Free Keyword Research Course 2023 - Keyword Research for SEO, Tools, Niche Websites, and Google Ads

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welcome to my free keyword research course for 2023. I'm going to go over a lot of different ways to do keyword research whether you're trying to do keyword research for a website to improve your search engine rankings whether you're trying to use chat GPT for keyword research maybe you are running a Google ads campaign and you want to make sure you're targeting all of your top keywords I have gone over all sorts of different keyword research tools and some of the best strategies you can use as you're doing keyword research for your business so you can see all the video time stamps here so you can easily jump to a specific portion of the video they'll also be in the video description so you can find everything that you need whether you're looking for YouTube keyword research or you want to watch the entire course so this has been some of my most recent videos so if you watch some recent videos you're going to see the same content but hopefully this can be helpful as you get started with keyword research for your business so let's get into what is keyword research today I'll be answering the question what is keyword research now here is my long definition of keyword research it's a marketing strategy to identify the top Search terms for a business now you can use search volume and average bids through PPC advertising like Google ads to figure out what some of the most valuable terms to a business may be and ultimately involves creating a list of the most popular and valuable search queries that potential customers use on search engines to find either information products and or services so to give you a quick example of why you want to do keyword research is if somebody goes to a search engine like Google and they search Farmhouse TV stands you can see Wayfair right here has a Google shopping ad they have a Google search ad and if we keep scrolling down a little bit further you can see they have an organic listing as well so because they've identified this as one of the keywords they want to Target they've optimized their website for this keyword to help drive people to their website ultimately to help Drive revenue and drive sales so coming over here the goal of keyword research is exactly what I just showed you you want to prioritize specific types of content and pages to create on your website so that when people are searching for something you can offer them a solution with either an informative blog post a relevant product a relevant service or something that will actually solve whatever problem they're searching for now there's a lot of different types of keyword research for different search engines that you may use there's SEO keyword research so trying to drive organic traffic to your website PPC keyword research Google ads Microsoft advertising so whether people are searching in Google or Bing you want to make sure your advertisements are showing so that you can drive more sales video keyword research for YouTube product keyword research Amazon eBay and Etsy app keyword research so the Apple App Store the Google Play Store you may be looking for real-time keywords and trending keywords you can use tools like Google Trends Twitter and Reddit this is going to be for news websites competitor keyword research to see what your competitors top keywords are try to find some areas where you can improve your own business by doing some competitor analysis and local keyword research so trying to find keywords for a local market or a local business now next is going to be my Wayfarer example so I already went over an example with Wayfair but they sell all sorts of different products Home Goods Furniture Decor lighting kitchen and dining products so when they are looking for keywords there's all sorts of different categories they need to create on their website and all sorts of different keywords that they need to optimize for and what they can do is use a tool coming over here like the Google Keyword Planner this is available through Google ads and if they say okay we're selling TV stands we're selling furniture on our website one of the things we have is TV stands we click on get results what they can do is they can find all of the different types of TV stands that people are searching for all of the different potential Search terms that people use how often they're searched and then they can optimize their website to make sure that they can actually provide people with the products they're looking for on a specific page now other websites like Etsy do this very well Amazon obviously does this very well all of these different websites are all geared towards these different keywords because if people are searching something 50 000 times a month over a hundred thousand times a month it makes sense to optimize your website for these keywords to drive more revenue for your business so coming back over here and we just went over our Wayfair example these are 20 different free keyword research tools I recently went over in a video that I created now you don't need to use every single keyword research tool possible but as you start to create a website and you're creating content on your website the best way to continuously create content is to figure out things that people are asking figure out trending keywords figure out potential keywords that people may be using on Reddit so you can use all of these different tools to find topics where you can create content for those topics and drive more traffic to your website now two different main types of keywords short tail keywords are going to be much more popular terms that are generally one to two words very popular but not overly specific so for example area rugs and running would be short tail keywords the example I just gave you up here TV stands this would be considered a short tail keyword now as we scroll down here and you start seeing some of these longer keywords like wall mount TV stand TV stands for 70-inch TV these would be considered long tail keywords so coming back over here going over long tail keywords they're more specific in targeted phrases so if somebody's looking for TV stands you can see all of the different categories of TV stands here just by looking at all the keywords if somebody's looking for a TV stand for a 70 inch TV there's only going to be so many different products that you can present to them so long tail keywords generally convert better because they are more specific and people are looking for something that they already determined that they're interested in so another example here 8x10 outdoor area rugs so coming back here to short tail keywords somebody looking for area rugs or somebody looking for running long tail keywords would be 8x10 outdoor area rugs so basically long tail keywords are subcategories of short tail keywords running program for beginners these are long tail keywords and it's not necessarily all how much search volume they have or how many specific words are in them but as you have some of these longer search phrases like TV console with fireplace like the example we just showed earlier with TV stands for a 70 inch TV for an 85 inch TV these are going to be subcategories and they're going to be long tail keywords that stem from this short tail keyword of Farmhouse TV stands so the reason why you want to do keyword research is because you want to make sure you are targeting all the different things that people are actively searching and you can present them with Solutions on your website so if you have any questions about keyword research we're going to go through this goal one more time you need to find the top keywords for your business and you can use different tools there's completely free tools out there to find the top keywords that people are using to find either the products you sell the services you provide or some type of information that you may provide as well you need to offer them solutions by targeting all those specific keywords regardless of whatever industry or Niche that you are targeting next I'm going to go over some of the best free keyword research tools that you can use I came up with a list of 20 different free tools some of them have paid versions as well but the free versions give you a lot of different keywords you can easily create keyword lists no matter what type of business you have so let's get into some of the best free keyword research tools you can use as we go through all the different ways that you can do keyword research for your business today I'm going to be going over free keyword research tools and I'm going to show you 20 different free keyword research tools that you can use without even creating an account now some of these have paid options but I'm going to go through the keyword research tools that I use all all the time for my own business that you can use for your business as well to improve your SEO strategy and come up with more content ideas so let's get started here's my list of the 20 free keyword research tools now I've gone through and made sure that each and every single one of these you can use without having to create an account there are going to be some limitations for some of these keyword research tools and just because something may be the 15th or the 20th keyword research tool doesn't mean that it's not as good as some of these other ones over here I kind of rank these ones as the ones that I use the most so the ones on the left hand side I generally use the most but the ones on the right hand side have some really good applications that you can use depending on what kind of business you're in so let's get started and let's start with the Google Keyword Planner so if we come over here to the Keyword Planner the example I'm going to be using for this video is let's just say I need to find keywords related to laptops so I'm starting a niche blog about laptops and I want to try to sell some different laptop affiliate products maybe I'm selling maybe I'm Drop Shipping laptops so with the Keyword Planner this is available completely free through your Google ads account this and Google search console are the two that you are going to need to create an account for but they are completely worth creating the account for because of all the information you can get from both of them so let's get started first in the Keyword Planner if I want to discover new keywords what I can do is start with keywords or enter a website and we can pull keywords from an entire website or I could just say I want to find keywords related to laptops click on get results and they're going to give us all sorts of different keyword ideas just by simply entering one keyword here and you can enter up to 10 keywords and it's going to give you even more keyword ideas so entering one keyword we have over 2 000 different keyword ideas and as we scroll through here you can see there's all sorts of different keywords that we can look at we can see how much advertisers are bidding for some of these keywords in Google ads we can see the trends for these keywords and the overall competition in Google ads as well so there's a ton of different things you can do with the Google Keyword Planner Iris recently created a tutorial on my Channel about how to use the Google Keyword Planner so I would highly recommend looking at that if you're not familiar with this incredible tool so number one is the Google Keyword Planner number two is Google search console so this this is going to be more for once you've started creating content you don't use the search console to come up with your initial list of keywords what you're trying to do is find some of the keywords you are already ranking for so you can see from my website these are some of the keywords that are driving the most clicks to my website some of the keywords that are driving the most Impressions to my website you can see they'll give us a thousand different keywords here so we have all of these keywords by Impressions but what you can also do with Google search console is look at some of your top pages by Impressions and for example I'll go into this a little bit more but I'm trying to increase my rankings related to Farmhouse betting so if I click on this specific page I can actually see the Search terms that are driving clicks to my website for this page so obviously Farmhouse betting is one of the main Search terms but if we're looking at Impressions these are all different keywords that I can start to Target as well and make sure that I'm optimizing for all of these different keywords that people are actively looking up because clearly my web website is relevant to these keywords if I'm ranking high in Google for them already so coming back over here the first two tools here the only ones that you're going to need an account for every other one you don't need an account for some of them you may need to download a Chrome extension so the next two are going to be keywords everywhere and keyword Surfer now these are fairly similar tools to me but if we come over to we can install the Chrome extension and if we also do this for Surfer keyword Surfer extension we can add this to Chrome as well and what's really good about both of these tools is if I do a search in Google or pretty much any search engine they're going to give us all sorts of different keyword ideas right along the right hand side here so this is keyword Surfer they give us not only keyword ideas they also give us overlap to the actual keyword we entered and the overall search volume so we have all this search volume for all these different keywords and they've given us a total of 69 keywords that we can look at keep coming down here there's more keywords here now this is keywords everywhere they're going to give us some related keywords we can copy this we can export it people also search for and one of my favorite long tail keywords so you can find some different keywords to make sure that you're targeting all of these different topics with your website content the other thing is when you enter a keyword in the top here keyword Surfer will give you the search volume and how much advertisers are bidding for Google ads campaigns so these are two really awesome free tools and all you need to do is install the Chrome extension and you can enable them or disable them at any time to make sure you're doing your keyword research next is going to be so find great keywords using Google autocomplete now you can do this for Google YouTube they have Microsoft Bing here Amazon eBay they have the App Store the Google Play Store Instagram Twitter Pinterest and Google Trends so let's just say for example you want to find keywords on Amazon for for laptops we enter our keyword here we click on search now they're completely free version which doesn't require an account is going to give us 252 keyword for this one keyword here you can also look at prepositions as well if you want to subscribe to keyword tool pro it is fairly expensive but what I like is if we scroll down here we can see all sorts of these long tail keywords all related to laptops so I don't necessarily need to look at all this search volume here because the next tool is search so with this tool what you can do is enter a list of up to 800 keywords at a time I don't believe there's any limitations to search at least I haven't hit the limitations when I'm using them but if we come back over to our search and let's just say we want to take these long tail keywords we'll copy these keywords everywhere long tail keywords we come right over here to search paste them here we have 20 different keywords here looking at the United United States results click on submit and you'll see we'll get the search volume for all of these different Keys now if we come back up here you can see I guess we can do up to 800 daily keyword Search terms that we can look up so that's more than enough keywords to find the actual search volume for so as you build your keyword list and as you come up with different ideas depending on whatever tools you're using all you need to do is paste them here click on submit and you can figure out how much people are actually searching for these different keywords so that's going to bring us into our next tools and the next two tools are both question related first one is I've been using answer the public for a long time and it's great to find questions that people are looking for related to your Niche so if we come over here we enter laptops again we have United States we're going to click on search this will give us 392 total keywords you can download all of these keywords at any time but if we scroll down you can see all of these different questions I kind of prefer to look at it as data and you can see all of these questions questions if we keep scrolling down you'll see prepositions same thing we can use data so you're going to get a ton of different long tail keywords here what I like is if you see four here it's laptops for sale for college for gaming for college students for sale cheap for kids so you're going to see a bunch of different keywords that if we download these again just come right over into search enter all those keywords here and you can come up with some different ideas as far as your content and what people are actually searching now the next one is going to be also so you get three free searches per day so if I enter laptops here and we click on search and we scroll down they're going to give us some of the top questions for whatever keyword we enter now now this may not be the best keyword for this because generally you get more questions so depending on whatever topic you enter you may get see more or less questions but it's a really useful tool especially if you're creating a blog post and you're just looking for some frequently asked questions so another tool that you can use a little more simple than answer the public not going to give you as many keywords but a quick and simple tool that you can find some different questions now if you're trying to find more long tail keywords is a simple tool but if we just search laptops here you're they're going to give us long tail keywords for Google for Amazon for Yahoo for Bing for YouTube and they also have answers over here so if you just enter one keyword you can see all of the different autocomplete long tail keywords for all of these different search engines so it's a quick and easy way to find long tail keywords now next is going to be Google Trends with Google Trends one of the things I really like is if we enter a search term like laptops what we can do is we can look at different search engines so if we're doing things specifically for YouTube search or image search it can give us some different ideas we can see the overall interest over time but what I really like is some of the rising Search terms so you're going to see best laptops 2023 best laptops for college students affordable gaming but as we come over here sometimes what you can find are actual specific models like Surface Pro 8 here's a question that we can easily answer on our blog if we come over here we have more and more Search terms here again you can download this information at any time as well over on the left hand side they're going to give you some different related topics some Rising topics we can also just click here and do top topics related to whatever search term we enter so this will give you some more ideas for different brands maybe some different models that you can cover on your website same thing over here with the related Search terms we can click on top again and these are the very top most popular Search terms related to what we entered so I like using Google Trends sometimes it doesn't give you thousands of keywords but it gives you some of the most important keywords and trending keywords as well so taking a second to come back over here those are our first 10 tools Keyword Planner search console keywords everywhere keyword Surfer keyword search and to the public also asked suvel and Google Trends now there's different reasons why you would use all of these different keyword tools and truthfully you don't need to use every single keyword tool on this list what you want to do is find the one that works the best for your business that's going to bring us to our next 10 and these are all going to do things that are a little bit unique and giving us some different ideas that maybe these other ones that are just spitting out long tail keywords aren't going to give us so the next one is going to be keyword it you can get this at there's several free SEO tools I'm going to go through another one that they have in a second but what you can do is enter a name of a subreddit and they're going to pull out different keywords from that subreddit so this doesn't work for every Niche and for laptops I'm not sure if it's the best thing but if I start searching laptops one of the subreddits is suggest a laptop we click on get keywords what they're going to do is pull out some of the most popular keywords from this subreddit so these are all really good keywords that are pretty unique compared to some of the other keywords that we were getting from some of the other tools so sometimes with keyword it with specific niches this can be a great tool to find exactly what people are looking for within whatever topic you're covering so they pull these keywords directly from Reddit so they're going to be unique so this is another one to try to help improve your overall content strategy now the next one is going to be bulk keyword generator also from and what they're going to do is suggest keywords we can start with a business type so for example I click on handyman they give us all of these different things that a handyman may do so let's select all of them and we'll select these service types and then what it's going to ask us is where are we providing these services so we have all of these different Services here and let's say I'm going to do these services in Charleston South Carolina so let's say that's the market that I serve as a handyman I click on generate keywords and if we scroll down here they've given us let's see how many keywords we have here 60 total keywords we can download the CSV file but you can see all of these different keywords so it gives us a bunch of different ideas for some of the pages that we can create on our website specifically to whatever Market that we're serving and you can do this for a lot of different business types if we come in here and we scroll down so if you offer Pools and Spas in a specific area and you offer certain Services you can find the right keywords that people are actively searching and it's completely free through so that's the bulk keyword generator now the next one is going to be word streams free keyword tool I've already entered laptops in here and did a search now this one that will give you a lot of different laptops and what I like is when you enter it some of these are just going to be specific types of laptops here there's a total of 500 keywords and they'll give you some bid ranges low range and high range through Google ads and the overall Google ads competition so you don't need to actually sign into your Google Google ads account to see all this data the one thing is when you do click download all keywords they'll send them straight to your inbox but you do have to enter your email address so there are some limitations with this tool but just coming in here and getting these 25 different keywords plenty of keywords see all this search volume for all these different keywords and it'll give us plenty of ideas for Content that we can create and even keywords we can Target through our Google ads campaigns now coming to our next keyword tool it's going to be this is going to be specifically for the Apple App Store and Google play so what I did is I just entered puzzle for App Store United States English clicked on suggest and they're going to give us the top keywords here and then they're going to give us keywords in alphabetical order so let's just say I'm creating a puzzle app and I want to put together as many puzzles as possible on my app then this is all you would need to do is just enter your keyword here and I can find all sorts of different puzzle ideas that I can easily Implement in my app if I actually knew how to do that so this is a really good keyword tool for app developers or anybody who is helping an app with SEO so specifically for mobile apps using the Apple App Store and Google Play Store now next is going to be keyword tool Dominator and with this if you go to keyword tool and we go to keyword tools again they allow you to search a lot of these different search engines here one of the unique ones here is Home Depot and Walmart don't see that very often YouTube keyword tool can be very helpful for channels like mine but let's just say Amazon keyword tool will use Amazon again I entered dog toy for this example clicked on search and they give us a bunch of different dog toy keyword ideas as we scroll down you're going to see all sorts of different keyword ideas here so this is really good if you want to expand your keyword list and you're selling products on specific channels or you want to see what people are actually looking for the one thing I like is the top 10 unique keywords by frequency so dog toy toys but what you have down here is large tours dollars aggressive you can find different keywords by word frequency so another keyword tool I like is keyword tool dominator now the next one here is going to be and then you go to tools and free SEO tools so these are 100 free SEO tools what I really like here is you could do something like Niche ideas generator so if you're trying to come up with a niche for your business and we click on Niche ideas generator all you need to do is start typing an idea and they're going to give us a bunch of Niche suggestions from popular search engines so this is another great tool and you can see they have a lot of different ideas here LSI keywords generator keyword density Checker robots.txt generator Etsy keyword tool Pinterest SEO content editor so they have a lot of different free SEO tools here definitely worth checking out especially if you're looking for a niche now that's going to bring us into our next one with it which is the ahrefs free keyword generator so you can search Google Bing YouTube or Amazon and I've entered laptop here we click on find keywords obviously hrefs has a great premium tool but if we just click on this and we enter one keyword laptops we scroll down they're going to give us all sorts of different keyword ideas through this free keyword tool and we can also look by different search engines as well so so the ahrefs free keyword generator is definitely another tool that you can try now last few tools here this is powered by SEO ability and if we click on laptops here and click on Research with one keyword here they've given us over 2 000 results so we scroll down you can see all these really popular keywords and what I like to see is competition over here so the competitive strength in Google ads the CPC search volume sometimes seeing the competitive strength in Google ads can give you ideas for okay let's make sure we have a page on our website with 144 Hertz laptops so just some different things that you can look at and another free tool to try last two tools word now this again we're going to enter laptops here we're going to click on search they're going to give us a ton of different keyword ideas you get 12 free searches per day I already used two of my searches and they do have a premium option with word tracker but again entering one keyword here we have all sorts of keywords that they'll give us then eventually they'll start blocking them out but what I do like is the competition and the overall search volume for a lot of these different keywords last but not least we can search different search engines here so Google mobile news shopping YouTube DuckDuckGo let's use YouTube for our example here and we'll enter laptops and we'll click on start now if we scroll down here we're looking at our YouTube keywords you can see we have plenty of ideas here that we can use if we're starting to create some different YouTube content geared around laptops so these are 20 of the very best keyword tools on the internet and all of these can be used for different reasons now some of them are just going to give you long tail keyword tools so a lot of them do the same thing as the Google Keyword Planner but something like keyword it can be very helpful to find some different content ideas pulled directly from people who are talking about them on Reddit bulk keyword generator for local SEO app tweak for mobile apps keyword Surfer or keywords everywhere or both if you want to use both when you are searching specific search engines trying to find long tail keywords in search volume so there's a lot of different things that you can do with all of of these different free keyword research tools so hopefully this has been helpful make sure you don't really