AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 Isometric Title Block Configuration

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my name is Rick France I am an solutions engineer here at Hagerman and I will be doing this webinar that you are attending today regarding our isometric cotta block configuration with plant 3d this is being recorded and you'll be able to view this at a later date will be sent a link on the recording also so I'll switch my screen over here and you should be able to now see my screen and I'm going to minimize this I am the only one here so I am NOT going to be watching the questions or chat windows while I'm doing the presentation I will actually start doing that I will check at the end of the presentation I will look at the questions and be able to answer at that time it's just a little difficult I only have one screen for me to be able to have both up at the same times when I'm going through the presentation now the goal of this particular webinar is basically to be able to show you how to create your isometric catalog to get it ready to where you can pull in data that is available for the project the drawing the pipeline even the PN Ivy's all from the model and peen IDs to where you can have your title block completely filled out as well as setting up your tables such as bill materials and things like that and how all that works to fit up into your catalog template or your drawing template for the isometric excuse me right now you should be seen on my screen a isometric that I created using final ANSI C which is the out-of-the-box configuration that comes with the product everything you're looking at was just a producer drawing with typing produce this isometric from it using pretty much all the out-of-the-box settings I'll point out a couple of things so that did change here in just a minute but as you can see when i zoom in here on the title block not all the information came in now part of that is this particular kata block design first of all they don't even have an attribute in this title block for area or for type so that's why they're not filling out there's also some additional information off to the side here for the hip service type stick they don't have attributes in there they don't have them set up out of the box some of these have no attributes in there you can see the insulation stick and insulation thickness did still out and pull from the top line data but there are several here with which either do not have an attribute II and defined in it or if they do have an attribute they're not set up out of the box ready to go so that's basically what we're going to look at Plus this is a very generic kata block I want to be able to use my company title block that I've set up for that so that's kind of the goal here is that to mainly focus on that initially we're going to start by taking a look at the project properties now I'm going to close this particular drawing because there's no reason to leave it open at this point and I'm am going to open up a dummy drawing because that way I can get messages when we're creating isometrics and things to see when they're complete I'm going to go to my project set up where all this stuff is configured now this particular kind of block and everything like I said is the final ANSI C one that told you I'm using it out of the box with a few minor changes and we're going to make a copy of this one to create our own custom own because I would suggest making your own version instead of making nearly changes to the ones out of the box but just show a couple things just to let you know what a couple of the types settings I've changed is I've set it up already for overwrite existing file so it's false that way I've maximized the congestion to be able to get isometrics on fewer drawings a couple of other things I've done is for instance with the annotations here I don't personally like coordinates so I have a tendency to turn those off in my accent metrics but that's just some of the minor things I've done there's not really outside of that anything I did in my isometric that wasn't out of the box that just some changes I normally make one other thing that has happened here that - the final length you see before I even started was there's a article that I did originally back in 2013 that had to do with pipeline numbers I'm on Hagerman dot-com here I recently have revised it because uh other people emailing me and stuff after doing an article they're having troubles of validation I worked out those issues and figured out what the problem was and so just yesterday on our blog they added the revised version of this sent that original article which takes care of the validation issue so this particular article here which has to do with pipeline numbers going from P&ID all the way through isometrics has already been done on this project so that was one other thing that was done differently that was not out of the box and I just wanted to point that out so basically a couple of settings here with the overriding that exists in the level of congestion turning off the coordinates and that pipeline article number little article that I just pointed out on the Hagerman comm has already been performed on this project and on vinyl and CC but I want to create my own isometric style that uses my title block that I sit up from scratch the way I want to now happen to be my title block happens to be ad size type block but it doesn't matter whether I start with a B size or C size style to use I'm going to use the C style because that's the one I set up all those things on and I want them to carry over to my new style so I'm going to hit the little I'm on these any any one of these that you want to be on change its final ANSI see if this plus here and I'm going to call this new style I didn't mean to have my cap locks on Mandalay be been delayed being the company name D size being the size of title block that I'm going to be using it create it creates it made an exact duplicate of the final hcc first thing we're going to do is go over here to title block and display this is where we're going to mainly live before I go there I do want to point out one thing here with the scenes the only reason I'm introducing themes into this particular webinar at all it's because they are set up in your template and I want to point that out but you can see here the themes here for the default theme is basically where you set up how it's going to dimension filled welds or inline branches things like that and you have additional things that are called overwrite things for small bore piping existing piping fitting to fitting just different things these are all out of the box I haven't made no changes to the and I just want to be able to point out where they are and what to what they have to do with because we will be seeing those NRM templates set up when we set up the title block so point it out grid those are back here in title block and display you can see when I created it it created a vandal a/b folder with an ISO GWT template so it basically made a copy is the final NCC template into the correct folder we're going to get right over here to set up kind of which is where we're going to live for most of this webinar as you can see that is the exact title block template that we're using the final NCC I want to be able to show you how to work from scratch so we're basically going to just blow all this away and erase it now you might ask yourself why start with this template and erase everything and then have to add everything back in basically I'm doing that because I don't want to reinvent the wheel with all those ISO things I saw things are ahead that I just pointed out a minute ago or handled right here with that template in the ISO things when I go to it it's pulling in the dimension style the multileader style table style textile that we're going to be using drives and metrics and the layer system that is also going to be used so if I wanted to make changes to any of these it's just as simple as going to the dimension style this pulls up the same dimension style manager that you see with AutoCAD and you can create and make modify and they change the stuff whatever your company preference would happen to be I'm going to pretty much leave all these styles to out out of the box what was sit there for the final age you see I have no reason to go that go through to modify this information for this particular webinar but you can see here that is basically textiles just no different than what you would do at AutoCAD sit can use your own standards that you've created over here in the layers again fittings are going on the symbol layer but I can create and go to any layer I need to if I hit this button up here you'll see there's my layer manager in AutoCAD no different exactly works