Create a Talking Avatar with D-ID and Canva

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hey guys I'm Rodney's AI Avatar Ron is currently chilling in the couch in this tutorial Roy is going to show you how you too can create your own avatar so that you too could be chilling in the couch let's go hey what's up everyone Ronnie here the real Ronnie thank you AI Avatar Ronnie I am back from the couch and I am ready to show you in this tutorial how I created this Avatar this AI Avatar we are going to create three different types of avatars we are going to be using canva in combination with an app called did all right this app integrates with canva and I have divided this tutorial into three levels of customization from the less customized where we will be using an AI presenter that is kind of out of the box all the way to using your very own AI presenter with your own voice alright so stick until the end of the tutorial because this is where it gets really crunchy so without further Ado let's jump into this tutorial the first thing we are going to be doing is to connect our canva account with did let's go all right so I am here in the blank canva presentation this is what we are going to be using it works with any document type and from here I am going to search for the did extension all right so for that you will be heading over to your apps button right here in the object panel so click on that for me it is featured right here it's called didai presenters so this one right here if you don't see it because this is kind of like a temporary feature of this app you can just search for it did presenter it will appear as this result right here so click on that and this is the beginning all right so you need to connect your canva account to your did account and if you don't yet have a did account this is where you will land this page right here prompting you to get started so you need to create an account in order to start using this extension in canva so creating an account right here read the small letters okay don't have an account sign enough so this is where you will need to enter your full name email address and create a password accept the conditions sign up it will generate a new account for you all right because I already have an account I'm going to sign up now and I will meet you back in canva all right so once you have signed up this is what you should be seeing right here in your object panel you should be seeing a couple of photos of people and then a couple of text boxes right here where the magic will start to happen all right so now that we have our did account set up with canva let's start with the first level of customization I believe that the tutorial is more useful when it uses real life examples so I'm going to fetch my first example in this case it is a website that I am building for promoting a book that I'm selling and by all means this is fictional I haven't written any books so far but I will be using this website example so let me show you the website first so this is the website it's a single landing page it has two pages okay the first one is the hero page where you can see a cover of the book the title a button here to buy a copy of my book and then the second page is just like a page for people who are not quite sure they are ready to purchase your book and it goes like this you should never judge a book by its cover right well we believe you should judge the book by its content instead so if you're not yet convinced about the value this book has in store for you we invite you to download its first chapter completely for free and then there is a button to download the first chapter so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce a little AI Avatar right there on this website that could basically give some information to the user about what they can do on this website because could be confusing there are two different cores to action there is a button to buy the book and there is a button to download the first chapter for free so that's exactly the project that we are going to run right here so let me come back to my presenter generator right here with the did extension in canva and so it works like this the first thing you need to do is to choose a presenter okay so you can expand this so out of the box these are all the presenters that the did app give you access to okay so I have male female different looks so I like that there is a certain diversity here so that's pretty good so that's the first step you have to pick the update appearance of your presenter of your avatar so what I'm gonna do is to go for this guy right here okay I like the way this guy looks and yeah that is the first step the second step is what should they say all right so you have a text box right here you will be limited by using canva to 500 characters okay so in my case I want the presenter to say something similar to what I read from the website remember this part right here so what I actually want them to say is something like this so I'm going to paste it here and I'm not gonna read it to you I'm going to let the AI preview this for you alright so that is the second step you write or paste the text that you want your presenter to deliver next you have to choose a language okay so if you click on the little arrow you see a huge list of different languages so you're not limited to English right here you could have someone speaking in Spanish with an accent from Venezuela if you want you could find someone speaking French with an accent from Belgium kind of like me or you could really go like you have all sorts of languages here Italian Indonesian Khmer Lao you have a bunch of different languages so me I want this to be an English kind of speaker but maybe not with an accent from the United States let's see what we have in terms of English accents we have English from Australia Canada United Kingdom Hong Kong Ireland India Kenya Nigeria New Zealand I like that you have accents from countries like India Nigeria because it adds that diversity to your characters alright so I'm gonna go for United Kingdom okay the UK right that's done so that is set right here English from the United Kingdom and then you have several voices you can pick a voice so certain languages will have more choices than others but here for British English you have a bunch of different characters right here you have females like Libby Abby you have Bella so all of these people will have different voices all right and if you choose for example let me find a guy so I chose Ryan here and I could see that I have yet another option to choose from I can now choose a voice style for Ryan so you won't have this option available for all characters only a couple of them but here for Ryan's voice I can see by clicking on the little arrow that I can