need to create an account for any of these except for the Keyword Planner and except for Google search console with our which is worth creating the account for next I'm going to give you a very simple keyword research strategy and a process that you can follow so if you just follow this simple step-by-step process it's going to be a great way to find the best keywords for your business so that's going to do a keyword research strategy today I want to go over a very simple yet successful keyword research process and the four different steps in this process include finding your keywords and topics breaking down and sub-categorizing your keywords and topics into long tail keywords and subtopics understanding search intent what ranks for the actual keywords that you're targeting and then planning your content using your keyword list so I'm going to use a quick example for my website I'm going to be using about three or four different examples in this video to go over some different types of Industries and different examples depending on what it is that you're selling so for my website if we come in here I'm in my farmhouse bedding shop page this is a category page where if we scroll down there's a bunch of different bedding sets for sale that people can purchase if we scroll up you're going to see all of these are different subcategories so just within this main keyword that I'm targeting Farmhouse betting you can see all the different subcategories I have here for different styles sizes seasonal betting pretty much anything people are searching for related to bedding sets in a farmhouse style I've tried to cover here so the ultimate goal is to understand okay I'm targeting some specific keywords what do I need to present to people to make sure that my website will actually Rank and that I can actually drive paid traffic to my website as well and give people a relevant experience that's going to lead to a high conversion rate so if we come over here here's a quick example of some of my keyword research for my farmhouse goal website and what you're going to see is I've broken these down in some different categories these are some of the most popular keywords High search volume keywords that are very very difficult to rank for so even if we come in here to Farmhouse betting for example you're gonna see I have all of these different subcategories that I need to create on my website or I've already created a lot of them if we keep scrolling down you can see Farmhouse comforters so even Within These subcategories you can continue breaking down them down into even more subcategories over here with Farmhouse light fixtures you can see lamps I've broken that down into Farmhouse lamps Farmhouse floor lamps Farmhouse pendant lights so these really popular keywords you need to understand I need to find the main keywords and topics that people are searching to find in this case my products I need to find all of these different long tail keywords for those products so if I want to rank for the keyword Farmhouse betting then I need to make sure when people come into my website they can see okay there's all these different subcategories here all these products so if I'm looking for a specific style of bedding I can click in here and hopefully find what I'm looking for if I'm looking for comforters for example I can click on the comforters page which is going to bring me to a page that has all sorts of different subcategories as well so this is one of the main strategies with keyword research is understanding if you want to rank for these short tail keywords you need to cover these Topics in that comprehensive and complete manner if you're going to have any chance of ranking for some of these short tail keywords Now search intent is very important as well because people may be looking for different things depending on what they're actually typing into search engines so you need to understand when I'm targeting this keyword with a specific page when I plan my content I need to make sure I am solving for search intent so if we come over here you can see here is a Surfside PPC video and blog keywords and content ideas so I'm trying to find all sorts of different keyword and content ideas for my YouTube channel and for my blog so if I take a keyword like Facebook ads optimization there's a lot of different ways that you can go with this from creating an optimization checklist creating some different best practices but one of the things I'll do when I'm targeting different keywords is I'm going to look at the exact keyword here so we're in Google searching Facebook ads optimization we scroll down here past the advertisements and you're going to see how to optimize Facebook ads 10 tips and tricks from the pros now this is specifically from Facebook so a lot of times I'll look at what's ranking that's not on Facebook's website optimization hacks 16 expert tips how to optimize Facebook ads to Skyrocket your conversion so clearly what I need to do is put together a list a checklist of different types of Facebook ads optimizations and you can see over here even if we're using a tool like keywords everywhere we can find even more long tail keywords and this can be really useful as you're trying to build out an outline for your actual blog article or for the video that you're creating or whatever type of content that you're you're creating so you need to understand whether it's trying to rank for a keyword like Facebook ads or if I'm trying to rank for a keyword like Farmhouse betting I need to understand the search intent behind that keyword and then solve for that search intent in this case I'm just putting lists of products for sale for all these different categories in this case I need to create useful and helpful content about the Facebook ads platform for Surfside PPC the point of creating this content around these different keywords is someone can go into my website and I can maybe book a new client so somebody can say okay they know a lot about Facebook ads they know how to optimize Facebook ads I'm struggling with my campaign I'm going to contact Surfside PPC in the case of Farmhouse goals I try to get people on a page like modern Farmhouse betting they look through all the different betting sets hopefully they purchase something for my website the whole goal with keyword research is to understand what people are looking for looking for the main keywords and topics that people you use when they are searching for your products your services your information whatever it may be and all of that should be reflected in your content plan so let's use an example and let's just say I am a florist so I'm opening a new floor shop and let's say I'm opening it in Phoenix Arizona so if I come over here we're using the Google ads Keyword Planner now some of my favorite keyword tools that I would say I use the most often free completely free keyword tools or at least they have free versions that are very useful the Google ads Keyword Planner is available through the Google ad through your Google ads account completely free to use you can discover new keywords and find thousands of keywords for your business keywords everywhere I install the Chrome plug-in and that is what I was using earlier to find long tail keywords here on the right hand side this will work for Youtube it'll work for Amazon it'll work for pretty much any search engine you can think of so keywords everywhere will literally give you keywords everywhere you go and find all sorts of long tail keywords depending on what it is you're researching keyword Surfer pretty similar to keywords everywhere but if we also come over here we have our Facebook ads optimization we scroll to the top let's actually refresh this page okay and over on the right hand side here usually it just pops up right above keywords everywhere but it's over here on the right hand side and you can see with keyword Surfer they're giving us all sorts of relevant keyword ideas depending on whatever keyword we enter there's overlap there's search volume so you can actually see specific search volume for different keywords and there's a lot of other tools involved with keyword Surfer as well so two really good tools that you can try to use and then last but not least answer the public if you're looking for specific types of questions that people may have or different ways that people use specific keywords and to the public is a very good tool and you get a few only two free searches per day you can get more free searches if you just create a free account so a few different keyword tools to try but let's say you're opening a flower shop in Phoenix Arizona so we're going to open up the Keyword Planner this will be my next example dividend investing let's say we're open up a flower shop so I'm opening up a florist I'm offering flower delivery I have flower bouquets for sale maybe we'll just put flower bouquets okay so we'll start with some of these different keywords here now you can enter every single keyword that is closely related to your business and click on get results in this case what we're trying to do is say okay we want to make sure whatever keywords people are targeting we are have those keywords on our website to represent buy our content buy some of the different things that we're listing on our website so even if we come over here on the right hand side you can see all the different keyword or all the different flower keywords that are very popular so specific flowers related to florists so we'll close that some different occasions that people actually get flowers so others are going to see some more things down here this is not something that we're going to use but if we scroll down you can see some of the most popular keywords here so what I would generally do if I'm looking up keywords for a business like this is I will start by just opening up and saying okay here are the different flowers we offer we're offering flower delivery for these different flowers we offer bouquets for the different flowers we have here are all the different occasions where people can get delivery flowers from us and here are all the different colors of bouquets and flowers that we have so if someone's looking for white flowers or red flowers or whatever it may be we can make sure that we have a page on our website to show that using just some of these different categories here so just using flower delivery bouquets occasions colors what I was able to do is come up with this so let's say these are all the flowers I'm offering at my florist in Phoenix I want people to know they can shop directly at my flower shop I also offer flower delivery so when people are going into Google and searching floors near me flowers near me flowers shop near me or flower delivery send flowers arrangements so any of these different keywords that people are constantly searching throughout the day I need pages on my website for them so here are all the different occasions that I came up that people will actually send flowers and what you can do is by using this information here of the flowers you offer the different types of delivery you offer for the different occasions I was able to take some of those main topics we broke them down into our subtopics and now what we're doing is we come over here we need to understand search intent what's ranking for these keywords and now it's time to to use our keyword list to plan our content so we scroll down here here are the pages I'd create on my website the Bold is going to be my home page flower shop and flower delivery in Phoenix Arizona so when someone's searching for a florist near them or for flower delivery in their local market I have that page already on my website then I'm going to have all these other different pages all the different flowers I deliver so carnations daisies lilies all the things that people are searching these are going to be all the different pages I create on my website so then we start to get into some of these occasions so baby flowers delivery birthday flowers delivery keep scrolling down and you're going to see all the way down here to the different colors so we have a ton of different pages now that we can create in our website and they're all going to satisfy some of these really really high search volume keywords so we can make sure that when people are searching these things in the Phoenix Arizona Market that we're able to actually deliver them exactly what they're looking for and this this is an easy way to go about your keyword research is to start by using the Google Keyword Planner and then coming down here and saying okay well we need a page on our website for Mother's Day delivery we need a page on our website for same day flower delivery we need people to know they can send flowers to people we need people to know here are all of our different funeral flower arrangements so you can find all of these different ideas just by using the Google Keyword Planner and then what you're going to do is say Okay based on all these keywords based on wedding bouquets I can say here are wedding bouquets for sale in Phoenix Arizona here wedding bouquets you can get delivered directly on your wedding day for Phoenix Arizona so you're able to say we can solve whatever problem you have and you're just looking at keywords that people are searching for and you are creating solutions by understanding that search intent now my other example that I'm going to go over very quickly is going to be dividend investing let's just say I want to write about dividend investing dividend stocks dividend strategy so if we come in here and we're looking at keywords by relevance what I quickly figured out is I need to create a ton of different lists of the best dividend stocks so if we say Okay dividend stocks is getting 60 000 monthly searches if I want to rank for the keyword dividend stocks then let's say make sure the keyword text contains dividend stocks we're going to click on apply and just by looking at these keywords here I can come up with different content that I can create on my website the best dividend stocks for 2023 and Beyond High dividend stocks that are good long-term Investments monthly dividend stocks stocks to invest in today the top dividend stocks for 2022 that you should invest in high dividend paying stocks again that probably goes down to this one here but you can find a bunch of different keywords here just by looking at the long tail keyword words related to dividend stocks and we obviously have our filter here so it's only showing us those long tail keywords now there's going to be some old keywords here from 2021 but obviously you have to update these all every single year cheap dividend stocks so there's a bunch of these where we can create one article per year and let's just say we put out 20 different articles of here are the best Healthcare dividend stocks here are the best technology dividend stocks so I can create all of these different articles on my website and eventually what Google and other search engines are going to see is hey this website has become a very good resource to find the best dividend stocks because they have 20 different really good articles on their website well-researched articles where they're going at over actual dividend stocks that people are searching for now let's say I want to rank for dividend investing you do the same thing but I'm going to give you a different example using keywords everywhere using keyword Surfer if we just search dividend investing we come over here we can see through keyword Surfer here are all the different keywords people are actively looking up go to the people also ask section click on a drop down open it back or close it back up open close open close it's going to keep giving us a ton of different questions that people have and then you can also use answer the public so dividend investing scroll down here are all the different questions that people are searching all the time about dividend investing when to start dividend investing where to start dividend investing is it worth it where can I invest in dividend stocks what dividend stock should I buy now which ones pay monthly so again what you're trying to do is come up with a list of keywords and this is basically what I do for Surfside PPC for Farmhouse goals come up with a list of keywords and say okay I need to create a page on my website where I have Farmhouse wall sconces for sale and then what I also need to do is I need to go to Google and I can just use this long tail keyword here tool here for keywords everywhere and let's just search okay so search this keyword that I want to Target 3600 average monthly searches long tail keywords candle for the bedroom with a pull chain battery so lights out consider that the same some of these Canada I'm not going to Target so what you're doing is you're trying to find the different ways that people are searching for your keywords and you can see here by doing keyword research finding your main topics breaking them down into subtopics continuously breaking down your subtopics into even more subtopics understanding search intent and trying to plan your content plan the pages on your website around what people are actively searching for in the case of the florist I need to make sure that I have if I use something like tulips delivery and tulip bouquets in Phoenix Arizona that whole page is just going to be a bunch of different tulips that I have for sale all the different color tulips that I have for sale you can create separate pages for red tulips pink tools whatever your most popular colors are now this wouldn't be my final list of pages I'd create this is just where I'd start if I was trying to operate a florist and a flower delivery in Phoenix Arizona and you can continue to grow from there by using even more of these keywords on the right hand side these are keywords I pulled directly from the Keyword Planner so you can see how popular a lot of these different keywords are and you can even see if we come up to the top here and we're just looking at some of these different keywords so floral designer so best floral designer in Phoenix Arizona so you're just trying to create these pages so somebody goes to that page and says okay let me give this florist a call and see if they can help me for my wedding day or for my kids birthday party whatever it may be that somebody wants to buy flowers for Farmhouse goals people are looking for products so I create product pages where I'm selling all these different types of products surface ippc people are looking for information education I need to create educational content and ultimately what you're trying to do is find the top keywords for whatever it is that you're selling whatever information you're giving to people and then make sure you are solving for search intent as you plan your content the hardest part isn't the keyword research it's creating content I could easily come up with a huge list of keywords for dividend investing dividend stocks create a huge content plan in several hours the problem is it's going to take months or years to actually create all this content so focus on trying to find these top keywords break them down into long tail keywords and then slowly chip away at them one by one and you will see your rankings increase so if we just quickly go to Google Search console for my website you can see the last three months for Search terms containing Farmhouse betting they've driven 345 clicks to my website over 22 000 Impressions that's just Farmhouse betting that doesn't include Farmhouse comforters Farmhouse quilts duvet covers for people who may not use the words Farmhouse may just be looking for rustic quilts or rustic comforters or rustic bedding so all of these different keywords are because I am actively targeting them vintage Farmhouse bedding is a page I have in my website modern Farmhouse betting is a page I have on my website so what you're trying to do is grow your impressions for all these different long tail keywords and then ultimately you're trying to get as many clicks as possible out of this Farmhouse bedding short tail keyword that people are actively searching thousands of times per month now the hard part about some of these different niches is I'm actually competing with Wayfair and Amazon and really really large corporations that have much larger budgets and more resources than I do so I really have to get down and try to find these long tail keywords and subtopics and that's ultimately what I try to do with my PPC ads keywords with my farmhouse keywords and that's what I would try to do if I was a florist in Phoenix I would just continue in you to try to find all of the different things people are searching for and then just solve for that search intent next we have a video about Niche keyword research and how to come up with the first 100 or more keywords for your Niche using the Google Keyword Planner so let's get into it today I'm going to be going over keyword research for a new Niche website and ultimately what we're going to be trying to do is finding our first 100 or so keywords so you can find more keywords you can find less keywords to get started so we're going to start here in the Keyword Planner and I'm going to be doing all of this today with the Keyword Planner so if you've never used this tool before it's available in a Google ads account so create a Google account create a free Google ads account and once you are all set up with your Google ads account when you go to tools and settings under planning what you're going to see is the Keyword Planner when you click on that it's going to open up this page you can also just do a Google search for the Keyword Planner and it will be the top result so you can find it that way as well so what we're going to do to get started is Let's Pretend we're building a brand new Niche website now I don't know what type of website I want to build yet so one of the things that I'll do is I will come to and just look up websites that are for sale because they're always geared towards some Niche so we could always come up with a few ideas here so let's go to Flippa we're going to browse websites for sale and what we'll do is we'll sort by the websites that are getting the most bid so the most active websites okay so usually what I'll do is I'll just scroll through here we'll look at a few of these different ideas and let's say we'll do sewing so let's pretend we're creating a new Niche website about sewing and if we look at some of the keywords right here you can see sewing machines for heavy Fabrics embroidery companies embroidery machines sewing machines so let's just pretend we're creating a new sewing website so let's come over here we're going to discover new keywords and all we need to do is start with some of the main keywords that are going to be the most closely related to whatever it is we're trying to sell so assuming you're building a new Niche website you generally have some type of valuable keywords that you want to make sure your website is ranking for so when you send people back to your website you can actually generate some Revenue so let's start with some keywords and let's keep it broad at the beginning we'll say sewing embroidery we can do sewing machines and we'll do embroidery machines so we'll use these four keywords to get started I know if I'm doing a sewing website I need to create some content about all of the different machines available some of the different brands same thing with embroidery so we'll start with these four keywords we don't need to enter a website here and we're going to click on get results so this is the very first thing I would do and as we're coming up with our list of keywords you're going to see right here there's over 5000 keyword ideas available so there's going to be no shortage of keyword ideas and there's plenty of search volume for this Niche it looks like in total there's over 4 million searches a month over the last few months so this is a a large Niche and something that we can definitely Drive some traffic to our website so what I like to do is get started and look at by average monthly searches now what you want to do is understand that for every single keyword you see here you need to have some understanding of the search intent that people are looking for if someone is looking for seamstress they're probably looking for a local seamstress now you may be able to create some content on your website about what is a seamstress what does a seamstress do so these are still keyword ideas that you can use and create content for so what we want to do is start with some of these top keywords here obviously we're going to start with our main keywords at the top and then we're going to start adding all these other keywords as well we're looking by average monthly searches so one thing I want to show you is as we start selecting some of these keywords here and we'll start with 10 keywords and what you want to do is find keywords that you can create content about so if you see something here like sewing shop is that something we can create content about probably not so that's not a keyword we're going to Target now embroidery library right here seeing these two words together like this I'm assuming it's a brand so let's do a quick Google search and if we come over here to Google and we're looking up embroidery Library you can see there's a website here there's a Facebook page says over 170 000 likes so this is not a keyword that we're going to Target this will probably end up being a competitor in the long run so we're not going to be targeting embroidery Library we don't need to Target specific competitor Brands if we're going to Target Brands we'll focus on the brands of the different sewing machines and embroidery machines so we're not going to be targeting keywords related to sewing shop we're not going to be targeting keywords like embroidery shop and then you have something down here like McCall's patterns so the main thing you want to do when you're seeing some of these different keywords for example I know I want to Target keywords related to sewing patterns embroidery designs or say sewing table some of these other keywords here what you're going to need to do is actually search in Google and look up what's actually ranking for some of these different keywords because they may not all be relevant for exactly what you're trying to Target so that would be my number one tip is understanding the search intent for the keywords that you're targeting and understanding what's ranking so if you take a keyword like Brother Embroidery machine we copy this and we do a quick Google search you're going to see at the very top we have advertisements and then we have the actual so all of their different embroidery machines we can use this page to create overviews of some of the different machines and ultimately what we would want to do is create a page on our website of all the different brother embroidery machines available and also have a page on our website where people can purchase them as well so there's what you want to do is look at what is ranking SO sewing and embroidery machines brother so brother basically has all of the top results here so getting on the first page is going to be more difficult because you'll see down here we have Ken Sewing Center so this is actually down here they're an authorized Brother Embroidery machine dealer so if you're able to become an authorized dealer this would be the best way to rank in Google as if you're actually selling these machines otherwise what you can do is use affiliate programs and sell directly from Amazon Walmart and really anybody else who carries some of these different products so so you scroll down here you start to see more so seven best brother embroidery machines in 2023 if you want to rank for the keyword brother embroidery machines you probably need a page on your website that is selling them you need a page on your website that lists the top models and basically what some of these different models are good for and then you're probably going to want pages on your website that go over specific models giving an overview of some of those models and giving people the option to purchase them so if we come back over to our keyword research I just want to go over understanding keyword intent understanding what is ranking in Google so you have an understanding as you start to come up with all of your different keywords what is ranking for these keywords for something like sewing table you probably need a page an e-commerce type page where you're selling all sorts of different sewing tables from different brands and then you also probably need a page on your website something like here are the 10 best selling tables for 2023. you want to keep that page updated over time every single year and continue to list whatever the top sewing tables that year are and you can just look at overall customer reviews or any type of expertise you have on the topic so we're going to continue adding keywords here we'll start with 15. so I think I said I'll start with 10 we'll start with 15. I'm not sure what candle wicking is sew in we'll have to