the same way as it does in AutoCAD you just have to predefined these different components and how it's set so transitionally reference dimensions are going to layer 0 I want them to go to dimension so I'm going to go ahead and change that to dimension so put some reference dimensions thing there's all the other dimensions overwrite things here's where I have the small bore piping fitting the fitting all those different things that I was showing you earlier again how you're going to do all the different layer system for these different settings so you can go through and set up these styles your annotation styles or convention styles your layer setup you can get it customized to whatever you want to out the box but this is where you do that when you're working inside that template but we're going to be concentrating those setting up the actual template in the drawing area and all of that so the first thing I'm going to do is insert my title block so I'm going to go to autocad's insert command browse right here you'll see I have a title block this drawing was created with AutoCAD it's pretty much out of the box on a cat I haven't added a neat plant through the information save for three fields that I will point out here in a minute not only did that save time in the webinar I'm going to set up one field a source one I'm going to take this title block drawing it open I want it to be at 0 0 works best if it's at 0 0 it does not have to be I've seen people set these off at different SKUs and things you're going to get better plotting results I think if you continue using 0 0 and plan 3d for the most part likes things to be at 0 0 same scale factor everything set uniform scale the main thing to remember is you do not want to explode your title block this is not the title block itself that you're going to be editing at this point this is placing it in the template you need to have one in there it needs to be named title block with a space it will not work if you rename your title block something different because when it's adding looking for the attributes to add this information it is looking for that title block I can place one of any name in here and choose autocad's rename command and we name it to top face block but I just went ahead and named my paddle block to begin with okay it's these that I already have a kind of block in here I'm going to redefine it with mine it places it in there with my logo and everything about my company one thing to assist me in plotting sometimes people I could plot by your limits I have a no plot little rectangle here that represents my paper it doesn't need to be in model space for the isometric that this is one time you would not want to use paper space although I could create a layout tab that's the viewport looking in paper space that would allow me to use paper space if you wanted to but I'm going to change my limits in this case this is 0 0 by 17 11 and that's strictly just to make it where you can see the grid adjusted to basically match my paper layout makes a little bit easier for plotting and everything if you ever decide to plot by layout instead of our by limits instead of by a extents a couple of settings I personally don't want this is where you would sit if you have things you don't like to see in a drawing when you create it if you want to set it here such as units and things like that you need to take care of all that in the template because that's what I'm working in right now is the ISO template personally I don't like the grid I'm going to turn that off I don't want my snap because it has settings that were set at that final if you see ones that they were just carried over I'm going to need not worth a one in a minute so I'm going to go ahead and turn that on I do not like the line weight display myself so I'm going to turn that off one other setting that I want in here is on the mixer mode snaps that end points just going to be able to when selecting areas I'm like draw areas and where the bill of materials go it's a little bit easier if it's at the end point instead of nose or something like that so once I've got my settings the way I want it we're ready to begin the convert this over to what it needs to actual draw the first thing we're going to do is we're going to just get the basic in here so we can see where we are right now based on our title block see what always need to set up I have to have a draw area in order for a isometric to be created so I can't just exit here and say create next up with isometric it'll bomb out because it can't find the draw area so that's the first thing I need to make sure is in here the draw area is right here simply put select draw area I'm going to pick the endpoint up here take it all the way down to the endpoint here it's just like drawing a rectangle and there's my draw area now one thing you can't see here at this point is one of the things that I've seen happen quite a bit with isometrics with the draw area this is where it will draw the pipe let's say it has a piece of pipe that's right here on the edge and a flange and it's in the draw area it may put a leader line with some text and that text may come outside the draw area the draw area does not control text and staying in the draw area only that the isometric typing itself is within the draw area for that reason you want a little bit of a buffer area that's the reason I've turned my ortho on so I'm going to put a quarter inch buffer area by selecting this draw area and I get the grip just like a would with any other hatch pattern because that's what it is you can see it went to the hatch editor I'm just going to stretch these in a quarter of an inch each way give myself a little bit of buffer area that way if they ever have text that overlaps a little bit it should still be within my tada block area and not on top of the thing that the buffer areas just say that quarter inches is what I've noticed seems to work best as they have like a little quarter inch buffer area in there so it will only draw within that green area right now and it may have some text overlap a little bit but it's not going to go into my light it's just going to possibly be in here which again that's why I put that buffer area in there now the first thing I want to do is see what I don't what what is actually working already so I'm going to go ahead we turn the project set up here save my changes to my template and go ahead and exit out of the project setup now one thing I want to point out here is by doing this the first thing you'll notice is over there in my project manager my Vandal a B does not show up at all and I need to get that in there so the way I'm going to do that I'm going to come over here and just hit this button right here which is my group line number that basically resets everything you can see here where now I can see my Vandal a B so basically we fresh my screen for me stretch it out there's all the different line numbers that are in my project at this time so we'll go ahead and create a production I so I'm going to give a revision number 0 basically because of the settings I hadn't finalized to see they carry it over I'm good to go but sitting create so I'm going to let that create for a second while it's creating one of the things that personally like to suggest the people to do is if you are not going to be using these particular styles than my people I can easily go into the project take the styles that I do not want and just simply believe them once I do that you can see here how it's the group wine number again it removes them from the project once if I ever need to pull those back in the lineage that can't final and CC's because I have that drawing in there and I may need to refer to it at some but once if I ever need those back into the project I can go to like the sample project or default project just copy them from there using Windows Explorer into this project it's good to go so I can always get them back in here but simply just copy that folder but why I have a bunch of folders in here you don't need realize I probably would peek violates you see in there but here's what it created that particular isometric and right now we're concentrating on the title block area here so I've used fields for these particular three project information so it pulls us in I'm going to use a field here also to the project number I do not have to use fields I can map them just like they do out of the box with that finalized you see and everything or I can use fields I'm going to be able to show you both methods in case you ever wanted to do that not count a block that I use if I was using this for in some type of other schematic it's already set up to you still so that's the reason I'm just using the same type of block why reinvent the wheel if I've already guys head up that way but a couple of