V-Ray for Revit - The Ultimate Guide and Tutorial (w/Ana)

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[Music] so [Music] all right hello hello hello welcome everyone welcome welcome to another episode of bim after dark live my name is jeff also known as the revit kid thank you for joining me today i know usually uh it's a little darker in here and then the lighting might be a little different for those of you uh who have been tuning in the last 60 whatever episodes most of the episodes have been bim after dark but our guest today um is uh is in a different time zone and if if i did it at our normal 9 p.m eastern she probably would have been at around 3 4 a.m in the morning so i wasn't gonna do that to you uh as well as it'll be kind of nice because i know some of my european friends from across the pond haven't been able to see it live so hopefully you guys can join us today i'm super excited the topic is v-ray for revit i personally haven't used it in quite a few years so i'm super excited to see how far it's come some of the new features we're going to be talking about what it is some of the workflows as well as some of the new features set to release very soon before we do jump into that and i introduce my guest i did want to thank polly cam who was our title sponsor of this episode [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so polycamp those that don't know it is an application for your iphone or your ipad that uses the lidar scanner as well as the phone itself uh the photo photos actually on the phone itself to create 3d models and from those 3d models you can bring them into revit point clouds all kinds of cool stuff if you're interested in checking out more head on over to [Music] polycam.bimafterdark.com or scan the qr code behind my back here on the screen or check out um an episode on the channel here on youtube from uh man it was like two or three weeks ago now where i ran through the whole process for you guys so polycam thank you so much appreciate you guys for sponsoring this episode and you guys check them out and support them uh for sponsoring and supporting us okay looks like we have some people um before i introduce my guests i did wanna remind everyone if you're here right now um whatever today is uh december 16th i'm sorry some people said they couldn't hear me very well i'll fix my mic a little bit sorry if that's a loud noise while i do it um december 16th uh live then uh feel free to chat i will be checking out the chat as we go along i encourage questions and comments in the chat room and uh and we'll definitely incorporate them into our conversation um so again we got some some some old and new visitors how's it going everybody welcome jeff fry hey man um and uh for now we will introduce my guests anna how's it going oh what link here yes yes i i i appreciate you uh staying up a little late i know it's uh it's better than probably the 3 a.m or whatever time it would have been if we did this at 9 00 p.m my time so yeah definitely thanks for joining and i apologize i didn't even bother trying to pronounce your last name but i will make sure that it's in the description so everyone knows your full name but i did i figured it'd be better than butchering it i would just say anna so welcome anna welcome to the show oh thank you so much thank you for having me in your show it's my first time here so i can't be any more than excited awesome i'm also very excited too like i said i i actually it's funny i didn't show anyone this is a v-ray t-shirt that i got at a conference like nine years ago or something like that um but yeah i mean i mean for those of you that don't know you know v-ray pretty much just set the standard for rendering engine and um and i was telling anna before we jumped on i think the last time i actually used the v-ray for revit plug-in was probably um 2017 or 18 and so um i'm super excited to see how far it's come and some of the new features so um before we jump into that i guess anna maybe let everyone know briefly sort of who you are what you do and why why you're here on the show with me today yeah all right so my name is anna i will pronounce my family name for everyone who is wondering so it's emma lubanova i'm architect a licensed one based in bulgaria where our headquarter is based as well i've been with chaos for the past uh almost six years uh where i have always been involved with the very forever development i took various roles and currently i'm the product manager of vray for revit so yeah that's that's it yeah so so so hopefully if you guys have vra for revit questions uh we've got the person here who can answer them right anna yeah i would imagine so how's it going uh david and jim what's going on guys welcome to the chat um awesome so i guess before we jump into some some some live demo and some features um i guess i i'd like to get a sense of um um how how you feel since you have been so involved with this for what six years you said which is awesome um how you feel the progression of this tool living inside of revit has has come i mean i know and and again this was six years ago or so i know in the beginning it was definitely uh the workflow was a little challenging but i do know that that has has improved over time so um would you say um um which would you say that the workflow in your opinion has become much more seamless between revit and v-ray and how that how must been a challenge i would imagine uh yes definitely it has become more complete and we also try to split the workflows into two one for beginners and for people that are not chasing super high realism for those type of people we have very vision which is our real