look up some of these keywords so we'll go back and do that custom embroidery I'm assuming anybody looking for custom embroidery is looking for a local custom embroidery shop if that's not something you're going to do there's no reason for us to actually Target this keyword so hem tape maybe this is a keyword we want to Target something a little bit different hat embroidery so maybe give people some different ideas for hat embroidery and we'll do sewing kits so we have these 15 keywords get started We'll add these to create our plan I just want to show you the plan so when we add this keyword we add them to our plan you're going to see they're going to go into saved keywords so when we come in here to save keywords you're going to see we have our 15 keywords here and eventually what we're going to do is once we out of all of our keywords to our keyword plan let's say once we add 100 we're going to download them and those are the keywords we can start working with and start creating content for so what you want to do is come up with a list of keywords and then you want to create a Content strategy for the types of content that you're going to create for every single keyword that you're targeting so let's come back over to our keyword ideas we'll continue to add some more keyword ideas here these are all very relevant keywords so we'll keep coming down here one thing you can see is if you come over here to account status you can see which keywords you've added already if you add a keyword twice there's no problem it's not going to add it multiple times so let's add a few more here we'll do mini sewing machine we'll do pinking shears I'm not sure exactly what these are but I'm assuming if they're relevant to these keywords it's something we want to Target so let's add these two keywords here come back to average monthly searches so we had a few more keywords down here I wanted to add so vintage Singer sewing machine handheld sewing machine dress forms this is potentially a blog post that we can create for different types of dress forms embroidery Stitch see now here's where we start to get seam rippers I'm not really sure what that is but we'll add this Vogue patterns I'm assuming this is a brand so we're not going to Target this directly dress patterns best selling machine so serger a specific brand here machine embroidery designs best sewing machine for beginners now when you see keywords like this sewing machine for beginners and best sewing machine for beginners I view these as the same exact keyword so essentially what I would do is I would look at these two keywords and say okay what we should do is create a page on our website here are the five best selling machines for beginners to get started with sewing in 2023 and that's how it gets started with that sewing needle leather sewing machines long arm quilting machine so we could probably come through here and just using these four keywords come up with well more than 100 keywords to Target so we're going to add these to our plan and you can continue doing this process I want to show you something new now so one of the things that you can do to help categorize your keywords is instead of looking at the keyword view is looking at the grouped view now it's a little more difficult to add these keywords specifically to your keyword plan because they're going to put them together basically by theme so one thing I like doing is I will take some of these keywords like tailoring machine you're going to see handheld sewing singer a specific model here so if we see scissors you're going to see fabric scissors sewing scissors these are all really good keywords so maybe what we're going to do is we'll just take these keywords and start adding some of them to our plan our plan here so we'll take pinking shears tailoring machine now before putting together a store on our website what we can see here is okay we have we can have a spot on our website for pinking shears we can have a spot on our website for scissors we can have a spot on our website for specific types of Singer sewing machines if you see here sewing supplies so this could be another keyword that we target so we're going to add these keywords to our plan and you can continue to add all of these different keywords this is going to be 40 more keywords but I really like looking at the group view because one of the things that you can see is just looking at these two words here singer simple singer simple sewing machine singer simple 2263 what I can do again on my page the five best singer simple sewing machines there is 4 400 average monthly searches for singer simple sewing machines it's gonna be much easier to rank for a keyword like this and potentially some of these other keywords that are also getting plenty of search volume as well if we create a page on our website like that and Link out to some of these top rated simple Singer sewing machines so let's come back over to our plan and you can see here we can view the saved keywords just by clicking right here so this is our draft plan right now and what we're looking at is our overall search volume for the different keywords that we've added to our plan and if we select right here you can see we have a total of 69 keywords already so it's not hard to come up with your first list of 100 I'm going to give you a couple more ideas for how to come up with more keyword ideas just using the Keyword Planner so the next thing I want to go over are filters so we're still looking at group view we're going to come back to our keyword view we just have the main keywords that we've added here if you add more keywords at the top as you search it's going to give you even more keyword ideas so don't be afraid to add you can add up to 10 different keywords here so if you're doing things like quilting or different Fabrics or anything like that add all those keywords here because what I want to show you next is one of the things you can look at is let's just say we add a filter let's say we want to make sure the average monthly searches are greater than or equal to 500. so we're looking for some of the more popular keywords right now one of the things you can do instead of ranking by average monthly searches is come over here and look at the top of page bid so if we're looking at the high range this is how much how high advertisers have paid to be at the top of the page so basically the high range of the bid that has been at the top of the page so when we start looking at keywords like this what you're going to see is some really high bids for specific keywords and you're looking for keywords that have high top of page bids on the low range and the high range because something like this where you have 27 cents and 15.85 isn't really telling exactly the story we're looking for we're looking for keywords that advertisers historically have bid very high on because that generally means that those keywords are going to drive value advertisers bid higher on keywords that drive them Revenue so if we're looking at keywords by the top of page bid you can start to see some of these different keywords here and maybe something like bag stitching this is going to be a keyword that we can Target a specific type of sewing machine quilting stitches now again the main thing you're gonna have to look up some of these are probably different types of Brands I'm not sure what tipman boss is embroidery store we're not going to Target that sewing line I don't know if that's a brand I think sewing machines plus is a brand not sure what this is my rakoma so we'll keep coming down here but what you can do is start taking some of these keywords that advertisers are bidding very high on and at least add them to your keyword plan and then eventually what we can do is check out all of them as we're putting together our content strategy to make sure that something like this keyword right here is a keyword that's worth creating content about that we can actually monetize so we'll add these keywords to our plan and again you can Rank by the high range and the low range and just see how high advertisers are bidding for some of these keywords because these are all going to be very high Revenue keywords if you're able to rank high for them commercial embroidery machine is likely a keyword that if we can get on the first page of Google we can make plenty of money even with just 2400 average monthly searches so we'll add a few more of these multi-needle embroidery machines we'll just add logo digitizing embroidery digitizing industrial so we'll add all these different keywords to our plan as well so we we're getting pretty pretty good with our keywords the next thing I want to show you is the main keyword we're targeting essentially here is sewing machines embroidery machines so one of the things you can do is go to Google and I've already done this is just do a Google search for the main keyword you're targeting look at what is on the first page of Google so we can see here we have ads at the very top so product listing ads so we keep coming down sewing machines plus so they have the very top spot here in Google so we could probably look at their website and learn about some of the different things they're doing they probably have a very good website in terms of search engine optimization now people also ask these are definitely things that you want to take note of and a lot of times what I'll do I'll show you at the very end but what I'll do is I'll copy a lot of these keywords here if you keep clicking them it's going to pull up even more questions here so just keep clicking them until you get about 10 15 questions copy and paste them directly on into your keyword list these are some of the easiest content ideas and even if they're not specific content ideas you can take something like with which sewing machine is best for home use and create an article again five best sewing machines for home use so sometimes you can take some of these people also ask questions and turn them into a very well written comprehensive article but what we want to do and I've already opened this page here I've opened a few of these pages so we have right here the eight best sewing machines they're gonna have to update this for 2022 because it's currently 2023. so let's open up New York mag we have the strategist the eight very best selling machines you don't even have to look at the article you can look at the article obviously it's good to learn about your Niche but if we copy this come over here into the Google Keyword Planner instead of using keywords we can start with a website we can paste this website here and use only this page so we're entering this webpage and we're using only this page to find keywords and now keep in mind we still have our filter here for average monthly searches is greater than or equal to 500 so this has given us some of these different keywords here so let's look by average monthly searches again we're going to see some of the same keywords but if we come to the top here sometimes what you're going to get are a few different keywords that we haven't targeted yet so we want to come through here we'll select a bunch of these keywords here we want to keep adding our keywords so singer heavy duty may have added a lot of these keywords already but these are all really good keywords that we want to make sure that we're targeting so basically what you're doing is you're saying okay let's take and find some of the top keywords from the page that is ranking in the second overall position for the main keyword we're targeting SO sewing machines this is the second overall result after the advertisements and after these questions so this is definitely a page you want to learn from and understand some of the different keywords that this page is targeting portable sewing machines you can see we hear I have singer simple sewing machine again quilting Burnett singer heavy duty small sewing machine so a lot of these are going to be specific brands of sewing machines you can see people are looking for white sewing machines so we'll add all these keywords here again we don't have to be perfect right away because essentially what we're going to do is take our list of keywords and then start coming up with a Content strategy so best selling machine for quilting there's another keyword here quilting that we can Target stitching machine overlock so we should be up over 100 keywords at this point and we'll do beginner sewing okay so we have a lot of different keywords here some different stitches that we can cover so it's always good to add all these keywords to understand what people are searching for so that's 33 more keywords let's look at our keyword plans see how many we have total and we're at a perfect 100 so didn't even plan that surprise we got it exactly right so coming back to our keyword ideas the last thing that you can do is instead of using a specific page is coming over here to sewing machines we'll copy the URL for sewing machines plus so just copy link address and we'll paste this website and then use the entire website so we'll use sewing use the entire website get results same thing we did earlier just continue to go through all these different keywords and see the main keywords that they're actually ranking for and it pulled up over 3 000 keyword ideas it's showing 117 probably because we have the over 500 average monthly searches so if we get rid of this filter here let's open up our filter and now we have every single queue every single keyword idea one thing I like looking at is some of your competitors if you look at their overall website so look for specific sewing and embroidery Niche websites looking at their website and clicking get results and looking at the most relevant keyword ideas a lot of times these are the keywords that they're ranking for that are consistently driving them organic clicks to their website when I enter my websites in here they're generally keyword ideas that I've already targeted with my content that are already ranking in Google so if you look here you can see there probably ranking for all these different keywords here so you can add a filter say let's make sure it has at least you know 40 average monthly searches and then we'll start targeting some of these other keywords as well now before we come over to our keyword plan and we export all of our keywords I want to show you a couple things first looking at the main keywords you're targeting like sewing machines it what you should do is not only look through all these different questions but look at what's ranking and look at what's ranking in the first position in the 10th position in the 20th position if you look here for buying guide you can see exactly the considerations people are making when they're searching for sewing machines so these are should all be different categories in an article that you're creating all these questions should be different questions that you're answering in the Articles you're creating but if we keep coming down you can see looking at different brand sewing machines again we have more product ads here it looks like or this is just this shopping portion Walmart's ranking Michael's is ranking Amazon's ranking so the main things that you want to look at are what types of pages are ranking if we look right here sewing machines and arts and crafts and sewing sewing machines at Michael's sewing machines these three if we go to are going to be e-commerce products so we're going to come here and it's going to be an e-commerce website with different sewing machines for sale the New York Times right here the two best selling Machines of 2023. so you're also seeing things rank like this New York mag article the eight very best selling machines and also something like the two best selling Machines of 2023. 10 best selling machines for every skill level seven best sewing machines 2023 if you're seeing websites like Forbes and you're seeing websites like New York Times and New York mag ranking very high then if you have your Niche website and you're creating really great content all about sewing and embroidery and we go through we're going to come back over here we go through we export this list of keywords we have a CSV file here and we'll open up our saved keywords so now we have our initial keyword research done and what you can do is continue to expand on the keyword research you've already done so we open up our file it's going to look something like this so we just want to expand so these are all the different keywords here it looks like they're just ranked in alphabetical order you can see average monthly searches right here the total search volume of just these 100 keywords we have is about 1.4 1.5 million per month if we scroll over you can see how many searches these have gotten each month for the last 12 months months you can see the bids you can see competition index so there's a lot of different scores here three month change year over year change I don't pay attention to these ones too much but what you can do is start coming through here and finding all of these major keywords especially keywords that have a ton of average monthly searches like let's take handheld sewing machine for example I want to rank for handheld sewing machines that means first we'll come to Google and if we look at what's ranking in Google first Walmart handheld sewing machines in sewing we have people also ask so we want to answer all these questions handheld sewing machine Amazon and here we go best handheld sewing machines simple mending keep coming down so some videos here so the top five best handheld sewing machines in 2021 this is probably a video that's gotten a lot of views and it probably helps to make sales Michael's handheld sewing machine by Loops and threads the seven best handheld sewing machines 2023 so essentially all you need to do is take these keywords look at what's ranking so we're using our Keyword Planner finding keywords look at what's ranking and then what I like to do is take something like handheld sewing machine we'll come back over here start with keywords handheld sewing machine we don't need to filter to get rid of unrelated results and we will it's giving us 401 keyword ideas they're going to be ranked by relevance so some of these are going to look pretty similar but now you start seeing some different brands singer Stitch so quick I'm assuming that has something to do with handheld sewing machines handy stitch sewing machines best handheld sewing machines take some of these different keywords and as you're putting together content you want to take the keywords that you have so let's take our handheld sewing machine that we have here come down to the bottom as we start putting together content okay so we have our handheld sewing machines take some of those different keywords that we just researched here and something like singer Stitch so quick just copy it or export some of these keywords and all you need to do and we're just going to paste it here so okay and what I would do is I would continue to add more keywords down here all of these different relevant keywords and then in this field over here just put exactly so we have our selling machine slash handheld sewing machine so we have our URL here so and then we can also put the content that we created I don't know the five best handheld sewing machines for 2023 you just have to keep this article updated year after year you keep it running on the same exact page and if you create really helpful useful content you will rank high in search engines so that's the whole point of keyword research we need to find keywords that people are actively searching that are very valuable keywords for our business and then what we want to do is we want to start creating content around all those keywords now I wouldn't Target Walmart sewing supplies I would avoid targeting any Big Brand keywords unless they are relevant to solid machines like singer or brother or some of these other large companies so hopefully this is helpful as you start to put together your initial keyword list again you can continue to come through here and find more and more keywords just adding handheld sewing machine gave us 401 different keyword ideas so you're going to see some different ideas here to broaden your search we can come into group View and see if they have different groups of keywords together that are relevant to handheld sewing machine and then look at what's ranking and create better content than what's ranking keep your content updated and as you start to Target all of these different pages here so we have all these different keywords and we have different pages of content on our website it's going to give us an incremental lift where we're going to get more and more traffic over time because Google is going to view you as an authority on the topic but you just got to get started with one keyword at a time create content about those keywords continue to improve your content and you will rank high and you will drive not only traffic to your website but Revenue to your business so if you have any questions about how to come up with our initial keyword list for a niche website this is how I would do it you can use the Google Keyword Planner it's completely free you can start with more keywords in this you can start with less keywords in this now the main reason we really all do keyword research is for SEO so this is the process that I use when I'm doing SEO keyword research for a website whether it's my own website or a client website so you can get started with using a similar process as well and see if it helps you as you're trying to create your best keyword list today I'm going to be going over keyword research for SEO I'm going to show you how to come up with the absolute best keywords for your business and I'm going to go over some strategies that are going to help you rank for the best keywords for your business so we're going to get started here in the Google Keyword Planner this is going to be the main tool that I use in this video and I'm going to be using examples for my website now the very first thing when you're doing keyword research for SEO is you need to understand what are your customers looking for and what are you offering to them so just looking at the first two sentences at the top of my website Farmhouse Decor Farmhouse Sinks curtains area rugs Furniture bedding lighting decorations and more you need to understand what are people going to come to your website to find now that's the very first thing you need to do so we're going to be using the Google Keyword Planner to come up with a very good list of keywords where we can start to Target some of these short tail and long tail keywords and actually solve for search intent now there are plenty of other paid and free keyword tools out there some of the best paid keyword tools are there are paid kind of freemium keyword tools like keywords that offers a lot for free by just installing the Chrome plug-in things like answer will give you several free searches per day and you can also use something like keyword able to find a ton of different keywords four different search engines now this video will mostly focus on Google because that is the largest search engine in the world but keep in mind you should also do keyword research for other networks as well depending on who you're targeting and where people are going to find your business so what I want to do first is go over some key things for SEO including search intent so when customers enter a search term what exactly are they looking for this is really important because different Search terms are going to have different meanings and the search engine results page is going to be different depending on what actual key phrase people type in and that brings us to what does the serp look like the serp is a search engine results page what results do search engines give for a keyword so as you are going through the process of coming up with keywords for your business you need to understand exactly what the search engine results are going to look like when people type in your keywords so then you understand okay I need to create resources that actually solve my customers problem next is going to be short tail versus long tail keywords so short tail keywords generally have very high search volume but they're much more competitive because they have very high search volume long tail keywords are easier to rank for they don't have as much search volume but they do have higher conversion rates on average because people know what they're looking for with long tail keywords I will go over examples with all of these different things you need to keep in mind as you go through the process of creating your SEO keyword research list now last but not least this is basically the four-step process that I follow as I'm coming up with SEO keywords you want to find your short tail keywords to begin with you need to categorize them and understand how different shortail keywords are going to play into your overall business and your SEO strategy then you want to find long tail keywords based on your short tail keywords because the more and more that you optimize for these long tail keywords the better you're going to rank for short tail keywords last but not least focus on search intent so let's come over here and look at a few different examples and let's just say I'm looking for volleyball nets for my backyard if I'm looking for volleyball and that's for my backyard what Google is going to give me is a ton of different results that are going to be products for sale specifically volleyball nets that I can install in my backyard so at the very top you have your advertisements but in this case we're focusing on SEO so let's see what's ranking at the very top bestvolleyball net systems Dick's Sporting Goods Walmart all of these different websites are offering different volleyball nets for sale and generally all of them are going to be types of Nets that we can set up in our backyard so depending on the type of keyword you put in Google is going to give you the best results for that keyword now let's just say I come over here and I say I have no idea how to play volleyball so which just enter that into Google we have no products now everything is geared around how to play volleyball you could see how to play volleyball we have videos so when you start seeing video videos here on the pages of Google that gives you content ideas if you know the volleyball rules and you can create a video showing all of these different volleyball rules and how to play volleyball for beginners then you can create videos and I and I would bet that these videos have a lot of views on them so if we keep scrolling down you can see all of these different results are all about how to play volleyball with nothing specific to purchasing volleyball nets or any type of volleyball equipment that you may need now I would say these two different keywords how to play volleyball and volleyball nets for backyard would be more of long tail keywords but a short tail keyword would just simply be volleyball so it's very hard to rank for this keyword and this is why it's hard to actually focus on something like volleyball because looking at the very top of the results you have Wikipedia you have the people also ask section if we come down here the definition of volleyball you have so even if I create the absolute best website in this Niche it's gonna be very hard to rank on that first page and specifically in some of these top spots now as we continue scrolling down we have some news results here we have some images so the news results are a little bit above here we have some images we have we have not even sure exactly what that is assuming it's some type of volleyball league basic volleyball rules and terms magazine so if if I'm creating a niche website about volleyball it makes more sense for me to Target a keyword like volleyball shoes with ankle support So if I have those products on my website you can see the top results are going to be advertisements that are all going to be geared towards ankle support volleyball shoes if we look at some of the top organic results the five best volleyball shoes for ankle support so what they probably did is they say okay we have volleyball shoes let's look at all of the different long tail keywords related to volleyball shoes so with ankle support women Nike men near me for girls call powerful A6 Adidas Mizuno so we have a bunch of different brands and styles here so what you would want to do is look at all these long tail keywords and say okay I want to make sure I'm creating pages on my website that actually give people resources for all of these different keywords so when somebody is looking for specific volleyball shoes we have them on our website and we have a specific page on our website that will rank much higher if than if we just said okay we're just going to Target the keyword volleyball shoes so with all that being said let's come over here to the Google Keyword Planner you can access the Google Keyword Planner completely free all you need to do is create a Google ads account when you create your Google