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You guys are fr grinding because u guys upload early and u here in LA so Ik the time

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
we're back baby Beverly hello dates get rowdy already we're a Beverly Hills kitchen it look at this check this out Manuel [Music] proper gearbox like there I love it when Dave walls out is just going crazy right so you guys we had some fun news delivered to us today Kevin yes that's right Kevin's back in the book Kevin's back in the vlogs he's coming he's coming tonight guess what Kevin bought a brand new car you guys saw this in the thumbnail Kevin bought a purple SV I want to sneak away buy the rights to that song purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini cuz you know what he is gonna be lurking he's coming later let's flip around hey let's go to rodeo so my friend how to drive you don't even know how to drive you know what's up yeah traction oh oh they almost hit a Porsche that would've been good don't hit the Porsche Dave you got TC off you just don't even drive with TC I don't at all at all that's what's up that's how's that any wheel are held out like it's amazing it's actually still really red yeah it just needs to be wash my filthy [Music] I finally got some like light so that like we're not super blocked out at night for night filming guess who's in the hey check out who's in the other seat hey let's hand Hey take the camera give that give that Detroit you guys joy rotate oh hot potato who's got okay guys we have my light we can do night logging out or going to Rodeo Drive till Kevin's new car I'm super pumped this is your first time in the squad resident it is like giving me a rose look he gave you gave heat the ride but you to give me run he my man where are you that he driving around in his new her Comic Con his reaction to tears I felt back is my Orion reaction but Amy bought me that car I was like thanks guys Dave we're done 30 now that we've seen each other for 20 minutes alright well first up on the vlog in a while I know these guys [Music] I'm with this go go go go go go go go go go go all the light screens are pit crews I should have stayed in that car for the simple fact that you don't clean their windshield man Anthony was straight up like so courteous he says hey you know if we're gonna blog some stuff you guys need a clean windshield I was like that's mighty nice of you Oh cops that's not cops Oh bad boys bad boys I was he saying bad boys the movie is like where usually there's a chorus you gotta learn the word I don't know the word we don't know the word it's a chorus oh what's going on here Wow Ryder truck the crews over here are they everybody that we have we have who we have we have yari we have hey composers coming out oh yes what up we got a beaver Cooper yeah was that a gold that was a gold Maserati holy gold talk about that I'm pretty sure I heard a dog barking the crew oh dude what's up good to see you how's your e doing back in the vlogs homey what's this shirt all about Jim Jim oh I had it Jim line the way on your new channel I can't wait bro we're gonna get caught we're gonna get lien lose all that you know belly fat lose on me by the way you guys if you haven't already go smash or click or do whatever you need to do to the new daemon fryer YouTube channel link in the description we are at 55 thousand subscribers without a single video upload and there's a reason for that we're not going to upload a video until we hit 100,000 subscribers which if we can hit 55 in 48 hours first video is going up in the next two or three days with the help of you guys so go smash it if you want to know it the contents about its going to be sum of all of this but all of the crazy stuff that we don't put in the car channel so including Alex Choi will be in this video playing subscribe did you just hog your old dude imagine I did Jamie's girlfriend good that's crazy that's him what's up the composer what up dude he fan was good good to see you let's go man we got a special surprise you been dropping some new beats for us it's just a surprise yeah a special surprise he's being humble boy right now Anthony no yo yo you having fun or what what [Music] who is Kevin he's on his way great that I'm pulling the spot right now being a good friend you are a good friend by the way this car is obnoxious like you a lot of the time hey by the way first day to day in the gym and I just want to say congratulations what are you doing you don't act like it oh I love this by the way I love this new light I got this oh my bad by the way composure what's up you have a hit song on a track I do I do it's hell no big deal India like it's nothing they did well it did well we got a couple of years yeah they were gonna do it yeah we gotta have a hit on Dee Dee or air three we got three four five six seven - yeah what Eric gave me the most obnoxious searing really could possibly put all that thought you're the steering wheel for Eric in here carbon tastic of our tesla shell is not oh look at this by the way you guys it is now Nardo gray it was what black I can't remember his pink no the car was not pink what is this oh holy crap dude look at this steering wheel oh my god you were tiny person that's a carbon fiber Tesla steering wheel okay do it go