time addition which comes together with very forevit and in addition to that we have the full featured array the way you know it from other host applications like 3ds max or sketchup and rhino of course our interface is simplified because we know that the revit users are not those people that are using 3ds max so their needs are more basic so we try to reduce as much as possible all the complex switches and stuff yeah yeah i would say as a revit user no that's okay as a revit user um you know i went through the process of learning v-ray before it was integrated in revit for 3d max just because you know it was the standard and at the time we really had no options for revit as far as rendering that quality and so the workflow between it and i do remember that one of the scariest things about v-ray is those those four or five settings tabs and and how you can change one one setting by like you know a single decimal and all of a sudden your rendering takes three days instead of three hours and so i do like the idea of having sort of the two approaches where maybe someone who doesn't necessarily want to dig into those those you know those uh could be terrifying settings but you know but still having them accessible for people who do so that's that's awesome yeah in the past you were also limited with hardware while nowadays uh things are not like that and uh yeah most of those settings that you mentioned are actually hidden and very for revit so i don't know if you can see my screen already we can if you want to go for it i'm showing the screen right here yep they can see your screen yeah okay so let's get started with uh just taking a look at the vray toolbar where we have these uh simple buttons but some of them also open um some dialogues with settings i will explain what they do but for example we have only these settings that refer to the very engine which are not that many but even if you don't want to get into that much detail you can simply select which render engine you would like to use either your cpu or your gpu depending on which one is faster and you can just leave it like that and control everything from within the quality presets over here so these presets are connected with all the complex settings that you mentioned so uh got it so so so anyone who doesn't want to dig that deep into v-ray uh or into the v-ray settings uh i mean yeah as simple as picking your your rendering uh cpu or gpu and then setting the quality to whatever level quality you want which is good that's that's good yeah because i do know that for a long time that has always kind of turned people off of v-ray who maybe don't have the desire to to to understand all those levers and and dials within within you know the rendering engine itself yeah awesome so what you know why don't we just jump into it why don't we uh let's jump into uh before we start showing some new so this is v-ray five for revit right but this is a this is yeah uh yeah so uh i'm using one of our work in progress builds of vray 5 update 2 uh which is coming shortly after the christmas holidays um well it was actually supposed to be released a little bit earlier but we had some um unpredicted covet circumstances within the team yeah as the whole world right yes the whole world you cannot predict covet yeah so uh this is going to be released uh released after the christmas holidays uh i'm using one of those builds that are not super stable because it is not an official build but a work in progress one but anyway i i'm planning to show you all the features uh everything new as well as some verified features that were uh really big so um yeah i want to start with introducing the main two features of verify for revit um probably some of the people that are watching us right now are familiar with them but number one is our chaos cosmos um asset library uh so it includes uh can you see it yep yeah okay uh so it includes various oh no wait we're not seeing oh we're not seeing a library are you showing the library yeah i'm showing it no i still see reddit so maybe i'll create a new share okay there we go now we see it is it yep we see it now okay perfect all right yeah so it includes 3d models uh and hdri skies and with the release of update 2 uh it will also include a big library of brand new materials so these are not the materials that usually come with the installation of vray for revit because it has its own library but in addition to that cosmos will include all these uh new material types like yeah you can see them so so uh so i guess um maybe what we can do is we can sprinkle in a little workflow with some of these features um you know yeah definitely yeah i know again as as as someone who's who's used v-ray pretty pretty much exclusively on the 3dmax side i do know how important the vray materials are to the quality of what's created as well so i'm interested to see um how how i can use those materials so whether it's a material from chaos cosmos or whether it's just a material built in how do i use those in tandem with revit yeah okay so now i will start our another uh big feature of very five this is the very vision which i already mentioned so uh it is it is a real-time viewer uh that is using the very um properties like materials and lights but represents them in a simplified way so that you can simply run it in parallel with revit and use it like a sort of a parallel viewport because uh being a plugin within revit we are quite limited into what we can draw within revit's report well we basically cannot draw or display anything while uh we are extensively working with materials so there is no other way to see our materials unless you render but