Autodesk Inventor Webinar

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okay so welcome everybody to today's webinar session my name is Bassam Ellis and I work as a manufacturing application specialist so during this session we're going to introduce of core very few slices to introduce what Vista prototyping is and where inventor fits and all this and most of the session will be a con a hands-on practical demonstration of inventor professional okay so let's get started so the manufacturing industry is actually quite over and it's compromised of segments and sub segments and we do recognize that the challenges that customer face for example customers that work here in the dust from the scenary segment face different challenges to the ones in the consumer or products ok but the reality is that for all the different companies and no matter where you are in the industry space the process that you have to follow in order to bring your product to market it's actually in the challenges that this that the companies face have actually more similarities than differences and these are some of the most common business challenges that we've been hearing from our customers so cost reduction for the complexity so customers needs to be able to create products that are flexible and agile to change and very importantly being able to compete in the global market as well no I like this case studies that were conducted by tech clarity that kind of give you a business background behind it so in this study by technology they have identified some of the most common business strategies that manufacturers are putting in place in order to address these challenges excus are not surprisingly product differentiation through innovation and customization along with competing in the global market space are the top three business strategies for growth so we can also see the ability to complete to create a flexible and agile products supporting of local manufacturing businesses is also in the top five now the same study then focused on the top performance and what these companies are doing in order to achieve their superior financial performance now in this case the top performance were defined as those companies growing the revenue and profits from two to twenty five to two and a half times faster than the average company in the study so I guess the question here is how do they how have they treat this now one common characteristic through all these for performance is that they have extensively used the digital prototyping processes throughout their entire development process okay and that's not just for design and engineering it goes all the way through to testing validation so simulation manufacturing production and all the way through to sales and marketing and I would say furthermore - that these companies have also leveraged a comprehensive data management approach that allows multiple people and departments to collaborate into a single digital model and this is really the idea behind this the prototyping is having that one common source of truth where different departments can go in and pick the information they need as and when they need it and digital prototyping will help us connect all these different departments that we have and really importantly will help us to create more space for innovation which is really a top start to see here to create something innovative for the market okay it also gives us the ability to connect our different departments and actually drive our product development and through our customer requirements which is really important in our days this makes even more sense if we look at their traditional product development methods now during the traditional development product development actually digital knowledge is actually quite hard to come by especially in the early conceptual phases where our flexibility to make changes the highest so as the data is passed over to the engineering disciplines we can see in compatibilities that can result in decrease in productivity which effectively drives up the cost as the data is been recreated and all over again okay also discovering design design flaws in later stages can also drive down productivity while further driving up the cost finally also constructing physical prototypes can establish the product knowledge needed to refine and ultimately manufacturing product and that can result in romantically dramatically increased costs and delay time to market so effectively we're getting all this dips in the productivity which then we get spikes in the cost and this can be really unpredictable okay and it's not really a good result if we want to have a smooth kind of process of development process here and I think that's really where digital prototyping comes into play okay so all of this digital prototyping helps us make great products and this advantage is actually twofold so first more product knowledge is available at the earlier stages of the process and because data loss is minimized or eliminated as we move downstream and we don't actually have to contribute to construct as many physical prototypes productivity is increased while costs are dramatically reduced and second our ability to innovate is increased so this means we can get better products the market in less time resulting in increased revenue and market share as our customers choose our products over the competition so that's really all I wanted to kind of give a bit of the sales background behind it and kind of define what this for prototyping is no I'm gonna jump into my demonstration straightaway because I've got quite a few things to show you here so at the heart of this Opera typing and your this design Suites is inventor and this is really where we're going to concentrate on today's webinar and trying to show you a few things starting so from some sort of basic design showing you some of the design accelerators that we have some lipids from the drawing environment so as we move forward hopefully you get a good feel of what the product looks like and what capabilities we have okay so in this example I'm gonna kind of show you some basic design we've got this frame structure where we're gonna create a tank vessel and place it on top we're also going to go through and show you a lot of things on the frame generator so what how we can create frames how we can analyze them through simulation and using some automation on top of that as well okay so here we have our top level drawing for our assembly and we have placed some basic views here and annotations what I'm going to do here is I'm going to actually open my assembly directly from my drawing now the important thing to understand here for if you haven't got inventor I've never seen it before we have interoperability between our DWG files and our