The Ultimate CANVA TIPS AND TRICKS [2023] | Canva Tutorial for Beginners

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in this video I'm gonna share 16 canva tips and tricks that you probably don't know yet in this list of tips and tricks I'm gonna share new features and hidden tools including new AI features in canva make sure you stay until the end so you don't miss any of them and if you are ready for this tutorial let's go to my computer we have 16 tips today and I'm gonna start with a couple of simple ones for the canva newbies but if you feel that you are a canva expert I do recommend that you watch the whole video because I'm sure that you are going to learn something new today here's tip number one if you didn't know there is a new button in canva that adds an outline to your text with just one click so you can go from a simple text like this to a 21 like this one let me show you here I have an empty canva document and I'm gonna add a new text box by pressing the key T I'm gonna change the text and now by having the text box selected I'm gonna go to the toolbar and click on effects as you can see here we now have a new text Effect called outline when we click here we are automatically adding an outline to our text we can adjust the thickness of the outline and we can also change the color so let me change the color of the outline to Black and then the inside of the text to Yellow for this I'm clicking on the color option on the toolbar and select yellow as simple as that we have created this trendy text effect in canva and the whole process was completely free tip number two has me pretty excited because it is a trendy effect widely used on social media it is pretty similar to tip number one in the sense that canva added a new button to the platform for us to add this outline with just one click and we can also decide on the order of the outline so you can transform a simple photo like this one to a very eye-catchy photo like this one on the right first we need a photo without a background and if you don't know how to remove the background on your photos stay watching this video because I'm gonna show you later how to do it the difference between having a photo with the background and one without is that for example on the image on the left when we add the effect on the image the outline will appear on this border which is square and we won't have the cool effect of the outline around the subject the image on the right is the photo without the background and this is the photo that we'll use on the design that I'm going to show you now this is the design that I'm going to use for this little project I found this template on the canva library I left a link in the description of this video in case that you want to use exactly the same 10 plate and something that I want to mention it is that this template is available for canva pro users by having the photo selected go to the toolbar and then select edit photo now under effects click on shadows and in here you'll see the new button called outline and now we just one click we have added an outline to our image you'll see that we have some adjustment settings on the left and we can change the color from here I'm going to change the color to white on the same menu you can also change the size and add a blur effect to the outline to come up with different styles and as simple as that this outline has added an eye catchy effect to my thumbnail I think this design looks pretty good and it is very close to the original one so I'm very happy with the results what do you think about this new feature the third tip is to create custom gradients in canva this wasn't possible before we had to use third-party platforms to create our custom gradients and then upload them to canva but now we have access to this new feature in canva to create our own custom gradients for free and I think you will find it very useful if you like working with branded colors like we do I have a blank canva document here and I would like to add a gradient to the background click on the background then go to the color button on the toolbar and then click on this plus icon you'll see that you are under the solid color Tab and next to it there is a new tab called gradient when you click on this tab you have access now to the gradient features you can change the colors from here and add more than two colors to your gradients you can also create different styles of gradients so let's give it a go select the first color to change it you can add a hex code from here or you can also add a a random color by playing with the sliders right here a good thing here is that you can add transparency to your gradient and this wasn't possible before I'm going with the Color Picker to select a light shade of our branded green and for the second color I'm going for a darker shade of the same green and as I mentioned you have five different styles you can select from these different styles by clicking on this little thumbnails you have three different linear gradient Styles and two circular gradient Styles if you want to learn more about gradients you can go to this video write you this minute in which Ronnie explains all the different ways in which you can use these gradients in canva I know that many people love using gradients in their designs and it's quite trendy right now even canva loves using gradients but I know that not many people love gradients so I would like to know what do you guys think about this feature and if you are going to use it or not the tip number four is a new AI feature in canva called Magic right if you don't know what magic write is is basically an AI text generator you can simply write a prompt and canva will help you write copy block outlines lists video captions content ideas brainstorms and More in