up with the view above it likewise I can create a right side view so I get all three views that I may want of this particular detail here on one drawing you can annotate these drawings so for instance I'm gonna just zoom in up here I'm not gonna annotate the whole thing but when I'm using the annotation I'm actually pulling information about that piece of pipe from the database I won't turn off my oh snaps because they kind of get in the way sometimes when I'm ain't updating but I can pull off the pipe information I can pull off in here I'm just pulling off the line number tag pull off equipment and just sit here I missed that one so let me get probably need to make my Pig box a little bit bigger over here on the valve I'm gonna grab the tag of this valve and place it on here so I could go through the entire project here this drawing and annotate to my heart's content the nice thing up let me go ahead and get the tag I actually accidentally did the pipeline number that that pipe support so if you put a tag on a pipe support as I have here you can get that information column IDs if it's in the database you can tag it and pull that information on here and it's basically what you put into is what you get so if you added it in there you have the ability assailant at the top of pipe now I've got the top of pipe there or center of pipe it's pulling everything from the database bottom of pipe that I might need for this the top of the steel I could come in here and say give me top of steel and I'm gonna rotate at 90 degrees and place it right here so all the information that is available from the model can be transferred in here if there's not a tag already for it in the product you can create your own custom tags that can pull any piece of information as you can see with that pipe I can pull multiple information and multiple annotation from different the same piece of pipe or the same pump or the same valve whatever you want to use now I'm gonna show the bill of material on this next and in just a minute but for now so that it can be processing I'm gonna go ahead and switch over here to the isometric drawings here's the ice vicious I'm gonna look at it by drawing instead of by line number those are some isometrics I've already created isometrics take a couple of minutes so I wanted to go ahead and get it processing here while I'm doing the bill material but here I can choose like here's the line where we added the pump in the check valve and here's that vapor line that we entirely drew just a minute ago so I can create isometrics off all three of those drawings at the same time or I could do the whole project or one at a time now it takes a few seconds here for it to create unit together the information but once it gathers it it free I'm free up to do other work so we'll let it take a second here to get that and as soon as it does we'll go back to the bill material here on the ortho drawing alright so you're on this drawing I've already got a bill material set up with the table set up but you can pick and choose how you want your bill of materials to work with I'm using one with a cut list so I'm gonna go ahead and just do a bill of material right here let's put this on the end point in the corner and I'm just gonna eyeball a size and there's my billet material for everything that's on this drawing the entire dry now I'm doing a cut list if I would have done a simple one it would have shown me the actual total length for each size of pipe but I did it that's a cut list instead I can do the annotation for my build material by just selecting that bill of material now my computer just now stopped kind of froze for a second because it's finishing up the ISO there it goes it's finished with the ISOs but here I can start adding all the different bill material information that I might want and it's just gonna go through and as I the entire bill of material and start doing I'm gonna let it get to a point here where I can switch views right there just on item 15 it's doing some that sin a vertical line it's kind of hard to see what I'm doing that happens to be the elbow so I'm gonna go ahead and come up here and change the view to this one and there's that elbow so now I'm in another view place in that I'm just gonna escape out because you kind of get the idea if I added another piece to any of this it would update my bill of material accordingly so if I added another piece of pipe it would probably renumber this one to 18 but it would do that all automatically as soon as I hit update bill of material I accidentally placed a placed one down there but as soon as I said update my bill materials it's gonna update all my bubbles as well but it's all pulling from that database that's the beauty of this product is the way it interacts of that database over here you can see it's added in some isometrics the goal here is to have an isometric that is complete so I don't have to do a thing so here my title block was completely filled out when it created this drawing base it pulled information from my P and IB it pulled information from my model in order in from my project to fill out my title block here's the Bill of material for this particular wine which is processed water 1000 so I've got an entire build material no hanging chads right here I've got my entire cut piece list for all my pipe and you can see it's fully dimensioned it's even got some information in here about how far it is off the column and it's coming from the wastewater treatment plan I've got insulation flow arrows everything to let me know that I've put into my drawing like I said what you put in is what you get out so when you put this information into your model it's going to be able to create an isometric in its entirety from that model I'm gonna go ahead and close it no need to save it it was already created here's that vapor line we created just a little while ago entirely while you were watching so here's the isometric for that entire vapor line going from the heat exchanger to the three connections on the tanks and what tanks they're connected to complete with bill of material in cutlass tada block completely filled out I have nothing else I need to do on my isometrics they're done now this is not a complete out-of-the-box isometrics because I've customized a few things that I didn't want to see my coordinate so I had removed those I had by Tata block already set up so that's another webinar you can watch about the Tata block set up on the isometrics that's on Hagerman