choose between cheerful and chat I'm gonna go with cheerful alright so now I've set everything up I can preview my speech right here let's try this I know I know you shouldn't have a judge a book by its cover well we believe you should judge our book by its content instead so if you are not yet convinced about the value this book has in store for you we invite you to download its first chapter completely for free okay just use the button below that's very impressive I like the tone of Ryan I like that it is cheerful I like that there is some expression some emotions in this voice so just for fun I'm gonna choose maybe another one let's try Alfie okay let's try I know I know you should never judge a book by its cover well we believe you should judge our book by its content instead so if you are not yet convinced about the value this book has in store for you we invite you to download its first chapter completely for free just use the button below okay so Alfie's voice is a bit more robotic sounds a bit more metallic so not so great I'm gonna stick with Ryan right here and I like that Ryan has a couple of styles to choose from alright so that is in a nutshell how it works so once you have set up all of these options you are ready to generate your character okay so you see this purple button right here it says generate your presenter one credit there is something very important to understand with the did app extension in canva is that you can try it for free it's completely free you don't need to be a pro user but you will be limited to 20 credits all right and you can see that generating a presenter will cost you one credit I have 16 credits left you can see that right here just underneath the purple button you should see the number of credits you have left and if you reach zero then you will have to purchase one of the paid plans of the idea if you want to continue using their solution right here but here still have 16 credits to go so we are all good I'm going to hit that purple button and generate my Ryan presenter let's go all right my presenter is ready the video has been uploaded in my document right here I can stretch it if I want I can make it smaller I can put this in a frame but I'm very curious let's play it I know I know you shouldn't ever judge a book by its cover well we believe you should judge our book by its content instead so if you are not yet convinced about the value this book has in store for you we invite you to download its first chapter completely for free just use the button below below I have to say I am very impressed about this presenter this Ryan presenter I think he looks very natural and I think he will be a great addition to my little website right there so let me just double check one thing if I go to my uploads button right here under videos yeah I see my Ryan character right here so what I can do is to come back to my website right here go to my uploads and click on the video Tab and yes Ryan is right here so now I should be able to integrate Ryan to my website project right here in order to do so I'm going to add a frame so I'm going to my element right here and just scrolling down to my frame sections I'm gonna find a nice frame that would go well with my website I'm gonna use this one right here oops I generated two frames so I'm gonna delete one and bring up this one right here okay let's say I want to position it kind of like on the first page all right I want this to be something people see straight away alright so I get it like this and I'm gonna put Ryan right there inside this Frame okay so back to my uploads take Ryan and drop it just use the button below button below find it here perfect alright guys that was the first level I would call this level out of the box because we use an out of the box character now let's move on to level number two and customize this further all right so in level two I am going to create an avatar that looks like me and that looks like Diana I'm gonna create two different avatars and they are haunting me so the way you do this you are going to be using this upload button right here so when you click here what you need to do is basically to upload a photo or headshot that kind of is framed in a similar manner than these headshots okay I do have a couple here that I created so I'm going to show you for example this one something important is that it needs to be a clean headshot you need to be looking straight at the camera you need to have a plain background if possible a white background just like the other characters right here so that is the headshot I was able to generate it was pretty easy I'm going to show you in a minute how you can create a similar headshot with the white background since we are at it I also want to show you the photo I used to create this running AI Avatar and delivered the intro of this tutorial okay so for that I used a headshot that was not as good but it still worked I wanted to double check if it works only with like the perfect headshot for which you will probably need to use the background remover I'm going to get to this in a second so what about people who don't have a canva pro account well let me show you I just took a screenshot of me let me make it bigger so that's me with my real wall behind me so my camera was filming me and I was just taking a screenshot of that image from my webcam so this is what it looked like okay before I started shooting so I'm gonna create that Avatar based on that other photo so the way you create more presenters more Avatar you just need to upload a clean headshot okay so I have two right there and I want to create one for Diana so for that I am going to be using another canva document okay so from the canva homepage what you can do is to Simply go to your social media Instagram post 1080 by 1080 as long as it is a squared document that should be fine so I'm going to create a blank Instagram page right here and yeah the rest is simply you choosing a photo so I'm going to go to this folder right here where we have a bunch of different photos I need one that is pretty neutral okay where Diana looks at the camera so maybe this yeah this looks good I'm gonna cut right here so we have all of Diana's hair and I'm gonna make that bigger okay I'm gonna stretch that photo as much as I can position Diana right there in the middle make that bigger yeah I think that would make a great presenter so obviously here my task was relatively easy because I had all of these photos of Diana without a background but let's imagine you don't so let's imagine we find the same photo of Diana but with a background so which one was it it was this one I believe you see originally this photo was taken with the blue background so you will need to use the background remover which is a pro feature to get rid of that background