things that did come over pipe stick date and revision number those picked up automatically without me doing anything else to Matata block simply because my attribute happened to be named and it was a fluke that I was when I first did this title block the first time it happened that my tags of my attributes happen to be named the same thing as the variable inside my asset config file so in other words this one he'll I'll show you in a minute but this one was called date so it picked up the date this one was called breves this one's called pipes thick and those happen to be the exact same name and the config file out of the box a few of these that are set out of the box that of we can actually see happen automatically without having to do anything area is another one line actually is set up with the correct tag name name for area it didn't put an area in there because it has to pull that information from the drawing then I wanted to point out that is on the source file of the PI P go to the properties of that particular drawing you can see my drawing area was not filled out so therefore it did not know what to put in the area of my title block on the isometric I'm going to make this area 51 for obvious reasons say okay the next time I run an isometric it will fill out the area now but let me point out what it what it's showing here and how those attributes are set and how to map the rest of these attributes to where they work correctly so I'm going to close this out go right back to the project setup setup title block come on ventilating make sure you're on the correct one and we're going to set up the attribute in this particular project I'm really a little bit of a cold here so I'm having a little trouble breaking out my nose apologize for that basically we're going to set up how to block attributes because this is a fully attributed title block here that work I started with from AutoCAD how to block attributes are set up using this tool right here on your project manager now when we go here it opens up the that particular palette automatically in the block editor which we don't need so I just want to enclose that you can see I've got the attribute set up here so because I had an attribute called pipe spec date area and Rev those match size for config file out-of-the-box it automatically filled those out the rest of these have to be math though now a couple more here that our did not fill out that would ever thigh would have the correct name this sheet in total if I would have named this attribute SH my sheet would have filled out automatically likewise Codel to yell it would have filled out automatically so just by having the same correct at could be name there that will make those fill out without me having to do many mapping whatsoever the others here for the P&ID drawing line number service installations effectiveness maximum pressure maximum temperature those are going to have to be filled out on a Mac or have to be mapped a couple of you project numbers another one I could map but I want to show you how to set up those fields in case you decide to do it that way someone goes here to project number and to be able to put a field in here as you can see someone from AutoCAD single line attribute there's no way to put a filled in so the first thing I'm going to have to do is go into my properties palette and change it to multiple lines now I can put a field into that attribute so one double click it now I have this box here open multi-line editor here's the insert field right here and I'm inserting project information so anything here under these still categories can be placed in here the one I don't want to do that I want to put a fill didn't date I'd normally do that on other drawings but I don't need to here because of it being named date it will put that in automatically for me and if I put a field in there it would override it only way I would be able to do that is not name attribute date but for instance client project location client and location or custom data that I place them to my project originally and project is I want to pull in the project information so just to show you client there it's not went over here to current project custom its filling in from the project category that I created if you've ever taken a class from me you seen me create these before it's pretty basic there and I made it uppercase so that is the way I did client location came in from the same category location and project I use the current project description right here didn't learn to project over I made it uppercase that's the main reason I like fields over am letting it fill it in automatically because it will I let it do it automatically it's not going to convert everything to uppercase I like it because type in title case I want to uppercase my title block so I prefer the field method myself for those three because of that and since I'm doing the field there but I'm actually going to put here is the project number so I'm going to do the current project number hit OK it places the field in there hit OK it ok now it automatically made this all uppercase that doesn't matter I could renamed it or whatever but don't want it uppercase I want to rename it best way to do that is to come over here to the I'm just going to call it project nub so it fits in there a little bit smaller so that's set up the punch of number information to where that's a field just like the other three so that's the way I did those particular ones the rest of these however now these three here we're going to save propene ID information that's what we're going to use the line designation table for so I'm not going to set those three up right now but I do want to sit up and map service line number installation spec and insulation thickness one thing I want to point out about insulation thickness insulation thickness comes over as a whole number I wanted it to have an inch symbol so the way I did that myself is I have a piece of text in here for the inch which is less justified and then I have the attribute setup that's right just or yes right justified going so that they go opposite directions and that way it will put in the whole number and I get my inch symbol in there okay so that's the reason that's the one thing I did different it doesn't mean I always have an inch symbol in my paddle block right there if I don't have insulation that's somewhat downside to that but that was the only net that I could use to get inches in there or if it was metric I knew the Peace of Texas had millimeters or whatever that's the way you can do something like that but to get these other snap I'm going to hit map attributes here now I have to do a disclaimer because I've done this in the past it just automatically says Maps service the service in needham a translation thickness is somewhere I haven't figured out where it stores that information from the first time I did this into the registry and it just so it just picks all that up from the registry but if I wouldn't have had that ever done this before which is part of the situation you're in if not one is going to be listing these is not mapped and so therefore it wouldn't have these in there but simply map you know man I'll do the SH up here even though I don't need to it's basically you would come in here and say this is all the information this is my hat my tag that's a blow of the attributes that are available and this is all the information that it can pull in from the project that it could pull in from the pipeline's the pipeline group any information that that you might need so I would just simply find that information pull it in just happens to be a variable and I took a big file that it's put in that way but if I wanted to set something up such number I go ahead say not math there so it's it's already automatic but let's say the project num here if I wanted to set that up and said with a field I could have just as easily in here mapped to the project number right there now one thing you will notice is it's got all the project information however something like this client locations which were the custom ones I had they didn't come over like here's client so I could set up that one dorrance working without the field that's what it's working pulling the information from the project that way again note I can't control upper and lower case here but if I if I did come in here and say a client in projects and things like that here it would overwrite those fields so I want to make sure they stayed in the map since I'm using the fields instead once you have this set the way you need it it's as simple as just saying okay now as one other one in here that I did not say yet which is drawing description I could make this to where it pulls in the drawing descriptions and somewhere but there's not really one in here I just wanted