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you know what our mission to make the r8 great again this is not helping that cause new hey new racing seats for the RP I'm just going down the elevator checking out of my hotel and we're gonna go in surprise Dave who's not on this trip as you know unfortunately we miss you David with a new mod to his r8 can't tell me what it is we're going to Ajax got my coffee there's some of the best coffee I've ever had I've gotten to know the owner amazing guide he's opening up a new location he has this one here in North Hollywood in Beverly Hills so as soon as that's open we're gonna go down for the grand opening and check it all out we got Dave's r8 right here we got to put some heat in the engine so why don't we do a cold start I can't even hear myself think oh I'm gonna hand with the radar through this cup holder why Dave what are you listening to what do you what kind of radio station ELA variety all right all right whatever you're into bro [Music] got along this v8 you guys listen to me wrong [Music] ya think sounds nasty check out that 4x4 squared you guys that thing is sick murdered out I love these things I was thinking like about getting well getting a 4x4 squared guys let me know in the comments what are your thoughts I love them thinking the beast on this we look at it look how much bigger it is compared to the car you can see all the suspension in there yeah I think we should raise them [Music] okay the Nana moil honey I'm home what up guess what I just had some dude and like a murdered-out 4x4 squared like raced me through the tunnel you know the squared I come I come bearing gifts come bearing gifts for you guys okay listen I got to hit you guys with today's sponsored video sponsored by Vince Aero Nellis and you guys know I don't rep anything that's not legit check this out tell me that's not a nice watch that's a nice one that's a sick timepiece well I brought a couple I brought one for you like look it I know you don't care about time because this dude's like 24/7 I've been CRO aims to make a luxury timepiece that is in a price point that's not ridiculous that's what I love about this but I mean this looks like a ridiculous expensive one you go first dude that is way too nice for you that is too nice for me I know that right we got like the red stitching in the sports stitching where you go oh you got the sport like me this is their new sport line watch I have this one to murdered-out I'm not giving this pace guess what black prayers got an all black watch yep what are the odds loa baby it was my favorite color red that is hilarious I'm not even gonna lie that wasn't set up at all I actually bought the box out and they grabbed those then cero literally means I will win and do for all winners in this group I'll tell you that much the cool thing is is these are handcrafted every little attention to detail is right there you can see it in the timepiece got the feel of an expensive watch or ten times the money you guys go to the link in description we're offering a discount right now pick up your Vince arrow watch get the look and the feel of something that you feel proud of having on your wrist and you'll never be late for anything personally my favorite thing about vince arrow is that it's their hope that each piece instills a sense of our belly Ascona sand the wear keep things classy but never be afraid to challenge convention so you guys the ultimate goal here is for you guys to elevate your game and live your legacy go pick up a watch link in description we're gonna put some seats that's right I said seats into Dave's car do you guys think Dave deserves seats let me know about that too because these these are cool seats but they're absolutely hideous with what we got going on with the design so mark send it pull send guys you won't even believe what just showed up besides a jack we're this holy a Liberty walk Aventador with carbon everywhere and this beautiful look at that teal it's like sparkling Dan is so doing you're putting styrofoam in this car keeping execs hey this is R&D right here Oh R&D this is how that is light I gotta give it to you that would be light on the car wouldn't add anyway oh look at this thing that's actually really cool design oh I don't know what it is but these subtle kind of diamond designs like here and down here whoever designed this car actually they got it going on we think Brian that girth is not now listen to me we I'm holding the camera mark is hard at work in here hold this yeah okay you're giving me your nuts oh no that's a ball bowled see that's why that is perfect evidence why I do not work on cars like weird one bolt at a time Lightning the car up what color would you call these seats like this kind of brown to back away color do you really don't go with that theme do that not nearly at the level of what you guys have going in it's gonna just I know I'm excited I can't wait to show the new one we just started we just started so what are you thinking for an ETA to do these seats if we don't have them in in less than an hour we're terrible but we still have to visit airbag itis which you're gonna have oh more lights on his - yeah well we're collecting lights on the - it is Christmas brother it is Christmas this is the second day of our eighth Christmas bolo muscle into it their son I'm offended you need muscle to pull these big heavy I bet you there's significant weight savings we know you're not even ready for that really [Music] we don't want any insurance claims on a GX d DS account bro I'm not trying to say like I'm Superman but I got pretty strong arms that's seriously happy what did what did these weigh whole yeah that's probably half the weight I would say they're not super alive either no they're legit they're gonna feel good and feel sick yes I haven't sat in them