dot-com under the webcast on demand but this is all once I get get to set up to my company's standards it's an automatic thing you just create them and you're done at least that's the goal most people I believe have with these isometrics in addition I have a tool such as validation I'm going to go ahead and validate my project now the validation is going to check for things that it sees that are abnormal it will call them errors but they're not necessarily air somewhere it won't probably done on purpose but here you can see it checked my P&ID in my model and for instance on the P&ID have found these components right here and it will open it up and zoom in on it all right so I found these components here on my peen ID where it says I've got an unconnected components what I was looking for is a piece of pipe connected right here well this is a relief valve so that was on purpose so I don't want it to do that anymore so I'm gonna just go ahead and ignore those because that was by design my ear says I can't find this valve this is an HP Nadi in line assets that means it cannot find this valve on my model now this particular case I know that valves there let's go look at it that's this valve right here if I put my cursor just let it hang there notice this valve is B 10,000 and the p90s V 1000 I sign my tag wrong so it can't find it all I need to do to fix it is correct my tag here that's not gonna disappear from my list here unless I rerun it but that was just a mismatch between my P&ID and my model over here on this drawing here I've got some valves that these aren't had mismatches these valves I don't even have on my model so he can't find them that lets me know I need to go put these three valves on my model over here I've got some unconnected ports now here's that valve I just changed right here yeah there's an unconnected port it's not gotten anything convicted right here that was by design I'm connecting up to something else someone that is out of my scope so I'm not worried about that one I could ignore it right here's the drain line recognize that one as unconnected maybe I need to put a blind plate John it's same with these two they're just where I remove those flanges right here see this one didn't come up because I have a blind flange on it so it recognizes there was an open port that I might need to deal with and here's a strainer remember I told you the strainer was not in the spec well they recognized that that point is pointed out to me hey you've got a strainer that's not in the spec it's a place over part that's something I want to fix so it's doing some checking of the what's between the p90s in the plant and the plant model so that I could make sure everything's shaking hands all the way through here so that's just a very very valuable tool to have in addition I have reports a lot of reports now all right this is the report creator which is where I can view these reports I'm going to set it to my project I'm currently looking at currently I'm looking at just the out-of-the-box report so these are all the different reports that are out of the box usually I can you most people want to customize these but this is a great place to start so I'm just gonna look at one of them here out of the box the pump spec sheet will do a preview on it I can save these to Excel I can put them into PDF files whatever I want to do with them however I want to use them for the project so you see it's got the art of this logo doesn't tell me that much about the project the tag is right here some things maybe the insulation thickness there's nothing about the paint that I added earlier for the red white and blue so Scot but it's got other information that is in there in the database so let's look at mine I'm gonna change it to we're just looking at the project report files and these are ones that I've created now I'll hit the preview I forgot to change it here plus you have to reset it now I'll hit the preview so there's the one I created it's got my company logo on it I've got the pump tag right up here a lot more project information I had it my paint color I removed the insulation thickness which I didn't need on a pump in my opinion but all that same information I was able to get this defined exactly the way I wanted it to look for my company and here you go it's doing one for each sheet which the other one was also but there's the pump 1200 here's the pump 1300 that we added so I got one for each sheet and I can again I could print this to a PDF file or export it look at that a couple more reports we'll just go down the list here this is a bill of material report I took the one out of the box which was called 3d parts put my logo on it a little more project information on it I added a weight column so that it's actually putting in the weights of all these different items that weight is calculated now I had to put the weight linear per foot in there initially for each size but once I've done that I've got it calculating the weights for me here's a we'll come back to the drawing list here's the equipment list so again I just took the one out of the box and in my logo some more project information I think I added the weight column everything else was out of the I'm the supplier may have been on one of those but again this just get once the information is the model you can create any number reports this structural number one I created from scratch yesterday just for today it didn't even exist in the once out of the box but here I have one that I created that just has again some of the same information it's sorting by the size of the structural steel is calculating weights I did not go to the trouble of making it format in the decimal point places are changed and defeat in the links guide did this one in a hurry yesterday just to show you I can create a completely custom report that's not even there out of the box lastly the drawing list when I took the one out of the box and all I wanted a drawing list for was the P&ID and ortho drawings I didn't want to see it my model drawings and stuff like this I could have taken the time to added my isometric drawings in here I did I did this one this morning just because I wanted to show a drawing list I just did a kind of a quickie one that gives me all the information of the drawing and again we could take this to a printing sport I'm just gonna say okay it put it in the report drawing file so it's a PDF file because that's the way I had that one set up right here that went to the report