actual assemblies so any chains are making this model here will reflect automatically in my DWG file okay and the first thing I want to show you here is starting with some basic inventor sort of part modeling so I'm gonna create the vessel the tank vessel that will go on top of the skin here okay I'm gonna start a new part I'm gonna start a new sketch now if you're coming from a 2d background and 3d is not very hard to adopt we're still using our 2d knowledge in here to create everything has to start from the initial sketch okay so we're gonna start by creating a rectangle here just to define start creating our tank I'm gonna set this line into a central line and create an ellipse circle to the top okay we'll do with AutoCAD I will extend my center line to the other end and start trimming some of the lines that I don't need so thinking of what I'm trying to create is the top level is the top left quarter of my tank and then once I've done that you will see I will revolve the whole thing around to create in the final shape as you can see I'm not placing any dimensions yet let's click on and start placing some dimensions here but I'm gonna start with this side here okay this inventor knows that this is going to be a radio so it's gonna basically give me the the radius of my entire tank so I'm not gonna worry about the value just yet I'm gonna place another dimension on here for my lips and the power of inventor is comparing it to what card which is throw direct in place that we have parametric capabilities so instead of me just typing a value for this dimension I can actually point it to the value that I've already placed the dimension of already placed previously I'm gonna use a very simple sort of equation to define a dimension for this for this shape here okay now I'm actually going to change this I don't have to use millimeters I can change any units for life so I'm gonna set is the 2.5 meters so I've got my nitch mistake okay we're gonna place one dimension here at the bottom again I'm going to point it to my previous dimension and just do multiply it back to then take away of 1 and 1/2 meter and you can see my sketches turned blue or purple if you like and this means that my sketch is fully constrained so there's no degrees of freedom to me to move around okay so let's finish that was our initial sketch let's assume mount and now I'm gonna move into my 3d environment and pick some of these profiles here and actually create a revolve feature eyes because so effectively I created the front bit of my tank okay really quickly and easy to create that working then so my shape here so I can create a I can see that inside and set the thickness to 15 so we can see all the way through inside our first half of our tank now I want to create the the nozzle at the front and the way I'm going to do this and we can create sketch anywhere we like inside the 3d environment so what I'm doing is I'm creating a plane and I can use the transform handles to point it to where I want to be or I can say I want to serve dimensions but my initial extrusion so dimension I'm gonna pick the dimension that I had here and I'm gonna say 2 minus so effectively I'm creating a plane that's tangential to the front of the lip circle there and I'm actually gonna push it further for 300 millimeters so of course a costume work plane and I'm gonna create a new sketch here so I can create the frame then no so at the front here we're gonna create some circles I'm going to create one and then offset a few of them so this circle is going to be for where my holes are gonna go in another couple of circles they're gonna be the neck connect to my tank I'm also going to create a couple of reference lines that will help me place the bolt the holes for the bolts connections okay so no I'm not using dimensions just yet let's start placing some dimensions on here I'm going to set that to 7.5 you can see the rest of them are updating because I've used the offset command when I use that and point it to my first one unless they wanna take - 107 and this because this is going to be where my holes are gonna go I'm gonna set this to construction and then as for the neck let's place a dimension here and I'm gonna point it to this dimension here and take away a hundred millimeters so it's 100 millimeter distance from that now the thickness for my neck is going to be 8 millimeters okay so really quick sketch let's take away the visibility of my plane and start using my 3d commands here to create the shape I'm gonna pick the the neck and I'm gonna say I can use the transform handle to kind of pull or I can say very cleverly say it to next it's very nicely gonna fit my shape at the back and press ok now you'll notice must get let's disappear it but I can bring that back into play so I can continue creating some of the extrusions so the next thing to do here is to create created the neck we're gonna set this to let's say 25 to make it a little bit thicker there okay so effectively we created that and the next thing we need to do is to create the holes so we've got whole commands that we can point it to a point in my sketch okay and I'm not going to use my mechanical or engineering details so inventor is very clever in knows this sort of standard that I want to use for this and bolted connections here so I've got my different standards that can pick from I'm gonna use my eyes or standards and it seems that 2x head cap screw yeah and I'm gonna set the size to you let's say an 30 so these are information that will be kept and inventor will know when I want to create a border connection will know exactly which bolt I need to place under my termination forward this fall is going to be the back plate here and once you can see the preview it means you're in good track so that's gonna work nicely in case would have created the first one the first of all and I want to pattern that using a circular pattern around this axis here for let's say 220 cause for instance for this okay now the power of parametric having a parametric model oh here is that I can always go back to my sketch that I had previously and I want to place a dimension here to define the distance between the holes that I have here and again I'm going to use this very simple equation I'm gonna say 360 divided by 20 versus number of holes divided by 2 that will effectively give me a 9 millimeter distance for that and you'll notice that inventor automatically has repositioned the holes 1 here ok let's create another extrusion I'm gonna pick the middle circle and I'm mister I'm gonna cut to next so effectively I've got the hole and I can look all the way through my model okay we don't need this get anymore can turn the visibility of maybe going to create some some first for this let's say mr. 25 one in the back here I think if we