rendering with v-ray might take a little bit more time so uh that's why we included um vision into our workflow but it it is also suitable for some quick and dirty renders uh if you don't have time or if you are at a at a pretty initial stage of your design like in this example uh it is that simple on purpose um here is the time when i need to uh give a little bit more details about the model i'm using uh because we will need this later on um so i have i have the main building it is in basically in the main file whereas the terrain is linked there is also another link with the lighting of the main building and these are mapped with blu-ray materials and here is another very concept that i will briefly explain so we have the very acid editor this is a component that is shared across three four can you see it on my screen yep we can see it okay yeah i'm just checking yep no i appreciate it yeah so first we have the very acid editor which we normally use for creating v-ray acids uh it contains varying materials it contains very geometry types like theory proxies some additions like the foreign displacement scatter which i will speak about later on as well as the varied textures so whatever you create in here and by the way it can expand on both sides so you can see so uh on the left hand side we have we have the default library the one that yuri is installed with um and on the right hand side we have uh the material preview or whatever asset you have created here uh you can preview it and play with its settings on the right hand side panel and to add these assets to your revit model uh you need to associate them because um well since revit has been the only way we can do this is by replacing some stuff from the bim database so in the appearance manager this is another main ui component and very full revit which is specific only for vray for revit you can't find it in any other of our host apps because it relates to revit itself so here we have a list of all revit materials as well as a list of all revit families well not all of them but those that are suitable for rendering and here we replace them with v-ray assets and the replacement is visible only at render time when rendered with the v-ray engine or with the v-revision real-time engine and in this example here i can see my project as well as the linked files and i just used these five schematic materials to assign them to my model um normally there is also another way you can do this by going to the global overrides tab where you can override all your revit all pack materials with one v-ray material as well as the transparent the rpcs um as well as some v-ray geometries in case you are using those in your model and once you do this and you render this is what we have in very vision [Music] so a few words with regards to the revision it has its own toolbar here you can see these are some new settings that will be included in update two uh so the first tip that i can give to everyone is to uh unlink the camera so that if you move around your model and you make some changes in revit and you synchronize your camera will not be restored to its original position um you might also decide to unlink the revitson and use the one here um i will talk about later on um and the the icon here with the three um circles indicates whenever vision is connected to revit when it's disconnected you will just see the three circles without the lines that are connecting them um as for navigation um clicking the info icon will show you how to navigate but really quickly you can either use your mouse like that or from this button here you see the blue one when you click it you can navigate like in a computer game with the wasd keys on your keyboard as well as q and e that can move you up and down so awesome so yeah so so as far as um so the materials you're you're taking your revit materials and you're just you know you have your library of created or imported v-ray materials and you're saying this or these equal this one in v-ray is that is that that's not modifying the revit material anyway as far as the texture is right right it's just a connection yeah it's just the connection so your your bim database is not uh is not even touched by v-ray you only associate the very assets and you see those associations when you render with v-ray but the revit model remains completely clean uh the only stuff that you can place in the model are those 3d assets from the chaos cosmos library so the next thing that i will show you is how to import i have already downloaded some trees so really quickly i will wrap this one so at this point we are generating a revit family and since it's a tree it goes automatically to the planting category now i'm importing another one okay and i will import one more bush and you can notice that they immediately appear in the revision yeah i'm importing them because i will need them in a while you'll see what for and i also saw when you were doing um when you're doing the asset or what was the appearance manager the asset manager is there a way to was there a way to link the cosmos assets to revit content so yeah yeah so if you had like a show you want to replace it yeah so when you go to the families tab uh by the way in the past this tab was called objects but we renamed it to correspond to the revit type of objects uh yeah and for update two we we have split it into three sub-tabs so in the first one you see your revit content and as soon as you have cosmos assets in your model those assets can only be loaded in the model you don't need to have them placed they will start appearing in the cosmos sub tab and if you want you can just take a family here and in