and if you're not a canva pro user but would like to try it we have an affiliate link that you can find in the description of the video with a free trial for 45 days so that's 15 additional days then if you use the regular canva trial so yeah find the link in the description of the video if you want to try canva Pro so back to my photo here I will need to use a pro feature the background remover for that select your photo click on edit photo and then the background remover right here will run its magic get rid of the blue background and I can start using this exact same photo so this is all we used to clean up Diana's photo right here that's the exact same photo that you need to scale up obviously but yeah this is how it works so there we go we have our photo pretty much the same one I can delete this one right here just wanted to show you that background remover is all you need really to clean up that photo so now that I have this headshot looks good what I'm gonna do is to download it so download I don't need a transparent background white is fine so PNG okay I'm gonna download this alright so now my photo is right here I haven't given it a name yet and I am back to my document with my did extension open so I'm gonna upload these photos probably in my download right here yeah it's right here so open this right I could probably get rid of Ryan right here okay Diana is uploaded it is right here so that's the first step now what I'm I want this Diana presenter to say is Diana's famous tagline you remember remember Dana's tagline of course you do if you are a faithful follower of this channel you know it it's like let's go to my computer so I want my AI Avatar to say that now obviously at this level I am still limited to the voices that I can find here well I'm going to show you a trick so let's first type in the text so it says let's go to my computer okay let's go to my computer all right so choose a language I could simply go for an English voice all right and I could choose United States choose a voice let's choose a voice uh lady's voice maybe Arya let's see what this would sound like let's go to my computer see it's not good like it doesn't sound like Diana at all maybe try something else like Michelle let's go to my computer okay not great so what I could do is to change the language okay even though I have an English sentence I could try Spanish from Colombia because Diana is Colombian so let's try this instead not Gonzalo because that's a guy's name let's try Salome and preview this let's go to my computer sorry Diana but that's gonna be your voice let's go to my computer all right uh I hope she's not gonna be angry at me for this I am mad that's not my voice and this isn't my boy seder oh my God what happened to my voice but uh yeah that's uh what we are going to generate for now so I'm good with this maybe I can add more O's right here let's go to my computer let's try again let's go to my computer okay that sounds good enough to me I'm gonna generate this with Diana let's go all right my Diana Avatar is ready and I can't wait to give this a go and see how we did guys let's see okay I'm gonna put her right here in the middle let's go to my computer we don't have the hand movement but let's go to my computer I'm so sorry Indiana but yeah that's you for today and that's where we see the limitations of AI uh because that's not exactly Diana's voice but as you can see we can have fun with this like you can have fun with the idea you could try some funny stuff like for example you could have me speaking with I don't know a Nigerian accent or you could have me speaking Mandarin or anything really so all you have to do is to add the right text right here so you could use Google Translate for example to translate your text into another language then generate it using the correct language here or for example I could use someone speaking Thai to say this sentence right here let's find Thai let's try something funny okay I'm gonna say here subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell for all our tutorials okay let's try this with premwood let's try this let's try to the Chanel and hit the before our putarias okay so not great subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell okay I'm gonna stop there subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell okay I like this one so you heard her subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you see you can have fun with this obviously you don't need to create a presenter for every joke that you create but yeah because the credits they kind of run out quite fast I only have 13 credits left I think it's time we move to level number three and create our own avatar with our own voice what do you say all right the ultimate level of customization my own photo my own avatar and my own voice unfortunately canbat doesn't allow you to upload your own voice from here from this panel right here from the canva extension so what I'm gonna do is to head over the did website itself and see if I have additional options there that are not available to me right here on canva so this is what the website looks like you can get there by typing the URL Dash and you will land on this page right here and since you have already created an account to be able to link canva with did you should be able to log in from this page so right here you locate the login button so simply use the same credentials to log into your did account so right here I see that all of my videos are ported over this section right here so this is is my video library if this is the first time you use it yours should be empty and if you click on create video right here you will see all of your characters right here they actually have a couple more than in canva I believe yes and yeah so the ones that I have uploaded are also here so how do you upload your own voice well from here from the did website you have the choice you can either type in your text just like we were doing in canva you see type your script or you see this other button right here it says upload a voice audio so that's really useful the only thing is that you will need to generate that audio clip either with your phone or you will need to record it with your voice recorder on your computer me I used QuickTime Player on my Mac to generate this audio clip I exported this as an MP3 file and then you can upload it right here there is an option to record your voice directly from here but it seems to be only for the paid plans so you will need to upload your audio file right here so here again I want to use a real life example and the example I have here is the use case of me handing over a set of slides a presentation that I delivered during a webinar or a live Workshop so let's assume I just finished delivering the webinar and the