ads account in tools and settings you're going to see the Keyword Planner under planning so all you need to do is create a Google account create a Google ads account and come here to the Google Keyword Planner and you're going to come to a screen that looks like this where what we want to do is discover new keywords you can enter up to 10 different keywords here and what you want to do is focus on the keywords that are the most relevant for your business so in my case I'm going to be using my website you can also start with a website so if you already have an established website with a bunch of keywords you can enter your website here as well to find keywords that most closely match your site or you can enter competitor websites as well which I'll show you a little bit later on in the video so we're going to start with keywords here I'm going to enter my 10 main keywords that I basically Target for my website okay so we have 10 different keywords here now keep in mind we can do an unlimited number of searches in the Keyword Planner so don't feel like you have to put all of the absolute best keywords here you have to have your 10 top keywords for example I have Farmhouse kitchen eventually what I do is do Farmhouse kitchen living room bedroom bathroom outdoor Etc so look at all of these different keywords that are going to be relevant for your website all of the different things that people are going to search where if they find your website they can potentially find a resource or a product or a service that they can go through with your website and eventually that will lead to revenue so what we're trying to do is we're going to start with these 10 different keywords I'm going to enter my website to make sure that we're getting rid of unrelated keywords here and we're going to click on get results now I recently created a Google Keyword Planner tutorial so if you're looking at how do I use the Google Keyword Planner that video will give you some more insights into everything you can do with the Keyword Planner we're going to keep it pretty simple for this video now keep in mind at any time you can create your own keyword plans which you can actually put a bunch of Saved keywords into a keyword plan and then you could either download all of these keywords you may not want to download 10 677 keyword ideas at a time but if we come up here you can download keywords to a CSV file to Google Sheets and they also have an option to organize keywords into ad groups I'll go through a few different things that I like to do with the Keyword Planner when I'm using it specifically for SEO now you're going to see over here they have top of page bids low range and high range this is going to be more geared towards Google Google ads and PPC advertising but what you want to really focus on are the keywords the average monthly searches and you can look at some of the changes year over year three month change you can also look at data all available and it will bring us all the way back to 2019. so you can look at as much available data as you can because it will only help you throughout the process of finding keywords now in my case I really want to focus on Farmhouse related keywords so we can add filters here and say I want keyword text to contain Farmhouse we're going to click on apply the other thing you can do is you can add a filter which this is going to get rid of a lot of keywords here and let's just say I want average monthly searches to be greater than or equal to 30. so this is going to get rid of some of those really low search volume keywords that we may not want to focus on right now especially as we're getting started so we're down to about 6 000 total keywords still way too many keywords but what we can do is we can start with coming back over to our process here start with your short tail keywords so as you are and during all of your different keywords in here decor furniture curtains bedding sinks lighting all of these are going to be short tail keywords that we want to Target you can see there's a ton of search volume here for all of these but as we come down you're going to start seeing more and more keywords they're going to automatically filter your keywords by relevance so you're going to see the most relevant keywords here now as we start going through short tail and long tail keywords there are examples where some keywords can kind of fall into the category of both and the example I'll give you is farmhouse table is absolutely a short tail keyword but if we're looking at Farmhouse dining table and I want to rank for the keyword Farmhouse dining table you would want to enter that keyword here and you would want to see all of the different relevant keywords to specifically Farmhouse dining table especially because there's a lot of average monthly searches there so we could continue to take all of these different keywords here and what you can do is add these to your saved keywords you can also add them to a specific campaign or ad group we're not going to be doing that for this example but you can take these saved keywords and add the keywords to create a plan so once you put them to your plan we come over here if you scroll over to account status you're going to see these keywords are in our plan there's no problem if you add a keyword twice to your plan it's not going to remove it it's not going to add it twice so don't be worried about adding the same keyword multiple times now generally what I would do for my example for this is an Amazon affiliate marketing website so I have an endless amount of things I can add to this website so if you go through all the keywords here and I just scroll down we'll look at a random keyword white farmhouse sinks I can take those products from Amazon I can put them on my website then I can sell them as affiliate products so I basically have an endless supply of keywords that I can Target which sometimes makes it very difficult to come up with what should we target so what you really want to do is focus on one thing at a time and you also need to understand as we're coming down here categorizing your keywords so coming back over looking at a keyword like Farmhouse Furniture within Farmhouse Furniture we're gonna have things like Farmhouse tables that's going to be its own category or a subcategory under Farmhouse furniture Farmhouse tables will have subcategories like Farmhouse dining tables Farmhouse coffee tables we're going to dismiss this down here Farmhouse kitchen tables so if we're coming up with long tail keywords for Farmhouse tables then what you want to do is again enter that keyword at the top here just do Farmhouse tables and that's all you need to enter or farmhouse table the plurals don't really matter all that much in this case and then what you can do is use your filters and say keyword text contains farmhouse table so when you have that it's going to give you the most relevant long tail keywords and that's how you can come up with a bunch of different categories and the focus is going to be let's just say Farmhouse coffee table for example so we're going to come back over here we're just going to answer that one keyword okay so we enter Farmhouse coffee table up here we click on get results it's going to give us a bunch of different relevant keywords I want to make sure my keyword text contains Farmhouse coffee table so we're going to click on apply now what you're going to see is if we're looking by average monthly searches the most popular keywords are going to be round Farmhouse coffee tables modern Square sets white farmhouse style now this keyword farmhouse style coffee table this is where you need to understand this keyword is going to be the same exact search intent as this keyword whereas somebody who's looking for a round Farmhouse coffee table versus a square Farmhouse coffee table they're looking for different products now the reason that long tail keywords tend to convert better is people know what they're looking for somebody who's searching for a brown Square Farmhouse coffee table is going to be much further down the funnel because they're saying I just want a list of brown Square Farmhouse coffee tables I'm going to choose my favorite one I'm going to purchase it so as you can see this process can be very very time consuming especially for a large website with a ton of different categories so as we're going through this you want to make sure you're adding all of your top keywords here and then you want to take those short tail keywords add them to your saved keywords and you're going to continue to break these keywords down as much as you possibly can so this could be a difficult process and it's going to vary depending on whatever Niche you're in whatever you're targeting there's going to be some websites that may only have 100 or 200 keywords and there's going to be websites that have 5 000 keywords you really just need to focus on one keyword at a Time start with the short tail keywords and then focus on some of those long tail keywords the example I'm going to be using in this video to kind of make it a little bit easier is Farmhouse bedding now what you can do is if we come back over to keyword ideas here and let's just say we enter some of our main keywords again we have Farmhouse Decor okay so we'll just enter these eight keywords right now we're clicking on get results when you're making you have to make sure if you do have filters that you remove the filters that you've had before so we're going to remove this filter we'll keep our average monthly searches filter we'll go keywords by relevance and we'll scroll down here so generally what I start doing is I'll take all of these different keywords Farmhouse I think I've added some of these already but that's fine if we add them twice modern Farmhouse Decor now rustic dining table we have to make sure we put our I will Target rusted keywords but I would just personally start with some of your main keywords here so we'll add this filter again keyword text contains Farmhouse and we'll click on apply you can always expand a rustic country antique some of these other related keywords later on but what we want to do is just come down here find some of the most popular keywords and we're just going to add all of them just take all of these keywords now you could select all these keywords right down and go through one by one so I like to kind of look at the keywords as I'm doing this because it helps me come up with ideas and remember the keywords a little bit better so we'll take all these keywords add them to our plan generally what I'll do is I will create a keyword plan we come in here to our saved keywords so this is going to be our keyword plan and I will add at least 100 keywords here I'm looking for the most popular keywords within my Niche that I want to start targeting then I'll download these keywords to a CSV file so once we have a lot of our top keywords here and when I'm going through this process I definitely have more than just I think I have 33 keywords here I always have way more keywords than that but I want to make this a little bit simple so we don't start with thousands of keywords to be a little bit overwhelming and then if we come up here we download our CSV file so I've already downloaded my CSV file I'm going to open it now and my CSV file looks like this so a lot of times what I'll do is I'll get rid of pretty much everything here you can keep average monthly searches so we'll just keep it for this example you can keep your average monthly searches but we're going to delete basically every single column here so we just have our keywords we have our average monthly searches and we have something that looks like this so we're going to come over here we're going to come to the data Tab and we're going to look at our most popular keywords expand the selection and what you want to do is take some of these different keywords out so we have Farmhouse Sinks this is going to be one of the short tail keywords that we are going to Target so rather than going through each individual keyword here and drag them over here what I will do is I will go back into the Keyword Planner again back into keyword ideas enter our one made keyword so we have Farmhouse Sinks you just enter Farmhouse sync and we can enter Farmhouse 6. so we'll just enter both and we'll click on get results and then what I'll do is again add my filter say I want my keyword text to contain Farmhouse sync click on apply and as we scroll down here you're going to see all of the top keywords so kitchen sink stainless steel Kohler white copper Ikea fire clay now there's going to be keywords that I just don't Target like Ikea because people are looking for a specific store that's selling farmhouse sinks for Brands if I have that brand on my website I will Target that and categorize those products black Farmhouse Sinks we have syncology Farmhouse Sinks now Home Depot another one I won't Target double Farmhouse Sinks so all of these are going to be keywords that I would put here in a list underneath Farmhouse Sinks next is going to be something like Farmhouse Furniture this is where it gets a little more complicated because within Farmhouse Furniture you're gonna have things like Farmhouse tables so this is generally how I would try to structure my keyword research so I have Farmhouse Furniture I'll enter a bunch of different Farmhouse tables here then down here I'll probably have something like Farmhouse nightstands and then you're going to have a bunch of keywords underneath Farmhouse nightstands like brown Farmhouse nightstands white farmhouse nightstands modern Farmhouse nightstands whatever people are typing in same thing here over here with bar stools so kitchen table would go underneath table but I don't go through each individual keyword here I just come back over to the Keyword Planner and use the filter like I've showed you so the example I'm going to be using to show you how I come up with long tail keywords and the overall strategy that I've been using for my own website has helped me drive a lot more traffic is I want to rank higher for Farmhouse betting so if we come into Google here we search Farmhouse betting first and foremost search intent what does the serp look like so this is going to be all product based we have ads here we have Wayfair we have Amazon then we have images so you can try to optimize for image search because this is coming up at the top very often one thing to keep in mind is if you look at the very top and you go to images you're going to see a bunch of long tail keywords here as well gray Queen rustic farmhouse style you'll also see that sometimes when you just come in here to all so shabby chic rustic boho unique modern sets these are going to be different keywords that people are actively searching that I need to add to my website and I've added some of these to my website already there's plenty more I can add but it does it is time consuming to actually categorize your products but that's how you separate yourself from the competition the same way over here where we have volleyball shoes with ankle support you're going to see all of these different results for this keyword especially the top results so five best volleyball shoes for ankle support if they just had a page on their website five best volleyball shoes they wouldn't be ranking for this keyword here so keep that in mind as you are going through your SEO keyword research you need to make sure that you're coming up with the best possible keywords and every single keyword you can find that's going to be relevant so coming back over here we'll do Farmhouse betting and what I generally do is I will take a keyword like Farmhouse bedding we're going to click on get results the first thing I want to do we have to get rid of our filter we'll get rid of refined keywords here the first thing I do is we have keywords by relevance so you're going to find things like Farmhouse comforter set this has plenty of average monthly searches we're going to look by average monthly searches so Farmhouse bedroom set are people looking for furniture I'm not going to show you the example just know that this is somebody looking for furniture so it doesn't fall into the same categories Farmhouse betting on my website it's a completely different category under furniture so we have Farmhouse bedding what you need to do is find first is some of the different subcategories that you're going to continue to categorize you may get some ideas right up here like duvet covers like blankets so Linens bed spreads these could be more examples but if we come down here you're going to see things like Farmhouse quilts Farmhouse comforter sets we have Farmhouse duvet covers up here I know that's one of the keywords that I want to break down further so we have comforter duvet cover and if we keep coming down so daybed a lot of these are going to be keywords that we want to continue to find more long tail keywords for the other thing you're going to see are things like shabby chic Farmhouse bedding so these are going to be keywords underneath Farmhouse bedding that we're going to Target now one of the best ways I can show this to you is if I come over to my website and you can see all of my categories here and I just click on the drop down so on the drop down my main category here is Farmhouse betting so we started to have some sub categories here some different colors some different styles that people are searching and we have Farmhouse baby bedding and crib sets now if this keyword is not Ultra popular it may not be worth breaking down into even more short tail keywords but if you have Farmhouse baby bedding and crib sets and there's five different types of styles and colors that people are searching for that have some type of search volume then that's where you want to start to Target some of these different keywords so for Farmhouse blankets and throw blankets I have a specific brand crochet modern white we have Farmhouse Christmas bedding so that's underneath my farmhouse bedding here now we get into Farmhouse comforters and comforter sets you're going to see we have all of these different styles here for Farmhouse comforters and comforter sets now what you want to do is keep a really organized keyword research list for your SEO strategy and then as you come up with all of these different keywords so let's come back over here let's say we're breaking down Farmhouse bedding right now we want to add a filter we want to make sure the keyword text contain means Farmhouse bedding click on apply and what we're going to do is look at average monthly searches and all of these are going to be or a lot of them are keywords that I've added to my website so modern King rustic shabby chic again farmhouse style I consider that the same exact as this keyword it doesn't make sense to break that down into something further because the products on that page are going to be exactly the same Christmas bedding so King bedding set that's the same as king up here so shabby chic again we have country Farmhouse bedding stripe bedding we have daybed betting boho this is a keyword I have not added to my website yet vintage I believe I have vintage white farmhouse bedding ticking stripe bedding king size so I've broken it down by queen king twin full so coming back over looking at my categories we have blue brown Cottage Country baby bedding so now we have blankets Christmas bedding keep coming down we have daybed betting we have stripe ticking full gray King modern primitive the problem people have is they will create one specific category and instead of saying okay we want to provide people a solution where if they come into Farmhouse betting there's every single style that people are generally looking for so we can easily link off to all of our different products here somebody comes in here to Farmhouse stripe betting they're just going to see products for sale that have Farmhouse stripe betting keep coming down gray Farmhouse bedding King Farmhouse bedding sets modern Farmhouse bedding sets red Farmhouse bedding now I'm saying Farmhouse betting over and over again but the main thing you need to understand is if you want to rank for these short tail high volume keywords you really need to focus on these not as popular long tail keywords so even within something like Farmhouse comforter sets so let's just say open up Farmhouse comforters and comforter sets you can see I have 357 products I could put all of these products into to one category or what I could do is I can have a farmhouse comforters and comforter sets page and we have Cottage modern rustic shabby chic striped vintage white full King twin and queen the main reason I'm targeting these keywords is because I've come into the Keyword Planner and I have found all of the most popular keywords under this category so as we're coming in to create our SEO keyword research list the main process I'm using is finding short tail keywords categorizing those keywords then you want to find long tail keywords based on the short tail keywords and you want to focus on search intent now this can work for every single Niche no matter what you're targeting I this specific video is about keyword research for SEO if you look at the previous videos I've created this week I have YouTube keyword research Google ads keyword research Niche keyword research Google Keyword Planner nine free YouTube keyword research tools I have a huge list of videos I'm going to create about keyword research because somebody who's looking for Google ads keyword research or YouTube keyword research maybe looking for something different than SEO keyword research somebody may be looking for specific YouTube keyword research tools so that they can grow their Channel and the way I found a lot of these different ideas is not only by using YouTube autocomplete and seeing exactly what people are looking for but by also just using the Keyword Planner entering keyword research here and looking at average monthly searches people look for keyword research tools SEO keyword research best keyword research tools some of these are going to be to me very similar keywords so don't focus on doing something for every single keyword what you want to do is take things out and say okay competitor keyword research people want to know how to look at what keywords their competitors are ranking for I will show you how to do that in just a second but the reason I created a YouTube keyword research video so is because 720 people are going to Google every month looking for YouTube keyword research information something like Google Keyword research that's going to be people looking for things like Google ads keyword research how to rank higher in Google we have PPC keyword research I'm going to be creating a video about long tail keyword research so this is a the way that I go about coming up with keywords and turning them into content ideas and some of the main things you need to focus on is what is ranking for that specific keyword the reason why I have structured my farmhouse betting into these different pages is because when someone's looking for Farmhouse baby betting and they search that in Google what's going to come up in Google is a bunch of different products for sale so when someone clicks and goes to this page it's just going to be a bunch of products for Farmhouse baby betting because that's what the search intent is that's what I want to make sure I'm satisfying when customers are potentially going to come to my website and purchase them thing for me now last but not least what I want to go over is I told you I want to rank higher for Farmhouse betting so sometimes what I'll do when I want to rank higher for a specific keyword is I will look at specific websites not but my actual competitors I don't consider a competitor because they are much larger than I'll ever imagine I can be so if we scroll down what I look for are websites that are specific to Farmhouse Decor Farmhouse Furniture websites that are similar to mine so you may see something like Country Village shop here we'll keep scrolling down Wayfair advertisement don't consider them a competitor either but you can see we have antique so what I can do and I have way more products for sale my website but they're ranking one higher than me so here's my website ranking what you can do is you can come into the Google Keyword Planner and instead of entering your keyword here you can enter a website what I can do is I can take a competitor website use the entire website click on get results we have to make sure we don't have any filters here because we're not going to get any information if we have our filter get rid of our filter here and they've given us 2600 different keywords so we're looking by average monthly searches so I can see their most popular keywords but let's just scroll way far down here and what you can find are keywords like beaded tray I have no beaded trays on my website at all so this is a keyword that I would take copy come over here into my keyword research list and we'll paste it right here at the bottom not even overly worried about the average monthly search volume you can just use filters to say I only want to focus on keywords that are getting at least let's say 50 or more average monthly searches so as you come down here rustic chic decor not something I'm currently targeting now I know I have Farmhouse wall mirror and arched mirror on my website but arched frame I don't large dough Bowl I don't bird prints vintage I don't if this website is able to rank for some of these different keywords that are coming up in the Keyword Planner then I know I could probably rank for them too because our websites are covering the same Niche if I click on keyword by relevance you can find some of their most relevant keywords and what I generally do when I'm doing relevance is say not keyword text but let's say add filter average monthly searches greater than or equal to 200. we want to find their most relevant keywords that are getting at least 200 monthly searches and then what we'll do is we'll come down here and try to find keywords that we can Target that will help us drive more traffic to our website so one of the examples that I have that I've actually did recently is if we come into this parent category here we come down to Farmhouse Decor I recently did Farmhouse trays so that's a popular keyword added a couple different subcategories here but milk can Decor this is something that goes in farm houses very often I found this keyword using the exact process I just showed you looking up competitor keywords and then what I've done is I've broken down scroll down here again broken down that keyword into more long tail keywords so when someone's looking for a vintage milk can and they search it in Google hopefully my website comes up I give them the resource they're looking for it they purchase from me and it increases My overall Revenue increases my conversion rate so this is how I do SEO keyword research you can also use some other tools one of my favorite tools to use is so if you're using keywords you install the Chrome plugin and you're looking for long tail keywords for something like Farmhouse Decor all you have to do is search down look at the right hand side here so if we search down we have two different trending keywords if we keep scrolling down we have some related keywords but my favorite part about keywords everywhere is long tail keywords if I want to rank for the keyword Farmhouse Decor I need a page on my website for fall table wall decor Chic bedroom kitchen Christmas bathroom we have Wall again here Industrial boho French antique Coastal rustic all of these are keywords that I need to start focusing on and I need to make sure I have a page on my website for all those different keywords because if they're listed here for long tail keywords 29 total ideas if they're listed here for long tail keywords those are keywords that have actual search volume that people are actually looking for so to come back over here one more time for my example rather than saying hey I have 357 products here they're all Farmhouse comforters hopefully you can find what you're looking for I can say here are all the different Farmhouse comforters I have you can find a comforter that fits the size of your bed you can find a comforter in a specific color or style and make sure you're finding exactly what you're looking for and that's the ultimate goal of SEO keyword research and it does come down to keeping a very very organized SEO keyword research list which takes hours and days and weeks to create so generally what I'll do is I'll start with something like farmhouse house sinks come up with a list of keywords underneath Farmhouse Furniture I'll break into some of these different subcategories and then within each subcategory I'll find more and more long tail keywords so something like nightstands dressers it could be Farmhouse beds sofas there's all sorts of different keywords that you need to continue to break down like bar stools here like end table here now as we get into Farmhouse lighting we come into Farmhouse lamps you see Farmhouse bedding all sorts of different