go for the cross shot thank you sir oh that was sucked well you this carbon oh no no oh hi guys that's officer Pena who's my number one video on the channel I'll tell you I'll tell you this at least he doesn't have a Canadian license because apparently you can't drive here with us well this ain't gonna be good yeah he showed up to court for one of my tickets did he thank you for showing on the court that's pink row that's Mannion there before do you want to meet him please sir we got weome dinner for the video - what's up Pena he's busy he's anything all right well hey you guys by the way that is that is Kevin's brand-new Aventador SV in purple beautiful spec that's a proper TV entrance I'd say yeah I mean who's anyone speeding hey let's see what's going on all right well hey Dave Dave do you know what to do please get a thumbnail I'm working on that thank you the innovation honest people and the other registration oh that's tight [Music] ask them for registration apparently it's in the front so you need to exit the vehicle his registration is not accessible he's all let him get to the registration any saying that a sign is probably because it's not accessible oh yeah [Music] it's good [Music] well perfect timing it's not a DD video if there ain't some drama with the Popo it just Kevin doesn't this point Kevin comes in like a wrecking ball I know there's no contest whatsoever there's no way not a single place to store anything in nsv yeah so you can't even put a piece of paper anywhere well it's nice gosh tape it it's not that good [Music] yeah they're nervous about being in there there's ladies out of the car hey mama bye how you doing sweetie it's so good do what you do I know though everybody's got their cameras out hi guys good to see you [Music] that's not not the best situation but is what it is all right so Dave hey okay my Instagram damn bro yeah and we know to me situation I said Gina how fast you're going let's be the way I know oh you want fast at all that cause when Cassie it's just loud yeah he's doing 55 minute 54 like a monster to me a break 55 in the 5000 we're all about the songs now we're sitting there getting a registration ticket for not having registration of alias not having missed your smell I do but it's in the front it's in the front game he said let him get it the old the other officer he's he's the worst like you the yours oh we're starting to form a crowd hey guys the HPD super cars you know typical day on Rodeo typical rodeo d-man all right so we were going to go for a cruise we're going to go for it we're gonna go further it will go for a cruise once Kevin gets out of this situation sign autographs we do it that's pretty good all right oh man what are you doing you're scrolling through the grammar Erik Pena yeah I know you know it's crazy how much do you think this guy makes here he makes two underground $200,000 a year just so you know that's public record yeah I mean investigate oh yeah we didn't we didn't pis asked you like sergeant's here you get paid for underground in here really yeah Hannah let's see we get another angle for you guys [Music] what do you do you tell you that for he's done what's that you can tell you after he's done okay fair enough you guys having a good night yeah yeah good man we've been a lot better for you guys absolutely Oh Kevin Kevin yeah you know what the you're not the worst or the best part depending on how you look at it is he just got that car today today yeah he was coming here to show us I'm gonna have to pay his ticket Kevin new car he's excited give a warning offs ossifer you guys coming below well Kevin get a warning yes or no that is the question of this vlog now we wait watches real time you're seen it happen real Kevin get a warning or a tick on your out of focus I got you boom I got you I'm always in focus man Oh spit rhythm focus focus I'm focusing on you guys yes there's been a minute though since we've had like a B HPD lights on oh he's out now oh oh here we go y'all don't you get it don't you have to show you like when you read me a ticket what's up Eric he's in shopping yeah no cuz I let's just I'm gonna stay ref ticket doesn't got dismissed because you can show up officer Pena what I'm not gonna tell you talk to you why are you talking to you oh no I don't want to talk to me oh-ho get the thumbnail did you get the shot you get the shot yeah you got this hot you got this song typical what yeah sure let's do it here you go hey lighting yes Emily good night hey my pleasure alright so you got what you guys having a bromance or what's going on family photo after everybody a family photos this card this year all the gentlemen all the crew members define members of PHED what's up that would be epic we need a group photo well let's put the Queen in even a photo with him visit I tried to say I don't it yeah go go it's all working right now yeah yeah sixteen who's talking to Troy and of all the people likes him the least or maybe a hundred percent yeah he said he said to Alex Troy he's like that's terrific you know that doesn't misbehave Eden shell tour oh nice hey hey hey hey shut up the court four times for edge that's so bad well there's Kevin's paperwork we've got the paperwork well she's laughing we had other cars coming through what do we got we gotta get that