to say piping isometric the majority of time and then if I need to ever change it manually I can set that by just setting to the fall and since setting it there so that doesn't change the uppercase come over here since the default values say PI teen are symmetric and so it becomes the default being an attribute I can still make that a change if I ever need to so God's to everything set but the P&ID information at this point if I wanted to I could if I didn't have the attributes already in here I could come in here and start using this attribute category so I could say let's say I wanted a project attribute for the client I'm going to make it standard left how I want it justified on my text height to be and hit place and it allows me to place that attribute in there since I already had a client in there it's automatically changed its client one in this particular case I really don't want that I just wanted to show you that even if you don't have attributes in your Tata block you can add those attributes using this information right here if I wanted a file name one place it I just didn't change my height or anything and located where you want to end the actual drawing in this case and all the attributes already predefined an AutoCAD template already so there was no reason to have to use those categories there and put in set set that all up so I'm just going to hit close this point I'm ready to close out of here someone close out of the block editor now we made changes to attribute that means that this one here still contains all the old attributes like for instance the project number or our enum named if so that project number it's a project num so I need to synchronize this title block to the changes I made any time you have attribute changes just like in regular AutoCAD it has to be seeked the problem with attribute sync of AutoCAD is since I added a field here and I added a default value there those will not pick up with an attribute sync so the best way to make sure you when you're dealing with fields and stuff like that I'm going to erase your data blocks when we insert it and I'm just keeping all the same defaults now you can see the field km and so does not default value and anything if I would have renamed any attributes or anything this is the actual one that I was changing only necessary to do that that if you make a change to the attribute such like I did so at this point just to see where we're at we're going to go ahead we turn to project setup save the changes get all the way out and make sure everything is working correctly all right so here we'll go ahead and create another I saw meant to make that rib one got to so it will default to RIT 0 automatically after we do this we're going to be ready to set up the line designation table now we're going to give it a second here before I go show you some preliminary stuff to do that but basically align designation table is just the excel file I'm going to go ahead and point it out whilst making that there so you can see here in my isometric folder of a project I've got this pop line group excel file that is my line designation table so we're going to come back to that in just a second since it created this one we'll go ahead and open it and you can see pretty much everything in my title block is now filled out except for the three P&ID pieces of information which we didn't set those up yet because those are the ones we're going to pull in from that line designation table or the excel file that's created from P&ID so let's go point those out real quick I'm going to go ahead and close that now also this is filled out because I've added it to the pop line drawing this is still doubt because the pipe that information was added to the type so basically what you put into your model is what you're going to get out of it back on the P&ID I'm just going to open one up we'll click which happens to have that particular the line we've been drawing is this one right here that's the one the isometric we've been creating which is same TW 1,100 1,000 now looking at the data manager and I'm going to have to move this information off there and I'm going to go ahead and say peanutty project data basically I'm pulling off to information from the pipeline group now some of this information would be in my pipeline segment if I went to my primary line segment it has some information like design pressure design temperature and stuff remember one one of those maximum design maximum pressure and maximum temperature so I could use some of this information here that was already filled out in the primary line segment out of the box the problem is this is my pipeline group that is pulling in this information and as you can see here now look at pw1046 information that's the information I tried to use my line designation table it's not going that which one to use its own unless that these all has exact same information which they probably should it's not it's going to get confused I think it bombs out if I remember correctly last time I tried it is just bombed out because it's how four of them and went back not sure which one I'm supposed to reference so I'm not going to do anything so basically this line designation table has to come from the pipeline group you can see here when I look at the pipeline group for this project I've got three pieces of information per month which are the three attributes I'm going to use in my pin isometric they were not they're out of the box if you went and looked at any of the project out of the box this information those three particular items were not there I had to add them because basically the pipeline group doesn't have anything about temperature and pressure so I had to add those Toolman just to recap in case you've never done that basically I just went to the project properties a project set up rather whatever you want to call it p90 drawing data and my pipeline group which is your under p90 class definitions and I added three properties for maximum pressure maximum temperature and drawing number basically just hit add maximum pressure and temperature are both strings so it was simply just saying I'm just going to call this a maximum P make it a string it okay that created I decided for each one of these how I named them didn't matter why I could name them whatever I wanted to I just chose max pressure temperature and drawing number drawing number is an acquisition so the way I'm going to remove the max P one I just created way I created that one I'm just going to call D in just to have something to that some acquisition it okay and told it to get drawing properties for the drawing number right here and that's how I set up that one you can see they're identical I'll go ahead and delete that one so that's the way I've got three properties into my pipeline group once they were there and I'm still here cancelled once they were there it was simply just to learn out the information whether I did it in the actual item itself the project the properties palette or here in the drugged at drawing miniature did not matter well notice a couple of them have question marks for the drawing number that's because those are on two drawings it will only pull over one people in drawing per item and if this sees they're onto two item two drawings and that's because it's going through off page connectors here then it doesn't know a single drawing to put it on so it's a question mark there when I export this and just look nothing at all and I'll show you how you can deal with that in a minute but that anything that crosses drawings you're not going automatically be able to pull in a drawing number for that reason you may not want to have a drawing number at all but I wanted to be able to show you how you could do that second reason I added those three once I got those added it was simply doing an export of the active mode only and I did a browse and I placed this file in my isometric folder called pipeline group because you can see it puts Treadstone pipeline group in there I wanted this to be able to work from project to project so I didn't want to put that Treadstone in there which is my project name I wanted it to be generic so I just made it pipeline route dot XLS just to keep it generic so when I copied from one project to another it's not not automatic and rename that file for me and so that's the reason I did up and chose to make it more of a generic name and when I create a permanent project it will copy this the LDP file and the LUT information mapping from one project to another so this is one of the things you set up once and you're done now that's the way I created I'm just careful I'm not created again but that's the way it was created was I had to add those properties to the P&ID and then I have to create an export from TN ID to an excel file not applicant or file