short tail keywords here that you need to break down further into long tail keywords and then satisfy that search by understanding search intent and focusing on it so hopefully this is all is very helpful as you're coming up with your SEO keyword research list use the Google Keyword Planner they're going to give you all sorts of ideas no matter what Niche you're in you could use filters to make sure you're finding the right long tail keywords you can search for your specific competitors keywords using their website and look at their most relevant keywords go through their keywords with the most average monthly search volume take 30 minutes to an hour and just come up with a bunch of different ideas that could be something like beaded tray could be milk can Decor these are like kind of keywords that a lot of other marketers aren't going to be able to find as easily as something like Farmhouse kitchen decor because people aren't actively searching for these products but they are relevant for my Niche so it is it is difficult to do keyword research and it is time consuming but if you follow this process you can continue to create all sorts of different content and then ultimately what our goal is is to rank for these short tail keywords like farmhouse sinks as high as we possibly can obviously for me I'm competing with some websites like Amazon and Wayfair and all sorts of very large websites that ultimately I don't have the resources to really compete with so when it comes down to it at the end of the day what I need to do is make sure when somebody's looking for something like double stainless steel Farmhouse kitchen sink I can actually rank for that keyword because I've put together the best categories on my website and I have all these different subcategories so people can find the products that they're looking for in the next portion of this video I'm going to go over how to use chat GPT or any other AI chat tools for keyword research some really simple prompts to not only come up with topics and subtopics and long tail keywords that you can continue to Target with your content today I'm going to be going over how to use chat GPT for keyword research so I'm going to give you some really easy prompts that you can put into chat gbt and by the end of it I'll show you how you can build a keyword list that looks like this one for all sorts of different subtopics that you cover within your Niche so for example I'm going to be using my Surfside PPC YouTube channel and some different ways I can simply use chat GPT to come up with content ideas so here are the five really easy prompts that you can use with chat GPT to come up with keywords so the very first thing you need to do is come up with some of the most popular subtopics related to your Niche so you'll see the blanks here this is where you need to enter whatever your Niche is whatever the main topic you're covering is that's what you need to fill in the blank with now here you're going to see subtopic in Brackets so when we do our first search we come up with a bunch of different subtopics you can break down your subtopics even further as well so the more keywords that you can come up with the better keyword list you're ultimately going to create so the very first thing is what are the 20 most popular subtopics related to blank so I come over here to chat GPT what are the 20 most popular subtopics related to PPC advertising we'll hit enter okay so here's the 20 that it gave me so campaign management copywriting targeting optimization so just from using this example I can come up with something like copywriting I can come up with something like targeting optimization these are all different things where I can break down these subtopics to how to optimize your Google ads campaigns how to optimize your Facebook ads campaigns now what you can also do is come up here and say something along the lines of what are the 20 most popular PPC advertising platforms so coming up with the actual platforms that people are using for PPC advertising okay so the 20 most popular PPC advertising platforms Google ads Facebook book ads Microsoft advertising Amazon advertising so as I start to come up with some different content ideas let's just say I want to start covering Microsoft advertising with my next series of videos so what you can do is say our second prompt over here what are 20 popular subtopics related to this subtopic now using the very first response they gave us if I come up to the top here looking at all of these different examples one of the things that I can pull out is landing pages now I'm doing a keyword research Series right now so I'm trying to do as many keyword research videos as possible so let's pull out two examples landing pages and we'll do Microsoft advertising we're going to come over to our spreadsheet here and we are going to enter these two keywords okay so we make it look a little better so these are the main topics that we're covering here and ultimately what I want to do is come up with courses for all of these main topics last year I released a Google ads course a keyword research course so I'm looking to come out with more course like material so I really want to cover these topics comprehensively and chat GPT is a quick and easy way to come up with all sorts of different topic ideas video ideas blog posts ideas so let's start with Microsoft advertising and we'll start building this keyword list here coming back over to chatgpt and using the prompts so we're going to use these four different prompts for Microsoft advertising popular subtopics popular long tail keywords 20 different popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can Target with blog posts and 20 popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can Target with YouTube videos now I can also do this for the my main topic which is PPC advertising or paid advertising so you can do this with really any of the topics that you're covering and as you start to break down your Niche even further the more and more that you can cover these subtopics ultimately the better you're going to rank in the YouTube search engine in the Google search engine in the Bing search engine so every single search engine that people are using you want your website to rank high so you can drive that organic make traffic so we'll come back over here to chatgpt and start entering some of our prompts hopefully we don't hit our hourly limit but I haven't really been using it this hour so you may hit a limit if you're using chat gpts too much too much in the same hour you may also have an issue where it freezes up on you and you may just have to reload chat GPT so let's do some of our prompts okay so first one we have here 20 most popular subtopics related to Microsoft advertising now the one thing to keep in mind is for this keyword Bing ads is still a really popular keyword so I could also do the same exact thing for Bing ads and make sure I understand that I'm covering this topic using all the different long tail keywords and subtopics related to Microsoft advertising and Bing ads since they're both essentially identical keywords but people do search different things for Bing ads and Microsoft advertising and even though they switch the name to Microsoft advertising several years ago Bing ad still gets plenty of search volume that it's worth targeting so we'll come down here we have our 20 any popular subtopics related to Microsoft advertising pretty similar to what we saw with our first subtopics which not a big deal all we're trying to do is come up with ideas for YouTube video topics and blog post topics so we'll start with these right here and we'll paste them in Excel okay so our next prompt here what are 20 popular long tail keywords for the short tail keyword Microsoft advertising will click on enter okay they've given us 20 different long tail keywords here for Microsoft advertising now you can ask them to just repeat this prompt and remove the quotes and they'll send you the exact same thing without the quotes if you're copying and pasting this directly into Microsoft Excel so let's do our next prompt here so coming down two more prompts so blog posts and YouTube videos we're looking for 20 different keywords for blog posts 20 different keywords for YouTube videos there is going to be overlap so don't worry about having overlap we're ultimately trying to come up with some type of comprehensive list so we can look through all of these different subtopics and figure out which ones make the most sense to create content for so that's really where you need to take your keyword research and turn it into content strategy that will be a separate video so let's come back over do our next prompt okay next what are 20 popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can Target with blog posts we'll click on enter okay we have 20 more here that they've given us now what you can do is just say remove quotes from the last response click on enter and they'll give us the same exact response without the quotes So they haven't been giving me quotes for these so I'm not sure why they're giving me quotes this time but if you're getting quotes like this just ask them to remove them they'll remove the quotes so we can easily copy and paste all of these different keywords and topics into Microsoft Excel okay our last question here what are 20 popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can Target with YouTube videos and click on enter okay so they've given us our 20 different Microsoft advertising keywords that we can Target with YouTube videos so now we're going to do is we're going to copy and paste all of these keywords and put them in Microsoft Excel okay coming back over to my Microsoft Excel spreadsheet you can see I have my Google ads keywords here I have Facebook ads and then I've done Microsoft advertising I haven't gone through these there's definitely a lot of repeat keywords a lot of repeat topics so you may see something like ad campaign management and Microsoft advertising add copywriting in Microsoft advertising later down as we scroll down we may see more about copywriting how to use copywriting to create effective ads so you're going to see here add copywriting best practices ultimately what I end up doing is I end up taking all these keywords I will go through these one by one and I will take out some of the different keywords and come up with topic ideas that I know I can create for a YouTube video so that's really what you need to do depending on the type of content that you're creating and then I'm going to go through and do the same exact thing for landing pages so let's open this up a little bit let's do the same thing for landing pages here I'm going to fast forward to this part and just show you my final keyword list showing you how easy it is to actually come up with all of these different keywords now this works for really any Niche let's say a completely a niche I know nothing about I actually got a question recently that somebody asked me what are some different keywords that I can use if I'm creating a website about Smart Homes so different types of smart home technology different types of Smart Home Products so coming up with blog post ideas for a website about Smart Homes so you can use chat GPT for this as well so let's come back over to chatgpt okay so the first thing what are 20 most popular sub topics related to Smart Homes we have 20 popular subtopics related to smart home so Voice Assistant security systems smart Lighting systems now what I could also do is come here and just say what are and you don't have to stop at 20 you can do 50 if you want so I could just look up what are 50 long tail keywords for Smart Homes but what I like to do is kind of come up with some different topics so I can say what are 20 of the most popular smart home products for sale okay 20 of the most popular Smart Home Products and you can see here are 20 popular smart home products that are currently available for sale and as we scroll down you can see all of these different smart products now as we come in here and you see something like smart sprinkler system what you can continue to do is as you're come up with coming up with different long tail keywords I can say what are 20 long tail keywords for the short tail keyword smart sprinkler click on enter okay and as it's giving us our prompt you can see so we have Smart sprinkler controller and they have with weather-based scheduling so some of these are not going to be the exact long tail keywords you would expect to see for example if I go to Google and I just search smart sprinkler in Google and coming over here and just looking at the long tail keywords here for smart sprinkler you can see controller heads timer controller reviews repair System Kit valve there's more here that are just specific product type but what you can do is if you can can come up with a list of long tail keywords like this and let's just come down here to valve we'll copy this we're going to come back over to chat GPT again we're going to paste these keywords now let's get rid of controller reviews okay so we have Smart sprinkler controller heads timer repair controller Google home maybe we'll get rid of these two right now we'll just do System Kit let's just do system and we have valve so we have one two three four five six different long tail keywords if we're trying to rank for smart sprinkler what we need to do is create content around all these keywords maybe show the best possible products for sale for all these keywords but using chat GPT you can literally say can you use the long tail keywords or we'll just say can you use the keywords below to come up with blog post ideas okay so they've given me 20 different blog post ideas just using these different keywords provided now again you don't have to write every single blog post idea but this is again where you come through here use these blog posts ideas and say okay the environmental benefits of using a smart sprinkler system this is something that we can easily write a blog article about and as people are looking for our smart sprinkler systems good for the environment will smart sprinkler systems help me save on my water bill maybe you can combine multiple different articles to say here's how it's good for the environment and saves you money on your water bill so you can do both of these different things by coming up with all of these different keyword ideas and chat GPT is a really great tool so as I'm coming up with content ideas for YouTube I can say what are 30 different videos I should make on YouTube about the topic of landing pages okay they give me 30 different video ideas and these are really good video ideas and a lot of times what you're going to see in these video ideas are specific keywords landing page optimization for conversion rate Improvement but basically for conversion rate optimization landing page a b testing landing page personalization how to design a mobile friendly landing page so they're taking keywords and coming up with YouTube video ideas and this is just an easy way to do keyword research even Beyond saying something along the lines of what are 20 long tail keywords for the short tail keyword landing pages so I like doing these different types of prompts into chat GPT to see what some of the best long tail keywords I can Target are so in addition to using keyword research tools using things like autocomplete seeing what videos are already doing very well on YouTube seeing what blog posts are doing very well on Google I can come up with even more ideas so I can create my own unique content the goal here is just to come up with content ideas so as you go through the process of creating your own content for your Niche you can make sure you're covering all the different things you need to and chat GPT is a great way to do keyword research and now we can do is we can copy all of these different ideas they just gave us we'll paste them in Microsoft Excel okay so coming back over here to Microsoft Excel you can see we have all of our different landing pages keywords topic ideas and what I generally do now just like I would do with Microsoft advertising is take out some of the top different keywords that I'm seeing different topics that they've shown me and I'm just going to use those to come up with YouTube video ideas so I can say okay I know how to for example I know some good tips for writing effective landing page copy so basically all I'll do is come over to my spreadsheet where I come up with my YouTube video ideas and just say landing page copy tips to improve conversion rates so you can come up with all these different topics and it's very easy to do using a tool like chat GPT and you can do all sorts of keyword research using some of these different prompts break down your topic into subtopics very easily you can find the 20 most popular subtopics even for one of the other subtopics you've done and as we go through this I can do this for all sorts of different keywords that I'm covering let's scroll up to the top here and you'll see here for what are the 20 most popular PPC advertising platforms if I start creating content specifically around Twitter ads I can say okay what are some long tail keywords for Twitter ads what are some YouTube video ideas what are some different things that I could cover on my blog or my YouTube channel so that's ultimately what you want to do as you are trying to come up with these content ideas first it starts with keyword research and from there you can easily create content ideas now if you're creating a Google ads campaign then you know you need to come up with the best possible keywords to bring profits through your Google ads campaign so in this part of the video I'm going to go over exactly how do I do keyword research for a new Google ads campaign today I'm going to be going over Google ads keyword research and I'm going to go through the process of how to find the best keywords for your business Now keywords are really important because when people go to Google and they search a specific keyword it's going to trigger advertisements what you need to do is make sure you're targeting the right keywords for your business so when somebody's searching for one of your targeted keywords your advertisement comes up here and they click through to your landing page and hopefully you can drive a conversion so let's come back over here and let's say we want to build a new search campaign and we're getting started through the process of targeting keyword words and creating our advertisements so we're starting with our very first ad group and the first thing you need to do is understand where are you sending traffic to what landing pages are you sending traffic to on your website I'm going to be using my website today for an example so if we come over here to what I need to understand is what pages on my website do I want to send traffic to let's just say for example to make this a little bit easier I just want to send traffic to these eight different pages on my website so we have ladders like blanket ladders living room furniture furniture sets nightstands office chairs desks sofas TV stands so if I'm targeting something like Farmhouse nightstands for example I'm going to be sending traffic to this landing page here that has Farmhouse nightstands for sale so what you want to do to get started is come over here to your first ad group we're going to name it exactly what we're targeting Farmhouse nightstands this is really important as you're doing keyword research for Google ads is grouping your keywords together by themes instead of creating an ad group like Farmhouse furniture and putting a hundred different keywords in there such as desks nightstands sofas living room sets you want to separate all of those into their own ad groups so when we come down here to start doing keyword research it's actually become very easy to do this directly through Google ads so you can enter a URL here to scan for keywords or you could just enter your main keywords right here as well so if I know I'm targeting Farmhouse nightstands I can just enter my keyword here we'll click on enter and we'll get see keyword suggestions so they're going to give us a bunch of different keywords that we can Target and the main thing here is you want to keep your keywords as focused as possible so in this case I'm only targeting more of a broad Farmhouse nightstands keyword so some of these different keywords here like white farmhouse nightstands Farmhouse nightstand set of two the best thing that I can do is create separate pages for those types of keywords and just really focus on people who are actively searching for Farmhouse nightstands in general and not something as specific so what I can do here is take keywords like Farmhouse nightstands bedside table we'll get rid of this keyword here it looks like a specific brand now this is where you start to should we target a keyword like white farmhouse nightstands you can Target these keywords and they may very well drive conversions for you but if we come over here just to my page just scroll down one more row and we're looking at some of these different products here some are white some are brown some are light brown so the best thing for me to do is rather than sending people to a page that's not completely relevant to what they're searching for just focus on these main keywords that we have up here so the other thing I want to go through is if you're targeting a keyword like Farmhouse nightstands here you really don't need to Target something like Farmhouse night space stand because it's going to be the same exact keyword as Farmhouse nightstands you don't need to worry about misspellings you don't need to worry about plurals just focus on your main keywords here Farmhouse nightstands bedside table and then if you you're seeing things like different colors or you're seeing things like different styles get rid of some of these different keywords here because they might not be exactly what people are looking for just focus on the main thing that we're trying to Target now Farmhouse nightstand with drawers most of the products on my page has drawers so let's keep that keyword rustic Farmhouse nightstands we can keep okay and fast forwarding a little bit I've come up with these different keywords that we're targeting now before we target keywords you need to understand keyword match types so to do that I'm going to open up my existing campaign and show you how different keyword match types perform first being exact match keywords the next one is going to be phrase match keywords and the third one will be broad match keywords now they are pretty much what they sound like broad match are going to give you the most broad search terms are going to match the keywords that you're targeting phrase match are going to be much more relevant to the actual phrase that you are targeting and exact match keywords are going to be very close so you're almost exact to the keywords that you're targeting so if we start here with exact match which are going to be the most targeted keywords you can see this is what an exact match keywords look like you have brackets around the actual keyword that you're targeting and what we can do here is we can select this keyword and click on search terms and we're going to see the actual Search terms that have triggered our advertisement so see obviously Farmhouse curtains has driven the majority of the Impressions and most of the other keywords down here are very very relevant so I would personally go with either phrase match or exact match keywords so if we come back and we go over to our phrase match keywords let's come back one more time let's look at our phrase match keywords we'll select the same exact keyword but it's a phrase match this time we'll select it click on search terms phrase match is favorite keyword match type because it's going to find really relevant Search terms and then you're also going to have some very close synonyms like country style curtains vintage Farmhouse curtains Farmhouse curtains for the kitchen modern Farmhouse curtains so you're seeing all sorts of different keywords here that are very relevant to Farmhouse curtains in general and their Search terms that if people type in I do think that they're going to be likely to convert now let's come back again one more time and we're going to go to the broad match keywords and looking at Broad match here personally I don't like using broad match keywords I think they give advertisers much less control Google consistently tries to put you into broad match keywords and one of the things they're going to give you as an optimization is to use broad match keywords if you're not if you don't have an unlimited budget I personally would not use broad match keywords so if you're obviously saying okay I want to spend five thousand dollars a month make sure that your keywords are going to be as relevant as possible because if we come down here and we start scrolling down drapes Pottery Barn that doesn't necessarily mean someone's looking for Farmhouse curtains tie curtains in Middle I'm not even sure what that search term means some of these different Search terms here that people are going to be clicking on and spending your budget are not going to convert so personally as we come back over here and we're starting to Target keywords in doing our keyword research we need to understand keyword match types and what you want to do is put quotes around your keywords to use phrase match keywords if you would prefer to use exact match keywords you could just put brackets around your keywords like this so I'm going to do that now okay so we have quotes around all of these different keywords that we're targeting here so we have our Farmhouse nightstands ad group we're going to be sending traffic to our Farmhouse nightstands page and you can see the different keywords we have here are all phrase match keywords and they're very relevant to the products that we have listed for sale now if you do launch your campaign and you're using broad match keywords just keep in mind when you're going through your campaign you can always change your match types you can see here they're recommending broad match because we're using smart bidding personally I would still rather use phrase match and I see better results with phrase match keywords so we have our keywords here we can scroll down they're saying upgrade your keywords to Broad match broad match are not upgraded keywords if we scroll down you're going to see final URL this is where you want to make sure you're sending traffic to your Farmhouse nightstands page now what you want to do is go through the process of creating very relevant ads specific to whatever your group of keywords is about in this case I would go through and create all sorts of advertisements about farmhouse style nightstands rustic Farmhouse bedside tables use all of these different keywords that you're targeting and then come up with some other unique types of phrases that are going to get people to go to your website hopefully purchase from you so truthfully I believe one of the most important things when you are actually doing your keyword research is understanding Google ads keyword match types because without that it's really hard to understand what types of Search terms are going to trigger your advertisements so this is what I would do and I would create an ad group for Farmhouse nightstand just like this and then use all these other categories that are on my website blanket ladders living room furniture and do the same exact thing as you're creating the ad group just enter the search term right here update your keyword suggestions and then Target your keywords I would recommend phrase match keywords if you're looking for better results now let's just say for example sewing machines plus calls me and says we're going to create a Google ads campaign we don't know what keywords to Target so you can take a random website and say okay let's figure out what keywords to Target for sewing machines plus the easiest thing to do is go through their different category Pages for example we open the products let's go to machines and let's just do sewing machines so what I would do is I would have an ad group for sewing machines so we have sewing machines here this is every single sewing machine they have for sale I would Target this keyword as an exact match keyword people who are searching for sewing machines I would Target it as an exact match keyword and then what you would want to do look at all these different brands they have here so somebody who's looking for Brother sewing machines we'll click on Brother sewing machines this Brother sewing machines page is going to be a completely separate ad group targeting phrase match keywords using Brother sewing machines and then what you can do is as you're building that ad group for your search campaign do the same thing we did earlier so let's get get rid of these keywords here enter our products and services so we'll say Brother sewing machines we'll get keyword suggestions and you're going to see here they're going to give us a