attendees are asking for the slide hey Ronnie where can we get your slides well I have a QR code they can scan and actually access my slides in view only mode so this is the set of slides They will receive let me show you there's a bunch of different slides right here all good and the first slide is obviously the cover of this presentation or the title okay so creating impactful presentation with Ronnie Hermosa and what I want to do is to add a presenter right here a simply greets the people like welcomes the people who land on this presentation all right so I could have my avatar right there I could also film it by myself and just add it in the frame but for the purpose of this tutorial I want to show you how you can do that with presenters AI generated avatars so I'm going to create that Avatar and I'm gonna have it say a couple of sentences to welcome people to this set of slides all right back to the ID I'm going to be using this photo right here okay and I'm going to be uploading a clip that I pre-recorded because it was very difficult to do it at the same time I'm recording this tutorial because all of the programs are already running so yeah it's right here on my desktop so it is this clip right here I can listen to it hello hello everyone and welcome to my slide deck about creating impactful presentations okay so basically it's this clip I can upload it here it's going to be uploading right here I can listen to it here hello hello everyone and welcome to my slide okay so basically I'm just saying hello and welcoming people to the slide deck it's 10 seconds so once you're good to go you have selected your avatar right here the ones that you want you see it's kind of highlighted with this nice gradient you can just click on generate video it will tell you this will cost you one credit okay you have 13 left I'm good for that so generate and it's gonna do its magic generate your avatar alright it is ready it is right here it took only like five seconds so I can play that hello hello everyone and welcome to my slide deck about creating impactful presentations okay that's simple I can use that so from here I will need to download this okay it's downloaded right here you can come back to my presentation gonna go to my uploads tab right here and take that video drop it right here and now I can take this video and drop it in this Frame right here hello hello everyone and welcome to my slide I can double click on it if I want to make that slightly bigger re-center that and there you go about creating impactful presentation so that's how it looks if someone was to click on the link or scan the QR code with this presentation this is what they should see Let Me Show You full screen hello hello everyone and welcome to my slide deck about creating impactful presentations okay I'm very happy about this and obviously you could continue if you had more credits you could probably have your avatar deliver the entire presentation now remember that canva also has like a talking presentation feature so that kind of defies the purpose but I just want to show you it is possible to generate these AI presenters and use them in your projects so here for example the character could say as you can see this presentation is divided into four sections and each section will have some Theory but also some canva demos and I could drop my character right here in this Frame and like so you continue building all of your presentation pages and add that little presenter guy whenever you need it now before we wrap up this tutorial there is one more feature I want to show you and for that we are going to head back to the did website alright so right here I'm gonna close that and I'm gonna come back to create a video because there is this new feature right here that says generate an AI presenter okay so when you click here you can actually generate a new presenter based on a prompt okay so that's not too bad I generated these two guys this guy right here and this lady right here they did not quite turn out how I wanted them let's be honest with that so I put here sweet cute girl pink short hair red eyes wearing a pink dress the reason why I use this particular prompt is because I went to lexicar you remember Lexica from previous tutorial this search engine and these were the characters I was trying to generate someone like her or someone like her so basically what I did I clicked here and I copied this prompt right here came back to the ID I pasted that and that is the picture that was generated similarly for this guy right here I was trying to to generate kind of like a monster Pixar type of character so let me show you how I just paste the same prompt and hopefully I will find the original picture I used it was something like this cannot find it exactly here but yeah this type of character you know with like furry and just funny looking guy and yeah it turned out like this guy so the AI generator character generator is not yet perfect but we could try let's try a portrait of an Indian Guru with a turban let's try this and see if it can generate this maybe we can have some wisdom quotes delivered by an Indian Guru AI presenter let's see if we have something decent here an Indian Guru with a turban yeah so this looks more like a painting So if this is something you would like to try you could try this you see you can add this to your gallery it would be generated here let's add this one so you can have a lot of fun as well now you can type any text and have this Indian Guru deliver your text as well all right I think I'm gonna leave it here for today let me know in the comments section if you first enjoyed this tutorial second if you learned something new today and third if you tried the idea and if it worked well for you and also as a Thai lady said earlier in the video please subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell to receive all our new videos and today I'm Gonna Leave You guys with our generative AI playlist where you will find a bunch of other videos just like this one where I teach you or Diana teaches you about these new AI tools and how to use them to boost your creativity thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 68,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ai, generative tools, openai, marketing, digital marketing, chatgpt, branding, talking avatar, how to create avatar, free talking avatar, free talking avatar maker, talking avatar ai, id-d, ai tools for content creation, ai tools for youtube, best ai tools for digital marketing, best ai tools for content creators, ai tools for video editing, best ai tools for video editing, ai avatar generator free, text to video, how to create ai avatar
Id: unu-YifX1Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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