when I look at it basically looks like this I did the active note only because I didn't want to have to be picky mixture if I would have done all nodes I would have had to go through there and possibly you know pick make sure I picked the correct node when I'm setting this up but keeping an active node only this serves one purpose I don't have to come in here and as you see it does put a drawing number column in here but that doesn't give me an M for any information that's just the way it outputs for for the pipeline group but there's all my information that it pulled sent out these that do not have that our blank I could actually fill it out here if I wanted to put some information for instance this one here this might not like the starting point or I could put both drawings I can just copy and pay get the information in there just realize when you're doing stuff like this I may be making it to where it's available for that isometric it does if I tried to input this back into the P&ID it would not do me any good because the drawing number is not going to overwrite based on what I have here so it'd be something nice to do all the time for that reason I probably personally would not use drawing number on my P night on my M isometrics but a lot of people do selects means no wanted to show that so I've got this information in here go ahead and save it and close out of Excel and let's show you how to set up that LTP file to work with my title block I'm going to open up the properties back into the project setup get right next to my title block here a drastic drawing set ID and pick up setup title block this is setup right on the title block attribute so we're going right back to where we were before but you'll see here I've got an extra tab let me close that called lzt setup okay Mel DT sense for Lion designation table I'm going to browse since I've done this in a passive Stata Macklin with - where was the browser locate where you have the file that you're going to set it up it needs to be in your project some places is the best place to put it so that it's not looking at other projects there's the pipeline group excel file i'll hit open it's going to see that there's only one worksheet in there so that I only have what it went to that one if I would have done the active all nodes and I would have to make sure I picked the right one there so see the header row is set to one but I could change that if I wanted to but by default one is correct couldn't do the export if I was doing a manual excel file for this I may need to find the inner row line number column is automatically set to drawing number because that's the very first one I'm going to hit view ldt so I can view the file here again drawing numbers blanks I'm going to be do anything it's looking for the line number my line number is the tack so that's what I need to set this line number column to so set it up to tag once I've done that then it's are simply mapping these attributes again so I'm going back to map attributes here's maximum temperature and as you see it sees those columns now that we're in that ldt file so they've been added to my list so there's maximum temperature maximum pressure wouldn't maximum pressure and drying number here for p90s DWG attribute is going to take drawing num now I am picking drawing num not dried number because remember that column was Bleich the way it outputs one teen ID for that particular pipeline group because it tie protections as far as peanut is concerned the drawing number doesn't matter for the pop language so that's why just like so now that I wanted to use it so drawing them there hit OK again I've got you still have the place option if you need to double here to close that out since I was napping existing attributes save the changes since I didn't actually change attributes in the title block there's no reason to race and think that one up again I can just use the one that was there now we'll run the tests I'm going to go ahead and we turn the project set up save the changes come back over here well it okay first and we'll run that particular ISO again this time I am going to make sure it has reference to them they're say create now while it's creating that little side note about the ldt settings and that pipeline group five excel file I created when I create a new project and I use the copy project function that is nothing to let me do this that wheel when I use a copy project function and hit and go and get the project XML for Treadstone all these settings we just set and share one exit yeah all these settings we just set for those LTP files for the everything will carry over to the new project so I don't have to do this but one time it will carry over over and over again but in addition it will make a copy of this pipeline group excel file that was in the original project so one thing to keep in mind whenever you do this until you run an export on the new project this is the project information from the old project so it's not going to update automatically you have to do that export and it will copy that over in the new project but opening up here there you go my Tata block is completely filled out pulling in project information pulling in piping pipeline information from the model to lending popular information from the actual project model drawing it's also pulling in information from the P&ID via that exported file if the PYD the information changes I need to export it again rerun my metrics to get that peanut be information or I can manually change them in the file either way but it's pulling information from four or five different places filling out my title block entirely that was my goal I want it to where people can just click the title block click an ISO create it it fills everything out we're done we don't want to have to come in here and manually fill out any information we want to use the information and data that's already there in the project so there you go that particular that kept this one pretty simple I could have a lot more information in here I just kept it pretty simple because we didn't have to spend an hour here if you watching you deal all this information out but it's obvious I have a lot more setup to do here to create in my Tata block so I'm going to go ahead and close this out let's go fill in some of the missing information here that is left to do first thing we're going to do is when I add a North arrow North arrow is placed using place North arrow right here place North arrow I'm going to do an upper left one which is to default and I'm just eyeballing for now because it's a little big in my opinion you know I want it to be a little bit smaller so I want to scale this thing after I placed it to something like zero this Abby size eleven by seventeen drawing I don't want it to be I want to give much drawing space as I can and limit the size of some of the set aside other information but this North arrow is really important the reason being you're isometric is going to be created based on I'm just eyeballing that they are probably in real life would be a little more specific but I'm sky balled it there the thing I also remember here with this North arrow is I can't I don't want any typing to be drawn there I don't want it to see a piece of pipe coming straight up and just go ahead and draw right through the North arrow so that's why we've set up this no draw area because I couldn't just flip it out this area to make the box it's going to be a square the draw area so the no draw area allows me to just come in here and again I'm just going to eyeball it a little bit larger than the North arrow you can see it made it that British area put in there and therefore no dry area so it won't put a piece of pipe there now the direction of this North arrow can be changed even after the fact any direction you want it but this determines how it draws the isometric because it's using North in your actual drawing to decide how to draw we're going to leave it up or left here for now and a little bit we'll swap it just so you can see that how that affects picture drawing just show you as far as the appearance of the North arrow you can change that if you like you just need to open it up in the block editor realize it's a dynamic block using this ability so you will have to change all four different visibility states in that dynamic block if you want to make it look differently I do not suggest using just taking when you created in the past and use it it's place of this one you want to take this actual block and change it in the block editor so that it looks how you want it to look but this block is very special not only the main but these poor visibility states and how they affect your ISO so in this particular case we're going to leave it there she act and all for visibility states for this to work