templates reports so there's that drawing list I just created on PDF file so that can send anybody I could do that for the entire reports but that's basically an overview of the product of how it works and what you can do with it and what it's used for and I am gonna go ahead and take a look here at the question see if they have any questions give me a second to open that up and to be honest with you I don't see one question here right now does anybody have any no questions I am amazed I've never had one where I didn't have any questions all right somebody just asked one let me see if I can figure out how to stretch this window a little bit where I can read it this is grating actually grating or a hatch pattern it's actually a hatch pattern but when you look at the hatch pattern in shape mode it views it as a 3d object so it's using the I was using the out-of-the-box hatch pattern that comes with for the grading and then it I but I mean if I'm not in the shape mode it just looks like a solid plate but if I'm in shape mode I could it actually takes the hatch pattern it makes it to a 3d object for whatever thickness you told the gradient though that the grading was there has gotta be let me see if I can pull this off and make this a little there there we go all right how can you import a line list from excel well when you're importing something from Excel first you have to export it from export it from plant 3d the reason being there's basically if you've ever used sequel everything has a sequel ID so when you export what you have in Excel in the in the project to excel it as a science of sequel addresses to it you can't change them and then you can make changes and import it back so you can't take a line list you created in Excel import it in basically you have to create the P&ID or the piping export it out and then and you can it make changes and import it in from that way out of the box ohlet's just there are ohlet's and weld a--let's out of the box that are already there there there actually let me go ahead and show this real quick I'm just gonna minimize this screen minimize this when you're looking at the spec this is the spec viewer so I'm looking at the actual spec there should be there's some Osaka let's and well it's being used right there that alright this is the outer box spec as far as this is concerned the only changes I made to this spec is I added the weights and I removed some valves that I don't particularly use because I don't do about well thousands myself so it doesn't have the anything but flanged valves in my spec that's just because of our preference that I had done at the spec shouldn't have been for pump part number probably so I can't use make believe companies where did you assign the gridlines that's in the structure tab I come over here to structure here's my grid and you can assign what your grids gonna be I would do in the structural drawing though and basically like if I added a car another axis value here of 120 feet notice it's ABCDE F if I hit the arrow it added G so the numbers are for the names and the rows are all gonna be automatic based on what you set up for your values for the grid when you create it can you create openings and the hatch patterns for pipe yes you can it is not see right here you can see it's probably kind of a little difficult to see but I've got opening in my grid here for where my heat exchanger sets on those two beams there there's an opening for a hole there and there and three up there for piping it's not something that most people know how to do there are YouTube videos out there that show you how to do that I particularly have an easier way that I believe is a lot easier in any youtube video I've seen that is going to be available to you on Hagerman comm here probably in the next month or so because I've been meaning to put that online for quite some time and I just got a sign to do that about a week ago and so that will be on there how I do it myself I use the boundary command and AutoCAD to be able to do that and makes it real easy when you do it that way instrumentation connections they are there you can see here I've got an instrumentation spec and I had that coming in here this is new to 2019 that they've added it maybe 2018 but I think it's new to 2019 where they've added that possibly 2018 I'd get my ears mixed up sometimes but this this is new where I have an instrumentation spec and I can do instrumentation connections also on P&ID it's been there all along there with this communicate without a cat Electrical not exactly I mean you can as far as not a can't electrical is concerned this would be just a information such as the model information you would see the drawing data for spatial but it's not going to communicate back and forth currently on account electrical only communicates with inventor when you're doing wire wire harnessing I stepped away from would generate milla materials for the structural members I did that with the report when I was showing the report earlier I had one I created that was the structural member you can also see this all that in the Data Manager so down here you can see the steel structure here's all the structural members of the Data Manager it's just you know report it's actually a little bit more you can get just the information one instead of every piece of information that's available because you know into my report that I'm going to send somebody they don't care about start with X sorry X Y & Z and things like that so I can create those reports to do anything I need to are there any parts missing expansion joints trainer steam pipe pipe been trimmed elbow just a lot of those you have listed are there I can't say that all of them are because to be honest with you I have it looking for an expansion joint for it I haven't used one and so long I'm not sure I've never looked for one there are strainers that are there you do have a part creator if you need to create a part that's not in the catalog or database and for instance here's all the different ones that are there so like here's the strainer a swage valve Y expansion joint I don't see listed but I could add one if it's not because you can create any custom part you want you just got to add it to the catalog itself now expansion joint with that no it's not there either but it there maybe if you looked a little deeper because you do have when you're in that catalog editor you do have a lot of different shapes and stuff that you may not see and sometimes I found they