seaboard sees you Odyssey hurt impress I see oh yes yes yes caress I saw a red ass right no light barks yes yes yes Oh [Music] your head what's wrong have a taillight out dangerous all right we've got good hit curly going through taxes from 1994 then 95 no one get to 96 97 night hit once we get to 99 this y2k you know what taxes were off because the computers all trashed look at his hair strand out of place it's looking real endless this hair is perfect you're saying the top has perfect hair is that a topic right now Alex got perfect hair analyst is perfect do you know what Pena whatever yeah he does his job that guy actually hates me like hold on I hear another Aventador coming in hot [Music] oh yeah where's your paperwork bro actually it's true he's got he's got the police car he's got a he's got 80 cars officer Pena zero to go good you too bye [Music] I'm not gonna lie in all fairness we technically oh this guy dinner we do yeah like probably a few didn't do let's do it after though nokey dokey yeah a lot of dinners yes like 17,000 dinners throat you argue tonight who's covering wrinkle for encuentro difference man I'm not gonna lie like now I'm waiting I don't quick two minute did you say game delay yeah I like that are using football terminology for vlogging now this is real life like you've seen the whole thing unfold no editing real-time this is a lot like everybody else pull over right now cuz I said Las Vegas for some reason hey I want my gamble tonight look at what's gonna make it that for I go to Vegas yeah well ox it'll be six hours long how you think oh yeah oh yeah by the way check this out you can put this here magnetic aluminum that's not that's magnetic it's not aluminum it could be a bracket up behind it feel it it's magnetic lieutenant it sticks right here oh all right we have an update has a refund check cause of your place to do this I got a random update meanwhile this literally just happened a conscious dropped a song that I produce say you know can't say no yeah he literally just dropped it as he got pulled over congratulations bro thanks man hey Khan by the way you know what's crazy emoticon I've been to eight of his performances my wife and I we've randomly been places where he's performing and we always go he's a he's a riot he's a lot of fun you haven't seen in a Khan performance you need to go see one specially cuz his music his music now is is what's deep like handling that you know he's cool one agent about those poor cows had to die the weave on a Penny's belt it's like just a good weave what still have everything so what do they want it [Music] you know I think I don't know Han boy - lets get rid of this right now let me camera to attend he's practicing for his new vlog at daemonfeuer guys what's the threat right now right now right right now right now right now it's Gary listen to him by the way what we're talking about you know dde and different channels go subscribe to daemon fryer however there's only get description there's also a link in description to shop decom because the last 100 of these shirts and those shirts are on the store and when you go and get one we're doing a free gift with purchase you're gonna get a very exclusive for free for free we're gonna give you $100 value yeah you wish the very exclusive DD patch that's on our hats that are now sold out so we good we good we good what I think you wrote a ticket and I was the toss it away because the VIN came so what I think they're writing of it I think you wrote him a ticket and then Pena ran the VIN and the VIN came back so now the ticket that he just wrote for ten minutes as invalid I think what I look at OSHA ha ha and I'll frame it on my wall anything that has piñas name I bet you that like I can sell out an eBay for like general is the most famous officer very cute no other police officers more famous other news fun why is he famous because of vehicles that's why we owe him dinner and technically I didn't make him famous made himself famous he knew we made YouTube videos he pulled me over and he gave me a ticket for not having a California driver's license when I'm a tourist I can drive here on my Canadian license by the way you haven't seen that video link in description actually at the top of all those scripts ones our number one video is about to hit 17 million views that's right that's the officer right there and by the way just to be clear this is no beef with me because not only the ticket get thrown out they send me all my money back I have Los Angeles County checked at my house in my personal name which I'm gonna make a video for you guys for if he wasn't a cop I befriended him he's a funny guy oh for sure for sure I like all these guys it makes me want to get a red light my car though you see others red light yeah yeah having red lights in your cars and yank your retina like thanks you know I know you mean like having red pants do you work out bro your butt looks tight sorry what what are we live we're still going this is a one tank by the way yeah do it do it do it oh you want see the coolest here put that on my watch on top Oh glows in the dark ha ha it does yeah you see that glow imagine has to throw out the ticket that he's been ready for 10 oh you know something like too much purple on Rodeo too much purple on road out this is