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[Music] [Applause] [Music] there's the Lambo Audi like that it's an Audi Guinea [Music] I'm not awake yeah [Music] we made it and look what's here BAM [Music] good morning Thank You mr. C's yet again coming to the rescue thing right so we're gonna take these slicks off I destroyed the back ones yeah so we're gonna take these bad boys off I got some new tires for it the next trick is is we don't we don't actually have the center lock tool so we gotta figure that out Dave arm strength big do it big on it render album get to spit your monkey arms on there and grab them how much towards that here do you think 800-pound I don't know so a battery on this thing is battery's dead today is a sponsored video The Cove commuter bluetooth speaker can be attached via bluetooth to any device your phone your tablet your computer it fits into a cup holder it's currently sitting in the cup holder of Dave's r8 it's got indoor/outdoor feature a scrolling rolling dial for volume it's got xbase a little subwoofer on the bottom that absolutely pounds you guys gotta pick one of these up perfect season extra deep discount links in description as always you guys can use these as a stocking stuffer or you can get one for yourselves hey why not [Music] guys links in description pick one up you push it come on Dave little momentum this is why you don't skip leg day hopefully the batteries in here it's got the air jacks that's sick a windshield wiper bladder yeah this hydration system for the driver just suck that up always adventure at tve I know we're going to our three Motorsports right so you guys race cars heads for our County yeah this is gonna save the day because our buddy bought a challenge car alright so god none of the tools with it perfect but yeah he's crazy wants to drive it on the street so we're putting street tires on it today for like some really interesting cars so we do our own engine work in-house and holy what's that that's a block out of four five eight challenge car actually different heads for them different Pistons different cams whoa oh we got to talk we got to talk Kevin's gonna be all over you that you like yeah let's 700 for sure let's do it Oh aah et3 car this is the 4 8 8 g through Gerber we got a 360 GT car that we work on I'm actually have owned two of those and awesome cars is the Fourier TT 3 car which is the latest greatest yeah this is the version 2 so what kind of horsepower beauty at 700 na what did you get out of 488 it's turquoise turbocharged so you could like you know with the right I mean short-term like if you want a drag race you probably get like a thousand horsepower but if you're gonna road race it you know 700 probably all day long yeah we succeed sweet for a while back we took a 360 street car and turn it into GT so it's got the carbon front and the wide-body 60 motor and that's cool look at this thing the hood I've never seen a hood like that the cabin which is the same as they do on the race car ready this thing's gorgeous yeah is this a stick if I bought a stick did you do this for 200 ideas I got ideas already look at this because I've loved these I like him in a stick sorry and they sound insane small light but they don't look that crazy so like this like you get the wing and the different diffuser and bumper and that one end the bodywork which looks good the big thing is it's got a much wider front track if you look here the front wheels all right dude look at this Dave look at how I Wow this is the car that was just that David leaves yeah hey this thing so what is this and it's a car that they built for specifically for the 24 hours of nerve-racking it's a hyper super car that they build a street version as well looks like you know and it's the dots this that's that yeah it's actually a sister car they've proper you know super car yeah I mean I can't even imagine the engineering that goes into what yeah this starts life isn't any man and I you know it's the Honda HPD yeah from the Odyssey yeah VTech in here no VTech so it's all been a right you know this is this is a Honda Odyssey engine yeah for all intents and purposes but then it's guys obviously it's got to say the heads off in our LX this is the gnarliest soccer-mom vehicle I've ever seen yeah you really really want to get crazy the sink and make 850 horsepower all day long yeah hold together which is pretty interesting so it's a great engine we just ran it at Kota we're faster than the Mercedes down astrayed the Ferrari everything we're it's it's a rocket ship jeez it looks hella cool whoo those mirrors Wow [Music] [Music] just by a side like that a fella we actually kind of short we just do a clean cut because doing the whole side is ridicu so you just clean cut this and then redo this yeah you don't get to see this yeah I know it's cool it is cool it's very cool this this looks familiar I did this to my four five eight yeah alright this isn't exactly how I thought today was gonna go but nonetheless this is where we are everyone's okay it's just a car you know I'll build a better one I pulled down a guy drove right through the front end yeah and I got rode off because of course it's a street car and someone bought it and rebuilt it and it's on the road driving around and he restored all this front edge [Music] I'm gonna loan you my soccer hose without this you know that's a wrench we got the I mean impact gun got that get the hosing out this is really on there like you got a suit that you know muscles hey Kevin by race car sounds like it'll be yeah we have to go up or Oh ten grand with the tools to change a tire between my legs yeah worth my luggages and yeah we're organised bro - all right thank you they try it dude amazing our three Motorsports is saving Kevin's day right now actually didn't realize how complicated would be to do this it's really good but how much was this tool this is 900 everything we have here is at least nine hundred dollars never this is 900 that wrench the wrench is all thousand four thousand what's up dude we've got a few tools here we're back need one of these need one of these you need one of the radios any one of these from them all of this is like me from them this is about ten grand or the tools by the way Haymitch how's that zero angle I'm pretty amazing you want to go not steer that's crazy isn't it oh this is good let's watch some nice try to get out oh that that was a move that was our move brother [Music] oh that the front end went up going up now that is so cool you got like built-in roadside assistance all your weight one do you're turning the wheel that's how strong I am oh please Kevin brought his Lotus and he's like it's a baby seat so he said I got to try this I've never I've never driven a Lotus have you I've you've driven one and I have not let's do this all the angles you get best angler do this whole whole that's got punched in the arm by the side of the chair dude you fall into this thing look at this finish the tub the tub I'll push this button you push this small button it turns this off I put the key in clutch in turn the key on turning the key over doesn't do anything there's a button way over here check this out now you got to go over here that's not complicated at all Oh Kevin doesn't