want to create proper welds we can put this into an assembly and create proper walls for this but I'm just showing you the plan the part environment in this case now obviously I need to create the rest of my tank here if I try to mirror that I've left that in purpose with it we can't do that because the the cell feature that we have created here but I've done that in purpose because I want to show you again the power of inventor we can move our end of parts all the way to the beginning where I just started and did my initial revolution and I'm actually gonna mirror this now my mirror in this revolution feature and I'm gonna use my origin plane it's effectively I've got the entire tank and I don't have to recreate the rest of the features I can simply move my end of pipe to the bottom and you can see my my tank doesn't know I've been created okay let's give this material here looking go to materials I'm going to set its steel high strength alloy and inventor is also giving it and in the defaults of an appearance or color if you like okay now the next thing is I want to create the small nozzles that go on the top of the tank now I've created the features like this in the past okay and I want to save myself some time with having to recreate all these features for the top nozzles here and what if what you can do with an inventor is you can create what we call I'd features so I features those same features that we can really quickly place again into another shape of spin in a similar state like we have here for our tank so let's go into our I'd features and pick one of these smooth now instead of having to recreate this all inventor needs for me to do is to set three criteria so a reference point is going to be my origin center point my sketch plane is going to be my X Y plane I initially created my sketch on and my surface is gonna be the cylindrical surface yeah I'm gonna set this to 90 and click Next these are just around so these are the details their nominal diameter and start the offset a little create or click finish you can see the nose work has been created I'm gonna do the same thing again reference point to get plane the surface but this time I'm going to set it to minus 90 so effectively I put the other one on the other end and actually if I go back to through my 3d model I'm gonna choose to mirror this last feature I'm gonna again use my origin planes use the XY plane so I've got another nozzle at the bottom in case one final thing to create is I want to create a costume use yes I'm gonna actually place it two meters below my tank so that this will help me when I bring this time to quickly constrain it to my assembly okay so let's save this file into my workspace specimen that's maybe I shall be okay so that's really that the the part environment just a quick example what we can do here is we can maybe create a new drawing for this and the joins are similar we can have a prompts like we we have insider and our familiar AutoCAD environment I can set the scale or can edit any under attribute within might might not so block now with with an inventor okay I've got the ability to create a base views so that's realistic list view one over 25 well with the new version of 20 2016 here we can change the orientation so we've got actually a few cube here that we can manipulate our model so it can change the orientation as we like for our initial view so that looks okay and then I can create projected use from there so one here one there and maybe create a nicer view at the top click OK I'm going to set the eyes of you to shaded so that we can see that quite nicely here let's move these around a little bit we're going to edit here and say I want to create this view the tangent edges and also have my hidden lines so you can see we can obviously adapt to our company standards here if we like let's right click on these both of these views actually and right click and say alternate with the central lines when the whole features I want to bring in the canal cylindrical revolved features press ok it's effectively Akamai nice central lines here to work with I can also I can start placing dimensions through my annotation tab but if I go at dimension that I've already created during when I was designing this I can say retrieve dimensions from here select the dimension maybe I want to pick this here and press ok so bring that in plain then we can start creating some baseline dimensions from here do that right click and say continue place those across okay in a similar manner I can do the left side of my tank okay maybe we want to make this the origin so nice because I you're here to work with my clip create look at the other view here let's create some dimensions radial dimension for the overall radius you can see here my different standards I can add any kind of custom symbols are like mess about with a principal with a precision okay in this case I just want to go ahead and place that dimension place my thickness here you've been move it a little bit around okay so a very quick way of creating dimensions similar to what we have in Ithaca but even more intuitive so for this top drawing here again I can say I wanna automated central lines is that we want to bring some of the whole information as well so I can see where the holes are on white on the nozzles we've got different types of views working cream we can create a detailed view so let's create a detail view for here we'll set this to one over ten maybe just to round it up and place nothing let's break the link and make this into shaded we could even create a protective view from my detailed view so something like this and created here let's move this to the bottom that's another nice view here we've got the ability to create section views so for example I could you just click on the view here and create a central line from here and then continue place that initially yeah must have been a brain the alignment so I can move that forwards okay and these are life section so I can move them I can edit the section properties and instead of saying I want this before I can send the distance to let's say 2 7 5 millimeters and that will automatically update my section view that I created for me ok let's place let's place a dimension for this no so and so you saw a different way we can kind of collaborate for that so there's no place and dimension for here I'm going to save my drawing at this stage and then we're going to export this into a Twi file that we have thousand for kind of communicating design changes that would want to make so let's say in this particular example that we're taking a measurement for the nozzle and we realize that the nozzle needs to be bigger so of radius okay so in this particular instance in that case I'm going to create a really quickly created DWF file