just a couple of seconds and this one is available only for Kanga producers if you have a canva free account and would love to try this feature out we have a 45 day free trial in the description of this video so how do you access magic right in canva I'm gonna use this template to show you how fast I can create a new piece of content in canva if you want to use this template that I'm showing you here I left the link in the description this is available for canva pro users okay let's customize this template and now I'm gonna add a new page age to ask combat to write the content for this kerosene so this is an Instagram Carousel let me show you the design we have three ways to practice Wellness in this case I want to create something completely different so let's make this Carousel about three tips on how to get the best Chihuahua and they go to page number one and now let's access magic right you will see that on the bottom right corner there is a sparkle icon this is called the canva assistant when you click on this icon you will have access to several recommendations and you will see magic right here this is available for compact Pro users If You Don't See Magic writing here you can type magic right and canva will show this action click on Magic right and from here we can ask convert to write three tips on how to get a Chihuahua and before you hit enter you would like to make sure that you prompt makes sense so I'm gonna ask canva to write three tips on how to get a Chihuahua and then I'm gonna press return as you can see as simple as that canva was able to generate three ideas or three tips on how to get a Chihuahua and this will help me a lot to build a new Carousel so I can take a look I can read this content see if I like it if I will be able to use it and then I can start building my Carson so I think I can use this on my second page so the first tip is to research and then I can read the content and paste it on my first tip I'm gonna continue doing this I'm also going to the elements section I'm going to search for chihuahua puppy pictures let's go to photos I'm gonna go to to my design and start adding some photos and I will have a new Carousel in just a couple of minutes I am done with my new Chihuahua Carousel we have three tips to find your perfect baby Chihuahua I adjusted some of the text here and there and I added the photos on this Carousel so now I have this cute piece of content I'm gonna show it to Ronnie to see what he thinks and if I finally can get him to agree on getting a cheap home so now let me show you how this Carousel ended up looking in the before with just a couple of minutes and thanks to Magic right I was able to create a completely new piece of content I have more AI tips that I'll be sharing during the video so if you want to see them all stay watching until the end for now let's go to tip number five this is a new addition in canva called layers I have a couple of shapes in here we have two different rectangles both have the same color so I don't know which one is behind which and also I have a photo behind my star shape I cannot access my photo because every time that I click on the photo my star gets selected so we have access to the arrange featuring canva to bring some elements behind and some elements forward so by selecting my star shape in this case I'm going to position and in here we have access to the arrange feature so I can bring the star backward and start playing around with the position of the elements but this is not very helpful if you have a lot of elements on your design so canva created a new feature called layers and here we can see the position of each of our elements and it is going to make it so easy if you are going to be designing without a lot of elements because you can see them right here and you can play around with the position of your Elements by just moving these blocks right here so if I were to bring my photo behind the star I just need to bring this block below the star this means that my star is forward and my photo is behind and all of these elements are right behind or stacked behind these other elements I know that a lot of canva users requested this feature again and again cucumber and I'm really happy that they finally launched it I also would like to know if you were one of those people that were waiting for combat to launch layers let me know in the comments I actually was one of them the tip number six if you didn't know is that now you have access to the most iconic fonts inside the canva Library exactly we have 1100 New iconic fonts and I mean like the most iconic fonts like Forex example Ariel Avenue Courier helvetica these fonts are designers favorites and I know that 1100 fonts are a bunch of different fonts and it can be very overwhelming trying to find the name of the font and search it inside the canva library but comeback created an article to make our lives easier they have created 32 templates using these fonts so I'm gonna share the link of this article in the description I'm gonna show you quickly the set of templates that they have in here because the fonts that they have selected are really amazing tip number six is that you can remove the background of your photos inside canva I know that many people already know about this feature but at the same time a lot of people don't know yet that this is possible inside canvas this is a canva pro feature meaning the paid version of canva and let me show you how easy it is to remove the background of a photo so I'm Gonna Leave the same photo on the left hand side so you can see the before and now let's use the feature on this photo so you can see the after I'm gonna select the photo and then go to edit photo on the toolbar and then you will see that we have the PG or background remover feature right here