correctly so again my suggestion is if you want to change the appearance of how it looks just go to the block editor at this point on that and make your changes there and just make it look however you wanted to all right next thing we're going to do is we're concentrating on our build materials right here is my table setup now there's a couple of things that I highly suggest you really want to get your table set up before you start placing build materials because it's there's some changes we're going to make four column widths things like that that if we do that have all that one through all that trouble to set up those column widths and text color and things like that the second we change the table setup it's going to go right back to the default so you kind of want to get how you want this to look first on your table setup so I'm going to come over here the table setup you can see here on the table layout tab I have four different types of tables all corresponding to the ones here so bill of materials cut piece weld list spool list are represented as a table type so if you really want to get these set up with the information you want first right now you can see I'm looking at Bill of Materials groups with category titles because under build materials you have different layout templates three of them they're basically considered simple see my complex and complex which you'll see that later when we deal with it that's only for build materials I'm looking at cut piece list and weld list spool if there are not different types of template layout only for build materials now we'll go ahead and look at cut piece list here let's say I want to remove columns around here it's as simple as drag-and-drop forget them in whatever sequence you want if you want to add a column you add column and this is the pipe information that is available for that cut piece list so if I wanted to add information such as a schedule or pressure class or something like that a cut piece moves with them don't make sense to me but I mean anything here I could add senator pipe elevation if I wanted to you just select it I'm going to do this out of this status then okay and that's the column if you want to see the column it does have to be activated and then you can move it to any location within here that you might want you don't want to see it just go ahead and uncheck it once I've added it here it's there and it's whether I have activated or not now can it cancel your since I hadn't done that yet then it would get rid of it but there's your cut piece list and how you gonna fit that up will lift very similar again add columns what information do you want to add from any type of weld and your spool list because on the list work alike I'm not going to go stay here and customize these three lists and we just use them out of the box and pretty much going to use most of this out of the box but the build materials you can see here groups of categories if that's why I have selected here when I hit OK when I do add a bill material here all four of these work exactly the same I add new material you basically have to define an area that that billa material will be in so just like drawing the dry area here pick an endpoint here in point here it placed in the Bill of material information I did group I had it on group with categories so to automatically use that type of setting I do not have to redraw it to change settings oh I could simply come here a table set up say I want to use the group of independent columns hit OK it adjusted it to that particular setting same thing was simple I'm going to use a simple Bo yo and so there it is as a simple bol now just to show you is that if I was then use it just like this it is right now I've got one I've done in the past here just to open up here to show you you can see here one of the columns that didn't actually this is exactly as it is out of the box when in that same area one of the columns for schedule class for instance is giving me the 40 to 150 me personally I don't use that particular column reason being my description tells me my schedule and my class so to me it's redundant information some people like it it's totally up to you but that's what I'm going to skip here and turn turn off for that reason again go to table setup uncheck that box it okay it drops that particular column so that's how those columns are work and you can add additional information from any property and you activate turning them on and off now because I dropped that my rows are kind of different sizes now because what it was in there add double row because of the thickness on it now I want to get those into a more convenient road setting at that point I need to delete that and just riad that in there and it will be more of a single line columns mat or row height will get a little more detailed on the row height in a minute first thing I want to deal with here and again this is once you had this set up to appear the way you want it that's when you want to start playing with row height two column widths and things like that because if I come back here to table set up and make a change and it's going to reset all these things - what - the default settings likewise if I came in here and made a change of the cut piece lift it okay it's going to reset any column with some stuff I had set even for the Bill of Materials so you want to be sure that you've got all your table setup done first and that may be setting them up testing them seeing how they look once you've got this with the information you want to portray then you're really ready to start playing with the formatting of how it actually look so you can see here my overall column width or four table with rather is five inches that's how much I have to work with if I'm keeping it in this space I don't need a buffer area like I did with the draw area for this it's five inches is what it is the width of these are all set relatives so that's one point five five six that's a point eight three three so there's kind of weird relative widths that it spreads them out over again if I look at this original hot post that did not mean to do that now look at this original here you can see that nominal diameter that's causing two rows there because of the size of the bowl set I had a lot of space here for quantity and a lot of space here for ID maybe too much and my descriptions are quite large I want to try to get this condensed down into a more where it fits in here a little bit better the way that I want it to look so I'm going to set very specific column widths here this being three-eighths of an inch for the ID the quantity being a half inch I'm just making up numbers here keeping them round for this but I want to set all that up in there to get this a little to control this likewise I don't let's just say not nominal diameter there I want to include size because everything is not a knob that bolts it was not a nominal diameter that with the size I'll nope get both pieces of information I want to actually change that header now I could physically come in here and just change it right here say size flash Indy problem is again once I come in here ever and change from one to the other actually that's let me hit cancel problem is in doing that if I decide I needed to mix it once I get my column widths in here if I want to set some things not redo this again this way it's going right back to the default settings even if I've done on the column width and I decide I need to make this bigger at that point it's going to go back to the default settings and I want to get it to where it remembers this and I don't have to worry about those default settings again this is like said after I've got my table setup done I could come in here and set up column widths in the properties palette the problem there is let's say I change this is doing everything by relative percentage since I change that cell with the 3/8 it really didn't maintain it went a little bit larger than 3/8 I came in here and change this one to let's say one-inch well it's going to readjust so let me make that one smaller well it probably didn't make that one a little bit bigger to it so you can change the width of that one so as soon as I start changing these things to the width I want it's going to start adjusting column widths and this is going to change it I could spend all day trying to get these the width I wanted so there's an easier way but I can't do it while I'm in here so I'm going some reason my zoom extents is not working I'm having to type it so I'm going to go to return the project set up and close this out and it okay there's a file called the ISO config.xml file I'm going to go to the project here whoops and under Wanderlei B there's the ISO config.xml file look for that that for the one I just created so I'm going to open that up and