the drop down so the button here opens a drop down from here you can replace it with any of those cosmos assets that you have loaded in your model awesome and yeah with that you can just load your cosmos assets in the model and use whatever families you have and replace them for the purposes of nice rendering so it looked like i liked the fact that you could do the material mapping through a link but i assume that the family the family mapping may not work through linked objects or does it has linked objects and you want to replace it does uh this is again something that we're adding to uh update too uh yeah i was planning to talk about it a little bit later on but since you asked the guys obviously uh we're we're not having a program so yeah uh in update two um we are adding this uh new control here um which basically controls uh the way you extract very replacements meaning material or family replacements whenever they're part of a linked file so in in my example here here's my linked file and i have already associated its material materials from within my main revit file but from here i can decide whether i want to see its original replacements to view and override them or i want to see them well not to see them but to hide them because if you select the read only option all linked documents will be hidden but their vray content will be respected when you render and i i find i find this quite useful because for example you might have linked files that already have various settings um and that way you can use those various settings which was not possible up until update two got it so so some of those files if you have v-ray settings in those models you can actually use those in in the host file yeah if those settings are replacements of materials or families we have the same control here in families and it is grayed out at the moment and i can't select it because we are running the revision uh and you can't switch this uh while in real time so if i stop it i will be able to select the setting awesome uh okay another new addition well our update 2 is quite packed with new features i just i just realized it yeah so here uh in the cosmos sub tab uh you see this uh um dots menu next to each item and when you click it you have the ability to edit that acid materials uh well you will not start editing them straight away but you will see yeah first you will see that acid materials and in case you want to edit any of them you click that button which will promote that material to the asset editor and yeah this ass factor and after you promote it you can modify that material but in my case i just want to replace the three leaves because i already have these uh very simple and schematic materials uh imagine i didn't have uh time for example to prepare more complex materials this is usually the case with our users uh so i will just select the four materials of the three leaves and i will replace them with my schematic green material so that they are the same color as the grass okay um yeah so uh this is something new uh it has been requested many times and uh i think that uh people will enjoy it and so furniture people whatever whatever it is that you bring in you have the ability to modify any of their textured or maps i should say materials yes yes yeah and another thing uh that has also been requested and it is actually already uh part of yuri for sketchup and rhino uh this is the scatter tool which allows you to scatter for example planting on the surface to create a forest or a crowd of people whatever you can imagine so how it works um we first create scatter in the asset editor and then we need to add guests the guest objects are those that will be scattered so in our case i will pick these three cosmic assets and i will click add guests and yeah like i told you our build is a work in progress so right here we have some ui issue so ignore it uh yeah i will keep the density and the seed the way they are basically the density controls how many items you will have in a square meter uh and the seed controls how those items will be distributed there is also a collision detection parameter as well as whether you want your assets to only face up or to be placed on all faces of the selected object but now we need to associate scatter with uh with the surface that we will scatter those objects on and for that purpose i need to go back to the appearance manager and in the families tab we have the scatter tab which is well it has an icon because it works a little bit differently uh compared to the other two tabs and here i will pick that floor and i will click to add it now this is my scatter host it will host the objects that i scatter uh and here in the drop down menu i can see the scatter that i created in the acid editor once i assign it uh i can also modify the scale and rotation as well as there is a scale multiplier uh but as i told you that this is a work in progress build and it might not behave quite stable with that particular feature i have a video which i can share with you um let me know if you can see my screen and also another thing that we have done in update 2 is that we added grass support in vision so in order to make grass to appear more realistic and vision you need to create a great for asset i will show this in a moment and you need to rename it to grass so in this example i have done this before running the rendering right now it's loading and there we are great and so it is scattered those trees along that's that floor surface yeah yeah and now can that can that scatter um you just used v-ray assets but can you actually use revit families if you wanted to as as yes yes you can yes you can