you just need to click on this thumbnail and then canva will do its magic and it will remove the background of the photo it was as simple as that it took just a couple of seconds and we now have the photo without the background gonna change the the color of the background on this page so you can see that it actually doesn't have a background and you can play around with this image so you can create amazing designs I know that many people including me love removing backgrounds and you can also remove the background of your video in canva this is a new feature that I love it is also available for canva pre-users so let me show you how it works I have a video of a lady dancing in here and I'm Gonna Leave the video on the left to show you how it looked before and how it looks without the background you need to follow the same steps as the previous tip you are going to select your video and this time on the toolbar you'll see instead of edit photo edit video you would like to make sure that you are under the effects Tab and then you will see the background remover feature right here you click on this feature and canva will remove the back background in a fraction of a second this was actually faster than the photo let me show you how this one looks without the background I believe this one made an amazing job and we also changed the color of the background so you can see clearly that this one doesn't have a background tip number nine is also related to video and this one will allow you to change the look on your videos this wasn't possible before these are new tools so that's why I find them relevant to show them to you now you're going to select your video go to edit video this time instead of going to the effects tab we are going to open the tab next to it called adjust from here we can adjust all of these sliders or the ones that you need in order to recreate a different aesthetic on your video on this one I'm going to adjust the brightness I'm gonna add a little bit of fade and then some saturation and Vibrance I think I'm gonna add some Warmness to the video and you can see that it already looks quite different take a look at the before and after so you can appreciate the different style that we have created in canva with these new tools the tip number 10 is that with a new AI tooling canva you can insert or change elements in photos so let's take a look at this photo I don't have anything in my hand but I could add anything that I want to the photo thanks to this feature this is like you asking this AI to use Photoshop and insert anything that you want so I'm gonna select my photo right here go to edit photo and this time we are going to use magic edit this feature is free and available to all canva users so let's click on Magic edits to have access to these settings okay I'm gonna brush over the area where I want to add something so let me make this brush a little bit bigger let's say that I want to add a burger on top of my hand so I would say my burger should have this size let's click continue and now I'm gonna add and or describe what do I want to add in this brushed area so I'm gonna type burger and then click generate canva is doing its magic and now we are going to have four different options of a burger right here you can try the different options and see which one looks better on your design we have the first option right here you can see it on your image on the right hand side these two first options I don't really like because they look kind of blue so not very delicious I would say but let me try this other two options I would say that the last one it looks very realistic so let's go for this one and click done so what do we think about the before and after did you already know about this feature before or this is something new that you are just learning today let me know in the comments on tip number 11 we have another new AI featuring canva this one is available for come by Pro users the paid version of canva and this one is called Magic erase this one also works like Photoshop but simplified because we are going to ask AI to remove things on our photos let's take this example we are next to the opera house this is a lovely photo this was a beautiful sunset but of course Sydney has a lot of people on the streets and we have people in the back of our photo so let's try this magic eraser to remove these people from the photo and see how it looks select the photo and then go to the toolbar and open edit photo you would like to make sure that you are under effects and then select Magic Eraser and then you just need to brush over the image where you want to remove subjects or elements you can also adjust the size of the brush if you want to be more precise so let's start with this person right here let's wait a second and see what happens voila we don't have this lady in the background anymore let's try again with this other person and there you go I will just continue until I have erased these two people and I will show you the before and the after and this is the before and after what do you think about this feature I think this is a very powerful feature because it is going to save us a lot of time and money if you didn't know you can ask combat you translate your designs this is pretty easy and this feature is available to all canva users this is tip number 12 so let me show you how it works here I am in I'm under the presentations Tab and I'm going to select a random presentation template right here let's go for this one and now how do we ask canva to translate this design or the this light right here I'm gonna go to apps and then let's type Translate hit enter and you will see this icon click on it canva is going to translate from I'm Gonna Leave it to automatically detect and then you have the option to select a language