bunch of relevant keywords for Brother sewing machines including a bunch of model numbers so if you have those model numbers you can use those as well even if those model numbers are just on a page like like this Brother sewing machine page that we have here then just send people to this page and people are going to be likely to find that machine and they're going to be looking for other machines as well so this is how I would do a very basic Google ads keyword research is understanding what pages you want to send traffic to and then using those pages either copying and pasting the URL and entering them here to scan for keywords or just searching for keywords right here and using the built-in keyword suggestion tool through Google ads now you may have a completely brand new website that you've just built there's a bunch of pages you're not sure where to get started this is where the Google Keyword Planner comes in handy go to tools and settings from your Google ads account go to planning and go to the Keyword Planner which is going to open just like this so this this is the Google Keyword Planner I recently did a full tutorial about the Google Keyword Planner but right now I'll give you a quick way to do Google ads keyword research with the Keyword Planner and the helpful thing with the Keyword Planner is you are going to get search volume you are going to see how much advertisers are bidding for certain keywords so that could also be very helpful as you're coming up with what keywords to focus on for your business so let's discover new keywords you can either start with keywords or start with a website you can enter up to 10 keywords at a time or if you start with a website you can enter the entire website so I can enter use the entire website or I can say let's use my farmhouse nightstands landing page here let's come back over to the Keyword Planner enter that page and use only that page so personally I like using keywords so when I'm using keywords what I'll do is just say let's use the main keywords that I'm targeting for my business so I'm going to enter my 10 main keywords now okay Enter the limit of 10 keywords to get ideas so what we're going to do here is you can enter your website to filter unrelated keywords I'm not going to be doing that right now so we just have our 10 keywords here we're going to click on get results so just by entering those 10 keywords the Google Keyword Planner has given me over 12 000 keyword ideas so they're going to give you more than enough keyword ideas using this simple tool and you're going to see here the main keywords that we entered here are all listed and then as we come down you're going to see even more relevant keyword ideas tables dining tables coffee tables all of these keywords represent a completely unique ad group and to keep it really simple if you are doing keyword research what you can do as you get started creating your campaign to make things a little bit easier is instead of targeting 20 different keywords in an ad group you could basically say okay I'm going to create an ad group for Farmhouse coffee tables I'm going to be sending it to my coffee tables landing page where I have all my different coffee tables for sale let's rename our ad group here all of our different coffee tables for sale and all we need to do is come in here enter our keywords and just enter the phrase match keyword Farmhouse coffee tables and this keyword will match so many different Search terms that you really don't need to worry about looking up every single unique way people are searching for Farmhouse coffee tables you can continue to do this over and over and over again coming back to the Keyword Planner for all of these different keywords here where you have a relevant landing page so if I say okay I have a page on my website we'll scroll down randomly page on my website for white farmhouse sinks which I do I have a page on my website for Farmhouse floor lamps create a farmhouse floor lamp ad group Target The Farmhouse floor lamp phrase match keyword create advertisements that are completely geared towards Farmhouse floor lamps and send people to my farmhouse floor lamp landing page that is the ultimate goal of Google ads is to understand okay I have these products on my website on this specific page so I'm going to create an ad group and Target this keyword now a couple of other things you can do with the Keyword Planner is you can go through here and say okay I have a page on my website for white farmhouse sinks for floor lamps for Farmhouse signs and I have a page on my website for Farmhouse end tables for Christmas trees for console tables for dressers so let's just say I keep going through here I select every single keyword where I have a relevant landing page where I can send traffic to so I want to Target this keyword within my campaign so we have these different keywords selected we can add keywords to create a new plan so if we add keywords to create a new plan what you're going to see is it's going to add those keywords we can come over here to our keyword plan it's going to show our saved keywords and if we scroll down here you can see these are different saved keywords that we have so what you can do is you can download these ideas into a CSV file or Google Sheets you can add additional keywords if you want to create a new plan what you can do is just come here and remove this plan we can also come over here to our forecast let's just say we want to forecast our or saved keywords click on done and you can see what you can expect from a campaign using a specific bid strategy so we can adjust our bid strategy here using specific match types in this case let's just say we want to use phrase match keywords and it's going to forecast our saved keywords you're going to see United States all languages Google March 1st to 31st so it's going to forecast the following month let's say I want to spend an average of 50 a day on these different keywords obviously you want to add all of your keywords here and not just seven keywords but the 50 average daily budget they're going to show us how many conversions we can expect for what price we can expect if we scroll down here you can see it's going to show our total cost what our expected click-through rate would be Impressions clicks cost per acquisition conversions cost per click so you can kind of get an idea of okay this is what we can expect using the maximize conversions bidding strategy Now using only seven keywords obviously you probably don't want to spend 50 a day on seven keywords unless they're very very popular keywords but I just want to show you some different things you can do with the Keyword Planner now the other thing you're going to see over here are negative keywords so keep in mind as you're doing Google ads keyword research you could also use negative keywords as well which if you are using the broad match keyword type click on your broad match keyword click on search terms and you can find all sorts of different negative keywords that you can add here let's just say for example I don't want to Target this keyword right here I can select it add it as a negative keyword add it to either the ad group level the campaign level or my negative keyword list so let's just say add it to the campaign level and we do the phrase match keyword so that means if somebody searches this keyword or some variation where this phrase exists in the keyword it's not going to trigger our advertisements so there's a bunch of different negative keywords you can add where you know those keywords are not going to lead to conversion if somebody's looking for let's just say flea market or free curtains or something like that they may not have any interest in going to my website and per purchasing from me they may be looking for different types of products for certain types of niches you need to add negative keywords because there's going to be keywords that drag down your campaign so as you're going through the process of doing keyword research you should also keep in mind negative keywords can also help with making sure that your ads are being triggered for the right Search terms for example if we come over back to our sewing machines example and let's just say somebody is searching for a specific Brother sewing machine they enter this model number and somebody types in this model number and manual they're not looking to purchase this actual machine they may already have the machine they're just looking for the manual because they may have thrown out their manual and they're looking about how to do something you don't want to be targeting that keyword because you want people who don't have the machine yet so that's where negative keywords can come in handy now coming back over to my campaign and click on back a few times you can see how I've structured my campaign where we have Farmhouse curtains valences quilts bedding bathroom decor some of these are paused here but bathroom accessory sets comforters if we click on any of these ad groups you can see all of these different keywords that I'm targeting are very relevant my advertisements in for these specific ad groups are completely geared towards Farmhouse comforter sets and my landing pages are about all Farmhouse comforters for sale so that's how you want to structure your campaign and the way you want to do keyword research is just understanding that all of these different pages on your website so if I come over here to shop all of these different pages that I have on my website I need to make sure that I have separate ad groups for them and then I'm just targeting them as phrase match keywords so where Google ads keyword research becomes a little bit more complicated is with certain types of websites let's use an example like so with certain types of websites like QuickBooks it's not always going to be as easy to see okay these are the exact keywords I need to Target these are the pages where I'm sending traffic to if I come to products and features you'll see accounting I can't just Target the keyword accounting because people are searching for all different types of accounting whether it's somebody looking for an accounting class maybe somebody's looking for what is accounting I want people who are actively searching for accounting software so what you need to do is make sure that you're targeting the right keywords and this is where the Google Keyword Planner could also be very helpful come select this URL here we're going to copy this URL come back over to the Keyword Planner and we'll click on X real quick we're going to discover new keywords again we're going to start with a website we're going to enter our website here and use the entire website and click on get results now what you're going to see here is they've given me about 2500 total keywords we scroll down they're giving us keywords by relevance let's look by average monthly searches and I want to go through some of these different columns here as well now so taxes turbo QuickBooks so some of these are not what we're trying to Target but QuickBooks for self-employed perfect keyword to Target and what we can do is make sure we're sending traffic to a self-employed geared landing page and show people here's the best plan for someone who is self-employed that wants to use QuickBooks for their business QuickBooks for payroll QuickBooks Online accountant so again online price people who are Price shopping you may not want to Target with your advertisements especially if we come over here and we're looking at the average cost per click for some of these different keywords so if we look at the top of page bid the high range how much advertisers are bidding for some of these keywords up to 345 dollars 286 dollars this is for a single click to their website so if we come over here you're going to see QB Inventory management Turbo Tax career Turbo Tax hiring QuickBooks inventory module enterprise software so a lot of these keywords are going to be keywords that are going to be much more valuable now some of these are much higher than you're actually going to pay per click so if you look at how much advertisers are bidding on the low range you generally get a little bit better results and then you're going to see here some of these different keywords are 10 average monthly searches let's add a filter let's say average monthly searches greater than or equal to 50. so we'll say we have at least 50 average monthly searches so you're going to see these are the keywords where advertisers are bidding some of the highest on some of these different keywords based on the data we have in the Google Keyword Planner and we can come up with okay scroll down here let's say QuickBooks Payroll Services QuickBooks payroll options we may want to Target a keyword for example like QuickBooks payroll so let's come over here to QuickBooks let's see products and features payroll so this is probably going to be our landing page although QuickBooks probably has their own landing page here but payroll services that go beyond the paycheck so people who are actively searching for this these this is how you can find some of the different keywords using the Keyword Planner and using a URL you can also use a specific page so one of the things I did is I went to accounting software for small business you can search your own keywords look at some of these different landing pages from your competitors I opened up the QuickBooks landing page here so this is their landing page for accounting software for small business obviously it's all geared towards their accounting software some of the different plans they have let's take this page we're going to copy this URL start with a website use only this page and let's enter that landing page here you can do this for your competitor URLs now the other thing you can do is if we come back over here to payroll you can just take let's say you have an a software that offers payroll you can come into QuickBooks their payroll landing page do the same exact thing here copy this landing page and what we're going to be doing is we're looking for the most relevant keywords to this landing page right here so we're going to paste it use only this page click on get results and that will give us some of the most relevant keywords to a page specifically about payroll it's giving us 273 I still have my filter of over 50 average monthly searches here we can get rid of that and that would give us 635 keyword ideas let's look at the most relevant keywords and you can see QuickBooks payroll Intuit payroll login but we can also add a filter and say let's say keyword text does not contain QuickBooks click on apply and you're going to find some more keywords here online payroll small business payroll Qbo payroll so that's probably QuickBooks payroll but payroll services for small businesses so by searching for some of these different pages and using filters you can find all sorts of keyword ideas and then add them to your plan or you can just manually as you're creating your campaigns you can do the same exact thing here you can enter that URL here you can enter Payroll Services here and you're going to find all sorts of keywords that you can Target now the last thing I want to go through is one more thing in the Keyword Planner we're going to click on X come all the way back to the beginning let's just say start with keywords I want to Target Farmhouse Furniture keywords so we're just going to focus on Farmhouse Furniture we're going to click on get results instead of going through each individual keyword here you can also click on grouped view grouped view is basically going to give you ad group ideas so if we come down you're going to see bookshelf Farmhouse bookshelf now you may have something like Farmhouse furniture near me this may not be relevant for specifically my website it's not relevant for so it's not something I Target but what I could do is I can say okay here's my first ad group here's my second ad group Farmhouse sofa tables I have these on my website Farmhouse bookcase similar to bookshelf may just put those in the same ad group modern Farmhouse bar stools rustic round dining table rustic round kitchen table take all of these different ad groups here two things you can do with these different ad groups number one create all of your different ad groups for your campaign the same way that I did here having your keywords all already grouped together targeting those phrase match keywords creating relevant ads using relevant landing pages the other thing you can do and something I do often is use these grouped ideas to say okay I need to make sure I have a page on my website for modern Farmhouse bar stools I need to make sure I have a page on my website for metal Farmhouse chairs for rustic round dining tables for Farmhouse China cabinets four farmhouse style coffee tables Farmhouse Square coffee tables Farmhouse entryway tables so sometimes these grouped ideas can give you all sorts of different ideas for pages on your websites to create if we look here you can see there is an endless amount 283 different ad group ideas so what I can do is say Okay I want to to make sure I have all these relevant pages on my website then when I'm creating my search campaign I create the most relevant ad groups that are sending traffic to these really popular things that people are searching for and I can drive results for my business so this is how I personally do Google ads keyword research you need to understand what you're promoting first and foremost whether it's sewing machines whether it's Payroll Services whether it's Farmhouse Decor what are you promoting use those keywords understand what landing pages you're sending traffic to and use the most relevant keywords that Google ads gives you directly through their built-in keyword tool and Google ads gives you through the Google Keyword Planner so hopefully these this is a very useful video I wanted to touch on negative keywords and keyword match types and the importance of grouping your keywords together and keeping everything organized because it's really easy to find keywords and truthfully you could Target one keyword like this and it's going to match all sort sorts of relevant Search terms so personally I spend much more time creating really relevant ad groups than I do actually searching for coming over here let's just say I do Farmhouse coffee tables then I do trying to find every single relevant keyword that I'm trying to Target so if I enter Farmhouse coffee tables here you'll see liftop rustic Farmhouse end tables that's not combine those two that's all right so Farmhouse coffee and end tables oversized Farmhouse coffee tables you can Target all those keywords but again if you just Target that one phrase match keyword if you can see all these keywords they give us here really easy to do Pharma or Google ads keyword research actually now with the built-in keyword tool Target the one keyword this will match plenty of different Search terms the same way I showed you earlier if we come into our Farmhouse curtains phrase match we click here our Search terms see how many Search terms we've had look at all these different Search terms from one phrase match keyword so don't go crazy trying to find every single possible keyword just try to group your keywords together properly and that's really all you need to do to run a successful Google ads campaign also conversion tracking relevant ads good landing pages but most importantly organize campaigns so your competitors are likely ranking for keywords that you're not ranking for yet and they're also probably ranking higher than you for certain keywords so by using some of these free competitor keyword research tools you can find keyword gaps and keyword opportunities for your own business by seeing what your competitors are already ranking for today I'm going to be going over competitor keyword research using only either free tools or the free versions of paid tools now you can use a paid tool to basically find anything you ever need to know about any of your competitors in the search engine results and see all the different keywords they're ranking for average search positions and even find things like keyword gaps between your website and their website now Moz has a pro version that's a very good tool you have that you can use as well and then you have these are all paid tools so I'm not going to be using any of the paid versions of these in this video and another one that you can use as well that's a little bit less expensive is this will give you plenty of ideas about all of your competitors in search engines whether it's SEO or PPC so I'm not going to go through any of these paid tools too much in this video I'm going to focus on just using free tools to find our competitors and then also find a lot of the keywords that our competitors are ranking for so getting started what you can do is set up a Moz account it's completely free to create an account when you create an account they do have a true competitor tool here that is free to use you get eight of ten searches every single month so if we enter our URL here for this I'm going to be using this is my website it's about Farmhouse Decor Farmhouse Furniture basically anything Farmhouse Home Goods this website I'm trying to sell it so we're going to come back over here to the Moz Pro true competitor tool and you can get this by going to this URL right at the top here when you sign into Moz Pro and you see competitive research true competitor is one of the tools that they have so we're going to enter our URL here we have domain and the United States market and we're going to find competitors okay if we scroll down here we have our top 25 competitors and basically what they give us is these competitors by domain Authority overlap and by rivalry so a lot of times what you can see is you're going to have competitors here like I don't consider them a competitor they're way bigger than I am but on the other hand I can look at websites like I have a ton of array done products on my website so a website like I can look at some of the different keywords they're ranking for and give myself some ideas for some of the things that I can optimize for on my own website now as we scroll down here generally what I'm looking for are Farmhouse related websites so one of the examples I'm going to use today is Farmhouse Decor so this is one of my main competitors that ranks for a lot of the same keywords that I do and as I keep scrolling down here antique is another one of my main competitors this is a much larger website than mine Farmhouse Decor shop is pretty similar to my website maybe they get a little bit less traffic than my website so generally what I'll do is go through a lot of these competitor URLs some of the things that I don't recognize and see what these websites have on them and see some of the different keywords that they're ranking for I'll show you how to do that in a little bit but this is one way to come up with a bunch of competitors for free you can use the Moz competitive research the true competitor tool now one of their other competitive research tools here is keyword Gap I'm going to go through that a little bit later on in the video but we're still looking for some of our competitors now what I would do is I would take all of these competitor urls you can export this and start putting them in Excel spreadsheet and you can remove obviously some of these URLs like Amazon and Wayfair I don't consider them actual real competitors to me I could look up some of the different keywords that they're ranking for as far as as far as Farmhouse and rustic related keywords that would be relevant for my website but I'd rather actually look at my real competitors websites that are similar to mine so another tool that we can use to find relevant websites related to whatever our niches is chat GPT so you can use a prompt like 30 different websites that focus on whatever your website's focus is on and say don't mention my website so here they give me 30 different websites that focus on Farmhouse Decor Home Goods Furniture excluding my website so if I scroll down here some of these are very large websites that I really can't compete with again Wayfair Pottery Barn Hobby Lobby Birch Lane is even a very big website owned by Wayfair but as we scroll down here you're going to start to see some of these different websites here some of these I've never even heard of so again you can take these websites and add them to your Excel spreadsheet so as you're building out your competitors add these to your Excel spreadsheet ultimately what you're trying to do is come up with a list of about 10 different competitors and try to find websites that are really similar to yours that sell similar products or go over the same exact information because you can use that to your advantage as you start building out your content so scrolling down here I also own the website so I did the same exact thing for 30 Niche websites that cover Beach Decor Coastal Decor nautical Decor here's my prompt just 30 Niche websites that cover these specific topics don't include my website so again a lot of really good websites here that I could start to add to my competitor list so we can find some of their top keywords now some of these websites as I open them they're not even active anymore so if you go through some of these different websites they may not be perfect if you're using chat GPT but again it's a free tool you might as well just use this and see if you can find any relevant websites for your Niche now two more tools that I'm going to go over pretty quickly for finding competitors the free version if you enter your domain here they'll give you some of your top organic competitors so these are some more competitors for my website so this will give me five different competitors now what you can do is just take some of your other competitors and add them in here as well and they'll give you the five top organic competitors for whatever domain you enter here so spyfu tends to give you some pretty good results because you can actually see how many total SEO keywords all of these different websites have so if you see something like Birch Lane here that has 300 000 keywords where if I have 30 000 keywords you can tell they rank for a lot more keywords than I do so I try to find websites that are a little bit closer to mine whether it's 24 000 keywords 100 000 keywords so this is really where you want to find some of your competitors as well now last but not least another free tool so the has some really good free tools and they're powered by sem rush so they have a free search competition to tool so I enter my domain here again what I would do is come in here and I would add some of these other competitor domains and look up their competition reports as well because they'll give me 10 different competitors and I'm looking at competitor relevance here common keywords organic keywords total organic traffic so I can find all of these different websites here and say okay these are pretty similar to mine in terms of search traffic again Birch Lane probably ranks for a lot of similar keywords as mine but they get a ton more traffic than I do so probably not one of the websites I want to compete with directly but you can see the this came up here and on spyfu again another raidun type website so I can find all of my competitors by using some of these free tools you can use this is a very quick and easy one to use enter your competitor URLs and you can find all of your competitors in the search results okay so next we've identified our competitors you should have a really good list of competitors now you should have at least 10 to 15 different competitors that you can actually spy on and we're going to use a few more free tools to find some of their top keywords the first one we're going to stay right on the and when you go there you're going to see Hoth tools and you can see under SEO analysis this is where you can find some of their best tools so for this one it's rankings Checker and what I'm going to do is for my website I'm going to use Farmhouse Decor shop as the main competitor I'm going to be looking up their keywords today to try to figure out what they're ranking for so this free Google rank Checker this is again powered by sem rush we can see there's search engine rankings and their top traffic driving keywords so as we scroll down here I can see all the keywords that they're using to drive the most traffic back to their website and since my website is similar to theirs what I can do is start saying okay let's come in here and let's try to pull out some of their top keywords where they have really good rankings for some high search volume keywords so then I can start adding some of these keywords to my website and start optimizing for them as well and hopefully I can rank higher than some of my competitors so coming in here and using just this very free tool on they're giving us basically sem Rush data for free this free Google rank Checker if we come in here they're going to give us 100 total keywords that we can just use and download directly to a CSV file add to our