but i think that cosmos assets would look a little bit nicer when rendered of course but still if you if you want to render something more schematic or rough you can also use the red families and yeah the video also demonstrated the various file formats you can use to export from the revision we are also including the standalone executable uh export uh in update two so people will be able to share um their models with clients or with everyone they want and yeah here is how we create graph slash for uh from this drop down here you need to select for uh then in order for it to appear in vision you need to rename it grass and then we need to find a material to associate it with like in our case the grass is inside so i see it here and whenever you have grass or displacement assigned to oh see it appeared here um yeah whenever you have grass or displacement assigned to material in the list here uh that material will have this tiny dot indicator here and you will see the type of asset assigned here and yeah here i see something um that i also wanted to mention um starting from 35 update one we included that feature which allows you to promote a revit material in the very aspect editor so this basically takes your revit material data and converts it to a very material in the asset editor and after that you can select that material and uh save it as a vrmat file and you can further reuse it as part of your library well that's great so if you have a model that you spent the time to associate textures and bump maps and all that stuff in revit for other purposes uh you can convert those to v-ray assets and actually this is a v-ray material i should say so someone did have a question that i think kind of relates to this which is um can you can you save any of these settings and use them in other versions of erase so i don't think it's just materials he's asking about i think you might be asking about um rendering settings too but let's say we'll start with materials uh if you were to create a material from that i would assume that the v-ray dot matter whatever it is that is openable in other versions of e-ray most likely well it is recommended to use always the same version of puree because if you export from a higher version what you import to a lower one there is a high chance that something hasn't been supported yet imagine you export a material that has some newly added settings and you attempt to mold it in the previous version of the asset editor this might work but it is not recommended to do it and uh it might not work the way you expect no that's great and i mean you're talking to revit users here we understand not being able to go backwards believe me yeah so what what yeah go ahead uh one more tip is if you guys are doing work sharing uh and if you're using very revit in that case just make sure that everyone is using the same theory for revit build version because otherwise this might create issues like all your theory settings might be messed up and uh yeah understood so that's a good tip so make sure everyone's on the same version you build not just version but build as well would probably be a good idea right i mean just yeah it makes it all the points are right you can see it right here so when you expand the help menu and click the about window the version is this thing here on top so you need to make sure that also these numbers here aren't the same for all users doing work sharing got it perfect awesome um so i mean i i have a question that may not relate to a new feature but just sort of ties into the workflow you know when i think of of the typical rendering engine but especially v-ray there's sort of three areas i kind of think of which is um materials lighting yeah and then sky domes or sky what everyone's like that kind of thing yeah lighting is one that i'm the most curious about um as far as when it comes to revit what does the the workflow look like as far as lighting is concerned between v-ray v-ray and revit oh okay no cool unstable builds watch out yeah i i might need to restart revit but i will try to work with it like that for sure so in terms of lighting uh so you know that in general we have two types of lighting and one is the environment lighting and the other one is the artificial lighting so here on the toolbar we have a dedicated lighting panel which allows you to enable or disable or all your revit artificial lights at once and there is also a panel that controls the type of environment light that you might be using and there are basically two types of very sun and stone white which is the image based lighting where you use an hdri or if you want you can completely disable the environment light and these light types can be combined with a background image which uh well it is again an hdr but it does not emit light uh yeah and there is this uh very cool addition the light gen tool which was added in verified update one um this is a tool that will help you generate as many lighting scenarios as you wish um and then you can just pick one of them we're not i don't think we're seeing a window when you open the you're not seeing it the light generator no we saw you click light generator but uh i just don't think i see the light generated windows you may have to share that too sorry you should be able to see it now yep now i see it okay so it will help you generate um various lighting scenarios so once you open it the first thing you need to pick is whether you want to generate exterior or interior scenarios uh the difference is that for interiors we can only play with sun and sky whereas for exteriors we have sun and sky or hdr uh so what it does in case of sun and sky it will