yesterday it's ruin it by sitting here with my oh they got way more way more bolster on the side that would never do right there this is nice for cheap we could put just a milk crate on here that's what Dave deserves these are nice yeah Alex yeah did you just give Dave the seats he deserves I did mark let's take a look yeah that's what I'm thinking boom you think it's hitting that it's pretty high bro new hey new racing seats through the army that is so sick what we got Mitch involved we have a mission already what's the problem now what did you do huh and all those safety trying to get make sure dave has a seatbelt that actually we roll it doesn't matter that holds you guys I mean I'm sorry whoa some like David not off recording passenger side seat two-step there you go there you go good don't lose a finger now mark we need you there you go yeah damn number two mark you're putting them back in the other ones no go they tried to cheat no no we're good with a change in appetite we have to position the seat in a particular way so we can release the buckle from the go or from the actual basis but wouldn't you have learned that from the first one you did I did but then you walked in and distract oh my fault I'm sure about that what's this here this is wise Dave got the Olympic rings in at the car four rings Lord Lord Lord Dave is Lord of the Ring order the Rings so slow it's nothing happening yeah you're smart when you do this you're like I'll take the easy side and they'll make him do like the hunched over the center console thingamabob earth leadership its leadership or dictation you're a dictator leadership all right for the second time we're taking the seat of the car mark Iver mark I've ER had his own mission way better than 1979 technology way better than 1979 that's the year that I was born I'm 1979 technology Jimmy's got one in thought have you sat in it I did whatever no really what do you think come on get over here what's going on you guys we got the first seat in driver's side Mark's giving them a thumbs down however from an appearance listen I'm not saying you're a hater but from an appearance perspective whoa it looks awesome like they look they look good so what's the problem the best seat it looks good from far but it's far from good just every way is wrong it looks taller it's too flat and it's too high up in the air how tall are you it's totes um six foot yeah me too I'm six foot and I'd be horrified to put a helmet this like these are the brackets why is it bent up like that looks like it's like an inch high well they're absolutely made for this platform but I couldn't tell you there may be a better seat that's a little more low-profile to go with this although I don't really know because this thing's a pretty low profile seat as it is not only that but what I'd love to do is take these front bolts and shim them so that the seat actually sits back which would lower us a little bit further down in the car but you know a minimal I don't know about you but I couldn't find a comfortable position so one out of ten for comfort for comfort yeah 300 three mark Ivor gives these seats a three out of ten okay what now put your hand under there and try to lift that up if we get in there it's pinching your fingers that's a stupid design and I know we're not gonna move it much but man what an inconvenience when you do move it what the heck okay actually my design is I don't want one of your fingers stuck one out of ten what's the design you and I both agreed they look awesome in the car well based on a color and standing outside the car so functionality no good what's it like they tilt don't they they're not buckets yeah no they do move but I mean that seems like such low-hanging fruit at this point don't you think yeah I agree like like literally you are so riding dirty if you're in a position you're just like yeah Oh close the door look how dirty you look put your put it all the way back now do it oh you just but it looks normal almost right there but you're I can I know from opening the door that you're riding super dirty oh you guys were trying to solve one problem and I think we just created four more and that ever happened to you guys this isn't good but good news is I got really good news for you and I this ain't our car thank you sorry Dave Dave's got some work to do I think I think he needs to make a call wrong direction yeah I think this is actually hey you don't know if you don't try it looks good from the catalog they look actually look outstanding okay let me get in here let me I think maybe marks just a big baby what do you think miss you Asian do you think he's just complaining I'm offended that sounds like sarcasm get over here let's just try these I'll quickly try them oh well first of all I'm in the riding dirty I'm in the riding dirty position let's put him so well that's really I encumbered hold on these dude these are awful mark oh man and these are cutting into my hips I have girthy hips compared to you you are a goofy man these are a huge al for us we just took it I don't take mini I don't take many ELLs in life guys that's actually a that's a completely false statement I actually take 9 9 out of 10 Al's to get one w like you're looking through this here we go she's gonna ride that dirty at this point let's tell Dave doubt we attached an entire supercar to his seats of choice this is what happens when you're a cheap son of a hey I got good news and I got bad news what do you want you're on the vlog I'm a FaceTime you are you in a position or close enough to be FaceTime we're business partners and barely friends at this point he's closed his clothes what's up Dave yeah that's good how you doing this is your car yeah it's not going good so okay hold on luck here hold on here we go all right here you go he just went full dirty look how far back he's