and start creating some markups one here for the other people to see so I'm going to create a rectangle balloon and say of NATO and I've replaced this with the 300 and be nozzle okay maybe I want to put a stump here for so you're ejected move around if we want to put it to a nicer okay so then we can either put this through our email it to the people that are involved you can put it through our data management system in this case I'm going to keep it simple I'm going to save my DWF file and exit again so the next person that goes in views the design model has caught the ability to go inside the workspace and open the DWF father the other person was created and what inventor does in this case it overlays it on top so we can see what the changes we need to make okay so we can open our tank here and this mix room so that's the single one at the front if I look at my knife features I can edit my my feature here and actually we've got the ability to change two different diameters different standards that we have created here and press knives now will automatically update the nozzle for me and if I switch back to my drawing now you'll see that as already change the dimension has changed the appearance on here we can actually go into our action that we have here form our markup and say this has now been done okay and then and so on and so forth so you can save this DWF email it back and showing that that this has now been completed so let's close the mark-up already save that okay so the next thing to do here is to start placing or our tank here inside our assembly so if I return to my top level assembly this is the assembly environment and I can place different components in here I'm going to go into my workspace and bring the new vegetable tank that I created I'm going to place it anywhere in space at the moment just one one instance of that and I'm going to constrain my mighty UCS points here to fully constrain that interspace okay so this is now I thought if I try to move that outcome of that story for sweet another site maybe want to bring the know so we want to bring actually the manhole at the front so I'm going to start placing a new component I'm gonna use some of my libraries here let's go to a supplier content look for the manhole cover that I'm looking to bring in again I'm gonna place it anywhere in space and I'm gonna use some of our new constraints that we have I want to create a rigid constraint between the center of this and the center of the nozzle there I'm gonna reverse the direction and then align this that's right reverse that that looks okay go ahead and press okay to that okay so let's look at this part in particular now we've got very very quick direct editing capabilities now this is an assembly and I'm actually gonna dig through and go into the actual pipe that we have here and what I wanted to show you here is even ability to copy features so I'm gonna right click and say I wanna copy these features because I want to create the handle here in the connection with my tank and paste it in in my tank nozzle okay so I've copied these features I'm gonna return back to my top level assembly and okay so let's close this so we can edit our tank in context and see all the rest of the fights have been grayed out I'm going to right-click on it and say paste and all inventor user is asking me to create some reference plane similar it's similar to what we have in our eye features okay so my plane is going to be my XY plane my axis is going to be the axis around the nozzle and my reference point is going to be the center of this circle here go ahead and press finish and here you can see we've created the same sort of handle to make our connection for for the manhole yeah so I'm going to return to my top level assembly actually not before I do that that's I did that again and I want to change make these adaptive so they can actually change through when I'm trying to put a constraint or explain what that means when I'm creating adaptive features the last two features that I crater I'm setting them to adaptive so if I return to my top level assembly and for example I want to constrain this face to the bottom face and hit apply because it's adaptive it's going to automatically know and move these features around and I'm also going to create a an actual constraint between the two so effectively I've created their connection for the manhole okay so if I get rid of the rigid constraint I created earlier or maybe even suppress it you can now see we've got the movement for the front of my tank very nicely everything doing that let's bring the Unser press that so very powerful direct editing capabilities here okay so the next thing I want to show you here is let's bring on some frames here and bring on the Elector foot floor support for our tank I'm going to use my place command again so the foot support we're going to place it anywhere in space I'm going to use my normal traditional constraints and put an actual constraint between that and the tank and also create some flush constraints so I can bring that and align it with the plate also this face okay so that's not fully constrained now one of the designs accelerator that I wanted to show you here that we have is our ability to create bolted connections so this is the first design accelerator that we can start using okay and we've got the ability to start the bolted connection here yeah so this is my design accelerator I can go different options of placement I'm going to use by a hole so what is my start plane is going to be this where is the existing home so if I hover on it actually picks the hole from the bottom plate but will actually create the holes for the top one when when I'm finished and the termination for my bolted connection is obviously at the bottom plate here now I could go inside my content center here and start picking from my library of different fasteners bolts that we have now here are the basically access to my content center the different kind of standards we have I can filter that with Iser and start picking the bolts and the fasteners that we want but actually what I've done here for it to make it a little bit quicker is we can obviously use that I've saved the template for that okay so if I've got something that I create more than once I can automatically that will set the right parts that I need for my bolted connection really quickly and not only that but I can say follow the pattern so that's what can automatically follow a pattern in my plate and don't forget it's creating the holes for the top plate as well so really quickly instead of you know wasting time again trying to set these manually and create the holes this is what design accelerators are for okay so I guess the next thing here is to create the support on the other side I'm