Microsoft Excel spreadsheet if we click on view more results we can see even more of their keywords that are driving traffic to their website so something like twine holder planter Stakes nothing really with farmhouse in the keyword but I know if they're ranking really high for some of these different keywords so planter Stakes gets 390 searches a month they're ranking sixth for this keyword why not try to actually optimize my website for this keyword as well I can also see they're doing very well for Farmhouse Decor related keywords so what you can see is as we go through here they rank well for far arm wall decor vintage Farmhouse Decor so a lot of these different keywords that I'm not ranking as well for I need to optimize my website for them as well so this is the search engines ranking tool looking up my competitor's top keywords using a completely free tool next is going to be just another tool on the so we have my website here so we're entering our domain name and the domain name of a competitor that I'd like to analyze so we'll scroll down here and basically what this is telling us are these are keywords that they're ranking really well for that my website is not ranking really well for now you're going to see things here that may not be completely related to your website so don't focus on those but look at some of the other keywords here so metal baskets half gallon mason jars galvanized buckets so as we scroll down here you can find a ton of different keywords and what I like about this tool is these are some really unique keywords that aren't just completely things like Farmhouse wall decor or Farmhouse wall art I'm getting actual products like wooden windmill wired baskets male Organization for the wall brass antique kitchen soap dispensers decorative mason jars so if I come in here and I export these to a CSV file as well I can find all sorts of different products that I can add to my website and some different product categories that I could start to optimize for because they're ranking well for some of these different keywords where if I optimize my website for them as well I can probably rank for these keywords too I don't have anything with Farmhouse bread boxes on my website so right there add this to my website 1300 average monthly searches so it's just another example of finding keywords with high search volume that some of your competitors are ranking for even if their rankings aren't that good for some of these keywords adding them to my website maybe I can rank higher than them and take advantage of some of these really high search volume keywords okay now next is going to be another free tool so I just recently found this tool and I've already done a search down here so I have my domain so you just enter your domain here at the top and then again you're going to enter your competitor domain so we're going to do the same thing here and we're going to create a new project now this is a completely free tool I wouldn't be surprised if they make this a paid tool very shortly they do have a paid program with but they give us a lot of information for free so if you enter these two domains what you can see are some of our common keywords and they're actually showing me the ranking position for some of these different keywords here where I'm ranking higher than them and where they're ranking higher than me so I can find all sorts of keywords that I need to optimize my website for and it's things that were both already ranking for but areas where I may need to improve my long tail keyword strategy my content strategy maybe I need to add more products to my website so if we come over here to page two we can find even more keywords now there are limitations for this tool but you will find some different ideas for things that okay I haven't really paid attention to arched wooden mirrors at all we're both ranking pretty similarly here but maybe I can do things to improve my rankings now what I like to do is try to find areas where they're ranking very very high for a keyword and I'm not ranking high for that keyword at all there's not too many right here in this case there were some on the first page but you're going to find things like rustic Farmhouse decorations they have the number nine spot here 4400 average monthly searches I'm number 79 so I really need to improve my optimization for this specific keyword so you can get some really good ideas here just using this tool and then another one that you can use to find keyword ranking gaps is Moz has another tool like that as well so coming back over to Moz this tool right beneath true competitor so we're in competitive research through the Moz Pro again you get 10 total searches per month so use them very wisely but under competitive research we can look up keyword gaap and what I've done is I enter my website and then two different competitor URLs and as we scroll down here what they've actually given me is total ranking keywords for all of these three different websites you can see I'm kind of in the middle of these two competitors of mine page Authority for these two websites domain Authority for these websites how many keywords are in one to three positions one to three in the search results four to ten so we can see okay I need to get more keywords in both of these positions if I really want to actually compete with antique but what they're going to give me are here are some keywords that I need to improve where here is my rank and the traffic lift if I can actually improve my rank so you can see right here these are some really popular keywords and what they're saying is if you can optimize your website a little better for some of these different keywords maybe what you need to do is improve the content on some of these Pages maybe you need to break it down and have a better long tail keyword strategy but they've given me 36 different keywords where you need to improve your website for these keywords because if you can get in the first page of the search results for these keywords you can see the traffic lift for all of these different Search terms so this is a huge traffic lift per month looking at the total search volume for all these keywords I need to make sure I can optimize my website slightly better for these keywords and hopefully improve my traffic as we scroll down you can also see some of the top competing content and the top ranking keywords for some of these different pages so I can see okay these different websites are ranking for these really popular keywords and these are the pages that are ranking so what am I doing wrong on my website where I'm not ranking as well of some of these some of my competitors for these really top high search volume keywords so again using this Moz tool will give you a ton of different ideas as well now last but not least using spyfu coming back over here entering your competitor URL we're going to do Farmhouse Decor shop right here and SEO keywords so what I like about entering your keywords so you're using SEO research this is completely free version of spyfu entering a competitor URL what you can see is they have most valuable keywords here so there's all of these different options so they're going to give you five for every single different options so rustic mail organizer I haven't optimized my website for that keyword at all obviously they're ranking really well for the keyword Farmhouse Decor that's one of their most valuable keywords but I can take a keyword like this and say okay I can probably rank higher than them if I really optimize my website for that keyword but what you can do is go through here let's see their newly ranked keywords okay I see four really good options here that I can steal from we have biggest rank gains a few more unique keywords here some of them maybe not too much search volume so something we may not want to focus on too much but go through all these different options here keywords that just made the first page okay so we have some more more things here that we can optimize our website for so using some of these different free tools you can find areas where you're not ranking as well as some of your competitors and then last but not least let's just say I want a huge keyword list of some of the top keywords that my competitor is ranking for go to a keyword like the Google key or a tool like the Google Keyword Planner this is available through your Google ads account discover new keywords start with a website and enter your competitor URL here we're going to use the entire website and click on get results okay so they've given us over 1500 different keyword ideas now you can just simply export this to a CSV file you can use filters to say I want to make sure I'm focusing on keywords that have at least let's say 50 average monthly searches so you incorporate search volume but what I found with the Google Keyword Planner is if you're looking at the top keywords by relevance for whatever website you enter these are some of the keywords that are dry that they have some of the best rankings for and they're probably driving a good amount of traffic to their website for some of these different keywords so when you're looking at keyword by relevance look at some of these top keywords I would incorporate search volume as well to try to find some more popular keywords but as you scroll down here you're going to find some unique keywords that you can say okay I haven't even thought about this keyword for my website this is something where I need to improve my overall optimization for this keyword so one of the things we can do is let's add a filter let's say average monthly searches is great greater than or equal to 250. so we'll click on apply we're going to scroll down here and you can see there's a lot of really good keywords that we can say okay let's try to add some of these products to our website let's try to focus on some of these different keywords on existing pages and try to figure out how we can create better resources so that we're ranking higher now another tool that's going to give you even more keywords keywords you can install the Chrome extension it's completely free just go to you can see here with keywords everywhere what we can do is enter the website that we want to look up it's probably going to come up very first in the Google search results because we're just looking at their pages and then you click on website here and what we're doing is we're looking at their total keywords that they're ranking for and keywords everywhere will give us every single keyword for the entire website so this is giving us 2263 keywords you could actually see their position in the search results so as you come through here you're going to see some of the keywords they're ranking really high for rustic table top clocks something I've never optimized for rustic hooks Farmhouse bird feeders Farmhouse paper towel holders antique plate rack some of these I've optimized for but I know I can improve my website for some of these keywords solar lid light from mason jar and then what you can do is export these keywords to a CSV file and then one by one say okay let me try to optimize my website for this keyword steal some of my competitors traffic and hopefully we can do is ultimately drive more traffic back to our website the very last tool I'm going to tell you about is the word stream free keyword tool I just entered my own website in here did a new search if we come in here they're going to give some of the most relevant keywords for that website they'll give you 25 ideas when you click on download all keywords you do need to enter your email address to get your keywords but it's worth it for word stream they do send out a really good newsletter so this is another tool that you can use entering a URL and coming up with some of the different top keywords for your competitors so hopefully this helps what you really want to do is find your top competitors First Look for keyword gaps look for some quick wins I really like some of the tools like I really like some of these Hawk tools that I found recently because they have some really unique keywords that aren't just going to be again things like Farmhouse wall decor you see that one here but rustic soap dispenser definitely not a keyword that I have even thought about decorative rain gauge a keyword that I have no optimization for on my website they rank 7 for 480 average monthly searches all we're trying to do is find those little incremental lifts for some of these different long tail keywords that we haven't optimized our website for yet twine holder they're in position 3 170 total average monthly searches so go through use some of these different tools find your keyword gaps that you have with some of your competitors and focus on some of these different keywords and ultimately what's going to happen in the long run you'll begin to rank for more keywords you'll begin to rank higher for some some of the other keywords you've already optimized for and ultimately you're going to drive more traffic to your website and hopefully overtake your competitors YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world so it only makes sense that we're doing keyword research for YouTube as well so in this part of the video I'm going to go over how you can do keyword research for YouTube to grow your YouTube channel and how to come up with some unique content ideas to continuously drive more views and more subscribers to your YouTube channel today I'm going to be going over YouTube keyword research so you can increase your views and create videos that people are actually looking for so in this example I'm going to show you how I come up with a list of content ideas specifically for the LinkedIn ads so I'm going to be creating some LinkedIn ads tutorials this year so what I need to do is come up with a list of keywords and turn them into some different video content ideas that I can create now first things first where did I come up with LinkedIn ads now I know LinkedIn ads very well because I run advertisements on LinkedIn for clients but the way I start coming up with short tail keywords like LinkedIn ads before I start expanding it to different long tail keywords is by using the Google Keyword Planner and what you want to do is open the Google Keyword Planner that's available through Google ads if you have a Google ads account go to tools and settings go to planning and click on Keyword Planner and it will open this page if you don't have a Google ads account you can create one completely free and use the Keyword Planner completely free as well so we want to click on discover new keywords and what you want to do is enter the different keywords here based on whatever it is your YouTube channel is covering so what your Niche is on YouTube this is where you need to enter a bunch of different keywords and I would keep your keywords very short here and not very specific so you can come up with some short tail keywords to create content about so for my channel Surfside PPC what I've done is I've added all these different keywords here paid advertising PPC advertising PPC ad channels ads advertising sem for search engine marketing I could just enter PPC as well so enter up to 10 keywords here and I have social media ads paid ads and click on get results this is going to give you a huge list of short tail keywords to get started with and you're also going to see you can broaden your search with some of these other popular keywords as well as I scroll down here you can see over 4 200 different keyword ideas I like to go by average monthly searches so we can see what are the things people are searching the most so Google ads obviously very popular Google AdSense if we keep scrolling down you're going to start seeing things like Facebook ads we have product listing ads so these are all different shortail keywords that I know I can cover with my YouTube video content to actually increase viewership on my channel so Tick Tock ads obviously that's become very popular if we keep coming down here you're going to see a lot of different ideas YouTube ads Bing ads Microsoft ads keep coming down we see Instagram ads here we have Twitter ads and we have a LinkedIn ads here so this is kind of how I come up with some of these different keywords that I'm targeting within my own YouTube channel so once I have this short tail keyword LinkedIn ads the next thing I want to do is we're going to open up some way to save all these different keyword and content ideas which I like to just use Microsoft Excel very easy to get started we can just create our own sheet you could do it in an existing plan that you've already created where you have a list of keywords and content ideas that you know you want to create this year so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start here in Microsoft Excel you could literally use notepad if you want to you can use anything you want Google Sheets it could be Microsoft Word however you like to keep your ideas so we're going to start here in Microsoft Excel and we're going to do keyword so my first keyword is going to be the shortail keyword LinkedIn ads we have a column for Content idea and then once we create our video we'll put our video URL there so we're just trying to keep ourselves a little bit organized with what content we're creating on our Channel so we start with our shortail keyword LinkedIn ads and what we're going to do next is we're going to come over here to YouTube so we have Keyword Planner open here let's open up YouTube we're going to search our actual keyword so I'm searching my keyword LinkedIn ads but what you want to do is when you're typing in your keyword we're going to use autocomplete so by using autocomplete we can see the very top keywords that people are searching on YouTube for our short tail keyword so LinkedIn ads tutorial for beginners cost campaign lead generation conversion tracking account strategy now something like for lead generation same exact keyword to me as lead generation 2022 LinkedIn ads 2023 I would put again with a tutorial for beginners so I'm going to make sure I have everything for the current year because I try to create new videos every year because things change so often LinkedIn ads versus Facebook ads strategy course for Real Estate now you may have some ideas here where you are some different keywords here where you don't really have any type of video that you can create for that for example LinkedIn ads for Real Estate I've never ran real estate focused ads on LinkedIn so it's probably not a video I'm going to create but what I like to do is get started with these keywords that I have here and we're going to put them here into Microsoft Excel so that's going to do first is enter all my keywords here in Microsoft Excel okay fast forwarding a little bit you can see I've taken all of these different keywords so now I have a list of some different long tail keywords that I can create content about and when we come up over here with our content idea they're pretty much all going to be geared towards some of these different keywords we have here so LinkedIn ads lead generation best practices to generate leads in 2023. LinkedIn ads conversion tracking how to set up conversions in your LinkedIn ads account so that's all we really need to do as we start coming up with content idea but I just want to focus on keyword research for this video now there may be certain things like LinkedIn ads versus Facebook ads I'll put this here this may be a video I never create just because I don't see a ton of value in this type of video I'd rather create specific tutorials than do some type of comparison video so that just depends on what types of videos you create on your channel as you're coming up with your keyword ideas the next thing we're going to do is you're going to download keywords everywhere so you don't necessarily have to do this if you don't want but keywords has a completely free plugin for Chrome and Firefox they also do have paid plans as well you don't need to upgrade to the paid plan if you don't want to I'm not using the pay plan at all and I'm not using the paid plan in this video so I installed this for Chrome it's an easy to install plugin on Chrome and the reason why I like keywords everywhere so much is when you do a search in YouTube and I'm using a different example here for affiliate marketing because they have some more ideas what you can see is they have search insights so they have ranking difficulty the specific search term that we're looking at the Top Channel maximum views average views average age you're going to see a lot of different statistics here at the top the YouTube trend for affiliate marketing so you can see right now it's at its highest it's ever been keep coming down the most used tags affiliate marketing for beginners how to start affiliate marketing affiliate marketing 2023 so you can find a ton of different keyword ideas just by seeing the tags that people are actually using for their videos keep scrolling down related keywords so very similar to some of the tags here but affiliate marketing on Pinterest ClickBank affiliate marketing these are all different video ideas that you can easily create on your channel especially if you're someone who does affiliate marketing every single day keep coming down you have three different related searches and three different common video tags so you can get a ton of different ideas from keywords everywhere and you can see here I have LinkedIn ads searched here as we scroll down they have some different most used tags here as well this didn't pop up before but now we have some most used tags for some of the different videos here keep scrolling down same thing three different related searches three different common video tags so we can get a bunch of different ideas just by installing keywords everywhere and one of my favorite features of keywords everywhere is if we click find YouTube keywords for LinkedIn ads it's going to open up a brand new page again this is all going to be completely free for you and it's going to find a ton of different YouTube keywords for LinkedIn ads so this is specific to the YouTube search engine were 10 complete we have over 140 keywords scroll down what it's going to start with are those top keywords that we saw in YouTube autocomplete as we search for LinkedIn ads so we scroll down here you're going to see the top keywords here up until we get to for Real Estate now as we keep coming down here how to run LinkedIn ads for a client a b testing LinkedIn ads and there's going to be so many different keywords here now they're in alphabetical order as you start getting past this first set of the autocomplete keywords so if you do want to actually see search volume this is where you would have to upgrade your keywords everywhere plan but different things LinkedIn ads audience targeting we keep scrolling down LinkedIn ads B2B LinkedIn ads best practices bidding strategy brand awareness budget so you're going to find a ton of different keywords here that you can easily Target within your YouTube videos so this is the very first step that I would take and you can see we have 339 total keywords right now related to LinkedIn ads so generally what I'll do and I'm not going to be doing this completely in this video we have 340 keywords I would download this to a CSV file or you can copy this so copy all 340 rows come over here to Microsoft Excel and paste all 340 rows then what I generally do is I go through each of these keywords and things like audience I'll bold Advanced all bold a b testing audit so you try to find some of these different keywords where you say okay I could easily create a video about some of these different topics we're not even worried about overall search volume for these different keywords what all we're trying to do is find keywords where we can say okay I can create a video about five LinkedIn ads best practices I can create a video about the different LinkedIn ads bidding strategies and the best one to use for each campaign type I can create a video about LinkedIn ads brand awareness so we'll just scroll all the way down here keep coming down LinkedIn add leads again I would consider that same as lead generation which we already have as one of our keywords so keep in mind there's going to be a ton of different crossover here but if you keep coming down LinkedIn message ads LinkedIn YouTube ad running ads on LinkedIn what you can do is come through here just put a bunch of keywords in bold and then the keywords that you don't bold just take those keywords and just delete them so you just delete them get rid of them and then those are keywords that you're not going to actually Target with your videos so we'll put these keywords back because some of these might actually be decent keywords for a quick video now what I start doing is I start eliminating keywords that I'm already targeting or eliminating keywords that I just don't have a video content idea for so that's one of the most important things as you're going through your keyword research you don't just want to find a random keyword for example let's just say something like LinkedIn ads Drop Shipping down here I'm not going to have a good example for a video about this keyword so we'll just get rid of it all together LinkedIn ads design again not something that I'm going to Target with any of my videos so as you go through this and you see some of these different keywords here get rid of the keywords that just are not going to be relevant to your Channel or for any type of video that you would create now back over here to keywords everywhere the other thing that I like about keywords everywhere is if we just go directly to Google Now once you install keywords everywhere it's going to show all this information automatically in a bunch of different search engines including Google and YouTube so if I enter something like LinkedIn ads cost I'm creating a video for how much LinkedIn ads cost I want to go over every single thing people have questions about or any type of concern people have LinkedIn ads cost same thing with keywords everywhere we scroll down here they're going to give us a bunch of different related keywords so cost per click budget calculator message ads cost CPM cost minimum budget for LinkedIn ads average CPC LinkedIn average cost per follower LinkedIn these are almost all completely different keywords and they could come up they could basically be the video chapters for the video we create about LinkedIn ads costs so we know we're covering every single question people have they also have people also search for which sometimes is very similar to the related keywords and then we have long tail keywords so as we go through long tail keywords here you can find a ton of different ideas through the long tail keywords like LinkedIn video ads cost text ads cost how much do LinkedIn ads cost in 2023 these are all different ideas that were will all be just part of this one video about LinkedIn adds costs so this is why I really like keywords everywhere they give you a ton of different long tail keywords whether you're just on YouTube and you're looking on the right hand side here you're going to see a ton of different tags whether you click on find YouTube keywords for LinkedIn ads but I really like the long tail keywords feature for Google because a lot of times what people are searching in Google it's going to be pretty similar to what people are searching on YouTube as well now the next thing that I like to do is if we're over here again in YouTube one of the free plugins that I use it has a paid option as well is tubebuddy so if you go to you can see optimize your YouTube channel faster install free now so they have a Chrome extension so if you install the Chrome extension and connect your YouTube channel and we come over here and we have they're gonna have details here so right now I'm viewing the details you can choose to hide the details if you want but if we scroll down we can actually see the specific tags that some of these different creators are using for their video so we can see when someone's creating a LinkedIn ads tutorial what are the tags that they're using if we come down here again another complete tutorial so he does very well here for the LinkedIn ads keyword keep coming down we have another tutorial LinkedIn ads for beginners one year ago so some of these different tags here as well and what you can find with some of the different tags is okay this is what people are looking for specifically or these are some different tags that can help me come up with some different video ideas so something like LinkedIn ads2022 for B2B lead generation LinkedIn B2B LinkedIn Legion 2022 advertising 2022 so these keywords are all geared towards 2022 and specifically what the video is about so you can find a ton of different ideas for tags and you can copy these tags as well and create a huge long running list of tags that other creators are actually using and you can do that all by just using tubebuddy which is completely free here and seeing all of those different ideas now one last thing about keywords everywhere is they're also going to