will catalogue stuff a little bit different than the way my brain thinks of it so it's possible I know pipe bends are you can also do cutback pipes and things like that the reducing laterals and everything no matter the elbows out of the box but I have had clients who have created their own of those so I do know it's possible so a lot of those are there how to integrate Navisworks as an xref plus use those snaps stretch pipe to model Navisworks files you can integrate it with Navisworks manage to be able to do clash detection and things like that I'm not sure what you are talking about by the xref plus use those snaps to stretch pipe I can use those snaps stretch pipe in here I don't believe you can do that on the Navisworks side I've never known of doing that but I'm not that big on Navisworks as far as knowledge to be able to answer that for definite in the order reference the P&ID data the plant do you need to establish a database file sequel or access this is now the box option it's an out-of-the-box option and it's not access it's all sequel so sequel Lite out-of-the-box but you can also use single server and sequel full-blown sequel but access is not what it uses for its database but the p90 dad and the plan data basically you can as I say that works frumpy and I need to plant plus in the validation you can check stuff and you can also tell it to check in the validation more information that why this set up two out of the box so I could make a check to make sure manufacturers are the same in both p90 and play outside does plan to do you have expansion joints I've already answered that one how did you create the line numbers or the line numbers out of the P&ID it's kind of a combination what I'm going to suggest there as you go to Hagerman comm there on Hagerman dot-com there is a article I wrote a few years ago that will be under the blog let's see if we can find it real quick Excel blogs will go to Tips & Tricks I usually have a link on my computer where I can get straight to it but I don't have it right here right now available so we'll go over here to the plant stuff and under here you will see probably on the second or third page I did an article and this is one that has been very popular Autodesk actually sends a link to this article for anyone that asks them for information on that cuz they sent me a thing requesting permission to do that a couple years ago but basically out of the box the pipeline numbers for p90s are like this you can set them up however you want to but they use a different system because Autodesk likes to show things with different systems and this article walks you through how to set it up to where when you finish the article your pipeline numbers will be all set up the same way to work from P&ID all the way through isometrics and orthos so this article covers that that's what I would suggest you look at for that launch is there video for importing AutoCAD blocks in the project like you did for your tank no I don't believe there's a video out there there may be by someone else but I've never done one I usually would cover that in our quick exit our Quick Start P naĆ­vi class which is a one day class and we cover that in there cuz it's part of that one part of that class but I don't believe I know I haven't done a video but there may be someone else out there it has my Dean IDs I've been fine with the unit field for the drawing number and line numbers using this set up how can I reset the valve sequence two oh one for each drawing you can set up the drawings to have what's called on the P&ID I would set it out of the box or set up to use project-wide auto progeny properties but you can change them over to drawing autogen properties and then each valve number can have its own starting point for each drawing the catch there is you've gone I have to set up your tag to have something unique I usually attach this drawing number as part of my tag but I don't make it I make it an automatic thing to wear that way they're unique because you can't have valve 1001 on one drawing about 1001 on a second dry so I would be drawing one valve 1001 and drawing two about what that's one so there's a little bit of setup involved that you can do that per drawing using the auto Jim for the drawing properties best practice for sharing a central spec database across a network rather than on the sea drives well basically the specs are on your project so each project has its own set of specs so if the projects on the network it's going to be using its own set of specs there's it's not looking at specs in a central location because most projects I mean one client that I have specs set up one way based on the contract with that client and another project grab a totally different contractor set of specs so those are a per project they're located in Mission on the sea drives but they usually should be the same out-of-the-box for each person so I customize them for the projects but I could set that up on the network if I wanted to as a starting point but usually if I'm starting from one project to another I don't have to worry about the exes pulling the specs from the project instrumentation librarian catalog yes there is one and it's out of the box that's what I was showing here it's using the instrumentation spec there and here's suspected my project manager for instrumentation it's pulling from an instrumentation catalog some of the earlier versions of this product did not have that but they do have that from about 2017 or 2018 on is their tubing tube fittings not out of the box but you could go to the I always forget the name of it let me look at the website name it is your content packs under HAP's on desktop comms you can go here and there are some additional catalog and specs that you can download here a lot of them are for free some of them you may have to pay for it because if they weren't nomadic that's there gonna be something you pay for but if they're on here Autodesk has reviewed on and approved them so I just to press to gun fittings catalog was created by this CAD group and they're charging $50 but you can come through here and find other ones that are made by other companies right here you see this up this one right well that's a trial they usually if you see this symbol here it was created by Autodesk and there are some tube fitting type specs that are here in this apps not how did you create your line numbers and the isometrics is the line them out of the P&ID again that article I pulled it out earlier