leaning no they dude look at them I know that's what I said see I even got the height right see I know you that's actually a testament to the fact that we're actually friends I said you were six to miss it you were six three I said don't give them that much credit sure you'll see it on the vlog he got real friendly there for a bit now here's the good news they look way better look at them right like black getting rid of that ugly tobacco red color you know what our mission to make the our eighth grade again this is not helping that cause we're gonna fight good let's do it bro let's do it Mark's putting him in he's not stopping he won't stop here's my next challenge I got to go to the airport I know so cars gonna stay with you okay Alex Joy's gonna come down and get it sounds like a diabolical plan yeah I know we need new seats okay guys well it sounds like the seat insulation upgrade is going to be continued this sucks mark thank you for doing the work you've always done Plan B we gotta go to plan B I don't know what it is yet I'm gonna put Dave on it I hung up on him I should call him back yeah yeah no probably not to on whole lot of Stu on his bad decisions well boys it was a blast thank you very much I'll see you guys in two days thanks for everything you do sorry Dave mess that up all right yeah but damn Dave later Mike later Alex how are you boss Wow look at that sunset Hey okay I'm gonna hurry to go to Le exile fast enjoy sunset palm trees gonna be kissing that goodbye for a little while you guys I'm late we were messing around with those seats longer because we're trying to troubleshoot them caves on the hunt for some new seats we just got confirmation that the new car will be arriving in California here in the LA area above Wednesday evening Thursday for sure we're hoping as long as there's no delays so you guys can finally expect a reveal video on what the new supercar is for DB I've it's been hard for me I can't keep a secret you know it's one of the things actually my wife doesn't like about me is I always give away birthday presents anniversary you know surprises and so it's been really really hard for me you guys to hide this car from from count like from telling you or even hinting even Dave's been like I go to him I'm like we should we hinted something he's like no no you gotta just surprise him so the car reveal will be later this week I'm excited to show you guys what it is we have some other surprises too and again I I want to talk about them but I can't so I'm heading back to Canada right now it's been an awesome adventure with you guys sucks the seats didn't work out whatever it is what it is you guys look at this those those are the keys to Mark's BMW mark let me ask our to go for a lunch and I brought the keys the airport with me so this amazing gentlemen is gonna return the keys all the way back to the valley it's like an hour-and-a-half Drive thank you [Music] well I hustled made it better we're having it work you really would just came in renders for the new rap on the new car oh yeah I'm ahead of the game on this one for once alright you guys so here's the question what color do I go next time I've done orange my car is red I've done a blue and white combination give me your thoughts in the comments what color do we go next on the next fresh fresh air oh yeah it's a little chillier back home and wet see see people always wonder do we get a lot of snow we don't get a lot of snow you get a lot of this rain ooh Christmas tree well you guys another adventure in the books we also have things lined up to do the car reveal yes I apologize it's taken so long but the logistics with this car it's just there's a lot going on the car still has to come to Canada it's got to be imported to the country I have to get all the registration done the insurance before then I can take it back down to California and drive around and may yet be díos with it which we have all the intention of doing it's just I wish it would happen faster we also have some renders like I mentioned so please seriously let me know in the comments what color you guys think what we should do as crazy as you can imagine hit me with it I'm really interested in what you guys have in mind the other thing is is merch you guys we just are restocking the merch store I apologize if there was something you wanted and we ran out of it we have it and more hats come in we have more hoodies coming we have that crazy camo hoodie being delivered any day now so thanks to everybody that's been picking up the DV merch thank you to the people who are considering it you see wifey she by the way is the one that gets all the recognition for the merch she handles all that stuff with the companies we work with for the logistics and all that so you know shout out to wifey thanks for coming on today's adventure with me you guys and stick around because in the next vlog yeah the next vlog I think it should be the reveal video for the new supercar this is a big one I'm really excited this is a really big car for me this is a car that's been like a legit dream car like I've always wanted on a supercar but this is like a real iconic car that's all I can say I'm bad at keeping secrets I'll see you guys in the next video smash the subscribe button peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 364,942
Rating: 4.9235115 out of 5
Keywords: audi, r8, lamborghini, huracan, aventador, murcielago, ferrari, 458, 488, lyft, uber, agx, supercar repair, sparco, seat upgrade, garage, diy, how to install seats, porsche, mclaren, alex choi, damon fryer, liberty walk, widebody aventador, avant garde xotics, guttersnake, Lamborghini, Daily Driven Exotics, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car
Id: lbiKR5oZ-Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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