give you this information right here so how many subscribers a channel has how many views per day a specific video is getting so if you're creating videos about a specific topic and you see the very top result here the views per day is something very very small it may be a topic that's not worth creating a video about for your channel something like 206 views per day to me that's plenty of views for a single video to get every day so I have no problem creating a LinkedIn ads tutorial and hopefully I can get some of those views as well now last but not least for the Google Keyword Planner we want to continue coming up with our content ideas we have a bunch of keywords bolded down here but we want to find some more ideas and we want to focus on search volume that's where we come back over to the Google Keyword Planner again so we're going to get rid of all these different keywords here and we're going to enter our main keyword now just LinkedIn ads so we're going to do LinkedIn ads you could do LinkedIn advertising let's make sure we enter that first keyword okay so I have LinkedIn ads LinkedIn advertising LinkedIn ad click on get results so this has given us 599 keyword ideas more than enough keyword ideas that are going to be all long tail keywords related to our LinkedIn ads the other thing I like doing is seeing the search volume for some of these different keywords like YouTube ads versus YouTube advertising Google ads versus Google AdWords as they made the name switch so you can see what people are actually searching here but what I like to do is add filters we're going to say keyword text must contain ads ad or advertising so I want to keep it really focused the LinkedIn ads or advertising click on apply and what you're going to see here is we have the most popular keywords by average monthly searches 405 out of the 599 keywords and basically what I'll do is I'll just take keywords like LinkedIn conversation ads Carousel ads LinkedIn ad types come over here and just paste some of these different keywords here so we have conversation ads we'll come back over here to the Keyword Planner we'll copy Carousel ads and you just want to keep on doing this and keep adding more and more keywords directly to wherever you are planning to save all these different keywords and coming up with all of your different content ideas so as we keep coming over here I have ADD types we have cost again here video ads so one of the things I can do is create a video about LinkedIn conversation ads video about LinkedIn Carousel ads video about LinkedIn video ads then they can combine all those videos into a video about the different LinkedIn ad types people can use and basically just piece together these videos I've already created now the other thing you're going to see is don't get too caught up in the exact average monthly searches you're seeing because the way the Google Keyword Planner works is something like LinkedIn ads cost and Linkedin advertising costs are viewed as the same exact keyword when people are typing them in so they're going to have things like LinkedIn ads pricing price of LinkedIn ads how much do LinkedIn ads cost so don't get too caught up in okay specifically 390 searches are made per month about this keyword because people may have thousands of searches a month about a specific topic as you scroll down here even something like LinkedIn conversation ads they may end up just doing the same exact so here conversation ads LinkedIn same exact keyword if you switch the order of the words it doesn't change at all what the keyword is so don't get too caught up on average monthly searches just come through here find keywords that make sense for your channel for example I have things like LinkedIn text ads and messaging ads document ads I can take all of these different keywords and we're going to continue to put these all on our keyword list once you have your whole keyword list put together that's when you start coming up with content ideas once you have your content ideas it becomes much easier to say okay let's go into LinkedIn ads let's make sure we're creating different campaigns using all of these different advertising types we're covering all of our bases for all these different keywords that we want to cover with our actual video content on YouTube and I can spend a month and say I'm going to create 30 different LinkedIn ads videos this month and then at the very end we piece together all those videos and we have our LinkedIn ads course so this is basically my strategy for keyword research content creation on YouTube and it has helped me drive a lot of views to my video channel even at times with me not creating videos for extended periods of time I still get plenty of views on my Channel all the time and a lot of it just comes down to keyword research and creating videos that people are actually looking for now the next piece is creating really good videos which I'm not sure if I do that either but here is how icon come up with different keyword ideas for my YouTube channel starting with the Google Keyword Planner to find shortail keywords using some of these other tools like keywords everywhere to find long tail keywords like YouTube autocomplete to find long tail keywords I can even just take LinkedIn ad and I get a bunch more keywords here stick with these ones more towards the top because these are going to be the ones that people are actually searching for the most so if you're creating content around all these really popular keywords you're going to find that your channel is going to grow its viewership by way more than you can imagine so focus on your YouTube keywords focus on creating great relevant content for your keywords and you're gonna have no problem driving views for your Channel A lot of times that we're doing keyword research it's so that we can come up with blog post content ideas so in this part of the video I'm going to go over how to do blog post keyword research to not only come up with a list of keywords for blog posts but how to come up with a ton of different content ideas so you have an endless supply of content ideas for your business today I'm going to be going over blog post keyword research to give you an idea of how to come up with different blog post ideas and then how to optimize your blog posts for really the top keywords and topics that relate to every single blog that you're writing so the example I'm going to be going through today is on my website I created this blog article YouTube advertising costs explain your 2023 guide so as we scroll down here you can see I have a video here I have we keep coming down the question how much does YouTube advertising cost budget and spend cost per view cost per thousand Impressions cost per conversion so basically everything you need to know about costs I've tried to cover in this article specific to YouTube advertising now if we come over here to Google search console we're looking at the last three months for this specific page and how many clicks and Impressions it's driven for my website so you can see this has been a really good article for me in terms of driving clicks and Impressions we're looking specifically at just this one page here so I'm going to come back to the Google search console and show you how you can find even more keywords from existing blog posts and how to optimize your existing blog posts but first things first coming over here the way that I do blog post keyword research is I generally use a keyword research tool to get started to come up with a list of keywords which I eventually turn into topics so I'll go over how to do that in a minute what you want want to do is write blog posts for your topics write really comprehensive and detailed blog posts completely covering that topic your blog post relevance is key so coming back over here you can see if I scroll to the top you can see January 27 2023 was when I last updated this blog post today is March 4th so it's been updated basically within the last two months and it's something I try to keep updated throughout the year it doesn't really change too much over the course of a year but it is something where going back and just improving your content from time to time a couple times a year is a really good practice because your blog post relevancy is one of the biggest and most important things that you need to know for the most part when you're searching things in Google you're not going to see really old blog articles pop up you're going to see things that were generally written or updated within the last 6 to 12 months you may for some topics but what that basically represents is you can come out with something that's a little bit more relevant and updated and that is an opportunity now number five is using the Google search console so find relevant keywords for your blog articles and additional topic ideas so using a keyword research tool we're going to come over here and one of the easiest keyword research tools to use is keywords everywhere so if I need topics to write about related to YouTube advertising you can see over here on the right hand side this is keyword Surfer they're going to give you a ton of different keywords as well so if we scroll down here there's 76 total keywords so just looking right here types of YouTube ads YouTube ad types that is an article YouTube targeting how to Target your ads on YouTube now for the example of keywords everywhere one of the best things down here is they have long tail keywords YouTube advertising costs YouTube advertising Revenue so this is a different type of keyword where people who own YouTube channels or potentially want to own a YouTube channel want to know how much they can actually make for each of their video views the other thing if we're just using Google people also ask so how much do YouTube ads cost what is YouTube advertising how how much do a thousand views cost on YouTube ads so very very clearly doing the search you can see that one of the main things people want to know is how much is YouTube advertising going to cost me which is why I created that blog article which is why I created a video about the topic as well now coming in here you can obviously see there's more things YouTube advertising formats we could see disadvantages of YouTube advertising's benefits of YouTube advertising so pros and cons of YouTube advertising that could be a video and a Blog article that's probably gonna eventually Drive some traffic and ultimately Drive some ad Revenue now you could use keywords everywhere for basically any topic you want to write about if I want to write about landing pages I enter landing pages in here we scroll down and this is keyword Surfer you can see there's a ton of keywords here using keyword Surfer using keywords everywhere you can see people also search for so examples templates design ideas so examples updated for 2023 isn't one that I would create inspiration Asian these could be about four or five different unique blog articles coming down here you're going to see some similar types of keywords here so just coming in and seeing all of these keywords how to create landing pages for Shopify what's the best landing page design 20 different landing page templates to use so you can find a lot of different ideas by just simply using keywords everywhere and looking at the long tail keywords for each of these individual keywords now you can also use a tool like the Google Keyword Planner if for example I want to write about a topic like Finance maybe I want to write about investing so what we do is we write in investing here maybe I want to focus on dividend investing Stock Investing so we start entering some keywords in here and click on get results using the Google Keyword Planner this is where you want to come up with keywords that you can Target and coming over here to refine keywords sometimes you can just find different ideas within this this one isn't too good here but for some of the different topics you can find a bunch of ideas just by coming through refining your keywords now just right up at the top here online broker that could be an article the five best online Brokers investment strategies five different investment strategies to use in 2023 what is total return investing what is income investing what is a good dividend strategy when investing how do I generate more passive income with investing coming through here and looking at all these different keywords by relevance now you're going to see things that some of these were trending last year there they may not be things that you're going to be trying to write about maybe you don't want to write about specific stocks but as you come down here and you're looking at some of these different keywords you're going to find a bunch of different different ideas and what you could also do is say okay I don't want to write about specific stocks so let's come in here and say keyword text does not contain stock so that's going to get rid of a lot of these different keywords here text match so that will get rid of some of these ones that maybe aren't as relevant index funds so 10 different index funds to invest in in 2023 and Beyond keep coming down here so penny stocks to buy another keyword text to to get rid of is price here but I can tell you if I come in here and I scroll through here for about 30 minutes I could probably come up with 10 to 20 different content ideas now if you want to make this a little bit easier I've been using chat GPT a little more often to come up with content ideas so I recently I'm looking up things for YouTube advertising what are 20 blog post ideas about YouTube advertising that I can write for my blog about paid advertising 10 tips to creating High converting YouTube ads Why YouTube ads are the future paid advertising now pros and cons that's one of the ones I said before so that is a a really good article that I can create here are some of the pros here are some of the cons for YouTube advertising and why you should or shouldn't get started depending on what your business is common mistakes that marketers make how to Target to reach your ideal audience so there's a lot of different things that I can use here and then if I just want to find some long tail keywords what are 20 popular long tail keywords for YouTube advertising best YouTube advertising strategies how to create YouTube ads that convert I actually did this recently if I open my spreadsheet you can see if I'm trying to cover these four topics on my YouTube channel you can see all the different things I came up with and I did all of this by just doing some simple prompts into chat GPT and using some of the long tail keywords that were available to me from keywords everywhere copy and paste them here and now what I'm going to do is go through all these individual keywords and turn them into topic ideas Facebook ads tutorial for beginners 2023 I'll do a Microsoft advertising tutorial for beginners 2023 how to create a landing page page from scratch that could be a really long video going over different types of landing pages to create depending on what your business is so this is blog post keyword research is using keywords to come up with blog post ideas and then to take it to that next level what you can do is again come back into here to the Keyword Planner let's use my YouTube advertising costs as an example so we'll do YouTube advertising costs click on get results I'm going to make sure we don't have our filter here because it probably doesn't change too much here but we'll get rid of our old filter and what you can do is just say Okay I want to find all of the most relevant keywords related to YouTube advertising costs and then we'll go by average monthly searches so cost per thousand impressions YouTube ad costs calculator so that could be something I write about YouTube ad costs for a thousand Impressions again so we'll keep coming down cost per view non-skippable YouTube ads cost so you can come up with all sorts of different keywords before you even write your blog article to basically create the outline of your blog article you can also come in here and do again YouTube advertising costs and what I like to do sometime is search the keyword that I'm writing about not only look at what types of articles are ranking really high here but also look at the questions how much does a 30 second YouTube ad cost how much does it cost to get an ad on YouTube how much does it cost monthly how much do 1000 in views costs click on these drop downs and they're just going to keep giving you all sorts of questions makes it very easy to come up with an article outline and all the different things you want to actually cover there are going to be some redundant questions here but just cover every single thing how much is a 30 second YouTube ad cost on average how much do a thousand views cost on average how many YouTube views do I need to make at 5 000 per month that's someone asking from an actual Creator standpoint what you want to do is really focus on the marketer for this article and maybe you write a separate article on your blog from a Creator standpoint how many views do you need to make five thousand dollars per month once you have your article all written you've published your article here then what you can do is you can look at all of the different Search terms using Google search console entering our specific page here as a filter and then if we scroll down here we could see all of the Search terms that are driving clicks and Impressions to this page so I like using this not only to find more keywords to Target Within my existing article so non-skippable YouTube ads costs cost per 1000 Impressions average CPM some of these are going to be pretty similar but if we come down here you can see they've given me a thousand different keywords that have driven clicks and Impressions if we come down you're gonna eventually find some keywords that are going to be separate from YouTube that you could actually Target with a separate article and sometimes you do that by actually looking at total Impressions because there's going to be keywords that drive a lot of Impressions that maybe you haven't thought to actually Target yet cost per view what is cost per view I'm getting almost 1200 100 Impressions over the last three months but zero clicks 53.7 position not the greatest position so cost per view is a separate completely separate keyword I can Target with a completely separate video and blog article and probably drive more clicks back to my website clicks back to my YouTube channel and we'll come down here and find one more so what you can do is actually find all of these different keywords advertise Rising costs here something completely separate you can also use filters and just say Okay I want to make sure the search term does not contain YouTube and it's going to give me so let's say queries not containing YouTube so not only can you use this to find additional things to actually write about with your blog articles but you can also use it to say okay let me find some different Search terms not even related to YouTube that I can write about with or create videos about separately so again we're doing blog post keyword research so what is CPU advertising what is cost per view what are average advertising costs per platform CPM versus cpv mobile video ad CPM so again we're getting all sorts of different questions here this could be five to ten blog articles just coming through here and getting rid of some of the things that may be redundant some of the things that aren't going to be relevant for my blog but I can come through here again a thousand more keywords that don't even contain YouTube so we can find all sorts different ideas and you can see our average position for these keywords aren't good at all our average click-through rate is really bad 21 000 Impressions it's actually been growing the total Impressions but only five clicks so what that represents is an opportunity find your top pages remove some of the words that may be way more relevant for this specific page where I can cover this topic much better so coming over here again the blog post keyword research you're using a keyword research tool to find keywords that you want to turn into topics you need to write really relevant really comprehensive blog posts for those topics and then you can use the Google search console to find more relevant keywords for your existing blog article so maybe things you haven't covered as well as you should have covered specific questions that people are asking that you haven't answered in your blog article and then you can also find other topic ideas to say you know instead of having cost per view trigger this article let me do a specific article for what is cost per view and then try to get more traffic back to my blog so this is blog post keyword research a pretty basic video but using some simple keyword research tools like keywords everywhere using the people at also ask section for specific keywords that you're looking up seeing what's already ranking for some of these top keywords looking at the Google Keyword Planner to find more keyword ideas and then again don't be afraid to use a tool like chat GPT to say I need some long tail keywords for this topic that I'm planning on writing about doesn't matter what your topic is use the same exact prompt here and you can find long tail keyword ideas you can find blog post ideas I've done this for YouTube video ideas and again it's come up with all of these different topics and keywords that I'm going to be creating videos about that I'm going to be writing about in 2023 now last but not least is going to go over long tail keyword research and the importance of targeting long tail keywords for SEO a lot of marketers Focus too much on high search volume short tail keywords when long tail keywords can be a great way to drive a lot of traffic to your website today I'm going to show you how to use long tail keywords to rank higher in search engines so the reason you want to Target long tail keywords is they're more specific in targeted phrases generally longer in length they stem from some short tail keywords and they usually consist of three or more words now not a lot of people want to spend their time on long tail keywords because they want to focus on these high search volume short tail keywords but since they're easier to rank for they're not as much competition in the search engine result pages when you are targeting these long tail keywords and they also have higher conversion rates than short tail keywords and the other thing is that you're when you're looking at short tail versus long tail keywords if you want to rank for high search volume short tail keywords you need to Target long tail keywords I'm going to give you an example where I'm trying to rank for keyword research related keywords I would really like to rank for the keyword keyword research but there's obviously a ton of competition for that but since I'm trying to rank for this keyword what I've done is I've broke it down into a bunch of different long tail keywords you can use a tool like keywords everywhere to quickly get a list like this and then I take a lot of these long tail keywords and I use them to come up with video ideas so SEO keyword research nine free YouTube keyword research Tools YouTube keyword research Google ads keyword research Niche keyword research and Google Keyword Planner these are all related to Simply researching keywords and I'm trying to Target as many of these different options as possible so that ultimately I can hopefully rank for keyword research in Google and on you YouTube as well now coming back over here I basically have a five-step process when I'm trying to Target long tail keywords and increase my search engine traffic first and foremost you need to find shortail keywords something like keyword research for example another example of a long tail keyword is if we come over here to Google I search pickleball shoes and then I just went through and found one of the long tail keywords here so pickleball shoes for wide feet one of the most popular long tail keywords here you'll see others are going to be Brands some might be with wide toe box with arch support So if we do pickleball shoes for wide feet we scroll down you're going to see the very top organic results here top pickleball shoes for wide feet 2022 keep coming down here wide and extra wide pickleball shoes best pickleball shoes for wide feet and then a specific product here women's wide width Court shoes for pickleball so the reason why you do want to Target these long tail keywords is because if you want to rank for the the keyword pickleball shoes you need to focus on all of these other keywords as well because what Google and other search engines are going to do is say okay this website has covered this short tail keyword comprehensively and categorized it into a bunch of different long tail keywords as well so coming back over here you can see I like to find my short tail keywords something like keyword research another example was pickleball shoes find the long tail keywords after you've categorized those keywords you want to focus on search intent what are people looking for and then create content to satisfy those long tail keywords and my final example I'm going to give you here is my website I'm trying to rank higher for the keyword Farmhouse betting and if we come over here to Google search console you can see I'm in my Google search console account for one of my top Search terms for my website is Farmhouse betting so you can see the Impressions here for this search term if we go to specific Pages you can see one of my top pages is my farmhouse betting product category page it actually is my top Page by clicks and you can see for Impressions this page is getting a lot of impressions in the Google search results so I click on this specific page scroll down look at the Search terms that are driving clicks and Impressions to this page we will look by impressions there there's a thousand keywords they're giving us here so I have a thousand different Search terms that have triggered this page in the Google search results so what I can do is go through here and pull out some of these pages that are driving a lot of Impressions and then what I can do is try to create better resources for people that are actively searching for these keywords the way that I can do that is by categorizing all of these different long tail keywords so you can see Farmhouse betting we have blue Farmhouse bedding Brown Cottage Country baby bedding I have blankets and throw blankets here then we have some other things like Farmhouse comforters and comforter sets so now if we click on this page and open up this page we scroll down I've broken down this page as well so I need to add more products into each of these different subcategories but these are all long tail keywords it's much easier to rank high for Farmhouse shabby chic comforters than it is for a keyword like Farmhouse comforters or Farmhouse bedding sets because because those keywords have much higher search volume whereas my other keywords we come back over here again and we're looking at my keyword for Farmhouse striped comforters for example it's going to be much easier to rank this page for this keyword and other relevant Farmhouse stripe comforters Search terms the same way that websites are trying to rank for pickleball shoes for wide feet because ultimately what we want to do is drive as many people back to our website so make sure you're focusing on long tail keywords the more you can categorize your website and focus on some of these keywords that may not have the highest amount of search volume but they're going to be very effective in driving traffic to your website and improving your results for your short tail keywords as well so hopefully that's helpful as you are trying to Target long tail keywords and improve your SEO strategy if you have any questions about this please leave in the comments section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel so hopefully my free keyword research course has been helpful for you please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven't already you should be able to get started with whatever type of keyword research you need to do now and please leave any comments if you have any questions about anything thank you for watching my video
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 31,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyword research, keyword research for seo, keyword research tutorial, seo, marketing, digital marketing, online marketing, marketing course, keyword research course, seo 2023, keyword research 2023, keyword tool, keyword research tool, keyword planner, seo keyword research, keyword analysis, seo course, keywords, seo keywords, seo tool, keyword planning, keyword optimization, keyword research course 2023, keyword research tutorial 2023, keyword search volume
Id: 13LSSmNwp7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 15sec (12795 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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