good are you giving him a ticket the testimony thank you that hole know what my plates expired like three days ago really oh no Troy Alex Troy dr. Beverly Hills what yeah what you getting a ticket for no front plate Oh should we tell them oh yes no no we don't by the way for the record we don't say anything we'll take him over for dinner what that's it should you surprised if you don't well let's say something okay I know I'm just joking how about this you can say something and they'll write me a ticket and you can pay for my ticket we'll never do that first you know me I don't say [ __ ] hey I've an idea what surprise piggyback you ready okay jump on I give you I'll give you $1,000 if you can hang on for five seconds yeah there is a royal battle oh my are oleksiy I thought that you'd last more than five seconds no here we give you all right and let's what's the decision what's the verdict right do the drums the best part is is by the way they talk like this because they've been in one of my videos every yea I'll tell you right now after you write a ticket for something that doesn't exist you make sure that every ticket you right afterwards exists [Music] well I'm telling you I owe this guy like a steak dinner okay come on traffic control boy let's try view the traffic off Shawn we could get some married and I thought hey yelled at ya show me it's not yell but this is what you call stealth yes all right let's move our car bro it's been a minute for me there you good man right all right sir thank you yeah ticket I don't know I'll come look at it we're keeping the streets clean keeping the streets clean the end of thumbnails I don't know turn that thing on when I want to hear it we came here to see your car see you guys oh you at dinner bro alright there's nothing oh you hear that who did where's Dave all right hey Dave no take the camera take the cab okay Andrew yari needs a minute so I come here I see lights and run I get distracted relieve you took America and still a one-take now keep the action alive they want how comforted with GRE right now I do okay okay okay he's in the eavesdrop a little bit see what's happening checking with Damon over here they want a minute of privacy as you always request some privacy always happening oh that's that's the decoys so you got to take me for a ride with the decoys yeah got the place right what dude you're always lying to strive your cars why don't you drive the car alright you don't have to ask me twice oho ready yeah you're gonna be my co-pilot yep yep Hey yes boy toy grab the keys choice boy yeah how do you think know what get in the car yeah you're saying no by the way you are my light right thank you don't throw it look let's go we're going middle light please run a live one take right now so I'll take that please sweep it up guys behind-the-scenes action right here boys being inappropriate oh yeah holy banana you got is this thing is this full-on eggplant whoo get in I got you yeah we're good don't close the door on me how long should I cut me in half boys and girls boys stop it choice ruining everything instead of Dave destroys everything it's troy ruins everything Sport was a sport button I got you I got you hold on heads up stop pushing buttons ah special buttons that one is ready for it we're ready we're ready kevin says put in sport mode we are off counties like sport mode sport or course a sport where headlights on your headlights are off right now we do normally get pulled over you don't have cop action for one video I'm gonna keep it chill headlights are on how does it feel so far Damon front good I love this whoo these seats are very firm there's not a lot of padding in these seats first thing I know there's not a lot of guys go you got it yeah we're safe now always wear your seat belt this is a sick car remember going for a ride and Barney yes I love that car yeah this car is an absolute beast superraw how much lighter is this than the regular panthatar like significantly this and that is actually in the technical specs when you go to the Lamborghini site or the brochure they give you or whatever when you buy this yeah I don't know I don't know anyway it says a lot they're like standard Aventador SV a lot lighter a lot lighter in Italian integral terms it's much lighter much so the reality is is v12 yes arguably the best sounding car on the planet how long do you think they're really gonna last before like they're gone finito Oh complete ten years last let's be lie about you know I bet - here's the thing they're making the next generation I believe car to have a v12 in it with the hybrid technology okay they are yes I think that sounds I think that'll be the last iteration and usually when they do a product or unlined like like for example the Gerudo or I think the Huracan and the Aventador like each Rock each one is runs for about eight to ten years does so that would mean that 2030 roughly will be the last somewhere in there it'll just stop being like gas I don't think so I think before that the six athletes mark my words are you guys whoa sounds so good it sounds so good it has a single clutch and we still have a better than juicy on we don't know yet if it's cinnamon to electro it's an automatic or then this it a two hundred single clutch so that's a bit stir every policeman they