shows how to do that can I exchange this model with them I'm not sure what you're asking there but I'm assuming you're asking can you share it with Revit you can share our AutoCAD drawing such as this with Revit but it's not going to have the intelligence Revit uses a different database and not that plant 3d so the intelligence won't be shared from plant to Revit you files be exported and played-out okay and yes they can you just there's a command called aught to convert AutoCAD or convert or something like that I never can remember it let's see convert but there is a command here for converting convert to AutoCAD I can't remember the name of it off you can look at the help files but there's a I think it's playing 3d convert to AutoCAD something like that and you can convert these to regular AutoCAD objects for that well model file export I got a lot of questions I had none at all of a sudden a bunch will model file export to 3d PDF yes it will same way any other AutoCAD would create a 3d PDF can I route slope i p-- i'm forgot to mention that yes you can route slope pipe i'm gonna go back to this drawing and we'll go to this view here and you can see I've got this drainpipes sloped it's going slow to the 8th inch every 12 every foot but you also can slope pipe as you draw it or you can slow pipe after you draw it either way if you had a base plate on the steel would it imitate the anchors anchoring as well no it's not a structural still detailing software so that would be something you would need to use something like advanced still for now I can take my steel and export it to advanced still right here and then take that still in advanced still start doing the detail so it's now going to show cooping or any kind of boat connections to do with the steel it's really creating the steel for basically clash detection and spatial recognition that type stuff it's not it's not as still detailing software after deleting components you need to clean the database and purchase yes there's a tool that comes out of the box with it called data cache plant data cache perjury and you can purge you can run that from time to time to purge your cache of anything that might have been left behind but for the most part it it's gonna be fairly stable it's just every now and then especially if you have a lot if you've been doing a lot of deleting you may need to do that data cache purge in a multi designer project are there any issues with extracting Isis for models being worked on the only issue I know of a multi designer project is if you have more than one or two people on the project and you probably want to use a sequel Express instead of sequel Lite sequel Lite is a file based sequel that it uses out-of-the-box like I said but uh if you have you know three four people working in a project you're probably gonna want to have sequel Express which means where you would set up a sequel server to do that what is the best way to connect piping between two separate plant 3d models referencing one another basically just connect them up the only difference is it would be two pieces of pipe where they unless they were connecting at a flange or something like that but you can connect up the pipe just on the node from one node a pipe in one drawing to the other just using the xrefs and get them to stay connected on the ISO again if they're in two different drawings it's gonna be us two different piece of pipes so it's going to list them that way dimensional that way so it's probably best if they're in the same drawing most of time I keep all my piping in one drawing if I was gonna separate the drawings I'd separate the equipment from my piping and then just put all the piping in one drive very seldom see the need to keep piping at two different drawings now sometimes maybe in a larger company where differently you have multiple designers working on it then I would try to do it by system so in other words I may have one drawing that's all the pile the drain piping another one that's all the tempered water returned and separate them that way by system instead of trying to separate it by a piece of pipe on the same system what command exports to 3d PDF it's the same one AutoCAD uses I don't know off the top of my head so I'm not sure how to answer that I believe it's a plot function if I'm not mistaken for plotting two or three but you have to have a 3d F 3d PDF print driver but I'm not gonna promise that's the correct answer cuz I'm not sure on that one I just know it's possible but I'm not sure on that one because that's an AutoCAD function that I haven't dealt with any more questions before we come up I've come to the end of the line as far as the ones there I'll go ahead and put on my screen here some information about Hagerman and support and document management software can you talk about the coordination models and p.3d that I'm not sure what you're referring to so I'm not sure how to answer that you could put a little more detail what you mean by the coordination models maybe I could answer that a little bit better cuz I'm not real sure insert as an x-ray of coordination oh you just inserted as an x-ray just in the from the like that structural still drawing a literally right clicked on it insert to the current drawing as an xref they have to be cheered zero zero zero everything has to line up on zero zero zero but yeah it uses I had the xref of the structural still extract right into my piping model so that I could use it well we've gone a little long here mainly cause of the questions we had 20 minutes worth of questions people I appreciate them all I'm gonna turn it back over to Ashley and she will let you know some information here for the closing ok thanks Rick thanks for all the questions to everybody this will conclude our broadcast if you have additional questions that you think of later you can simply reply to that confirmation or reminder email you receive from GoToWebinar and we can get those to Rick or the appropriate party to get your questions answered once again if you could take a few moments to fill out the short survey we would appreciate it it will just automatically pop up as we close down today thank you for attending and have a great day everybody
Channel: Hagerman & Company, Inc.
Views: 77,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plant 3D, Isometric drawings, Piping, orthographic, AutoCAD Toolset
Id: vaP7SnoCpcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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