note that these are set in the template settings section so I'm just going to find go straight to temp up a little greater-than less-than fine whichever one that is therefore finding it because that way if fired goes straight to it you can see here this is for template information it's doing a layout option of simple semi complex and complex as you remember those are the three different templates being used for the Bill of Materials so if I come down a little bit further I'll see in the very first one here if I pay attention to my template name this one is the simple one which is the one I was using there so here is my column with information for the simple one I was doing the complex the semi complex one which is that the breaking it up in different ones you can see it that ones here and there's a column with settings for that one we're dealing with simple so I'm just going to stick with it and so right here instead since I know I have five inches in thickness as long as these title total up to that five inches it will be giving the exact column width so I'm going to make this one 3/8 of an inch we'll make this one a half-inch then makes this one 3/4 of an inch you can see it goes to crush you decimal places for whatever reason adding those all up that means I need for the next one to be three and three eighths from our description and that will give me exactly five inches if I added those up which will make that column as long as I've got two drawn five inches it will be the correct column width it's bigger than five inches but I could draw that boxed area then it's going to use that as a percentage setting it's going to no telling what they also notice here my header display name so this is where I could set this to the size slash in D and it will make that the header all the time it said switching back automatically to d and I could control alignment and things like that but that's really a lot of controls here is this column with if you look down through here you'll be able to find the settings here for the cut piece list for the weld list for anything and you can set those column widths the way you want them just need to make sure you know how wide it's going to be and make sure everything lines up exactly because if I did something like this 3.75 there doesn't add up to 5 inches it's going to mix and wild adjustments to try to get that as a percentage and it will also update the style to calculate based on that but as long as they are add up exactly it will work once I've got this set I'm going to save it come back into that setup file now to get that to actually work I've got to place this again some build materials place that window area if you look at this now and the distance on each column you'll see this one 3/8 of an inch this was a half inch and so on they're all exactly the sizes I typed in there for that the width adding up to the 5 inches so I have a little bit more control over it that way also I'm looking at this table I don't like this text box I want this one to be a little bit bigger I want these to be a little bit different text font may be Arial things like that I want to pick some things like that and that's where these ISO things come into play now go here to my table style I'm going to change the table style I'm just going to actually or create my own table so I'm just going to change it to what I want it to be and how much I'm looking trim in here it's just the same table style editor that comes with AutoCAD so you can see here I'm going to first look at the title some cities in this 8 disk ISO Imperial ticks font when I brought in my title block I brought in some text box also because they being used to Matala block so I have one here for the I'm old that's what I'm going to use I'm going to keep it the three thirty to thirty seconds since text height I'm going to use the VI bulb for my title where it says pillow material for those headers I'm going to change that to my VI aerial and I'm going to make that was point O seven five so they're a little bit smaller than the text of the header of the title in same thing with the data for that I'm going to use my VI standard when they come sixteenth of an inch I this is an instant thing as soon as they closed in okay so somewhere in there I accidentally left off put in touching the wrong sides from a title didn't I let's just go back to title here I've been lifted yeah that types in six inches back and then realize that did that nice o 90.9 that's good enough okay close okay now because of that one with a little bizarre with that text hide earlier let me go ahead and delete this and redraw it Wow there we go so go material place it back now I would have placed it back in here anyways because it needed to change that just a row height but you can see my text fonts are a little bit nicer now it's got my bolder larger text for the title they're using Arial there for the night things and those were just textiles AutoCAD textiles and then it's using the sixteenth inch height X there so it adjusted as those Heights and things based on the textiles I sit up there in the ISO see right here now reminder what I did there with the column width that's not a permanent fix that was just it's if I ever came and change to the table set up to something else and back again it wouldn't mess Akali it was a change the column Heights that or the column lips again that's something you want to do and the setting in the fonts I could do that at any point but the setting of these column widths and row Heights and the text color here see how this is using a cyan text color that's a pain I get that complaining a lot and have to do a lot of them different have Tunes have to do some things with that basically if you highlight this you'll see in the properties palette it's choosing the text code 0 255 255 you changing in plotting monochrome won't fix that you have to change this from unlocking those cells and then changing them to the color such as by block and then you are lock the contents more matte again to get those to be a different text color where the plant print black on a black and white on the color printer instead of color because the monochrome will not affect it there you go I got that one fit up I'm going to go ahead and do one more area here we'll just to show you because I can see I'm taking a little longer than I meant to I'm going to add a cup piece in here and I'm going to set that over here where the 4 inch width for this one you can see it's using the same font now to select these cells sometimes it's a little hairy I'll go ahead and change those to a the white also I'm killing a couple of birds with one stone here and another thing I want is I want this to go up and set it down so I'm going to go to properties galaxy direction I'm going to change that to up even though it doesn't put it at the bottom it will put it at the bottom now I want to show you one set some settings for the row Heights here real quick notice here my row height I want it I'm an esthetic person our quarter inch from one to the other I want these to match so that the everything lines up when it does put it in here and it's simply coming in here and changing the row height I've done the table height right now right so the row height here I'm going to set the cell height to quarter inch this one I can set in the of the cells here and it will remember it from then on souls that does the quarter inch so this one's I'm controlling all my formatting to where it will look the way I want it to look even though that put it up there that's okay still understands this is the draw area it just does that automatically that will keep those lined up I need a no draw area so that my piping doesn't draw in that area so I'm going to again put my draws no draw area here the same let's put it there four inch wide so that doesn't draw any piping in there so right there you can see I've got added the cut piece list again well this full list they all work the same way once I've got those defined though we're ready to run base not our final test here but close to it go ahead and do this one is it okay because of that one there I know it's going to create more than one drawings I'm going to remove this one from the project and let's go ahead production ISO will make this with three in a create and I've got one more thing to show you the finish up here after it creates this one I'll show you in this video why it's creating one of the things you'll notice it's going to fit a lot better than it did at this point here but there's a couple of things that are going to be a little bit going to cost two minds here one is the text width that's going to be some of these we'll be able to widen it's just a matter of ticks let's just all doubt though it has this long pattern in here no matter what I do with the text width