generate as many altitude and azimuth variations as you specify uh and those will appear as tiny thumbnails here you can specify the size of the thumbnail but what is more interesting is the hdr workflow the light gen itself comes with a library of hdrs that can be used for generating image based lighting scenarios but in case you have your own hdrs you can use them uh from within here and it's amazing that you can you can even have a single hdr but you can generate so many lighting variations from it um for example right now i'm not using my own hdr set because i have the default one which includes 35 unique styles so the unique styles shows how many hdrs you have and then you have the variations say that we have one style with the variations you select how many variants of that style you want to generate so the maximum is 18 and then we have the seeds which also relates to the generated variants and if i um i'll just use three variants for now it will take some time for them to generate but once they're generated uh you're able to save them as a preset file and anytime you want you can load that file and select the lighting you want wow so so it's going to produce uh different sun and and lights or sun light whatever variations and sort of give you the options to choose and it'll create a setting for that for for everything you choose that's pretty neat yeah but like i told you i think that i will have to restart revit right now which i apologize for uh but these are the risks of the live demo that's right that's right that's okay yeah and so while you're restarting it then um uh so the the gener the light generator um it's clearly so it's it's using um that's like you said it was the the sky or the the sun the sky and then the hdri um so i'm curious when it comes to the artificial lights and and and i guess maybe we can talk about the workflow until you relaunch rev it back up but um you know what so let's say go ahead sorry yeah yeah i was just gonna say um you know in you know i think revit's a little unique in that um you know if you're if you're if you're using something like 3d max or sketchup for example it may not be that big of a deal to to put um you know v-ray light strips and sources all over the place or that's just maybe a normal part of the workflow whereas in revit you may have built out this floor with light families that have light sources within them and all that and it'd be almost duplicating the work to recreate it so i'm curious how does how does how does vray for revit uh take into account artificial lights that already exist and and use them within the v-ray plug-in artificial lights are uh converted automatically to v-ray lights so any light sources in revit is converted to a v-ray light source yeah for example if you have an ies light in revit when you render with v-ray it will be converted to its v-ray ies counterpart with some additional settings uh adjusted enhanced that's great no that's awesome that that's what i was hoping uh to hear but uh but i'm glad that that you've confirmed that and so then the setting you had there was just to if you didn't if you didn't want to see um those lights that's where that artificial lights off setting is um because automatically it's going to convert them and show them as artificial lighting yeah yeah great very cool yeah there we are i can really quickly generate a few scenarios like that six for example i i do remember the process used to be pretty clunky with lighting um especially especially if you came out of rabbit but um uh somebody in the chat had an interesting question um scoured how's it going man or woman i actually don't know if you're a man or woman i'm sorry scoured but you're always here uh he or she asked um if you have self-illuminating materials in revit um is that something that would be converted uh yes we have uh india's editor can you confirm if you can see it yep we can see it yep okay and just editor right here in case you want to use a v-ray material this is the emissive theory material with some uh simple and um right understandable settings like self-explanatory settings uh or another option is in case you're using the um the new revit materials those that were introduced in 2019 and in case uh i think they have an emissive setting uh so if you have a riveting list of material uh it will also be handled will be converted automatically when you hit render got it got it yeah i would imagine that you're you're better off using a v-ray missive material for the final quality of what it would be either way right i would i would think yeah so uh this is this is what light gem uh generates of course uh you if you want to you can select to generate bigger thumbnails and once you're ready you can save them as a preset which can later on be loaded and uh applying one of these presets in revit uh it's just double click on it and a dome light will automatically be created with that image mapped to it got it so that was also from a library that was pulling from a library of dome the the library of dome lights that you either had or that came with v-ray is that what that was doing yeah great um somebody in the chat alex how's it going alex asked if you can export 360 panoramic images yes you can uh from both either vision or v-ray because like i told you at the beginning these are uh a couple of different engines vision is based on the technology of rasterization which is quick but it is not as accurate as v-ray as a ray tracer is um so in case you want to export from vision um there is a button with options in case you want to render a panorama with fury you need to open the camera panel and uh set the mode to either