going to use my pattern I'm gonna think it's three components and say I want to patent them using that direction and to is fine and I'm actually caught I've created some Costin parameters to remind me of what the values for spacing you go ahead and click OK okay now inside our environment we also have the ability to do analyze interference so for example if I wanted to check if there's an interference for the stuff that I've been creating so far I can set that and you can automatically see that I have been paying great math still of attention and one of the noise was I created earlier is actually colliding with with my foot's with the support I have for the tank ok so I've got that I'm very easily able to resolve that if I go inside one of the my creatures that were created here ok I'm gonna edit this feature and change the offset here so instead of origin offset said that to two meters click Next and finish that will effectively remove both nozzles a little bit further back and effectively resolve my collision ok so at this stage I'm gonna save my my assembly here ok I saw some migrating to the latest version there and what about I'm gonna show you here next is some bits with our frame generator the next design explained that I would have now inventor has the ability to create different representations now I've got one that I showed you from the start I've got one for still work what's basically it unser presses feature that I've created like on the top here for for accessing the top of my tank ok and this is quite neat I'm actually going to open this individually so we can start creating some of the frames now the frame generator is very powerful tool and as you can see here the best way to kind of work with the frame generator is to create what we call a skeletal model so this is simply an extrusion that will give me the basic shape for my where my friends we'll be placed on and the reason for that is that then I can control the dimensions of my entire platform here by just changing the dimensions of this basic shape okay and that will make sense more as we move forward so let's switch to our next design accelerator and start placing some frames onto this now this is the frame generator and we have our different standards like we normally do I'm going to use BSI standards here different types that we have so if I go go through these you actually get a nice preview of the different types that we have the one yeah okay the size let's set this to yes our material it can be a different standard material with you maybe send this to this a still galvanized and actually start picking on some of the edges of my skeletal model and if I click on this you'll see that's not quite a position I want I want to toggle this so this is probably the night in the best position or where I want it not to be placed and I'm gonna click on the rest of the edges of my reference but my reference part here to create my first frames I'm gonna click apply inventor will give me the names of the new parts that will be created don't forget though if we had a very simple vote capabilities here we can control the file naming where these files go etc you know full data management capabilities for that ok so this first frames have been created yeah I think I've created a space for another T frame yeah so let's look into for structural T ok when a orientation on the top sadness to default here and I'm gonna pick one of them not sure if you can see that properly but you can see it's from the wrong angle and I'm set this to 90 that's upside down when it's 90 that looks better and go ahead and press apply you part name that's great the one final frame I want to create the roll bars I've created a 3d sketch that will kind of show me where these are going to be placed so all I need to do other states is go back into my design accelerator I'm going to look for circular hollow section called formed obviously one of this to be centered in the middle 33 7 by 3 I believe that is I could pick individual lines I can right click and say when I take the entire sketch so this will automatically create these you can see it's quite nicely placed on there much we're going to merge this into a single file just to make things a bit easier for me so it's going to be a single file for that and inventor will automatically create robots maybe I could have change material then we're not to be carbonized but that's ok for the time being and now we're going to start kind of cleaning things up so we've got very neat tools here where we can use our miter I'm pronouncing that correctly and could go around our frame and say when my two these two together click ok so is created nice and go for us here they do the same thing for the other sides to the other side okay we also have the knots capabilities which is useful for frames like this so knots mighty safe to the side frame on this side and same thing for the other side as well so these parts if I switch maybe to my priority select are there let's pick my friend yeah I'll just show you what that looks like if I open it up individually it's created the cuts for us in here I'm gonna save it right now so I'm gonna edit my actual platform because I want to create a pattern for my T shape so I'm gonna pick this I'm gonna use this as a column reverse the direction from the other side now again I've created some parameters here surrounded Bhima calculation and the pin spacing so that will effectively give me a nice repetition that they'll also create maintain the end treatments for those okay so that's really quickly how we can create a frame structure like this if we have the right information on there having a skeletal model we can see how quickly that is to create and if I was for example to so let's let's go back to our assembly here you can see that has already updated we couldn't save this at the states because I want to show you the but the Bill of material looks like okay a lot of new files really quickly created reusing a lot of the stuff that we had if I go under my manage tab look materials okay so this is something that we can export we can bring it inside our drawing or four different ways so this is how my everything is modeled at the moment so if I expand this then I get all the relevant files or we can have a structure version where we can bring in different columns we have a different frame numbers that was so earlier that we've created and all the parts involved or a parts only kind of interface for that so this year like I mentioned we can export it we can place it inside our drawing in manipulator as much as we like okay I'm gonna save again now one thing that we're going to be looking later on today is our ability to use so design automation in this case my logic but what I've done for this particular ladder like I