my simple cars no it doesn't Clarence the challenged car look admits it's just like you brought me the worst I think what I need to do is I need to get this is like a match made in heaven like two peas in a pod over here we are really close this is so awful hey guys well this is like a go-kart it definitely is like a go-kart fun package a handbill in England will have a Toyota Camry v6 and though the new ones when I drove the 400 had a supercharger this one's na yeah Kevin was saying he prefers this car because it has the right amount of power to basically what the cars capabilities are so it's a lot more balanced versus the other one has too much power and gets a little out of control yeah wow that was good tunnel blasting helotes oh you can't I couldn't tell her so this is really tricky it goes to ten but there's no red indicator no no listen the red light comes on and it red lined at six so why does it go to ten what all all grand is all red line it out what watch work who's red so why 10 so it was like just dramatic effect what's put 20,000 rpm on there yeah like it read lines at seven and a half but they've wanted to just be goofy and go to ten it's an easter egg I'm nervous I know I'm there is to know the earplugs [Music] so it's not fast no it's quick none of the above but he got some angle on that [Music] good night gonna go for it we're sliding that was sick that was the quickest quietest Tunnel blast I've done through that [Music] a backhoe left that one [Music] hey thanks Kevin your cars are fun you have everything you're a wild man now I'm a clutch brakes humming ABS sensor yeah it's actually a pretty complicated car to get out of Kevin your car smells a bit warm it was Dave oh it's the top on we would not fit this thing's crazy we did a tunnel blast very silent very quick okay it's not a good idea what your midlife crisis at a whole new level now the channels concern for the horse turns over suffice not what I meant because it's up one sixer dude do a trick there's no break there you go there you go now that nailed it damn now you okay there fingers got it huh I'm good didn't sweat it all yet I think I notice a little warm out pressure I hear pressure juice Mitch we have a mission don't make me cold gutters nature oh it's on now hey it's like it's coming on time start improvising oh there we go would I say what did I say Oh get that bad boy though into the light plenty of oh yeah but now you see why the sparks we're coming off of this 100 maybe so much Mitch I guess the next thing is is we pray that I guessed with tire size right I'm Aang moment of truth how they fluff yeah looks good oh yeah bingo bango there you go bro cut you some tires do that now now you can actually drive it because before was not good and we're almost on the home stretch bro home stretch one more to go thank you so much for coming in to do new Asian we all day every day it's a mission so what so what's going on with it just not sealing so we're gonna we do that thing they do on the internet I always see where they put the something flammable in there and they well and it goes boom and it seals the tire watch Ryan ears first no we're gonna try and Kevin's car be awfully nice at Kevin yeah ah he does now he's right there Kevin you're welcome oh that was a hard one yeah that was for our that was a pick from us but we learned this all learning process right because new car totally different tools but to borrow these tools so a huge shout out to our three Motorsports they're just down the road ironically four minute drive but they lent us all these tools and even the tank so we had the tank there hoses we brought their hose over and then we had tools like the impact on the center lock tool everything this little thing image you have to get all this stuff bro thank you too Mitch 24/7 a GX [Music] time to take it for a test drive you ready Kevin let's do this we're gonna take you for a test ride ready this thing looks so sick [Music] [Music] this road in that race car the bumps in that scar brutalist he takes them right there like harsh angle I don't even think you touch there these tires might be a little taller so they might be helping out just a little bit well let's say Oh hit that below how was the run sleepers is it a little grip here what it's brand new tires I feel a little flaky got break off mold release some track secret 100 on one on one how I use just all over and Wow right that was amazing they dude that the sound this car makes it makes me want to four five eight again okay yeah right that's me I'll see you in a few days with this race oh he's got a rap superstar over here did you give itto the peer pressure to wrap that to match your car alright seriously been a while you've been busy so it's not as easy as it looks wrap a car there's not really I mean I do it well pull myself I'd never wrap up our game after watching this car but yet here the same fall so are you doing the yellow at all four corners or just the back nice well I don't know what nothing too obvious with Alex what's up uh Insurance finally you guys were wondering where the Huracan has been ran out of insurance a few days ago so we got some more insurance put on it now the crazy thing is is can you guess how much the insurance is for the Huracan insurance for this car is it's five figures no with them knowing that we do what we do it this card me being a teenager with four points on my drive five points on my driving record my insurance on my her loans like $15,000 a year I have to grasses on on mine in ten years as well unfortunately so this car to insure is drumroll please $17,400 yes technically not because our dollar is worth less than yours both $13,000 a year USD it's the highest risk possible that they insure us for dude check it out the new merch is here you guys look at all this so lanyards now to match obviously the r8 Huracan air fresheners for Alex's car limited edition oh yeah straight out of Beverly Hills with et on the sleeve we got a brand new hoodie everybody was asking for it this is a zip hoodie so it's not a pullover you can unzip this bad-boy metal zipper and on the back it's got nice clean white DD logo we also have a new heavyweight tri color this is a pullover this one this is a little more heavyweight good for winter tricolor dde logo beanies check them out boom homey beanies throw it on toy and last but not least a black clean BAM and that is not a long - that's a classic fit T for those asking not a long T classic fit so you guys we have all this merch it's in the shop link in description shot smash that subscribe button join the daily driven exotics family you go home it's time to go home it's Christmas Merry Christmas you guys we'll see you in the next video it's about to get crazy in 2019 lots of crazy new stuff we didn't get to tell everybody everything say can I destroy [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 554,096
Rating: 4.9087429 out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari 458 Challenge, Ferrari 458 Italia, Ferrari 488 GT3, Ferrari widebody, R3 Motorsports, Daily Driven Exotics, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: 4QD9Wp2JDkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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