spherical or cube map and there is also stereo option great so i'm interested myself um so it sounds like the the ideal workflow um is using vision as sort of your draft render to some extent a working view that you can modify and tweak and is faster and then using the production render for your final um how how closely are those results is that is that is that sort of the workflow you guys were thinking as in you know what you see here is very similar just with less accuracy to there or or or would you still suggest using draft renders in the in the production side of it if that's the end goal uh they're very close i would say that you could seamlessly uh go from vision to v-ray um there are still very features that we uh haven't added support for or the support is currently a work in progress but i think that we will release them on stages as soon as we can uh yeah but overall uh the workflow should not be interrupted yeah um as far as the mapping's concerned i i was interested um or i am interested in if if you always have let's say you have a template or a standard of materials in revit right and the naming's usually the same the material is the same from project to project um is there you can you save that connection can you save those settings so that when i open the next project all these mapped materials are already mapped to my v-ray materials yeah so all your very settings are saved within your revit project file uh this has been done starting with uh vray next for revit so yeah it's been here for two years now um yeah so whatever you do here on the on the toolbar or uh the mappings that you will create here or uh all the assets that you will create and yes editor everything is saved and it's associated with your user so in case your project is shared and multiple people are working on it when you navigate to settings paths and sharing we have this drop down here which allows you in case of multiple users you can select their settings and they will be loaded here and you can import them or adopt them also another way for settings exchange is to export an xml file which will include the following various settings categories and that file can later on be loaded in another project or in case you're a single user using multiple machines uh you can also use the xml file sharing awesome um so there's two questions in the chat that i'll try and pull up to to make a little sense here um um somebody asked about um i think there's a there's a fee he's saying or she's saying that there's a v-ray camera match setting um that exists in other versions maybe in 3d max or something are you familiar is that something that's available in the revit version i think maybe they're talking about camera matching with real photos or something um well if it's for camera matching with real photos we don't have this feature yet but uh if you can give more details on what's exactly you're asking for maybe i'll be able to give more details and then i guess the other question is from taha and it has to do with um sky domes or hdri skies i guess maybe what what type can v-ray for revit bring in um he's saying he or she is saying there's hdris that are made in 3d max v-ray can those be using the revit v-ray so maybe if you have a library of hdris or sky domes or something can you use those in the revit version uh well in revit things are quite simple so if i switch to dom white uh this is what you'll see initially you will see the intensity and the dome light itself will be mapped with a solid color once you enable the hdr image all you need to do is just have an hdr and assign it here um yeah that makes sense so so that that so i would assume if if the question i'm i'm assuming what they mean by the question is they may have a library of of hdri or skies or something that they're using um they can definitely use those in the revit version as well yeah yeah the only thing you need is to have hdrs uh even if you open your uh file browser you only need to drag and drop an hdr here and it will immediately appear great awesome um there is another feature that i really wanted to speak about it's it's on uh on the real v-rays and uh and it is called light mix uh you can find it under the channels tab where we have well we basically have all the render elements here well those are called render elements and the rest of the very integrations but in revit they have always been called channels um yeah so the light mix allows you uh in case you have various light types like artificial lights environment lighting and so on it allows you to modify those lights after your rendering has been completed so in order not to go modify a single artificial light for example and then re-render we have streamlined this with the white mix so what you need to do first of course enable it and then we have various grouping options so this is how your lights will be grouped after the image is rendered and uh this is how you will be able to modify them um so option one is by family type option two is to group them individually but mind that there is a limitation of 64 lights so all the rest will be included into one single channel and then we have flight groups and in addition to that so this rule will be applied even if you have linked files in your rendered model uh it will be applied to everything unless you click the exclude link flights uh check box which will put all the lights from your linked document in a single channel and i have an image which i rendered in advance it's the same building but another view and i will just um load it i don't know if you are able to see my uh frame before i see your frame buffer yep okay yeah that's the same building