mentioned earlier because I have created a skeleton model I've got the ability to change dimensions for that okay and what I've actually done is I've created a quick little form here that will enable me to manipulate the size of my entire so a frame structure at the top of my tank let's expand this a little bit so we can see that probably maybe set down to the length through 750 hit apply my inventor would change the entire will update my different frames will keep all the end treatments and not only that but will actually add some extra features like an adder that we can see here so that surgery the level of automation and this is honestly was really simple as we will see on the next session you have to do that okay let's actually I want to run this again because actually I want to be able to see the the nose or the Front's of my tank what's not enough yeah you can see that that's fine I've got a hole to connect my arm as well that's great okay so the next thing I wanted to show you here is we've got the ability to do a lot of tubing piping okay so I'm not going to spend much time and I'm just going to show you some other stuff that we can do in here so with tubing piping again a very intuitive environment I'm going to edit my tubing pipes here and I want to create a connection from that at the top of my tank and also create one of the stainless steel tubes that goes all the way through to the to the presser gauge the way this works is that we have different styles of tubes okay three main categories are rigid pipes and fittings are tubes and bends and our flexible hose and under that we've got different standards that we can play with now if we want we could create our own from scratch or we need basically so for showing you for example or welded steel pipe this is compromised of three plants four straight segments now an elbow of 90 and 45 degrees and when we put this together then Venter can create a pipe routing for us we don't have to create these from scratch we can always copy that and create our alterations as we like to save some time okay so make sure in here I'm in the right standard so I'm gonna use my BS actually in this case I'm going to activate this let's first of all place a component here let's go inside this run I'm gonna place a fitting actually I want to create a tee so here we've got our contents enter hundreds and hundreds of different parts that we can pick from according to our standards this time I'm actually filtering it just looking at the din ones and where they let's say one of the t here's already have this is an iPod so I've got the different sizes that I can choose from I can choose using the sort of main tables here for nominal diameter and serial number but I could actually have the full details in the table from here where it gives me all the designation size designations that I want so in this case I'm just reflect the one I know that I can use you can see how it snaps automatically snaps to my existing Piper it it's going to create the cut for it and place it properly I'm going to enter the angle to change the orientation so that it looks the right way and press ok so yet connect the the connection at the top I'm gonna switch to my priority and I want to pick one of these parts that I have here for the socket and I'm gonna instead of going through my content center very quickly I can pick on one already place and what I'm just going to reuse that I wouldn't say I'm going to connect that to the top of the tank here thank you okay so that's all I needed I can now start creating my new route for this connection I'm under the right standards and I can create manual sketches but in most of the cases actually might be automated routing is what I can use from here to their origin to destination and you can see I'm getting a preview of different kind of options that I have and I can toggle between them I can have five segments actually improve these three segments is better for me so it's created three sketch for me I'm not really going to I did the position of the stock one just increase it by let's say four hundred and they're gonna finish that will then populate the route this will effectively create all the segments for that pipe run so just to finalize this maybe switch to my PI priority click one of these valves face fitting and oops clay spitting and then just connected to my pipe here okay there as for our rigid let's create I'm gonna finish this let's see where we are tubing pipe runs that's great this time I'm gonna change my styles and I'm gonna go into my knit stainless steel tubing I'm gonna activate this and I'm going to create a new pipe run for that and I basically I mentioned earlier I want to create the connection from this all the way through to my presser gauge so let's start looking at some of the automated features that we have here when you create a new route actually I'm gonna bring my origin planes origin planes are useful because I can snap to them so I can it will help me with the automated routing to place it through these different geometry so I'm going to start my route set my origin I'm going to come down here and actually I'm gonna right-click and say I will activate point snap so I can snap through the planes so if you look at my sketch here this is already if I click on that plane you can see it's creating the 3d sketch for me I want to say perpendicular to this plane so effectively you can see how this is creates the bends according to the bend rules that I have for that particular tube pipe and I'm going bring it down to here using the same method perpendicular to face okay perpendicular to face let's come all the way down yeah I know it's gonna go through there so I'm gonna go straight into this plane perpendicular that's why so all the way up to here similar to this plane and one final thing is my destination at the bottom again I get the different design alternatives that's probably the one I'm looking for and that is it I'm gonna finish the route populate that you know really quickly created my rigid Cuban pipe okay so hopefully that's given me a good idea that's in terms of Cuban piping for this demo now another thing I wanted to show you is a bit a few more things in regards to the frame generator so I'm gonna finish this drawing since the model here obviously if I go back to my original drawing that we started with that will now will have already automatically updated it's not showing the Cuban pipe because I've told it not to what we can do is we can change and go to their original so if Isis there to say that two piping that will automatically showing me the piping as well okay now the next example I wanted to show you here if we go to our but you need to change let me save things let me just switch my project under another frame generator