have released it Lamborghini oh holy I gotta lay oh we lost let you guys we need light here we do you can put it back up here got you yummy yeah oh my god yeah Oh [Music] I'll be proud we need one of these I've always loved this car it feels so tight on compared to a regular Aventador this car the main difference is how Timbaland Hills compared to any of the other light Aventadors whether it be the Miura addition or what the heck and the gas stations whistle on we say hang out here all the time we strolled by the gases that you guys seen in countless vlogs here in Beverly Hills shutdown oh my goodness I've actually attributed a ski before coaches in Houston let me drive as SB we need everybody to vote what should an S being part of the channel to replace the Vermont I love the Huracan it'll always be a plate like we'll always have it for the most but I think it's time to move on to bigger and badder project that's pretty big it bad hi guys boat below did you imagine 22 oh the sound like a tomato me no idea well apparently like alex says it would sound like a Pete wall but have spooling it [ __ ] yeah whoo if feels so much lighter it has passed you can tell how agile it is because if ever there's a big car visiting Ariana town you know what that harm good but you can't forget heavy after all it does is gonna think how's that worked out the first time today in two years oh yeah you're really you guys let me this vlog today a demon first personal channel which on the part of Rahl that the whole the whole on TRO and this vlog will drop as soon as the channel hits a hundred thousand subscribers we're about half over halfway there now yeah cuz you want to see that fog and that fog that vlog costs us a lot of money to make we had a fifty thousand dollar investment to make we wanted to make a banger video yes banger alright alright you guys turn signals on we're good lights on that's it well I don't even need to buy one we just take Kevin's car that's true like let's just not go back we didn't even bring your cooler brought your car will we trade this Andre this water for the SP is that a fair trade we'll just dry bum throw the keys out see ya Kevin's appreciates the squad yeah no he's a radar detector apparently not Kevin gotta take an already night for speeding that wasn't working apparently I think they I balled it what's that called pacing for the activity said they'd be news from 40 so again ticket dismissed search will take care of that for Kevin will help out alright that's me just readjusting this almost pack up or do you guys this is an epic one take vlog I definitely need to lose more weight it's a pennant Robin I think he's right spore motel more yeah yeah I'm gonna label thumbs this thing is coffee was loud it's purple it's huge this car has so much presence it's the purple police person eater the purple police person eater plus it a purple people eater I know I've listened dad jokes bro okay put of you point grab the camera you little peel the action here alright we got that here we go to break what's it harms or whipping out already the gym visit bro I know you give it what you do now okay here we go POV view he only view back down skrt skrt skrt skrt so what'd you guys think of this this is pretty badass or what people this paddle with me hey yeah Carmen look at this caramel stitching you see that yet you guys it's hard to see at night we got car spotters you guys look famous Rotato try they're famous Dave made a favorite I think he made a famous you're verified on Instagram haha that is true but yeah more followers bro into your followers follow thereby very gracious of Kevin ìletís drivers cars have enough amazing dude great friend that cook me but you know there's one behind us is it really all right look fall over here it's our spot yeah we're back what's up it's a better than eating any tickets no ticket no tickets no ticket that's crazy oh look at that man made out of the line well bro what do you think you want one I think I want to get out of here before he comes back yeah I want one this is the best car ever go past the camera Jackson take over oh here you go okay now before they come back how about a final congratulations to the man himself dude amazing congratulations very happy for you we're gonna do another we're gonna do another video another day sir congratulations to you eight coin sound what's the album it's called king of say no Cantina okay good to see bro hey good see you again welcome back Alex say good night to everybody good morning good morning you always do the opposite I can't wait to see you in the gym Oh tomorrow we're doing it that crazy video idea bro we're gonna say good night to everybody good night everybody everyone's gonna smash the subscribe button on what video this video and the link in the description for the what channel demon friar and as well oh and the merch guys cop the merch huge shout out to Kevin check them out cyber garage on instagram love you guys peace [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 2,329,646
Rating: 4.850637 out of 5
Keywords: Cops, police, BHPD, Beverly Hills Police Unlawful, Aventador SV, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: TTMj0q_C3hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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