but from another point and it's actually a project that some users might be familiar with because it's not the first time i'm uh showing it so this is the new v-ray frame buffer uh this is also something new which came with the official launch of gray 5. um it has been redesigned it includes new features like their compositing uh but essentially uh it it is quite similar to the previous frame buffer in terms of uh which settings are in terms of where settings are positioned within the frame buffer for example if you if you double click the grips here i don't know if you see them uh you expand the history panel on the left hand side whereas on the right hand side uh you can see the layers here i can add the various color corrections that some of them were available also in the previous framework but didn't work the way they work right now so if i click on source you see i have rgb flight mix and composite here when i click the light mix i see the grouping of the lightmix channel which we created from here okay so in my case that grouping was set to light groups and i have them so in the lights main building rvt which is the file that holds all my my artificial lights i have 10 groups of lights corresponding to the floors of the building so if i just disable them they will you see they disappear yeah or another thing that i can do is uh let me see i'm looking for that one so i can increase the intensity or i can change the color to something yeah i will use something bright just to uh show you how it works like that rendering a channel that only has the artificial lights by however we want yeah like by lighting type and then you can modify in the buffer afterwards that's crazy that's pretty cool without re-rendering yeah right so it's not it's not rewritten without without re-rendering very cool very neat awesome cool yeah i don't know if there are any other questions in the chat meanwhile which uh i think i think we haven't started major ones that that folks had is there is there any anything else any features that you want the show before you wrap up i think this was this was awesome i think this was a great overview of not only some workflow mixed in with the new features but also other features as well i know i had some questions answered so thank you for that uh it's uh there's so many features that it's uh really hard to cover everything when we are limited into less than an hour so one thing that i would like to repeat you also said it on a while back uh it's that you always work with lights and then we have materials and then geometry and yeah by geometry i mean not only the revit model but also those additional geometries that very provides like the asset library for displacement and so on and so forth and in addition to these uh you can also apply various effects like uh uh aerial perspective or environment fog aerial perspective is uh again something like fog but that type of fork that you see at the horizon uh [Music] yeah so i think basically that's it awesome no this is great there was one more question uh from a user in the chat which had to do with licensing if you have a license of v-ray for 3d max is that a different license than v-ray for revit it depends on the type of your license we have a very collection license which includes all the main very products so this means that with one one collection license you can uh use varane revit during 3ds max and sketchup rhino maya as well as chaos vantage and as i mentioned vantage coming with update 2 there will be also a connection also export animations oh great very cool awesome this is great and i appreciate it i i i took i took a lot away from it and i hope folks in the chat and those looking at the future do as well um so that's va5 for revit i'll make sure to put all the links that you guys need to to know about uh down in the description below as well as the blog any final last words anna before we wrap up uh thanks for everybody who joined i hope this uh demo was useful and i hope that more people will be interested in our update too which is coming really soon after the christmas holidays uh happy holidays to everyone and hope to uh be your guest again soon definitely definitely i i i've i i'm i'm a believer now that uh that the workflow has definitely gotten way better than 2016. so i'm super excited to try it out and and and definitely talk more about it so uh so thanks again for coming on i appreciate it anna and for uh for everyone else uh thank you guys for joining us today i appreciate you as well um this is actually the second to last episode um of this 2021 season so tune in next week on tuesday at same time so 12 30 p.m eastern as we wrap it up with our season finale uh make sure you subscribe to the channel here on youtube so you get notified for it and uh and thank you to polycam for sponsoring this episode with that uh everyone have a good weekend and i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] you
Channel: TheRevitKid
Views: 2,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revit, revit design, autodesk revit, revit tutorial, revit tip, revit tutorials, revit architecture, BIM, v-ray for revit, v-ray, vray for revit, vray, v-ray 5, v-ray 5 for revit, vray for revit tutorial, vray for revit getting started, V-Ray for Revit - The Ultimate Guide and Tutorial (w/Ana), rendering, revit rendering, revit presentation, vray rendering, vray materials, vray lighting, vray for revit lighting, vray for revit materials, vray for revit workflow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 9sec (3849 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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