example here just to show you how this works now again I've used a skeletal model in this particular example so this is sort of a conveyor bridge that we're going to be creating but I wanted to show you some more ways of how we can reuse content and not having to recreate stuff okay so under my design I'm gonna start using my my reuse commands for my frame generator and want to create the rest of these frames that destruction is that under them and have here my true list up from the top so I want to reuse this one and just place it on the other side wherever I've got my sketch and go in and click apply do the same thing I go for this frame to this side you've got nicer than actually have to go into my content center I can reuse a lot of the contents again create some of these frames yeah if I take one of these for example and I want to recreate the top ones but I want to make a slight alteration because obviously this is going the other way and always go to change or reuse for this particular one you can see the end treatments were on the wrong side because basically we use the previous one but I can always reverse the member direction which will effectively create there the right end treatments for that okay so look let's look at the top but if I switch to the start so if you see what's happening here and I'm gonna reuse again let's pick this and I'm gonna copy it across the rest of my reference lines do the same thing for this side go ahead and apply and you can see how quickly I'm kind of going through building like my design here without having to recreate information okay now so what we need to do here is start making this look a little bit nicer so I'm going to use my mind to commence this with that so if I click apply you can see it picks both of the free members because I've created that relationship between them yeah I want to do the same for these with the bottom frames as well so if you can see how it's created a nice angle on this side the same thing with this side as well we also want to not like we did previously so August with that so it gives a relationship so it saves you time from having to do them individually as well so both sides have been done here now you'll notice there is an issue with the top left there let's resolve that if I right click this frame member I want to say it when a break and reuse number and then I'm going to use my miter again from here today okay that looks a lot better okay and really nice capabilities here it's because of the ability if you look at the other side I'm missing some of these frames and again I don't want to have to create new sketches and then start going through the content Center and let's look at what some of these frames here so hopefully yeah so these are the ones I'm going to actually pick this for button frames here and we've got the ability to demote this or do like that work particularly but we can create a sub assembly for those particular parts that we can then manipulate so I'm going to call this cross bracing just to show you how flexible this is so this will take those particular parts and place them into an individual sub assembly and then we can actually go inside our convert bridge and create a pattern circular pattern or for cross bracing assembly which is my access might probably be my origin Y z axis in this particular case I'm gonna set mr2 and all said mr. director to 118 so if we look at the other side of monado this is created the rest of the frames that I need it okay so let's return to my top level simply here I'm actually gonna switch to my confessor I can see my conveyor as well turn the visibility of my reference model and I want to create the other side for this again using my pattern I'm gonna assume that in this entire component around of course the matches I've created here use the same method to instead mr2 to 180 and go ahead and press okay okay so this is the full conveyor they're not only that but with that even with all these changes that I've made hopefully I'll still be able to use the the AI logic automation that I had so with this I'm basically exposing the reference model parameters that we saw earlier so they can bear baits frame so this one you know I suppress but by changing these dimensions my entire assembly will automatically update okay so maybe we can start with a height let's set this to UM 4 meters this time music change is made automatically and the frame structure will automatically update let's change the width here no one won anything lets me just to show you how all this work okay so it's doing a lot of work in the background here to do and just change that to 950 I just need to update that so hopefully it's doing some press done okay so we you can see how easily we can create something that is flexible and agile and we can adjust it according to our requirements here okay so one thing I didn't get the chance to really show you properly it was the last little bit on the frame analysis what I did want to kind of pay maybe to a separate webinar for if you need to but apologies for misunderstanding the time frames I had for that webinar I thought it was set to one hour and I thought it was already over the time limit there but let's have a quick look at what the frame analysis looks like and in this example that we try to see there was we've got a frame structure which is also controlled by skeletal model lock we saw in the examples previously and I wouldn't run some analysis on here to make sure that whatever I'm assigning is tending towards the right direction so of actors ready to my frame analysis tool and I create a new analysis in this particular example I could maybe simulate with or without the cross beams at the bottom I'm just going to do with crossbeams is the single analysis and show you how this works we've got the ability to do static or modal analysis and change the states like I mentioned the different level representations that we have with or without cross beams okay so I'm going to go ahead and test this with the cross beams on now what inventor is doing here is it's analyzing my frame structure and is creating the links between my different components if we zoom in here I can see all the connections between the frame members and actually the nodes in the rigid links that were created for this and one of the first things that we have to do first of all here is to set our our origin area are fixed constraints so my frame is fixed at the bottom with this four legs and create this constraints inside my frame analysis environment okay so the next thing to do here is to just tweak a little bit the relationship that we have for the cross beams here and so for example if I use my release command I can highlight some of these beams across beams here and I can control the constraints that are