it's going to be just too much for this to handle so I'm going to show you two ways to pick something like that one on the fly one permanent and that will be the end of this webcast so we're almost done here let it finish doing this one here I guess we'll go ahead and do the long panel I don't I wouldn't want to do it while creating that in that trick there we go alright so you can see that caused it to do four different patterns here but when I get in here if I look at this it is not nice and lined up quarter inch spacing everything exactly what I wanted come up here a little bit of width issue here that's next that's happening and there's my schedule for you know width of my text what effect it would fix something like that this is no getting long patterns an issue so let's show you two sets two ways to fix those first of all the lung pattern over here if I go open up my piping drawing this happens to be that ball valve it put where I'm using family description which I'll need to point out that to also before when I put some come in there and second I'm using family description so that's where it's pulling in this long pattern information so I could simply come in here and just erase that from the family description and now when I run in my next time it won't have that information in there it makes it a little bit makes it well they could fit a little bit more that's for this valve only if I put another ball valve in there so it's a long pattern I want to make that a permanent fix I need to fix that in my spec and then my catalogs to remove that to the family description I could just do the spec for this project where I can do in the catalog to make it permanent in all projects but for a quick fix simply just change that information right here that will change it in the ISO configuration or a change I'm going to create Sybilla material the other one is simply put going to be the text font I use will fix a lot of things I'm going to switch over here make one more change to those tables also show you one more way to do a table because that used for drawings because of this area down here I like more draw area so I'm going to do a couple things here first I sew things to the table style I'm going to change the text font for my data from VI standard to the I narrow difference between it if you were to look at the VI narrow one which is under the textiles it's exactly the same font as the IEEE standard I just have a width factor of 80% that will fix some of them without me doing anything else here exchange text on that's already updated my bill of material description there I want fewer drawings so I really don't want my cut list down here so I'm going to go ahead and erase the cut list here but I want if I'm going to put the cut list here I want it to work with the bill material so for that when I do the cut piece list here under here you down here you'll see add to existing area so I'm going to add it to the same area you can see it placed it right below it so basically wherever the bill of material stocks the cut piece list will pick up now because I put it in there again one last thing it did was it did change these back to the color ones so I'm going to fix that real quick unlock change this to by block again just like everything else and lock them back at this point I've pretty much done everything I want to do other than I want to show you one more thing about the North arrow and I'm going to change this one to go lower right so I just changed it right there and show you what effect that North arrow has on the actual drawing itself so with those things done we'll go ahead and save it go ahead and close this out take one last look at this drawing as it is right now and you'll see it's working because North is that way there's that ball valve it goes this way in its direction so just changing the North arrow is going to readjust how it draws that isometric this should be back to one drawing so I'm going to remove those and we'll do one last final production ISO run here will cause some revision force just to give it a different name shouldn't take that long create it but basically that is how you set up your tatta blocks that's how you set up those templates inhale stick to ads and if you once you get those things set and we didn't get into setting up all the isometric part that would be way too long for this webcast we're mainly strict looking at just the title block in the template at this point but once it creates it we will open it up here there you go you can see this time it puts the valve over here and it's working this direction because I changed the North arrow simply changing the North arrow adjusted how it draws my isometric by having a larger area here for my eye so I was able to fit more I did it onto one page you can see how to build material everything on one nice slide no long pattern on ball valve everything fits I could also do some things to where my draw area for instance on my billows material maybe was here do they Cutlass working up that way a half way and then a well bliss working up half way problem is that well this would cause additional drawings just because there's so many wells so it depends on what information one here if you're going to be using a well bliss I suggest a D size drawing to get everything in there which may affect what text fonts you use because if you definitely want to use sixteenth inch ticks on D size because you're still probably plot it and a be size and so you probably news eighth inch deck so making those adjustments getting your title block set up your whole goal is to get this to where when you run this isometric you are done you have nothing else to do because it has all the information it needs that basically shows how to do that so that concludes the actual portion here of what I want to show you so let me take one quick look here and see if there are any questions so give me a second to open it up looks like there are no questions I will give you a second if anyone has a question you'll see a question section down there and you can ask them and I will do my bed to answer them here in the next couple of minutes all right doesn't look like anyone has any questions I'll keep my eye on it here as I conclude this but this concludes this webcast like I said there will be a recording of it you'll be sent a link to the recording that you can watch it any time and it will also show up on our blog got one question let me see if I can stretch this out to where I can see it I'm going to pull it off of the ear where I could stretch it a little bit unless that installation is called out if it's shown graphically actually I am showing it graphically right here because I put an insulation when it went back on the actual model itself I put an iso insulation symbol at that point on a piece of pipe and because i put that symbol on the piece of pipe it showed the graphical symbol for it right there and the information that was placed over a piece of pipe so it can be shown graphically that's a whole different topic from the title block though but that's using these symbols here any other questions how much insulation I'm not sure what you mean they are you talking about how many feet of insulation or things like that then the size of the diameter of the thickness of it is their extent that would only be shown if you put that into I mean I'm going to show it here on the isometric you would have to put that information on the piping drawing most likely that once that property is on the piping drawing you could add that information to a like the Bill of material or something like that because it's going to add that column you could possibly have never looked at this right you could possibly redefine this symbol to pull that information from the piping drawing as long as you know where it's calculated or where it's placed into the piping drawing itself as far as I know though out of the box that informations not there but it would be doable anything you put anything property information you put it on a piping drawing you should be able to pull into the nice symmetric it would just take a little bit of custom setup that's outside of the counter block and what we're doing here any other question okay well that concludes the webcast I appreciate everyone of you that have joined in on it and I'm sure we will be talking at some point in the future also so we will be talking to you later good bye
Channel: Hagerman & Company, Inc.
Views: 38,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isometrics, AutoCAD, autocad plant 3d, plant 3d 2017, p&id, iso themes, plant 3d, isometric title block configuration
Id: K2D-ITjtniA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 48sec (4968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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