to translate to so I'm gonna use Spanish and then apply to page in here we only have one page but if you were to have multiple Pages you can select all the pages that you want to translate if you are a canva free user you can translate up to 50 pages for life and if you have a canva pro account canva for teams canva for nonprofits or company for Education you can translate up to 500 pages monthly once you have all these settings ready you are going to click translate and wait for compa to do its magic this took literally like one second and we have now the version in Spanish I think this is not a great translation we will need to adjust the translation I guess the same way as we will fix translations that we do on Google translate this is not perfect but I guess it is going to save us a lot of time this tip will allow you to create new images that are not available in the canva library maybe you need something very specific and you don't know where to find this image you can create it thanks to Ai and thanks to this new AI feature in Canada go to apps on the left hand side and type text to image you will have this icon click on it and then from here you can describe the image you want in canva we created for you so you can include objects colors locations surroundings people and then you can select any of these Styles you can click on see all to see more Styles and then you can also select an aspect ratio I would like to have an image of a bear riding a bicycle because I have never seen that so I would like to see what Campa creates for me on the style I will go for playful to see what canva is going to create and then Square aspect ratio create your image and we will have four different options right here all of them look really cute it's just one that it is not a bear but I have three images that are very good so let me show them to you if you want to bring this image to your design you just need to click on the thumbnail and canva will bring it to the design automatically here you have the three different options I know that many of you already knew about text to image we already talked about it in the channel but if you didn't know about text to image please let us know in the comments I would like to hear if this is something new that you are just learning now if you didn't know you can draw in canva and this is actually a new feature we used to have an older version of this drawing tool which was okay but I was not happy with the outcome so I'm gonna show you the new tools and I'm gonna show you why this is amazing on the left hand side we have a new icon called draw when you click on the icon this little menu will open and you will have three different brushes let me show you the different options that we have in here [Music] I would say this one is more like a pencil this is like a marker and this one a highlighter and we also have an eraser so if you created something that you didn't like you can erase it with this tool right here I really love this new drawing feature in canva because you can play around with the thickness of the brushes so take a look at this stroke that I'm going to make if I'm slower at the beginning I will have a thicker stroke and if I move faster my mouse you will see that this part of the line is thicker than this one right here what I really love about this tool right here is let me show you let's say that I want to draw a little heart right here when I take it with this cursor I can actually increase the size of my drawing and this is not going to lose any quality as you can see I have a stretched This Heart a lot and the lines still look perfect this is kind of like a vector inside canva because it is not losing any quality tip number 15 is related to this tool right here and it is going to allow us to create almost perfect shapes if I were to draw a circle this one looks good but it's not very perfect if if I wanted to have an almost perfect circle I just need to draw my circle and then before releasing my mouse I simply hold and as you can see canva has helped me create this better looking shape you can try some other different shapes like squares rectangles even Stars let me show you there you go and the last tip of the day it is that you now can download 4K videos in canva this feature is available for canva pro users and it is pretty easy to access here I have a video document go to the navigation bar on top and select share we're going to download and from here you can move this slider to the right if you are a combat Pro user and now you have activated the 4K quality download on your video and then you just need to click download if you enjoyed this tutorial and you learned something new remember to give us a thumbs up this is going to help our Channel a lot and if you want to discover more tips and tricks I'm Gonna Leave a tutorial in here that you are going to love if you're still not a member of our Channel I'm Gonna Leave a link in here so you can learn more about our membership I guess this is it for today I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial and hope to see you in the next one bye okay
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 43,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tips and tricks, canva tips, canva tips beginners, canva app tutorial, canva basics, canva design tips, canva design tutorial, canva editing, canva for beginners, canva tricks, canva tutorial for beginners, tutorial, tips for canva, easy canva tutorial, how to use canva, how to use canva app, how to use canva for beginners, how to use canva tutorial, tutorial canva, how to use canva 2023, canva tips and tricks 2023, best canva tutorial, Canva tutorial 2023
Id: W_3tRh7e_bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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