around these I can set them actually I don't want any rotation on the X&Y but there will be a rotation on the x-axis Saoirse of the y&z in the x-axis and the same that is for the beam start but also for the beam and I want to have the same situation here okay so it's for all these beams I can apply these conditions on here and also finally I want to suppress the link the rigid link that is between the two ones just to make it a little bit more realistic okay so once I'm done let's have a look I've got my mark model browser I've got all the different nodes the beams the links the release conditions the fix constraints and now I need to start putting some loads into this I'm going to use the top six frames that I have here just I'm gonna actually apply a load I'm gonna click on more options and expand here unfortunately just bear in mind that this data set is set to inches I need to recreate this so I'm gonna set this to let's say 600,000 pounds divided by 6 is the number of beams that this weight was going to be applied on I'm gonna set it to relative and put 0.5 so that's right in the center of the beam and click apply and I'm gonna do the same thing for the rest sorry it's changed to a relative and set to 0.5 and do the same thing for the other beams okay so hopefully I will now have six forces including like my gravity here so look into different things if you wanted to do something like lifting we could edit the gravity change the direction etcetera but in this particular example we just want that force in those particular frames just to show you how this works so this stage we are ready to run this simulation okay so this is a bit exaggerating it's kind of adjusted to x by five verses so as the results come true let me change that to x one so at least we can see what is happening in to our frame we can use our animation tools here to produce an animation and so our results if we want to control the stay and the speed and the steps if we look at our results themselves at the moment I'm looking at displacement don't forget this is inches okay for the maximum displacement for what those particular beams and we have different types of results that we can inspect we can see the forces you can see the moments the normal stress probably will not switch to the s max here we can draw the visibility of the Corrib our Y said in this different maximum so if we said it was something a bit lower we'll be able to see better you know the coloring and the issues that we have in our beans okay these are different things serious stress and different diagrams that we can create we can probe and look at particular values when the origin so for highlight that you can get our probe and you know on our values for that and what can have been details that's quite a useful we can select one of the beams and see the different forces that will get the moments so this is for this beam in particular here we're working look at the s max shear stresses etcetera and all the results and calculations are displayed on the right and I can pick any beam that we like to produce this okay so if I actually let's go for beauty tone and let's say this max or maybe the MX and press ok so that will actually be added to my diagrams and we can have diagrams actually on all the beams or selected beam so we can pick some of the beams here and let's say we wanted to see the M X for this particular ones will get the values we can export that and communicate our design intent we can for our maximum s max on there as well okay so different things we can calculate there and it will give us a good idea as to whether this frame structure will perform or wherever the word that we're designing to the towards the right direction okay so these are some very basic kind of simulation tools that will be that you get we've build in inside inventor but don't forget with in with some very simple sort of additions for example with NASA for an Inc at working to nonlinear simulations reinventing the buckling etc and actually physically see the results inside our inventor but this is more like in preliminary stage just to make sure that wherever we're designing is called the right I think we're in the right course okay one thing actually I didn't show you here we also have the ability to export generate a report from yet this might take a little bit of time but if generates about the views that we want and generates a report in HTML for month ago we can then communicate internally or externally okay there's a lot of other things that we can do in here we're just going to keep it simple at the time being if you want to do a dedicated a webinar to this what can ya brain snap as well and with that really that was a really quick example noesis jump on just to wrap things up here so what we saw within the frame analysis there's sort of different design parameters that we can control here the position length the shape and orientation and the support and some sort of user-defined in industry codes criteria that we can view in the results so much deformation limits like stress limit critical buckling load in the dynamic behavior of our design if we wanted to take it a step further from there even further than to a full structural analysis than actually getting the the robot structural analysis then is the the step the next step to that okay so that's a different kind of area outside my expertise to be honest but there is specialist that can assist you with more information on RSA okay so these are some of the things that we see that so the connection and support calculation then and Canales is like seismic and mobile loads variable selection and manipulate their GUI for the frame structure so just a quick little snippet there to close everything up I would like to apologize for the loop computer near the end there and - thank you very much for taking the time to joining the session if there is any questions please don't hesitate to email anyone from great egg like Corina for example here and now I will pick the Curie's up and I can communicate back and dress this area buzzing Whitney did so with that I'd like to thank you very much for taking the time and I hope to see you in one of our next sessions thank you you
Channel: Graitec Ltd
Views: 66,666
Rating: 4.9453716 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk (Award Winner), Autodesk Inventor (Software), Software (Industry), Web Conferencing (Industry), 3D, Mechanical Engineering (Industry), mechanical design, Design (Industry), Autocad (Software), .dwg (File Format), digital prototyping, workflows, bill of materials, BOM, I-Logic, i-logic, component creation, rule based design, visualisations, Technology
Id: QOvQEpxLSrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2015
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